• Published 2nd Apr 2022
  • 753 Views, 62 Comments

Supermare, last daughter of Krypton - Guillermo

Coco Pommel knew she was special since she was just a filly. She could do things that others couldn't, and now that she was an adult, she would use those abilities for good. She would become Supermare.

  • ...


Coco was in orbit, feeling the sun charge her with its energy, her eyes closed and listening. She had gotten into that habit lately, turning up whenever she was needed for the past week. She had seen even the published newspapers talking about her, and just as she had expected, Ink was the one who talked about her the most and even named her Supermare for the first time, it became quite popular in no time. Her friend had always been drawn to stories where she uncovered powerful crooks and stories out of the ordinary, and the story of an earth pony capable of flight was very out of the ordinary.

Coco kept her attention on a specific place, the Museum of Friendship, waiting for it to finish to go see Rarity, but attentive to any other possible problem. The mayor of Manehattan had been talking for a while, introducing the museum.

"And now, I present to you Her Highness Princess Twilight," the mayor said, and was soon followed by a round of applause.

"Thank you, Mayor," said Twilight's voice. "And thanks to you too for coming. This museum will show us that friendship played an important role in the history, not only of ponies, but also of other races and..."

Coco frowned, something was distracting her, a voice a little further away, perhaps a street away and, by the sound of a cart, advancing in a carriage. Judging from the muffled sound of the voice and the small echo, it was inside a freight wagon.

"Are you sure this will work?" a voice asked.

"Completely, one shot, and everypony in its range will lose their magic" followed a second.

"And what about the princess? I don't think this is as powerful as that centaur's magic" finished a third voice.

"Don't worry, the only ones capable of maintaining their magic with this thing will be princesses Celestia and Luna" said the second voice with a small laugh. "That little princess doesn't have the power to resist this thing."

Coco had heard enough, so she launched herself onto the planet, hoping to get there before something really bad happened.

Twilight smiled as she listened to the applause after her relatively short speech, she had learned the hard way that the general public was not willing to listen to a speech of more than 2 pages, and they already got nervous with that number of pages. Out of the corner of her eye she saw her friends, to one side, and applauding too, and she was grateful for their presence, she may have already felt more comfortable with her real tasks, but from time to time she kept getting nervous and needed their support.

Right in front of her, at the bottom of the stairs leading to the museum, was her new guard, controlling the crowd, something she still saw as over the top and unnecessary, but both Princess Celestia and her own brother had insisted. Looking away from them, she focused on the mayor, a unicorn stallion, and she used her magic to grab the scissors she would use to cut the ribbon and open the museum.

But when she was about to do so, she noticed a fairly large freight carriage pull up at the back of the crowd, pulled by two earth ponies. The doors opened, letting out a ramp, and two unicorns came out, dragging up the ramp a large, wheeled device that seemed to have a gigantic antenna pointing at the crowd, a chair placed just behind, where an earth pony was sitting, and two good-sized transparent spheres on either side. The device moved to the back, drawing everypony's attention, and, after a few adjustments from the pony sitting in the saddle, it fired.

A beam of red light shot out from the antenna, enveloping all the ponies, and a few seconds later, they felt their energies being absorbed at the same time as spheres of color came out of their bodies. Twilight gasped as she saw a sphere the same color as her magical aura come out of her chest, heading with the rest to the device, entering through the antenna and being stored in the crystal spheres. The scissors in her aura trembled before falling, terrifying the princess, who tried to use her magic again, only to confirm her suspicion that it was gone.

"Listen, princess!" yelled one of the two unicorns, still possessing his magic and using it to hold an automatic machine gun, drawing Twilight's attention. "If you want everypony to get their magic back and not take damage, you'll come with us!"

The friendship guard tried to get back on their feet, trying to protect their princess until the last breath. Twilight glanced at the unicorn and then at the assembled ponies, before sighing and starting to walk towards the stairs, only to be stopped by Rainbow, who, despite being out of magic, her sudden extraction was not as severe or exhausting for her or her friends thanks to the same thing that the alicorn had, their connection with the Elements of Harmony.

"What are you doing?!"

"Make sure you get your magic back."

"Ho-how do you know it's not a trap?" Spike asked, a little shaken by the lack of magic within him.

"I don't know," Twilight said, looking at the unicorn, who was waiting patiently. "But I have no choice."

"Not even I would have said it better, your highness, now, please, come with us" said the unicorn with a smile.

Twilight frowned before moving forward, giving Rainbow and her friends a reassuring smile. Walking down the stairs, the cyan grunted as she addressed her friend, but when she looked up, she froze, her eyes and mouth wide in surprise, just like their friends, the princess of friendship, who stopped her path halfway up the stairs, and practically everypony present, even the criminals. The only one who didn't notice was the unicorn that had threatened the alicorn, who frowned when she stopped and was about to speak, yelling until he heard a voice behind him.

"Please, you and your minions surrender peacefully."

The unicorn blinked and turned, his eyes widening in surprise just like everypony else. In front of him was the mare of the rumors and urban legends, the mare that had starred in an article in one of the most famous newspapers in the city and that their star reporter had named Supermare. There she was, an earth pony dressed in a blue suit and cape and red boots, floating in the air as if she were a pegasus, defying the known laws of physics. The unicorn tried to hide his surprise and put on the same confident smile he had used on Princess Twilight.

"Guess you're that Supermare, huh?" he said, glancing sideways at the pony positioned behind the device, who prepared to fire.

"Call me what you want, now please give up, don't make this harder" the mare said as she landed.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, and if you don't want to be harmed, leave us alone."

The mare didn't obey, instead she kept walking. The unicorn looked at the pony behind the controls of the machine, who adjusted the beam to affect only the one called Supermare, and fired. The same red beam came out of the antenna and hit the earth pony, who stopped for a few moments, turning her head to look at the pony responsible, and noticing how a white sphere came out of her body and joined the others.

"Don't say I didn't warn you" said the unicorn with a small laugh, drawing the mare's attention again. "Now, stand back and..."

"Last warning, give up" the mare interrupted as she advanced.

The unicorn frowned, confused. That mare wasn't supposed to be able to walk peacefully after taking her magic away, only an alicorn like the princess he intended to kidnap or ponies connected to artifacts of great magical power like the bearers of the Elements of Harmony could do that. With a growl, he raised his submachine gun and took aim at Supermare.

"Don't take another step or I swear I'll shoot."

Seeing that the mare continued to advance, he fired, but just as the rumors said, the bullets smashed against her skin and bounced harmlessly off the ground, not even stopping her pace. The unicorn started to get nervous, backing away as that Supermare advanced, and when the magazine emptied, he pulled his pistol from his saddlebags.

"I said stay away!"

Seeing that the mare did not obey, he shot. The bullet closed on its target, just above the big red 'S', and fell to the ground. The mare stopped a short distance from the pony, who held his pistol in a wobbling magical aura.

"Ho-how is it possible...? We took away your magic..."

"Yes, that's right, you took my ecuestrian magic away from me, but I can survive just fine without it. Now, are you going to give up?"

The unicorn stared at the mare for a moment, thinking. He had many things at stake, he had been paid to do this job, and although he did not know who had done it, he did know that he would pay dearly for that failure. With a growl and in one last desperate attempt, he raised the pistol and fired, this time convinced that at this range he could do more damage, her loss of magic should have affected her somewhat.

The bullet shot straight into the mare's eye, who held it open, allowing it to smash into the eyeball and fall to the ground, followed by the gaze of the unicorn and Supermare. The criminal looked up, even more nervous than before, as the earth pony slowly raised her head.

"I guess not, too bad. I was hoping I didn't have to hurt you."

Before he could react, the mare hit him on the head hard enough to knock him backwards and to the ground unconscious, but without too much damage. Once incapacitated, Supermare turned towards the device, her eyes lighting up red.

"I recommend you get down from there" she said at the same time that two beams of heat shot out of her eyes.

The earth pony felt the heat, and, alarmed, jumped to avoid further damage. Once outside, the mare allowed the power of her lightning to increase until it began to melt the metal, passing through its structure until it reached its central core, causing a large explosion that released everyponys's magical auras, returning to their respective owners. The larger shards were stopped by Supermare, who flew towards them at a speed that was barely visible, which caught Rainbow Dash's attention, knocking them harmlessly to the ground. Once the device was destroyed, the mare focused on the rest of the henchpony, who watched her nervously.

