• Published 2nd Apr 2022
  • 754 Views, 62 Comments

Supermare, last daughter of Krypton - Guillermo

Coco Pommel knew she was special since she was just a filly. She could do things that others couldn't, and now that she was an adult, she would use those abilities for good. She would become Supermare.

  • ...

Blind Date

Lex entered the observation room calmly, standing in front of the window from which he would see the entire operation. Natural Cells was next to him, much more nervous than his boss. It was quite early in the morning, barely 5 a.m., but the unicorn had insisted on doing it as soon as possible. His gaze went to a computer controlled by a scientist, showing the subject's vital signs and E.M.E.C. compound readings.

"Are you sure we'll get accurate readings?"

"Yes" Natural answered with some nervousness. "We may be unable to control it, but the tracking spells are still working. We will receive constant data on the energy it consumes, so if it takes energy from Supermare, we may have clearer data than last time."

"If it absorbs her energy, that data won't be useful" Lex said calmly. "What use are data from a corpse to us?"

To say that Clean Mop was nervous would be an understatement, he was terrified. He was strapped to a stretcher, both his four hooves, his torso, even his head had been immobilized, an inhibitor ring on his horn to prevent him from using magic and ruining everything. The room around him was completely white and sterile, typical of a hospital. If he raised his head, at least as little as his restraints allowed, he could see the steel gates that isolated him from everypony, to his left he could see a window through which he could see Lex Tech and the scientist who had been present when he was chosen, the first with a stoic look and the second unable to meet his eyes. To the right of him, was what had him terrified.

A reinforced glass container, connected to his body through an IV, containing a pinkish mass that seemed to have a life of its own as it moved in the direction of passing ponies, but was mostly centered. in Clean. The only thing keeping it from advancing through the IV into his veins was the key they had placed, cutting off the E.M.E.C. compound. Surrounding him were about four scientists, clad from head to hooves in heavy-gauge containment suits, the only thing visible were their eyes, viewed through thick insulated goggles. One of them, a unicorn whose horn was covered, approached to the left side of him and he could see the guilt in his gaze.


Clean wasn't ready, he wanted to go home, go back to his shitty apartment, go back to eating junk food, go back to his boring and aspirational life. Instead, and after looking at the intimidating unicorn behind the window, he nodded slowly. The scientist glanced over his shoulder at Lex before nodding to the pony next to the container, the tied stallion didn't know if he was a pegasus or an earth pony because of the suit. Using his hoof, he unlocked the tap and allowed the EMEC compound to begin traveling down the IV to it new host.

As soon as it entered his vein, Clean tensed slightly, that hurt, a lot. The E.M.E.C. compound moved steadily through his vein, and he could feel it, up his arm to his shoulder, and from there to his chest, and when it reached his heart, he screamed in pure pain. It was like it were tearing him apart inside, and it wasn't stopping. The scientists looked at each other in alarm, one of them approached the key, stopped by Lex's voice.

"Whoever stops the experiment will be the next test subject."

That warning was enough for the scientist to back away from the container with a grimace of fear. Being one of the culprits in a pony's possible death was better than becoming the next guinea pig. Clean was no longer paying attention to his surroundings, his eyes were looking frantically from side to side as he felt that this thing was moving up his neck to his head, reaching his brain in a short time, and seconds later, little pink tendrils began to spread over the eyeballs.

The pink mass was already fully out of the container, entering the defenseless pony's body, who shuddered and cried out in sheer pain, then turned into weak moans, transitioning to silent gasps before falling into utter silence. In the observation room, his vital signs were slowly and hopelessly stopping. One of the scientists present acted on instinct and approached, willing to try to save the unicorn.

"Don't bother," Lex's voice interrupted, causing the scientist to look at him in disbelief.

"He's dying!"

"Judging from previous animal experiments, he won't survive for long. Don't waste your time or mine." Lex turned and stared at Natural. "Leave his corpse under observation just in case, if nothing has happened by sunset, dissect him and try to salvage all the E.M.E.C. compound you can."

