• Published 2nd Apr 2022
  • 742 Views, 62 Comments

Supermare, last daughter of Krypton - Guillermo

Coco Pommel knew she was special since she was just a filly. She could do things that others couldn't, and now that she was an adult, she would use those abilities for good. She would become Supermare.

  • ...


A pegasus moved down one of the corridors of the Lexcorp headquarters building, the richest and most influential technology company in all of Manehattan and Equestria, at least until Blood Enterprises began to gain ground. He walked with a nervous step, aware that the news he had would not please his boss at all, and despite the image he gave to the common ponies, his closest employees knew his true personality. After a while of walking, he came to some beautifully decorated and polished oak doors, a good sized desk off to the side with a seated earth pony mare, who looked at the pegasus and, seeing the look on her face, nodded, allowing him to enter.

The interior was a huge office, almost like an apartment instead of an office. To the left was a fireplace, several luxurious sofas, and a minibar in the corner with access to different bottles of wine, champagne, ciders, among other drinks. To the right was a huge desk, also polished oak, with a wingback chair, just in front of some glass-fronted cabinets displaying various awards and achievements by the company and, for the most part, by the owner of the same, in addition to some photographs of the same owner.

In front of the door through which the pegasus entered, there was a wall made up of windows that extended to the ceiling, and in the center, there was his boss, a unicorn with white fur and a red mane, dressed in a black suit that gave him it covered the upper part of his body, but not his cutie mark, which was a microscope, levitating in his magic, from a reddish aura, a glass of wine. The most powerful and richest pony in Manehattan, Lex Tech.

"You better have good news" Lex said as he took a sip from his glass. "I was having a good morning."

"I'm afraid not... Mr. Tech..." said the pegasus, swallowing hard, aware that his work was in danger, even if it wasn't his fault.

"Blood Enterprises again?" asked the unicorn with a small hint of annoyance in his voice. "I miss the days when they were barely getting by in Canterlot, now they're such a nuisance. Who knew Prince Blueblood would get that company off the ground?"

The pegasus gulped, watching as Lex Tech took another sip of his drink, thinking.

"I'm afraid it has nothing to do with Blood Enterprises..."

Lex was quiet for a second before slowly turning around and looking at the pegasus.

"Has one of our secret projects failed?" he asked as he approached, making the pegasus more nervous.

"No, Mr. Tech... The... ponies you hired failed to pick up your... test subject..."

Lex Tech got closer to the pegasus, looking him in the face.

"How the hell did they fail? I gave those idiots a weapon capable of absorbing that alicorn's magic."

"According to the sources you sent to the opening of the museum, it was that... Supermare."

Lex stared at the pegasus before turning around and going back to the window.

"So... Supermare is real... I don't know why I'm surprised, Miss Tale always tells true stories, and she has a good nose for stories... I have to admit that" he said while taking a sip of your wine. "You can go."

The pegasus sighed in relief and walked away, leaving the huge office. Lex stared out over the city, thinking. Ever since he found out that they were going to do a Museum of Friendship in Manehattan, he had planned the whole operation. He would get a real alicorn to study, her anatomy and magical system, figure out the source of these fascinating beings' power, and hopefully figure out a way to replicate it.

He would become a full-fledged alicorn, and, if he played his cards right, he would replace the princesses and lead the ponies into a true golden age where they would rule over the other races of the planet as they were always meant to be. And if the rumors were true, and the only way to be an alicorn was to be born as one or chosen by one, then he could join the quest for the princess, find her, and rescue her, which would give a very good image to him and his company, whatever will happen will happen, he would win one way or another.

But that mare, that Supermare, had taken it from him, but he would not give up. All he had to do was eliminate the flying earth pony and go back to his plans. Lex Tech sipped his drink, surveying the city, his city, from the top of his tower, the top of his empire, nopony could challenge him and get away with it.

Coco was walking through the streets of Manehattan, several hours after the incident at the opening of the Museum of Friendship, heading to 'Rarity for you', the boutique that the unicorn owned in the city. Although she didn't like to admit it, she had used her powers to make sure the mare would be in the shop, since she doubted that they would let her into the hotel she was in and besides, she would have to give less explanations if she showed up at the store instead of the hotel.

She was carrying her saddlebags, where she had hidden her suit in case of emergencies, and she had put on her fake cutie mark, which she checked from time to time to make sure it didn't slip out and reveal the true. At last, she reached the shop, and, with a little sigh, entered, ringing a small bell announcing her arrival, which caused an earth pony mare with orange fur and purple mane, including somewhat bushy eyebrows, approach her with a big smile.

