• Published 16th Feb 2022
  • 2,036 Views, 197 Comments

Diary of a Young Griff - Isuvyw

Life in the boiler room of Canterlot Palace, as seen through the eyes of a female griffon.

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XIV: Entries 51 to 55

15th of Blossommonth

I feel a little scared and discouraged, especially when I think about how I am going to be a mommy soon.

I have to think about feeding, and the mess he or she is going to make around this place. This is no place for a fledgeling, really. It’s hot, stuffy, and full of dangers. Not to mention the crying.

I’m young, and have no experience with a baby creature. Of course, Sven could help, maybe with the mess or what. I don’t have any spare cloth for nappies though.

I need to hide the egg from miss Hawkrose. Don’t want her to take it away and get rid of it. Also means I’ll have to keep quiet while laying it.

I really really hope everything goes well.


17th of Blossommonth

Hej Eva. It has been some time since I last skrifedd to you. After all, so much has happened.

Matilda has been spewing up her food lately. It’s quite scary, having an egg inside her this whole time. And it’s growing bigger and bigger everyday. I know that because the place below her tummy is getting bigger.

I will help take care of the baby griff of course. I hope he or she will like me a lot. And I also hope he or she won’t make too much mess and noise. But it’s what baby creatures always do anyway.

I can hope for the best.


18th of Blossommonth

I bought some cloth from Miss Penny. Thankfully she didn’t ask why. Imagine the mess that would erupt if I told her that I have a griff coming soon.

I don’t know what miss Hawkrose would do if she knows I have a baby griff. I can’t trust her. Maybe its some motherly instinct that makes me protective.

Its dangerous in here. Wasteponies on one hoof, and miss Hawkrose on another. Plus the pipes and boilers here. I might have to find a way to make sure my little griff won’t wander around.

It might come soon. I don’t know when, but I’ll be ready when it comes. Hopefully it will be alright.


19th of Blossommonth

Sven fell down the coal chute and hurt himself badly – a broken leg and some nasty cuts. Gravel – somehow he knew how to – set his leg so that it would heal, and washed his injuries, and bandaged him up. He won’t tell me where or how he learnt it, but hey, at least scum can truly turn into gold. A little bit.

I might as well talk about him. He likes to talk trash. Usually it’s about having a relationship with female griffs. And before you wonder, I already made clear that I’m off the shelf. I ripped out a few feathers from his chest to make my point. But that doesn’t stop him from thinking or talking about it. He’s always complaining how single he is, and likes to fantasize about getting a special somegriff. He can kiss these beautiful copper pipes if he wants. I dare say that my egg is more likely to be rainbow-colored than it is for him to get a female griff.

Honestly, I don’t think his name fits him. I’m pretty sure he has another name, but he won’t say. He tries to get on my good side. He probably does the best job at trying to be on my good list than he is at paying attention to the boilers. I hope one of them pipes falls on him so that he would wake up a bit more.

Speaking of pipes, they’ve all been acting funny this past month or more. Water is definitely coming from another source. Why? I don't know. Sorry Eabha, let me use this space to calculate something

Boilers not used as much = not much hot water used lately.

Month before last month’s total usage was around 504,779 L, last month’s usage was 499,980 L.

504,779 – 499,980 = 4,799 difference. Whoever uses the hot water used 4799 L less. Why?

Palace uses a lot of hot water. Compare last year’s Bloodmonth and Yulemonth, which was 677,000 ish and 700,000 plus litres. Yulemonth usually more because they make lots of hot chocolate (which I miss a lot).

Why would Palace use less hot water then? Unless they are getting hot water from another place. But why from another place?

This doesn’t make any sense. They would still need the boiler room anyway. I wonder how they could get hot water without boiling the water down here. Unless they somehow found a way to use their magic. But I don’t think so. We are still down here doing the work.

Even though they don’t say thank you.

I’m hungry. All this thinking has made me hungry. Talk to you next time Eabha. Bye.


21st of Blossommonth

Taking a shower is nice. I haven’t had one in quite some time.

Sven is resting on his bed. He needs it anyway, because he’s been working very hard. Which means I will have to be working with nut-head Gravel-fabble.

Apparently he’s a bit lonely. Not only in the sense that he has no female griff or what. Understandably, I nor Sven talk to him that much anyway. He usually talks to himself. A bit sad.

I wonder what will happen if I introduce you to him. But at the same time, I don’t want his claws to touch you, because you’re much too precious. Plus, all he might talk to you is about his fantasies and what nots. And he might get a little over descriptive. Makes me wonder what kind of mind he has.

Well, let’s see if he will become worthy enough to say hi to you.

I want to read. Goodnight Eabha, nice chatting with you again.