"Well, are you going to surrender peacefully or will I have to apply force like with your boss? Please don't make me do that."

The ponies looked at each other, then looked at the guards, who were already recovering fast, and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. They weren't stupid, between a mare immune to bullets and with those abilities, the guards and heroines from all over Equestria knew what the best course of action was, so they dropped their weapons without putting up a fight, making Supermare smile.

"That's how I like it" her gaze went to the guards, who were cautiously approaching her. "All yours, gentlestallions."

The guards looked at each other, watching their princess, who nodded, her gaze focused on the mare, so they moved past her to seize the ponies. Supermare looked at them carefully before turning to Twilight, who was already approaching.

"A pleasure to meet you, your highness," she said with a small bow before standing up again, making Twilight a little uncomfortable.

"Likewise...and please, you don't have to bow down," she said, and seeing the mare nod, Twilight took a deep breath before speaking. "Thanks for your help, I guess... Are you that Supermare?"

The mare let out a small laugh before nodding.

"I'm going to have to get used to that name... Yes, I'm Supermare."

Twilight watched the mare carefully, aware that this meant that her friends, especially Spike and Rainbow, would remind her all her life that she had been wrong to assume that the rumors of a superhero were false... again, first with Batmane and now with Supermare. She swore to herself that if she ever saw news about a mysterious vigilante again, she wouldn't question it. Before she could speak to her, a cyan, rainbow-maned figure stepped in front of her, and the alicorn didn't have to look at her face to know she had a huge smile on her face.

"I knew you were real!" Rainbow said, and if Twilight knew her friend well, which she did, she would have a competitive smile on her face.

"Rainbow!" Twilight said with a frown.

"What? Oh yeah, sorry Twi" the pegasus answered, barely paying attention to the alicorn, who frowned at her, but before she said anything, a small dragon stepped in front of her.

"That was amazing!" Spike yelled with excitement in his eyes. "I'm finally in front of a real superheroine!"

Supermare snickered, infected by the little dragon's jovial spirit, but she couldn't deny that she was a little uncomfortable. Rainbow, on the other hand, looked at Spike with a raised eyebrow.

"But you weren't there when Batmane showed up?"

"Yeah," Spike replied with a shrug. "But I saw him from afar, and besides, that time I was more worried about other things."

"Touché" Rainbow nodded, focusing on Supermare again with a defiant smile. "Back on topic, I've seen the speed you were going at, so... how fast are you?"

Supermare looked confused at the pegasus, of all the things she had expected to be told when she showed herself publicly, and not just in small isolated acts, it wasn't that. Although considering who had asked her, it was obvious.

"Rainbow!" Twilight said, standing next to her friend and Spike, looking at the pegasus with some indignation. "Do you really think this is a good time for that?"

"It's always a good time to compete, Twi. Now, are you fast or not?"

Rainbow looked back at the mare, who shifted her gaze from the pegasus, to Twilight, to Spike, who was still looking at her excitedly, and back to the competitive pony.

"I do what I can..."

"Do you want to stop being so humble? Come on, tell me already."

"Okay, if you insist" Supermare said with a shrug. "Last time I checked, I could break the sound barrier, so at least I'm supersonic."

Instantly, Rainbow's confident smile was replaced by a worried one.

"Supersonic?" she asked, unable to stop her nervousness from getting to her. "By any chance you won't be able to make a..."

"Sonic Rainboom?" Supermare asked with a raised eyebrow, seeing Rainbow's affirmative nod. "No, I can't do it, I don't have the necessary pegasus magic."

Rainbow's nervousness disappeared with a small sigh of relief, returning to the defiant smile again.

"In that case... I challenge you to a race!"

Before the mare could say anything, Twilight stepped in, looking at Rainbow with a frown.

"You can't be serious, you know very well that there are no living beings capable of breaking the sound barrier."

"Did you forget about me?" Rainbow replied with her characteristic smug smile.