"Hello, welcome to 'Rarity for you', how can I help you?" asked the mare, which Coco vaguely recognized as Plaid Stripes, although she was now wearing no dental braces.

"Hello, I'm here to see Rarity, if she's here" said Coco with a friendly smile.

"The boss is a bit busy, I can help you if you wants."

"Actually I'm not here as a customer, I'm an old friend, I came to say hello."

Plaid looked at Coco for a second before nodding, asking her to wait there before settling into the tent, leaving the mare alone, who she looked around her. At the counter she found a unicorn mare, and to her surprise, she wasn't any of the three employees Rarity had once introduced her to. Her fur was pinkish with a bluish mane, combed into a rather elaborate braid. She was reading a magazine, waiting for a client, because it was a quiet day, and from time to time she caressed a small raccoon that was sleeping peacefully, and which she vaguely recognized as Smoky Jr.

"Coco?" Rarity's voice said, and she sounded quite incredulous.

Coco sighed, aware of what was coming, and focused on Rarity, who was watching her with wide eyes, unable to believe her eyes. The earth pony mare smiled nervously and raised a hoof in greeting.

"Hello Rarity... It's been a while..."

Rarity stared at Coco, approaching cautiously before running to hug her, which took her by surprise, but she returned the gesture right away, it was one of the options she had considered. After a few moments, the unicorn backed away from her a bit, smiling widely, a few tears in her eyes.

"Sorry dear, I got a little emotional" Rarity said with a small laugh.

"It's okay, I understand" Coco replied looking away, some guilt in her voice. "I haven't talked to anypony in a long, long time, it's normal for you to... get emotional."

Rarity looked at her friend for a few moments before turning to her two workers, who had watched the exchange with some confusion and curiosity.

"We'll be in the break room if you need me for anything."

The two mares looked at each other before the unicorn behind the counter shook her head.

"I don't think it's necessary, Miss Rarity, Plaid and I will manage, take the time you need."

"That, you can trust us boss!"

Rarity rolled her eyes as she watched the younger mare with a small smile.

"I've told you a thousand times not to call me boss."

Plaid smiled nervously and lifted a hoof behind her head.


Rarity shook her head in amusement before turning to Coco and gesturing for her to follow her. They both went to the back of the store and entered through a small door, and behind it, there was a fairly large room, mostly reserved for storing fabrics, some mannequins with dresses and suits ready to exhibit. Nearby, a design for a new dress had been hung on the wall, and if the earth pony had to guess, it was one inspired by today's events, judging by the red and blue colors the dress possessed. and by a small 'S' on the chest but much smaller and slimmer to fit in a dress.

"Do you like the dress?" Rarity asked as she approached a different area.

It's had a counter top, with a coffee maker, tea set and sink included. Nearby was a small tea table with two eyelid cushions to sit on.

"Uh, yeah, I like it" Coco said as she walked over to the tea table, since Rarity had motioned for her to sit down.

"I was inspired when I saw Supermare stop those ruffians, her act of heroism and her strength have been a great source of inspiration,although I'm still looking for a name for the dress, maybe when she talk to Twilight and the other princesses and reveal something about her past I'll think of something" Rarity said with a confident smile, preparing a cup of coffee, before turning to Coco. "Coffee or tea, dear?"

"Coffee will be fine, with a little milk, if possible" said Coco with a small smile.

As Rarity nodded and started making the next coffee, Coco sighed to herself. She had expected her official public appearance to be disconcerting, and she had already expected ponies to admire her, but this... her symbol was going to become a product of fashion, and she didn't know if she should feel flattered or insecure. Her gaze swept over the rest of the room, remembering how small it was the last time she passed by, a long time ago.

"This is bigger than last time."

"Yes, I had to make some arrangements" Rarity said with a small laugh. "I realized I needed a bigger place to store my fabrics and clothes that weren't already on display. Plus, it's always nice to have a break area for employees, don't you think?"

"Yes" Coco said with a smile, accepting the cup of coffee that Rarity handed her with her magic. "Although I only recognized to Smoky Jr and Plaid. Where are his parents and the three employees you introduced me to?"

"Well, Mr. Smoky and Mrs. Softpad are still here, only now they are resting at home" Rarity said as she turned her head, and when Coco followed her gaze, she saw a curtain, quite elegant, that covered a doorway big enough for a raccoon. "When I did the works I decided to make them a small and adorable house."

"That's very generous of you, Rarity" Coco commented with a smile, one that the unicorn returned.

