• Published 25th Jul 2021
  • 2,919 Views, 118 Comments

Andante - The path of the dreams - CaioCoia

Spike, a dragon with a broken heart, leaves Ponyville to follow his dreams. And meeting somepony he wasn't familiar with was the start of a great friendship or even more.

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The life must go on. - Elegy in C minor

The dark night couldn't have ended better for most of the ponies over the Festival, the first weekend of the festival was indeed something to be appreciated and enjoyed with their families and special ponies the culture even happening once per year, 3 weekends full of great music played by the orchestra. To all ponies who came from far away to enjoy their little time of culture that just a few ponies could have appreciated for a while.

"I can't believe it. This was the best play I ever watched in my whole life." The Sparkle patriarch said as he carried his own son, a purple dragon who seemed to be smiling greatly at his own parents. "Next time we must have the front-row seat. Maybe we can ask for a few favors for a few friends or even the princess in case you start being the star of the festival once again Spike."

"Hahahaha, that's fine dad." Spike smiled as he noticed how his father felt so excited, especially from watching the final with such happiness. "I have to say I loved every single thing about this festival."

"Well, I know for sure that you had a lot of fun Spike, and that's what we wanted for you to have today. But I have to say, you were so cute in that suit while playing for hundreds of ponies at the festival. Thankfully I was prepared for this kind of situation." Twilight Velvet said as she brought from her purse an old photo camera for memorable family moments.

"Oh no..." Spike's eyes went wide open as he noticed the pictures that his mom brought from the festival, and while some pictures were indeed worth to be something to be proud of... there were still a few of him acting like a silly baby dragon and enough for him to blush in scarlet mixed with purple.

Taking a deep breath he was ready to do some action until a yellow light of magic made him close his mouth.

"Not so fast honey, you will not "sneeze" on purpose after such wonderful pictures I did my best to take. Would you honey?" The sweet and kind voice from the mare who knew so well her little dragon decided to give a threatening glare which made the poor dragon pout but obey his own mother. Happily, she obliged to stop her magic.

Seeing that he couldn't have any choice, Spike dropped his head defeated, as he can plan many ways to try to take the photos, but his mom always was 10 steps ahead of him, who knew how many copies she might have on that moment, and how much it will be on the family photos album, which would be the devastating weapon against the image to not just him but to his own siblings as well.

The silence between the trio who was walking behind the good among of the ponies was ignored as Spike couldn't help but feel happy to imagine how just one day made him feel so happy. It was like just one decision it made his life of anger and sadness turn upside down and became the best day of his life for a long time.

"Mom... dad..." Spike spoke which made the duo turn their heads to him. "Thank you so much for today. I loved every single moment of it."

Smiling at each other, the duo just patted the head of their little boy who happily was feeling so much better. It was like things weren't sour when the moment he came from Ponyville...

Spike's smile froze, as he thought about how leaving that place was a big step in his life, and still, he couldn't help but think of the villagers in that place... Sure he didn't have much interaction with many of them, but still there were some good times he was with them. At times he was at the wedding, and at times he was at the Nightmare Night festival at nights.

"No..." Spike turn off his mind, he looked around and saw many ponies looking around and enjoying their fancy night as they celebrate the end of the play which was having. "I was never from Ponyville. I'm from Canterlot... maybe in the future I can visit them, but I will not do it now."

Spike's resolve was enough to make him focus on his own objectives, now he was back to his house. Life of a dragon of 17 years old, he would soon become an adult in the pony standards. So he must enjoy his time thinking about the future he will have after coming back to Canterlot.

Spike already has some ideas on how to work into helping his parents, as he was a professional violinist from Canterlot he can possibly go to the place he studied before, and ask for some references from his teachers on what to do from there. He can start trying to create his own compositions and follow the steps of his favorite composer. Canterlot was a place for fancy dreams to become true... Even... oh sugar emerald... even Rarity's boutique is installed in this city.

That thought made Spike freeze and his mind filled with some specific thoughts. Since Rarity has a reason to come here. It seems that possibly at the time Twilight wants to visit home, her... lover will come to visit the boutique and there are only two ways that this would end... Rarity is going to visit with her and make things even worse for him, like fighting that he has trying to avoid since the beginning, or a shout between two parties that would make them both broken from their views...

But thankfully Spike has the ground advantage, by staying at his home in Canterlot, Twilight wouldn't be able to convince him to come back by force, or she would be grounded by both their parents and she would have to receive a huge lecture on how terrible she was being as a sibling... Spike's shrove just with that thought, the lecture of bad siblings was one of the worst punishments they could receive from their parents. They are far too skilled in guilt tripping and they are both psychologists which would make it even worse. They know how to hit their weakest spots and even make them suffer the worst of the blows inside their own hearts.

