• Published 11th Apr 2022
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MLP A New Generation 2: The Last of The Alicorns - TwiShine45

Sunny and her friends hit the dusty trail on another quest. Only this time, for Sunny, it's personal.

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Chapter 18

Thus it was that the adventurous group left Crystal Scales and The Castle of Friendship behind. All of them felt it weird to know that they’d been in such a luxurious place…and that it was buried beneath a dead, rotting tree. Not only that, but the fact that said tree had survived for thousands of years was a testament to the magic stored within its trunk and branches. When they left, Izzy plucked one of the twigs off the tree to keep as a memento of their time there. They also swore a pact with Crystal that, whenever Scarlet Wing was destroyed, they would return and celebrate together. Their new friend was ecstatic at the prospect of having guests again and she wished them well on their journey.

They trotted through the rest of the forest, dense though it was. A number of times, they had to halt and administer first aid to somepony. Hitch twisted a hoof on an old tree stump and Pipp ran into a particularly nasty patch of brambles and thorns. But the biggest injury of all came when Izzy noticed a rather pretty flower growing aside from the path. It was interesting to her to find such beauty amidst a forest well known for its ugly aesthetic and horrifying events. So, she made it her minor mission to smell this flower. Unfortunately, the foliage covering the forest floor did not allow her to see what was in front of her. Soon, she found herself in a rather deep pit.

“HELP! HELP!” She cried in fright.

The other ponies heard her and ran back to see what they could do. They found their friend trapped within the dirt laden confines and attempted to rescue her. Unfortunately, the hole was so deep that traditional methods were asinine. They all felt terrible for Izzy as the unicorn’s eyes filled with tears. She didn’t think they’d ever get her out. It wasn’t a matter of blame, for she knew that they were doing all they could. It was simply a matter of logistics. But, thankfully, she had friends who weren’t willing to give up so easily. Sunny quickly devised a scheme and, utilizing some strong vines from nearby, they fashioned a rope.

“Here, Izz! Catch!” Sunny called as Zipp and Hitch threw the rescue tool into the pit.

“It’s not long enough!” Izzy cried when the makeshift rope fell just feet away from her nose.

“Horses and horse feathers!” Zipp spat in frustration. “How are we gonna get her out?”

“Do we have any more vine?” Sunny asked, trying to keep her cool, but dreadfully worried for her best friend’s safety.

“No!” Pipp cried.

“Darn it, this is a forest!” Hitch yelled, “there’s gotta be more vines or branches or twigs or…SOMETHING we can use!”

Sunny’s eyes dashed around the area, finally settling on some sturdy looking branches nearby. Using both them and some string that they’d brought, they were able to lash together a carrying basket. Then, they wound their vine rope back up and hooked the basket onto the end. They quickly lowered it back into the pit and Izzy gratefully jumped on and rode it all the way to the top. Once there, she leapt into Sunny’s embrace and wouldn’t let go.

“Thank you-thank you-thank you!” She chirped.

“You’re welcome!” Sunny said in return. “We wouldn’t have left you behind!”

“Not in a million moons,” Hitch said.

“Oh…what did I ever do to have such wonderful friends like you?” Izzy asked, eyes shining.

“You didn’t do anything,” Sunny said, “it’s the spirit of friendship that bonds us all…and it’s that same spirit that will defeat Scarlet Wing! Now, come on, everypony! Let’s keep moving!”

Later that night, the ponies made camp beside a rather tall hill jutting up from the forest floor. It grew to a great height, though not quite tall enough to qualify as a mountain. That said, it caused quite a groan when Sunny declared that they’d have to summit it the next day. She was determined to find Scarlet Wing, her mother, and the secret of her father’s death. But even more than that, she was determined to learn more about herself and her friendships. Could she, like Twilight before her, have a magical connection with her friends that would save the world? She certainly hoped so as she watched some of her friends cozy into their sleeping bags and drift off into the dream realm.

Then, she turned and looked up at the moon. Its white aura touched everything in the forest to a deep, beautiful silver. She was struck by the magnificence of the entire scene. It was almost like a painting come to life. A smile crossed her face as she breathed deeply, feeling the soft wind play with her mane and her wings. Somehow…she just knew that everything would turn out alright. They always did when friendship was made the goal…didn’t they? Her smile softened as the questioned passed through her mind. Even she didn’t know the answer to that. Friendship was such a new concept to all of Equestria, and she had to admit that nopony had all the answers.

Her worrisome quandary was stopped as Hitch sat down beside her. The two old friends turned and looked at each other, each with more questions than space to keep them. For Sunny, it was all about friendship, her destiny, and the power of both. For Hitch, it was a question of romance. He knew he liked Zipp, but there was something about Sunny that he’d always treasured. Perhaps it was her outer beauty, or perhaps it was the jewel that dwelt within her soul. Either that, or it was simply the longevity of their friendship that had tossed him into a world that he did not own nor could he guide himself through.

“You look…concerned,” Sunny offered kindly.

“It’s just…” Hitch said, then stopped. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

“No, Hitch, it is something. I can tell. Remember, we’ve been friends since foalhood.”

“I know, Sunny,” Hitch said, “but even the oldest of friends can’t bear some of life’s biggest questions.”

“True,” Sunny responded, “still, though…if you ever need to talk…I’m here.”

“Thanks, Sun,” Hitch said, getting a little closer to her. “Thanks.”

Meanwhile, in another part of their camp, Zipp was sneaking away. She hated being near her sister and she hated that nopony else was taking her side against Pipp. Her doubts compounded as she drew further away from the camp and deeper into the isolating forest. It was crushingly dark as the canopy pulled itself ever more overhead. The moon became a blip as Zipp arrived near a certain pool. Looking into it, she thought she saw a vision of what she wanted: her sister, either jailed for life or dead to pay for her crimes. Zipp smiled viciously at the image and her blue eyes narrowed.

“Soon, Pipp,” she said, “you’ll pay for your crimes…”

“I believe I can help with that,” a voice responded out of the ether.

Zipp jumped. “Who’s there?!” She called. “I’m warning you, I have four hooves and I know how to use them!”

“That’s a shame that they’re all you can use,” the voice taunted. It was distinctly feminine yet dastardly in tone. “But, then again…we can’t all be chosen, can we?”

“Ch…chosen?” Zipp asked.

“Why, yes, of course,” the mare’s voice said. “Chosen to spearhead the great new era in Equestria.”

“What do you mean?” Zipp asked, “and why won’t you come out?!”

“Oh, I’ll show myself in time, my dear…all in good time.”