• Published 11th Apr 2022
  • 1,260 Views, 37 Comments

MLP A New Generation 2: The Last of The Alicorns - TwiShine45

Sunny and her friends hit the dusty trail on another quest. Only this time, for Sunny, it's personal.

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Chapter 11

The group maneuvered their way into the grand ballroom, curious as to what Sunny had discovered. They noted that the room was massive, certainly big enough to hold several hundred ponies. Each member of the group wondered what it would have been like in the days of yore when the castle was active. They saw beautiful mares dressed in the finest gowns being met by their stallions of choice in order to interact in both social and romantic ways. They saw royalty, bedecked in splendor the likes of which they’d never personally witnessed, yet only red about in ye olde fairy tales. The place especially held value for Sunny, who, for some reason, felt like she belonged there. It just felt like home to her, with its warmth and friendliness reaching deep into her soul. Despite the rotting floors and crushed windows, it still held a joyous sense of togetherness and peace.

But the thing she’d come in to show them was on a wall opposite where they stood. So, they trotted over to get a better look, being mindful of where they stepped. Once there, they all sat down and gazed upon the magnificent painting. The mural was exquisite, reaching from one end of the massive wall all the way to the other. There they saw the ponies of legend, those they’d only heard about or seen recent movies based off of. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and, at the center, surrounded by a bright glow, Twilight Sparkle herself. Sunny smiled at the picture and was humbled that whatever force had chosen to make her exactly like her hero had done so. Once more, she felt a rapturous sense of joy, and she stood and faced Twilight’s picture.

I don’t know if we’re related or not, or if my new wings and horn tie me to you in any other way, she thought, but, no matter what, I will carry on your mission of friendship. That is my promise to you, Twilight, and it’s something that carries beyond the parameters of bloodlines and ceremonial oaths. My friends and I will continue the work…I guarantee it.

Suddenly, she turned and saw Hitch standing there. She was overwhelmed with these new feelings of utter hope and she grabbed him by the foreleg. Laughing as she went along, she led him in a completely improvised dance. In reenacting the scenes from long ago, the two found a refreshment to their friendship, though nothing romantic passed between them. It was just a nice time for the two to reconnect as friends. That, and Sunny just really wanted to know what it would have been like to be a true princess or queen, dancing the night away at some royal happening. Her smile flowed across her face as she moved hoof by hoof, completely lost in the moment. Dancing with a broomstick along this particular floor would have made her happy enough. But, sharing the moment with her closest foalhood friend created a much deeper happiness.

For Hitch, the moment was all rather confusing, yet beautiful at the same time. Once he got his footing, he was able to glide along the floor, holding Sunny rather close. However, this wreaked massive havoc with his mind. He knew he had feelings for Zipp, but dancing with Sunny was…right. Warmth flooded his mind as he looked upon his closest friend and saw how happy she was. Her eyes sparkled, despite the only light coming from the slowly setting sun. The stars that came out afterward seemed to form trails for Sunny to frolic down, thrilled in her new place. Hitch enjoyed seeing Sunny so blissful and happy, and he suddenly wondered if his feelings for Zipp were in the right place. Was Sunny the pony he was meant to be with, or was he just deluding himself into thinking so because the moment itself was so amazing?
“Isn’t this wonderful, Hitch?” Sunny asked as they went along.

“It truly is,” Hitch responded, “but…

“But what?”

Hitch stopped short. He certainly couldn’t reveal the true contents of his heart right there and then. The time wasn’t right and neither was the place. So, he stopped dancing, much to Sunny’s chagrin, and quietly retired to the side of the room. He felt somewhat cowardly in doing so, but he also knew that the appropriate atmosphere had yet to be discovered. One day, he’d tell both mares what was truly on his mind. But for now, he felt it was better to just let things happen as they happen. Patience was a virtue, after all. That, and the confusion he felt over the sudden burst of feelings for Sunny overwhelmed him. He needed time to breathe, clear his head, and understand just what his mind and heart were telling him.

Meanwhile Sunny, a little miffed at her dance ending, but happy for the moment anyway, rejoined the group. “That was fun!” She chirped.

“You two certainly looked like you were having fun,” Izzy said, winking Hitch’s way.

Hitch quickly tried to change the subject. “Um…so…what’s our next move?”

“My guess is that it would be NOT to break into somepony else’s home!” A new, and very much female, voice suddenly said.

The ponies all turned…and saw a face staring at them from the darkness. They shrieked and tried to run, but they didn’t know the way and found themselves quite lost in the maze of hallways. They ran this way and that, but each new passage was a dead end. So, they returned to the ballroom, upset at being unable to escape. Once there, they noted with great curiosity the type of creature that they were dealing with. She carried the head and body of a pony, yet the wings, tail, and scales of a dragon. They also noted that the new presence had simply sat there, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to get away. So, they fell full long into fate’s hooves and threw themselves at this new creature’s mercy.

“We’re sorry!” Sunny said, panting from running, “we…didn’t know anypony lived here!”

“Yeah!” Pipp said, “I mean, there was a tree growing over this place, and a MASSIVE pile of leaves at the front door!”

The creature suddenly smiled. “I expected this someday,” she said, “and I was prepared for it…yet…I didn’t know it would be today!”

“Prepared for what?” Izzy asked.

“The greatest day in over 1,200 years!” The creature chirped. “The day in which all three pony kinds would reunite…and pay a visit…to The Castle of Friendship!”