• Published 25th Jul 2021
  • 2,905 Views, 118 Comments

Andante - The path of the dreams - CaioCoia

Spike, a dragon with a broken heart, leaves Ponyville to follow his dreams. And meeting somepony he wasn't familiar with was the start of a great friendship or even more.

  • ...

A trouble in Requiem, in F#

The usual path to Tartarus usually was paved with good intentions, beyond their further walk towards a new adventure, now the path was fulfilled with only silence between a group of mares who didn't even dare to open their mouths to speak.

This led to a new mission of friendship, leading toward the direction of what would be a simple city into the unknown area pointed from the map of friendship. A mission required to everypony of the castle to go. Even if every single one of them was actually against the idea of working together again.

"Come on, are we really going to avoid the elephant in the room?" The cyan mare finally had enough for silence and decided to stomp on the floor. "He is gone okay? We messed up, but we could not break our friendship because someone just left. Can't you just talk Twi? You have been in silence since we left the castle."

Twilight seemed to be stoic and remained focused on her objective, she didn't want to distract herself from the pointless guilt she was having, it would not help her mission, and she needed to be focused on helping the others... Even if her own problems would be attacking her own mind and heart, she has avoided speaking a single word, in a hopeful attempt not to mess up and hurt her own friends...

"Twilight, darling..." Rarity decided to touch her marefriend's neck, as she also knew she hadn't spoken anything at that time. From her own point of view, she could see that the mare in front of her, the princess of friendship who should be a good example of how everything should be fixed with friendship, now was in desolation because of losing one close friend whom she did by a mistake, and now she has paid the price as she couldn't have taken care of her own appearance, she was well feed from the help of the butlers and maids who did their best to try to wake up the princess... But Rarity knew that Twilight must have avoided sleeping some nights because of how her guilt must have touched deep inside her own heart. "It has been days. Maybe it is the time for you to speak what is inside of your own heart."

Twilight glared as she was ready to create an outburst but at that moment she turned her head to shout that she was fine. It was her own business... she just saw her own marefriend which made her stop to even open her mouth... she wanted to deny that, she wanted to shout it was her own decision to make... But she couldn't shout to her own marefriend... since it was her own choice to love that mare, the mare that she practically took from her own brother. A reward that she didn't know how the consequences would have bitten hard on her own flank.

"Thank you for worrying Rarity, but I don't think I have anything to say." Twilight forced her own smile, but then she noticed that one orange mare walking in front of her.

"Wait a darn minute Twilight, for my Granny's sake, yah have been more stubborn than me, yah need to share the weight of what is happening because we are here to help yah. And we are not going to take a no for an answer." Applejack acted like a wall towards her own friend who just spoke one sentence.

"I have to agree with the traitor, you have been taking this burden alone for so long. Speak up, why are you still sad about Spike?" Rainbow Dash got her own strength and decided to go near the orange mare, but the way she spoke it made the country mare glare hatefully towards her.

"What did yah just call me?" Applejack went face to face with the rainbow mane pony, who just glared at her as well.

"You heard me, traitor, it was because of you that Spike knew the truth and how we hid it." Rainbow Dash said as she looked at her own flank. "And now you don't have your brother to buck my flank in surprise again."

"Ah don't need Big Mac to buck yar flank after yah being a flankholle, just because Ah told the truth that means Ah'm the traitor? Then what would yah be? If yah are the element of Loyalty? Loyalty to what Rainbow Dash? LOYALTY TO WHAT?" Applejack became angry towards the insinuation of the element of Loyalty being a total hypocrite.

Rainbow Dash gritted her own teeth, and her face was frowned in such scorn.

"YOU THINK I DON'T CARE OF HIM? I TRIED TO MAKE SURE THAT HE WOULDN'T BE HURT BY HAVING EXPECTATIONS. I TRIED TO SET HIM UP TO SCOOTALOO TO SEE IF HE WOULD BE OVER HIS LOVESICK PUPPY, AND FIND HIS OWN TYPE AND GET OUT FROM HIS FREAKING LOVE OF SUCH A..." Rainbow Dash shouted as she was really angry towards the orange pony, since she knew that she couldn't reveal the truth, Rainbow Dash tried to help the dragon into her own way. But she didn't know that the poor dragon was so stuck with the love of the white mare that her own attempt to set between her consideration little sister would just end up with both being dated as a friend. Which made Rainbow Dash face slam into the wall many times.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack heard a loud coughing which made both realize that the white marshmallow mare was now staring at both of them.