Spike gulped, but at least he was hopeful that things wouldn't go sour like that, he just prayed that he would at least receive a few weeks to prepare himself, and not let her sister go crazy after him... oh who he is kidding? It was clear that possibly in a few days top, Twilight would come for a simple visit to him, he just prayed that she would be alone and wouldn't make things worse for their family.

"SPIKE." Suddenly a voice called him and made him and his parents stop in their tracks. As they could see, a grey mare followed by a mint green mare called after him, which made both the parents give a simple hidden smile.

"Hey son, I forgot how you young kids always enjoyed being late at night. I will be heading home to a good night of sleep. Enjoy your night." And with a little telekinesis, a blue glow made Spike float on the floor which made the dragon stare at the stallion in surprise.

"What?" Spike was surprised by the sudden spell from his dad, and a little kiss on the cheek made his face blush like a tomato as he stared at his own mom.

"Be home at 2 a.m, we will not be waiting for you. Good night my little baby dragon." And with that Twilight Velvet and Night Light galloped leaving the baby dragon alone as he was staring confused by why such a hurry. Until he looked back and saw both Lyra and Octavia almost near him.

"Hey girls, what's up?" Spike decided to ignore the sudden change of pace that his parents decided to do at the last moment and focused on the girls who seemed to be happy to find the dragon who seemed to be walking away.

"Well, since the festival has stopped now, we are planning to hit a midnight waffle house before going to the hotel," Lyra said as she was already excited to eat the waffles she was craving after a long day of work and a good night of play.

"Oh, that sounds awesome." Spike already liked the idea and then glanced behind him, to see his parents nowhere found. "Well since I don't have anything else to do, I think I will accept it."

Lyra raised her eyebrow as she decided to stretch her forelegs. Seeing that the mare on her side was feeling already happy to hear the response of the violinist, and that was a great way for her to have a bit of company as she could do it as a great way to have food before sleep.

"Alright, it seems that we already have a good time ahead of us," Lyra said as she walked forward and marched towards the direction of the street, leaving the duo of pony and dragon behind her.

"Oh, wait up Lyra," Spike called as he tried to follow her, and the grey mare couldn't help but sigh happily as she was going to have a great time.


"So what did you think Spike"? Lyra asked munching her favorite combination of waffles with chocolate whipped cream. "I have to say, it was awesome to have to play with you like the old time's sake."

Spike nodded as he was devouring his favorite strawberry and blueberry waffles and drank cocoa.

"It was AWESOME," Spike shouted as he felt a part of his dreams was fulfilled on that day, it was like his dreams became true and he couldn't help but be happy and even take a good bite of his sweet dinner. "Like the old times on the training music lessons. You were really a filly with many skills."

"Pff, like I could follow the steps of the baby dragon who made the teachers have an existential crisis in their lives." Lyra laughed as she brushed her mane away from her face, making her and Spike laugh loudly about their friendship in the past.

Octavia was in her seat, observing the interaction between the married mare and the baby dragon who seemed to have a story with her, as a good pair of childhood friends, she couldn't help but listen to the stories of the duo on how they meet on the past and how it was the times on the music class, but one thing that always has made Octavia look strangely at the mare who was sitting on her side...

She was sitting the same way Spike was sitting as both of them could stand in two hooves and she sat exactly like him.

"Anyway, Octavia." Spike suddenly grabbed the attention of the mare who just looked at him in surprise. "I have to say, I'm glad to have met you yesterday. I don't know why but I'm actually grateful that you listened me to play..."

The mare suddenly felt a side of her cheek heat up, as she looked nervously.

"Why would you mean that?" The cellist tried to be polite but her nervousness made her bite her tongue.

"I mean, seriously. I think yesterday I was so down that I couldn't find a good way to cheer me up. And when I played my violin... I tried so much to vent out all my frustrations and sadness... But from that night I brought your attention and after our talk. I think that was enough to make me realize that yes... music was indeed what I love to do most. So that's why I'm thanking you." Spike was honest from what he said, he understand that even on that terrible moment he passed on the night prior... just one kind word was enough to make him second guess his mistakes and thinks that what he was doing was exactly right for him.

"Oh... well, I understand that you may have been thinking like that. And I'm glad that you have managed to pass such a border and decided to make a better look yourself. Which is the best you can do at this moment." Octavia smiled, as she ignored the awkwardness she was feeling minutes before. She couldn't help but be happy for him. "But I have to say since the next event will be on the next weekend. I will possibly be in this town this week. And I wouldn't mind if I could have some company around to show me the places over here."

Lyra smiled, noticing the setting up that was happening in front of her, she decided to use her magic which created a yellow glow to the dragon and she floated him above her.

