• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,542 Views, 697 Comments

Beyond Blind Eyes - Lunaric

Might not have sight anymore but there's always magic... It might take some time to learn it, though.

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Purple Precipitation

"Been a long while since I've been here..."

Cotton's brow furrowed. "It's only been a month and... almost two months."

"Yup. A long time..."

Cotton could hear as Solid leaned in and whispered to Cotton. She leaned into the red guard. "Long time for her age."

Cotton nodded at the guard. I suppose...

Cotton glanced at the clock as Aqua continued, "...I mean like going to the doctors'. It was a fairly common thing for me. Not weekly, but still often."


"Yeah. Pretty much never anything life-threatening but, still went often because of a few problems I don't really care to repeat or remember." She paused and looked up. "Hm, we probably should have collected a sample before coming. I can't exactly cry on command." She giggled. "Never learned."

Cotton patted the filly on the withers. "Well, that's not really a skill anypony learns... Not unless they're an actress or actor, though..."

"Ah, well that right there is the problem!" Aqua giggled again. "I took an acting class a while back. For one of the solo performances, I intended on learning but I never got to it. The performance was some old section of paragraphs I chose to say as an emotional-." Cutting herself off, Aqua tilted her head, with ears at attention, making no sound. "Yup, doctor's here." Cotton could barely catch the next part, as Aqua whispered to herself, "Should be a nurse first, actually."

Both Cotton and Solid glanced at the door for a few seconds. Nothing. Both looked at the clock. On-time... Both looked back... Still nothing.

Then, a knock on the door as it creaked and opened. Cotton glanced at the filly, before focusing on the door. How good even is her hearing?

"Hello?" A young white stallion poked his head in.

Aqua waved. "Ayo, you our man?"

The doctor had a puzzled look on his face before responding. "If you are Aqua, then yes."

"That's me. Come on in."

At this, the stallion entered, a clipboard floating behind him. "My name is Doctor Windhorn," Cotton glanced at Aqua. "I'll be your examiner today. Could you remind me what your problem was, again?" The clipboard floated in front of him as he began to read it.

Cotton spoke up, "Yes, sir." The doctor chuckled. "When Aqua was crying, I noticed her tears were purple."

The doctor's eyebrows rose as he looked over his clipboard. "... Say that again?"

Aqua Interjected, "Tears are clear, right? Well, a clearish, whiteish, blueish, right? Yeah, apparently mine aren't, I guess. I can't exactly see to confirm it..." Cotton glanced at Aqua again.

"Oh..." Doctor Windhorn cleared his throat. "... Well, that's certainly unique... This has happened multiple times, correct?" A pencil floated out from his lab coat pocket and began to write on the clipboard in front of him.

"Umm, yes. It's been about three times that I've noticed it now." Four if you count that one...

Windhorn hummed to himself as he wrote something down. Stopping to flip through the pages in the clipboard, he said nothing for a few seconds. He looked up to the three of them. "Can you elaborate, or rather, describe what happened?"

Both Aqua and Solid glanced in her direction. I see how it is, you two. "Um... The first time I noticed it was while we were at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. We were just headed to meet with the vice principal, Shimmering Sky." Cotton briefly saw the doctor's eyes shimmer.

Aqua interjected, "And I have no idea when it started, I ain't exactly able to see colours, nevertheless see"

Cotton continued, "While we were there, we passed by a painting of a foal in one of the halls by the name... I- I'm sorry I can't remember. Anyway, when we passed the painting, Aqua suddenly started crying and her tears were sparkly. More than normal tears are, at least."

"Hm. Interesting."

"There rest were a few times where a sad topic came up." She looked down. "Her tears simply were purple. But aside from the first time where her tears were just sparkly, they've been a thick glimmering purple. Do... Do you know anything about it?" Cotton looked up from the floor back to the doctor.

The doctor laid the clipboard down on a nearby counter and put the pencil back in his pocket as he hummed aloud. "I'm not certain yet. For now, may I take a look at your eyes, Ms. Aqua?"

