• Published 16th Feb 2022
  • 2,036 Views, 197 Comments

Diary of a Young Griff - Isuvyw

Life in the boiler room of Canterlot Palace, as seen through the eyes of a female griffon.

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VII: Entries 25 to 29

19th of Miremonth

You know what’s funny, Eabha? Writing to you while I am crapping.

It stinks like Tartarus in here. I am right now squatting over an oval bowl built into the floor. There is a small hole near the rear end, so that when I am finished I can pour the bucket of water into it and wash the crap down the hole.

Accuracy is severely lacking in the toilet. My accuracy is superb if you compare it to others. The wasteponies are the worst – it’s like they’re purposely missing the target and washing down the area with their filth. Well, they work with filth and talk filth, so I guess they are quite filthy themselves.

It’s quite tiring to balance myself on my rear legs, because my left claw is holding you and my right claw is holding the quill. And I’m trying really really hard not to fall backwards. It’s killing my legs though. The ink pot is sitting nicely in front of me, if you were wondering.

The toilet is very small. I don’t know how to measure properly, but I’d think it’s probably big enough to fit two ponies standing in front of each other. It’s tall and narrow, and it gives me the chills everytime I step in here. Unfortunately, I produce crap all the time, so I don’t really have a choice. At least you being here gives me some comfort.

I think that’s quite enough. My legs are burning, and the funk is growing stronger. I think I won’t bring you in while I’m crapping, because I’m worried you might get soiled.

Till next time.


21st of Miremonth

I don’t feel like talking to you, Eabha. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not upset at you. I don’t know how to tell you. It feels as if my heart is split in two, and one half is going to the left, and the other half is going to the right.

It’s my fault. I yelled at Sven yesterday. I got upset because he took the last piece of potato bread. It’s so stupid, isnt it? I scolded him for a piece of bread. I feel so horrible. I’m a horrible griff.

Sven went upstairs to check the pipes. One broke loose and smashed his nose. He was crying and bleeding terribly. It was running all over the floor. I had to send him to Miss Syringe. She just bandaged his nose and told me that he had to rest for a week at least. He cant work till then.

He’s sleeping now. I feel so horrible, Eabha. How could I do this to my friend, my only friend? I feel something more than horrible. Im disgusting. Sven must loathe me. Is he even going to talm talk to me again?

I don’t know what I feel. Like Tartarus? Is this how princess Luna felt when she became Nightmare?

I’ve done horrible things before. You wont be able to handle it if I tell you. My heart hurts so much just writing to you this. I don’t want Sven to be punished for my sins. I must bear them alone.

Alone Eabha. I don’t want to be alone. And yet, I caused myself to be alone, because I was so selfish. Nopony should love me for what I did. Would Sven understand if I tell him? Would he shun away frm from me?


22nd of Miremonth

Eva, I skrif this to you, so that if Matilda opens you up, she would read this and feel better.

I will not push you away if you want to tell me your dark remembrance. Is this the dark remembrance that the juvadrekka has been tormenting you with? I wish I remembered my mother’s night-song, so that I could sing to you, that you may feel better.

In truth, I also was upset towards you, and I was selfish as well. I wanted the bread and did not think much about you. I’m sorry, Matilda. I know you will forgive me, but you must know as well that I will forgive you, je?

I’m still your friend and little brother.

Trogg juva.


28th of Miremonth

I actually wanted to write to you yesterday, but I didn’t know how or what to write. You must’ve missed me a lot, Eabha?

I feel a little better, but still stupid. I was too proud to say sorry to Sven after we argued. But after reading his thoughts that he wrote to you last night, I just felt so stupid. So yesterday I said sorry to him for being so selfish, and he forgave me quickly. He and I shared a hug. We haven’t had hugs for quite some time.

I didn’t realise it then, but I missed the security and comfort a hug gives. Doing it yesterday just reminded me how much Sven and I need each other. I guess working in this boiler room has done many things to me.

Goodnight Eabha. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.


29th of Miremonth

I feel that there’s something funny about the pipes, Eabha.

One of the orange pipes for the kitchen broke off, but it didn’t leak any hot water. Yet, the pressure gauge bobbed up and down like normal. I wonder what is going on? Maybe there might be some extra pipe that was used, but that is not possible. I may have to look at the pipe map that Miss Hawkrose keeps in her office.

Sven’s nose is doing better, but it still looks quite nasty. It is quite red with a bit of black on his blue nose. I saw it like this because I had to take off his bandage and help him wash it. I guess this is a way to repay him for the time he helped wash my injury. I owe it to him a lot.

It is quite early now, actually. The sun is just going below. Sven is reading a book called Rown ag Meagis, which is a sad and heartbreaking love story that ends with the griffon and griffoness dying together. I won’t say how, because the writers wrote their deaths in a very bloody way. I guess it’s to make the Equestrians sick.

I have read some Equestrian books. Our room which we sleep in has a pile of books, which Miss Hawkrose used to keep in her office. She threw it into the boiler room and wanted to burn it in the furnaces. I don’t know why she wanted to destroy such precious books. Anyway, she somehow forgot about it and left it in a big box by the furnace, where I took it into my room. That was quite a long time ago.

Some of the interesting things that the Equestrians wrote are “Romeo and Iuliette,” “Canterlot Tales,” and "Songs of Buck.” Romeo and Iuliette is like Rown ag Meagis, because they die at the end, except that Romeo and Iuliette die in a peaceful way – with no blood sadly. Canterlot Tales and Songs of Buck are full of funny, stupid, and disgusting stories though. Like, doing bed stuff with alicorns, drinking at royal ceremonies, and letting out crap-air in ponies’ faces. Imagine if princess Celestia allowed that, but I’m very sure she won’t, and neither would princess Luna. That makes me wonder why Equestrians always think they are better than griffons.

Anyway, I’m reading a big book that is not written by Equestrians. The front page says that it was translated into Equestrian, because it was written by “kirins” in their strange writing. I don’t know what kirins are though. However, they seem to be very interesting creatures. They like to eat mashy food called rice, and drink a hot drink called “cha.” They like to wear long dresses and carry thin wooden things called fans. The book says that it is to keep them cool when it is hot. That’s interesting, isn’t it?

The book has many colorful pictures with “kirin” in it. They are like ponies, but look so very different. Their land looks very beautiful. It is full of trees and mountains, and many rivers and lakes. I really want to see their land. Their land is so beautiful, and this boiler room is so boring and dull. Everyday I see grey walls and yellow fire, but these “kirin” get to see many colors.

If I ever leave this boiler room, I will go and see this place. I want to see these “kirin” and tell them how beautiful their land is. Maybe one day, Eabha.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Author's Note:

This took some time, but here it is. Enjoy!

Once again, feel free to point out anything or speculate. I love seeing you readers draw out possible scenarios or circumstances which affect our little birb here. Thanks a lot.