• Published 16th Feb 2022
  • 2,036 Views, 197 Comments

Diary of a Young Griff - Isuvyw

Life in the boiler room of Canterlot Palace, as seen through the eyes of a female griffon.

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VI: Entries 20 to 24

12th of Miremonth

I’m tired, Eabha. I really am. It’s not easy to wake up so early and go to bed so late.

I don’t think I’ve told you this before. We don’t get holidays. Well, at least, not really. Once, or sometimes twice a month, Miss Penny would put up a little party for all the workers, where we get to drink fizzy drinks and snacks. I think she also puts on such parties because she wants all of us to make friends. All I have seen in these parties are colts fighting over cake and making noise, sadly.

As you might have guessed, I don’t attend these parties. It’s not like I have to. And plus, nopony misses the boiler workers anyway.

I guess I should tell you. Boiler workers are the lowest amongst all the workers. Even the wasteponies are above us, that’s why they treated Sven so horribly. You must be wondering why, but I don’t know why either.

Miss Hawkrose doesn’t say it out loud. But I know – and all the workers know – that she sends anycreature down to the boilers if they are unwanted. All the workers fight to please her, so that they don’t become unwanted. I even heard that they get rid of ponies they don’t like by blaming something on them, just so that Miss Hawkrose could send them down here.

I don’t care to please her. I am already unwanted anyway. I am a griffon, and griffons are not treated very kindly because Gryphonia lost to Equestria in the war. But it ended long ago. Why should we be treated unfairly? Why, Eabha?

I know you can’t answer that question. I can’t either.


13th of Miremonth

Hi Eva, how went your day?

I believe you can acknowledge my skrif from Matilda’s, so you know that it is Sven.

Matilda is sleeping. She is very tired, as she said to you yesterday. I feel sad towards her. She sometimes sheds tears when she sleeps, or turns from one side to another.

I think she is tormented by a juvadrekka. My mother sang a night-song to me everytime a juvadrekka unsettled me. But I do not remember all of the words, so I cannot sing to Matilda, and so the juvadrekka won’t leave.

Mother once said that juvadrekkar unsettle you with dark remembrances of things past. Matilda must have a dark remembrance, though I know not what. I wish she would speak of it, and unburden her heart, so that the juvadrekkar won’t torment her any longer.

I feel very sad towards her. She is fair towards me, and cherishes me like I am her younger brother.

Juva, Eva.


14th of Miremonth

I worry much for Matilda, Eva. She eats very little and talks very little. She looks sick, her bright red eyes are dull and dark, and she has a hard time sleeping. The juvadrekka must be really mean. Why won’t it stop tormenting her?

I feel sad as well. Two of us are sad. There is nopony for us.

Juva, Eva.


17th of Miremonth

Hello Eabha. It’s been four days since I last wrote to you. You must miss me alot.

I see Sven has been talking about his worry for me. You must be worried too. You don’t have to now. I feel better now. Sven has been by my side, hugging me closely, trying to comfort me the best he can. I’m really thankful for such a pony.

It has been quiet these days. Nothing big has happened so far. That’s good. I and Sven have been doing the same routine.

I’m really tired. I am just writing to you today just to let you know I’m fine. Don’t worry about me Eabha. You’re more comforting than you might think you are.



18th of Miremonth

I miss music, Eabha, really. I have not heard a proper tune for a long time. The only music that I hear is the howling of the furnaces, the bubbling of hot water, and the shrill hissing of steam. It is quite unpleasant, but I can’t do anything about it.

I heard that rich and important ponies hire musicians to play for them at their parties. I wonder what kind of music is played there?

You must be wondering what Griffish music is like. As far as I can remember, our songs have fast beats and strong rhythms, and tunes that are both cheerful and sad. Our pipes sing high and nasal, and our lyres buzz like a bee when it is plucked. It makes you want to dance along and have fun.

Our songs talk about daily life and work, about family and about lovers. Sometimes, if we feel sad, we will sing a song of comfort. If we feel happy, we play a jovial tune. And when we are pissing or crapping, we sing a song about pissing and crapping. Actually, they are the best songs, because they have the fastest beats, the strongest rhythms, the nasalest pipes, and the shrillest tunes one could ever sing. It is full of glee, laughter, and excitement.

Thanks so much for your silent comfort. I also must thank Sven, because he’s been so caring for me. I sometimes wonder, what have I done to deserve this?

Daren lew, Eabha. I’m still tired, you know, because working the boilers is not easy. I hope I’ll have enough energy tomorrow to write to you.