• Published 25th Jul 2021
  • 2,905 Views, 118 Comments

Andante - The path of the dreams - CaioCoia

Spike, a dragon with a broken heart, leaves Ponyville to follow his dreams. And meeting somepony he wasn't familiar with was the start of a great friendship or even more.

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The concert of the dreams. - The partiture of happiness.

As the group of ponies go to their seats, Spike lurked around trying to identify from away the line B.

"B-15. B-15." Spike talked to himself, as he looked around just a few minutes later, finding the couple of ponies that brought him to such an event. "Oh, there."

Spike bumped into a few ponies, as he excused himself, and crossed the line.

"Oops, sorry, excuse me, oh, sorry I stomped at your hoof, ops, sorry, excuse me, excuse me." Spike went over the line where all the ponies over that line got annoyed by a dragon passing in front of their seats with them sitting on there.

"Oh Spike, you came here on time. The event will start soon." The motherly voice of Twilight Velvet was still being heard after she didn't take off the magazine from her face.

Spike looked at his parents, his father was enjoying his nachos as his mother was still reading, he opened his mouth to say something, but the lights over the area started flicking.

"Oh, I think it's about to start." Twilight Velvet used that signal to hide her magazine and get comfy on her seat. As Night Light was still munching his food.

Spike looked at the stage which showed dozens of ponies tunning their instruments, before every one of them looking at the stallion who seemed to be somepony known as the maestro. The responsibility to make the entire guidance of the music be an amazing experience for all the ponies around there. He would lead the ponies to make an amazing time for everypony at the event.

Dressed elegantly with his suit, he raised his baton as all the eyes of the orchestra looked deeply at the maestro. As Spike waited in anticipation, his excitement could be shown how much he waited for that moment to happen.

Everything started with a flute, which made Spike's spine shrive and all his scales get goosebumps. As the drums played in the rhythm of such march, as the violins marked the percussion, the combination of such 4 instruments, was nothing but something so simple and yet so epic. It was like imagining legends of old heroes crossing Equestria to defeat enemies in such an epic way.

"It must be a neighponese style," Spike said in awe as the maestro led the flutist to be the star of the song, making such simple beauty, like a walk of the heroes. It was a great opening, showing from where the style of the song would be. A song of 8 minutes that Spike will take into his heart, and loved every second of it.

At the end of the first song, everypony clapped their hooves as Spike clapped his claws, as he admired the ponies who seemed to prepare themselves for the next song.

Then it cames the suspense, created by the sound of brass instruments, and later the violins slowly created an ominous sound of what would be a sad song, which made everypony feel their emotions, as the crescendo grew inside of them, the sounds of violins and the brass creating a combination, of what would be a melancholic sound of suspense.

Then the flutes with the brass prepared the impact of all the instruments played together, as the beautiful and sad melody passed through everypony, felt a bit of sorry over the tragedies and wars over the past. It became clear that the wars created such a melody of beauty and yet sadness over Equestria.

Later the violins carried to a different kind of melancholic song. As the mares started singing in the choir, making the experience even better. It was such a sad song and yet so beautiful. Spike felt tears falling from his eyes. As the maestro carried and with details made everything perfect after the first 5 minutes of the song. The stations and mares from the choir sang in harmony as the violins carried the sad melody as everypony over the festival closed their eyes, imagining such an event, of a group of criminals. Ponies with such strength, which didn't fear death, yet they get destroyed after seeing his own friends dying. It was like they lost one of their own family, and the next song is about how they mourn their friend's death in the cruelest way. Revenging as their leader became the maestro of destruction over the world. A requiem indeed followed by a Riot.

The mares and stallions sang, as ponies could imagine the group of ponies exercising their revenge making cities and towns burn, how terrifying the loss of their own friends created such tragedy. Nopony blamed them, they felt they were the criminals themselves, and felt their spines and adrenaline exploding as they wanted to have the desired revenge on their own friends.

Spike closed his fists as he imagined himself burning everything, it was a powerful melody, and the message behind it was so wonderful, and yet so emotional even the triangle showed as the star of the song with the brass instruments, the triangle was the rhythm with all the stallions and mares sang the song of revenge. Then violin passed with speed, as the everypony felt immerse inside of the song.

This was how the orchestra was supposed to be, everypony who loves orchestras loved this feeling, being carried through the story of the melody. Spike was enjoying every second of it.

After the end of the song, the silence appeared, as the tuba started once again and after that, the trumpets and flutes and violins started to play, another song, which would be a dramatic fight between predators to decide who would be the high scale of the food chain. A piece of tribal music as the drums and wood instruments make such rhythm, it was suspense music, a preparation to war between powerful enemies. A traditional zebrican music maybe, nopony knows, but the ponies started to feel the imagination flowing through their minds. As they found many predators fighting against them. Then a bass and electric guitar?

"An electric guitar? That's unusual." Spike said to himself, as the combinations of instruments created chaos over the air. The suspense became clear after lowering the volume but not the speed. As the violins in crazy rhythm started to play at the same pace as electric guitar. It was something new and so different at the same time. Then they became slower, as the violin and cellos played a low song, creating such suspense and terrible demise of their imagination created. A war where nobody wins, it was painted as red as blood. And the fight gets even more brutal.

