• Published 25th Jul 2021
  • 2,919 Views, 118 Comments

Andante - The path of the dreams - CaioCoia

Spike, a dragon with a broken heart, leaves Ponyville to follow his dreams. And meeting somepony he wasn't familiar with was the start of a great friendship or even more.

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The presentation. Pt 1.

As the maestro appeared in front of the orchestra, Spike felt his anxiety caming into a full force, he never felt so nervous and yet so excited to finally achieve his dreams, he was now part of the orchestra, even if was for just one night, he would make it the most memorable as ever.

Bretton Wood was excited as well, he knew from the look of his own orchestra, all the work he did during years as being professor finally paid off, he passed nights awake creating melodies until he created what he thought would be the most suitable story he would create with songs. He let his imagination flow, as he used his own horn to make the lights turn off and from above the podium, there was a giant white canvas which Bretton Wood gladly made the gesture to all musicians.

Spike's eyes went sharp, as he prepared the violin and made the right position for play. As he looked on his side, Minty Cookie was trembling nervously but yet managed to make a good position of her violin, and he looked on his other side where Octavia was used to her cello and was concentrated on the maestro who was going to play.

Spike looked in front again, and Bretton Wood counted until 4 and gestured the play:

The percussion started to a quick passe as a single violin started to make a rhythm, and Spike knew at the time started until he was the time for many violins to work together.

The loud violins sound the same speed of the rhythm as the solo making everypony jump from their seats surprised by the loud impact the violins appeared until suddenly part of the violins started creating the melody, it seemed slower and yet the same smooth, but yet so beautiful, like a single pony singing, until more violins joined making the song louder, and the melody more harmonious, and then more instruments appeared, until the violin scaled like creating a huge choir of violins joining the song, making everypony open their mouths in disbelief.

It looked like the violins were singing an opera.

"Aahahahaaaaaaaaahhhhhahahahaahaha." A single melody that would be in the minds of the ponies until suddenly the violins created an impact and suddenly stopped, then a smooth violin solo again played and the other violins created a vibrato, and the next a duet of violins played and the other violins made accomplishment over their part, and then the solo started to create a bass from its cords, until the loud cords of a group of violins again impacted the entire event, making the same part like the first, like a song of the beginning middle end, starting with it the same way it would end it.

Bretton Wood was using his hooves with so much passion that the orchestra knew how much he worked for it.

Spike used all his fingers to make his violin the loudest as possible, the fast parts, the slow parts, he wanted to make it sound so smoothly like everything was perfect, and surprisingly, he looked at Minty who struggled a bit, but she looked at him and using the same positions she managed to win her struggles as well, she sounded so happy as all the violinists were using their all to make their violins in harmony until all of them finished the first song, which made the stop.

"Ah aha ha." Spike was gasping his air, he never felt so accomplished in his life, to make such song as the loudest and yet the harmonious as well, it made him enjoy himself even more.

As he looked at his former teacher, he was signaling another song that would appear at the moment. He prepared himself as a flute gave the signal, and slowly he moved his bow.

( 1)Struggle Against fear
2) To be a winner
3) Must win)

Breton wood who has been learning and teaching music for eons of his life, finally could achieve his dream to actually not just show everypony his composition, but actually, tell a story. He ignited his horn and he aimed at the canvas above them, and using his magic a projection appeared at the canvas. And using both his hooves he gave the flow of the music which his orchestra will follow.

The first song was a slow pace as the violins and cellos played together, slow music of a desire, slow but yet so strong, and then a simple touch of piano made many spines shriven and have goosebumps. As the melody combines together as later the percussion play, and then the lyre, and then the clarinets and flutes.

Spike could feel it, the story behind his song, he wished to see the canvas, but he was part of the orchestra and he was letting his own imagination appear in the same way as everypony was watching the story...

Slow as a training of a broken warrior, somepony who sacrificed so much to get just one objective, defeat and kill the pony in front of him, resolute that mere sword wouldn't actually be enough to fulfill his desire, he launched away his sword, and raised both his hooves, in a combat hoof to hoof.

As the melody got speed as the ponies imagined the same warrior the struggles of his training, losing weight, training harder, punching faster, bucking faster and stronger, until he found a resolve. A challenge, destroy nature itself with his own hooves, by punching a tree until it got destroyed.

As later the percussion got speed, ponies could see the ponies in front of them with one single determination, as the voice could be heard from the pony in their imagination.

"It's you, it's all because of you..." The recent and the venom from his voice, as he looked ready to destroy somepony. "I will kill you."

Then the percussion got faster and louder, as the speed of the brass got speed, like the violins and the piano together continued the next song.

The warrior passed through villagers, forests, using everything around him to make him stronger, punch stronger than many, and quick that could kill many animals around him with his only hooves.

As he felt the painful scars around his body, all the instruments stopped leaving a solo of clarinet and a piano as background, making everypony imagine the painful memories of a simple warrior and his master, teaching the basics of punches and attacks, and when the finally the time has come, the warrior gave a hug at the body of his master before leaving.

"Master, this is for you." The pony finally appeared against the devil king who smiled at him. Then the song once again started taking pace as the got louder as the great fight has happen.