"It's the least I could have to thank them for how much they've helped me" Rarity took a small sip of her coffee after that, humming pleased, before speaking again. "The other three workers, well, they decided to make a name for themselves in the fashion world, the last one was last month, and from what I know, they've done well."

"How have you been without them?"

"I haven't had any problems" Rarity answered with a small laugh. "Plaid, after a little fashion lessons and dealing with clients, has turned out to be a great employee. And Gem Design has been a good worker."

"Gem Design ?" Coco asked curiously. "Is that the mare that was at reception?"

"Yes" Rarity stated with a smile. "She has worked for me for almost four months and she has a great talent when it comes to judging which dress or suit goes best with our clients, too bad she doesn't aspire to more."

Coci raised an eyebrow curiously, seeing how Rarity frowned.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, despite being good at fashion, she has a good eye, she doesn't like to do her own designs or get into this world" Rarity sighed to herself before shrugging. "But I should not decide how others should live their lives."

Coco nodded without saying a word, drinking her coffee, thinking. The truth is that she identified a bit with Gem, although of course, her reasons were very different from what she could have with the unicorn mare.

"But enough about me, what about you, Coco? Anything you want to tell me?"

Coco bit her lip and looked away, thinking.

"I... I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but... the truth is I need your help" Coco sighed and looked at Rarity with a nervous smile. "But I promise you I didn't come just for that, it's just... I couldn't think of anypony else to help me, I don't know if you know what it's like looking for a job in this city, but I can try months to get one without a stroke of luck, and I don't know how long I can go without paying rent."

Rarity reached out her hooves to grab Coco's, giving her her best friendly smile.

"Coco, you don't have to apologize, I understand. And I'll be happy to help you."

"Thank you, Rarity..." replied Coco gratefully.

"What are friends for?" said Rarity with another smile turning away again and taking a sip of her coffee. "Tomorrow I'll talk to Prim Hemline and..."

"Actually," interrupted Coco with some nervousness, "I didn't want to go back to work with Mrs. Hemline."

Rarity blinked and looked at Coco in confusion.

"Are you sure? I know she's kind of picky about designs, but..."

"That's not why..." Coco fell silent, looking away from Rarity, once again going over the speech she had been practicing all that week. "The truth is, I don't feel comfortable being a designer."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you could say I'm like Gem Design, I realized I'm better at touching up ready-made dresses, helping ponies pick out their perfect outfit, and maybe designing a little dress now and then, but... I don't like standing out, being under the spotlight, it's too much pressure for me... sorry..."

Rarity stared at Coco, who had looked away, thinking. That was something she hadn't expected from her friend, but, as she had told her with Gem's case, it was none of her business, she had no right to decide how ponies lived their lives. The unicorn sighed, looking away for a moment before looking back at her friend with a smile.

"You don't have to apologize, it's fine. I just want you to know that I'm here in case one day you want to try again."

"Thank you, Rarity," Coco said with a grateful smile that the unicorn dismissed with a hoof wave.

"No need to thank me. Now, since you're not interested in working in the fashion world in a more professional way, I can offer you a job here if you'd like."

"That would be great, Rarity."

"Perfect," said Rarity with a smile, "you can start on Monday. If you want you can have the morning hours and help Gem Design, that's her normal schedule, but the other employee I have for this shift was sick, and the poor mare has been working alone in the morning for a month now."

"I'd be happy to help."

Coco and Rarity smiled, drinking from their coffee at the same time. The unicorn watched her friend some more before speaking.

"Do you need help with anything else, dear?"

"No need, Rarity, you've done enough."

"My dear, I am the element of generosity, I can never have enough when it comes to helping a friend" Rarity replied with a small laugh, one that Coco shared.

The earth pony thought to herself for a bit before an idea popped into her face. She hadn't originally intended to ask Rarity for help with that, but, now that she thought about it properly... she might need it.

"Actually, I think there is something."

"I'd be happy to help with anything."

"Great, because I guess you could say it's a.... friendship mission."

Rarity blinked in confusion, watching a nervous Coco, before a smile crossed her face.

"In that case, you've come to the right place."

The Daily Planet building, the most famous newspaper in all of Manhattan, and one of the tallest skyscrapers in the city, second only to the Empire Horse and the famous Lexcorp headquarters. Its top was crowned by the representation of the planet Equs in all its splendor. Inside, on one of the higher floors, Ink Tale the newspaper's most famous reporter, stood in front of her boss, News Note, an earth pony with a grayish coat, a chestnut mane, though with some signs of gray hair, and a newspaper as cutie mark.

"Tell me you have a story on your Supermare, I haven't heard of anything else all day since this morning" he said, leaning back in his saddle and watching Ink.