As the sound became loud and the wood beats started sound again, until the trumpets and the flutes started to play and with the violin made the fight become fierce and their hearts beats the same way as the drums. Until the chaos reigned over the final of the song, making all the instruments play into chaotic sound until the silence reign again.

Then the violin started to play. Spike's mind floated himself inside of the castle of friendship, as the violin was over his hands, he listened carefully at the high speed of the violin, and his fingers alone could guess the sounds on where his claws should be as it was the start of a beautiful song. Then the choral started to sing once again, as Spike felt his tears once fall down over his face, as the beautiful sing showed what would be his walk over the castle of cristal empire as he went behind over the crystal heart. He was falling down trying to take the heart once again as he felt the hooves of his sister-in-law saving him at the moment he took the crystal heart.

Then the grand finally. The drums showed what would be the song between two powerful creatures overall Equestria. Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia was such a noble song, and dramatic as the beautiful cords of instruments and the choral worked together. Until the melodic sound showed what would be brutal of might alicorns fighting among themselves. It was like the last mission Princess Celestia would ever do to her kingdom, she would die for trying to save both her kingdom and her sister who fell in the darkness.

Everypony felt goosebumps over their bodies as they heard the melodic music, it was phenomenal. Something nopony ever thought to create before.

As the drums played the final notes, silence reigned over the area. As the maestro looked at everypony and curved himself.

A second later the entire event was covered into claps of hooves. Spike was crying about such emotions he had. He awaited so much to be there, and it was even beyond what he expected. It was like everything he dreamed 100 times better. That's what he dreamed of so far. And now he doesn't regret any decisions he did in the past.

He looked at his parents, and he could see that his father was clapping as he cleaned the nachos over his muzzle, and his mother was weeping down her tears.

"Now every pony, the next event will happen in 15 minutes. There will be 3 more after this. The next orchestra will be led by Our orchestra will be conducted by Bretton Wood. One of the main conductors over Canterlot. He managed to create great songs to lead everypony into a new style of classical music." A suited mare walked over the stage and already said what was the plans for the night. "Get comfy as you can buy your snacks and enjoy a time to go to the bathroom before is too late."

As the mare said that, mostly well-dressed unicorns got up from their seats and walked fast to not waste their time before the next peace.

"Oh yeah." Spike snapped from his thoughts as he cleaned his face and looked at his parents. "Mom, dad, you will not believe it. But my former teachers want me to play with the orchestra right now."

"Right now?" Both his parents looked at him confused and yet in surprise.

"Yeah, I know it's crazy, even Bretton Wood let me borrow his violin to play in his orchestra. Can I? Please?" Spike usually doesn't ask much from his parents, especially when is a last-minute request.

Night Light and Twilight Velvet looked at each other not sure what to say. But after a minute of thinking, Night Light shrugged off his thoughts.

"Oh, buck it. Go on Spike, show them what you can do." Night Light's permission made Spike's eyes go wide open as he started smiling wide.

"Really?" Spike smiled deepened as his father and mother nodded their heads to him. "Okay, I will be on the last lines. I will try my best. Love you."

"We love you too." Both his parents said aloud, as they see their little drake pass through the lines just to walk over the stage.

After 5 minutes of walking, Spike decided to sit not in the front, it would be rude for the veterans, he would play in the background, helping out the ones who would need him. After walking a while, he then heard a call.

"Oh, Spike, over here." A filly voice called his name, as the dragon looked to see the little minty filly calling him.

"Oh, there you are Mint Cookie. I was looking to sit next to you to help you to deal with your problems." Spike gladly sat beside the filly who seemed grateful to him.

"You have no idea how much this means to me, thank you." The filly lowered her head in gratitude as Spike raised his hands.

"Oh, that's no problem. I know that you will have difficulties with the songs, that's why if you are going to mess up, I will try to help you out by leading you with the sound okay?" Spike's strategy to help Minty was what actually made her relax even more. Making her smile at him.

"Okay, thanks once again." Mint Cookie has finally felt the weight over her shoulders go away, as she sat comfortably as she raised her violin to tune.

"Maybe I should start tunning the violin as well," Spike mumbled to himself.

"Unbelievable, they have the audacity to say there wasn't room for cellists since there were 3 spaces for at least 3 cellists to play over there." A familiar voice took the attention of the drake who was preparing himself, as he looked at the pony in grey fur sitting on his side, as she prepared her cello.

"Octavia, I already said. That place is for the choir, there isn't a need for you to sit in front off... Oh hey Spike, I knew that you would be here." Then the minty green pony herself grinned as she took her lire with her and made Spike's eyes go wide open.

"Spike?" The grey mare gasped as she finally noticed the dragon who was sitting next to her.

"Oh... hey girls... fancy to see you here." Spike smiled nervously as both mares looked at him behind mostly ponies of the orchestra.

Wandering what in Tartarus is going on...

To be continued...