• Published 1st Jun 2022
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Logic and Friendship. Roger! Roger! - Anaylze

The Remains of a CIS fleet stumble to a world filled with ponies.

  • ...

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Chapter 15: Blast them!

The army of Droids advanced through the forest, eventually making it to the edge, and marching out into the moonlight.

TA-175 popped out of the hatch of his tank, and placed viewfinders up to his photoreceptors. The ponies were prepared for them alright, but he was certain that he could succeed. His calculations pointed towards victory, and his calculations were always correct.

"Open fire! Charge!" He commanded the B1s and B2s

"Roger, Roger!"

The battle began…

Shots of Red Blaster Bolts and magic attacks of various colors flew across the battlefield. Droids up in the front row were almost immediately cut down, but they kept moving forwards making advancements despite their losses.

"Hold the line!" Shiny Armor yelled, as some of the troops around him fell. 2 B1s had marched right up in front of him, he shot the one with Magic, and kicked the other, destroying them both. The battle was showing no sign of either side emerging victorious, with similar casualty numbers on both sides, however the Droids were making progress and getting closer slowly…
On the edge of the town, A young Earth Pony Guard and a Unicorn Guard stood at a watch post, hearing the sounds of battle. The Unicorn, who had a had a dark grey coat and silver mane, known as Shining Night, hoped that it would be over soon, and he could go home to his wife and children. His partner, Little Snow, who had a white coat and mane, gazed through binoculars.

As Snow looked out through his binoculars at the edge of the Ever-free Forest at Pony ville side, he could have sworn he saw white eyes in the forest's brush.

"Shining! I think I see something!"

"What is it? Let me see!" He said, pulling them over with his Magic and gazing through them.

Indeed, there were white eyes watching them from the forest.

"What the…" Shining Night began when suddenly a black, thin, bipedal shape with the very same eyes popped up in front of him in the binoculars.

They both screamed, jumping back.

However, snow had been struck with a blade, which sent electricity coursing through his body, as he died screaming.

The shape lunged forwards and landed on top of him, it was made of cold metal, and it gripped one of its hands around his snout, and the other around his neck and began to choke him. He kicked out his back legs and pushed it off him, firing a bolt of magic at it.

The machine performed a very quick dodge, before pulling a black device off its back and pointing it at him with one hand. The sound of a single Blaster shot was heard, and he slumped over on the floor, dead with a precise smoldering hole in his forehead.

The Droid reached up to its temple.

"Unit-BX-34 reporting. Entrance secured."

More of the BX Commando Droids emerged from the forest, and climbed up the tower and into town, before stealthily making their way towards the Castle of Friendship...
Inside, Celestia, Luna and the Elements were watching over the Battle, ready to join at a moment's notice if needed. Ember had returned home to the Dragon Lands to prepare them for the upcoming battle.

"It's terrible." Twilight said, watching the conflict from the balcony. "They send their troops into die with no consideration for their lives!"

"Evil rarely ever cares for the lives of others, even their own. You know that Twilight." Celestia said

Downstairs, they heard the faint sound of a loud pounding at the door.

"Coming!" Twilight said, followed by her friend's downstairs. As they came to the bottom of the stairs, the door exploded open, launching shards of it everywhere. Various thin, black, mechanical figures dove in from the opening, while others dove through the glass windows.

"Get them girls!" Twilight said, scowling at them and opening her wings in a combat stance, as her friends prepared for combat, and nearby guards armed themselves, running into the fray in the hall.

Dash charged at one of the Commando Droids and was about to hit it hard with her speeding legs, when it suddenly jumped out of the way, up and off a wall landing behind a guard, who it quickly shot.

Two closed in on Applejack, who tried to lasso one and kick the other. The lasso quickly bound around the Droid's neck, and she tugged at it, pulling it to the ground where she stomped on its head, before bucking the other with her back legs. Her kick landed dead center on the Droid's chest, and the droid was knocked through a table into the wall. The droid had a dent in its torso, but quickly got back up and dove forwards at her again before it suddenly was surrounded by a blue aura and thrown at the wall again.

"These ruffians are tough! And terribly ugly!" Rarity said, chopping at one in a karate-like way, which it easily dodged.
The droid kicked her in the face before leaping back and firing at two guards' midair, killing them and firing at her.
"You beast!" She yelled before as she blocked its shots with her Magic.

The droid began to fire in a more randomized pattern, trying to find an opening when suddenly a pie was thrown against its face, blinding it.

"Take that silly!" Pinkie said before smashing it with a comically large hammer.

Despite the progress the girls were making, they had only destroyed 4, and the Droids had killed all 10 guards in the room, none of the guards even landing a hit.

"Make a break for the prisoner!" One with white markings said in a deep, menacing voice.

"Roger, Roger!" The others said back in equally deep voices, several darting up the stairs.

