• Published 29th May 2022
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MLP A New Generation 3: The Rise of Armored Hoof - TwiShine45

Sunny still searches for answers, a band plays excellent music, and they all try to save Equestria

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Chapter 16

While unsavory things were being plotted to the north, Maretime Bay was abuzz with activity. The annual Maretime Bay Day Festival was coming up, and then after that, Sunny’s coronation as the first Alicorn ruler since Twilight. Big things were happening all around the berg, yet Sunny always took time for the small ponies. She was beginning to show that she would make an excellent leader. Grace flowed from her every move, and her aqua eyes bounced here and there, constantly seeking out those who were lonely and afraid. This included quite a large contingent of Earth Ponies who were still unsure about living with the Pegasi and Unicorns. They had a lot of questions. Fortunately, Sunny was able to answer each one of them.

Her position as sudden, de facto leader of the town required a lot of her, that was true. Yet, her romance with Hitch was at its peak. They went everywhere together and did nearly everything in the same manner. They had even been through the traditional meeting of the partner’s parents. This was somewhat redundant, as Sunny had known Hitch’s parents for years. But, this time, things were a tad different considering her new position. Hitch’s mother was insistent on weaving a new dress for Sunny to wear upon the occasion, and the young Alicorn graciously accepted the gift. Hitch thought he’d never seen a more beautiful sight. His heart leapt into his throat, but it wasn’t quite from Sunny’s attire. She looked amazing, but it was more the idea that she was exactly who she was.

Smart, beautiful, funny, friendly, royal, graceful…could any stallion ask for more from a mare? He thought. Yes, indeed, this is the one…I’ve always secretly thought it, but now I know. I am going to ask Sunny Starscout to marry me. But, I’ll wait. She’s got enough on her plate as it is.

After their meeting with his parents ended, the two lovers sought a walk in the moonlight together. A cliché setting, to be sure, yet one that boded excellently for them. Sunny felt a certain pull to both heavenly bodies, considering her sudden Alicorn lineage. She wondered if she would be like the legendary Celestia and Luna, able to control both sun and moon. Bending the very elements to her will was a scary thought, and she found comfort in Hitch’s soothing voice and calm hoofsteps.

“You seem…unnerved tonight, Sunny,” Hitch said, picking up on her subtle emotional changes.

“You’re right, I am,” she said. “I just…I wonder if, after I take over, things will be like they were in the days of old. I wonder if ponies will begin exploring the land again, if there will be a surge of friendship leading to the founding of more towns and hamlets like Maretime Bay or even Ponyville itself.”

“Well…I guess…you’re the one who will decide that, my love,” Hitch responded.

“Maybe,” Sunny said. “But, still, I don’t want to coerce or force ponies into friendship. That’s never been my goal. Ponies should be free to make those decisions for themselves.”

“I don’t think anypony’s asking you to force anything,” Hitch said. “All they want is a leader they can be proud of, and, from where I’m standing, they’ve definitely got one.”

Sunny smiled. “Thanks, Hitch. You always know what to say. But…still…I am scared.”

“I’d be worried if you weren’t,” Hitch said.

“Really?” Sunny asked, pricking her ears in interest.

“Yes,” Hitch said. “I mean, you’re getting ready to rule an entire nation! That’s not exactly chump change when it comes to political affairs. It’s only natural to feel a little bit nervous.”

“I wonder if Twilight or Celestia or Luna ever felt this way.”

“I’m certain they did,” Hitch said. “They wouldn’t have been ponies otherwise. Sunny, you are going to be a spectacular ruler. I firmly believe that.”

Hitch suddenly lifted a hoof to her chin and brought her in for a tender kiss. Sunny felt her fears melt away as her stallion poured his love into the gesture. It was a warm moment for both of them, and they both immediately knew that this needed to last forever…or, at least, as close to forever as they could get. When they broke apart, all that was left was a smile and the unification of two hearts that were now unbreakable. Through thick and thin, they’d guarded each other in the past. Now, in those same situations, they needed to love and trust each other in the future.

“I don’t know what our future holds, Sunny,” Hitch said, “and, as cliché as it may sound, I’m always gonna be there for you.”

“You big sap!” She laughed, playfully hoof punching his shoulder.

“Yep, I’m a softie, all right,” he said.

“But, a very handsome, loving softie,” she said, cuddling closer. “Thanks.”

“My pleasure, Sunny,” he said.

Meanwhile, across town, Armored Hoof was getting ready for their next show. Their popularity had exploded ever since their first one. Zipp had finally convinced Quarter to re-release their first album, and record sales had launched over the sun and back. Little ponies everywhere were singing the lovingly crafted choruses the band had written in tribute to a celestial pony that was long since lost to time. Now, her legend was reborn, and Quarter, Mane, and the rest of Armored Hoof couldn’t wait to give rebirth to another one: the legend of Princess Luna.

“I can’t believe how well things have gone!” Quarter exclaimed to Zipp as they entered into yet another excursion together.

“Me neither,” Zipp said. “Honestly, I thought some ponies might like your style, but I never thought everypony would! I think Pipp’s a little jealous.”

Quarter chuckled and rolled his eyes. “But, seriously, Zipp. Are things ready for the next performance?”

“Yep,” Zipp said, “in two days’ time, you’ll be headlining the main stage of the Maretime Bay Day Festival. I’m so excited to hear what you have to offer this time!”

“Well, I think you’re gonna be pleased with it.”

Zipp smiled. “I know I will be.”