The battle was fierce and stunting, the punches against swords were something that ponies never could imagine in their imaginations. A pony whose master was beaten to a pulp, leaving a dangerous demonic pony watching from away and laughing at him, and now the warrior came back from his unconscious by using his own instincts.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT." The punch over the animalistic pony punched straight to the devil king, who got surprised by the attack, and never imagined that his sword would have been broken. But now he was on the hooves of a monster far more dangerous than an Ursa minor. Then an electric guitar appeared with all the other instruments making it even more impacting.

Punches as they could see the same scene of the old pony training the warrior get beaten to a coma, and now the same warrior, got with such bloodthirsty revenge that nothing could pass through his eyes. His own instincts were acting with all his training, punching the tempura, the jaw, into such speed, as the most basic of attacks and punches was enough to make the king unable to defend himself. As the punches got even stronger until the cruel king couldn't defeat a warrior with such a desire for revenge.

The king was dead.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The shout of victory was enough to say that made everypony snap from the sequence of the song, which finished with a great movement of the conductor who made all the instruments get in silence.

Spike after playing such an amazing song, couldn't help but clean the tears over his eyes, it was a masterpiece, and the silence a second later was answered with huge applause from everypony over the event. Spike clapped his claws as well, he loved everything of the song, it was such storytelling that he felt the emotions of the main character, the determination, the hatred, the desire to accomplish revenge for the pony he loved as a father.

He looked on his side, and found Minty Cookie felt relieved as finally, she finished one part of the event, she just needed 2 more to go.

Octavia was smiling as she looked on passionate Spike was with the way he played the violin, she even stopped to give a few glances at how he treated the violin on some parts.

Lyra was chugging a soda can as she looked between the mare and the dragon who seemed to be so happy at the moment. By smashing her can she couldn't help but relax and crack her neck.

"Alright, we have 20 minutes to relax and prepare for the next maestro. How are you hanging Spike?" Lyra as she was his childhood friend, she knew Spike would be at the moment, but it was a great time to make that 20 minutes entertaining to them.

"Oh Lyra, you have no idea. I never had this much fun before." Spike was sweating a bit, but 20 minutes of relaxing before going back to play again, was something that he couldn't wait for it. He was smiling like Pinkie Pie who ate a lot of sugar."I can't believe this is how you both work every year."

"Oh, that's nothing Spike, you should see the orchestra when it comes at the gran finally, it always ends up with a surprise." Lyra enjoyed seeing her friend once again showing his true smile, even since that morning she questioned herself if she did the right thing. But looking at how more in peace Spike seemed after visiting and even participating in the big event, made her feel more relaxed with the idea that she didn't screw up.

"Well, I will take your word for it. So what is going to be the grand final?" Spike asked as his curiosity picked up as he could see Octavia tunning her cello.

"Oh, nothing too extraordinary, it's just Opera Hoove who will sing an Opera." Lyra was going to answer but Octavia cut her up, receiving a glare from her. "What? That buffon stallion doesn't deserve that much attention."

"Yeah, I know, but you kinda broke the flow I was having with Spike." Lyra glared at the cellist not because of the rude stallion, she wanted to actually make Spike be disappointed in the end and make some troll jokes. "You are a spoilsport, did you know that?"

"Yes, and I'm proud of it." Octavia ignored the mare who sat strangely and noticed Spike's face showing some discomfort. "Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know." Spike reluctantly said. "It's just the stallion name seemed familiar... Oh yes. Discord said this Opera Hooves owns him money, and he wants it back quickly."

Spike snapped his finger as he remembered how Discord wanted Spike to warn the stallion about paying what Discord wants, or he would suffer the consequences. And knowing Discord, anything could happen when he is angry.

"Wait, are you telling me that there is somepony stupid enough to try to scam the lord of Chaos?" Lyra as she was holding her Lyre, she was with her eyes opened in disbelief, which made Spike shrug his arms and nod his head.

"Yep, you would be surprised at how many times I saw Discord collecting debts, and some of them weren't pretty, I remember that he said his father was even crueler, his father made a bet with a unicorn saying he would try to make the unicorn get crazy during 1 month, and if he could be sane after 1 month he could grant whatever the unicorn desired... And trust me, for a lord of chaos Discord told me that the worst way a lord of Chaos and Madness could curse a pony is doing absolutely nothing..." Spike remembered when Discord came to play O&O and created a character based on his father...Spike felt sorry for 7 of his best villain bosses, he never thought all of them would have suffered from such madness.

"Doing nothing?" Octavia decided to be part of the conversation as she tried to understand how a lord of Chaos could make somepony cursed by doing nothing at all.

"Trust me, I didn't believe it at first but think about it... When we expect chaos, we think about hundreds or even thousands of ways that how chaos should act, especially if we are the target." Spike decided to give a brief answer. Which made both mares nod at him. "Now... imagine thinking about this by 30 days straight... you would become so paranoid that anything would be your worst problem, and that way you by yourself made you mad."

Lyra's mouth dropped hard, as Octavia became pale from how simple and yet cruel somepony would actually do something like that.

"Thanks, Celestia that Discord is talking about his relationship with his father at Psychologist, Doctor Wolf was actually the one who was getting him to make him feel better even after such a burden passed." Spike waved the concerns of his friends away, or that was their thoughts since he thought Discord would have suffered a lot of burden in the past because of his father, but in fact, what the mares were thinking was...

"Opera Hooves better pay what he is in debt with Discord, or possibly all the consequences would be against not just him, but for them as well."