• Published 2nd Apr 2022
  • 754 Views, 62 Comments

Supermare, last daughter of Krypton - Guillermo

Coco Pommel knew she was special since she was just a filly. She could do things that others couldn't, and now that she was an adult, she would use those abilities for good. She would become Supermare.

  • ...

An afternoon of tea

Celestia was waiting sitting on her throne, it was almost six in the evening, and both her sister Luna and her niece Cadence were already on the balcony of her private rooms, waiting for her and Twilight for their meeting. Two days had passed since the blimp incident, and contrary to what she had expected, her former student preferred to postpone the meeting with Supermare, returning to Ponyville with Spike, unlike Cadence who stayed at her in-laws' house until then. Celestia had a vague idea why Twilight had decided that, and she hoped she was right.

The doors opened and Twilight entered the throne room, her guards standing outside it waiting for her princess to finish her meeting. Just as she suspected, she had some saddlebags full of what would surely be parchments, quills and a few different books, she had come prepared for her meeting with Supermare. Celestia smiled and stood up, approaching her former student.

"Dear Twilight, it's nice to see you."

"Nice to see you too, princess," Twilight replied as she accepted her former teacher's hug.

Celestia couldn't help but giggle lightly, pulling away from her to look at Twilight amusedly.

"My dear Twilight, now you are also a princess, since a few years, you can stop calling me that."

"Sorry," Twilight said with slightly red cheeks and a nervous laugh. "Sometimes it comes to me without thinking. I've called you that since I was a filly."

Still smiling, Celestia gestured toward a door on the side of the throne room, the two of them walking toward it. On the other side was a corridor that led to the private parts of the castle, closed to the general public unless invited directly.

"How was your talk with Spike? I hope you have resolved your situation."

Twilight blinked and looked at Celestia in surprise.

"How did you know...?"

"Twilight, I was the one who allowed you to have Spike from his birth instead of taking him from you, and I also helped you raise him with your parents" Celestia said with a calm smile. "I've seen how your relationship has evolved since the beginning."

Twilight felt her cheeks turn a little redder, looking away from her. After a few moments, she took a deep breath, calming down, and a smile spread across her face.

"We're not sure about our relationship yet, but we're going to give it a chance to call us mother and son, at least for a while."

"It's the best decision you could have made," Celestia confirmed with a nod and a smile.

Both continued their way until they reached the door of Celestia's private room, decorated with the carving of her cutie mark on the wood. Entering, Twilight took in the familiar room, the gigantic bed, the large cushion by the fireplace, a desk covered with scrolls that had yet to be reviewed. She had spent part of her foalhood in that place, and she brought back great memories. To the left, facing east, where the sun rose, was a balcony where a tea table had been set up, and both Luna and Cadence were already waiting there, being the princess of the night the first to notice their presence.

"You've finally come. It's not that I'm angry, but you're always telling me the importance of being punctual, sister" Luna said with an amused smile.

"You do have an agreed time, but from what I know, Supermare let us pick the time," Celestia said with another smile, motioning for Twilight to sit next to Cadence. "Which, if I may say so, is much more polite than showing up unannounced and without permission to enter."

"Hey, I'm with you" Luna said with a smile. "But I can't control how he acts, just because he's my dark knight doesn't mean he's under my direct orders."

Celestia rolled her eyes as she headed for the balcony. Her gaze went to the skies, searching for any hint of Supermare.

"Twilight, Cadence, Supermare said we should just call her, right?"

"Yes" confirmed Cadence. "She said she'd show up if she wasn't too busy."

Celestia nodded, looking up at the sky.

"I invite you to come, Supermare, you are welcome."

The four princesses of Equestria waited patiently for any sign of the extraordinary mare. At last, a distant explosion was heard, high above the Canterlot skies, and as she focused on the source, Celestia could see something that was enveloped in what appeared to be a blazing fire generated by reentry into the atmosphere. The red color faded more and more until there was nothing left, and the distant figure that was Supermare began to level off and move closer to the castle.

Some guards saw her from their positions at the lookout posts on the walls surrounding the palace, but had been informed of her visit and instructed to allow her passage. Supermare came closer, stopping a few meters from the balcony where the princesses were, respectfully nodding.

"Your Highnesses, it is an honor for me to be with you."

"It's a pleasure for us too, Supermare" Celestia said with a smile and a nod. "Please sit next to me."