Natural looked at Lex with some fear and disbelief, watching the dying pony, whose vital signs were already fading, before lowering his head in resignation.

"Yes sir Tech."

Lex nodded in satisfaction and walked away, waiting to see if this was a complete flop or a hit.

An earth pony mare was looking critically and doubtfully at her reflection, studying every inch of the dress she was wearing.

"Are you sure it fits me?"

Coco smiled slightly, standing next to the mare, nodding with conviction.

"Very secure."

"Doesn't it make me look fat?" The mare frowned, turning to see the curve of her flanks.

"Believe me, you look beautiful, I'm sure you'll dazzle your friend."

A blush covered the mare's face, and Coco could hear how her heartbeat had sped up slightly.

"I don't want to dazzle him... it's just a friends outing."

"That doesn't mean you can't look more beautiful than usual from time to time."

The mare thought for a bit before a tiny smile appeared on her lips, looking at Coco shyly.

"I'll take it."

Coco smiled and walked her into the nearby changing room, waiting patiently until the mare came out of it again, grabbed the neatly folded dress and walked on three legs, the fourth clutching the dress, to the display. There was also Gem Design, reading the newspaper, giving her a quick glance to see if she needed help, but seeing that she was managing on her own, she went back to reading.

"Very good" Coco said as she looked at the dress's price tag. "Let me calculate the discount before you pay me."

The mare blinked in shock as she watched Coco eye the tag.


"All products sold by Rarity have an initial 50% discount for new customers" Coco explained with a calm and reassuring smile.

"That... that's very generous," the mare replied gratefully, part of her relieved that she didn't have to pay full price.

"She's the element of generosity, after all," Coco replied with a giggle, turning her attention back to the cash register. "Let's see, 50% initial discount and another 20% for plus romance..."

"W-wait... what?"

"Boss's idea," Gem chimed in from where she was, an amused giggle slipping from her lips as he focused on their client. "She has a soft spot for those things."

The mare's face had turned completely red.

"B-but i-it's no-not a da-date... W-we ar-are o-only fri-friends."

"And you don't want it to be something else?"

The mare opened her mouth to respond, slamming it shut, opening it, then shutting it again, looking away from her and nodding sheepishly.

"In that case it's 100 bits."

As the mare rummaged through her bag of bits for the required amount and Coco bagged the dress, Gem absently pulled out a calculator and, after glancing at the label, began to do some quick calculations.

"Here you go" said Coco with a smile, holding out the bag, which the mare caught between her teeth, and picked up the seven 10 and 20 bit coins that she had given her. "I hope things go well with your friend."

The mare nodded sheepishly, still flushed, and hurried out of the shop. Coco sighed happily to herself before starting to put the coins in the cash register.

"Perfect calculation" Gem's voice said, putting the calculator aside and looking with an amused smile at Coco. "Are you sure you didn't go to a math college or something?"

"Very sure" Coco replied with amusement. "I'm just good at mental math."

"I see," Gem said with a giggle, focusing on her newspaper again.

Coco watched her out of the corner of her eye, noticing the Daily Planet emblem to one side. She knew that this same newspaper would be going around the country, maybe even the whole world, before long.

"Is that today's newspaper?"

"Yes, and it is very interesting."

"Really?" Coco tried not to show her nervousness too much.

"Uh-huh" Gem moved a little away from the newspaper and brought it closer to Coco. "Turns out Supermare is an alien, who knew huh?"

Coco gave her just a small smile, trying to remind herself that it was normal for ponies to see her as an alien, she had to get used to it. At least she hadn't reacted with the fear she had expected, she almost seemed disinterested. Her gaze went to the newspaper, reading the headline and the lead article.

Supermare, the Last Daughter of Krypton

Not really wanting to read her own story, she pretended that she read with interest. After a few moments, she turned her head to Gem, who was patiently waiting for her to finish.