"Be careful to choose words when you try to talk Rainbow Dash." Rarity decided to intervene she knew that the next word she was going to say would be referred to her, and she wouldn't like to hear what the cyan mare would have told about her.

"GIRLS STOP! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Then the last girl from the group they expected to have the outburst, the kind pink mare Fluttershy was on her limit and shouted as she wanted everything to stop. To the point that the mare dropped down and begged. "Please... no more fighting."

"What was the point anyway?" Then another voice which was enough to make the other mares turn their backs toward what would have been the most cheerful pony, who just while she tried to remain with her usual happy and crazy mane, it was like a mix between her usual cheerful mane, but with a part of it being deflated and straight down, which usually the girls would have guessed that the painful time of not being the element of happiness. But still, they wanted to see what Pinkie Pie wanted to say, the pink mare walked towards the element of kindness who was still taking deep breaths from her own screaming. "It's pointless to try to avoid the discussion Fluttershy, we know we made a terrible mistake, and we know that Applejack was the only one with courage enough to actually tell the truth to him. We lost a friend... it hurts, oh Celestia how bucking hurts... but we have to accept and move on..."

Rainbow Dash wanted so much to rebut the words of the loony Pony, but the fact that there was nothing they could do would matter anymore since the trust between them was shattered in so many pieces, that it would be difficult if there were even a tiny possibility to the dragon ever to call them as friends again.

"This is your fault." Rainbow Dash then decided to approach differently towards the true pony who just caused the whole madness over the whole fiasco. The white pony just looked offended.

"Excuse me?" Rarity tried to see what the cyan pegasus would try to point out this time.

"This love-sick puppy thing was always your thing, you played the poor boy into your hooves for years, you could have dismissed his crush for so long, this wouldn't have become catastrophic." Rainbow Dash pointed out the reason why such betrayal of feelings would have come not just for the sibling of the dragon, but also for the pony who has been playing with his feelings for so long.

"How dare you, what Spike had was nothing more than a lovable interaction between friends." Rarity simply said it, but at the same time, she narrowed her eyes when Applejack scoffed and walked nearby to Rainbow Dash.

"Friends? Girl, he was so into yah so hard that yah could see him following yah like a puppy whenever yah call him." Applejack never thought that she would have to agree with the same mare that she was arguing with, and now making the white mare look at both of them trying to put the blame on her.

"Of course, it was obviously a childhood crush, I was always thankful for every single task that he managed to do to help me towards my work. Even if he did it by only passing the time with me, I never took anything of him without any good in..."

"So what about the Ruby?" That was the question that made Rarity bite her tongue and stop talking since the whole group knew that Rarity practically guilt-tripped the poor dragon into giving her a gift that he spent a long time preparing the Fire Ruby to make a good special lunch for himself in his own Birthday. "Did yah even use it after the whole Greed Catastrophic birthday Spike had on that day."

"I don't see the point in answering the question. But bear in mind that it was the proof of his own generosity with me, that managed him to control his own greed and recover from his own size again." Rarity hated when her friends brought up the Fire Ruby incident since it wasn't her most proud moment, but it was something that both learned for themselves, about how greed could be terrible...

Twilight remained calm, as she only hoped that the journey they would, come towards the unknown would not just fix the friendship problem on their mission, but also their own friendship which needs to once again be fixed from such a terrible month they are having.

Since the trio of mares once again started arguing behind her back, Twilight ignored the painful noises that Fluttershy was making herself, and she just looked to her side and found the semi-serious Pinkie Pie looking at Twilight with a question in her mouth.

"Is there something you need to ask Pinkie?" Twilight asked, and the pink mare nodded her head towards the princess of Friendship.

"When are you going to leave to go to Canterlot?" Pinkie Pie didn't even beat around the bush, she already asked the important question, which Twilight reflected on for so long.

"... I'm planning to go this Friday Night, hopefully, my parents will let me stay at home for the weekends," Twilight said in secret since she stopped trying to figure out how Pinkie Pie would ever predict when she was going. "I didn't tell anyone about it... since I know bringing you girls would only make things worse... It will just be me and him."

"You kn..."

"I know this will not bring him back home, but I want at least to know that he will forgive me for what I did Pinkie. It has been a whole week, and I need to be mature and deal with this problem. trying to deny it or run away from it would make things worse for my own mind and heart, so I need to have this closure. And I know someday Spike would forgive me... But I hope that I will start at least to say I'm sorry first... And goodbye and thanks for his help during my childhood. I didn't get here without him."