Supermare nodded and landed on the balcony, sitting on one of the cushions provided for it. Celestia sat next to her, on a cushion wider due to her greater height and size, grabbing the teapot in her magic and pouring four cups, the first being given to the mare in blue and red.

"If it's not an indiscretion to ask, were you off planet when I called you? It's the only thing that comes to mind that could explain the fire you had when you arrived."

"Yes, it was off planet, I think in the outermost part of the atmosphere" Supermare said with a nod, taking a sip of her drink.

Twilight had to muster all her willpower not to proclaim that it was impossible, but she refrained. Supermare had already shown that what ponies considered impossible were not only possible for her, but ridiculously easy to do. Instead, her eyes lit up with scientific excitement, pulling a scroll and quill from her saddlebag, before looking doubtfully at the mare.

"Do you mind if...?"

"Not at all, I already suspected that you would want to collect my data" Supermare said with an understanding smile.

Ignoring the amused looks from the other three princesses, Twilight began to write about what Supermare had said on a scroll that already had the mare's known abilities written on it, adding the ability to apparently be able to survive in space without needing oxygen or being affected by lack of pressure, which it could indicate that she could do the same in the depths of the ocean, judging by her strength, something told her that she would also resist high pressures.

Luna watched the mare in front of her for a few more seconds before speaking.

"If it's no bother, may I know what you were doing off planet?"

"Listening" Supermare said simply. "I was waiting for you to call me, and besides, I've gotten into the habit of listening off-planet for danger."

"Wait, wait... If I'm listening right, can you hear anything from space?"

Twilight stared at Supermare in amazement, expecting to write her response at any moment. The mare thought for a moment before shaking her head.

"My sense of hearing is far above that of any being on Equs, as I understand it" her gaze strayed a bit. "But I can't hear absolutely everything either. I have to focus on a specific point to hear something, for example, when the blimp exploded I had my attention on you, highnesses" she said as she looked at Cadence and Twilight.

That caused them to look uncertain.

"Were you spying on us?" Twilight asked doubtfully.

Almost immediately, Supermare opened her eyes and, for a moment, she put aside her serene demeanor and became a nervous mare.

"No! I mean, yes... But... Let me explain" Supermare sighed heavily before speaking. "I was beginning to weigh the idea of ​​requesting a meeting with you, Highnesses, so even though I don't like it, I decided to listen to you to find out if it was a good time to ask for an audience. You, Princess Celestia, were quite busy in a meeting, so I thought it would be impolite to listen or interrupt."

"Something that honors you" Celestia said with a smile, one that grew a little bigger. "Although I must admit that you would have come in handy, they were just a couple of nobles looking for more privileges."

"I keep saying you should let somepony talk to them first to filter out those leeches," Luna muttered, to which Celestia shrugged.

"It helps to appear approachable, that gives our ponies more confidence." Celestia focused back on Supermare and nodded for her to continue.

"Well, you, Princess Luna, had a meeting too, so I thought maybe I should try it with you, Princess Twilight," she said as she focused on Twilight and Cadence. "I had a bit of a hard time finding your voice, since you wasn't in Ponyville, and it's harder to locate somepony specifically if I don't know where they are. By the time I did, you were already finishing your conversation, so I didn't hear long before the explosion happened. Still, I'm very sorry if that makes you uncomfortable in any way."

Twilight and Cadence looked at each other before nodding and turning to Supermare, smiling friendly.

"You have nothing to apologize for" Cadence began. "From the way you talked, it was never your intention to spy on us, you just wanted to know if you could talk to any of us, and you respected my aunts' privacy, so I have no doubt that you would have done the same with Twilight and me."

"Besides," Twilight continued, "if you hadn't, surely that day would have ended in some disgrace."

Supermare sighed a little relieved that she hadn't spoiled her chance. Her gaze focused on her drink for a few seconds before she took a deep breath and began to speak again.

"In fact, princesses, I would like to take the opportunity to tell you because I wanted to have an audience with you" Supermare looked at the four princesses in front of her, who barely looked at each other for a few seconds before nodding.

The mare was silent for a few more moments, going over the words in her head, while her hostesses waited patiently. She had spent whole days planning what she was going to say, looking for a way to say it without causing mistrust.

"First of all, I want you to know that I am here to help, that is my only goal. To help as many ponies and creatures as possible."

