• Published 1st Jun 2022
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Logic and Friendship. Roger! Roger! - Anaylze

The Remains of a CIS fleet stumble to a world filled with ponies.

  • ...

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Chapter 27: The Battle of the Crystal Empire

The Mane 6, Cadence, Shining Armor, and many royal guard's ponies sat aboard the Friendship express as it carried them towards the Crystal Empire. As they approached their destination, the Crystal Castle came in to view with its massive spire reaching upward into the sky. However, also visible were enormous wings of several C-9979 Landing Craft which stretched over the numerous homes, many burning letting off black smoke clouds, a clear sign that the Droids had indeed landed.
Cadence was visibly saddened by the sight of her home being conquered by merciless machines. Shining wrapped a hoof around his wife

"Don't worry, we'll get our home back, everything will be alright."

"I just don't understand how they were able to take the Empire so easily." Cadence said, "the Crystal Heart is supposed to protect us from evil!"

Twilight rubbed her chin

"It protected against evil magic, which must mean that these droids lack magic of any kind, or at least any sort that is known to Pony kind. They did seem pretty surprised when they found out we controlled the sun and moon, along with the weather." Twilight tried to think further, but one thought stuck in her mind. it was the same thought when she saw Rainbow destroy a droid that was helping them. even if he was a bad guy she still felt bad. " Are we acting too cruel to them?" she thought before the jolt of the train as it began to decelerate as it neared the station pulled her back to reality.
Shining turned to the Royal guard’s ponies

"Listen up stallions! We are dealing with an enemy that Equestria had never seen the likes of before, but do not let that deceive you, these machines are ready for the scrapyard, and we will liberate our city from this metal menace! We will breakthrough their lines, advance to the castle, and restore harmony to the Crystal Empire! Any questions?"

There was a unanimous "SIR NO SIR" from the guards, as the doors of the train opened and they poured out into the station, charging towards the front lines.

On the edge of the defenses were a few Droid patrols who were quickly taken out by the horde of guard's ponies, as they advanced alongside the Mane 6 into battle.
TF-1726 sat on top of "his" new throne in the Crystal Castle. The throne was oddly shaped, and a bit too large, being designed for an Alicorn to sit on it, but the Tactical Droid sat there nonetheless, as the Castle's new owner.

Several BX-Series Commando Droids stood guarding him in the room, along with 2 Droidekas

TF-1726 stood up from his chair and slowly stepped over to the window, gazing out at the Battle on the edges of the city.

"The equines are weak and under equipped for warfare. I calculate it be a mere matter of hours before the city falls to us."

he said confidently as he turned and headed downstairs to the open room that held the Crystal Heart in its pedestal.

"Has the crystal's purpose been discovered?" He asked a B1 who stood nearby with a data pad.

"No sir, its energy signature has not yet been identified." The Droid replied.

"Bring me to the Prisoner" TF-1726 ordered

TF-1726 was led to a room where an orange unicorn stallion wearing glasses with a dark orange Mane and tail, guarded by B2s and an OOM Commander, wearing binders around his hooves so tight he could barely walk. His hair was all messy, he looked exhausted, he was covered in bruises and had a black eye, it was obvious he had been beaten and tortured.

The OOM Commander handed TF-1726 a data pad, which displayed the prisoner's known info.

Name: Sunburst

Gender: Male

Species: Unicorn Pony

Occupation: Chrystelle and Magical Advisor, formerly at a school for Gifted Unicorns

"Restrain him" TF-1726 ordered, as Sunburst was shoved into a mobile containment field, where a cuff was clamped around his horn disabling his magic. The field was switched on and he hovered upwards, suspended in midair by a bluish force field.

TF-1726 clamped his cold metal hand around Sunbursts snout and forced him to look him in the face.

"You will reveal all the information you know to us."

Sunburst weakly stared at the Tactical Droid who stared back with his bright unblinking photoreceptors.

“You will remain conscious throughout the entirety of this procedure." He said, in his monotone voice. He turned to the OOM Commander "activate pain pulsars, inject him with X-C33, and prepare the Interrogation Droid.

"Roger, Roger".

He turned to face Sunburst again

"What is the purpose of the Crystal formation under the castle?" He asked

"It's the Crystal Heart, it's supposed to protect The Crystal Empire from evil."

