> MLP A New Generation 3: The Rise of Armored Hoof > by TwiShine45 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were still questions that needed answering. Sunny knew this, yet she still took time to enjoy the moment when Luster was finally dealt with. True, she didn’t particularly like the method with which she’d had to deal with the evil Alicorn, but that was all in the past. She couldn’t redact any hoof swipe, nor any horn blow. The blood of the fallen stained the dust around her hooves, turning it into something out of the bowels of Tartarus itself. She wondered if death had been the right choice, but quickly put the thought to rest as her new status as Princess came flooding back in. Not only that, but she also had hundreds of now ex-Scarlet Wing agents to deal with. Luckily, they were all scared to death of her. “She…she killed the great one…” a pony said, shivering in fear. “Our queen…the revolutionary, evolutionary, all-powerful Luster…snuffed out in a second,” concurred another. “What shall we do now?!” A third wailed in desperation. “Perhaps turn to friendship and love?” Sunny asked, fluttering to the floor and standing in a position that was both nonthreatening and authoritative. “But…but friendship isn’t evolutionary!” The first pony yelped. “We’ve lost our evolution! We’ve lost our progression! We’ve lost our assimilation! The glorious future that Luster promised-“ “-was an illusion,” Hitch said calmly. “Can’t you see that? Ever since the Unity Crystals were brought back together, Equestria has lived a real future. It’s one where everypony is kind to each other and no amount of wings or horns ever divides us. Don’t you want to be a part of this Equestria?” “Not if it means we don’t get what we deserve!” The second pony howled. “Yeah!” The third pony agreed. “I mean, we all worked our rumps off for Luster. We distributed her Distrust Dust, guarded this cave, and did it all in secret! We killed for Luster. We robbed for Luster. We brought Luster all that she needed to bring forth a terrific evolution, and for what? To be taken in by some self-proclaimed successor to Twilight Sparkle herself? How do we know that you even saw the princesses in that vision of yours?!” “It’s called trust, everypony!” Zipp said in thunderous defense of her friend. “It’s something that binds friends together…but you all appear to have forgotten what trust is. Luster brainwashed you in such a way that you are now unable to even appreciate the concept, let alone take a firm grasp of it.” “My sister’s right,” Pipp said. “If Sunny said she saw the four princesses in her dream, then I, for one, believe her!” “Oh, brother!” The third ex-agent snarled. “If we went by your way, we’d all be flitting around some random garden somewhere, exchanging hugs and pretty little necklaces. Ooooooo, friendship! Well, let me tell you something…Scarlet Wing is not dead yet! Not as long as I’m around!” “Me too!” The first pony said. “Me too!” The second pony roared. “Queen Luster would have loved this show of support,” a new voice said. Sunny and her friends turned to see their supposed friend, Meadow Bloom, standing on a rock behind them. Her fur was mussed up and her mane undone. She slowly dropped to the ground and began advancing on them. Some of the former agents started binding together with them, formulating a new version of the group. However, others had listened to the victorious harbingers of friendship and hope and were gravitating towards them. Fairly soon, Scarlet Wing had split right down the middle, and Meadow’s group stood and stared at their former comrades. “Hmph!” Meadow huffed. “You ponies don’t appreciate Luster!” “We appreciate that she was a murderous, sick, twisted pony!” One of the converted ponies cried out. “After Princess Sunny showed us who Luster really was…or, more to the point, after Luster outed herself…we’ve decided not to stick with her anymore!” “Oh, you worthless equines!” Meadow howled in a rage. “Luster was the greatest ruler this nation has ever known! She wanted to bring true change to this weak, saccharine nation. Love? Friendship? The Tree of Harmony has been dead for millennia! How is it that the ancient teachings still affect us today?! How is it that Twilight Sparkle’s own hoof still continues to guide this nation’s destiny?! Why is it that the disturbingly mediocre sanctuaries from long ago still throw their portals open wide, denying entrance to strength, but accepting the low and the pitiable?! How?! HOW?!” Sunny took a step forward and stood nose to nose with Meadow. She spread her wings in a show of royal power, causing the wicked pony to flinch just slightly. For a moment, she and Meadow were deadlocked in a staring contest. She could practically feel Izzy’s deceased body urging her forward, demanding that this mental battle be won. Afterwards, they would deal with the physical. She pressed forward, her turquoise orbs burrowing into Meadow’s aqua blue ones. Tension built in the room, only broken by the sound of a gentle wind blowing through the roof of the cave. “They continue, Meadow Bloom,” Sunny said in a voice that reflected Twilight’s own, “because we allow them to. Friendship never died. It was simply misplaced. The Distrust Dust might have had a stranglehold on Equestria for generations, but not even that could kill harmony. Whatever Twilight’s true story is, I know this…I saw her, and I love and cherish her memory. I saw the other princesses, too. They gave me this destiny and I will work my hooves to the bone to fulfill it. I owe it to them.” “Then you’ll do it with a great deal of opposition,” Meadow said with tones that registered somewhere between a snarl and a harsh whisper. She bent forward and touched her lips to Sunny’s ear. “Scarlet Wing will never die, and the only reason I’m not killing you now is because I want to destroy you, your friends, and that putrid Maretime Bay.” “I won’t break, Meadow,” Sunny responded. “You may set me up at the gates of Tartarus, but I won’t break, and neither will my friends. Bring your forces, bring your best…because we will defend Maretime, and our friendship.” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny and Meadow stood deadlocked in each other’s stare. The horrors of what had transpired flashed through each of their minds. Both had lost a close friend and confidante, the only difference being that Sunny’s was much more innocent and carefree. For the new princess, the weight of loss was almost too much to bear. Pressure built deep within her bones and she had to force herself not to lunge at Meadow. The time was not right, and the true evil one had been properly dealt with. Soon enough, Meadow would be as well. Sunny decided to take the high road and let as many sleeping dogs lie as possible. She was startled a bit when Meadow broke the silence. “I can see that you are either too weary or too cowardly to stage any sort of attack right now. While I could crush you right now, I must regroup my own forces to take back what’s rightfully Luster’s. Scarlet Wing has not been defeated, not by a long shot. If you putrid ponies think your friendship will save you again…you’ve got another thing coming.” “Friendship will always be there to save and guide us,” Sunny said confidently, “I only wish that you and your agents would come to the same realization. Half of you seem to have done so.” “That half are not worthy of washing Luster’s muddy hooves, let alone following her in any way!” Meadow barked harshly. Sunny shook her head. “You worship Luster, and you do so in great ignorance. You fail to realize what truth is, and it will lead to ruin. Mark my words, Meadow. Luster Dawn was a very evil pony who did very evil things.” “Luster Dawn was a revolutionary!” Meadow howled, before giving Sunny a hard look. “…I will finish what my queen began. By the time we’re done with you, Maretime Bay will be a bloodstained shell. You mark those words…Princess Sunny. Scarlet Wing…retreat.” Her cold words shook the chamber, despite their relative silence. Those in Scarlet Wing who chose to remain on her side turned and followed the wicked one from that room into another. Sunny stared after them, heart pricking with sorrow. All at once, her emotions revitalized and it felt like a river’s raging torrent. She knew that she’d set into motion a war that was far from being won. Rather, this first battle had claimed the first stake of territory for friendship and love. Ironically enough, it had taken the deaths of two ponies to accomplish. Sunny longed to be able to resurrect both, to feel the embrace of one and teach true friendship to the other. “Sunny?” Came the voice of her friend-turned-lover, Hitch. “What do we do now?” “We go back to Maretime,” Sunny responded, “rebuild the lives represented here lost to Scarlet Wing’s brainwashing, and wait for Meadow’s attack. Make no mistake about it, we will be prepared…I promise you that.” The journey back to the EPUP Initiative hamlet was not quite as long as anypony though it would be. They had a much larger group, thanks to the influx of ex-Scarlet Wing agents, and progress was made rather rapidly. Thankfully, the new ponies knew the woods like the back of their hooves, simply due to all of the missions they’d been on. Unfortunately, pangs of guilt shot through them every time they pointed out a landmark. They remembered ponies they’d hurt, dust they’d scattered, and friendships they’d ruined. Thankfully, though, Sunny was right there to comfort and reassure them. All had been forgiven, and she promised them that they wouldn’t be prosecuted for anything, so long as they helped fight off their former brethren. “You’ve all been through a lot,” she said at the end of her small speech to the former agents, “and I promise that you won’t be tortured or given any sort of mistreatment. We’ve had enough of that lately. Rather, you will become soldiers in the army of friendship! We will rebuild Equestria, starting from the first stone. You will be part of a truly glorious future, one in which ponies are loved by each other and by themselves! The nihilistic, evolutionary thinking of Luster Dawn is behind you. Now, you’ve been awakened to the truth of what Twilight taught all those millennia ago. Let us never forget!” “We won’t forget, Your Highness!” One pony yelled. “Yeah, down with Scarlet Wing!” Another exclaimed, holding a hoof high. Much to Sunny’s delight, this was joined by a chorus of various pro-friendship chants and songs. She had to spread her wings just to get them to quiet down, but the smile painting her face showed her true feelings. She leapt down from the rock she was standing on and pointed the way forward. Once more, her delight was deepened as her best friends pressed in around her. Zipp and Pipp placed wings of support on her back, and Hitch kissed her cheek before nuzzling it. If life is anything other than this, I don’t want to live it, Sunny thought. This is absolute perfection. Friends, family, love, and the rebirth of our nation. Nothing should ever take this from us, and we will ensure that it doesn’t. Meadow may come and bring the most hostile force alive…she may shed blood…but we will keep fighting. Our time is now. Friendship will rule. I promise you that…my great ancestor…Twilight Sparkle. Meanwhile, in an encampment in the woods, a group of ponies were living far removed from all of this. They had no idea of Scarlet Wing, the Distrust Dust, nor of Sunny’s ascension to Alicornhood. For that matter, they didn’t even know who Sunny was. They were all very old, yet looked very young. A certain white princess had created the lives of Alicorns within them when she’d dispatched them on missions of friendship throughout the land. But now, where they were concerned, they’d failed. All of their greatest efforts had been snuffed out in an instant. Their leader, Quarter Note, sat back against his faded folding chair, holding a picture of his beloved Princess Twilight. “I miss you…more than you know,” he said. “Nothing’s gonna make Twilight come back,” Mane Halen, his best friend and the greatest guitarist in Equestrian history, said. “I’m telling you that as a friend.” “I know,” Quarter said, “but I’m just sick of sitting here while friendship dies around us! Let’s face it, we’ve failed! The greatest metal band in the history of Equestria, a band meant to speak the stories of our royalty and friendships into existence…has failed.” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Failed…how have we failed?” Mane asked inquisitively. He noted that his friend’s face took on a look of complete sadness. More to the point, it was complete defeat. After millennia of feeling like a failure, it seemed that Quarter had become the living embodiment of it. At least, that was what Mane read in his eyes. The guitarist became extremely concerned for Quarter’s well being. For, after all, they’d been friends since foalhood, when they’d discovered each other and their shared penchant for music. “Look at us,” Quarter moaned. “We live in the middle of what used to be the Everfree Forest! Ponyville’s gone, Canterlot’s gone…and friendship is gone. Everything’s just…gone, Mane!” “But that doesn’t mean it can’t be put back together,” Mane reasoned. “I mean, there’s always a way to fix what’s broken, right?” “I don’t think this can be fixed,” Quarter said. “I mean, the three pony kinds have drifted so far apart since the war…a war that we couldn’t stop, even with all our music. But more than that, friendship has just been eliminated from society. No matter what we do, we’ll never make a difference again. We’ve failed Equestria, we’ve failed Celestia, and we’ve failed Twilight. Now…we sit here…waiting our inevitable demise.” Mane noticed the faded picture of Twilight sitting next to Quarter’s chair. He knew that the singer had very deep feelings for the pretty mare. They’d even written an entire album of music dedicated to her. True, she was the logical next step in their princess themed succession of records, but that one was different. Every note on there was carefully etched out by Quarter himself. He took the initiative to come up with melodies and lyrics that he thought she’d enjoy. It turned out that she did enjoy them, but unfortunately, had already given her heart to another. “Ah…I think I know where this is coming from,” Mane said. “What do you mean?” “Well, considering the picture resting beside you, I think this is all because of Twilight.” Quarter gave his friend a look. “N-no, it’s not! It has nothing to do with her! I mean, I miss her, sure, but I also miss friendship! Celestia gave us a mission, and we’re failing her. That’s what this is about.” “Uh-huh,” Mane said, nodding his head knowingly, “sure. You just keep telling yourself that.” Quarter looked down at the photo. Mane’s words rang true in his ears, though he didn’t want to let anypony know it. He’d been very private with his feelings for Twilight. She was happy with Gentle Wind, and he understood the boundaries that had been set. Still, there were many nights where he’d long to be alone with the kind ruler. Her purple eyes, her flowing mane, her sweet voice…everything about her set his heart alight. He desperately wanted to tell her, but he couldn’t. So, he hid a message in a song to her, told from the third-pony point of view. It was all about a stallion arriving in Ponyville, becoming bewitched by her friendship, and remaining there…but just as a friend, never as more. “…You could never be with her. You know that…right?” Mane asked, noting Quarter’s stare boring holes in the picture. “Why’d she have to go with Gentle Wind?” Quarter asked. “That stallion didn’t deserve her! I was the one who was always there for her, wasn’t I? He was off gallivanting around in the Pegasus Platoons while I took care of Twilight. I saw to her needs…I gave her friendship…I…I loved her.” “I have no doubt that you did,” Mane said, “but that was then and this is now. She made her choice between you, and I know that she did so with all the consideration in the world. After all, it was Gentle who spoke up and made his feelings known.” “I kept mine hidden,” Quarter said as tears formed, “…I just had to go and write that cryptic song to her!” “That ‘cryptic song’ was one of our biggest hits!” Mane argued. “The label loved it, our fans loved it…and Twilight certainly loved it. Do you know how many times she played it?” “Yes, and then she never got the freakin’ message!” Quarter said as a thousand years of emotions exploded. “She never understood that the song was about her! She never got it, and I have nopony to blame but myself! Do you know how much that hurts?!” Mane thought for a second about his own special mare in Canterlot, Moon Dancer. In many ways, she and Twilight were exactly alike. Bookish to a fault, studious, and increasingly interested in honing their various crafts. Yes, Moon and Twilight shared a ton of commonalities. After Moon had come out of her shell, Mane had begun dating her in earnest. The two had gotten married and had two foals. But, with him on the road so much as a member of Armored Hoof, and with her so busy at home…things fell apart. While he’d never written lyrics about Moon, he liked to think that a little piece of every riff he came up with was dedicated to her. “…yes…yes, I do,” Mane said. “I do know how much it hurts to lose somepony you love. But that doesn’t mean you just sit around and give up. We’ve been camped in these woods for I don’t know how long while you consistently bemoan the state of Equestria. But, it’s never been about the state of Equestria, has it? It’s all been about Twilight and a love that you can’t learn to move past.” “Mane’s right,” a new voice said. The two stallions turned to see one of the mare members of the band, Glowing Radiance, emerge from her tent. She was a pretty pony, with eyes the color of the sea and a mane to match. It was her job to lend backup vocals and keyboards to the twin guitar attack of the group. In fact, she was such a good singer, that it had once been rumored that her voice could be heard from Canterlot’s square all the way to the very heights of Cloudsdale. “What do you mean, he’s right?” Quarter asked. “He is,” Glowing said, “I mean, come on, Quarter. It’s been well over 1,200 years since Twilight was killed. It’s time to move on from her…not that I’m saying you, or any of us, should reject her memory, mind you. But it’s simply a matter of putting all feelings you had for her behind you.” “Yeah…maybe you’re right,” Quarter said. “I’m glad to hear you say that,” Mane said, “because we’ve gotta get back on our hooves. I mean, we used to sell out Canterlot Stadium on a regular basis! We’d spread our message of friendship to 100,000 ponies at a time! Now…we’re here, and we need to figure a way out.” Quarter looked up and was about to answer…when suddenly, something came barging into the camp! > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter leapt from his chair, ready to defend their campsite from this intruder. The newcomer was coated in a thick layer of brush, signifying a rather treacherous journey through the forest. It seemed that they’d come in a great hurry, almost like they’d received some important piece of information that the band needed to know about. Needless to say, the crash had awoken everypony in the group, and they all shuffled out of their tents to see what had happened. Quarter and Mane were the only ones who were somewhat alert. The rest rubbed their faces, trying to retain some form of composure in the face of this new entity. “Alright, who are you?” Quarter asked in a voice that ranged somewhere between a curious intrigue and a thunderous threat. “You should know me!” Came a very familiar, feminine tone. “…Crystal Scales?” Mane asked. Suddenly, the mass of undergrowth came loose and there stood the pretty pony/dragon hybrid. She looked around at what was supposed to be Armored Hoof, and shook her head. These were ponies that she’d known since she was born. They’d been gifted long lives to spread the magic of friendship through song. It was their task to keep the legends of Equestria alive. So, it was fair to say that she had a few questions about their current position. Namely, that it was the last position she’d seen them in when the Great Rift War struck over 1,200 years before! Anger burned deep in her veins. She’d desperately hoped that they would have attempted to help reconcile all ponies together. But, it seemed that they’d rested on their collective laurels. Thankfully, Sunny and her friends had done more than enough to accomplish the task. Crystal had also felt magic waves from the fight between Sunny and Luster, and she knew that the evil Alicorn had been defeated. It seemed that Equestria was back to normal, but something still seemed wrong. Crystal couldn’t put a hoof on it, but she knew she’d found a clue. If Armored Hoof were sitting around on their rumps, then problems continued to abound. “Yes, it’s me,” Crystal said, “and I must say, I’m mighty surprised to find you just sitting here…in the SAME campsite from over 1,200 years ago!” “Has it been that long?” Quarter asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “You know darn well it’s been that long,” Crystal said, eyes flashing, “and you’ve done nothing to uphold your end of the bargain with Celestia!” “Hey!” The group’s drummer, Skins Mare, said defensively, “we’ve done…stuff.” “Oh, yeah?” Crystal asked. “Name one concert you’ve played in that time. Name one friendship that’s been affected because of your music. For Celestia’s sake, name one SONG you’ve written in that time! I mean, your instruments have probably rotted away to nothing but framework and strings by now!” “My drums still work!” Skins retorted. “But are you using it in the way Celestia asked you to when she gifted it to you?” Crystal asked. “Have you forgotten your pact?” “…No…of course we haven’t,” Quarter said. “Believe me, we’d be out there playing for all the ponies of Equestria…if only they’d come together.” “I can’t believe what I’m hearing!” Crystal thundered. “I mean, really. You’re supposed to be Armored Hoof, the band on a mission from the royal pantheon themselves! Now, you’re just sitting here, wasting away. In case you didn’t know, Quarter Note, Equestria has been made whole again. A group of ponies, led by the newest alicorn princess, brought life and love back to our land. To top it all off, they defeated Luster! Scarlet Wing is no more!” Quarter’s ears pricked at the last bit of Crystal’s statement. Scarlet Wing being no more was the best news he’d heard in a millennium. However…with as tightly knit as the group was…he was almost certain that a splinter cell would exist somewhere. Nerves still gripped his stomach, and his fear plagued his mind. It was almost as if King Sombra himself were surrounding him, pounding away with a magic darker than any ever conjured up. Quarter continued to fret over what he deemed a failure…both in his music and in his inability to woo Princess Twilight. “Don’t mind him, Crystal,” Mane said, stepping over to where she stood. “He’s frustrated because of the whole Twilight thing.” “Oh, brother,” Crystal said, rolling her eyes. “Quarter, that’s been well over 1,300 years now. You can let it go.” “I can’t ever let it go!” Quarter said, whirling back around. “I wrote an entire album for her!” “Need I remind you that we did albums for all the princesses?” Glowing asked. “I mean, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence all have records dedicated to them.” “But…when I wrote Twilight’s lyrics…” “I know, I know,” The band’s bassist, Thumper Trot, said, “you wrote them from a special spot in your heart. But that doesn’t mean you hang on to something that never was.” “Thumper’s right,” Mane said, “it’s time to just…let it go.” Quarter sighed. “Maybe you’re right…but still…letting Twilight go…is gonna be the most heart rending…painful…difficult thing I’ve ever done…” Meanwhile, back in Maretime Bay, Sunny and her friends hosted a celebration. The town wide festival proclaimed the truth of Scarlet Wing and Luster Dawn. There were multitudes that attended, each taking in the wonders and attractions that the street fair had to offer. Vendors touted their wares to the locals and visitors alike. Foals squealed with delight on any of a number of rides. Finally, to top it all off, Pipp and Zipp performed a few songs as a sisterly duo. It had been a number of years since they’d sang together, and Zipp considered it another way of apologizing for doubting Pipp. After they finished, Sunny stepped to the microphone amidst a sea of roaring ponies. “Thank you, Maretime Bay!” Sunny called. “As you may have noticed, my Alicorn abilities are permanent…and I have been named the new ruler of Equestria!” This remark was met with a terrific cheer. Everypony loved Sunny, and they were very happy with her in charge. But, one pony in particular seemed to cheer louder than anypony else. Sunny took notice of this and decided to meet with this Earth Pony after the rest of the show. She then took the opportunity to tell of the continued threat Scarlet Wing posed. This dampened the mood a bit, but she reassured everypony that Maretime would continue to thrive. They just needed to be ready to defend every aspect of it. Afterward, she jumped off the stage and made a beeline for that mysterious mare. Sunny’s curiosity was on full throttle, and her friends made haste after her. They noticed that her planned speech had been cut a bit short, and that her hooves seemed to have a fiery tinge to them. They called after her, trying to get her to stop, but to no avail. She was going after this pony, no matter what. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny felt as if the entire world had fallen away. Her excitement levels only peaked as she approached the strange equine. Most of her uncontrollable shakes were due to simple curiosity. The stranger was a mystery, and she considered herself a great lover of the mysterious and unsolvable. However, she also felt some glimmer of hope. The pony looked vaguely familiar, as if Sunny had seen whoever it was before. It was a broken image…one that rested in the farthest stretches of the new Princess’s imagination; or, perhaps, her own insanity. Either way, Sunny knew one thing: she had to get to this stranger. In those moments, her entire life practically depended upon finding their identity. Somewhere, she registered her friends’ desperate pursuit. But, as much as she loved them, she simply could not stop. Her mind begged for answers, and she was bent on satiating her thoughts. This pony could be key in unlocking some strategy to defeat Scarlet Wing once and for all. They might be some brave, strong warrior, sent from a great realm beyond to help the ponies in their hour of need. But, above all else, Sunny hoped that this pony might be the missing piece to her lifelong search for her mother. She’d been unable to come up with any on her journey through the forest, and it clawed at her mind like never before. “Wait! Stop!” She cried as the Earth Pony stranger rounded a corner. Following closely, Sunny suddenly realized that the alley they’d turned into was a dead end. Two buildings rose up sharply on either side with a third wall in front. The adjoining structure just so happened to be the First Maretime Bay Bank, with walls three feet thick. Nopony got in or out without their top notch security force knowing about it. So, for all intents and purposes, Sunny and the stranger were walled in together. This delighted the Princess, who knew she could ask questions without interruptions. So, she spread her wings to their full span and walked toward the now quivering stranger. “P…please,” the stranger, who turned out to be a mare, said, “…don’t harm me.” “Who are you?” Sunny asked, “and why did you make such a mad dash away from me after cheering louder than anyone?” “I guess I’m just like that sometimes,” the mare said, “especially when I see somepony I love so deeply succeed on such a level.” “Love?” Sunny asked. The mare nodded. “Yes, my dear Sunny. I love you…very much.” Sunny looked deep into the other mare’s eyes. She saw a kindness and a compassion there that she’d never known before. It was almost as if some type of familial bond existed between them, though she knew that would be impossible. For, after all, they’d only just met…or had they? Upon a second glance, Sunny couldn’t help but notice how much the stranger looked like her. They shared the same orange fur, the same purple mane, and the same aqua eyes. Really, the only difference between them were their unique cutie marks and Sunny’s Alicorn abilities. It was then that reality slammed into Sunny like one of Maretime Bay’s biggest tram cars. The impact was deepened when the other pony smiled. Sunny hadn’t seen this smile in years, and tears immediately filled her eyes. It was one of those moments where premonitions and presumptions collide, creating a mental soup. In other words, it was just a gut feeling. But Sunny knew that this pony was the right pony. In her eyes, she saw the same love and joy that her father had always brought her. She knew that this pony…was her long lost mother. “…Mom?” She asked hopefully. “Yes, my sweet filly,” the mare responded. Sunny immediately threw her hooves around the other pony. The two cried waterfalls down each other’s backs, overjoyed at being reunited. Sunny thought she’d never see her mother again. The way her father had told her the story…it had all seemed hopeless. But hope never truly died away in her heart, and now here she was, standing in an embrace she had so desperately longed for. There was a new lilt to her voice as she stepped back and beamed towards her mother. She didn’t need to be told how proud her mother was of her. The look in the eyes that scanned her spoke for a thousand volumes. “I…I never thought I’d…” She began, then stopped when she choked up. “Neither did I,” her mother said. “Please…what’s your name?” Sunny asked. “Argyle never told you my name?” Her mother asked. Sunny shook her head. “No, he didn’t. He’d always get ready to…and then he’d break down and cry. He really loved you.” “…and I really loved him,” her mother said. “I miss him terribly.” “Did you know that he’d been killed?” “Yes, I did,” her mother said, ears drooping. “See…I was captured by Scarlet Wing, and…well…they did it. I remember watching from my prison when the raiding party returned, satisfied that they’d slaughtered more innocent lives. When Luster asked them who they’d killed, they showed her the pictures. She then held Argyle’s over my head, taunting me and asking me if that was my husband. I told her the truth, and she cackled all the more.” Sunny saw her mother’s face fall as she relived the terrible memory. The daughter crept closer, putting a loving wing on the older pony’s back. She nuzzled her mother, trying to reassure her that she wasn’t alone any more. Scarlet Wing, while not destroyed yet, would one day be wiped out. She was certain of it. “Thank you, my love,” her mother said. “I’m feeling stronger now that I’ve got my beloved daughter back. My little Sunny…oh, how you’ve grown! I remember the day you were born. Argyle and I were so thrilled, and we decided to give you a name that represented the cheer we saw in your little face.” Sunny blushed a bit. “Oh, Mom…” “It’s true,” her mother said, brushing a hoof through her mane. “Then, we gave you a second name that represented both my own and your father’s sense of adventure and wonder.” “Starscout?” “Yes, indeed,” her mother said. “But…only the Scout part. Star came from my own name.” “What is it?” Sunny asked, eyes wide. “My name…is Astral Flare.” > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny recoiled in shock. She knew the name Astral Flare…but it was a name that a lot of Maretime Bay residents associated with corruption and fear. Long before the time of unity, before Sunny was even born, Astral Flare had committed crimes of an egregious nature; or, at least, so the stories went. Sunny remembered hearing tales as a schoolyard foal of how Astral had broken into bank after bank, retrieved all the contents, and vanished. Astral’s name had also been linked to a number of murders that had rocked the bayside community. The only trace of Astral’s involvement in the crimes was a small piece of paper with the name written on it. No…, Sunny thought, …I couldn’t be…the daughter…of Astral Flare! “Astral Flare?” She asked out loud. Astral nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! Oh, my little filly, I’m so excited to see that you’ve taken the mantle of friendship that Argyle and I always tried to pass on to everypony. You’ve done so well, my Sunny! You freed Equestria from Scarlet Wing’s steely grip! Why, you’re a bonafide hero, my dear!” Sunny shrank back a bit. She suddenly wasn’t sure whether or not she could trust Astral. After all, the name rang so hollow in Sunny’s mind. The stories she’d heard whirled around and around, threatening to cut off the joy that had made its home in her heart. For a moment, she’d been so excited to meet her long lost mother. Now that same pony seemed to be such a heartless criminal. Sunny hoped against hope that she was wrong, that Astral Flare had been somepony respectable, and that all the stories were simple rumors. But, could she trust that hope? Could she have faith in somepony that she’d only heard tales of? Certainly, her father had told her of her mother, but those had all been good stories. They were full of light and the love that true friendship brings. Argyle had always spoken of Sunny’s mother with absolute affection, never once connecting her with anything unsavory. But now that Astral Flare was standing right in front of her, Sunny suddenly felt mistrust and doubt. It tore into her soul that the pony claiming to be her mother could have, even remotely, done those things. Life began playing a different tune, and the dance Sunny had memorized turned to confusion and loss. “…you…you’re Astral Flare,” Sunny sputtered. “Yes, I am,” Astral responded, cocking her ears oddly, “but why do you say it like that?” “Like what?” “Like I’m the spawn of evil itself,” Astral said. Sunny shook her head, trying to clear it. “Sorry,” she said, “it’s just…there are…stories about you.” Astral looked down. “Oh,” she said in a voice that betrayed her hurt. “I thought they would have forgotten by now.” “But, you were captured by Scarlet Wing, right?” Sunny asked. “That’s why you left Maretime Bay…because you were forced to.” Astral nodded. “That’s right, my dear…well…partially right. I left Maretime to get away from the false accusations being levied against me.” “False accusations?” “Yes, terribly false accusations. Just because Argyle and I stood for friendship and the teachings of Twilight Sparkle, I was put through a social wringer of sorts. They came at me from all sides. The mayor accused me of cheating on Argyle with him. Store owners and citizens alike accused me of stealing from them, harming them, and even assaulting them. The last straw was when those two stallions turned up dead by the waterfront. Everypony pointed a hoof at me without a shred of evidence.” “So, you left…and went someplace where they’d never go.” Astral nodded again. “You’re right. I knew that the Maretime Bay forces were much too scared of the world outside to even attempt to follow. I’m so thankful for Argyle, though. He understood my plight…and promised to keep you safe. But I swore up and down that I’d come back to you someday, Sunny. Having to leave you was the most horrible decision I had to make, but I knew that if I didn’t, you wouldn’t have a mother at all. I’d much rather you grow up under Argyle’s wing, listening to the stories of friendship, then have you bathe in the shadow of a mother killed by unfounded assailments.” Sunny looked deep into Astral’s eyes. There seemed to be trust there, but she still wasn’t sure. Astral could be telling the truth, or she could be lying to cover her own tail. For the moment, Sunny knew that it was best to keep Astral on her good side. Until she found out the absolute truth, Sunny needed Astral’s trust and support. But the light of happiness that burned inside of her had dampened a bit. Either the pony standing in front of her was the joyous reunion she’d always hoped for…or a corrupt criminal, perhaps even a secret Scarlet Wing operative, bent on destroying them all. Meanwhile, back in the forest, Quarter was doing some deep thinking. His thoughts ran rampant with the pretty purple princess he’d fallen so desperately in love with. Rummaging through a trunk in his tent, he found one of the songs he’d written specifically for her. It was called “She Is,” and, though written from the third-pony point of view of a stranger, it carried his own romantic feelings. He flipped the paper back and forth in his hooves, loving the feel of it and remembering the first time he’d sang it for her. It had been at one of the Summer Sun Celebrations long before Celestia and Luna retired. Armored Hoof had just released their third album, all about Twilight and her efforts for friendship. They played a regular show that night, to 55,000 ponies at Canterlot’s buckball stadium. The royals were all in attendance, and everything had gone beautifully. They’d gotten to debut a bunch of material from the album, but “She Is” still rang in Quarter’s head. Suddenly, in the middle of that tent, he began singing acapella: He’s arrived here in Ponyville He’s to see the great princess The sisters of old Canterlot Sent him here to fight distress She is She’s the friendliest pony With a kind word for all She is She is love, she is life Oh, the ponies, she enthralls She is Princess of Friendship, but so much more She is His heartbeat quickens as he sees The royal mare arraigned in white Her smile lights the darkest night Within his heart and sets it right She is She’s the friendliest pony With a kind word for all She is She is love, she is life Oh, the ponies, she enthralls She is Princess of Friendship, but so much more She is She is She’s the friendliest pony With a kind word for all She is She is love, she is life Oh, the ponies, she enthralls She is She’s the friendliest pony With a kind word for all She is The glowing radiance that pulls them all to her She is Princess of Friendship, but so much more And they are running over her battlements One day, he thought with sudden determination, I will get to sing this song for you again, Twilight…in fact…I’ll get to sing them all…for everypony! > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You okay?” Quarter turned and looked towards the sound of the voice. He breathed deep when he saw that it was Crystal Scales who was watching him. The two had been friends for a hefty period of time. Back before The Great Rift War, they’d grown up together, in a way. Quarter had matured a lot in those days and Crystal had grown in a physical sense. Then, after Twilight had turned to another stallion to meet her romantic needs, Quarter had a bit of a falling out with Crystal. Well…to be fair…he had a falling out with everypony. The band nearly split up because of it. In a lot of ways, The Rift War saved the band’s life. Quarter and the other members were able to find shelter with Crystal, Flurry Heart, and the rest of the small band of survivors. In time, all of them passed, yet the band and Crystal remained. Their lives stretched ever deeper into the sunsets of the future, trying to find some type of internal peace that just wouldn’t manifest. Their essences played games with them, dragging them into metaphysical Tartaruses of existential dread and self-harming psychological warfare. Death was inevitable…until Crystal and Quarter got into a fight and Crystal kicked them out of her castle home. “You kicked my tail once,” Quarter said, “have you come to do it again?” Crystal smiled. “You needed a good kicking, Quarter. You weren’t yourself, and it pained me to see one of my oldest friends in that way.” “You knew of my emotional distress and you threw me out into a forest…into a hell of which I could have known no end. Why, Crystal?” “Because you needed it, friend,” Crystal said gently as she trotted over to him. “I care about you, Quarter. I love you like my own brother. Sometimes, a little toughness is added in order to shift the balance of ethics in a positive direction.” “Oh, give me a break,” Quarter said. “You knew how much I missed Twilight…you knew how desperately I loved our princess.” “Yes, I did, and I still do,” Crystal said. “But, at some point, you’ve got to put Twilight in the past. After all, she’s dead now, and there’s nothing we can do to bring her back. Not even the strongest magic can resurrect somepony.” “I still say we should’ve tried.” “We took a vote, Quarter!” Crystal barked. “You were there!” “I voted in favor of it, so how in the world does that help me?!” Quarter asked as tears stung his eyes. Crystal saw his hackles rising and decided to back down. “I’m sorry, my dear friend. I know how much you miss her.” “I can’t live without her, Crystal,” Quarter whispered as his pogon friend offered him a shoulder to weep on. “I…can’t. These last 1,200 years have been torture for me. But, what’s even worse is the knowledge that she chose somepony else. She didn’t even listen to my pleas.” “Yes, she did,” Crystal said. “How do you know?” “Because I knew Twilight better than anypony, even her close friends. I was constantly with her and she-“ Suddenly, Crystal stopped, as if she had some big secret to keep. Needless to say, this intrigued Quarter, who leaned in close. He began reading the pony/dragon hybrid’s eyes, trying desperately to find the last part of the sentence. His mind raced and his heartbeat quickened. Could Crystal possibly have some kind of information that he’d been barred from? He needed to know…no…he HAD to know. Closer and closer he pressed, urgently beckoning his friend to continue with what she had to say. “…I…no, I can’t,” Crystal finally sputtered. “Can’t what?” “Nothing! Forget I ever said anything!” “Crystal Scales!” Quarter barked, grabbing his friend by the same shoulder that was stained with his tears. “You’ve got to tell me!” “I don’t have to do anything!” “Yes, you do!” Quarter said, eyes wild and wide in desperation. “Please! It might bring me some sort of closure! Please!” “Don’t make me do this, Quarter!” Crystal said. “You won’t like it!” “I don’t care, Crystal!” Quarter cried. “I wrote songs about Twilight! I loved her from afar for so many years! Please, tell me of my beloved’s true feelings for me!” “I…er…oh, alright,” Crystal said, ears drooping. “But, I’m warning you, you will not be pleased.” “Again, I don’t care! I just want to hear her words again. Please…please don’t deprive me of that.” Crystal sighed and nodded. “Alright, I’ll tell you. Twilight said that…well…that she…” “Yes, yes, go on.” “She did love you, Quarter,” Crystal finally confessed. “In fact, she loved you a lot. But she worried about certain factors, so she never said anything.” “Certain factors?” “Twilight was so proud of your work with Armored Hoof, spreading friendship and the stories of the princesses throughout the land. She especially loved her album, Quarter. She even told me that it was her favorite out of all of them. But…well…she decided against pursuing a relationship with you.” Quarter was shocked. “But…why?” “Oh…Quarter…” “Tell me, Crystal. I can take it.” “The fact is, Crystal, she just didn’t see a relationship with you as being advantageous for your mission. As always, Twilight put friendship first. She knew that you had an important job to do, a job that you were sent on by Celestia herself. So, she just felt that any kind of a relationship between the two of you would hinder that objective.” “Oh,” Quarter said, ears drooping. “But…I mean, there…you can’t be serious, can you?” “I’m afraid I am,” Crystal responded. “It’s not that she didn’t love you, Quarter. She did. She loved you more than she ever loved that pegasus she was dating. But…again…she put friendship first.” Quarter’s emotions began rolling around inside of him. He didn’t know what to feel. On the one hoof, he was overjoyed at the revelation that Twilight loved him. He knew that she’d always acted somewhat different around him. But, he never dreamed that she’d actually been in love with him. Yet…at the same time, he felt incredible guilt. For if he’d never accepted the job from Celestia, he’d never have been put on this path. Still, if he hadn’t done so, he wouldn’t have met so many amazing ponies and creatures to make friends with. In short, Quarter didn’t know what to think. His mind whirling, he stumbled over to his cot, lay down, and fell into a troubled sleep. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, back in Maretime Bay, Sunny was dealing with the revelation of Astral Flare. She still couldn’t believe that the alleged criminal was her mother! The thought of being the daughter of somepony still so reviled by the citizens was nearly nausea inducing. She stumbled about town in the days that followed, trying desperately to come up with some kind of explanation. It was in those moments that she suddenly began becoming a public enemy. Ponies would whisper things as the rumor began spreading that Sunny was the daughter of a scoundrel. Astral’s presence began to follow Sunny like a bad aroma, and soon enough, the young princess found herself at the center of controversy. Thankfully, though, her friends stuck by her. One day, she was in the middle of Maretime Square, minding her own business. Astral’s negative imprint was beginning to wane a tiny bit, and she took time to enjoy some peace. That is, until Sprout himself came up to her. Ever at the forefront of his own causes, Sprout was all too eager to place himself in Sunny’s way. The truth was, the red stallion was extremely envious of all his acquaintance’s success. Now that she’d been proclaimed the ruler of Equestria, with a coronation ceremony coming in just a few moons, he wanted to do all he could to disrupt her. So, it came as no surprise when he stood in front of her and accused her of being all manner of things. He called her a witch, an enemy of the Earth Ponies, and, indeed, of ponies everywhere. “I thought you were a friend, Sunny!” He barked. “Now, it has become apparent to everypony here that you are nothing but a fraud!” “Back off, Sprout,” Sunny said. “Or what?” Sprout asked. “You can’t do anything to me yet. You haven’t been coronated.” “No, but I can,” came a new, familiar, voice. Sprout sneered as his former boss, Hitch, trotted up. He growled as Hitch stood next to Sunny, silently proclaiming his love for her and his willingness to protect her. Sprout couldn’t stand it and his internal constitution railed in protest. Anypony knew that Sprout hated Hitch with a lethal vitriol. It wasn’t just due to their past, but the fact that Hitch had fired him and then fallen in love with Sunny. Sprout had always had a secret adoration for Sunny, but he didn’t dare tell anypony about it, especially his mother. That parental teaching of hatred and Earth Pony exclusivity reigned supreme in his home. If Phyllis were to have found out about it, she would have had his tail on a silver platter! I know Mommy and Sunny are buddies now, he thought, but it’s too late for me. She’s already chosen Hitch, and she’s gonna be leader of Equestria. Meanwhile, I live in a sun forsaken shack on the outskirts of town! I…have no friends. But, no matter. I don’t need them. I have myself, and that’s all I need. “Are you gonna stop harassing my mare, Sprout?” Hitch asked. Sprout smirked. “Oh, Hitch, I’m so sorry…is Sunny your mare? Funny, I thought she belonged to everypony.” “Don’t play dumb with me, Sprout!” Hitch barked. “You know exactly what I mean.” “Either way, it’s as asinine as a hen trying to drive a tractor,” Sprout said. “You can’t possibly feel love for her, Hitch.” “But, I do,” Hitch said, “I love Sunny more than anything in the world, and there’s nothing you can do to her as long as I’m around.” “La-de-freakin’-da,” Sprout scoffed. “You know, Hitch, I’m sure Sunny can take care of herself. She doesn’t need you…in fact, she doesn’t need anypony. She’s the high and mighty Sunny Starscout, the grand ruler of the land! She’s better…she’s stronger…she fancies herself some type of deity.” “No, I don’t!” Sunny growled defensively. Her wings spread involuntarily, making herself look three times as large. Sprout wasn’t expecting this and he trembled in his hoofsteps. In all his life, he never thought he could actually be afraid of Sunny Starscout. She was always so kind, so gentle, so sweet…to her detriment, in his opinion, but sweet nevertheless. Now that he saw her in a full regal rage, he realized that his words might have been a bit too on the nose. That being said, though, he reeled himself in. He certainly couldn’t take anything back. “I dare you to say it again,” Sunny said. “Alright, Sunny, if that’s how you want it,” Sprout sneered. “You fancy yourself a deity…or, at the very least, a fearsome fighter.” “I am no better than anyone,” Sunny said, “but, if you’d like, I can show you just how fierce I can be.” “Be my guest,” Sprout said, “you’d only be doing me a favor.” “How’s that?” “Well, if you attack me, you’re only proving the negative things everypony thinks about you. I mean, considering that you’re the daughter of somepony I spent three YEARS of my life trying to track down. Mommy would be so proud of you, Sunny. Yes, she would. You could cut me down, rip out my tongue, and feed my bones to the birds, couldn’t you? Yes, you certainly could. Your horn is sharp and your hooves glint in the bright sun. They’re clean now, Sunny…but could you stand it if they were stained with blood…even the blood of someone you hate?” Sunny stopped short. Sprout’s words made a lot of sense. If she were to attempt anything against him, Astral’s heritage would come rushing back like the winds of the north. Bloodstained hooves were not fit to walk the white marble halls of a castle. She knew what was coming, and she knew diplomacy was demanded of her here. It took all the courage she could muster not to raise her hackles towards her former friend. But at the same time, she was severely tempted. It would have been so satisfying to hold Sprout underneath her grasp and make him pay for every time he’d bullied her and trounced her spirit. Don’t do it, Sunny, a voice suddenly said inside of her. Wait…is that you, Izzy? Yep-a-doodle! But…I thought you were dead. I am, Izzy said, and before you go thinking that I’m communicating with you from somewhere beyond the grave, I’m not. I’m simply your conscience and the memories you have of me taking a familiar form. It’s a form of…internal projection, shall we say. Anyway, you know what the right thing to do here is, Sunny. I’d expect nothing less from the new ruler of Equestria. But, I’m not ruler yet! You will be in two moons. Don’t do something you’ll regret. Stay true to your principles, Sunny. Remain in friendship. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny took a step back, both out of respect for Izzy’s words and out of sheer shock that her friend’s voice was so clear. Despite the fact that it was simply a manifestation of her own conscience, it was as if Izzy was right there talking to her. Sunny shook her head to try and clear the cobwebs and lowered her hackles. She certainly didn’t want to take the throne of Equestria amidst a dubious fog of controversy and violence. It was time for friendship to rule, and it was time for her to show Sprout that she was the bigger pony. Difficulties aside, he’d done nothing to physically provoke a fight. All he’d said were words…words that both stung and rang true in Sunny’s mind. “Alright, Sprout,” she said, “you win.” “…what?” He asked. “You win, I said,” she growled. “You’re right. My attacking you would only support your causes of hate and enmity. I don’t go for that kind of thing. I deal in friendship and love, Sprout, and I have to treat all of my new subjects the same.” “Subjects?” Sprout scoffed. “I’m not your subject.” “Yes, you are, Sprout,” Sunny said, reasserting her new royal position. “No, I’m not…not yet, anyway,” Sprout said. “Until a crown is on your head, I don’t answer to you. Now, are you gonna prove that you aren’t a coward?” Sunny forced herself to remain calm. “Call me a coward if you want, Sprout. I don’t care. But, the fact is that the princesses of old bequeathed their throne upon me, and in two moons, I will take that throne for myself. But, that is not important. Right now, we have bigger things to attend to.” With those words, she left Sprout stewing in his envy and jealousy and leapt up on a nearby stage. He was suddenly very determined to take the throne for himself, no matter what. Whether by hook or by crook, he would rule Equestria. His pride had been shattered when Hitch unceremoniously fired him after the “Emperor Sprout” incident. Now, he saw an opportunity to regain what he’d lost. All he had to do was bide his time. The perfect moment would come presently, and when it did, he would be the one to spill Sunny’s blood. I will rule this wretched, putrid land…Emperor Sprout will rise again…and there’s nothing her, or her friends can do about it. “My friends!” Sunny shouted as she gathered the population to her. “Hear me now! War has been declared upon our home!” She stopped as the ponies all looked at her with dread and fear. Earth pony, unicorn, and pegasi alike were all embroiled in a sudden soup of horror. She saw mothers instinctively hide their foals. Certain ponies shrank towards the back of the crowd, wanting desperately to get away from this horrible news. Sunny wished with all her heart that she didn’t have to give this report, but she knew that Scarlet Wing’s threat of violence was all too real. They had the pony power and the evil spirit to offer themselves up as sacrifices to their dead leader. It was Sunny’s job to rally everypony else to stop them. “Yes, friends, as you may have guessed, the wicked group Scarlet Wing has declared war on our town. Their leader, a turncoat named Meadow Bloom, is possibly the most hateful pony in all Equestria. She turned herself against the ideals of friendship and helped bring a scourge upon this land. It was her predecessor, Luster Dawn, who secretly orchestrated our mistrust and unhappiness in the first place. Now, it is Meadow who threatens our happy way of life. We must rise up and defend our home! I’m calling on all able-bodied ponies to join the cause! We must fight for the future of Maretime Bay…and, indeed, of all Equestria!” Sunny finished her speech with the expectation of raucous applause. While she did garner a lot, there were some in the crowd who eyed her suspiciously. The rumors of her allegedly criminal lineage had made the rounds, and she could see that some in the crowd didn’t trust her. Aggravation of allergic reaction to the original Distrust Dust would be disastrous. If Scarlet Wing were to ever get ahold of this kind of information, they could use it to turn everypony against both her…and against each other. Maretime Bay hung in the balance, and Sunny didn’t know if she’d convinced everypony to fight for it. Oh, Twilight… she silently begged, …please help me! Back in the forest, Armored Hoof prepared to pack their things. It had been decided amongst the group that they should head for Maretime Bay and attempt to revive their music career. Crystal Scales had been very eager for their decision and she leapt for joy when their vote came back positive. This meant that she could go with them and, quite possibly, find new friends as well. Each one was excited about the prospects of a revival, but there were also doubters. Mane Halen was the prominent one. “I don’t know if we can do this,” he said to Quarter when they got on the train in the EPUP village. “To be honest, neither do I,” Quarter responded. “We’re so…out of shape,” Mane said, “I mean, we haven’t played a concert in well over a millennium. I know we’ve been practicing a lot, but that doesn’t mean we can pull a full show together. We’re not even known by the history books anymore! How are we gonna be able to do anything notable if nopony comes to see us?” Quarter smirked. “Well, we’ll just do what we did back when we first started the band.” Mane rolled his eyes. He knew full well what his best friend meant, but he didn’t want to accept it. The thought of playing in dirty, grungy nightclubs and pony’s basements rubbed him raw. Yes, he knew that this was where ponies got their start, but they’d already done that. He was used to playing Canterlot Stadium in front of 100,000 ponies, not…Mane Event Nightclub in lower Manehattan to 250 at best. “Don’t worry, my friend,” Quarter said. “We’ll just start at the bottom again…and soon enough, we’ll be on top of the charts.” > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The calming sounds of night began exuding themselves over the gradually hushed streets of Maretime Bay. Ponies ended their daily work and play, shutting themselves into their cottages and row houses. Well-earned sleep was the only goal for everypony, except for those select few who chose to partake in the town’s night life. Not that there was a lot, mind you. After all, this was Maretime Bay. The bright lights of Zephyr Heights were a great deal away, and the ponies that had moved to Maretime from such a place stated that the night life there was not all it was cracked up to be. So, for the most part, the town had entered into its nightly ritual of snoring, sighing, and dreaming. But one pony stayed awake, tossing and turning in her bed and finally getting up and pacing her bedroom floor. Sunny had a million things on her mind. Her call for war against the impending horde of Scarlet Wing had been met positively…well, it seemed positive, at least. The ponies had cheered her victorious urging and nopony took great umbrage against it. They’d thundered against the pavement with their hooves, wanting desperately to defend their home. Still, though, Sunny couldn’t help but think that there was a mole somewhere in their midst. Somepony who was telling Scarlet Wing everything. She knew exactly who she should suspect, yet she didn’t want to. For years, the search for her missing mother had consumed her. Now that Astral Flare had presented herself as the most viable candidate, Sunny wanted to sit down and pick her brain. But, at the same time, she also knew of the past that Astral was linked to. Murder, robbery, and many bloodstained nights ravaged Astral’s story. The mare claimed complete innocence, but Sunny had seen the paper reports…the ones that Hitch’s predecessor and Hitch himself had drawn up. They were straight from the crime scene itself, and they all pointed to Astral as being guilty. To top it all off, she was with Scarlet Wing, Sunny reasoned. Ooooooo….but I can’t accuse her of being the mole! I just can’t! She’s my…mother? I think? I don’t know! But one thing I do know is this…whoever the mole is, I will sniff them out. No matter what, they will be caught and made to pay for their crime against our happy home. Sunny found that sleep came much more soundly after reassuring herself in this manner. The next day, she trotted through town, trying to find Astral Flare. She needed to ask her supposed mother what her connection was to Maretime’s criminal underworld. Despite Hitch’s best efforts, it was actually quite extensive, and they were known for organization and rapidity in their doings. Astral could have been some type of hit pony, hired out by some notorious leader in that world. Either that, or Astral could be telling the truth. Sunny would not allow herself to eliminate any possibilities until she spoke with Astral and cleared up some details. She was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she wasn’t watching where she was going. Suddenly, she ran into somepony carrying a guitar case. A loud thud was heard as the instrument’s carrier hit the ground, along with the two ponies. Sunny, blushing deeply at her embarrassing predicament, quickly rushed to the aid of the pony she’d hit. She apologized profusely, helping brush the stallion off and using her magic to return the case to him. “I’m so-so-so-so-so-so sorry!” She blustered. “It’s alright, my dear…Alicorn?” The stallion asked, eyes wide. “Um…yes…I’m an Alicorn,” Sunny said, “but…who might you be?” Suddenly, the stallion bowed low. “My name is Quarter Note, Your Majesty.” Sunny chuckled awkwardly. “Um, I think you have me confused with somepony else. I’m not royalty…well…at least…not yet, anyway.” “You bear the marks of the only ponies ever allowed to grace the throne of Canterlot. My dear, you are indeed royalty. I haven’t seen Alicorn attributes like yours since the days of Princess Twilight.” Now, it was Sunny’s turn to gasp. “You…knew Princess Twilight?” “Indeed, I did,” Quarter replied. “I also knew Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and the entirety of the Canterlot Court. You could say I was something of a…well, a personal musical choice of the royals.” “Wow!” Sunny breathed. “Tell me more! But, not here. Please, come to my house for supper. You can tell all of my friends, too!” “Well, I’d be delighted,” Quarter said. “Mind if some of my friends tag along?” “Of course not!” Sunny beamed. “The more, the merrier!” That night, Quarter and the rest of Armored Hoof gathered for dinner with Sunny and her friends. The meal was delicious, but that was beside the point. Quarter was able to tell them who Armored Hoof was and how they’d come into Maretime Bay. He explained their mission from Celestia and how they’d been tasked with spreading the legends of pony kind from sea to sea. The other ponies were astonished and gazed with mass thoughts of both perplexity and enjoyment. Their eyes glistened as Quarter began speaking with gusto about a concert they’d played to over 100,000 ponies on their Twilight tour. “So, the place was packed to the rafters, right? Well, right before we’re set to go on, Mane over here decides to put a carrot dog into one of our bass player, Thumper’s tube amps! The minute Thumper laid into the first chord, the thing shot out and smacked Mane square in the rump!” The ponies all laughed hysterically at the anecdotal tale, which brought Quarter even more questions than he’d ever thought possible. It was good to be able to reminisce like this. Though it did make him miss Twilight somewhat, one of the mares had caught his eye upon entering. She was bright white, sleek as the Pegasi of Cloudsdale, and had a most curious mane style. Her blue eyes pierced his, and she seemed to be staring directly inside of him. Furthermore, she’d been rather talkative, asking question after question and seeming genuinely interested in his story. What’s your name, pretty filly? He asked himself. What’s your name? > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter couldn’t wait to catch up with the young mare that had caught his eye. So, he waited patiently. After his speech was concluded, Sunny got up and declared that Armored Hoof would be her honored guests at her coronation. She was so thrilled that somepony was around from the days when Twilight and her friends galloped through the hills and vales of the land. Her heart filled with joy to have these new compatriots in her life, and she quickly asked if they would honor her special occasion with their music. Quarter and the rest of the band agreed with vigorous nods. “It’s about darn time somepony took the throne of Canterlot!” Mane Halen exclaimed. “It’s been vacant for nearly 1,300 years!” “I know,” Sunny responded, “and I must say that I’m a little nervous about filling Princess Twilight’s place there.” “You’ll be fine, Sunny!” Pipp chirped. “Besides, you’ve got all of us backing you.” “Thanks, Pipp,” Sunny said with a smile. “Still, though, with the impending threat of an attack by Meadow and Scarlet Wing…” “It is a time of trouble, that’s for sure,” said the band’s drummer, Skins Mare. “I mean, we had to deal with Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow and even Princess Luna’s evil alter ego, Nightmare Moon. But, this? This is something that’s completely different…simply because the threat comes from somewhere so close to us all.” Sunny nodded. “Yes, it’s…unnerving, at least. But, we must be prepared for any eventuality. My coronation is less than two moons away, and plans are already being laid for it. If word should get to Meadow that I’m becoming the ruler of all Equestria at that time, she wouldn’t hesitate to attack the event. That, coupled with the threat to Maretime, is…well, it’s almost more than I can bear.” Suddenly, she felt a kind hoof on her shoulder. She turned up to see Hitch smiling down at her. Love radiated through his gaze and he gently bent down to kiss her cheek. Warmth flooded through her entire being, and she was silently thankful to have such an amazing special somepony right there with her. She responded to Hitch’s gesture by slowly raising her own hoof and placing it on his. The two lovers stayed deadlocked in each other for a few moments, simply enjoying each other’s company in such a strenuous time. But Hitch wasn’t the only one who cared for Sunny. The entire room stood and came to surround her with their friendship and hope. She felt hooves on her shoulders and fur pressing in all around her. It was like they were reading her very thoughts, pushing her further and further along her path. The journey was something that she feared, though she knew it had to be taken. Thankfully, she had made all of these incredible friendships. Her heart filled with joy once more as she looked around at all of her friends, both old and new. These are the protectors of Equestria, she thought. Come what may, we will stand. Like the solid walls of a sturdy fortress, we will stand. Maretime Bay…and, indeed, all of Equestria shall never fall to Meadow Bloom. The memory of Luster Dawn’s evil regime shall be relegated to history books, and foals will be taught to learn from her mistakes. Let them come…let blood flow…for we shall not surrender. After the gathering dispersed, Quarter ran to catch up with the pretty white pegasus. He still had no idea of her name, nor of what drew him to her in such a way. Perhaps it was her sleekness, or the interesting coloration of her wings. Maybe it was her amazing blue eyes or her incredibly individualistic mane style. Her voice had been like a song in his ear, sweet and melodious. There was a definite kindness in her gaze that mesmerized him, yet there was also a sense of fierceness and loyalty to her friends and to the skies above. It reminded him of his old friend Rainbow Dash. “Excuse me!” He called. “Hm?” Zipp asked as she turned around. “Oh, hi, Quarter! What’s up?” “Sorry,” Quarter said breathlessly, “but I just had to catch up with you. If you don’t mind my asking, what’s your name?” “Zipp,” the ex-princess responded, “Zipp Storm.” “Hm…Zipp,” Quarter mused. “You know, that seems like a good name for you.” “Well…my real name is Zephyrina.” “Zephyrina?” Quarter asked. “Yeah, Zephyrina,” Zipp said, blushing deeply. “See…I used to be princess of Zephyr Heights…until I abdicated my title and moved here with my sister, Pipp.” “The pink pegasus in the room, I’m assuming?” Quarter asked. “Yep, that’s her,” Zipp said, “and she’s really nice…though, she can be full of herself at times. I guess that just comes from being a pony pop star.” “Oh, a pop star, eh?” “Yeah, she’s really popular. Her music is considered to be the official soundtrack to all pegasi everywhere. It’s a hasty generalization based on inconclusive evidence and auditory preferences, but it’s stuck…for some reason.” The two shared a laugh over this. It had been quite some time since Quarter had laughed so deeply. He managed to catch another glance at the beautiful blue eyes that had first peaked his interest. They were like deep seas, drowning him in each of their various ways. He didn’t want anyone to save him, though. He liked being buried in their depths, reflective of the oceans that he used to swim in with his friends back when Equestria was whole and Canterlot thrived. “You know…you remind me of…well, of times gone by,” he said. “I do?” Zipp asked. “Yes, Zipp, you do,” Quarter responded. “There used to be such fun times between the band and all of our friends. I remember when we used to swim in Luna Bay, soar through the skies up to Cloudsdale, and-“ “-wait, wait, wait…did you say Cloudsdale?” Zipp asked. “Ah, yes. The city in the sky. The only place in all of Equestria exclusive to Pegasi. Now, it wasn’t because they were prejudiced, mind you, it was simply due to their important work in the weather factory.” “The weather factory?” Quarter smiled. “Yes, Zipp, the weather factory. Ah, it was a grand place.” “…Well…I’ve got time. Care to share?” “Zipp, I can tell you all you’d like to know about Cloudsdale and the weather factory. But, not tonight. It’s getting late and our band has to begin rehearsing again in the morning. Would you care to join me for dinner tomorrow?” “Yeah…I think I would,” Zipp said with a sparkle in her eye. > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next night, Zipp and Quarter met at Maretime Bay’s most stylish and exquisite restaurant for dinner. Both of them felt a little out of their element, but, when Pipp had discovered their intentions, she had insisted on booking them a table there. Considering both had a bit of a punk rock attitude, it was a completely new experience. Despite his popularity throughout Equestria from thousands of years before, Quarter had never dined somewhere where he had to wear a black tie around his neck. Still, though, he knew that the opportunity was perfect. It would just be him and this pretty young mare, Zipp. Her attire on the evening was simple, yet it left him basking in her beauty even more. A white dress, perfectly tailored to her size, fell down around her. Pipp had done her mane in an interesting manner. It kept the short, tight cut that Zipp was known for, yet regaled itself in whisps of ties here and there. Down the back, Zipp had allowed a bit of a ponytail, stretching around her shoulder and peeking out as if to magnetize Quarter’s very eyes. In short, she looked incredible and Quarter thought himself the luckiest stallion in Equestria to be keeping her company that evening. When they arrived at the restaurant, they were seated at a table of pure mahogany. A bright, white tablecloth, with absolutely no imperfections, cascaded round about the legs. Shiny silver flatware adorned it, with perfectly washed plates to boot. The entire atmosphere of the place spoke to things that neither Zipp nor Quarter were familiar with; namely, elegance, sophistication, and heightened class. It also seemed like the type of place where one’s shortcomings were spotlighted and, instead of being yelled at, you’d be judged by the other ponies via whispers and jointed looks. “Do I look alright?” Zipp asked, a question she never thought she’d pose. “You look wonderful, Zipp,” Quarter said with a warm smile. Zipp blushed a bit. “You’re just saying that.” “No, I’m not, Zipp. You really do look marvelous tonight.” Zipp smiled. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever had a stallion tell me that before…then again, I’ve never really been out before, if you catch my drift.” Quarter chuckled. “I do, my dear, I do. But, I suppose you’re wanting to hear about Cloudsdale even more than my compliments.” “Yes, I suppose I do,” Zipp responded with an adventurous gleam in her eye, “though, the compliments are amazing.” “Well, I’ll keep those up here and there, but first, let me tell you of Cloudsdale and the weather factory…” “…and that’s the story of how Rainbow Dash nearly ended winter all because she didn’t want her turtle to hibernate!” Both ponies laughed at the anecdotal tale Quarter had just relayed. In the middle of their laughter, Quarter stopped and admired Zipp’s tone. It was lower in the register, yet was incredibly warm and dulcet. She could definitely attract somepony else’s attention, whether she was speaking, laughing, singing, or, in some cases, yelling. At any rate, for the short amount of time that he’d known her, this particular aspect had grabbed him the most. He loved hearing her laugh, and wanted to put himself into positions where he might hear more of it. His heart began to prick with care for this young mare…care that he, himself, once had for Twilight Sparkle. “Oh, that’s funny,” she said after chuckling a time or two more. “Yes…but, thankfully, our friends showed Dash the truth and she was able to come to grips with Tank’s winter long nap.” “Wow,” Zipp said. “I really wish I could’ve met Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. They sound like such interesting Pegasi!” “Oh, yes, they were fascinating mares. So decidedly different, yet they shared a friendship stronger than steel. I guess that’s what happens when the Elements of Harmony are allowed to guide one’s destiny. I learned that very early on in my musical journey. Princess Celestia once told me that, if the Elements aren’t guiding, then you’ll soon find yourself sliding.” “Sliding?” “Yes, Zipp, sliding…sliding into a world of darkness and loneliness the likes of which are extremely difficult to get back out of. The Elements of Harmony helped protect Equestria until they were destroyed many, many moons ago. The pony who destroyed them, King Sombra, thought that he could gain leverage over Twilight and her friends by doing so. But, thankfully, the Elements lived on in their spirits and they were able to defeat him in spite of the gems’ physical destruction.” “Do you think The Elements of Harmony remain in Equestria today?” Zipp asked. “Oh, I have no doubt of it,” Quarter responded with a hopeful smile. “I take one look at you and your friends and I am reminded of Twilight and hers. Zipp, you are Dash’s spiritual successor. You’re brave, trustworthy, kind, definitely a bit rough around the ears, but in a good way, and you soar without a second thought. Yes, Zipp, I see a lot of Rainbow Dash in you.” Zipp smiled, blushing once more at the handsome stallion’s compliments. “So…did you ever write a song about Dash?” “Oh, yes. It was over a thousand years ago. However, by the time we wrote it, Twilight had been killed and Equestria descended into madness. We ran for The Everfree Forest, because we knew that was the one place where ponies wouldn’t go, even in their blind hate. Our fifth album, Elements, has never been released to the public.” “You should totally release it!” Zipp suddenly exclaimed. “Sorry, what?” Quarter asked. “Release the album, Quarter! I bet everypony would love it!” “I appreciate your faith in us, Zipp, but nopony’s heard from us in over 1,200 years. The band, like the old monarchy, have become legends.” “But you’re living legends!” Zipp said. “If you release the album, I’m certain that ponies would flock to you.” Quarter chuckled. “You know, perhaps you’re right. Still, though, we need to rehearse. We haven’t played any kind of music in a millennium. When the sound is right, we’ll head for a club, play a show, and see how it goes.” > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the next few weeks, Maretime Bay was abuzz with activity. Some of it was out of fear, some out of excitement, and some simply out of pure necessity. A new security force, under Zipp’s command, was being trained in order to meet any potential threat from Scarlet Wing. Composed of all three pony kinds, the force was becoming somewhat formidable in the art of hoof-to-hoof combat. Not only that, but Zipp turned the Pegasi into an air unit and the Unicorns into a magic unit. The Earth Ponies, not having any magic of their own, were very gifted in terms of physical strength and tactical prowess. It was these ponies that Zipp turned to as captains of her ground forces. All in all, 10,000 ponies enlisted, and Zipp thought that it was more than enough to meet any credible threat. Then, there were the preparations being made for Sunny’s impending coronation as ruler of Equestria. She’d already been named the leader of Maretime, and as her position demanded, so she gave orders to others. However, she never forgot her focus on friendship, and so her orders were more like amiable requests. She surrounded herself with her close friends and named them after Twilight’s old Council of Friendship that she’d read about in one of her late father’s books. These were the ponies that guided Maretime Bay and, indeed, all of Equestria. With the monarchy of Zephyr Heights dissolved and Bridlewood coming under Maretime’s umbrella, Sunny wielded absolute power. Yet, she still concerned herself about whether or not Astral Flare was her mother. She’d managed to keep their connection a secret from everypony else. If it were to get out, then she’d have a true problem on her hooves. Astral was still seen as a common criminal, lambasted in the streets of the city where she’d grown up. Should Sunny be attached to Astral’s issues, then her future as Princess would be in jeopardy. But, worse still, her entire friendship circle would collapse before her very eyes. So, she told absolutely nopony, not even her closest confidante…well…almost nopony. Ever since her inner monologue with Izzy’s voice, she’d turned ever more to her old friend for guidance. Somewhere inside, she registered that it was her own consciousness manifesting as Izzy, yet some other part of her wanted so desperately for Izzy to return. Yet, she knew that, even with all the magic in the land, this was impossible. She also knew how taboo it was among the Unicorn community to use magic in such pursuits. Izzy’s body remained in that wretched cave in what once was The Everfree Forest…rotting away to nothing, without even a proper burial. These facts shook Sunny to her core. If Izzy could die, so could one of her other friends, and that made Sunny the most nervous of all. One day, about a week before her coronation, she sat in her office in Maretime Bay City Hall. The mayor had gladly deposed herself before offering it to Sunny. Still, though, Sunny insisted upon having the ex-leader as deputy council pony, with a brand new office to go with it. That was simply the type of pony Sunny Starscout was; kind, loyal, generous, and a true friend. But now, she sat in her swivel chair, trying to figure out what it would be like to actually become the monarch of all Equestria. Her title as leader of Maretime Bay came with no crown, no guards, no royal processions…no fuss. Now, it seemed that she’d be a million miles away from everything she knew and everypony she loved. What do I do, Izzy? She silently asked the air. Do about what? Izzy’s voice squeaked. This thing…my new title…the destiny that Twilight Sparkle herself placed on me. She’s my idol, my hero…my friend. I don’t want to disappoint her! Um, she’s dead, might I remind you, Izzy said. So are you! Sunny barked Yeah, I know, Izzy said, but I’m also not really Izzy, remember? Oh, yeah…I keep forgetting that part. Look, Sunny, I know you want me back, but that simply can’t happen. You’ve got to stand on your own four hooves and tell the world that you’re ready for this. Sunny, you can do this. I know I may be you manifesting as me, but trust me, you can do it. All the confidence in the world means nothing without true friendships around…and you’ve got that, Sunny. Hitch, Zipp, and Pipp will be right by your side to guide you. But, they’ll be in Maretime! Sunny wailed internally. I’ll be in Canter-oh-Canter…Canter-blot, or whatever it is. I’ll be all alone! No, you won’t! Izzy snorted. Real friendships transcend land, sea, and air in order to make themselves known and this is no different. Do you honestly believe that those three will forget you? Have you forgotten the friendships you share? More importantly, have you forgotten that, recently, you and Hitch became a thing?! Sunny blushed as she thought of her handsome stallion. Okay, okay, I see your point. I do know the closeness we have and the bond we share…but, still. Even if they all move to Canter-whatever, I still might feel emotionally distant. I mean, I’m gonna be ruling the freakin’ country! Then, do things to settle yourself, Izzy’s calming voice came back. Find outlets for yourself and your friends. Go on dates with Hitch, go flying with Zipp, or write lyrics for songs with Pipp! You’ve always loved doing those things, and now you’ll have to rely on them to keep yourself close with your friends. Sunny took a deep breath. She knew that her Izzy-riddled consciousness was right. Her friends wouldn’t leave her. She’d never be abandoned. Plus, should her relationship with Hitch go any further, she was also beginning to have thoughts of a wedding. That would mean that he would become Prince of Equestria. Everything was beginning to move in a blur, one that Sunny was somewhat scared of. But, she knew that, with her friends beside her, she didn’t have anything to worry about. > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Sunny continued to wrestle with her internal strife, elsewhere in her beloved town, Armored Hoof went to work on their music. Quarter pushed them pretty hard, not just because he wanted them to sound their best, but also because he was eager to fulfill his promise to Zipp. He and the pretty young Pegasus had really hit it off. Over the next couple of weeks, he took her on a few more outings, constantly updating her on where the band was headed. She’d attend rehearsals from time to time, and was consistently impressed with their sound. It was something between old surf pony rock and a harder, more metallic offering. In any case, she found it absolutely amazing, and she sat mesmerized at each new song the band played. One day, after rehearsal was finished, she and Quarter were able to spend some time together. She told him her positive reviews of their music and he thanked her rather profusely for it. Then, they took in dinner and a show together…yet, it was during that show that Quarter realized Armored Hoof’s next need: an actual performance. Rehearsing was fun, but it would all be for naught if they couldn’t spread their music across Equestria once more. He knew it was coming, but he didn’t realize it would come so soon. In a panic, he suddenly got up and fled the theater, leaving Zipp confused and a little hurt at her date’s rapid exit. So, she left as well, finally catching him right outside. “Quarter!” She barked. “I-I can’t do it,” he said breathlessly, “I just can’t do it!” “Can’t do what?” She asked, calmly placing a hoof on his shoulder. She was trying to assure him of her nearness. Sudden anxiety was nothing new for her. When she was a filly, she had often been frightened of performing in school plays and the like. However, Queen Haven, being a good mother, constantly told her frightened filly that fear didn’t have to be an enemy. All she had to do was look out and act like she was performing only for her. “I…I can’t perform…I just can’t,” Quarter sputtered. “Sh…it’s okay,” Zipp said as they both sat down facing each other. “Now, did something in there…push you in a negative direction?” “What kind of question is that?!” Quarter asked in a huff. “You just saw me run out on a show and the first thing you can think of to ask is something so obvious?!” “Alright, smart stallion, if that’s the way you want to be, I just won’t help you,” Zipp snorted. “Okay, okay, okay, I’m sorry!” Quarter exclaimed. “It’s just…seeing everypony there enjoying the show…I don’t know, it’s like I’ve lost confidence in myself as a vocalist after over 1,200 years of being away from the spotlight.” Zipp smiled. “I understand, Quarter. But…you know that you’re really good, right?” “I like to think that I am…but what if our first show back together is a flop?” “Then, do another one and another until you get it right,” Zipp said, “just don’t ever give up. Armored Hoof is an amazing project, one that, I believe, will get Equestria’s full attention.” “You’ve got a heck of a lot more faith than I do,” Quarter said, ears drooping. “Look, Quarter, I know it’s been a really long time, but you guys sound incredible! Your vocals, Mane’s guitar playing, even Thumper’s bass…it was all fantastic. I just know you guys are gonna blow ponies away!” Quarter eyed Zipp with a look of both worry and hope. On the one hoof, he knew that if their first show went belly up, it could mark the end of the band. However, on the other, Zipp’s infectious voice and amazing sensibility created this new world of excitement and positivity within him. It was something he hadn’t felt since his failed romance with Twilight Sparkle herself. It was the exact same feeling the former ruler had given him. A pretty mare, sparkling eyes, warm tones, and a constant belief in his hopes and dreams. That was the combination that had made Twilight so appealing, and it was beginning to do the same for Zipp. “Hey! I’ve got an idea!” Zipp suddenly exclaimed. “What’s that?” Quarter asked, ears cocked in curiosity “You could play for Sunny and the rest of our friends! That could be your first performance. I mean, they loved the story of your band, so why wouldn’t they love your music?” “Oh, Zipp…I…I don’t know-“ “Oh, come on, Quarter! It’ll work, I just know it will!” “Well…alright…if we can get everypony together, I can probably convince the band that we’ve practiced enough to be heard by more than just one pair of ears.” “Excellent! I’ll speak with Sunny tomorrow!” It turned out that getting everypony together was a lot easier than once realized…maybe a little too easy. When word leaked out that Armored Hoof was planning to play a small show, 1,000 ponies turned up for it. Needless to say, Quarter was not impressed, but he agreed to go on anyway after some convincing from Zipp. So, the band hit the stage and prepared to play their first studio record, all about Celestia, in full. After the opener, an instrumental organ piece known as Sorores Finiunt (Pony Latin for “Sister’s End”), they began playing their first ever song…a song of adulation for the Princess of the Sun called “A Celestial Anthem.” Celestia! Is now here Bow to her Sun drenched ones This congregation of the pony crowd Prostrates themselves while cheering loud Suscitator solis Princeps equinorum Equa hic intus regium est Princess! Coat of white Full of might Raising sun She’s the regal one, sustainer of their world She will rise with wings unfurled Caelestibus Of the sun Now with thee They shall be Suscitator solis Princeps equinorum Equa hic intus regium est Suscitator solis Princeps equinorum Equa hic intus regium est Suscitator solis Princeps equinorum Equa hic intus regium est Suscitator solis Princeps equinorum Equa hic intus regium est > Chapter 14.5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the rest of the evening, Armored Hoof powered through their entire first album. The titles and lyrics are as follows: #1: Sorores Finiunt (Instrumental) #2: A Celestial Anthem Celestia! Is now here Bow to her Sun drenched ones This congregation of the pony crowd Prostrates themselves while cheering loud Suscitator solis Princeps equinorum Equa hic intus regium est Princess! Coat of white Full of might Raising sun She’s the regal one, sustainer of their world She will rise with wings unfurled (Bridge) Caelestibus Of the sun Now with thee They shall be (Solo) Suscitator solis Princeps equinorum Equa hic intus regium est Suscitator solis Princeps equinorum Equa hic intus regium est Suscitator solis Princeps equinorum Equa hic intus regium est Suscitator solis Princeps equinorum Equa hic intus regium est #3: Equestrian Tradition Today, they’ve gathered With the greatest one To see the sun And dance away their woe In this Equestrian tradition Hail the mare who raises the sun And brings them daylight- Changelings and the centaurs Bow to her great name Victorious in kindness Ponies extend her fame This royal mare of light Hath incurred lots of power Down at her cloven hooves All of death shall cower In this Equestrian tradition Hail the mare who raises the sun And brings them all daylight In this Equestrian tradition Erasing the darkness Welcoming dawn’s bright robe incarnate “On this occasion of the summer sun, ponies gather to witness her reign. Her aura shines the brightest, signaling that her orb…shall…last…forever!” (Bridge/Solo) Today, they’ve gathered with The greatest mare They revel in…her care! In this Equestrian tradition Hail the mare who raises the sun And brings them all daylight In this Equestrian tradition Erasing the darkness Welcoming dawn’s bright robe incarnate #4: Celestia Drawing off the sunshine Within Equestrian day The mare of white goes forth To strike at evil’s gate Her pink eyes flashing ‘round Freezing foes in their tracks She spreads her feathered tools As she heads on the attack Celestia Holding rankings from above Raising the sun, Celestia… Celestia… Taking evil to its task She shall remain Celestia A lover of ponies A dispenser of ideals A broken sibling A royal mare Heed her high command! (Bridge) Beloved princess Tinged in a fiery blaze Her victories are humbleness Her past leaves a daze Celestia Holding rankings from above Raising the sun, Celestia… Celestia… Taking evil to its task She shall remain Celestia Celestia Holding rankings from above Raising the sun, Celestia… Celestia… Taking evil to its task She shall remain Celestia #5: Lower The Moon A sibling rivalry’s compelling When a sister begins rebelling Against the mare with the brightest word Over Equestria, she fairly lords This pressure Of siblings Crushes the spirit Of royalty ‘Tis a sibling fight Amidst all the fright and plight And her sister shall leave If she won’t lower the moon ‘Tis a sibling fight Amidst all the fright and plight And her sister shall leave If she won’t lower the moon (Bridge #1) “The nightmares come from the one above who is locked away within the moon.” (Bridge #2) The skies part their way as the white mare weeps For a sister departed, she’ll never sleep This pressure Of siblings Crushes the spirit Of royalty ‘Tis a sibling fight Amidst all the fright and plight And her sister shall leave If she won’t lower the moon ‘Tis a sibling fight Amidst all the fright and plight And her sister shall leave If she won’t lower the moon #6: Tribute Ascending a throne of gold Celestia, the mare of old The holder of the golden orb above The treasure all ponies love She rules the land Hail her, oh equines Of Equestria! For ponies and their salvation Fought the darkness of Nightmare Moon She sits at the head of the nation Summons bequeathed via croon Beloved mare Celestia Her bloodline Shall never cease to be This is a tribute To the princess of the day This is a tribute Forever, darkness she’ll slay This is a tribute To the princess of the day This is a tribute Forever, darkness she’ll slay (Solos) The royal mare Entrenched in friendship Knowledge is hers! This is a tribute To the princess of the day This is a tribute Forever, darkness she’ll slay This is a tribute To the princess of the day This is a tribute Forever, darkness she’ll slay This is a tribute To the princess of the day This is a tribute Forever, darkness she’ll slay… #7: Nightmare’s End Oh, up there hangs the moon It holds a dark secret Within its shrouded light A sister sits and broods One, one, one Hail the sibling supreme And nightmare’s end The end… The end… The end… Oh, right now ring the sounds Pealing o’er the land Proclaiming she’s won