"That goes without saying, Supermare" Celestia said with a reassuring smile. "You've already proven it."

Supermare nodded absently, still thinking of the words she had to say. They would be the first ponies she would confess her best-kept secret to in her entire life.

"I... I'm not a pony... In fact, I'm not even from Equs... I wasn't born here... I'm from a very different world."

Supermare looked up to study the reactions, the possible fear, distrust or rejection, but she found none of it. Princesses Celestia and Luna had unreadable expressions, an abysmal experience to camouflage their true emotions. Cadence was relatively successful in hiding those emotions, but what she showed seemed to be curiosity. As for Twilight, she couldn't keep her emotions under control, quite the contrary, she was excited, and her eyes shone with an intensity never seen before. The mare couldn't shake the feeling that her revelation hadn't been as surprising as she had hoped, perhaps Ink's guess was even more obvious than she had originally thought and more ponies would have come to the same conclusion.

"If it's not too rude, can you tell us what your species is called?" Cadence asked curiously.

"Of course," Supermare said with a small smile, noticing how Twilight got ready to write. "I belong to the Kryptonian race, and I come from the planet Krypton."

"Kryptonian, Krypton, not very original, right?" Luna said with an amused smile, ignoring her sister's look.

Supermare laughed happily, before flashing another amused smile at the princess of the night.

"Ponies, Ponyville, Equestria, Equs, mare, Baltimare, not that you are fit to judge that, your highness."

"Good point" Luna admitted with another smile and a sip from her cup.

"Seeing as you're pretty much the same as earth ponies, does your race have earth pony, pegasus, and unicorn counterparts? And also, do they have the same abilities as you?" Twilight asked curiously.

Supermare's gaze turned grim for a few seconds and was quickly replaced by a small smile, but both Celestia and Luna saw it, looking at each other to confirm if they had seen what they had seen. They recognized that look, one they didn't see that often.

"From what I've learned, kryptonians have counterparts to earth ponies and unicorns, but not pegasi. And as for abilities, kryptonians can only develop them under certain conditions, conditions that Equs meets by being so unlike Krypton."

"Really? What's the difference between Krypton and Equs?" Cadence asked curiously.

"Well" Supermare frowned for a few seconds, thinking. "Krypton is about twice as big as Equs, and its gravity is ten times as great."

"That would explain your enormous strength and endurance," Twilight muttered as she typed. "Your body is adapted to a more hostile environment, but…" the lavender alicorn frowned, pulling out some books on Equs and physics. "The strength you've demonstrated is greater than what you would have in an environment of 10 times less gravity than your body is used to. Perhaps your earth pony magic, or the equivalent in your species, will give you a boost?"

"I doubt it," Supermare said, making Twilight frown. "For starters, Krypton's magic density was lower than Equs's, in fact, it's thanks to the extra magic that I have a cutie mark, otherwise I wouldn't be half as strong as a common earth pony."

"Low magical density," Twilight muttered as she took notes, ignoring the amused looks from her fellow princesses. "Krypton must have a magic level equal to or less than 3 on the arcane scale for cutie marks to not be possible. But if it's not magic, why is your strength greater?"

"Well, I was getting to that" commented Supermare with a small smile. "There's a factor that Equs has that Krypton didn't have, and if it weren't for that, I'd only be about as strong as a minotaur, not excelling in anything else."

"And what is that factor?" Luna asked intrigued.

In response, Supermare looked up at the sun that was still in the sky. The princesses followed his gaze, immediately understanding, Twilight being the first to speak.

"The sun, you absorb energy from the sun" she said with wide eyes, before immediately starting to write.

"My species can absorb radiation from stars, depending on what kind it was. On Krypton, their star was Rao, a red giant, as a result, they barely absorbed any energy. But the Sun... is a young, radiant star. Every day, my body is overloaded, hence my abilities."

Celestia took a long look at Supermare before illuminating her horn slightly. Sure enough, she felt the energy of her sun enter the mare in front of her, a lot of energy.

"Are there more kryptonians on Equs? Or will more come?" Cadence asked with a bit of doubt and concern.

