• Published 29th May 2022
  • 847 Views, 59 Comments

MLP A New Generation 3: The Rise of Armored Hoof - TwiShine45

Sunny still searches for answers, a band plays excellent music, and they all try to save Equestria

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Chapter 12

The next night, Zipp and Quarter met at Maretime Bay’s most stylish and exquisite restaurant for dinner. Both of them felt a little out of their element, but, when Pipp had discovered their intentions, she had insisted on booking them a table there. Considering both had a bit of a punk rock attitude, it was a completely new experience. Despite his popularity throughout Equestria from thousands of years before, Quarter had never dined somewhere where he had to wear a black tie around his neck. Still, though, he knew that the opportunity was perfect. It would just be him and this pretty young mare, Zipp.

Her attire on the evening was simple, yet it left him basking in her beauty even more. A white dress, perfectly tailored to her size, fell down around her. Pipp had done her mane in an interesting manner. It kept the short, tight cut that Zipp was known for, yet regaled itself in whisps of ties here and there. Down the back, Zipp had allowed a bit of a ponytail, stretching around her shoulder and peeking out as if to magnetize Quarter’s very eyes. In short, she looked incredible and Quarter thought himself the luckiest stallion in Equestria to be keeping her company that evening.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they were seated at a table of pure mahogany. A bright, white tablecloth, with absolutely no imperfections, cascaded round about the legs. Shiny silver flatware adorned it, with perfectly washed plates to boot. The entire atmosphere of the place spoke to things that neither Zipp nor Quarter were familiar with; namely, elegance, sophistication, and heightened class. It also seemed like the type of place where one’s shortcomings were spotlighted and, instead of being yelled at, you’d be judged by the other ponies via whispers and jointed looks.

“Do I look alright?” Zipp asked, a question she never thought she’d pose.

“You look wonderful, Zipp,” Quarter said with a warm smile.

Zipp blushed a bit. “You’re just saying that.”

“No, I’m not, Zipp. You really do look marvelous tonight.”

Zipp smiled. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever had a stallion tell me that before…then again, I’ve never really been out before, if you catch my drift.”

Quarter chuckled. “I do, my dear, I do. But, I suppose you’re wanting to hear about Cloudsdale even more than my compliments.”

“Yes, I suppose I do,” Zipp responded with an adventurous gleam in her eye, “though, the compliments are amazing.”

“Well, I’ll keep those up here and there, but first, let me tell you of Cloudsdale and the weather factory…”

“…and that’s the story of how Rainbow Dash nearly ended winter all because she didn’t want her turtle to hibernate!”

Both ponies laughed at the anecdotal tale Quarter had just relayed. In the middle of their laughter, Quarter stopped and admired Zipp’s tone. It was lower in the register, yet was incredibly warm and dulcet. She could definitely attract somepony else’s attention, whether she was speaking, laughing, singing, or, in some cases, yelling. At any rate, for the short amount of time that he’d known her, this particular aspect had grabbed him the most. He loved hearing her laugh, and wanted to put himself into positions where he might hear more of it. His heart began to prick with care for this young mare…care that he, himself, once had for Twilight Sparkle.

“Oh, that’s funny,” she said after chuckling a time or two more.

“Yes…but, thankfully, our friends showed Dash the truth and she was able to come to grips with Tank’s winter long nap.”

“Wow,” Zipp said. “I really wish I could’ve met Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. They sound like such interesting Pegasi!”

“Oh, yes, they were fascinating mares. So decidedly different, yet they shared a friendship stronger than steel. I guess that’s what happens when the Elements of Harmony are allowed to guide one’s destiny. I learned that very early on in my musical journey. Princess Celestia once told me that, if the Elements aren’t guiding, then you’ll soon find yourself sliding.”


“Yes, Zipp, sliding…sliding into a world of darkness and loneliness the likes of which are extremely difficult to get back out of. The Elements of Harmony helped protect Equestria until they were destroyed many, many moons ago. The pony who destroyed them, King Sombra, thought that he could gain leverage over Twilight and her friends by doing so. But, thankfully, the Elements lived on in their spirits and they were able to defeat him in spite of the gems’ physical destruction.”

“Do you think The Elements of Harmony remain in Equestria today?” Zipp asked.

“Oh, I have no doubt of it,” Quarter responded with a hopeful smile. “I take one look at you and your friends and I am reminded of Twilight and hers. Zipp, you are Dash’s spiritual successor. You’re brave, trustworthy, kind, definitely a bit rough around the ears, but in a good way, and you soar without a second thought. Yes, Zipp, I see a lot of Rainbow Dash in you.”

Zipp smiled, blushing once more at the handsome stallion’s compliments. “So…did you ever write a song about Dash?”

“Oh, yes. It was over a thousand years ago. However, by the time we wrote it, Twilight had been killed and Equestria descended into madness. We ran for The Everfree Forest, because we knew that was the one place where ponies wouldn’t go, even in their blind hate. Our fifth album, Elements, has never been released to the public.”

“You should totally release it!” Zipp suddenly exclaimed.

“Sorry, what?” Quarter asked.

“Release the album, Quarter! I bet everypony would love it!”

“I appreciate your faith in us, Zipp, but nopony’s heard from us in over 1,200 years. The band, like the old monarchy, have become legends.”

“But you’re living legends!” Zipp said. “If you release the album, I’m certain that ponies would flock to you.”

Quarter chuckled. “You know, perhaps you’re right. Still, though, we need to rehearse. We haven’t played any kind of music in a millennium. When the sound is right, we’ll head for a club, play a show, and see how it goes.”