The mare’s time has begun One, one, one Declare the mare of day Of day… (Bridge) Spell the title rare Basking in her light Ponies freed from snares Will shout with all their might C-E-L-ESTIA Hail her name… And nightmare’s end! The end! The end! The end! #8: New Order Winner of fight This mare of light Becomes the mistress of two times Her horn is shining A magic aura Bring forth the sun And life to fauna New order Nightmare’s downfall Enslavement of evil Princess Of the day Princess Sisterhood slayed (Bridge) Celestia Full of love Giving life To the day This mare in white Forging in might Her royal blood lasts forever Squabbling sisters Now rent in twain The punishment Brings moth mares pain New order Nightmare’s downfall Enslavement of evil New order Nightmare’s downfall Enslavement of evil #9: Millennia (Instrumental) > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the show, an exhausted Quarter stopped and took note of what had just occurred. Armored Hoof had just played an entire album of songs from more than a millennium before hoof, and they’d all sounded excellent. They were so excellent, in fact, that they received a standing ovation and shouts for an encore from the audience. Unfortunately, they hadn’t practiced anything really beyond their first album, so they didn’t have anything prepared. But the audience didn’t mind. They’d received what they’d come for: an excellent evening of music and entertainment…and nopony was more shocked than Quarter himself. Backstage, he was met by a jubilant Zipp, who quickly threw her hooves around him in an embrace. He liked it when she did that. Her fur was incessantly warm, and her piercing blue eyes were full of support. Yet, there was another emotion written on those stones…one he couldn’t quite read. Was it love, or something even deeper than that? Regardless, it was one he knew he had to have in his life. She’d been his closest friend ever since coming to Maretime Bay. Now, he felt himself shoving a bit beyond that. “That was amazing!” Chirped a new voice. The two turned and saw their combined friends standing there. The rest of the band looked as tired as Quarter was, but it also showed that they played their hearts out. Sunny and Hitch stood side-by-side, with matching smiles. Izzy, who had been the source of the chirp, was giddier than ever. Her body quaked with excitement, and she couldn’t stop repeating the lyrics of certain songs she loved. Finally, there was Pipp…who had a curious look. It was obvious that she had enjoyed the show, yet her pop star sensibilities wouldn’t allow her to admit it. “Come on, Pipp, you know you loved it,” Zipp said, wresting herself from Quarter’s embrace and nuzzling up to her sister. “Well…I…er…I mean…I…” Pipp stammered. “She’s turning beet red,” bassist Thumper announced, “and, I must say, it becomes her.” Everypony laughed as Pipp’s complexion continued to heat up. “Okay, okay, okay!” She finally blurted. “I liked the show…loved it, even. But, this kind of music isn’t exactly popular, especially with my Pipp Squeaks.” “Don’t worry, Pipp,” Quarter reassured her. “Nopony ever has to know that you attended a metal show.” Everyone laughed once again as Pipp offered a wry smile. All in all, the evening was considered a smashing success…but, little did they know that there was another face in the crowd. It was one that hated the entire affair, yet stayed for the whole thing. It found the show to be crass and unfit for ponies everywhere, yet also stylized perfectly. Everypony in the crowd was drawn to the sounds of the guitars, drums, bass, and vocals. It was perfection in terms of control…hypnotic, even. She couldn’t wait to get back to the caves and tell her beloved mentor, Meadow, about it. Scarlet Wing shall rise once more, the wicked mare thought with glee, and I can’t wait to watch Sunny Starscout bleed beneath my mistress’s hooves. It didn’t take long for this mare to return to the caverns. In fact, she was so good at her teleportation magic that she blasted back into Meadow’s command room within seconds of being at the concert. Her eyes lit up when she saw her mistress, and she immediately went into a full bow. Scarlet Wing had grown stronger under Meadow’s rebuilding project. This mare was absolutely ecstatic. She’d been an ardent supporter of Luster Dawn and the idea that Alicorn hood was meant for power and prestige. Now, Meadow sought to carry on Luster’s ideology. Evolve…or die. “Ah, Opaline, come in, my filly,” Meadow crooned. “Tell me what you’ve scouted out for me.” “Mistress Meadow,” Opaline responded with a savage smile, “I believe I’ve uncovered a manner in which we can overthrow Sunny Starscout and Maretime Bay.” “Even before her coronation?” Meadow asked. “You know, it’s only a few days away.” “Mm…perhaps it might be best saved for that,” Opaline responded. “Well, no matter. We can’t decide on that until you reveal what your plan is.” “Ah, yes,” Opaline responded. “I have just returned from watching the most heinous, repulsive concert ever given by anypony anywhere.” “Concert?” Meadow asked. “Who gave it?” “It was a band called Armored Hoof, and-“ Suddenly, Meadow gasped. “Armored Hoof has returned? The band whose music spread peace, friendship, and joy throughout Equestria during the Age of Alicorns? How interesting…” “You…know of this band?” Opaline asked. “Yes, yes, I do, dear Opaline. They were some of the fools who dared to rise up against our beloved Queen Luster. Scarlet Wing attempted to find them and destroy them, but they were very clever and hid where we could not locate them. Tell me, did you feel a certain sense of…hypnosis at the show?” “As a matter of fact, I did,” Opaline said, “and I figured that, if we could usurp that power for ourselves, we could broadcast it all over Equestria! Everypony would bow at our hooves and do our bidding.” “It’s a good thought,” Meadow said, “however, utterly useless. Armored Hoof are some of the most staunch proponents of Twilight Sparkle’s theories in all of Equestria. If they have returned, then they can use the magical power bound in their instruments to further that agenda. We cannot have that happen, Opaline. Armored Hoof must be destroyed, and their instruments must be flung to the furthest reaches of our land.” “Yes, mistress Meadow,” Opaline said. “Good. Now, then, while you take care of those meddlesome musicians, I shall continue building our army. In a few days’ time, Sunny will be made ruler of all Equestria. It will be a day of rejoicing and endless festivities. Canterlot will be reopened, and she shall sit on its throne. However…amidst all that organized chaos…we will sneak in. Our little pony adversaries don’t know it, but Sunny’s coronation day will be her final one. She shall die…because I will remove her head.” > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While unsavory things were being plotted to the north, Maretime Bay was abuzz with activity. The annual Maretime Bay Day Festival was coming up, and then after that, Sunny’s coronation as the first Alicorn ruler since Twilight. Big things were happening all around the berg, yet Sunny always took time for the small ponies. She was beginning to show that she would make an excellent leader. Grace flowed from her every move, and her aqua eyes bounced here and there, constantly seeking out those who were lonely and afraid. This included quite a large contingent of Earth Ponies who were still unsure about living with the Pegasi and Unicorns. They had a lot of questions. Fortunately, Sunny was able to answer each one of them. Her position as sudden, de facto leader of the town required a lot of her, that was true. Yet, her romance with Hitch was at its peak. They went everywhere together and did nearly everything in the same manner. They had even been through the traditional meeting of the partner’s parents. This was somewhat redundant, as Sunny had known Hitch’s parents for years. But, this time, things were a tad different considering her new position. Hitch’s mother was insistent on weaving a new dress for Sunny to wear upon the occasion, and the young Alicorn graciously accepted the gift. Hitch thought he’d never seen a more beautiful sight. His heart leapt into his throat, but it wasn’t quite from Sunny’s attire. She looked amazing, but it was more the idea that she was exactly who she was. Smart, beautiful, funny, friendly, royal, graceful…could any stallion ask for more from a mare? He thought. Yes, indeed, this is the one…I’ve always secretly thought it, but now I know. I am going to ask Sunny Starscout to marry me. But, I’ll wait. She’s got enough on her plate as it is. After their meeting with his parents ended, the two lovers sought a walk in the moonlight together. A cliché setting, to be sure, yet one that boded excellently for them. Sunny felt a certain pull to both heavenly bodies, considering her sudden Alicorn lineage. She wondered if she would be like the legendary Celestia and Luna, able to control both sun and moon. Bending the very elements to her will was a scary thought, and she found comfort in Hitch’s soothing voice and calm hoofsteps. “You seem…unnerved tonight, Sunny,” Hitch said, picking up on her subtle emotional changes. “You’re right, I am,” she said. “I just…I wonder if, after I take over, things will be like they were in the days of old. I wonder if ponies will begin exploring the land again, if there will be a surge of friendship leading to the founding of more towns and hamlets like Maretime Bay or even Ponyville itself.” “Well…I guess…you’re the one who will decide that, my love,” Hitch responded. “Maybe,” Sunny said. “But, still, I don’t want to coerce or force ponies into friendship. That’s never been my goal. Ponies should be free to make those decisions for themselves.” “I don’t think anypony’s asking you to force anything,” Hitch said. “All they want is a leader they can be proud of, and, from where I’m standing, they’ve definitely got one.” Sunny smiled. “Thanks, Hitch. You always know what to say. But…still…I am scared.” “I’d be worried if you weren’t,” Hitch said. “Really?” Sunny asked, pricking her ears in interest. “Yes,” Hitch said. “I mean, you’re getting ready to rule an entire nation! That’s not exactly chump change when it comes to political affairs. It’s only natural to feel a little bit nervous.” “I wonder if Twilight or Celestia or Luna ever felt this way.” “I’m certain they did,” Hitch said. “They wouldn’t have been ponies otherwise. Sunny, you are going to be a spectacular ruler. I firmly believe that.” Hitch suddenly lifted a hoof to her chin and brought her in for a tender kiss. Sunny felt her fears melt away as her stallion poured his love into the gesture. It was a warm moment for both of them, and they both immediately knew that this needed to last forever…or, at least, as close to forever as they could get. When they broke apart, all that was left was a smile and the unification of two hearts that were now unbreakable. Through thick and thin, they’d guarded each other in the past. Now, in those same situations, they needed to love and trust each other in the future. “I don’t know what our future holds, Sunny,” Hitch said, “and, as cliché as it may sound, I’m always gonna be there for you.” “You big sap!” She laughed, playfully hoof punching his shoulder. “Yep, I’m a softie, all right,” he said. “But, a very handsome, loving softie,” she said, cuddling closer. “Thanks.” “My pleasure, Sunny,” he said. Meanwhile, across town, Armored Hoof was getting ready for their next show. Their popularity had exploded ever since their first one. Zipp had finally convinced Quarter to re-release their first album, and record sales had launched over the sun and back. Little ponies everywhere were singing the lovingly crafted choruses the band had written in tribute to a celestial pony that was long since lost to time. Now, her legend was reborn, and Quarter, Mane, and the rest of Armored Hoof couldn’t wait to give rebirth to another one: the legend of Princess Luna. “I can’t believe how well things have gone!” Quarter exclaimed to Zipp as they entered into yet another excursion together. “Me neither,” Zipp said. “Honestly, I thought some ponies might like your style, but I never thought everypony would! I think Pipp’s a little jealous.” Quarter chuckled and rolled his eyes. “But, seriously, Zipp. Are things ready for the next performance?” “Yep,” Zipp said, “in two days’ time, you’ll be headlining the main stage of the Maretime Bay Day Festival. I’m so excited to hear what you have to offer this time!” “Well, I think you’re gonna be pleased with it.” Zipp smiled. “I know I will be.” > Chapter 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Sunny went looking for answers regarding Astral Flare. What she knew of the pony who claimed to be her mother just couldn’t be true. Yes, Astral had tried explaining all of the accusations away, but Sunny needed to hear the truth in an unbiased fashion. So, she sought out a pony whom she knew would give her exactly that: the town historian Archive Amulet. He was a mysterious stallion who mostly kept to himself, reading book after book and attempting to add the entire town’s history to his own personal databanks. But, in Sunny’s opinion at least, he was actually trying to memorize the entire history of everything ever made. He'd even added a Scarlet Wing section to his library, placing them in Equestrian/Maretime Bay lore as their greatest adversaries. But, even despite his peculiarities, he always treated visitors with kindness and respect. His home was replete with Maretime Bay relics and always fascinated other ponies. There was the Maretime Bay High School pennant from when they won a buckball game with their cross town rivals at Buckington High. There was a medallion awarded to Shorsey McGuff, the brave adventurer pony who became the first Earth Pony to sail away from Maretime and return with new treasures. That had been hundreds of years before, and the treasure had wound up in Archive’s capable hooves. Yet another item of interest was a copy of the first blueprint Canter Logic had ever created. Yes, Archive’s home was a veritable trove of knickknacks, trinkets, and other such emblems of their town’s proud history. “Come in, come in, Sunny,” the kind, older stallion said as he answered her knock. “What can I do for you?” “Well…I’m not exactly sure how to ask,” Sunny said honestly. “That’s alright, my dear. Why don’t we have a seat in my study and have a good, old-fashioned chat?” So, she followed him through the winding maze of books and other things that populated his dwelling. She had to admit that, as kind and mysterious of a pony as he was…he was an awful housekeeper. Things were strewn about haphazardly in a sort-of cavernous fashion. Tomes stacked atop one another until she was sure that they’d topple over onto her if she took one misstep. Thankfully, Archive was right in front of her, and she trailed his bobbing white tail like it was some type of life support. It felt like forever, but they finally made it into his study, which was another mess of books, papers, and different documents regarding their town’s history. “Please, sit,” Archive said, gesturing to a comfortable looking futon at the end of the room. After Sunny sat down, he took up residence in a small, squeaky office chair. Placing both hooves on its foreleg rests, he looked deep into her eyes. This made her a little uncomfortable, but she also knew that he needed to do this. Quite simply, he was reading her thoughts…or, at least, so she surmised. “Tell me,” he said, “what’s troubling you, Sunny? Is it your future rule of this great land of ours…or is it something even deeper than that?” “Honestly, it’s much deeper. I mean, ruling the nation has me on pins and needles, but…I…well…er…I may have found my mother.” Archive’s ears pricked up. He and Sunny’s father had been very close friends, and he’d always secretly hoped this would happen. “Interesting,” he said, “most interesting, indeed. Tell me, who might the lucky pony be?” “That’s…where I’m at a bit of a loss,” she said. “Oooo…the mystery deepens,” he said. Sunny smiled at his eagerness. “See, Archive…the thing is…it’s…Astral Flare.” Archive’s eyes nearly bugged out. “Astral Flare?!” He asked in a voice somewhere between a harsh whisper and a disbelieving buzz. “You mean THE Astral Flare?!” “Um…yep,” Sunny managed to squeak. Quick as a flash, Archive whirled around to a bookcase nearby. It was overflowing with the written word, and Sunny wondered how he managed to find anything in its shelves. But, somehow, someway, he was able to come up with a book written all about the criminality that had taken place in Maretime Bay. Flipping it open, he sped through hundreds of pages until he found the section on Astral. Yes, she was accused of so much wrongdoing that an entire section had to be dedicated to her. It was four or five chapters long, detailing the grisly murders and other unspeakable acts Astral had been blamed for. Archive was shaking. “I…I…I can’t believe this. My old friend Argyle would never…I mean, that is to say, he’d never…I…I…” “Yeah, that’s pretty much where I’m at, too,” Sunny said. “I want to accept her, and she claims that her accusations are all a big frame job, but…I just…can’t bring myself to do so. I mean, she could have the blood of a lot of innocent ponies on her hooves! Ruling Equestria with that sitting on my shoulders would be a nightmare. I need answers, Archive…and I was hoping you might have some.” Archive quivered as he turned back to face Sunny. “I…I’m afraid I don’t. Not right now, at least. But, that being said, there’s always something to be said for a little research. Your coronation is this weekend, right after Maretime Bay Day, right?” Sunny nodded. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it. I’ll be moving to this place called Canterlot and living there for the rest of my life…which, apparently, is gonna be a really, really long time.” “Yes, yes,” Archive said, “I believe I can come up with some answers for you before then. Just give me a couple of days to flip through my library. Surely, there must be something here that will help either clear Astral’s name…or else put her away entirely.” “Thanks, Archive,” Sunny said. “I’ll be able to rest easy knowing you’re on the case. I don’t think I’ve ever met anypony who enjoys a good mystery the way you do…well…maybe except for my new friend Zipp, of course.” “Ah, the white pegasus princess,” Archive said. “You know, she called on me the other day.” “Really?” “Yes, indeed,” Archive said. “She mentioned something about wanting to know more about Armored Hoof. But, anyway, I found something for her and she left very satisfied. Hopefully, I’ll do the same for you.” > Chapter 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, Armored Hoof prepared to play their next concert. Maretime Bay Day was the premiere event of the year in town, and none of the ponies wanted to mar the occasion. So, they practiced with double the passion as before. Their first album, Celestia, had gone on sale and had quickly moved all of its copies. So, Zipp ordered more printed, and soon enough, those had all been sold as well. Armored Hoof’s popularity shot through the roof via simple word of mouth, which was how the band had sold itself when it first started over a millennium beforehand. Quarter was extremely pleased with the band’s sudden success, and he had one pony to thank for it: Zipp. If she hadn’t believed in his abilities to continue leading the group, they wouldn’t be in the happy situation that they found themselves. Everypony’s contributions had been important, yes, but Zipp had worked tirelessly. She promoted the group, acted as their de facto manager, and even gave them access to her home for practice and meetings. Armored Hoof would have died if not for her, and Quarter knew it. He also knew that her encouragement and deep seated friendship had pushed him in a new direction, too…one that was less economical and much more romantic. Their dating life had increased to the point where, when possible, they did everything together. Sure, a lot of their dates consisted of talking about the band and new song ideas, but Quarter didn’t care. This was a mare he hadn’t known since Princess Twilight herself. He was thrilled every time Zipp was around him. Her eyes glowed with a fierce thirst for knowledge. Her mane was like a pink and blue streak in the sky. Every word she spoke betrayed intelligence, curiosity, and an endless need to simply be involved. She tried to pass herself off as somewhat introverted, but he saw beyond the façade. On the inside, she needed other ponies around…and, he hoped, she needed love as well. The night before their headlining set at Maretime Bay Day, the two found themselves alone on the roof of her home. It wasn’t a lavish place, but certainly fit the high flying detective’s knack for both mysteriousness and playfulness. They’d been out on the town for a nice dinner, followed by a movie at the local theater. Unfortunately, their film experience had not been quite as nice as their dinner experience. The movie…well…to put it in Zipp’s own words…sucked. It was an hour and a half long attempt at romantic comedy that fell completely flat on its face. So it was that they wound up on her roof laughing about the lack of laughter in the theater. “I can’t believe how stupid that was!” Zipp said, wiping tears from her eyes. “I know, right?” Quarter agreed. “I mean, for crying out loud, the main pony fell in love with a tent pole!” “How in Equestria did anypony think THAT would be cinematic gold?” Zipp asked semi-rhetorically. “I don’t know, but I know this…I could make a better movie with my hooves tied behind my back, sitting on my rump, under a stone!” “Oh, man,” Zipp said, wiping yet another laugh induced bit of liquid away. “You know…laughter is something that’s…rare for me.” “What do you mean?” Quarter asked, raising an eyebrow. “Well…Pipp and I used to laugh all the time when we were fillies,” Zipp said, ears beginning to droop. “But…now…I’m so busy, and she’s so busy, and our friends are…well…” “Busy?” Quarter asked with a smirk. “Oh, ha-ha,” She said, playfully shoving his shoulder. “But, we are all really engrossed in our lives and Maretime Bay Day and the whole Scarlet Wing thing-“ “-stop,” he suddenly said. “What?” She asked. “Just stop,” he said again. “Why?” She asked. “Because, you’re focusing on all the hectic parts of your life. Why not just sit here with me and look at that amazing sky overhead?” Zipp turned upwards as Quarter pointed a hoof. He was right. The masterpiece of stars and planets stretched out before her eyes. They were all tiny dots way up there and she’d always wondered about them. Scientists in Zephyr Heights had made some amazing discoveries when she was young. They knew more about the sky and space than anypony in all Equestria. It