"GARBUNKLE, I TOLD YOU THAT USING A BANISHMENT SPELL TIER 5 WAS A STUPID IDEA." Discord as he dressed in his iconic green archer outfit and beautiful yellow mane covering his face, was showing nothing more than outrage and deep fear as the entire group looked to be surrounded by cardboard ghosts who seemed to be even more hostile than before.

"I GOTTA TRY SOMETHING CAPTAIN WUZZ." Spike shouted as he tried to use his own time to place his scepter on the floor and used what would be another magical barrier toward the entire group. The unicorn wearing a Viking helmet and armor was using his own magic to levitate a shield to protect the whole projectiles from all directions.

The group stared at the sky to see what would be the possible outcome, as the dice on the sky once again rolled, which to their surprise and disappointment, was just 10 number was placed on the dice.

"OH NO, IT'S NOT STRONG ENOUGH," Spike said as he could feel nearby him, the number of his own mana being wasted for not completing the protection spell. "SIR MCBIGGUN, CAN YOU HOLD ANY LONGER?"

"NOOOOOPE." Big Mcintosh tried to hold them off, but even the little projectiles seemed to be affecting his own health points, and sooner or later the stall would possibly be the end of their lives.

The group seemed to be in deeper problems when suddenly a whistle from far behind made them stare and make the trio look relieved.

"Don't worry boys, I got on the way. Spike, they are arcane ghosts of level 11 tier, and not vampire spiritual beasts of level 14 tier. So don't use any dark magic and they will not get even angry." A unicorn who seemed to be wearing what would be clothing made of leaves, wood, and especially sap as his own mane, made the walk toward the group. As the ghosts walked towards what would be the circle between the ghosts. "I'm going to use my own presence to start the ritual of the Druid Spiritual Diplomacy."

The dice on the sky rolled as the development of the entire trio seemed to be sweating towards until the dice rolled a 15 which made the whole group sigh in relief. The white unicorn nods towards the ghosts to seem to be stepping aside to let him have some space.

"Spiritual creatures of the supernatural, the know of the deep abysm of the reality of our own mortality, for the great mother earth Gaia, Sky Uranus, Lightus of Jupiter, and Darkness of Pluton, I salute to all of you and ask about you hearing my plea." The druid unicorn used the part of the ritual courtesy as he gestured towards the ghosts who seemed to be appeased from the way he treated them... until... "RUN. I use my transformation of level 5 to become the devourer of spirits Three Eye Serpent."

Shining Armor stared at the sky, as the entire group looked at it in disbelief at some strategy that seemed to will be stuck into their hearts forever... As the sky dice showed nothing more than a neat 20.

And grinning to himself, the magic made the body of the unicorn become slander, and when the ghosts finally saw the apex predator towards the spiritual creatures, each of them used their paper bodies to jump around and leave the entire field, as the entire squad of the party was awe and happy to be saved.

"Thanks, prince Blinding Armorer, we didn't think those ghosts would have caused such a problem after my mistake of using a nightshade glown inside of the cave," Spike said sheepishly, as he tapped the white unicorn's back which the said druid chuckled with himself.

"I know, it happened to me when I did a journey of the East as a teenager, it caused APK and one of the saddest moments for my whole party, but now I managed to prevent such a terrible problem." Shining Armor who has been all the time away from his own brother Shienegans can happily say this was by far his favorite adventure so far. "Now what we should do now? We have a difficult mission ahead. And I managed to take information from Seletine the wild guardian which by the order of the royal princess Gaya, we have to go to Maplestone town."

"Oh no." Both Spike and Big Mcintosh said in unison, while Discord looked excited.

"OH YES. I FINALLY WANT MY REVENGE ON THAT STUPID SQUIRREL." Discord shouted delightedly, as he was holding his owl arrows and the flames covering them showed an immense powerful force, as he himself wants nothing more than revenge. "It was personal."

Spike wanted so much to keep doing his adventure, however after he looked that there was somepony knocking on their doors. He looked quickly at Discord who snapped his fingers and made the whole group of Ponies and Draconiques sit down at the round table.

"Come in." Spike walked towards the door and by opening it, the grey mare with a purple mane walked towards the group levitating the whole tray of food.

"Pausing the roleplay boys. You never can kill monsters with an empty belly." Twilight Velvet smiled at the group of boys who seemed to be just nerdy adventures who liked to play a little fantasy, but the happiness of seeing her eldest son enjoying playing with his little brother and his friends warmed a lot of her own heart.