Despite the serious look News Note was trying to imprint on his face, Ink couldn't take him seriously for one simple reason, his boss was a piece of bread. He may have been demanding when it came to publishing stories, and he always expected the best from his workers, but that didn't take away from the fact that he was considered by most of the ponies who worked for him a friend, at least as long as he wasn't angry with one of them.

"Of course, boss, I was there, remember? I'll have the article ready tonight," Ink said confidently.

"I hope so, because the ponies are going to want to know who this mare is, where she's from, what she wants, and since you were one of the first to talk about her, and give her that name, I want to keep it that way. I want the ponies to relate the Daily Planet to Supermare."

"Copy that, boss," Ink said with a smile, one that became more smug, which News noticed and didn't like. "And... I'm still waiting for an apology."

"For the love of Celestia, I published your Supermare article, don't you think that's enough?" he said with an exasperated sigh.

"Yeah, but not without a little laugh at me, boss" replied the mare with a small laugh.

"Okay, okay, all right, I'm sorry, okay?"

"Apologies accepted" replied Ink, still chuckling slightly, before turning away. "I'll go write that article."

"Well, I expect a lot more Supermare's from you."

Ink paused a few inches from the door to look at News Note.

"Of course, but don't think I'm going to leave Lex alone over this. I can write about both very well."

News grunted as he leaned back in his seat.

"Ink, let me be clear with you, leave him alone already. So far, everything you've presented about him has been assumptions and anonymous statements that nothing is clear about."

"And what did you expect? Lex knows how to hide his tracks" replied Ink, retracing her steps. "I just need some more time before I find conclusive proof."

News sighed, leaning back against the back of his chair and massaging his forehead with his hoof.

"Ink, the only reason I let you publish those articles was because of your prestige as a journalist, but if you keep this up, your reputation is going to plummet" News stared at the mare in front of him, concern in his gaze. "It's a very bad idea to try to smear the pony who is not only the richest, but also the kindest and most supportive pony in Manehattan."

"And that's precisely why he's so good at hiding his crimes" replied Ink with a frown, causing News to sigh.

"In the unlikely event that your suspicions are true, you know you'd be getting into serious trouble, right?"

"And that's why I know I'm safe," Ink said with a sly smile. "Lex is no fool, he knows that if anything happens to me while I'm investigating him, it would be very suspicious."

News Note looked at Ink a little longer before sighing.

"Okay, but I warn you" his look became a little more severe, the same one that he put with some important matter related to the newspaper, "since your only evidence of the alleged crimes of Mr. Tech are unreliable sources, I will not continue publishing those stories, is it clear?"

"Like glass, boss" Ink answered with a nod.

News watched her some more, leaning back in his chair and gesturing toward the door.

"That's it, you can go now, write that article."

Ink nodded and finally left her boss's office, going out into a room full of different desks with several journalists sitting, typing on various typewriters, but the one that stood out the most was the unicorn that walked around the room. The reason was because he was quite striking, since both his fur and his mane were an orange-red that was difficult to hide, some freckles on his cheeks, a naive face, a camera that he always carried around his neck, another camera like his cutie mark and, what it had become another of his assignments at the Daily Planet, a tray with several cups of brewed coffee.

Snapshot, the newspaper's most recent photographer, but for the time being, he was also the new coffee colt. He was pacing the aisles created by the desks, giving the journalists the coffees they'd ordered, but when he noticed Ink, he quickly made his way toward her a bit nervously.

"Miss Tale, the receptionists told me to tell you that somepony important is waiting for you in the lobby!" he told her when he was already close to her.

Ink rolled her eyes and started to walk away towards her desk.

"You know I don't do walk-ins, coffee colt, besides, I have to write an article" she said as she sat down.

"But, Miss Tale…she's…" Snapshot stammered nervously, earning Ink's gaze.


"She's... an element of harmony... says she needs to see you for a friendship mission."

Ink paused and looked at the unicorn in front of her in surprise. A friendship mission the same day the museum was attacked and Supermare went public? Why did she have a feeling that there was something more? Still, refusing a call from a Harmony Element could be considered rude, and besides, she could interview her and see if she could tell her anything about that mysterious flying earth pony, who knows, maybe she's already talked to them being the heroines of Equestria.

"Okay, I'll go" she commented as she stood up and walked away from him, taking a look at the unicorn. "By the way, Paper has been giving you a dirty look for a while now."

Snapshot gulped before slowly turning around, and sure enough, a pegasus stallion was frowning at him, its wing feathers drumming on the table, still waiting for his coffee. Nervously, the unicorn hurried over to bring his drink as Ink entered the elevator and pressed the button for the first floor.