had been these discoveries that kickstarted her deep want for scientific and mathematically inculcated knowledge. Through this, she’d fallen in love with history and the written word as well. All she wanted was to understand the world around her and the ponies who had come before her. “Di…did you ever want something so bad it made your hooves shake?” She asked. Quarter smiled. “Yes, Zipp, I did…a long, long time ago.” Zipp smiled back. “I assume you mean Princess Twilight.” “Well…yes…but now…I’m in a position where my hooves are shaking yet again.” Zipp blushed deeply as she realized he was referring to her. “Wait…you mean…” “Yes, I do, Zipp,” Quarter said. “We’ve known each other for quite a while now, and I’ve been so thrilled with the way our friendship has developed. I’ve been doing some long, hard thinking, and…well…I believe I’m in love with you.” Zipp’s blush deepened. She knew that she liked Quarter, but love? Love was…something more. It was complicated, it was scary, and it was severe. It was brutal and gentle all at the same time. She wanted to push back against it, yet she also wanted its warmth to cover her like the softest of coats. Her eyes darted this way and that, trying desperately to come up with a response. Her mind whirled in a sea of confusion and mutuality. Yes, she couldn’t deny that she did have feelings for Quarter, and some of them were definitely driving towards love. Yet…she just…couldn’t bring herself to say it. It was as if somepony were holding her back. “I…I…” She stammered. “I know, it’s sudden,” he said. “But, I can’t pull back any longer. Zipp, you’re the most amazing pony I’ve ever known, and that includes Twilight. While my affections for her were very special, I can’t hold onto them forever. Zipp…I love you.” “I…I…I love you, too,” she finally managed to say. > Chapter 19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moments following their soft declarations were full of confusing emotions. Yes, there was the traditional kiss, followed by an even more traditional sitting and watching the stars twinkle overhead. Yet, they were also somewhat taken aback by the previous minute. This was especially true for Zipp, who’d never been in love before. It was a wonderful feeling, but also a deeply disturbing one. This was uncharted territory, and, frankly, it frightened the young Pegasus. Her eyes dipped from the ground back to her new special somepony and then back to the ground once more. She just couldn’t look at him. He was handsome, yes, and very charming. However, her fierce, independent spirit collided with her new love like two freight trains. Her stomach churned and her ears burned. “Quarter…?” “What is it, Zipp?” “Um…so…I’ve always had this…thing about falling in love,” she ventured. He turned and cocked an eyebrow at her. “What do you mean?” She sighed. “I don’t know, it’s…complicated. I mean, I’ve always been a free spirit, you know? Soar on the skies, fly to distant lands, really enjoy life, if that makes sense. I guess I always saw falling in love as being something of a barrier to those objectives.” He smiled. “Then, you’re lucky you fell in love with a rocker.” “I am?” She asked, perking her ears in a way he found irresistible. “Yes, my love, you are,” he said. “I don’t say that from a sense of self-aggrandizement, either. I’ve always felt the same way. The world of rock and roll tends to push you in that direction. Independence, self-worth, the whole she-bang. I completely understand how you feel, and I’m lucky I fell in love with someone who feels the way I do about life.” She smiled, feeling some of her fear melt away in her kind stallion’s gaze. “Thanks. So…what happens now?” “I could say something really sappy like, ‘life happens now,’ but we want this to be a good love story, so I won’t,” Quarter said. “Okay, okay,” Zipp said. “But seriously…where do we go from here?” “I guess we’ll let life dictate that,” Quarter said. “For now, let’s just enjoy the moment.” The two huddled together, Zipp bending her head onto Quarter’s shoulder and wrapping a wing around his back. Silence pervaded their space as they fell deeper into each other. It was a happy moment, broken only by the soft whistling of the wind. Zipp marveled that all of this had happened simply because she had asked him once to explain the ways of old Pegasi culture to her. She dreamed of the day when they all would see Cloudsdale rise once more. Zephyr Heights was fun, and all, but Cloudsdale was her dream. To have her stallion, and her new favorite band, along for the ride made the dream even more alive. Soon, Cloudsdale, she said, we will return home. Pegasi everywhere will visit…and we will regain our old identities. Scarlet Wing, the division, all of it will be figments of some past hell the likes of which we will never see again. Soon, my Cloudsdale…soon. The next night, 10,000 ponies packed their way into Maretime Bay’s local park, eager to hear Equestria’s oldest, and somehow newest, favorite group. Backstage, Armored Hoof was on pins and needles, trying desperately to retain some form of composure. But even now that they had regained some sense of their old popularity, it was still nerve wracking. This was especially true for Quarter, who had overcome an old sense of stage fright to perform on that first night in Maretime. Now, he found himself shivering, yet Zipp was right by his side, comforting him and urging him onward. The sale of their second album, Luna, had shot through the roof, and now they prepared to play it in full for their first outdoor show of their new career. The album’s opening track was an instrumental called Lunae Reginae, which was Old Ponish for “Queen of The Moon.” A chorally-driven ode to Luna’s reign as princess of the night, the song played as a backing track until the full band joined in. Mane Halen, with his long namesake flying from the back of his head, nailed a special lead that cued Quarter to hit the stage for the second song, “In Troubled Slumber.” This was a mid-range song that spoke of Luna helping ponies in their sleep. The chorus could be a tad bit repetitive to sing, but Quarter loved looking out and seeing everypony singing along. This included future ruler Sunny and all of her friends, who sat directly on the front row. For the next hour and a half, the band played songs dedicated to Celestia and Luna. From the jazzy, groovy Celestial Anthem all the way down to Maretime’s newest number one hit, Behold The Hero. This was a song that was dedicated to Luna’s descending to Equestria from the moon itself. It was also very chant heavy, with a chorus that everyone could sing with. Quarter’s eyes flashed as he strode about the stage, dominating it as he had not done since the days of the princesses he sang of. Everything was going well, and everypony was enjoying themselves. Quarter thought he had never had more fun singing to such a large group of equines. Then, to close the show, they did Luna’s ending track, Eye Above, which was almost the princess of the night herself bidding the audience adieu. Mesmerized, ponies swayed to the soft, gentle chords. Then, they bobbed their heads to the thunderous chorus lines. Quarter moved this way and that, directing audience traffic until the final chorus hit. Then, he called out his thanks to the audience and allowed the band to play out until the last beat fell away, accompanied by an impressive display of pyrotechnics. The band then took its bows, happy in the knowledge that they had pleased yet another gathering. However…there was one in the throng who was not pleased. It was none other than Opaline herself. She noted that, whenever the band played certain chord progressions, the audience was completely hypnotized. It was almost as if Celestia and Luna had given the band magical gifts…gifts that could completely upend Scarlet Wing in a fight. This isn’t good, she told herself, and I must report this to Mistress Meadow. Scarlet Wing must be stopped before Sunny’s coronation. Otherwise…we might as well surrender now. > Chapter 19.5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the words that rang forth from Quarter's lips on that wondrous night at the Maretime Bay Day Festival. The album, Luna, had already been a severe sales success. However, with the performance going down as one of the greatest concerts of all time, it caused them to skyrocket even further. The band's third album, Twilight, would be released the following day, to great critical acclaim and even more sales. The band was quickly becoming the biggest thing in Equestria, and a nationwide tour was in the works. They'd also been invited to perform at Sunny's coronation in Canterlot. Without further ado...Luna Brony Luna #1: Lunae Reginae Equa noctis Redeo ad eos Vespere ritus eius sunt Lunam adligat In somnis tenebris lunae reginae Equa noctis Redeo ad eos Vespere ritus eius sunt Lunam adligat In somnis tenebris lunae reginae (Solo) Equa noctis Redeo ad eos Vespere ritus eius sunt Lunam adligat In somnis tenebris lunae reginae Lunae reginae! #2: In Troubled Slumber Beautiful is the hue of her gaze Rising at the end of day Once evil, now bathed in moonlight Coming to them in the night In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name She walks the path of dreams She walks the path of dreams (Bridge/Solo) Oh, Luna, protect them all Hear them and help when they fall In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name In troubled slumber They call her name #3: The Dream Realm It’s told that she guards the dreams of the ponies As the nightmares don’t seem to end It’s told that she guards the dreams of the ponies The broken nights she starts to mend, being a friend Guard them in sleep Oh, princess Thou darkest pony Unconquerable Take the helm In the dream realm It’s told she’s the sister of the daylight But she lives in the coldest night It’s told she’s the sister of the daylight Evil’s corruption she’ll make right, give her the plight Guard them in sleep Oh, princess Thou darkest pony Unconquerable Take the helm In the dream realm (Bridge) It’s told she’s the royalty most nocturnal She sees the nightmares come to life It’s told she wages war ‘gainst dreams infernal To help the dreamer out of strife, behold her knife Guard them in sleep Oh, princess Thou darkest pony Oh, princess… In sleep so peaceful In sleep so peaceful In the dream…realm! #4: A Moonlit Figure She is the one who guards their dreams She is the one who hears their pleas She is the one with eyes blue as the night And with a coat that shines, reflecting moonlight She is the mare mysterious… She is the kin of light above The royal mare who lights the sun She is the one who runs into the nightmares so fast To battle them and thus she recants her past She is the mare mysterious… (Solo) She is the intriguing princess She hates the malefactor’s compliance She works to stop all the restlessness She fights the raze, don’t go astray Don’t go astray… Don’t falter to the ones that prey She rules o’er the night, destroying spite She sees in all their inner plight She is the mare mysterious… She is the mare mysterious… She is the mare mysterious… Committing acts most serious… #5: Equine/Dark Princess Equine… Equine… Equine… Equine… Taking action The one with bluest eyes Under the pale moon In the shadows Draped in royal clothes A mare bestows the boon (Bridge #1) Dea non est But through royalty She occupies the throne In the shadows Draped in royal clothes She watches skies alone (Bridge #2) The night is long and black and festers Deep within Rushing from the forest, she flies Dream linchpin Dark princess Dark princess Dreams define her Equine Equine Dark princess Dark princess Dreams define her Equine Equine (Solo) Flying within the night, she spreads Subtle peace The blood she fights to keep within Dark cerise (Bridge #4) Dark princess Dark princess Dreams define her Equine Equine Dark princess Dark princess Dreams define her Equine Equine Dark princess Dark princess Dreams define her Equine Equine #6: Behold The Hero Starlight Moonlight Sunlight Twilight Luna Celestia Starlight Moonlight Sunlight Twilight Luna Celestia Since she came here, the nights of ponies have been changed No longer do they fear their dreams with sleep obtained They look to a mare with their great interest at heart Now let us sing this tale and declare all we impart Oh, Luna Angelo Nero! Oh, Luna Behold the hero! Oh, Luna Angelo Nero! Oh, Luna Behold the hero! Starlight Moonlight Sunlight Twilight Luna Celestia Insipid dreams will rest all shaking on their way Because they know that all their fear she shall allay Since all the ponies are now treating her with love As the sky divides she shall descend from the white orb above Oh, Luna Angelo Nero! Oh, Luna Behold the hero! Oh, Luna…! (Solo) She shall comfort the ponies Make them all come to her With her smile and patience Invoking what they once were The royal dream deliverer The wondrous nighttime mare Saving the fillies and colts from The nightmares so severe Oh, Luna Angelo Nero! Oh, Luna Behold the hero! Oh, Luna Angelo Nero! Oh, Luna Behold the hero! #7: Horn and Wings The nightmare doth exist One look from above And she’s quick on the move To help resist A young pony’s dream goes They toss and they turn For Luna, they now yearn To rid them of woes Her horn and her wings Flashing in darkness Her horn and her wings Her horn and her wings Drive away madness Her horn and her wings Flashing in darkness Her horn and her wings Her horn and her wings Drive away madness Princess, come! (Lead) Her aroma is here And as she runs in Evil out, goodness wins A happy pony weeps! Her horn and her wings Flashing in darkness Her horn and her wings Her horn and her wings Drive away madness Her horn and her wings Flashing in darkness Her horn and her wings Her horn and her wings Drive away madness Princess, come! Heed Her help Heed Her help Kiss…royal hooves! (Bridge/Solo) Her horn and her wings Flashing in darkness Her horn and her wings Her horn and her wings Drive away madness Her horn and her wings Flashing in darkness Her horn and her wings Her horn and her wings Drive away madness Princess, come! #8: Nightmare Night A conference of the masses A darkness bathed in light May she fill their hearts and minds As they gather tonight A story that is told to foals May scream dishonesty But they can assure their friends Of its veracity This Nightmare Night they remember This Nightmare Night This Nightmare Night they remember All her guarding ways They offer up their thanks And hail her with their praise Oh, great princes Oh, quietest one They hail your name… A pony’s dreams and slumber Can be a frightening place But there’s Luna’s love to guide And the nightmares chase This Nightmare Night they remember This Nightmare Night This Nightmare Night they remember All her guarding ways They offer up their thanks And hail her with their praise Go get all the foals Tell them to come here Go get all the foals Tell them to come here Go get all the foals Bid them leave their fear Go get all the foals Both colts and fillies alike (Solo) This Nightmare Night they remember This Nightmare Night This Nightmare Night they remember All her guarding ways They offer up their thanks And hail her with their praise Go get all the foals Tell them to come here Go get all the foals Tell them to come here Go get all the foals Bid them leave their fear Go get all the foals Both colts and fillies alike #9: Mystery of Luna’s Eyes Through nightly dreamscapes She quenches thirst Throughout the night she flies To break the curse When she arrives here Stand in a daze Because her eyes will strike In heavenly ways Mysterious as the night Shining from the dark Insanity is dispelled within her mark Looking towards the future Her love will hypnotize Behold the mystery of Luna’s eyes Beautiful and living Her eyes captivating Hue intoxicating A sea for nightmares’ drowning (Bridge) Disgusting creatures Within nightmares Shall flee in shock and horror From her stare Disconcerted pony Trapped in your sleep Don’t fear, for soon will come A peaceful dream (Solo) Mysterious as the night Shining from the dark Insanity is dispelled within her mark Looking towards the future Her love will hypnotize Behold the mystery of Luna’s eyes Mysterious as the night Shining from the dark Insanity is dispelled within her mark Looking towards the future Her love will hypnotize Behold the mystery of Luna’s eyes Mysterious as the night Shining from the dark Insanity is dispelled within her mark Looking towards the future Her love will hypnotize Behold the mystery of Luna’s eyes #10: Eye Above Under a watchful eye above Ponies rest in beds of love No lights are here As sleep abounds Under a watchful eye above Ponies rest in beds of love No lights are here As sleep abounds As the ponies doze and dream A mare enforces royalty With her ever present eye above… We sing- Sleep, you ponies A sleep so sound Sleep, you ponies For Celestia’s kin (Bridge #1) When it comes to the sunset’s rays Ponies all end their work and play No lights are here As sleep abounds Peaceful snoring fills the air Welcoming the nighttime mare And her ever present eye above… We sing- Sleep, you ponies A sleep so sound Sleep, you ponies For Celestia’s kin Sleep, you ponies A sleep so sound Sleep, you ponies For Celestia’s kin (Keyboard Solo End, Then Choir) Sleep, you ponies A sleep so sound Sleep, you ponies For Celestia’s kin Sleep, you ponies A sleep so sound Sleep, you ponies For Celestia’s kin Sleep, you ponies A sleep so sound Sleep, you ponies For Celestia’s kin Sleep, you ponies A sleep so sound Sleep, you ponies A sleep so sound… > Chapter 20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “REGH!” Meadow screamed as she used a wing to hurl a vase across the room. It smashed against the cave wall, leaving a mark and a bunch of scattered pieces across the floor. In Meadow’s mind, it also represented a shattered dream; namely, her dream of ruthlessly ruling Equestria. She’d followed Luster Dawn ever since the beginning of Scarlet Wing. In fact, she was the first one recruited into the organization after Luster promised the lonely Pegasus power and glory. Meadow’s loneliness had melted in the wake of Luster’s mighty proclamation, and she immediately joined the wicked Alicorn. But, Meadow had her own plans. Luster’s plan to force Equestria to “evolve” away from friendship was excellent. However, Meadow had turned into something of a power hungry tyrant herself. She was going to kill Luster after Scarlet Wing took over and usurp the throne away from Twilight’s former student. Then, afterward, she planned to lead Equestria into wars with the nations around them. Her might would be asserted via blatant militarism. Nopony would be safe. She’d force them to fight for her, and then, when slaughter and victory had been achieved, no creature in the world could stand in her way. She didn’t just want Equestria…she wanted the whole world. Unfortunately for her schemes, Armored Hoof had re-appeared. She remembered Luster warning her against the band’s music. The now deceased self-proclaimed Queen of Equestria said that Armored Hoof’s tunes could be used to hypnotize ponies. What she didn’t know was that there was no machination of any sort on the band’s part. It was simply that they made terrific music that ponies loved to listen to. But because of its message of friendship and hope, Luster spoke thunderously against it. Now that they’d returned, Meadow found that they presented a massive obstacle to her plans. Opaline’s report of their recent sellout concert in Maretime Bay was yet another setback. “Um…you know you don’t have to hurl vases at me,” Opaline snorted snidely. “I’m just the messenger.” “Oh, screw you and screw your message!” Meadow snarled. “What’s happened today is a complete travesty! If Armored Hoof are already mesmerizing the ponies of Maretime Bay with their songs, then we have no chance. Soon, they’ll get to Bridlewood, then Zephyr Heights, and then all the EPUP towns as well. Sunny’s coronation will be populated with their fans. Heck, Sunny might even ask them to PLAY her coronation!” “Mistress…if I may be so bold,” Opaline ventured, “I think you’re getting upset over nothing.” “Nothing?!” Meadow shrieked, whirling on her apprentice. “How dare you speak so lazily?! Armored Hoof may be our greatest foe ever!” “…or…they may present our greatest opportunity ever,” Opaline said. The words seemed to settle Meadow. “Explain,” she ordered. “Well…think about it. If something were to happen to Armored Hoof before Sunny’s coronation…” “Yes, yes, yes, if death or destruction befell them, then they wouldn’t be a threat anymore,” Meadow said sarcastically. “There’s just one little problem: THEY HAVE ALICORN MAGIC INSIDE THEM! They can’t die…at least, not until that magic runs out. We can slice and dice all we want to, but the fact remains that they won’t perish. We could drain them of all their blood, we could chop off their heads, and they wouldn’t die. That’s how Alicorn magic works. Their gift from Celestia and Luna assures them longevity until…well, until Celestia knows when!” “But, Queen Luster-“ “Queen Luster is dead now, Opaline!” Meadow snarled once more. “Her magic ran out! She was beaten so badly that her magic died along with her body. We’d have to do the same to Quarter or Mane or somepony essential to the band’s success. Sunny’s coronation is tomorrow. We don’t have time!” Opaline’s ears flattened. It seemed that their plans to dominate Equestria had hit a snag. She suddenly understood why her mistress was so upset…and anger began burning. Soon enough, that anger planted seeds of hate…and pushed their way into her very soul. She growled deeply, using her Unicorn magic to create flames above her head. Determination raged away. A sick, violent determination. She saw blood in her eyes and she felt her horn begin pulsing with a need to spear somepony through the heart. Yes, she’d been present when Luster died…but she wasn’t as high ranking as she was now. Now that Meadow was her direct mistress…she was sure that she could do anything. “I need to kill somepony,” Opaline said in a voice packed with venom and hate. Meadow stopped her carrying on to look at her apprentice. “O…Opaline?” “Yes, my mistress,” Opaline hissed. “I need to kill somepony. I have a lust for the blood of those whom you have deemed unfit to live. Please, Meadow…let me kill Quarter Note. Let me kill Sunny’s friends. Let me kill Sunny herself. I need to see their blood on my hooves and my horn. If you can…even grant me the longevity of an Alicorn to do this work. I swear to you, mistress, I will not stop until all of our enemies lay dead before me.” Meadow smiled. “Opaline…I had no idea you could be so…spiteful.” Opaline smirked. “You don’t know the half of it, my mistress.” “So…you really think you could carry out this mission all on your own?” “If given the proper tools and the right time,” Opaline snarled, “I swear I can kill anypony, Alicorn or no Alicorn. They may not bear the same elements as Queen Luster or even Sunny herself…but I can kill them. No…I WILL kill them.” Meadow’s smile deepened, along with her furrowed eyebrows. “You have my permission…and my blessing. Though, I cannot give you everything you seek. Alicornhood is granted only to those ponies deemed worthy of it and only by other Alicorns. As far as I’m concerned, you far surpass the worthiness criteria. It’s just a shame that I, myself, am not one. I would bequeath it on you in a heartbeat.” Opaline growled and shook her head. “Then, I will find another source. I must make those ponies pay for everything they’ve done to us…and to Queen Luster.” > Chapter 21 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny paced about nervously in her home. She took a deep breath in and then breathed it back out once more. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. This routine was one that was not unfamiliar to the young Alicorn, yet also one that always felt completely new. The circumstances in her life were a blur. Scarlet Wing, her alleged mother, her romance with Hitch, the impending coronation…all of it wrapped around her mind and threatened to do her in. She’d spent the past few days, when not attending Armored Hoof shows, sitting in her home staring at herself in the mirror. Questions thundered through her mind, especially surrounding Astral Flare. She hadn’t heard anything from Archive since visiting the historian. The interim period had only made her questions increase. Golden veils over the truth of her foalhood were this close to being cut…but she was having trouble locating the scissors. All she knew was that she had a country to run, and having these extra weights didn’t exactly help matters. She was concerned that, while everypony in Maretime Bay and beyond was running around preparing, Scarlet Wing could stage a sneak attack. Meadow’s threats loomed large in her mind and she wondered if Astral was sent as a spy to gauge weaknesses. After all, the outcast had been in Scarlet Wing’s grasp. Perhaps they could have brainwashed her. “UGH!” Sunny finally growled as she lay on the floor, exhausted from her mental struggle. “Why won’t somepony just tell me the truth?! Why…why is my life consistently filled with way, way too many stories?! Why am I the main character in five conflicting areas?! Why can’t I just have a normal coronation, followed by a normal reign?!” “Did somepony say normal?” A new voice asked. Sunny turned and smiled. Hitch stood in her doorway, heart-shaped box in hoof. He strode towards her and kissed her cheek before opening the box to reveal some of her favorite chocolates. She found the gift sweet, even through its cliché nature. She offered him a thankful peck and the two sat for a moment as Sunny began unwrapping the candies. Though they tasted as good as ever, her smile fell. The mental pressures that had inundated her mind came right back, and even the presence of her ever-loving stallion couldn’t sweep them away. “You ready for tomorrow?” Hitch asked, referring to the special ceremony to take place in the recently restored Canterlot. “No!” Sunny cried. “Hitch…I…I can’t-“ Hitch stopped her with a hoof. “Sunny, sweetheart, we’ve been through this before. You and I both know that you’ll make an amazing ruler.” “Until Scarlet Wing is put to rest for good, I’m afraid I’ll be like this,” Sunny said. “It’s not really the ruling that’s getting to me, it’s everything surrounding it. I feel like there’s too much happening in my life. Evil forces, a pony who’s claiming to be my mother…it’s just all…” “A lot?” Sunny nodded. “Yes…a lot. I’m worried that, if I get caught up in all this, then I won’t be the leader everypony needs me to be.” Hitch smiled and gently wrapped a leg around her back. “Well…you know where I stand.” Sunny couldn’t help smiling back. “Yes, I do, Hitch…and I’m very thankful. I’m so happy that somepony loves me enough to tell me the things I need to hear.” “Even if…sometimes…they might not be so good?” Hitch asked. Suddenly, Sunny’s ears drooped. “What do you mean by that?” “Well…look, Sunny, I spoke with Archive Amulet before heading over here. He told me of your quest regarding Astral Flare. I have to admit, when he told me just who the pony that’s claiming to be your mother was, I had to do a double take. Even I know just how wanted she is. Heck, I’ve been trying to arrest her for years! But…well…I also know how much this means to you. So, I decided to wait until we have more evidence before I go after her.” “…and what does this have to do with the ‘not so good’ thing I need to hear?” Sunny asked. “The thing is, Sunny…Archive did a ton of research and ran through a lot of Maretime family histories. Astral Flare is your mother.” Sunny’s face lit up. “That’s fantastic! Then, that means she was telling the truth the whole time. She couldn’t have committed those murders! But…why isn’t Archive telling me? Why you?” “Sunny…the thing is…well…there was a body found at the beach earlier today…” Sunny’s face fell and her heart tightened. “Hitch…no…” Hitch looked at the ground. He absolutely detested having to tell Sunny this. But, she needed to know. She had a right. So, he mustered all his strength and looked at his beloved mare square in the eye. He couldn’t completely read what he found there. Even so, he saw great turquoise sadness and a stark knowledge of the inevitable. His heart sank to the depths of his hooves as he prepared for a flood of tears. He was already writing his consolation speech in his head. “…Yes, Sunny. It was Astral’s body. We’re conducting a full investigation, but…it appears that…foul play was the cause. There were marks and contusions consistent with a struggle. Apparently, Astral put up one heck of a fight. But…in the end…her assailant won.” Sunny felt tears burning her eyes. “No…no…Hitch…please, Celestia, no! NO! This can’t be! NO! YOU’RE LYING! NO! NO! NO!” “Sunny, calm down!” Hitch exclaimed as he tried to wrangle his suddenly manic mare friend. “YOU’RE LYING!” Sunny shrieked. “She can’t be gone! I just saw her yesterday! NO! NO! NO! This isn’t right! Not on the day before my coronation! Please, Hitch, tell me this is all some kind of sick joke! TELL ME! TELL ME!” “It’s not, Sunny! I wouldn’t lie to you about this, and I certainly wouldn’t joke about this, to you or anypony else!” She could tell that he was serious, so she melted into his hold and simply stood there crying. She felt like she could do nothing else. The next day, she was to be crowned leader of Equestria. But in that moment, the throne of Canterlot seemed eons away. She had gone from gaining a mother to losing her in practically a split second. Now, she was the only one left to carry on the Starscout name. > Chapter 22 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. It was supposed to be something filled with joy, something that anypony would pine for. She remembered, when she traversed the paths of youth, that her fellow fillies always dreamed of becoming royalty. Some sought the frilly dresses, endless riches, and pursuits of ostensibly “hunky” stallions. Others wanted the fame, the glory, and the boundless passions that came with such titles. Still a third group were somewhat bloodthirsty and wanted to use positions of power to (mind you, this was before the reunification of Equestria) make other pony kinds pay for crimes of the young ponies’ own invention. But for Sunny, she’d never sought such acts. No, all she wanted was to use any position she had for the betterment of ponies everywhere. Now, as she sat having her dress fitted and mane done by Pipp at Mane Melody, she felt the immense pressure of that very promise. She was preparing to ascend the throne of Canterlot, once held by Twilight Sparkle herself. Though there had never been proof of an ancestral connection, Sunny felt that Twilight was her relative. She was also intensely questioning whether or not she was worthy of following in her great Alicorn predecessors’ shadow. “Ow!” She suddenly barked as Pipp’s brush hit a knot. “Hold still!” Her friend barked back. “Sorry,” Sunny said. “I’m just-“ “-nervous?” Pipp finished. “Hey, it’s okay. We’ve all been nervous before. I’ve been nervous to go on stage, Zipp’s been nervous before performing stunts…I even hear that Quarter Note has a bit of the ol’ stage fright bug. So…in other words, Sunny, you’re a pony.” “But after today, I’ll be THE pony,” Sunny said, “I mean, I’ll be the one everyone comes to with their problems, their hopes, their dreams, their fears…how can I hope to help all of them? I mean, I’m not a deity! I’m just one quadruped.” Pipp smiled and continued gently brushing Sunny’s purple and rainbow mane. “I feel like there’s something else bothering you besides that.” Sunny stopped short, aqua gaze peering around to where her friend sat. “How…how did you know?” “I’m a professional mane dresser, hon,” Pipp said, sporting her best ‘buckball mom’ accent, “I’m supposed to know my clientele inside and out. How else do you think I survive 10-hour days around here?” Sunny giggled a bit. “I thought you liked working here.” “Oh, I do, I do,” Pipp said, “but, if it weren’t for the gossip and prattle that goes on around here, I’d probably go stir crazy!” Both mares laughed before Sunny spoke again. “But, yes…there is something else bothering me. It…well…it…” Pipp stopped brushing and turned to get some styling agents. “You don’t have to say anything, Sun. I know exactly what it is.” “You do?” “Again, professional mane dresser,” Pipp said. “I know you’re missing your mother. As somepony who’s never met my own father, I know what it’s like to have a parent shaped hole in your heart. I know the nights…the days…spent wondering, hoping, wishing that, by some miracle, they might come back.” “I don’t know if I believe in miracles anymore,” Sunny said as the painful memory of Hitch telling her of Astral’s body flooded her mind once more. Pipp finished Sunny’s mane and hopped off her stool. “Done!” She chirped before showing Sunny herself in the mirror. “I think Hitch is gonna drool over you…” Sunny rolled her eyes. Pipp’s joyful demeanor was just what she needed at this trying time. She stood tall and examined herself. Pipp had truly outdone all expectations. Sunny wore a full length purple gown that matched her mane. Surrounding a shoulder was a sash with her cutie mark on it. Sequins dotted the gown ever so slightly, giving the whole thing a terrific look without being overbearing. To top it all off, four glass shoes adorned Sunny’s hooves. Her mane shone with the beauty of the day and the fierceness of night. Suddenly, she realized that her responsibilities covered both parts of that divide…and she shattered internally all over again. “Oh, Pipp,” she said, “the dress is marvelous, my mane looks stunning…but…I…” Pipp stepped forward and offered a hug, which Sunny accepted. “Listen, Sun. You’re a sister to me…one of my best friends in the whole world. I know things have been rough here lately…and I know of Scarlet Wing’s ever present threat. BUT…I also know you. Sunny Starscout, you are about to ascend to become Equestria’s first princess since Twilight. It’s a historic, momentous day, but it’s also one that you were made for. Sunny, for a really long time, you’ve been a history maker. It’s just time to do it all over again. Also, remember…nopony ever made history alone.” Sunny smiled again as she felt tears of joy burning the corners of her eyes. “Thank you, Pipp,” she said, in a voice choked with emotion. “Eh, don’t mention it,” Pipp responded. “It’s what us professional mane dressers do. Now, go. You don’t want to miss that train!” “Right!” Sunny said as she ran out the door full of hope and confidence. Sunny’s train was one that she, herself, rode. Her friends would meet her in Canterlot a bit later. But she needed to be there first to ensure everything was going well. She did not go totally alone, however, as the large company of Pegasi guards spoke to her protection. Truth be told, she was rather happy at having them there, though she did miss the constant joy her friends brought. Nevertheless, she also knew of the legions’ necessity, especially considering Scarlet Wing’s threats. They’ve been quiet here lately, she thought as the train pulled into Canterlot’s station, much too quiet. True, Luster did a heck of a job weaving together that entire group in secrecy. But, with Meadow at the helm now…I figured they’d be all aflutter at the opportunity to slaughter either me, my friends, or…perhaps even members of Armored Hoof. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by one of the guards. “PRINCESS SUNNY! PRINCESS SUNNY!” He called. “You know you don’t have to call me that yet,” she reminded him. “Terribly sorry, my mare,” he said, “but I’ve just received urgent news from back in Maretime Bay!” Sunny’s eyes grew wide and her fear instantly rose. “Wha…what kind of news?” “It’s about Armored Hoof!” The guard exclaimed. “We’ve received word that a great battle has ensued between them…and an agent of Scarlet Wing!” > Chapter 23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter gulped as the purple intruder came ever closer. He had no idea who this was, if she was a crazed fan, an agent of Scarlet Wing, or just somepony bent on destruction for destruction’s sake. Whatever the case, he knew two things: one, she’d broken into their rehearsal space where they were getting ready for the coronation, two, she had hooves as sharp as knives and a horn that was even sharper. Her teeth glinted as she growled at he and the rest of the band, sending them ever more into tighter and tighter quarters. She wasn’t alone, either. Five other ponies surrounded them, nostrils flaring and eyes pulsing with a desire to perpetuate decimation and death. “So…Quarter Note…we finally meet,” the purple unicorn leader said in a voice that was somewhere between silk and sear. “Look…I don’t know who you are,” Quarter said, trying to be brave, “but…I know this…Sun…Zip…” “Sun-Zip-Pipp-oh, please!” The purple one snorted. “Do you really think your friends can save you now? Sunny Starscout is miles away from here on a one-way ride to a throne that should belong to somepony else. The rest of your friends are too busy preparing their roles that they haven’t even bothered to check up on you. They simply left you here…you…and that entrancing racket you call music!” “Racket?” Mane Halen asked in defiance. “Yes, racket, you groveling guitarist!” The purple unicorn said. “Racket, plain and simple! But, what I want to know is…what is your secret? Where do you get such power?” “Power? What power?” Quarter asked in an attempt to play dumb, hoping that she’d move on. “Oh, don’t give me that!” Their enemy shouted. “I know that you, Quarter, and the rest of Armored Hoof have a terrific hold over the minds and souls of the citizens of Equestria! From Maretime Bay to Zephyr Heights, Bridlewood to the foot of Canterlot itself, nopony can get away from you! My mistress, Meadow Bloom, knows of this as well…and soon, all of Scarlet Wing will descend upon your precious Maretime Bay…unless you are able to remember where you get this…power.” She leaned in and sneered in Quarter’s face. He looked deep into her eyes and saw, surprisingly enough, some version of Sunny. This pony was indeed curious, inquisitive, and unequivocally determined. The only difference was that Sunny used her nature to help the world around her. This pony only wanted one thing: to divulge to Meadow and the rest of Scarlet Wing the true source of Armored Hoof’s power. That would lead them directly to Canterlot and the thrones of Celestia and Luna themselves. Quarter knew that, were that to happen, all of Equestria would come under attack. Scarlet Wing’s Distrust Dust had worked once. Placed in such a large scale once more, it would definitely lead to reversion…or worse. He spat in her face, a defiant maneuver that caused her to shriek with anger. She ordered her underlings to attack, and soon enough, hooves were flying around the room. Luckily for the band, there were more of them than the Scarlet Wing contingent. On the downside…Scarlet Wing’s ponies knew how to fight. The band members were primitive in their techniques, to say the least. Mane threw extra guitars at ponies, but that only served to stun them. Glowing Radiance and her fellow backup singers used some extra microphones as projectiles. Skins Mare and Thumper Trot used drumsticks and a backup bass guitar, respectively. Unfortunately for the band, Scarlet Wing had things like speed, power, and knowledge on their side. Two of the agents dodged some microphone attacks before slashing Glowing in the shoulder. She yelped and darted from the fray. Skins and Thumper were taken down with magic blasts. Finally, Quarter and Mane were left to face the purple unicorn and her five fellow agents alone. They were backed into a corner, helped along by the ever advancing enemy. Quarter gulped once more as he noticed the agents’ leader grin. It was a devious, wicked, malicious grin that should never have been experienced by anypony anywhere. “Wha…what’s your name?” He asked. “My name?” She responded. “My name is Opaline.” “Opaline…?” He repeated. “Yes…Opaline, and soon, Quarter Note, I shall have you to add to the pile of bodies I shall leave in my wake. Oh, yes, there will be death…there will be blood…I can feel it. I can taste it. My mistress shall rule Equestria, and I shall be her second-in-command.” “Second?” Quarter asked, trying to bluff a bit. “I find that difficult to believe.” “It doesn’t matter what you believe,” Opaline growled. “For today, you and your precious little band will die…unless…you reveal your power source to me!” “I would have thought that little projectile from earlier was answer enough,” Quarter growled back. “But, it seems not. I will NEVER reveal it to you! Do you think I’m an idiot? Why would I jeopardize Equestria like that?” Opaline sneered once more. “Oh, I know you’d never jeopardize this worthless country…but…I also know you’d never jeopardize HER!” Opaline pointed to the ceiling, where a rope was lowered. Somepony was struggling at its base, tied up and, quite literally, hanging on for dear life. Quarter’s mouth fell when he saw who it was. His shock was immense, and his anger began to boil underneath him. He felt his mane burn with a fire that he’d never known before and his hooves dug into the floor beneath him. Fear drove his rage, for the pony that he saw bound and gagged and hanging from the ceiling meant more to him than anypony else. “ZIPP!” He cried. Opaline cackled. “YES! I have your mare, Quarter! Look up there, you petulant fool! LOOK! Do you see her? She’s bound, Quarter. She’s gagged. She’s covered with the wounds only I could inflict! Now…while I know you’d never jeopardize Equestria…I also know you’d never do anything to harm your beloved! Tell me the secret to Armored Hoof’s power, or I shall drop her from that ceiling onto the floor here!” > Chapter 24 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter’s mind went into overdrive as he tried to acquiesce the right course of action. His heart beat at what seemed like a thousand beats per minute; certainly, it was faster than any song he’d ever written. His eyes darted up and down from his mare to her captor and back again. He mulled over the two decisions he could make for seconds that felt like an eternity. His lips quivered. If he refused to share the information, Zipp would be killed in front of him. If he chose to save his beloved mare, then Scarlet Wing would have Armored Hoof’s secret and could use it to do severe damage to Equestria. Indeed, the magical powers that had been given to them were great…so great, in fact, that in the wrong hooves, Equestria could experience complete annihilation. “DON’T DO IT!” Came Zipp’s voice ringing from above. “Hey!” Opaline exclaimed, looking above her to where her prey hung. “How’d you get your gag out?” “It’s called rapid fire chewing, you witch!” Zipp growled. “Look it up, sometime. Quarter, you can’t give her Armored Hoof’s secrets!” “But, I-“ “No buts!” Zipp thundered. “If Scarlet Wing get ahold of your band’s special power, then Equestria is doomed!” Opaline laughed. “Such a cliché line…yet, so true. Equestria will be doomed. Meadow Bloom will see to that. Scarlet Wing will be masters of the land…a land without friendship, without fun…and without all of your goodness and light! But…if Quarter here chooses against what the rightful future should be…then our friend Zipp up there will find pieces of her skull scattered about the room. It’s your choice, Quarter. Either she lives or Equestria does.” “Save Equestria!” Zipp cried. Quarter’s mind raced even faster as images of Zipp plummeting to her demise assaulted him. He saw her screaming into the floor below, smashing into it and never moving again. Shaking his head, he tried to regain some of his faculties. But, how could he? He was caught between a rock and a hard place, trying desperately to find some peaceable way out. For, after all, he was no fighter. He was a simple musician who just so happened to hold the entire future of Equestria in his very hooves. To say that he felt no pressure was like saying that Pegasi couldn’t fly. It was simply a fabrication. “Ugh…I’m growing tired of this stalling,” Opaline growled. “What…is…your…choice?” Quarter looked up at Zipp as she struggled against her restraints. Please, love…forgive me…but I can’t allow Equestria to fall. “I…I’ll never tell you!” He suddenly shouted in a bit of defiance. “UGH!” Opaline shrieked. “DROP THAT PUTRID PEGASIS ON HER HEAD!” Suddenly, Zipp’s rope was let go and she fell from the ceiling all the way to the floor. Quarter shut his eyes, expecting an impact…but he heard none. Daring to open one of his eyes, he noted that somepony new had joined the fray. This was somepony that he had hoped would show up, yet had absolutely no reason to believe she would. After all, she was miles away when Opaline and her cronies had busted in to the practice facility. He opened his eyes wider and smiled as he saw this newcomer save Zipp from certain death. “Sunny!” He cried joyfully. “Darn straight!” The soon-to-be ruler called. “Now, let’s deal with these interlopers! I have a coronation to attend!” She sounded like a ruler…in fact, she sounded so much like Twilight that it sent chills up and down Quarter’s spine. He and the rest of the band ran over to stand with her and Zipp against the Scarlet Wing raiders. It didn’t take long for full-fledged fighting to break out. Shrieks and shouts of anger permeated the facility as the forces of Equestria fought hard. They were heard by some passers-by, who quickly joined on their side. The fighting spilled out of the facility and into the very streets of Maretime Bay itself. Hooves