Discord and Big Mac smiled as they themselves took the opportunity to accept the food, while Spike rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but enjoy seeing his mom being their supplier of food. Shining Armor also knows well that feeling, so both of them took the tray of snacks and gave a lovely kiss to the mare's cheeks.

"Thanks, Mom. You are the best." Both siblings said in unison, as the whole group decided to give a tiny break. And Twilight Velvet left the whole group.

"Spike, I never thought you had the best version of a roleplay game ever made. I never had this much fun, since I first started playing O&O and I had to use my whole imagination to play it." Shining Armor said as he took a towel to clean up his sweat from all the running adventures they had. "I never thought I would be so happy to enjoy a guy's night like that, this definitely is the best way of playing O&O, thanks again for inviting me, little bro."

"That's no problem Shining, To be honest, to have a druid on this mission definitely made the adventure more balanced." Spike smiled, since it had been years they hadn't a roleplay that good.

"Not forgetting also the funny shenanigans from your critical failures," Discord said as he couldn't stop laughing loud from one scene of the said session. "You jumping from a cliff just to become a goldfish, was the funniest death I ever saw in my life"

The whole group, especially Shining Armor laughed as the trio remembered how a little mistake would be a running gag joke between them for years, and he loved every single second of it.

"Well Shining, I'm still curious about why you choose druids, I thought you disliked Shapeshift, since... you know." Spike didn't want to make a sore spot for his own brother, but the night of the Royal Canterlot Wedding and the Changeling invasion indeed created a lot of mistrust towards the shapeshift creatures, but looking at his own brother, he seemed perfectly fine with it.

"Why wouldn't I like shapeshifts, they are the best, I mean I even had love with one, please don't tell Cadence, but man, how I missed nights like a week before my marriage." Shining Armor replied as he took his own druid clothing, and having his own way of life once again, he felt a good relief after dealing with all the troubles towards the Cristal Kingdom. "But still Torax gave me good points on how to become more fierce in trying to become a creature, and even my roleplay became sharper when I used druids. I'm still grateful for you to let me have a royal title of the druids, that would give me a boost on my magical runes."

"Well, it was your first time, and we actually wanted to see a good veteran showing how much we lacked in skills, while you simply acted like you were born for this." Spike agreed with his friends, and Discord couldn't help but agree with him.

"Well, it seems that we still have a lot to learn boys, but COME ON, WE HAVE SQUIRRELS TO BURN, AND BREW MEED TO DRINK WHEN THE CHAOS IS OVER." Discord snapped his fingers and the whole quartet was smiling as they prepared themselves to go into the new objective.

"Wait, just a bit of OOC before we start." Shining Armor replied as he started chugging his own water. He then glanced at Spike. "Cadance said she will come to visit you tomorrow, she heard that you and the earth pony mare are dating. And she wanted to see if you still need help."

"WHAT? WHY?" Spike faceplanted himself on the floor and shouted at his own brother who seemed to be taking pleasure in that.

"Well, she was nagging me to let her help you with the... that problem, so I told her that you are fine and taking music lessons again, and even had a date... which actually made her threaten me to sleep outside of the castle... and Spike... you don't want to know how weird is for someone to sleep outside of the castle... I had to sacrifice you, bro." Shining Armor said it, before running with the guys away, Spike's eyes twitched, but not before his nostrils burst into flames.

'YOU TRATOR. LET ME GET YOU PICE OF SARDING..." Spike shouted as he knew that his brother launched him under the bus for his sister-in-law. And he had prayed for the rest of the week wouldn't have been weird... Oh how little he knows...

Author's Note:

Nobody thought I would come back, and I have to say... It took a while, because I have been focusing most of my time writing for fanfiction and AO3 relating to other fandoms, but a friend of mine asked which fanfics I wrote for fun, just for myself, and I have to say... MLP has always had my best stories, because I always wanted to write it for me first. And this is one of the stories I wanted to keep going. There is also another one I plan to update. Get ready guys;

Comments ( 10 )

One even if rarity is in denial about how spike felt about her the fact he wouldn't have been so hurt if she had officially broken up with him earlier. Considering he would have right to the end kept dreaming about her and him being together. And applejack though reluctantly told the truth because it was best for spike can you imagine how much worse he would have felt if figure out the truth or twilight and rarity finally decided to tell him and he found everyone knew and it had been going on for awhile. The fact is they were never going to find a nice not painful way to tell. There is no such thing. The fact that he gave away his birthday treat should have been a big sign about his feelings but rarity would rather deny the truth. Twilight is going to have some hard explanations to make and she won't be able to get out of it. The fact is she might have meant wel but her idea was stupid and shows immaturity and the actions of an adult. I would have let be without servants for a while to teach some responsibility for herself and others.