"It doesn't seem to have been effective. Most likely because the Separatist Alliance is not evil." TF-1726 replied

"No evil doer thinks they are evil" Sunburst replied

"Negative, my programming is simply to secure victory for the Separatist Alliance, to ensure freedom from the tyranny of the Galactic Republic."

The OOM Commander stopped back in followed by a rod-thin built Droid which had thin metal arms and legs, and a bronze head and torso plating. The droid had a data screen on his right eye, and his right hand was replaced by a wide array of tools such as syringes, prods, and scalpels.

"What does the Crystal Heart do?" TF-1726 asked, as the EV-Series Interrogation Droid injected Sunburst with X-C33, before giving him a jab with a scalpel to test the pain pulsars.

Sunburst cried in pain, as the small jab felt like 10 needles all being injected at once thanks to the pain pulsars.

"I told you, it's supposed to protect the Crystal Empire!"

"Data scans show that you are holding back information." TF-1726 replied

The EV Droid shocked him with an electric prod on its right hand, causing him to yelp in pain again.

"How is it powered."

"Love!" Cried Sunburst "just stop the torture!"

"Love is an emotion, not a physical energy source" TF-1726 replied, as the Droid shocked him again. "Give is all the intel on the Crystal Heart and how we can utilize it, and the pain will stop. You decide."

Sunburst knew that if he revealed the Crystal Heart's ability to give power to the Crystal Ponies, they would surely disable or destroy it, which would cause the Crystal Empire to be buried in a snowstorm. He couldn't fail his Princesses, he couldn't betray Equestria.

"Never" he panted, sweat dripping from his mane. "I can't. I won't."

"Continue." TF-1726 ordered the EV Droid, who continued to shock and torture Sunburst…
The Mane 6 continued to press onwards into the Crystal Empire, breaking through the outer Droid defenses and beginning to press into the city streets.

Shining approached his sister "if we take the castle from 2 angles, their commanders will have nowhere to run, the north is too cold, and to the south we have more forces on the way. They'd be trapped"

"Good thinking" Twilight said

"I'll send a small portion of my ponies to help you, good luck!"

The clanking sound of another wave of Droids approaching grew louder.

"See you at the Castle!" Twilight said to her brother, as he ran off to go lead his troops

The Droids rounded the corner of the street and their Commander pointed at them

"There they are! Blast them'!"

Rainbow Dash darted forwards at incredible speed and smashed the OOM Commander Droid, along with several others as the battle began, with Twilight firing her magic blasts, Applejack dealing fatal kicks to the Droids, Pinkie Pie her trusty party cannon, Rarity with her martial arts skills, Fluttershy, who was hiding instead of fighting, and Spike, who was breathing fire on groups of Droids.

The Guards ponies who were with them also charged on, taking most of the blaster fire from the Droids to protect the Elements.

The last 7 Droids huddled together, attempting to make a stand against the ponies, but were suddenly surrounded by a rainbow blur as Dash flew around them. The Droids spun around disorientated, accidentally shooting 2 of their comrades, before being finished off by the Mane 6.

Fluttershy gulped as she saw a B1s severed head, before turning her head.

Twilight got a similar feeling, but didn't show it because she knew they had to keep going.

The Mane 6 continued to advance up the street, taking in the now desolate Crystal city. Homes and shops which once housed the families and businesses of happy ponies were now ransacked, their goods thrown out into the street with shattered windows and walls covered with scorch marks from blaster bolts.

Even Pinkie was saddened by the sight but kept a small smile for she had hope.

There was a strange sound as an AAT' approached their street, being escorted by a small squad of B1s.

"Everyone, quick, hide!" Twilight said, gesturing to the shops.

The Mane 6 and the remaining Guards ponies dove in through a shattered window and laid down low on the floor inside the shop.

There was a loud scraping sound and the building shook. Twilight peeked out from behind a wall; the AAT had stopped. The street it was turning from was too narrow and it had gotten stuck between their building and one of the buildings across the street.

An OOM Commander popped his head out of the command hatch, as did the AAT's Driver from the front hatch.

"You bucket head! I told you we couldn't fit through there!" The commander droid scolded

"I thought the buildings would break and we could smash through!"

The droid face palmed

"They're made of crystals! They aren't just going to crumble you idiot!"

The Droids continued arguing as the nearby B1s attempted to push the tank back from the buildings it was stuck between.