Dash charged at the Commando Droid Captain, who like the last one, leaped out of the way. Only this time, it grabbed her mane and pulled her over its head, slamming her into the crystal floor and sending her sliding down the hall, followed by Flutter shy who it picked up and thrown as well.

"You monster!" Twilight said, firing magic blasts at the Droid, who easily dodged each of them, the droid pulled its Vibrio sword off its back, holding it in its left hand and its Blaster in its right, making a flying leap at Twilight, who grabbed its nearby comrade and threw it at him with her magic knocking it back towards Rarity and Applejack. Applejack threw her rope around it, hoping to lasso it like the last one she destroyed, but it spun around, slicing the rope in half, and scoring a near decapitating strike on Rarity, missing her neck by mere centimeters, chopping off a large portion of her curly mane.

"My mane! Have you no regard for fashion!? She said, picking up various items with her Magic and throwing them at it in a rage "A LADY HAS TO BE FASHIONABLE YOU KNOW!" She screamed

The Droids partner had since gotten back up and began to engage Twilight in a Magic vs Blaster duel, neither landing a shot as both of their shots connected mid-air as it began to walk closer. The droid kicked Twilight under her chin and knocked her back against the floor.

The droid ran in for the killing shot when suddenly a blue flash slammed into it, sending it crashing through a nearby wall.
"Thanks Rainbow!" Twilight said, picking herself up.

The group continued to fight the Droids…

Upstairs, 3 Commando Droids had gotten past the Mane 6 in combat and were nearing the prisoner's location. They kicked down the door, finding a room full of 8 Royal guards who they quickly dispatched with precise shots in a matter of 13 seconds. Over in the corner, in his cage sat OOM-340, bound in chains.

"Hey! A little help here?" He shouted

The Commando Droids shot the lock off the cage and dragged him out.

"Hey guys I can't mo-AAHH!" He shouted as the Droids began to shoot the padlocks off him, leaving him standing there shaking.

"Okay… thanks?" He said all nervous when the one quickly grabbed him and began pulling him along

"I can walk! Let go!" He shouted

"Keep moving"

The group of commando Droids and OOM-340 made their way back downstairs, to where the fight was going on in the main hall. The Commando Droid Captain was sent flying over in their direction by a kick from Applejack.

"Take that! Oh, it's you…"

OOM-340 picked up a dead Commandos E-5

"Eat laser!" He shouted, letting out a barrage of laser blasts forcing her and Rarity to take cover.

"We are not here to engage, move!" The captain yelled, pushing OOM-340 towards the exit while the other remaining

commandos followed, supplying covering fire.

Suddenly, huge beams of magic rained down on the group of Droids from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, who had seen them from on top of the castle.

The Droids quickly ran over to the tower they had climbed to get past the barricades.

OOM-340 looked down at the 15-foot drop from the top of the guard tower.

"Uh, where are we supposed to go?"

The Commando Droid Captain did not reply, and simply kicked him out the window before he and his Droids jumped out after him.

OOM-340 landed with a thud on the other side of the tower on the ground.

"You know next time…" he said weakly "just tell me to jump…"

"Get up, we need to go."

OOM-340 didn't need to be told twice, and simply ran for the forest with the Commandos following…

Shining Armor and his guards had just fended off an entire battalion of B1s, in awe at their simple and flawed strategy of "everyone march forward and shoot".

"Stay ready!" He panted "I feel they aren't done yet!"

The sound of clanking over the hill was heard...
TA-175 continued to watch the battle through his viewfinders. He activated his radio and gave it troops and update.

"Your progress is unacceptable. Push harder and wipe out the Equines. Failure is not an option."

"Sir." Called out a deep voice to the left of his tank.

It was the Commando Droid Captain, and what was left of his squad, and a shaking OOM Commanded.

The commander saluted

"OOM-340 reporting for duty sir!" It spoke

"Take the Commander back to base. We will analyze his data and send it to Kraken."

"Roger, Roger"

TA-175 thought of how he could potentially break through their defenses. Perhaps if they moved the tanks up into a forward position, they could annihilate the barricades and troops behind them...

"Advance." He ordered the driver, and his tank began to move forwards, followed by the other 2.

Shining and his guard's ponies tried to stack up some of the destroyed droids to act as makeshift barricades to replace the ones that had been destroyed. The Royal Guard prepared quickly for the second wave, which was nearing, but this time the army was different. Instead of consisting of only the tan thin machines, it was also made up of larger, dark grey machines who walked pointing one arm forwards.

"More of them! Get ready!"

There B1s and B2s opened fire, with the B2s cutting down many Guards ponies almost immediately.

Shining threw a spear with his magic, and it impaled through one of the B1s who stood there stunned for a moment before it was pushed out of the way by a larger B2. He threw another spear at the Droids, this time at the B2, but the spear simply bounced off the thicker armor!

He turned to his lieutenant

"Golden Heart! Get Celestia and Luna! We need them here now!"

"Sir yes sir!" The guard replied running towards the castle…

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