"Yeah. I'm a lil' concerned but, honestly? Having purple tears is one hell of a thing to brag about." Aqua giggled and grinned.

"Well then, let me have a look." Doctor Hornhoof approached the filly in her seat as she sat up. The doctor sat on the floor in front of her as to match her eye-level. "Ms. Aqua, I want you to try hard to look straight ahead for me. It would help a lot."

"Alright. It isn't really hard to look straight. I wasn't always blind, after all." Aqua commented without movement. "Even after a few months, it still feels right to be looking around with my eyes, even if I can't exactly see with them. It... I don't know exactly how to explain it but, it's sort of like mannerisms. You sort of just doing without thinking of needing to do it, plus it helps those around to understand..."

Windhorn nodded as both his horn and Aqua's eyes softly glowed brown. "I understand. Now please, keep still."

Aqua grumbled quietly to herself as Cotton heard Solid chuckle quietly. "That kind of tingles... What kind of spell is that?"

"One moment." The doctor adopted a frown and he stared into her icy grey eyes.

Eventually, the glow faded as he stood up and backed off before walking over to the clipboard. He took the pencil back out and began writing something down while occasionally glancing back at the seated blue filly. a few mumbles to himself. Aqua could probably hear what he's mumbling though... Cotton turned towards the filly who was almost grimacing. Probably not good...

The doctor stared at the clipboard and nodded. Turning around to face the group of three, he broke the silence. "So, I'm not certain how this affects you yet but, your tear ducts are saturated with mana. That is very likely the root cause of these... purple tears..."

"That's... interesting... I have no idea if that's good or bad, doc."

"At the moment, neither am I... I will have to ask you to schedule a follow-up appointment and bring samples since we don't keep any onions here. I'll give you something to store them in... To address your earlier question though, the spell I used was one to analyze your body's magic flow and mana. Specifically looking at the eyes. Aside from damaged eyes, the only abnormal thing was the excessive amount of mana in your tear ducts."

"If... you don't mind me ask-... Nevermind..." Aqua cut her own question off as her head drooped. "Yeah, I'm studying spells right now, so I was curious. Thanks..."

Ask her later...

But Cotton had one of her own, "Doctor Windhorn, is it possible for you to also check her ears? She's got very good hearing, and I want to make sure a loud sound wouldn't hurt her."

"Hm." He nodded. "Once more, Aqua, look straight ahead and try not to move your ears. I know it might be hard but, try hard for me."

Aqua looked and sat back up."Alright..."

The doctor's horn and Aqua's ears glowed briefly. "They seem to be fine. No current damage... Done." The doctor ended his spell and backed up with a nod. "My only guess is she was just born with larger ears or maybe eardrums. It probably would be a good idea to avoid consistent loud noises to avoid damaging them, though." After that thought, the doctor leaned down below the counter, opened up a drawer, and pulled out a small glass capsule with a lid on it. "This is what you should store the sample in when you get it. Try to get the sample to us as soon as possible while it's fresh as well..." Windhorn slowly levitated the little capsule over to Cotton as she grasped it with her wings.

Both Aqua and Cotton responded at the same time, "Alright..." They glanced at each other before turning back to the doctor. Cotton continued, "Is there anything else?"

"I don't think so, no... I will be seeing you again soon, Aqua." Doctor Windhorn nodded and back out of the room with his clipboard floating behind him.

Aqua smiled a bittersweet smile. "Yay... Another doctor's visit done. Feels just as stiff as before... And well..." Cotton looked down at the vial as Aqua commented to them all, "This'll be interesting..."


Author's Note:

Realized I'd been neglecting Solid; decided to give him some love in this chapter, even though it's not much. A silent fellow on the job, he is. Additionally, the beginnings of an explanation for the purple. In time; as all things.

Long chapter as a peace offering for recent late and short chapters. Not that this one isn't also late but, you get the point.
New second longest chapter as well.

As always, hope y'all enjoy.

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