Twilight turned to her friends

"Those Droids have one of their armored vehicles, and they're stuck. Maybe if we take them out, we can steal their ride and blast through their remaining defenses!" She whispered

"Good thinking your highness!" Replied a guard "we'll distract them while you sneak around back and get them from behind!"

"Okay… wait for it…" Twilight said, waiting for the Droids to try to push the tank again "wait for it… go!" She spoke.

"Hey bolt brains!" A guard shouted out, throwing a rock at the tank. "Think fast! Come and get me!"

"After them! The commander ordered the escort troops, who turned and followed them as they ran.

The Mane 6 leaped out from behind cover behind the tank, ambushing the 2 gunners who stepped out of the tank's rear hatch.

"We're under atta-" the one began as he was bucked against the tank by Applejack, making a loud metallic clang before separating into various pieces.

The commander peeked his head over the Turret to look down at the guard

"Hey! You're not supposed to be here!" He began as he was pulled out of the tank by Twilight and thrown at the driver with her Magic. The Droid commander and the driver quickly stood up, raising their hands.

"Ugh, your color scheme is only slightly better than your comrades!" Rarity declared to the driver, noticing his camo-like coloring.

"How does this thing work? I don’t want to hurt you. But you need to respond" Twilight said trying to look a little tough, but still holding a kind demeanor.

"Okay, okay!" The B1 driver began "well, this is the throttle… and this is the forward cannons, and those are the gunner seats, this is the periscope, this controls the turning, and that up there is the primary cannon controls" he said, gesturing to the Turret.

"Thank you, you've been most helpful, now behave and no one gets hurt" Twilight said. The group didn't notice that the Commander Droid had been slowly taking small steps to his right, nearing a storage compartment.

The droid pulled open the storage compartment in split second and yanked out an SE-14 Blaster Pistol which he pointed at the Mane 6 and fired off 3 shots. The shots flew toward the group, 1 hitting Applejack's hat and 2 hitting Pinkie Pie, scorching her fur.

Twilight blasted the Commander Droid with magic before smashing the driver, who attempted to throw a punch.

This all happened in 2.3 Seconds.

"Well, so much for that" Twilight sighed with slight sadness, grabbing the destroyed Droids and taking them out of the tank, before pulling it free from the building with her magic. "Pinkie, are you okay?"

Pinkie had 2 scorch marks on her fur but didn't appear to have deep wounds.

"I'm alright!"

Twilight nodded.

"So, who's driving?"

"I'll drive!" Applejack and Rainbow Dash said in unison. "Hoof wrestle for driver!" They said, as they locked hooves and began to wrestle for the position.

Twilight climbed up into the turret's seat, while Pinkie Pie took up position in one of the gunner's seats.

Applejack slammed Dash's hoof on the ground, winning the match and attempting to climb into the driver's seat, only to discover she couldn't fit quite well. Dash began to laugh as she sat at the other gunning position, before Applejack suddenly kicked the seat out of the tank and sat in its place.

"Let's get moving, we don't want to disappoint Shining now do we?" Twilight called from the Turret.

"Hold on every pony!" Applejack said, as she reversed the AAT and turned it around, closing the boarding hatch.

Rarity, Flutter shy and Spike all fell against the rear hatch as she threw the tank's control levers into full forward throttle, and the tank began to accelerate.

"YEEEE-HAAAWW!" Applejack shouted out the open driver's hatch, before closing it.

The captured AAT hovered towards the Droid occupied Crystal Castle at the center of the Crystal Empire
TF-1726 was impressed with Sunbursts ability to resist electrical shock. He could pity having to use such cruel methods for data extraction, at least if he was programmed to.

"I am impressed with your resistance, but your body is weakening, if you give us what we want, your suffering will end" said the EV Droid in its grating mechanical voice. "However, I am by no means saying give up, this is quite entertaining" the Droid continued, almost letting out a sadistic laugh "at least for me…"

"You're sick…" Sunburst wheezed, sweat rolling down his face.

"It is my programming; you can thank my manufacturer for that. As much as they view my line as a failure…" the EV Droid replied.

"Commander!" Said a B1 as it approached TF-1726 "we have reports of the 6 high interest equines in the city, as well as the alicorn who we captured the city from, they seem to be launching a counterattack. In addition, we've lost contact with our other defenses."

"Activate our garrisons on the transports. Defend the castle at all costs. Collateral damage does not concern me."