"Are you kidding? Spike has a free pass to even go to the castle. Since he was the right hand of one..." Then Lyra's face froze as she remembered what Spike must have told, and then she gave a glance to the dragon who seemed to be trying to avoid her gaze. "smooth, Lyra, really smooth. *cough* Anyway. I think since Spike most part of his childhood he was on the castle, he can have a free pass from the princesses if he just asks nicely."

Spike glanced at his friend, and couldn't help but say that Lyra gave a good safe from what she was saying. And nodded his head to the mare in front of him.

"Yeah, I think I can talk with Princess Celestia if we could just have a good walk around the castle, maybe even have something from the cooking of Princess Celestia. She always knows how to prepare a good breakfast over there." Spike always ate Celestia's pancakes which were good to die for, and knowing that not many ponies had such privilege it was a good thinking Lyra gave such idea for him to do.

"Oh, that sounds lovely. Well, that's a date then...Wait... I mean..." Octavia stuttered as she found herself caught in the words she just said, but Spike was looking away from listening to that part.

"Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention to the last part, what did you just say?" Spike asked curiously, making the mare smile forcedly.

"Nothing. Just say it was going to be wonderful." Octavia replied as she let out a sigh of relief and yet disappointment inside her mind, but then she gave a quick look on her side, and her eyes didn't like what she was seeing. The mint green mare was smiling slyly at her... That wasn't a good sign.

"Well, I know for sure it will a blast. Sadly I think after tomorrow I'm going to go back to Ponyville and see Bon Bon, she misses me if I stay long for many days. So next weekend I'm going to bring her." Lyra shrugged as she placed a good among of bits over the table. "Alright, I'm already full, let's have a good night to sleep and enjoy our day tomorrow. I will be in the park tomorrow Spike, see you there."

Lyra decided it was a good time for her to leave, leaving the dragon and pony duo alone at night. Spike usually would be happy, but he was feeling nervous about staying alone with a mare at that time of the night.

Octavia wasn't feeling any better. Since she was there to ask Spike out, but it was difficult to find the right words. And yet everything just worked fine. But she still needs to find a way to make the little dragon has a conversation with her. And at that moment of the night, it was sounding a bit more difficult than she was expecting.

Spike then glanced at the mare and decided to ask a simple question.

"Hey, Octavia... why did you decide to start playing a cello?" Spike decided to give a simple question, and both of them start to smile. At least both of them are in good company.

Another waking-up call, the allicorn who got up from her bed couldn't have a good night of sleep. The lavender allicorn stared at the cabinet nearby her bed, and on the corner of the bedroom was another bed, one that she missed for her own company.

The princess of friendship placed both of her hooves on her face, trying to find a way to get used to the fact that happened since the day before... her brother was not there anymore. It was a cold and cruel fact, but one she cannot deny. It was her fault, she took the mare that he was deeply in love, and she read dozens of books already specifying the drama of the same problem. She knew at the moment she kissed the white mare, she have brought problems that she couldn't control.

She formulated plans and plans into trying to find a good way to tell her brother about the terrible news, but while the plans looked good in her head... she was afraid to actually execute them in front of her brother, and by each day avoiding it, it made it worse and worse. She knew it was her fault, but she doesn't know in what aspects her brother was madder at her, the fact of she didn't actually talk to him, or the fact that she took another thing from him.

The time she went back home, calling for her brother and best assistant, she wasn't there, and her heart was fulfilled with worries and panic, she tried to talk with all her friends, but at the time that Applejack the element of Honest had told the truth? She knew that her brother was ready to fight her... the biggest discussion, the words that would clash, and all the begging that she would do to her brother to forgive her, she was doing her best to ask him forgiveness...

However, he didn't get back to the castle... the opposite, he went back to Canterlot, to their parents' house. Which explained one simple fact... he didn't want to talk to her anymore... and that alone destroyed her, because she would try everything to make this mistake works... but, her brother preferred to leave her alone with a victory that she felt the sour taste than actually let her explain herself.

She was now alone without her brother... she has her friends, but now... what would be friends without the first one who actually sacrificed everything to be on her side...

And now, she knew... nothing would be the same... Because she cowardly took what was important to her, her own brother is not going to give her a chance to bring it back to Ponyville... And now she is alone, the last Sparkle of Ponyville...

Who knew that in the night the cry of an allicorn could be heard from an echo without anypony to hear?

Author's Note:

And here we are once again. I was inspired to actually finish the idea of how it ended up the first week of the festival, and make a good setup for Octavia to be alone with Spike, Spiketavia is ready to go.

And I want to make sure that Twilight has finally appeared and showing her point of view. And now let's start with the new plot I have for this fanfic. Be ready to be surprised. XD

Peace out.