• Published 16th Feb 2022
  • 2,036 Views, 197 Comments

Diary of a Young Griff - Isuvyw

Life in the boiler room of Canterlot Palace, as seen through the eyes of a female griffon.

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XV: Entries 56 to 58

25th of Blossommonth

You can say hooray now, because I’ve laid my egg already!

I actually laid it two days ago. I was too tired to tell you straightaway. But now you know. It’s quite a huge egg – as big as Sven’s head, as far as I see it. It’s white in color with brown and black specks here and there. The shell is smooth and quite nice to feel. Sven can’t stop hugging it and laying his head on it.

It was painful, to be honest. I had to get Gravel to hold my beak shut while I was pushing the egg out, while Sven held my body to stop me from moving around so much, so it won’t damage the egg. It fell into a big nest I had made beforehand. That is where I will sit on it until it hatches.

I don’t know how ponies feel when they’re about to give birth, but for me I felt like something big was coming out of my crap-hole. Of course, it's not actually coming out of my crap-hole, but it feels like it. Quite dizzying and uncomfortable.

I have to think about feeding my little fledgeling now. Ponies have breasts to feed their foals milk, as far as I learnt from Sven, but we griffs don’t have anything like that. It makes sense anyway – sharp beaks would pierce and hurt the mother. I will find a way to feed, of course, it shouldn’t be hard. Hopefully.

I will also have to think about raising the fledgeling. Teaching him or her to know right and wrong. To be honest, I don’t feel very capable. I’ve never been a mother before. I also will have to teach it about life, and all its ups and downs. Well, the down would come first, since this place is not exactly the kind of place I want my fledgeling to grow up in. But, I can’t move anywhere else. I can only hope that it would grow strong and well into a fine griff.

Would there be a future for him or her? I really really hope so. There has to be more than this boiler room, at least for him if not for me.

But first things first, get out of this boiler room. Alive. And sane.

Goodnight Eabha.


27th of Blossommonth

I LOVE the egg Eva. So smooth and nice to touch!

I cannot wait to see it hatch. I would be so fortunate to see a little griffon come out of its egg, and be there when it first opens its eyes. I would be a big brother to this little griffon, as much as I am a younger brother to Matilda. And I would surely take care of it to the best I can.

I cannot wait, truthfully. Matilda says that we must wait a month for it to hatch, and she must sit on it for most of the time. I asked why, but she doesn’t know. That doesn’t matter, because I am more interested in the baby griffon.

I would play with it, put it to sleep, and carry it around on my spotted back, kiss it, hug it, tickle it – so much more that I am too lazy to skrif it out.

But I will have to wait. And truthfully, I cannot. I am too thrilled to wait for the hatching. But, unfortunately, I will have to.

I imagine it will have the same colors as Matilda – brown on its headfeathers, and white all around, with a splash of red around its eyes. But that is just my imagination. Its colors may be different, but we will have to see.

I hope the month passes by quickly. I can’t wait!


30th of Blossommonth

I’ve been observing miss Hawkrose, and I can say something is up. She has been peeking through the door, silently watching us, before going off to do other things. I don’t know why she is doing this, but I don’t like it, and it creeps me out.

The pipes have been playing up, and I have a feeling that it is going to become a normal thing. Probably they are growing old and rusty. I don’t know what to say about it.

I wonder, should I let Gravel say hello to you and allow him to write to you? He has become better after all, except his mouth. Actually, I’m worried that he’ll talk nwil and tell you all sorts of things which are unsavoury, so maybe not.

Anyway, leave these two be. They can go kiss their own flanks for all I care. Daren lew Eabha.


Matilda will kill me for this. But here goes, because I like to annoy her.

I am hundred percent sure you can guess it is me, Gravel. Indeed, it is I. And indeed, I will talk about a lot of things that are savoury and wonderful to hear. Lots of it.

If you’re wondering, it is now very late. Matilda and Sven are sleeping, and here I am trying to use the moonlight to write. It is quite difficult to see properly, so my writing will likely be messy, thereofre making it hard to read. On top of that, I know Griffish, and I am obviously writing in it, so it would take twice as hard to decipher whatever I’m saying to you. I am an absolute genius.

Matilda is kinda annoying, to be honest. I get it that she has been here for longer than Sven or I, but that fact makes her a bit bossy. Which is also charming. I kinda like it when she gets angry at me, because it makes her look cute. I’ll leave whatever this means to your interpretation, and to whoever-reads-this’s interpretation, because I am a complicated griffon who is the only one that can understand himself. Matilda obviously doesn’t.

Sven is okay, I guess. A bit passive, a bit aggressive, but overall an okay pony, except that he’s not okay with me. I wOnDeR wHy.

If you wonder why Matilda keeps putting “nwil” everywhere in this book, it’s because griffons like to use the word “pee” as an insult, as well as the fact that she’s a jerk. And yes, I am writing this in Equestrian.

Now back to Griffish. I speak two languages, maybe even three. I have green eyes so deep they can pierce your soul if you ever look at it. I have large wings with feathers brushed immaculately, so much so that each feather gracefully flutters when I flap my wings.

On top of that I have the best built chest any male griff could have. And you know what’s better? I have the hottest fluff any male could ever dream of having.

sTiLl wOnDeRiNg WhY mAtILdA iS nOt AtTrAcTeD tO mE yEt…

I mean, my looks are ten times more likely to make you sweat than Celestia’s sun. I hope you understand what I’m saying.

I’m basically saying I’m a stud ~ And a great and powerful stud at that.

I’m talking to nopony/nogriff in particular. I’m just scribbling my thoughts down so that it can be recorded in this book. Forever. Love you (the book), you’re cool.

Go ––––– odnight.

I hope Matilda reads this.

Author's Note:

Gravel is gonna get himself into hot soup...:rainbowlaugh: