• Published 1st Jun 2022
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Logic and Friendship. Roger! Roger! - Anaylze

The Remains of a CIS fleet stumble to a world filled with ponies.

  • ...

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Chapter 1

Although the Clone Wars had officially ended with the slaughter of the Separatist Council on Mustafar in 19 BBY and the resulting shutdown of almost all Separatist Forces obeyed the Shutdown order, some disobeyed that order, refusing to surrender to the newly formed Galactic Empire. A few groups of super tactical droids were able to conclude that the shutdown order was a trap, to bring the Separatist forces down with ease, and disobeyed the order. As was the case with Kraken, a Super Tactical droid who was rebuilt after his destruction by Anakin Skywalker. However, his days of service were far from over. Above the Hypothermal planet controlled by the Techno Union known as Hypori, a Battle of the Clone Wars continued to rage on.

Kraken gazed out the window of his Providence Class Dreadnought, Surveying the battle.

“Sir! 2 new enemy ships have just joined the battle! What should we do?” A Pilot droid asked.

2 of the Imperial 1 Class Star Destroyers had jumped out of hyperspace to join the 3 Venator and had continued to open fire on his crippling Separatist Fleet. They had already lost 4 frigates and Recusant Class Destroyer. Kraken knew he couldn’t win this battle.

“Prepare to jump to random hyperspace coordinates. Send them encrypted messengers to other ships in the fleet. Withdraw all forces battle.” Kraken ordered.

“Roger, Roger” replied the droid.

The ship began to shift to the left, as did all the other ships in the fleet. A nearby Munificent Class Frigate’s main reactors went critical, and a massive explosion tore the small frigate into two.

3 holograms appeared above the strategy table, of T-series Tactical droids, the predecessor to the Super Tactical Droids like Kraken.

“We have received your orders, commander” A monotone yet somewhat feminine voice replied from one of them.
Kraken turned around to give a final glimpse at the battle. He felt like a failure for his inability to protect the Techno Union’s planet below.

“Coordinates ready Commander!” A nearby pilot droid stated.

“Initiate Retreat Jump”

The ship’s Hyperdrive powered up, a loud hum filled the ship. All the stars that were visible began to stretch into long, blue lines as the ship entered Hyperspace and vanished in an instant. A nearby Lucrehulk Control ship, Munificent Class Frigate, and Recusant Class Light Destroyer followed a split second later.

It had been the typical, beautiful, peaceful day in Equestria. Nothing particularly important happened in Pony ville that day. All the lights in town were except for one. In the center of town, a large tree shaped castle made of crystals rose from the ground, and in its library window candlelight shone out. Twilight was happily reading a book, while Spike organized the new shipment of Books which had just arrived from Canterlot.

"Did you finish yet Spike?"

"No Twilight, there's still 2 more boxes. You've been paying way too much attention to that book."

"Uh huh" came Twilight's automated response.

Spike sighed. He wished something interesting would happen, the whole week had been uneventful.

"It's 8:30, don't you think we should be getting to bed" he yawned.

Suddenly she snaked back to attention. Twilight came to the realization of the situation. "Oh my, yes you're right. I didn't realize it was that late!"

Yeah, you've been reading for 4 and a half hours straight." His stomach rumbled and he felt the sensation of hunger. "You even forgot to make dinner!"

"Sorry Spike, it's just that book is really good!"

"What's it about?"

"1001 facts about the Stars in Luna's Night sky." Twilight said as she walked into the kitchen and began preparing a simple dinner. It had been a long day, but the days ahead would make this one seem like the blink of an eye.

Above the planet, a large somewhat battle-damaged Providence Class carrier suddenly dropped out of hyperspace, followed immediately after by Munificent Class Frigate and a Recusant Class Light Destroyer, which was followed seconds later by a heavily damaged Lucrehulk Control Ship. The ships weren't missing any large parts, mostly just Turrets, blast marks, and some small fires on the hull.

Kraken sat in his command chair observing the scene

"Damage Report" he asked

"Shields are at 40% but are recharging with no major damage" One Pilot Droid said

"Small fires on outer hull, no major damage," said another

Kraken stood up and walked towards the front window of the bridge and stared at the beautiful planet with swirly clouds and life filled continents.

"Acceptable. Identify our location" Kraken ordered

"All stars do not match known charts. We may have jumped into the unknown region's sir" The Pilot continued.
"Scan the planet surface for life, technology and conditions. Report any anomalies. Prepare a damage report filled in for the other surviving ships immediately"

"Roger, Roger" replied the Pilot Droid.

Twilight woke up the next morning feeling dazed. She'd stayed up way too late and overslept. Spike was still asleep, and she saw no reason to wake him yet. He'd worked hard yesterday and deserved a rest. She got groggily out of bed and started quietly downstairs to get ready for the day, even though it was halfway over. Once she was ready, she headed outside, and found a newspaper outside. Luna was preparing a special meteor shower tonight, one of her most spectacular in years! Twilight was always happy to get a new reason to gaze up at the night sky, and she would do it with her friends tonight. She headed over to the market, remembering she needed to get more food. On the way she spotted Flutter shy, who was no doubt getting good for the many animals she cared for.

"Hi Flutter shy" greeted Twilight

"Oh! Um, hi Twilight. How are you?"

"I'm alright, I stayed up way too late last night. I'm here to get some fruit and vegetables, we're running out. How are you?
"I'm um, I'm alright too. I'm out getting Angel some ingredients for that salad he really likes. He's been such a good boy lately" Flutter shy said, "and then I have to get some other food for my cute little animals" she continued.
"Oh, one thing before I forget, did you hear about the meteor shower tonight? It's supposed to be a pretty one, do you want to come over to the castle to night and watch it from the Balcony?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, sure Twilight! Is every pony else going to be there?"

