• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,553 Views, 697 Comments

Beyond Blind Eyes - Lunaric

Might not have sight anymore but there's always magic... It might take some time to learn it, though.

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Beyond Blind Eyes

"Of all the schools of Magic, there are only a few spells that have yet eluded attempts to categorize them. One of the most notable examples has been the spell Levitation." Cotton paused to breathe. "This spell can only barely be called a spell as it is more a force of will. Levitation is speculated to have been the reason Unicorns discovered our ability to even use their magic at all over our species' developments." Another breath, "Because it functions as such, it is one of the earliest spells all Unicorns learn. Visualizing the object moving while usually staring at it does the trick for any Magic-capable Unicorn... Oh! That's why you wanted me to read this isn't it?" A white mare turned toward a tiny filly next to her with a grin on her face.

A smile blossomed on the Blue filly's face, "You got me. Once I heard about magic, I've wanted to learn, but no one would even describe it to me. Probably because they don't want me to screw up and not be able to fix it nor improve." The small one gestured to her scarred eyes with a hoof, "Because of... y'know..."

"I understand," Cotton nodded solemnly, "I just don't understand who wouldn't at least try to help. It's as much a part of you as flying is for me! Sure it might take you a while longer to learn, just as it did me but, that's almost cruel." She said with a hint of defiance.

"Nah, it's likely that the ones I did ask were simply too busy. It's sad but, understandable. And see? People like you are willing to help. Maybe it's because you want to distract yourself, maybe to avoid working, or maybe you just wanted to help. Anyway, thank you, Cotton Ball." The filly looked up in Cotton's direction with a larger smile.

Cotton shied away from the filly's empty gaze and her wings shuffled. Even knowing that the filly was blind didn't relieve the embarrassment. "Y-you're welcome. I just wanted to help however I could. Even if I won't be able to understand most of the Magic mumbo jumbo, I can at least try to read it out to you." Cotton looked back towards the book on the ground in front of her.

"Seriously, Cotton. Thank you."

Cotton lightly shoved the filly, "I said you're welcome!" The push was still enough to move the frail filly. She fell over and a resounding 'oof' came from the filly. "S-sorry!" The mare reached over to help the filly back into her seated position, checking to make sure she was fine as she did so.

"Cotton-Cotton. It's fine. Cotton, I'm fine." The filly chuckled.

"Right right... Sorry." Cotton sheepishly got back to her position.

"I said I'm fine. You don't have to apologize," The filly said, smiling.

"I'm sorry." The filly chuckled again, "A-anyway, want to continue?" Being met with a nod, Cotton turned back down towards the book and cleared her throat. "Because Levitation is so simple to learn, and subsequently, cast, most already know how to cast it." A breath. "If you already know how to cast Levitation, skip forward till section one point two. Section one point one: Learning Levitation." A small hoof-pump from the filly, "In order to cast any spell, let alone Levitation, one must have mana and be able to channel it. To channel one's mana, you have to start with your core. Start to..."

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