When the doors opened, she was faced with the vast lobby of the Daily Planet, ponies pacing back and forth, a few heading for the elevators so the mare had to step aside, a large counter with several workers ready to help visitors, and just behind them, towering over everything else in the room, a scale model of the planet Equs, which also stood on top of the building, and with the name of the newspaper orbiting around it like a ring . Ink walked over to the counter, straight to the only worker who wasn't busy with a visitor, a unicorn mare.

"Hello, the coffee colt told me that one of the elements of harmony was waiting for me."

The mare looked up and nodded, pointing with her hoof to a place behind the representation of the planet. Ink nodded, giving her a goodbye wave before walking away, arriving at an area filled with several dozen sofas, ready for visitors. She looked around the place, trying to locate one of the well-known heroines of Equestria, until she finally recognized her, that snow-white fur and that almost perfect mane were difficult to camouflage.

Ink walked over, smiling as she approached Rarity Belle, who was talking to another mare, one she didn't recognize at first, but the closer she got, the more familiar she became, causing her to stop in her tracks with wide-eyed surprise, a part of her unable to believe that what she saw was true. Rarity noticed her presence, smiling and getting up from her place, gesturing to her partner, who looked at Ink for a few seconds before sighing and getting up too. Despite her initial surprise, Ink forced herself to walk, if only to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her.

"Hello, Miss Tale, thanks for coming" Rarity said with a smile.

Ink, for her part, barely paid attention to her, because her eyes were fixed on the mare that accompanied Rarity, who noticed her gaze, and instead of saying something, she moved aside and let the two talk. The unicorn could not believe it, but her eyes had not deceived her, her friend, who had not seen her for a long time, was in front of her.


"Hello, Ink…" the mare said, looking away from her a bit. "I... Sorry for taking so long to come back, I hope you can forgive me..."

Ink looked at her friend for a few moments, before a sigh came out of her mouth, and shortly after she smiled slightly.

"I see you're still the same Coco I knew, always apologizing when you have no reason to."

Coco looked at her friend with a bit of surprise, who came over to hug her, which she quickly accepted. Her eyes deviated to Rarity, who was smiling happily at her, and the mare smiled back. Soon, they parted ways, and Ink stared at her long-lost friend.

"By Celestia, I've missed you."

"And I you, I'm sorry I've been gone so long."

"Apologizing again" Ink said with a small laugh. "Coco, nothing's wrong, seriously, I understand you. Honestly, I would have done the same, besides, it's not like you left without warning."

Coco nodded, relieved that her friend wasn't upset. Rarity, who had watched everything a little away from them, approached, smiling at both of them.

"I'm glad you guys are friends again! Why don't we celebrate? I invite" she said with a hint of joy in her voice, but Ink shook her head.

"As much as I want to get away, I have to write an article for tomorrow about what happened today" she said with a small sigh, then looking at Coco. "I hope you do not mind."

"It's okay" said the mare with a smile. "I know what it's like to work under deadlines, we can meet another day."

"Tomorrow at the usual cafeteria at 12?" Ink asked with a smile, to which Coco nodded energetically.

"I will be there."

"In that case, I'll have to leave you alone, I have to go back to Ponyville early tomorrow" Rarity said with a small sigh, but she soon smiled again. "Anyway, I'm glad I helped you become friends again."

Ink smiled at Rarity, and soon, her smile became more cunning, an expression Coco had seen a few times before.

"Thanks for that... and if you want to keep helping, you don't happen to know anything new about Supermare, do you?"

Rarity blinked a little in surprise, but she quickly pulled herself together, Coco had warned her about that, her friend wasn't the best journalist at the Daily Planet for nothing.

"I'm afraid not, dear, I know exactly as much as you do, and if you're wondering, I doubt Twilight and the other princesses know more."

Ink looked at Rarity for a bit before she sighed and shrugged.

"Well, I had to try. Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine" Rarity said with a more polite smile.

Ink smiled too and then turned her attention to her friend, smiling at her.

"See you tomorrow, Coco."

"Goodbye Ink, I'm looking forward to reading your article tomorrow" Coco said with a smile, one that her friend surpassed hers.

"I know."

With those words and one last goodbye, she headed for the elevator, while Rarity and Coco headed for the exit.

"Thanks again for helping me, Rarity" Coco said gratefully.

"You don't have to thank me for anything, Coco" Rarity replied with a smile. "It has been a pleasure."

Smiling at each other, the two mares left the Daily Planet, talking animatedly to each other.