Once again, Supermare's face turned grim, keeping her gaze deliberately averted from the four princesses. Silence settled over the table, and after a few seconds, the sound of Twilight's quill scraping on parchment also stopped, as the alicorn looked up in confusion at the sudden silence, worrying when she saw the mare's face. Cadence regretted asking that, and as she focused more on Supermare, she noted bitterness, sadness and, standing out among everything else, loneliness, an immense loneliness. Celestia and Luna glanced at each other surreptitiously, suspecting what the answer was.

"No... Krypton... died a long time ago... my father sent me here before its destruction. I am the last Kryptonian."

The princesses were silent, not knowing quite what to say, especially the younger ones. Celestia and Luna looked at each other, nodding before the white alicorn spoke.

"We are very sorry to hear that, being the last of your kind is something that nocreature should feel. We understand if you don't want to talk about it anymore."

Supermare shrugged, looking up at last and giving a weak smile.

"Don't worry, I agreed to be the last kryptonian a long time ago. I'll get over it in time."

Both Celestia and Luna doubted that. They had seen that situation a few times in the past, and they knew well that it was something that was never overcome, only learned to cope with it. But they decided to remain silent, not wanting to contradict Supermare, it was something that only she could do.

"You say your father sent you here, do you know what he was like?" Cadence asked, in an attempt to cheer Supermare up, trusting in the drop of love she had felt when the mare spoke of her father.

A warm smile spread across Supermare's face, bringing her right hoof to the 'S' on her chest.

"Yes... I know how he was" her gaze turned thoughtful for a few seconds before she spoke again. "There is an ancient kryptonian ship in Equs, and to avoid confusion, it was abandoned and lifeless, until I arrived. There I learned everything I know about my species" she observed the princesses in front of her, who nodded in understanding and allowed her continue. "My father... he was the best scientist on Krypton, or at least one of the best, and my mother was also a genius in her field. Their names were Jor-El and Lara-El, I was called Kara-El, belonging to the House of El."

Her gaze was warm, and she had a smile on her face. Also, Cadence could sense a strong love coming from her, even if she hadn't met them personally.

"I gather then that 'S' stands for your family," Celestia said with a small smile, relieved to see that her mood had lifted a bit.

"That's right" she said again, pride in her voice. "But it doesn't just represent the House of El, it's also the symbol my kind had for hope" Supermare's gaze lowered a bit, as did the emotion in her voice. "And I hope I'm doing a good job representing it."

"You do," Luna interjected with conviction. "You should be proud, I'm sure your parents would be."

Supermare smiled, focusing on her drink in front of her. She hadn't returned to the Fortress of Solitude after leaving, so she didn't know if her father was truly proud, though she was inclined to believe he was. Celestia and Luna looked at each other, both agreeing on what to do next.

"Please come with us, there is something you should see" Celestia said as she stood up, followed by her sister.

Cadence and Twilight looked at each other a little confused, but they soon figured out what the older princesses' intention was, which the younger one was a little disappointed in, as it meant that their meeting would be over soon. Still, she didn't say anything and stood up with the other alicorns, being watched by a confused Supermare, who also stood up.

They went into Celestia's rooms and out into the halls of the castle, walking up a few floors. The few guards they met, despite having been warned of the presence of the mare in red and blue, looked at her with surprise, but managed to hide it behind a layer of seriousness. The group stopped in front of a closed door, which was soon lit up with Celestia's golden aura, opening shortly after with a click. The sun princess gestured to Supermare to be the first to enter, which confused her a bit, but she obeyed. Her gaze quickly wandered over the objects before settling on one that made her eyes widen in surprise, drawing closer in disbelief.

"I found it the day you arrived, or so I guess" Celestia said as she entered, followed by the other three princesses.

Supermare looked at the kryptonian ship in front of her, floating slightly and with the symbol of the House of El etched on the front of it. The closer she got, the ship vibrated, blue traces regorging its surface, something that put the princesses on alert, but the mare stood her ground. After a full minute, a robotic voice came from the ship.

"Initializing AI system... Hello, Kara-El."

Author's Note:

Hello! I'm sorry it took so long, I got a bit distracted, but I'm back! I'm sorry if the chapter is a bit boring and is based only on explaining things that you may not be interested in, but I've thought about this chapter a few times and I couldn't find a way to approach it in another way. Anyway, the following chapters will be a bit more interesting (I hope), and we'll be able to see a bit more action. Don't worry, the first real fight is coming up, and I think you'll like it quite a bit. With any luck, it won't take that long to upload the next one. Regards and see you!