"Exactly, Twilight" said a new voice, and when those present turned, they saw Pinkie Pie smiling enormously, at least until she frowned and brought a hoof to her chin. "But if Supermare can do it whenever she wants, I don't know if you can win, you can't do it whenever you want and you need help from the..."

Pinkie couldn't finish her sentence as Rainbow shoved her hoof into her mouth, preventing her from speaking and letting out a nervous laugh.

"Yeah... I don't think she need to know that."

Pinkie pushed the hoof away from her and smiled with a big nod.

"Okay dokey lokey!" she said just before walking away to her other friends, who were making sure the ponies were okay, jumping up and down and humming a happy tune.

Supermare watched her for a few seconds before focusing on the two mares and a dragon in front of her. Twilight watched her friend for a few moments before sighing and refocusing on the heroine.

"Well, although I thank you once again for helping us, I would like you to come with us."

Supermare raised an eyebrow curiously as she watched the alicorn.

"Go with you? Why?"

"Look, I don't want to sound ungrateful..."

"You look like it," Spike whispered, but he snapped his mouth shut and looked away at Twilight's stern expression, who refocused on Supermare.

"Princess Celestia has an opinion about... vigilantes. Although, if I'm being honest," Twilight glanced at the ponies Supermare had stopped, "I think she'll like you more and may be more lenient with you than Princess Luna's dark knight."

Supermare followed Twilight's gaze towards the arrested ponies, thinking about what she had said, before beginning to rise into the air and look at the princess again.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to decline the offer, at least for now. When I feel ready, I'll talk to you and the rest of the princesses. I promise."

With a smile and a wave of farewell, Supermare shot into the sky, spinning to the left and, with enormous momentum, hurtling forward with a loud boom behind her, a barely perceptible ripple indicating that it had broken the speed of sound. Rainbow smiled and spread her wings, ready to follow her, but as she was taking off and picking up speed, a magical aura grabbed her tail and pulled her to the ground, and turning, she saw Twilight frowning at her.

"What are you doing? I was going to beat her in a race!"

"Did you see what she just did?" Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. "In the unlikely event that she really did, you wouldn't be able to reach her."

"And who tells you no?" Rainbow said, standing up and looking at Twilight with a frown. "I'm able to make a sonic rainboom, I can also break the speed of sound."

"Under certain conditions, and you know it well. You can't do it whenever you want, not even you."

Rainbow stared her friend in the eye before grunting in defeat and walking away to approach the rest of their friends. Twilight watched her for a few seconds before sighing, focusing on Spike, who cautiously approached.

"Do you still believe that she doesn't have superpowers?" he asked, hoping she wasn't mad about earlier, and to his relief, it seemed so.

"Yeah, there has to be some trick I'm not seeing."

"She just flew out and broke the sound barrier," Spike pointed out, emotion in his voice. "That's hard to fake."

"Exactly, difficult, not impossible."

"Why can't you believe it's real?" Spike asked curiously. "We've seen things that were supposed to be myths, Nightmare Moon, The Pillars of Equestria, the Pony of Shadows..."

"But they could be plausible, heroes with great strength and unparalleled magical ability, and beings made of black magic, real things," Twilight pointed out, then looking up at the sky in the direction the mystery mare had gone. "But Supermare, she defies everything I know, and there is nothing in her abilities that begs to be explained rationally."

"For now," Spike said with a smile. "I'm sure plenty of ponies of old would say the same thing you're saying about trains."

Twilight couldn't help but giggle a little, nodding at the little dragon.

"Maybe you're right, Spike" she said before approaching her friends.

Author's Note:

Hello, surely you have noticed that it took me a long time to upload this chapter, and there is a very reasonable explanation, well, two. The first is that last week I suffered a loss that has taken away my desire to write, but I'm finally back. The second is that my style of working had been to write a chapter, publish it, and the next day do the next one in a hurry to publish it that same day. As you will understand, it is a style of work that ends up wearing out in the long run, and I have realized that this can harm the story.

That's why I've made the decision that I'm going to take my time writing each chapter, especially since unlike Batman, I don't know much about the lore of Superman lot and I have to do my research. I hope you still want to read this story, and don't worry, I'm not going to abandon it. Until next time!