• Published 18th Jul 2021
  • 3,797 Views, 80 Comments

Fate of the Lostbelt Kingdoms - ElementBrigade

What if the lostbelt of the rejected human history were given a second chance at life in equestria

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Chapter Eight: All Coming Together

Fate of The Lostbelt Kingdoms

Chapter Eight

All Coming Together

Meanwhile back at the village of the Yagas, the ponies of equestria along with some of the adult yagas were busy trying to pull Ivan off of Celestia and Patxi. It only took them about a good hour or so to get the servant off of them given their lack of magic and have to make some kind of lifting device. So far, none of them suffered from any lasting damage on the physical aspect thanks to the snow supporting the fall and impact for the most part...Mentally on the other hand is another story altogether. But, nevertheless. Such matters at that will have to be pushed to the side as Celestia and Anastasia begin their conversation. Specifically filling her in on the situation at hand.

“Again, I am really sorry for what happened. Had I known that more ponies would’ve come to this village sooner than expected, then I would’ve sent him flying off somewhere else then at the entrance.” Anastasia said while bowing to the white alicorn.

“It’s fine, really. No need to apologize for an honest mistake.” Celestia said as she looked up and down at Anastasia.

“Is something wrong?”

“Not to sound rude, but are you the only human in this land? Because so far from what the Yagas have informed me, there aren't that many of their kind that don’t have fur covering their entire body. And from what Twilight had seen, the humans from the mirror world don’t...well look like the way that you look.”

“I don’t know what you mean by this mirror world place. But for clarification, I’m not a human. I’m a servant.”

“Okay...so you’re a human that serves Ivan then?”

“No. I don’t serve Ivan...anymore. And that’s not what I meant by a servant by your terms.” She said before noticing the confused expression on the alicorn’s face. “To make it as simple as possible. Servants or Heroic Spirits, are humans who’ve either made a contract with the planet or recorded in human history into the throne of heroes.” The caster said as she noticed Celestia was about to say something, only for her to lift a hand in front of the white alicorn. “Before you assume anything. The throne of heroes doesn’t necessarily mean that all humans are heroes or good people. Just like with your own species they range from being lawful good, neutral, or chaotic evil.”

“I see...so this throne of heroes records events that take place in the human world?”

“In a way, yes. It mainly records events that can impact human history. Though it seems that can apply to people within the lostbelts.”

“Is that the name of this land?”

“No, the name of this land would be Russia. Or at least a Russia that couldn’t support human life.” She said as Celestia tilted her head in confusion. “How can I put it into terms? The planet that we came from didn’t like how this version of Russia turned out and decided to reject it’s very existence.”

“Is that even possible?”

“Given how it’s the planet that did it, I can only say yes.”

“If that was true, then shouldn’t this land be...well..erased from existence?” Cadence asked as she noticed Anastasia pointing a finger at the fantasy tree.

“That tree is what’s keeping this place from disappearing. The alien god that made it called it a fantasy tree or a tree of emptiness.”

“So that’s the reason why our magic isn’t working properly.” Celestia said as it caused Anastasia to look at her.

“Luna did inform me about that. If you think I can do something about this, I hate to say that I can’t do anything about it given how I wasn’t the one that made it.”

“And the creator of it isn’t here?” Luna asked as the caster shook her head. “Is there a means to contact them?” she asked as Anastasia looked at her for a moment before shaking her head.

“No, nor would it be a good idea to do it if you want your planet to be destroyed.” She said which took Celestia, Luna, and Cadence by surprise. “It’ll take a while to explain in great detail about this. So it would be best to head into my home so that I can talk about that and how to get Ivan and the other Yagas some medical attention.”

“Right...forgive me if I’m having a hard time understanding all this. Our lack of human knowledge might be the reason for it.”