"That explains a few things," she said, trying to sound interested and, at the same time, a bit doubtful.

"Yeah, although it was obvious when you think about it," Gem said with a shrug. "That journalist said it in her last article, no being from Equs is capable of doing those things without magic."

"Right, she said it" Coco internally wondered how many ponies would have come to that conclusion. Her gaze returned to Gem, who had retrieved the newspaper, still with that disinterested look. "What do you think?"

Gem hummed to herself before shrugging.

"Honestly, I don't really care, she's helping a lot of ponies, and that's what counts."

Coco couldn't help but smile, hoping that more ponies would think like Gem. Before she could say anything else, the doors opened, and when she turned to the potential customer, she knew she was about to face something she had been waiting for all day.

"I told you!"

Ink Tale practically yelled that statement, standing right in front of Coco and looking at her with pride and amusement, causing her friend to roll her eyes, but she still smiled.

"Did you really come all the way here just to tell me that? Couldn't it wait for later?"

"Nope, I can't take it anymore without telling you, honestly, you're lucky I didn't decide to come to your house last night" Ink replied with a smile.

"May I know what's up?" Gem asked doubtfully, looking from Coco to the unknown mare, the latter looking at her for a few seconds before smiling and pointing at the earth pony.

"My friend here didn't believe me when I said Supermare wasn't from Equs."

"What I remember, I didn't say I didn't believe you, just that you should wait before writing your article."

"Still counting."

Gem looked doubtfully at the two of them before realization hit her face, her eyes looking from the newspaper to Ink.

"Wait, did you write this article?"

"Yes" Ink stated proudly. "And I must say that it's the best I've written so far."

Gem looked at Ink for a bit more before focusing on Coco.

"When were you going to tell me you had a famous friend? Apart from Rarity" she added almost at the last second.

"I'm not that famous" Ink replied, although Coco didn't miss the small smile on her lips. "I'm only known. Ink Tale, at your service."

Ink approached Gem and extended her hoof, which was embraced by the mare's, smiling in spite of her.

"Gem Design, a pleasure."

Once the friendly greeting was over, Ink turned to focus on her friend, and Coco didn't like the look in her eyes.

"As for you, you have lost the bet."

Coco frowned at her quickly and let out a small groan of frustration.

"Oh no, I didn't bet anything."

"As I recall" Ink replied with perverse amusement, "you didn't deny the bet either, therefore you accepted."

Coco frowned and opened her mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by Gem next to her.


"If I was right, which I ended up being, then Coco would have to obey me and I would take her to pick up."

Instantly, Gem seemed much more interested, leaning over the counter, and Coco didn't like the way things were going.

"Really?" Her gaze went to Coco, a mischievous smile on her lips. "You must have had a long dry spell if she had to bet to gambling to find you a coltfriend."

Coco groaned to herself, but before she could defend herself, Ink stepped forward.

"Believe me, it's the longest dry spell in history" Ink could barely hold back a giggle at her friend's expense.

Gem raised an eyebrow before looking at Coco, who was muttering annoyed to herself.

"When was the last time you had a coltfriend? Or a fillyfriend, I'm not judging."

Coco looked between her two friends before sighing and looking away.

"Never, and I don't care either."

The surprise became more evident on Gem's face before being replaced by a determined smile and looking at Ink.

"I'm in, I may not know Coco very well, but I know how to tell one pony looking for something serious from one who just wants a night of fun."

"That would be great for us, we'll make a great team."

"Can you please stop?" Coco's voice said, drawing the attention of the two mares. "I know you want to do it for my sake, but really, I don't need a coltfriend, fillyfriend, or special pony right now. I'm perfectly fine being single."

Ink's look went from amusement to decision, making Coco groan to herself. That was the look she got when something got into her head, and when it did, not even Princess Celestia could have stopped her.

"You're saying that because you've never had one. You're missing out on a great experience, and as your friend, I'm not going to allow that, you're going to come with me and I'll help you find your ideal pony…or at least the closest one."

