• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,542 Views, 697 Comments

Beyond Blind Eyes - Lunaric

Might not have sight anymore but there's always magic... It might take some time to learn it, though.

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Sunny Disposition had been helping out the orphanage in her rare free time. She enjoyed helping out the little ones. Scanning the room for anypony in need, she spotted a small blue filly sitting by herself, doing almost nothing. Fillies nor colts weren't known to sit still if they had the chance to move. And so, Sunny made her way over to the little one. Along the way, she found that the filly was familiar. Being the only little one who wasn't moving, who also had their eyes closed most of the time, it was a little hard to miss her in the common room.

Along her short journey across the room, she studied the filly. A light blue unicorn filly. Large ears. Long white mane and tail. Exceedingly fluffy. If she didn't look too hard, and was at the right angle, she could mistake the filly for a small pile of cozy blankets. Upon getting closer, Sunny realised just how large she was in comparison to the filly. Sunny's figure was already taller than all but the largest earth ponies. She was very thin, however. This filly was only as large as Sunny's head. She weaved around and over a pair of colts seemingly playing tag. Sunny smiled as she reached the filly.

"Hello, little one. How do you fare?" The filly twitched and looked in the direction of the voice. A yellow pegasus mare looked down at the blue filly.

"Huh? Oh, I'm doing okay, I suppose. I'm learning how to do magic stuff, but It's a slow process... Not to be rude, but um, who are you?" The filly tilted her head and ears to the side. The filly's voice was a high-pitched and yet, smooth.

She's so cute. The pegasus giggled with a hood in front. "My name is Sunny Disposition, little one. It is nice to meet you."

"I... I would give you my name but, well..." The filly faced downwards at her hooves and the little ball between them "I don't have one yet."

"Oh my," Once more a hoof to cover her mouth. "I'm sorry to hear that, little one." What happened to her family? I'll have to check her record later. "But on the good side, you can still name yourself whatever you like. If you had to choose a name right now, what would you choose?"

"Uh... Um... I don't know. Giving something a name takes time. You got to brainstorm, mull over choices, and get familiar with the object in question." Surprisingly mature for a filly her age. How old is she?

"You are the only one who can know yourself. Is there anything you particularly like or are good at?" The filly looked down in thought. "Well... how about your magic?

The filly shrunk inward. "Eh... I'm not exactly good at it."

"That's okay. Nopony starts out being good at anything. Not even if it's your cutie mark.

The filly held up her hooves. "I know, I know, it's just annoying."

"For the time being, is there any temporary name you would like?" Sunny grinned. "Or should I just refer to you as 'the filly'?"

"Ha! I'd imagine that would get annoying quick." They both shared a laugh together. "For... convienence's sake, uh... I don't know... something like Solar or somethi-." The filly abruptly stopped and turned to Sunny. "Wait, what colour am I?"

"A mix of blue and white" Sunny got out between giggles.

"Ah. So no, on the whole Solar idea. Hm... How about Aqua?"

"A calm name. It is nice to meet you, Aqua." Sunny courtly bowed her head .

"Same to you, Sunny." Aqua faced the ball between her hooves before falling silent.

A minute passed with both sitting in content silence before Aqua broke it. "I really wish I could get this levitation down. Even though it's literally the easiest spell, it's taking so long."

"I understand that yearning. If you want, I can try to walk you through some spells." Sunny turned to the filly.

"R-really? That'd be awesome! Thank you Sunny." Sunny sat down on Aqua's right, laying her wing on her. Her wing, being almost three times bigger than Aqua, was closer to a blanket than a wing for the filly. Upon the touch, Aqua twitched, but didn't move. Sunny smiled.

"Wait, you're a pegasus?" Sunny giggled.

Sunny wrapped her wing around the little one, trying to make her snug. "I may be, but I have more than enough knowledge to help, little one. My sister was a unicorn, after all." The filly cringed after a second.

Aqua looked up at Sunny with sympathetic eyes. "Ah... I'm sorry to hear that." This filly... has seen death. I really must find her record.

"Thank you. It is not as bad as it sounds but, it is a matter of the past. Let us begin with the tutoring." The filly giggled under her breath before scowling for a sliver of a second. Sunny noticed the scowl but avoided pointing it out.

Smiling with a raised eyebrow, Aqua responded, "Quite enthusiastic there."

"It has been a long, long time since I had last tutored somepony. There was once a reason for the hiatus, but it matters little now." She thought back to her sister. In time... "Well, are you ready?"

The filly looked at Sunny with a huge smile, her dead eyes filled with life.

Author's Note:

Bit of a larger one.

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