It makes folks start to wonder the following:
1. Do you think Spike was better off if he never meet the main 6?
2. Do you think he was better off if he'd stayed with the dragons at the migration?

To answer your question in order:
1- If Twilight never hatched the egg he wouldn't be alive, also if he never meets Apple Jack or Fluttershy, he wouldn't have his best friends Big Mac and Discord.
2- And Garble was kinda insufferable in dragon's imigration because of his teenager friends, but I think if he meets Ember and Smoulder on that day, he would have at least a little group of friends to teache his pony culture and etc.

Im a bit late to read the new chapter but nevertheless happy to see it still running. I wish u could make the chapter releases a bit more relevant like once every 2 months but i cant blame u when i cant even start writing my own fiction. Great chapter as always, came here after feeling nostalgic about the fic to check how its going.

Actually from all the mane six. Spike's only friend is Applejack. Even if she hesitated to tell the truth at the monent she discovered, she did tell him. At least he knows that he can trust the Apple family, while the others would be just like that. He would just want to live his life, even if they want to say sorry, he just want that they forget about him and move on

Yes. I agree that Applejack is the one of all Mane Six that who will remain friends with Spike in future. But not other 5. Because for them this situation should be a hard lesson for them that you can't do that to your friends. Because i watched all seasons of MLP. And i watched him all the time, for me Spike deserve so much better in his life than being just an assistant and a whipping boy. He did a lot for Mane Six. Yeah he was a hero to the Crystal Empire. But for some reason it seems to me that ponies continue to ignore him. For example if Spike appears on Mane Six adventures, it is very rarely, just like clean castle without anyone help, cooking, washing, laundry, clean bookshelves, clean library and thats all too without anyone help. Or just that situation in Power Ponies when he was a Humdrum and i see that for him this role is humiliating. And for me it smells like slavery. And i think it's very unfair to him. Yeah he helped them but it looks like they are using it and treat Spike not like a friend but just an assistant and thats all. So I think he deserves a lot more than just being an assistant. He deservers a better friends than Mane Six. This is just my point of view. Because Spike is my favourite character from MLP University. In another life i would love to become his real friend. Because he really deserves better.

I liked the idea that Spike is loved and respect in Crystal empire, while he still has good friends on Canterlot, but as a young sibling he did everything to help Twilight like a little brother would do. But also I think he needed to have his own friends. Big Mac and Discord are perfect, because I love guys night. Also Gabby is perfect for Spike, so I think Spike being his own group would be awesome.

Yes. It's just i expressing my point of view. I wished that Spike in that story has a new better life with new real friends and new love in the person of Octavia. But the most beautiful situation in that story it's that his family (Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor) didn't turn away from him, but rather supported him. But again for Mane 6 that situation should be a hard lesson that you can't do that to your friends. And i'm glad that Twilight finally realized her mistake and all she can do is just apologize to Spike and say goodbye to him on good terms: "Is there something you need to ask Pinkie?" Twilight asked, and the pink mare nodded her head towards the princess of Friendship.

"When are you going to leave to go to Canterlot?" Pinkie Pie didn't even beat around the bush, she already asked the important question, which Twilight reflected on for so long.

"... I'm planning to go this Friday Night, hopefully, my parents will let me stay at home for the weekends," Twilight said in secret since she stopped trying to figure out how Pinkie Pie would ever predict when she was going. "I didn't tell anyone about it... since I know bringing you girls would only make things worse... It will just be me and him."

"You kn..."

"I know this will not bring him back home, but I want at least to know that he will forgive me for what I did Pinkie. It has been a whole week, and I need to be mature and deal with this problem. trying to deny it or run away from it would make things worse for my own mind and heart, so I need to have this closure. And I know someday Spike would forgive me... But I hope that I will start at least to say I'm sorry first... And goodbye and thanks for his help during my childhood. I didn't get here without him." And for the rest 4 must do the same thing just apologize to him and say goodbye to him on good terms. So yeah that's all i have to say! I wished Spike a good luck in his new better life. The Brony from Ukraine.😊

Well rarity might be a little bit villain. Anyone could see how spike felt and crush or not she should have told him sooner than later. Bad news is never easy to give but it part of life.

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