"Roger, Roger"

TF-1726 turned to face Sunburst again

"It seems your compassionate friends have returned in attempt to retake the city. Just as I calculated that they would."

"They're more powerful than you think" Sunburst replied

"I calculate a 78% Probability that you are incorrect."

"Our Magic is more powerful than any force, be it machine or creature!"

"EV-7S-F, continue your work."

"With pleasure!" The Droid replied, extending its scalpel tool and beginning to cut at Sunburst's leg. The sounds of his screams echoed off the walls of the Crystal Castle...
Shining, Cadance and their forces had advanced up to one of the streets leading to the Crystal Castle but were encountering heavy resistance. The Droids, in what little time they had, managed to fortify the castle's arches underside into a well defended location. Various chunks of crystals taken from demolished buildings had been piled up to act as cover, and various B1s and B2 droids had taken up position behind them, along with Dwarf Spider Droids and AATs.

"Bring up the cannons, we need to be ready to storm the castle when the Elements of Harmony arrive at the other side! Be careful not to hit the Crystal Heart!" He ordered, as several cannons were rolled up and fired. The cannonballs blew apart many squads of Droids but left the AATs and Dwarf Spider Droids relatively unharmed. Various squads of B1s stood around the Crystal Heart, making cannon bombardment of them impossible.

"Keep firing on their heavy vehicles! We need to be ready to charge!"

The Mane 6 raced the street to the Castle, as fast as the Tank's slow repulsorlifts could carry them. The AAT approached a barricade of Battle Droids. A B1 raised their hand to them, signaling them to stop.

The tanks radio buzzed in, and B1s high pitched voice could be heard.

"Halt AAT-647, you are out of placement! Return to your assigned position at once."

The Mane 6 exchanged looks of concern, when Spike stepped up to the radio

"Uh, sorry." He said, pinching his nose attempting to mimic the voice of a Battle Droid "We're umm… uh, just returning because… we need to speak to the commander…"

"You sound strange…"

"Just… my voice… thing… it's on the fritz."

"Oh. Well… let me see your clearance code?"

"Uhh…" Spike said, looking through storage compartments for data disks. All of them were written in aurebesh! He couldn't read that! "No…"

"No time!"

Twilight then aimed the main cannon toward the barricades ahead.

"I need to see i- what are you doing?" The Droid asked nervously, before Twilight blew apart the barricade ahead.

"WHAT THE?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He exclaimed as Twilight popped open the top hatch "HEY! You're not a droid! Get do-AHH!" The droid was cut off as the tank suddenly moved forwards and rammed him and his comrades down before continuing ahead. even so Twilight still had a bad feeling from that action.

"So much for a low profile!" Spike said

"Now where's the fun in that?" Rainbow Dash replied as the tank moved along the final stretch of road ahead, right up to the castle.

Across from their street on the other side of the castle, Twilight could make out Shining Armor's forces.

Sunburst's screaming halted as the EV Droid stopped the torture. TF-1726 grabbed Sunburst's face again

"Speak now. Tell me the purpose of the Crystal Heart and how we can utilize it. A B1 walked up to TF-1726 again.

"Sir! The equines have breached our mid-range defenses and are right outside the castle.

TF-1726 turned quickly to face the Droid.

"Your failure to defend is Unacceptable!" He turned back to face Sunburst "if I cannot have the information then you will be terminated, and we will destroy the Crystal Heart."

Sunburst eyes widened

"You can't! You'll destroy this entire place!" He blurred out, before snapping his mouth shut and sucking in his lips, but it was too late, he'd said too much.

"Destroying the Heart will destroy this location?"

Sunburst didn't see any reason to lie anymore. He'd spilled the beans.

"Yes…" he sighed "the love from the Crystal Heart not only protects us from evil, but it also prevents the Crystal Empire from being buried in a blizzard! But you can't! There are still innocent ponies in the city!"

"I don't care! They too will die for their allegiance!" TF-1726 replied

"You're a horrid monster!"

"I'm a war tactician, I'm not programmed for empathy. But I will oblige my promise to end your suffering" TF-1726
continued, retrieving a nearby E-5 and pointing it at Sunburst's face, before pulling the trigger.

He walked out of the room and into the Throne room. It was time to test how much snow these equines could take. He would pull a victory out of this defeat, no matter what.

"We will retrieve the Crystalline formation at the base of the castle. Set explosives around the castle. We will bring the building down on them." He ordered a squad of BX Commando Droids and his 2 Droideka guards.

