• Published 11th Apr 2022
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MLP A New Generation 2: The Last of The Alicorns - TwiShine45

Sunny and her friends hit the dusty trail on another quest. Only this time, for Sunny, it's personal.

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Chapter 21

The red symbol seemed to glare at them as they looked upon it. Brutality and violence practically screamed from its glistening hue. Yet, at the same time, some in the group thought that there was some type of magic about it. A wicked, evil magic to be sure, but magic all the same. It seemed to have rivers of blood, carrying the deaths of hundreds of thousands. Thunder appeared to come from its deep ridges and lightning from the cracks in the surrounding cave walls. It was a vicious, detestable symbol…to all, but one.

This pony found a strange comfort in the insignia. It was almost as if it represented some long lost home for her. But Zipp wouldn’t dare tell anypony about her encounter with the cloaked Scarlet Wing agent. It was her moment to relive and hers only. For, somewhere deep in her heart, she still considered everypony her friend. This, surprisingly, included Pipp. Unfortunately, her soul cried out in a rage. “Take Pipp’s life in return for those she’s murdered!” It screamed. “Vengeance shall be yours, Zipp Storm!”

Zipp allowed this cruel voice to overpower her love for her sister, and thus it continued tearing apart the tapestry of their friendship. As the group moved forward into the cave, her want to join Scarlet Wing strengthened. She mulled over the organization’s motto and decided that she was ready to evolve beyond friendship and forgiveness. Scarlet Wing had it right: only the strongest ponies should lead the land. Zipp began to see everyone around her as cowardly, especially her sister. The murders of Meadow’s parents began to seep away in Zipp’s mind as she turned the full force of her despisal onto her sibling. It wasn’t just those murders, it was everything.

You received all the attention in Zephyr, Zipp thought with a burning hate, you got all the money, the fame, the friends, the colts, the stallions…you got them all. They loved you while I was ignored. To top it all off, every single act of deception was sanctioned by our worthless mother all for her royal pursuits! Well…no more. Pipp Petals, I don’t need a trial. I can be your judge, your jury, and your executioner!

After an hour of trotting along the cave floor, they came to a fork. It was a good fork, to be sure, with yawning mouths desperately seeking their decision. The way left seemed to slope downward, heading further into the cavernous ether, while the passage that lead right ran more along the flat ground. The choice was not an easy one. If they went any which way and became entangled in the maze of tunnels and passageways that, no doubt, peppered the cave beyond, then they’d all be royally done for. A few moments’ discussion yielded a bit of a stalemate among the group before Meadow suddenly piped up.

“I think we should go left,” she said, “perhaps it might lead to some water, and I could use a drink.”

“Me too,” Izzy said, “my mouth’s dryer than Baker Bob’s biscuits back in Maretime Bay!”

This quip earned a chuckle from the group. Baker Bob was well known for his prowess in creating fine confectionary treats. Unfortunately, his cutie mark ability did not extend to biscuit making. When they came out of the oven, they were generally one of two ways: dry as a bone or burnt to a crisp. All the same, nopony was willing to call him out on it, for fear of harming the kind pony’s business or feelings. He never received any negative reviews, because everypony felt like the shame of a thousand generations would be heaped upon them should they do so. All the same, those biscuits…and this was putting it mildly…sucked.

“Yeah, I could stand for some water, too,” Hitch responded.

“Alright, left it is, then!” Sunny exclaimed, pointing with her hoof.

So, they ventured down the little slope and into the great unknown. They passed along the corridor, taking note of the various stalagmites and stalactites that the cave had to offer. It made things seem ten thousand times more evil than they actually were. In a fright, Izzy clung to where Sunny and Hitch were trotting at the head of the column. She had a decided dislike to this cave, owing in no small part to the massive, unwelcoming symbol they’d seen. Now that they were inside the place, things were even more horrible. The jagged rock and spikes that hung and grew in various places gave the place a cursed feeling. Izzy knew that the ponies were in deep trouble and she suddenly began to wish that they’d never entered the cavern.

“I…I’ve got a bad feeling about this place,” she whispered to Hitch and Sunny.

“Yeah, it doesn’t exactly give me the warm fuzzies either,” Sunny said, “but, if this is where Scarlet Wing’s holed up, then it’s our duty to find and stop them.”

“But didn’t we do that when we brought friendship back?” The unicorn asked.

“We stopped the majority of their work, and the magic explosion caused most of the Distrust Dust to be wiped away,” Sunny responded. “But, they still exist, and until they are dealt with, Equestria itself is in grave danger.”

“It’s for the best, Izzy,” Hitch said.

“Yeah, but…”

“But what?”

“I dunno…I guess I just miss Maretime, where everything is bright and colorful and cheerful.”

“We all miss Maretime,” Sunny said, turning back to trot beside her best friend. “It is our home, after all. But don’t worry. We’ll be back before you know it!”

Izzy looked up and smiled at Sunny. Having a best friend like her really made the unicorn happy. She always knew that she could count on Sunny to make her day exactly that: sunny. Despite the darkness of the cave, she suddenly felt a lot happier as her friend pressed in beside her. Hitch did the same on the other side, making her doubly happy. Friendships were the absolute joy of her existence, and she was proud to call these two her closest.

But the comfort didn’t last long, sadly, as the ponies suddenly emerged from the small passage into a huge room. It was here where the cave really made its presence known. The roof rose high above them, and there was room for about a thousand bodies, give or take. Some mysterious writing coated the walls, none of which anypony could read…save for two words plastered above a massive throne carved of stone. “EVOLVE BEYOND.” They also noted that the symbol from the mouth of the cave was engraved on the back of the throne. But, more to their delight, there stood a massive underground pool from which they could quench their thirst.

They had just begun doing so, when they were attacked! Suddenly, a myriad of ponies, all wearing cloaks, came thundering out from various places in the cave. The group was caught totally off guard and had no time to use any of their Canter Logic weaponry. They were seized and tied up before being hurled to the floor in front of the throne and told to bow with their noses in the dirt. Not wishing to meet their end, they did as their marauders told. While they did, a new pony entered the room and took her place upon the throne. When the sudden prisoners were pulled from their bow, they got a good look at the newcomer. Much to Sunny’s surprise, it was another Alicorn.

“Who…who are you?” She sputtered.

“HOW DARE YOU ADDRESS EQUESTRIA’S QUEEN SO DISRESPECTFULLY!” One of the cloaked ones yelled, slapping Sunny square across the jaw.

“Peace, Ruffled Feather,” the Alicorn said, “I am certain that these ponies have no knowledge of me, nor of our mission.”

“But, Your Highness, I-“

“Silence!” The Alicorn barked, causing Ruffled Feather to shrink back. “I appreciate your defense, but I’ve no need for it. I will gladly speak with these intruders…and perhaps they might see the light. Now, then, young Alicorn…what was your question?”

“Who…who are you?”

“My name…is Luster Dawn.”