• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,553 Views, 697 Comments

Beyond Blind Eyes - Lunaric

Might not have sight anymore but there's always magic... It might take some time to learn it, though.

  • ...

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Untill a Dawn

"I can't wait till tomorrow... Not being able to do any magic stuff is really boring."

"From what I've heard it described, I can easily understand. Almost like if us pegasi are told to not move..." Sunny smiled. "It only ends with us in a different spot and, likely, something knocked over."

"Heh. Lemme guess: The wind pushed it over?"

Sunny giggled. "Learning quickly..." Note to self: don't tell her about broken horns.

After a few seconds, Aqua questioned, "You know what happened yesterday, yeah?"

"Only brief notes. You're suffering from magical overexertion, your chest hurts, and you need to stay in bed, missy."

"Yeah, yeah... But, you got it. Raven, my tutor, was showing me a spell at my request. The spell was supposed to let you 'see' your own, or another's flow of magic. I saw it used by a doctor I met about a week back, so I asked about it. She showed it to me and then later tried it on me, but I think something went wrong."

Sunny hummed to herself in thought. Is she lacking in magic? That spell shouldn't cause this much harm, even if one party lacked mana.

"My leading guess is that I just have very little mana capacity... Though that doesn't really explain why the doctor's cast didn't have the same effect..."

"Not unless Raven Inkwell had drastically more mana than the said doctor." Sunny stopped her eyes from rising. Shouln't have said that...

"It's entirely possible... Actually, that makes a lot of sense. She is in the school that literally has 'Gifted Unicorns' in the name..." Aqua continued barely loud enough for Sunny to hear, "Though I'm also in that school, so I don't know what that says."

Sunny released a sigh. She didn't notice. "As you go higher in that school, students' skill and mana capacity multiply. It's easily possible that she has more mana than a doctor. A majority of alumni are researchers in the magical field, after all." Thank Fate for Shimmering...

"You got an opinion 'bout the school? That sigh meant something, I'm sure."

Sunny giggled. "I'm sorry. I forget who I'm talking to. No, the school is fine... It's actually one of the reasons I'm in Canterlot."

Aqua smiled as she interjected, "Oh?"

Grinning, sunny continued, "I did teach you a little of magic..."

"Oh! Wait, I suppose I should've asked this like a month ago but, are you a teacher there?"

"You could say that."

Aqua adopted an accent Sunny had never heard before. "Well, Iii'm sorry for not realising your greatness, dear princess."

Sunny struck a pose and also spoke with a fake accent. "Finally, somepony who learns..." I may not be affected normally, but this filly cannot be good for my heart.

One second of silence before they both broke out in giggles. As they winded down, Sunny laid down around Aqua and laid a wing on her."You know Sunny, I used to do that all the time with my old friends... From before. Used to do voices all the time. I'm... I'm actually surprised it hasn't come up yet. I used to generally do it with everyone but, that's probably changed to just close friends I guess..."

Sunny looked down at the blue filly under her wing. Aqua was smiling a bittersweet smile. She almost always... Sunny ruffled Aqua's hair with her wing and whispered into her ear. "Aqua. You're destined for greatness. I can tell."

"Heh. Thanks. I don't know if that's true, myself, but thanks nonetheless... It's just fun to be sad sometimes." Aqua quieted, "Well, fun probably isn't the correct word to use..."

"I understand... In our lives, there's-"

A loud wooden thunk made them both jump. Looking over, the door was open and standing there was Cotton.

"I got the food!"

Aqua began, "Cotton, you don't gotta slam the door. I can hear you walking from down the hall."

"Watch your tone, missy. Are you calling me fat?"

"Not yet, but if you keep making a major deal out of food, you might become a little on the heavier side."

Cotton had walked over and laid down their lunch on the bedside table before poking Aqua in the side.


"Are you sure I'm the one that's a little heavy?"

"It's normal for children to be a little fat! It's so they have extra energy to run around and grow."

"I don't see you running around a lot."

"Well, I-..." Aqua harrumphed as Cotton and Sunny giggled.

Sunny had been watching with a smile but interjected when she saw her chance, "Well if you two are done calling each other fat, would you like to begin eating?"

Both Aqua and Cotton faced each other. "Truce 'till the traitor is dealt with?"

"Truce." They both turned to Sunny.

Sunny began to sweat. "Oh, dear."

Author's Note:


Well, another month down the drain, and another chapter. Sorry for blah blah, one-month wait blah blah life stressful blah blah. I went on a two-week vacation, so I'm sorry for not even warning yall about that, as well as the fact that I've simply been lazy.

Starting Monday, I'm holding myself to a schedule of writing. I haven't been writing every day, but I'm fixing that. There'll be more constant updates from now on. Time will tell if that constant is once a week, once every 8 days, or if It'll be like it was at the very start, being every other day.

Future me here. It's likely going to be at least once a week.

I'm actually very happy with how this chapter turned out. Maybe it had something to do with that unintentional month break, but I'm feeling revitalized in terms of writing these past 3 days. I'll see you all soon. Likely in another 3 days to a week.

Also, for those of you who noticed the reference, good on you.

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