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance slowly pushed forwards with the Guards ponies, with Shining blocking attacks while Cadance fired with her Alicorn magic.

Eventually only 2 of the enemies remained: 2 AATs.

"How are we going to take them out?" Cadance shouted, "their armor is too thick for me to get through!"
"I'll think of something!" Shining said, blocking another AAT's shot with his magic. By this point, the AATs realized they couldn't hurt them. At least not alone. The main chassis of the tanks turned to face the other Guards ponies, before a series of loud booms were heard as the tanks launched anti-personal missiles at them, killing many of them.

"Any time now Shining!" Cadance said, as another AAT tank began to appear behind the other 2.

Suddenly, the 3rd AAT's Turret rotated and fired a shot at the rear power converters of the other AAT, causing it to drop to the ground and explode.

An OOM Commander popped its head out of the other tank's hatch.

"What are you doing?! Friendly fire!" It shouted, before its tank was destroyed as well.

Shining and Cadance's jaws dropped as the 3rd Tanks hatch opened, revealing Twilight Sparkle
"Twilight!?" They both said in unison.

"Yep!" She said "you didn't think I'd bail on my BBBFF did you?

The back of the captured AAT opened, and the rest of the Elements stepped out.

"Shame we can't fit this thing inside the castle, it would be a blast!" Dash said.

The castle door behind them opened, and out stepped 8 BX Series Commando Droids followed by a Green and Tan Tactical Droid and 2 Droidekas.

"I must give you equines credit, your strategy is impressive, even by my standards."

"Can it metal head!" You killed a lot of ponies today, and now you're going to pay for it." Dash shouted, darting through the air towards TF-1726

"No Dash! No!" Twilight shouted as the Commando Droids fired a series of shots at her, knocking her out of the air.

Dash groaned, struggling to get up.

"Give back the Cystal Empire, and Celestia may be merciful!" Twilight said, spreading her wings and pointing her horn at TF-1726 and his Droids.

TF-1726 didn't even flinch at this, and his Commando Droids simply raised their weaponry at them.

"Negative, instead you shall surrender to us, you have lost." He said, retrieving the Crystal Heart from its pedestal and holding it under his arm with his Blaster pointed at it, as if holding it hostage.

"Don't!" Twilight shouted

TF-1726 walked backward carrying the Crystal Heart, nearing one of the castle's exits.

"Open fire!" He ordered his Droids, who quickly did as they were told and let out a storm of Blaster fire.

Twilight, Cadance and Shining deflected their shots, before using their telekinesis to pull the blasters from the Commando Droids hands. This left only the Droideka's attacks to block. The now disarmed Droids charged towards them, preparing to brawl in hoof-hand combat. This turned out to be a terrible idea, as Applejack dealt with most of them quite easily with her kicks, and Pinkie Pie delivering a frenzy of spinning swipes, serving a Commando Droid in two and destroying another completely. This left only 2 of them left. However, these two were smarter. Instead of charging, they backed up and stood next to the two Droidekas. The 2 deadly Droids got back-to-back, protecting them from being flanked, and their shields blocking magic attacks.

"Charge!" Shining ordered his ponies, hoping to overwhelm the 2 Droids with too many targets at close range.

Various guard ponies attempted to stab through their shields with the spears before having their spears yanked from their grasp by the Commando Droids.

The Commando Droids began to brutally beat the attacking Guards ponies with their own spears, breaking some of them over their heads and impaling others, before they were eventually defeated by the Unicorn Guards ponies magic attacks.

The Unicorn Guards ponies launched their spears at the Droidekas with the Magic, only for them to harmlessly bounce off their shields.

"How can we take these things out!?"

Twilight shouted

“I’m going to attack them with full force!”

Rainbow dash said

“No Rainbow!”

But it was too late as rainbow dash dashed towards the 2 Droideka’s., but not learning from the first time she bounced right off the shield and fell right behind the droidekas, luckily the droids didn't notice this time. as she was picking herself up, she noticed that her hoof was in the shield.

Dash slowly picked herself up behind the Droidekas, unbeknownst to them, before slowly moving between the backsides of them, slipping through their defense shield and delivering kicks to each Droideka, knocking them forwards and off balance.
The 2 Droids slammed down headfirst in the ground and let of several sparks as they picked themselves up.

