• Published 1st Jun 2022
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Logic and Friendship. Roger! Roger! - Anaylze

The Remains of a CIS fleet stumble to a world filled with ponies.

  • ...

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Chapter 9: It was a Big Lizard Thing!

OOM-340 decided to turn off his radio to save power. He didn't know if the probes could get him another charger packet through the storm, and he didn't want to risk being caught with no power.

Twilight walked over to her library and sat down, grabbing the book she had begun to read a few days with her magic.
Spike was sitting at another nearby table reading a comic book.

"What are you doing?" OOM-340 asked Twilight


"What though?"

She levitated the cover, so it was facing him.

"I can't read that."

She lowered the book

"You can't read?"

"No, that's not Aurebesh"

"What's Aurebesh?"

"It's a… font I guess?" OOM-340 answered unsurely.

"Well, I can teach you the Equestrian alphabet later, I have a book for beginners. Anyhow, the book I'm reading is called '1001 Facts about the Stars in Luna's Nightsky', part of the 1001 series, I have a whole shelf of them over there" she said, gesturing to one of the many books lined walls. Up until this point, OOM-340 never really noticed how many books there were. They covered every wall, and then there were still some stacked on the tables!

"You like to read?"

"Oh, I LOVE books, books are some of my best friends, aside from the girls and the princess!"

"So, you don't use electronic archives to store data?"

"Data? "

"Well, we hav-" OOM-340 stopped himself again. He was about to mention the fleet and its archives. He really needed to think about what he was saying. "I-I mean, I have some on… back where I'm from."

"Why didn't you just say so?"

"I um, I don't know."

Suddenly Spike threw his comic book on the side and held his hand to his stomach which puffed up.

"Is he ok?" Asked OOM-340

Suddenly his cheeks puffed up and green fire shot out of his mouth into the air which materialized into a letter.

"Ew, did he just… puke out a letter?!"

"Yes! It's a letter from the Princess!" Twilight exclaimed, quickly grabbing it and opening it with her magic and began reading it in her head

"Dearest Twilight,
These new creatures you describe sound fascinating, and Luna and I would love to meet them. However, Luna and I fear that they may not be alone, as we feel a slight disturbance when we raise the sun and moon, like something else is also occupying the space. If they are associated with it, we must know. Would they be up for meeting us tomorrow?
Your former teacher, Princess Celestia"

"What does it say?"

"She and her sister say they'd love to meet you 3!"

"That's… good?"

"Yes! That means you're special!"

That did made OOM-340 feel good. He wasn't just another number anymore; he wasn't just another B1. He was special! But… would they like him? He needed to ask Kraken what to do…

"Hey, uh, I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"I just want to go for a quick walk in the hall."

"Do you want us to come with you sir?" asked his guards

"No, stay here."

He walked out into the hall.

Kraken was monitoring the storm through the eyes of his Probe Droids, when he received another message from OOM-340.


"Their leaders know about us."

"They are aware of the fleets presence?"

"No sir, just mine and my guards. They say they want to meet us. Should we make a run back to the forest and regroup?"

"Negative, I want you to undergo a meeting with them. I want you to run your radio during the meeting so I can assess their personalities and the probability of an allegiance."

OOM-340 stood there nervously

"Are you sure?"

"Is there a problem?"

"It's just… I'm not a protocol droid!"

"If you behave as you have been I calculate you will be fine."

"Roger Roger…" said OOM-340, closing the message.

Back in the Ever-free night was beginning to fall. TA-175 calculated that working the prisoners at night could potentially be dangerous to their health as the forest was full of strange creatures, but this was of no concern to TA-175. He wasn't programmed to be particularly sympathetic, especially towards prisoners.

The Droids and AATs were evenly distributed around the edge of the clearing to prevent any prisoners from escaping, and any unwanted creatures from getting in.

Or at least that's what it was supposed to do…

Patrols earlier had spotted a large lizard creature in the nearby forest, and the squad sent to investigate had not checked back in for 3 hours.

TA-175 was about to send out another patrol party to find them when an OOM Commander informed him of their return.
"Sir! Patrol Team D6 has returned!"

TA-175 walked outside of the finished command center section of the base to begin scolding the late patrol.
Before him stood 3 Battered B1s and their equally worse for wear OOM Commander. They appeared somewhat charred, as if they had been nearly burned or on fire.

"Your arrival is long overdue. Where have you been?"

"Sir, it's not our fault!" The Droid began "it was the huge lizard creature!"

"Define this creature"

"It was big, red, scaly, it had arms and legs and a tail, claws, and wings, and could shoot fire! That's what happened to the rest of the squad!"

"Why did it take you so long to return?"

"We had to hide from it, and it scorched an entire part of the forest looking for us!"

Suddenly TA-175 was not angry with the squad anymore.

"Return to the landing ship and clean yourself up."

"Roger, Roger!"

As the droids were returning to their ship TA-175 wondered about this creature.


He told a OOM commander at his side

“if the creature this what its Seems. We will need to prepare for it's possible arrival.”

“Roger Roger”

OOM-340 sat in the library with Twilight Sparkle, as she tried to get him to understand the Equestrian Alphabet from a book called 'A Filly's Guide to the Alphabet'.
He had drawn his best impression of the Aurebesh Alphabet, and he was beginning to understand theirs. From what he could decipher, their language was spelled the same way as basic, but just with a different font and certain words were changed such as everybody was changed to every pony.

"That's so strange, I can't believe we have the same alphabet!" Twilight said, thrilled by the strange coincidence. "I thought it was fascinating that that we could understand each other too! The odds of this are crazy! Maybe you are one of Discords creations."


"Discord is the God of Chaos, likes being wacky, silly, and chaotic. He once main it rain chocolate rain from
Cotton candy clouds!"

The more OOM-340 stayed on the planet, the stranger it got…

"Well, how about you keep practicing this, I need to go make dinner?" Twilight said, getting up and walking out of the library.

TA-175 began to assess the best way to defeat this so-called "lizard creature". First to defeat the creature he had to find it first. Learn about it, get to know it. And Spying was the easiest way.

"Dispatch several Viper Probes to find, track and investigate the creature. We will find where it resides and eliminate the threat". TA-175 ordered to his OOM Commander assistant.

"Roger, Roger sir!"

Outside several Viper Probes reactivated at their recharge stations and floated off into the night, garbling in their coded language…

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