"Every pony else should be there, I haven't asked them yet."

"Alright, I'll come over a little before it starts, I'll have to feed everyone and put them to bed."

"Alright. Sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you, I need to go get started in mine!" Twilight said, pulling out her shopping list from her saddlebag and levitating a quill over to add her reminder to ask Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack to come over tonight.

"Alright, first things first, tomatoes" she said as she began reading her list and headed off to begin shopping.

Back aboard the Providence Class Carrier 'Enforcement', several hours had passed. Kraken stood at the hologram display and the 3 T-Series Tactical Droids from before stood there in their holographic forms.

"Report ship status" Kraken Ordered

The red and tan Tactical droid on the left, TJ-912 spoke first.

"Ship shields have recharged to full capacity. 70% of our starfighters recovered from battle. Ship Engines at 87% integrity. Weapon systems at 93%. All other systems operating at standard levels" she said in her Feminine Monotone voice.
Kraken turned his head to face the blue and tan Tactical Droid in the center, TA-175.

"Ship engines are operating at 72% percent. Starboard engine has failed. Repairs are in progress." He began "Shields are 77% recharged. 84% of Starfighters recovered. Long range communications array damaged and nonfunctional. Repairs are in progress. Weapons Systems at 68%. All other systems operate at standard levels."

Kraken turned his head to face the green and tan Tactical Droid on the right, TF-1726.
"Ship shields are recharged to full capacity. Weapons systems at 89%. Engines at 91% operating capacity. All other systems operate at standard levels."

"Acceptable. Remain in contact, I have further orders."

A nearby B1 walked up to Kraken, carrying a Data pad.

"Sir, the scan results of the mysterious planet have arrived." The Droid stated.

"Report" Kraken simply replied

"The Planet's atmosphere is a type-1, suitable for most organic life forms to inhabit. The planet has a plentiful supply of water. It is also heavily populated by Life. Various new plants and animals have been scanned"

"Any detection of Intelligent Life?"

"Well, we think so, but we're not sure."


"Well, we are detecting several dense mostly primitive habitation centers. Very little industry and nearly no technology detected. However, we are detecting a very strong Energy signature of unknown origin or function around the planet. It is not a shield and does not appear to be generated by technology."


"That's not all sir, the species that appear to be the dominant species on this planet have never been witnessed before, or anything similar for that matter. The creatures that are in charge appear to be quadruped colorful creatures. We have a hologram projection of 3 types observed sir"

"Display it"

On the hologram table, next to the Tactical Droids 3 holograms of the life forms appeared. They were indeed quadruped and very colorful. They did not have fingers or toes, their legs simply ending is hooves, and their head was horribly disproportionate to the rest of the body. The face, aside from its large eyes and snout, appeared vaguely humanoid, possessing a mouth, ears, nose and hair. However, the 3 figures were different from each other. One had wings on its back, one had a horn protruding from its forehead, and one had neither.

"Strange" Kraken began. "The presence of wings on this particular example infers the ability of flight, but I calculate the wings appear too small to get a creature of that size and weight off the ground. And the other example with the horn, has the function been determined yet?"

"No sir, we aren't sure. Perhaps it could a be defensive mechanism like a spike?" The Droid suggested.
"Further analysis is required. Prepare scouting parties. I want them deployed via Dorch Class Boarding Craft. Each craft should contain 4 B1s accompanied by an OOM Commander and 2 Probe Droids." Kraken ordered.

"Roger ro-" the droid began only to be interrupted by another droid which quickly came running over to Kraken, loading
yelling "Sir!"
Kraken turned to face the other droid, somewhat annoyed by its interruption

"What is the meaning of this?" Kraken demanded.

"Radar has detected an incoming meteor shower! It's very large and could potentially damage our ships! We have 9 minutes to prepare!" The Droid nervously shouted.

"Raise deflector shields" Kraken began, pausing for a moment to think "and prepare to launch the probes. We will launch them with the meteor shower to disguise our landing."

Kraken turned to face the other 3 Tactical Droid's holograms "All ships with nonfunctional shields move out of the way of incoming meteors. Begin moving to predicted safe zones."

"Yes Commander" they all said in unison.

Nighttime fell in Equestria and Luna raised the moon overhead. The 6 friends with their little baby dragon had gathered on Twilight's Castle's balcony and were waiting for the meteor shower to start.

"Uh, Twi, are ya sure it's tonight?" Applejack asked

"Yes, the newspaper said it was, and Spike got a letter about it earlier. It's actually for us and all we've done together." Said Twilight, looking through a telescope.

"I think is see it… yep! Here it comes! Get ready every pony!"

"Ohboyohboyohboy!" Pinkie began jumping up and down in her usual playful energetic demeanor.

They all gazed up at the sky in awe as the event began. Colorful streaks flew across the sky, creating a spectacular sight, before they eventually burned up.

"Oh, it's just so beautiful!" Rarity swooned "I wish I could pluck one out of the sky and put it on a dress!"

"They're fast! And awesome!" Rainbow Dash began "Well, almost as fast and awesome as me." She said, bringing a hoof to her chest.

The shower continued for several minutes, and a group of 5 very bright ones rained down, suddenly changing directions
"Hey Twi, why are those ones Goin' in different directions?"

"I'm not sure, but I am sure Luna planned it to happen" Twilight assured her friend.

However, those 5 never burned up, they continued to race towards the surface.

Flutter shy suddenly became worried "W-w-what if those ones hit some pony!" She stuttered.

The 5 meteors continued to fall toward the Ever-free Forest on the edge of Pony ville.
5 loud booms were heard and the ground shook as they impacted the ground…

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