and horns, sharpened to a fault, were used. No magic spells were cast, for the fighting was too personal…too crucial. Blood painted the cobblestones beneath their hooves. More and more ponies joined as the battle grew. Soon enough, Scarlet Wing’s reinforcements arrived, called via magic by Opaline herself. Meadow was at the head of the column, and they charged hard against the Equestrians. Pony after pony fell dead as the fighting raged away. But, there was no time to mourn the fallen, for more equines joined. Unfortunately, the Equestrian side was at a disadvantage; namely, that most of their forces were untrained fighters. Scarlet Wing, on the other hand, were impressive in their ferocity. Meadow was a fierce new leader, ordering flanking maneuvers and getting around Equestria’s cobbled together army without a hitch. Sunny, her friends, and the rest of Maretime Bay fought as hard as they could…but it didn’t seem to be enough. “We’re losing!” Zipp called, bleeding from a wound to her shoulder. “Ya think?!” Came the retort from her sister, Pipp, who’d joined the fray in the initial onslaught. “What do we do?” Mane Halen cried. Now it was Sunny’s turn to go into overdrive. She knew that ponies everywhere were dying at her command. It was the hardest thing she’d ever had to endure, but she also knew that Equestria’s future was at stake. These same equines were doing the very thing that she’d often read about in the many volumes of histories that she’d consumed. She remembered reading about Twilight Sparkle and the Battle of the Two Peaks, where an Equestrian force had driven off some invading yaks. The yaks were a bigger, stronger, and better trained group. They were also going against their yak brethren, who had always held friendly ties with Equestria. But, Twilight had used strategic placement and cleverness to drive the rebellious yaks away and keep her own losses to a minimum. Ugh…but we don’t have any rocks or trees or any other mountainous stuff to use for cover, she internalized, unless… > Chapter 25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thinking on her hooves, Sunny ordered everypony on her side to hide within the buildings around them. Scarlet Wing reinforcements had poured in to the point where the Maretime Bay force was severely outnumbered. Sunny saw no other alternative but to try and use some trickery to befuddle the invading marauders. So, she, her friends, and their entire army quickly made their way behind walls, under tables, and some clever ponies even cut out the fabric of furniture, concealing themselves deep within. They left air holes to breathe, of course, but otherwise, they were completely invisible. Sunny was hiding with Hitch inside one of the nearby schools, taking refuge in a back room with a good vantage point of the front door. She wanted to be absolutely sure that, in the extremely likely event of an attack, they would have the element of surprise. Of course, she also knew that, in the same situation, she and Hitch would definitely be outnumbered and in a hoof and nail fight to the death. This concerned her, however she was supremely confident in both her and her stallion’s fighting abilities. They could definitely give Scarlet Wing a scratch or two, even if they both went down. One thing was for sure, neither of them were dying without a struggle. “I don’t suppose this would be a good time to ask you a very serious question,” Hitch ventured, breaking into Sunny’s thoughts. Sunny gave him a look. “Not really, Hitch, no,” she snapped quietly. “Oh, good, because I kinda tend to pick abnormal times to ask such things.” Sunny rolled her eyes. “Oh, for Twilight’s sake, what is it?” “Well-“ Hitch was interrupted as Scarlet Wing’s agents burst through the front door of the schoolhouse. There were three of them, and one seemed to be at the head. This pony directed the other two to search the place thoroughly. Of course, this “thorough” search consisted of knocking tables over, shattering glass, and just generally making as big of a mess of the place as possible. However, all this noise worked to Sunny and Hitch’s advantage, as they were able to sneak out of their hiding spot and attack the two ponies who were engaging in the wanton vandalism. Sunny had one by the throat and slashed with her horn, sharpened to a glinting point. Meanwhile, Hitch pinned the other down and bit and swiped for all he was worth. “Ugh! Maretime Bay interlopers!” The head agent cried. “Kill them!” This command was well received by the enemy agents, as they began to fight back viciously. Sunny and her opponent were writhing in a fierce pile of horns, hooves, wings, and fur. The soon-to-be princess felt chunks of her flesh being ripped out, but was satisfied with the receipts she was giving her assailant. Blood painted the floor beneath them as they went at each other. Hoof-to-hoof, neither of them were willing to back down. After a few moments of this, Sunny finally managed to pin the agent down, holding the enemy unicorn and hissing in her face. “You will not take Maretime Bay, nor will you take Equestria!” Sunny yelled in a voice that she didn’t know she could conjure. The enemy laughed. “Oh, but it’s not our job to do such things,” she growled. “It is our mistress Meadow’s job to ensure Queen Luster’s legacy continues.” “UGH! Luster was no queen!” Sunny barked, swiping a hoof across her enemy’s shoulder and removing more of her pelt. “HA!” The enemy chortled, clearly uninterested in her own pain. “That’s a laugh, coming from you, Sunny Starscout! You’re no princess or queen, either! You certainly aren’t any match for the Alicorns of old! You’re just a worthless copy, a facsimile designed by some invisible overlords to try and recapture the so-called glory days! Well, guess what? Equestria has evolved beyond that! Scarlet Wing are simply here to enforce that evolution!” Sunny gnashed her teeth together and bent down to kill her opponent, but was suddenly stopped by a pair of teeth meeting in the back of her own throat. She whirled around to see Opaline’s harsh blue eyes staring deep into her own. Thinking quickly, Sunny wrenched herself away from Scarlet Wing’s second-in-command and stood to face her. Instantly, all the fighting around them ceased as the ponies became glued to their spots. They were all in pain, with wounds dripping in blood. However, the ensuing fight would, for all intents and purposes, be for the future of Equestria. No words were exchanged between the two, but Sunny howled in a rage and charged first. The two began using their horns as swords, parrying and bashing their way around the schoolroom. They used anything they could levitate as a weapon, tossing sharp pieces of wood and harsh bits of broken glass at each other. Their own crimson flew about the place as they fought, moving in a destructive dance of death. They held their own against each other, putting themselves in harm’s way for the good of their respective sides. After a few moments, Sunny managed to get the upper hoof against the wicked Unicorn. She then bit down hard on Opaline’s shoulder, causing the enemy to cry out in pain. “GO ROT IN TARTARUS, YOU WICKED PIECE OF PONY CRAP!” The evil one howled in agony. “Never!” Sunny growled. “Not so long as my friends are in danger!” “Oh, friendship, friendship!” Opaline shouted back. “When will you ponies learn that hate and vengeance are the only true paths to light?! When will you EVOLVE WITH THE REST OF US?!” “I want no part in such a transformation,” Sunny spat, “for as long as I live, and as long as I am ruler of Equestria, we will remain a nation of friends! We will remain allies to good…and we will remain the bane of evil’s existence!” “UGH! I watched Queen Luster die at your putrid, pitiful, wretched, worthless hooves,” Opaline growled, “…and now she shall have…her…REVENGE!” > Chapter 26 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opaline leapt at Sunny, who used her quickness to dodge back behind her hiding spot. Not one to throw in the towel so easily, Opaline then used her magic to pull Sunny out. The Alicorn struggled against Opaline’s force, but unfortunately, Sunny did not quite have the handle on her own magic the way Opaline did on hers. The evil unicorn cackled as she pulled Sunny ever closer, grinning with glee as the soon-to-be ruler squirmed against the pressure. Sunny knew she had to do something quickly, and she racked her mind in an attempt to get Opaline off of her. But it was no use. Scarlet Wing’s general had her in a veritable vacuum, and she had no way out. Opaline laughed all the more. “You fool! Don’t you get it? I’m one of the most powerful unicorns in all of Equestria! The only one more powerful than me is Meadow Bloom herself! I work, not just for her, but to cement the legacy of our beloved Queen Luster Dawn! It was her who brought about the destruction of the wicked Twilight Sparkle, it was her who brought about the hatred and division in this land, and it was her who finally got Equestria to evolve beyond such stupid, primitive, loathsome concepts like love and kindness! Ugh! I can’t even say those cloying words…such preposterousness…such foolishness…” “Being a friend to others is not foolishness!” Sunny cried in a rage. “The true fools are those who believe they can go through life and never need a friend! Those are the ones who lose, Opaline.” “Oh, is that so?” Opaline asked rhetorically. “Well, if that’s the case…then why are YOU the one that’s being pulled in by my magic? Why are YOU the one who’s struggling for her very existence?” Sunny thought for a moment as she was finally pulled up face-to-face with Opaline. “I…I can’t answer that. But one thing I do know is that friendship will always win out in the end. Equestria was built on that very principle. From the time of the earliest pony tribes up until now, Equestria has always been driven by friendship. The very first Hearth’s Warming proved that.” “Hearth’s Warming?” Opaline asked. “Now, how in the world did you hear about such a repulsive celebration?” “Not repulsive…rewarding,” Sunny said, “as to how I found out about it…I read about it…in a book…written by Twilight Sparkle herself. My father was an avid connoisseur of her literature…before Scarlet Wing left his body in a broken, bloody mess in those dark, evil woods.” Opaline smiled. “Ah, yes, the death of Argyle Starshine. That was one of my favorite projects I ever got to help out on. I remember receiving the intel that led to the hit being put on him. It was glorious. He was trying to hold Equestria back from its much needed continuous evolution. For us…killing him was an easy decision. I was on the raiding team that slaughtered both him and that other pony that was with him. I didn’t even catch the other one’s name. Pity. Collateral damage and all that. But still…Argyle squirming in my hooves as he spoke his final words…oh…that was priceless…I remember biting into his flesh…feeling his blood coat my teeth…watching the life and light die from his eyes…it was absolute ecstasy.” Sunny ground her teeth together as images of her dead father flashed through her mind. She remembered his kindness towards others, regardless of which kind of pony they were. His tenacity and unwillingness to let Maretime Bay’s negative attitudes get to him soared like birds through her consciousness. His face lit up every corner of her being. The gentle visage that read her stories, tucked her in at night, and always pushed her to be a better pony flooded her vision. Opaline’s insults tore into her very soul, lighting a fire that Equestria had not seen since the days of Twilight herself. It was at this point that Sunny recognized her true destiny and she felt Twilight’s teachings and ways giving her strength. She began to glow. Her eyes shone as bright as the sun, and her mane became as hot as magma. Her wings spread and her horn began to pulsate with the hope and dreams of all the ponies who had come before her, driving her out of Opaline’s grasp and into the air. No longer was it just Argyle that populated her vision. Now, it was Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack. She saw the ponies she’d read about countless times over in the ancient tomes. It was time for a new generation to rule Equestria, and lead it back into Twilight’s ways. She was at its spearhead, ready to protect her beloved home and friends from the wickedness of these evil Scarlet Wing malefactors. “Wha…what’s going on?” Opaline asked as her eyes widened. Sunny flapped her wings defiantly, sending the equivalent of an earthquake bounding through the schoolhouse. “Opaline…thou hast been judged by thine Princess…and been found extremely wanting. Thou hast been weighed on the scales of friendship and found lacking. Thou, Opaline, hast brought about the damnation of thine own Scarlet Wing brethren. The power that thou seekest cannot be found within the caverns that thou and thy wicked horde populate. The ultimate power of this world, and any world, is the power of friendship. But thou hast made the foolish decision to abandon Twilight Sparkle’s manner. Not only that, but thou hast committed murder and wanton atrocities in the name of Twilight’s former protégé Luster Dawn. Thou…and all thy brethren…are hereby sentenced to death!” At this point, Sunny closed her eyes and called upon the power of every last one of her dead friends and relatives. She saw them within Scarlet Wing’s grasp, which drove her anger even further. However, it was a controlled anger, and it manifested itself in a spell of doom and destruction. With her power at its limit, Sunny unleashed it all across Equestria. It cleansed the land of Scarlet Wing, punishing those ponies it found associated with the group by magically ending their existences. They disintegrated into dust, quickly blown away by the wind. The power was so massive that it took only a few seconds. But afterwards, everypony that ever attacked Sunny, her friends, or Equestria was gone. Scarlet Wing was destroyed…never to return. > Chapter 27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny awoke. A simple act, yet one that, in the light of recent events, was so cosmically relevant. It had been three months since Scarlet Wing’s attack on Maretime Bay, and the town was continuing to rebuild. Armored Hoof had been putting on show after show, donating all the proceeds towards the Rebuild Our Maretime Foundation. Thanks to the band’s popularity in the wake of their third and fourth album re-releases, the funds had made a huge chunk in the budget. However, there was still more to be done, and Sunny had hired Level Measure, the town’s best architect, to help redesign and refurbish the area. Slowly but surely, buildings were being either repaired or torn down and completely redone. The old place was looking newer by the day. So, in light of that, an often innocuous task like waking up in the morning could be undertaken with a great deal of thanks. For Sunny, that thanks went to the magic of the ponies who had come before her, currently surrounded her, and would carry on her future legacy. It was their memories, thoughts, and determination that had willed her to create the magic blast that cleansed Equestria of Scarlet Wing’s presence. Luster, Meadow, Opaline, and their evil ways were no more. Every scouting party sent out came back with the same news: the caves where the group launched their wicked forays were completely abandoned. Sunny had sent multiple parties out, wanting to be thorough. But all the reports were exact, and the ponies could breathe and rejoice once more. Well…almost. Sunny couldn’t quite breathe as she suddenly remembered that today was the day she’d long pined for: her coronation as ruler of Equestria. Her eyes lit up when she thought of Canterlot and the train chugging into the station there. The city had been pulled out of its dingy life as a ghost town and revitalized ahead of the big event. All of Equestria would be there. Sunny’s friends were guests of honor and the entire town of Maretime was abuzz. Reports stated that Bridlewood and Zephyr Heights were equally as ecstatic. Finally, another Alicorn would reign supreme over Equestria, bringing thousands of years of peace and harmony to the land. Sunny smiled as she got up and looked at herself in the mirror. Once again, her purple mane was a frizzy mess. So, she braided it before heading to the redeveloped Mane Melody for Pipp’s magic touch. She arrived to find her Pegasus friend busily swooping about the place, getting multiple ponies ready for the big day. Pipp’s assistants, Jazz Hooves and Rocky Riff, were also rushing around, tending to everyone that Pipp told them to. Sunny decided not to make a ruckus, and patiently waited for her turn in line. But the presence of a soon-to-be ruler doesn’t generally go unnoticed, and it wasn’t long before Pipp saw her standing there. “Oh, hoofness, Sunny!” She chirped. “I didn’t see you there! Jazz, get the big chair ready! We’ve got a ruler in the house!” “OOOOOOOOO!” Jazz crowed, “I’ve been waiting for this!” Pipp quickly led Sunny over, sat her down and started on her mane. “Well…shall we try this a second time?” She asked, cracking a wry smile. Sunny giggled. “Yes, ma’am!” “You must be so excited!” Pipp continued as she whirled around Sunny’s head. “Oh, I am, I am!” Sunny said. “But…” “Uh-oh, here we go,” Pipp said. “Come on, Sunny. Get it all out. What’s up?” Sunny let out a long, deep, teetering-on-the-edge-of-sarcastic sigh. “Well…you see, Pipp…I’m…nervous.” “Oh, Sunny, babe, you’re about to rule a whole freakin’ nation! It’s not like you’re participating in the first grade spelling bee.” “I know, I know,” Sunny said. “But…I just feel like…I shouldn’t be nervous. I don’t think that’s what Twilight would want. I mean, think about it…would you want your successor to be nervous?” Pipp rolled her eyes. “Sunny, listen. First of all, you are a PONY. You’ve got feelings and you’ve got a right to express them. If you’re nervous, you’re nervous. You aren’t dumping on Twilight’s legacy just because of a little stage fright. Secondly, you were born and bred for this. I may never have known your father, but from all you’ve said about him, I’d bet my last bit that he wanted this for you. Maybe he knew something you didn’t know. Thirdly, this is your destiny. Embrace the heck out of it! After all, it’s not every day that you’re crowned the ruler of an entire nation…” Sunny smiled. “Thanks, Pipp. I needed to hear that…” A few hours later, the train chugged into Canterlot and Sunny was assisted off by some Pegasus guards. She was wowed by everything that had gone into the last three months of preparation. The buildings were veritable pantheons of shine as she strode beside them. Each one was a mirror, reflecting its own brilliance back on her in a never ending cascade of wonder and beauty. Her smile only widened as they approached the royal castle itself, which had been fully repaired. It glowed the brightest of all, welcoming her as it surely had Celestia, Luna, and Twilight eons before. The latter of the three ran through her mind, and she was certain that she could hear Twilight’s voice singing over her as she trotted into the old palace. I belong here… she thought, …this is what I’m supposed to do…this is my destiny! She felt her cutie mark begin to glow as she trotted through the halls towards the balcony where Hitch himself would place the crown on her head. She was ecstatic that her special somepony was getting to participate in such a special moment with her. As she trotted along, the guards slowly fell away until only her captain, Spectral Mass, remained. She’d hired him after Queen Haven, upon relinquishing her crown, recommended that he be placed in such an important position. He’d been Haven’s captain, dutifully guarding the Pegasus queen for year upon year. Now, he had an even greater task: to guard and protect Equestria’s first Alicorn in hundreds of moons. “Your Majesty,” he said, bowing slightly as they arrived at the door to the balcony. “I am deeply honored to be here today to take part in such an historic moment. This will define, not only yourself, my Princess, but all of Equestria. I certainly wish you the very best in your new endeavor.” Sunny smiled, bowing back to the veteran soldier. “Thank you, Spectral. I am honored to have you as my Captain. I know you’ll do your family, the Pegasi, and all of Equestria proud. Well done, my friend.” Spectral smiled and bowed once more, opening the door and escorting Sunny onto the balcony. Upon stepping forth, they were met with the raucous cheers of 100,000 ponies who had made the trip from their various homes. Most had never seen Sunny before, so they were amazed at getting to glimpse an Alicorn first hoof. Those who grew up with her or knew her from around Maretime were closest to the stage, cheering loudly. Finally, there were her friends, who were on the platform with her. Each was dressed to the nines, and they all arose and politely offered hoof claps on her arrival. She was beaming as she stepped forth and looked at her new subjects. Her eyes darted this way and that as she recognized different faces in the crowd. She saw Haven and Alpha Bittle, now a couple, sitting proudly in their seats to the left side of the stage. She saw the fillies from her home bouncing up and down with sheer delight. Then, she looked over to the right where another stage had been set up and the members of Armored Hoof were cheering. Of course, she’d asked them to play an entire post coronation concert. To say that everypony was looking forward to it would be like saying the sky is blue. It was just a fact. Then, she felt her stallion’s gentle hoof on her shoulder. “I’m so proud of you,” he whispered in her ear. She nodded back at him. “Thank you,” she managed to get out before Hitch stepped to the microphone. “My fellow Equestrians!” His voice thundered through the throng. “We are gathered here today to crown Sunny Starscout as Princess of Equestria! Many of you know the events that have transpired recently. Scarlet Wing was a scourge upon our land, causing division with their Distrust Dust and driving a wedge between us. It was because of anger, jealousy, and resentment that they did this. Now, let us forge a new land on our old pillars. Let us live in friendship with one another and under Sunny’s reign. May we experience peace, prosperity, and joy as she takes her throne. Long live Princess Sunny!” “LONG LIVE PRINCESS SUNNY!” Sunny’s face couldn’t quit glowing as she felt Hitch place the crown of the day and night on her head. She felt the power of Celestia and Luna flowing through her, gifting her control of both times. She felt the support of her friends standing there, and her favorite band as they began their set. But most of all, she felt Twilight and swore to always uphold her legacy. Scarlet Wing had died…and now Equestria had come alive.