“I’m not surprised by that given how your species isn’t based around humans. But no need to apologize for that, you wouldn’t be the first ones to have that problem.” She said before placing a hand to her own chin “This mirror you mentioned has humans in them, no? You wouldn’t happen to have someone that would be able to understand what I’m saying?”

“That would be Princess Twilight.” Luna said as it caused the caster servant to raise an eyebrow to her. “She has gone to the human world more times than we have.”

“That is true. If there’s anypony with knowledge of human history, then it would be Twilight. I just hope she got my message about the monster that attacked us.” Celestia said as Anastasia noticed a demonic boar with a small group of ponies heading over towards them from a distance.

“This monster wouldn’t happen to be a giant demon boar, would it?” She asked as Celestia blinked in surprise by this.

“Yes...how did you know?” Celestia asked as the caster servant pointed behind her. The White Alicorn turned around as her eyes widened upon seeing Twilight and her friends riding on the back of the Demonic Boar as the monster started to slide as an attempt to stop itself from crashing into both the yagas and ponies in front of the entrance to the village. Celestia closed her eyes for a moment due to the snow powder being kicked up from the boar as it’s snout was inches from Celestia's face. “Oh...I see. I’m surprised you were able to notice it.”

“I’m more surprised that you ponies have the means to tame a demonic beast such as this...they mostly end up attacking people and can only be tamed via magic.” Ivan said while being treated for his injuries by the medical ponies as they started to replace some of the old medical bandages with new ones to help soak up some of the blood dripping from his wounds.

“Celestia, Luna, Cadence! I’m so glad you’re all okay-” Twilight said as she paused upon seeing Ivan, Anastasia, and more Yagas who were repairing some of the damage dealt by Anastasia sending Ivan flying.

“Wow, I was not expecting to see something like this,'' Starlight said as she along with the other girls hopped off of the boar’s back as they scanned the area of the town they were in. “Guest that cat-woman was right about there being a town if we followed her directions.”

“Man, this place looked like it got hit by a traveling storm.” Rainbow Dash said before noticing Ivan as she flinched back in surprise. “Who or what the hay is that thing!?”

“Rainbow Dash! It's rude to say something like that to a creature.” Rarity said in disappointment as she looked over at Ivan. “Given his attire and crown on his head, he must be the king of this land.”

“Seriously? That’s the wolf creature’s king?” The cyan pegasus said, only to receive a jab to her side by Applejack as a means to tell her to be quiet.

“I’m very sorry about my friend. She tends to say things without thinking of the outcome of her actions.” Twilight said as she walked over to Ivan and offered him a hoof. “My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. It’s a pleasure to meet you...Um.”

“Ivan. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He said before looking at her hoof. “I’d shake your...um...hoof? But as you can see, I’m currently being treated right now.”

“Geez, what happened to you that made you look like that?” Rainbow Dash asked as she noticed Starlight and Twilight’s deadpanned expressions. “What? It’s a general question.” There was a moment of silence in the air as Ivan and Anastasia looked at each other as the rider servant nodded. The caster servant soon turned her attention onto the group of ponies as she motions for them to follow her inside her home.

“Perhaps I should explain the situation that’s going on with this country. It would help to get a better understanding and clear some confusion that I’m sure everyone is having at the moment.” She said as the ponies of Equestria follow after her. Though she paused as she felt the ground shake from the demonic boar following after them. “Might want to tell the boar to wait outside my house. Mainly because of how big he is.” The boar in return let out a snort of annoyance as Fluttershy patted its head for comfort.

“There, there, I’m sure you can listen in on the conversation from the window if she has any.” Fluttershy said as Anastasia continued her walk to her house with the ponies following after. While this was happening, off in the distance of the village. Minotaur watched as they entered into the home of Anastasia as he licked his lips. The moment he sees the ponies leave the house of the servant, he would begin his assault. It’s not like he couldn’t go a day without for. Hell, he could go on for years just by absorbing the new magic that mixed with the previous magic from Equestria. It’s the fact that he enjoyed the thrill and taste of new prey.