Suddenly, their shields flickered and fizzled out, leaving them exposed"

"Their shields are down! Unicorns, now!" Shining called, focusing his magic with his fellow Guards ponies on the Droidekas.
Without their shields, the Droidekas were quickly destroyed.

They all breathed a sigh of relief, before suddenly remembering that the tactical droid had escaped!
"Oh no!" Twilight shouted, "their boss! He got away!"

"Not for long!" Dash said, racing high into the air and scanning the area for the droid, followed by Twilight

Dash spotted the droid a few streets over, attempting to right a crashed STAP speeder.

Dash zoomed down towards TF-1726, swiping the Crystal Heart from his hand in a split second.

"What…" he simply said, before a purple aura appeared around him, followed by a white flash.

He was confused, now he was back at the castle again! Surrounded by his enemies! This location did not match! He calculated every possible way he could have traveled that distance in that time, it wasn't possible!"

"Does not compute!" He began shouting, raising his Blaster to defend himself, before it was snatched away by Rarity's magic.

Suddenly a lasso landed around his neck, and he was yanked backwards, falling on the ground, followed by Applejack standing over top of him.

"No! Does not compute!" He continued

"Can it Ya coward!" She said, placing her hoof on his chest to stop him from getting up.

"Negative equine, I do not take orders from you." He replied "All units withdraw to landing craft. Your mission is a failure."
He said, evidently talking through his radio.

"Ah said shut before ah buck you into next week!"

"I am programmed to resist intimidation."

"Thanks Applejack, I'll take it from here" Twilight said, walking up to the downed tactical droid, before levitating him in the air with her magic.

"Let's try this again, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, leader of the Elements of Harmony, and I order you to stop your evil doing and let go of the Crystal empire."


Twilight sighed

"Then we'll have to do this the hard way"

TF-1726 placed his right hand over his left wrist, clearly displaying a wristband which had 3 red buttons.
"Correct Princess, now I order you to surrender, or else I will detonate charges and collapse the castle down on us. If you attempt to flee, I will detonate the charges. You are now on my terms."

"You can't be serious, you'll hurt yourself too!"

"Yes, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make for the advance of the Confederacy. It is my programming."

Twilight had to give TF-1726 credit, he was brave, and he was a smart planner.

"Your bluffing!" Said Rainbow Dash, flying in and placing the Crystal Heart back on its pedestal.

"Allow me to demonstrate." He said, pressing one of the buttons.

There was a beep and a small explosion on one of the castle's arches, creating a large crack in the crystals that held it up.

"I do not bluff" he explained "However I calculate an 88% probability that you will not kill me because of the data I possess."
Twilight had to think of a way to outsmart this Droid.

"Come on think Twilight think!" She said to herself in her head. Then she had an idea...

"You're right, I won't. But I will still stop you." She said, and the droid tilted its head. Twilight closed her eyes. She needed to be quick with this, she couldn't fail. She focused her magic on the Tactical Droid itself, and then on its left arm. A bead of sweat trickled down her forehead as she suddenly tore her magic bubble in two, with one carrying the Tactical Droid, and the other is now severed left arm.

"Aaaaaahh" the droid moaned in its monotone, clearly feeling some pain as it twitches, several sparks leaping out of his exposed wiring.

"Nice way to DIS-arm him Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said, laughing

“Pinkie. That's just creepy.” twilight said

TF-1726 was humiliated. Outsmarted by equines with a fraction of his intelligence! Then he noticed something out of the corner of his vision. A small black and bronze shape sliding across the ground behind them.

It was the top torso of a Commando Droid, its legs were severed, but it was still functional, crawling slowly towards a Blaster.

"You're coming with us now" Twilight said

There was the sound of a Blaster being primed, and everyone's eyes went wide as the sound of a Blaster bolt being fired was heard. The ponies all turned in shock to see a single red Blaster bolt racing towards the Crystal Heart, before making contact, and shattering it into thousands of pieces.

Everyone gasped… except the 2 Droids.

Twilight was so shocked that she accidentally dropped TF-1726 from her grip.

The tactical droid backhanded her across the face with his right hand, before bending over to pick up his arm.

Twilight and the rest of The Mane 6 all turned to face TF-1726, who now stood facing them holding his severed left arm in his right hand, with his index finger over one of the detonation buttons, letting out a small mechanical laugh.

"You may have won the battle, but you have lost in the end" he said, pressing the button…

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