Coco stared at Ink for a few moments before sighing in defeat.

"Okay, it's not like I can change your mind, right?"

Ink's smile returned, much bigger, nodding proudly.

"Thanks. The only thing I need to know is if you're more interested in stallions or mares" she announced, and at Coco's look, she shrugged. "You never specified it to me, and bisexuality is common in Equestria, but I don't want to risk ruining your night."

"Honestly, I don't care."

"Okay, no taste in particular, it'll make it a little easier and give me more options" Ink muttered to herself, making Coco wonder what she was getting herself into. After a few seconds, the unicorn raised her head and calmly looked at her friend, who could see that, at least, this was important to her. "You will not regret."

Coco was already regretting it. The disco they had taken her to, practically against her will, was loud, very loud. Even with her super hearing, she had a hard time concentrating on the outside world, the incessant loud music and ponies talking to make themselves heard a constant distraction. She was at the bar, studying her surroundings intently, her gaze fixed on her two friends, who, true to their word, were talking to different stallions and mares, Ink trying to find one that would meet her standards of what should be the perfect match for her best friend and Gem judging if the ponies they chose wanted something serious, or at least a friendly relationship with a view to something more, or a night of fun.

Coco had to admit that Ink was taking it very seriously, so much so that she had even lent her one of her most beautiful dresses, one that she only wore when she had to go to a high-class party and wanted everypony to focus on her. In her own words, even if she was a budding designer with a great sense of fashion, when it came to flirting she needed something more revealing and flashy instead of elegant, and that's what that dress was. It was incredibly tight, hugging her curves perfectly, sleeveless and joining her body with a strap at her neck, exposing her back and part of her torso. The skirt was short, barely reaching just below her cutie mark, with a small fringe down the right side to give a hint of what it looked like, and the mane of her tail had been gathered into a tight bun, which if not for the dress, Coco was sure somepony would say something to her out of public indecency.

Although Ink and Gem meant very well, Coco herself was not at all interested in having a romantic partner, and she had very good reasons. In the first place, the path she had chosen already made it a bit difficult for her to have a normal life and support her friends, much less a partner. She was sure that if she listened to her friends and agreed to have a coltfriend or fillyfriend, over time they would end up wondering why she spent so little time with them, abruptly left any dates they had or was late for said dates, without having to consider the small chance that somepony would find out her identity and decide to go after her loved ones, and a special pony fell into that category.

The second one was something that embarrassed her a bit due to it nature, but Coco was sure that she could never properly satisfy any couple in bed. As she went through the typical teenage hormone rush she realized a detail that was both embarrassing and terribly frustrating, nocreature of Equs could have a fun time with her without risking breaking hips, among other things, or, worse still, die. Not even the strongest materials on the planet had been able to withstand her powerful muscles. With these two factors in mind, the mare ended up accepting that it was best for her to refrain from having any type of sentimental partner.

She snapped out of her thoughts as she saw Ink enter her field of vision, a triumphant smile on her face, and internally, the mare cursed herself for being distracted, now she would have no idea who she had been paired with.

"Come with me, I want you to meet somepony."

Sighing to herself, and knowing that she had no escape, she followed her friend through the sea of ponies. They reached a somewhat isolated area, where the noise of the music was a little lower and allowed the ponies to talk, still loudly, but with better results. There they found Gem, talking to three different mares, specifically, with a unicorn in the center, with turquoise fur and a duller mane with a white stripe, in fact, Coco reminded her of somepony, and after thinking for a few seconds, she realized that she was the same mare that she saved from some robbers on her first day of her official career as a superhero, or at least that's how she had been declared. To her right was an earth pony looking disapprovingly at the mare next to her, though she tried to be sneaky, succeeding to the untrained eye, but not to Coco. Her fur was a shade of pale cream, while her mane was dark blue with a pink fringe.

To her left, was another earth pony mare, with dark gray fur and a black mane, and judging by the look on her face, she was in the same situation as Coco. She was dressed in a much more demure and elegant dress than her, a passion red color and a skirt that reached just above her hooves, not really touching the ground, and keeping her tail hidden

"This is the friend we told you about" Ink said with a smile, pointing to Coco, who looked at her out of the corner of her eye and sighed to herself before smiling friendly.

"Hi, I'm Coco, nice to meet you."

"Same here," the unicorn mare said, studying her briefly before glancing at the earth pony to her left with a smile. "I'm Lyra, this is my fillyfriend Bon Bon" she introduced pointing to the mare to her right, who nodded slightly, "and this is my friend Octavia, you may know her, she's a very famous and talented cellist."

The so-called Octavia rolled her eyes before focusing on Coco, trying to flash another smile, albeit much smaller and more demure.

"Nice to meet you.."

Before Coco could speak, Ink intervened.

"Cellist?" she said with a raised eyebrow before the realization reached her face. "Ah, I see, you must be Octavia Melody. I heard you had a concert in Manehattan the night before."

"That's right, I…"

"And I can tell you, she did great," Lyra interrupted, earning dirty looks from both Octavia and Bon Bon. "Like I said, she's very talented."

"Of that I have no doubt" Ink stated, her gaze turning to Coco briefly before speaking. "Coco here is also talented here at the same time, she is a great designer."

"I don't think I'm tha..."

"She has gained the favor of Rarity herself," Gem interjected. "I myself have seen some of her dresses and I can say that they are dazzling."

Coco groaned to herself, looking away from they in some annoyance, but as she focused on Octavia, she could see that she was giving her a friendly, amused smile. Her eyes almost seemed to say you too, huh?

"Another talented mare, huh?" Lyra said with a smile, locking eyes with Ink before focusing on Octavia. "By the way, could you go get me a drink?"

Both Octacia and Bon Bon looked at her at her sudden, forced, and blatant request. Before she could answer, Ink intervened.

"Could you bring me a drink, Coco? So you can take advantage and get to know each other better."

Both Coco and Octavia looked at their respective friends before walking away, resigned.

"Lyra, you know Octavia doesn't want a fillyfriend" Coco managed to hear.

"She'll be good for him, and from what we've been told, her friend too."

"That's true" this time it was Ink.

Coco sighed to herself and followed Octavia to the bar, in a slightly secluded spot, which allowed them to talk without having to raise their voices so much over the music. The mare sat on one of the prepared cushions, glancing out of the corner of her eye at her involuntary date from tonight as she sat next to her. After a few moments of silence, she began to speak.

"I guess your friends have dragged you into this too."

Coco sighed heavily, her gaze turning to her friends, who were starting to talk among themselves, except for Ink. Curious, she adjusted her hearing to hear her, trying to ignore the music around her.

"Sorry, I have my own date tonight" Ink turned to Gem with a mischievous smile. "Make sure Coco doesn't try to escape, I know her very well."

"You can trust me" replied the mare with an amused laugh.

Rolling her eyes, Coco focused on Octavia, nodding.

"Yes, in my case a lost bet that I don't remember accepting. Did you also lose a bet?"

Octavia's face turned a little gloomy and she looked away from her, making Coco immediately regret it.

"I'm sorry if it's personal, I didn't mean to upset you."

"No, no, you didn't bother me" Octavia thought for a bit before sighing. "And I'm sure Lyra doesn't want that either, she's just worried. I haven't dated since..."

Octavia didn't finish the sentence, and Coco didn't need it. Even if they were different cases, she could recognize somepony who was still dealing with the loss of a loved one.

"I'm sorry."

Octavia nodded slightly, barely listening, leaving the two of them silent. A few moments later a waiter approached, a beaming smile on his face.

"Good evening, ladies, would you like something?"

Octavia blinked a bit, apparently remembering where they were, and looked at the waiter, answering shortly after.

"A little wine, if you have."

"Of course, and you?"

"Anything not too expensive, I don't care much" she replied with a small shrug.

The waiter nodded and moved away from they to bring their orders, which didn't take long. Deducing that the two preferred to talk to each other, he left them alone. Coco looked at her drink, a rather cheap Gin Tonic and therefore simple. Grabbing the glass, she took an experimental sip, deciding it wasn't such a bad taste after all, and regretting a little that she couldn't get the full experience. Next her, Octavia took a sip of her own drink, and she could already see that, inwardly at least, it was already having an effect. She sometimes wondered if being unable to get drunk was a gift or a curse.

"How was he?"

Octavia looked away from her glass and looked at Coco doubtfully.


"How was he? Or she" Coco replied with a kind smile.

Octavia watched her for a few seconds before a small smile appeared on her face, laughing softly.

"She was… honestly, she was a mess, much more concerned with partying than anything else. You may have known her, her name was Vinyl Scratch."

Coco frowned at her a bit, trying to remember if she knew anypony famous by that name, something Octavia noticed, letting out a small giggle.

"She was also called DJ Pon-3."

Recognition came to Coco's gaze.

"DJ Pon-3? I haven't heard her records personally, but Ink has, she told me that she was one of the best DJs around."

"Yes, she always presumed that" Ocatavia commented with a nostalgic smile. "We always ended up arguing about which was better, classical music or electronic music."

Octavia was silent for a few moments, and Coco decided to wait for her to continue. Finally, she spoke again, but this time there was sadness.

"But whatever she had talent she had arrogance. I can't blame her, her parents gave her everything she wanted as she grew up." Little by little, Octavia frowned. "I put up with it at first, but not after what she did at home."

"What did she do?" Coco asked, now genuinely curious, drawing a long sigh from Octavia.

"She threw one of her parties at the house we shared in Ponyville, and not like the ones Pinkie Pie throws... I don't know if you know her."

"I know her, she threw me another one of her parties."

"Well, the one from Vinyl had nothing to do with it, she left the house destroyed" Octavia growled a little, frowning even more. "When I confronted her, she told me that I was boring, that it was just a party. That was the straw that broke the camel's back and I threw her out."

Octavia was silent for a while, her angry face starting to turn guilty, something Coco noticed.

"What happened to her?"

Octavia thought for a few moments before speaking.

"She sent me an invitation for a cruise on the Celestia Sea with her father, she said it was an apology, but I didn't accept... they were lost at sea, never found."

Silence fell between the two of them, with Coco not quite knowing how to proceed.

"I… I'm so sorry to hear that."

"Thank you," Octavia said, giving her a weak smile. "It's been 5 years now and I still get depressed thinking about her... Sometimes I wonder if it's not my fault."

"Don't think about it, it's not your fault" Coco replied with conviction, to which Octavia shrugged.

"I could have stopped her, talked things out or…"

"You didn't know what was going to happen, you can't blame yourself for something you can't control" Coco's own look became distant. "I tell you from experience."

Octavia watched her for a few seconds before she sighed and nodded, not entirely convinced. After a few minutes, she turned to give her a smile.

"Enough talking about the past, let's focus on the present."

Coco glanced at her before nodding. She didn't know her well enough to know if her words had worked or not, but she wasn't going to insist.

Author's Note:

I'm back! I told you that I would not put this fic aside, but you should know that I will also be writing Old Mare Celestia, although I must admit that I write when the inspiration strikes me, in this case it was thanks to a Superman fanfic in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( if anyone is interested, it name is Superman, Kal son of Odin).

I already have the next chapter to this one written, so you'll have the next part tomorrow, and since I'm in the hospital and have nothing better to do, you might as well have the next one soon, we'll see.

To finish, I have decided that after finishing this first phase of this DC universe in My Little Pony I will go through the stories to correct mistakes and rewrite the scenes that I think were wrong. So for now you will have to put up with the failures :twilightsheepish:.

Anyway, that's all, I hope there is still someone out there who is reading this. See you!