• Published 18th Jul 2021
  • 3,804 Views, 80 Comments

Fate of the Lostbelt Kingdoms - ElementBrigade

What if the lostbelt of the rejected human history were given a second chance at life in equestria

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Chapter Four: The Tsar and The Moon

Fate of The Lostbelt Kingdom

Chapter Four

The Tsar and The Moon

While Celestia and Cadance were busy making their escape the yagas of the russian lostbelt, Luna and the pegasi that she was leading made their way through the cold skys of the lostbelt while scanning the area for any sign of life. So far the only beings that they saw during their travels were demonic beasts that were traveling in packs to hunt for food or to move to place with other demonic beasts to either eat them or join them. Luna had to admit, this land’s wildlife was something she was not expecting. Minutes later upon traveling through the skies, the group soon saw that they were getting close to the fantasy tree. In front of the fantasy tree was what looked like a small town, similar in length to that of Ponyville, but without the Everfree Forest.

“Princess, we’re coming upon a small village near the tree. Should we land near it?” One of the male guards asked as Luna nodded.

“It’ll do us good to see what the inhabitants of this land look like. Not to mention forming a relationship with them will serve us well when I send a message for my sister to come here. Three of you will come with me, the rest will go back to report to my sister about this” Luna said as she ordered the other pegasi to follow her down towards the snamm town. Once they appeared at the entrance of the village, they would see some of the yagas walking around the place carrying supplies of wood, bricks, and other materials needed to repair buildings and other things.

“....Princess Luna...are these the inhabitants of this land?” asked a female pony guard as Luna was at a loss of words from seeing the yagas. Never has she seen creatures like these before. They almost look like humans, but with wolf-like features.

“It...it would seem so...I was not expecting this.”

“What should we do, ma’am?”

“Stay here until I return. If we all come in at once, they might think we’re trying to take over their home.”

“Are you sure Princess Luna?” asked a male pony guard as she nodded.

“The key to diplomacy is to not be a threat. We need to be careful and not scare them. And judging by the looks of how damaged this place is, they seem to have been hit by something hard.” She said as the male guard nodded and ordered for the others to remain at the entrance of the village. Luna gave them a small smile before turning her attention onto the village. She soon took in a deep breath before letting it out and walked into the village. “Alright Luna, time to work your magic with your diplomacy skills.” The moment she stepped foot into the village, a group of Oprichnik appeared around the dark blue alicorn. Luna yelped in surprise which caused the pegasi to quickly form around their princess. Luna was about to hit the Oprichnik with a magical blast of energy, but her magic gathering in her horn fizzled out.

“What happened to my magic?” She asked before looking back onto the Oprichnik as she saw them getting into a line across from each other, as if welcoming her into the village. The alicorn princess blinked in surprise.

“You are the inhabitant of the country beyond the land of snow and ice?” asked one of the Oprichnik as he appeared in front of the moon princess.

“I-I am.” Luna said as she regained her composure. “I am Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria along with my sister Celestia. May I ask who you are...um...creature.”

“I am nothing more than a servant to the Tsar. If you are an ambassador of a far away country, then I take it you’re here to help us?”

“What is it that you need help with?” She asked as she saw the Oprichnik motions for her to follow him. The alicorn princess along with the royal guards quickly followed after it while noticing the odd looks they were getting from the yagas. Mainly looks of curiosity from the children, and dumbfounded looks from the adults. She can’t really blame them for the looks they were receiving. Seeing a bunch of colorful ponies and not one of the yaga’s kind would make them look at them oddly.

“The Tsar needs medical attention. At the moment, we don't have much medical supplies to be able to help him along with the other yagas who were injured. At best, we were able to patch them up as best we can. But without proper medical care, they’ll surely die. It doesn’t help that the demonic beast tends to come into this area.”

“Demonic Beast?”

“Monsters that prey upon the weak or their own kind. At the moment, we can’t move him without the means of doing it.”

“This Tsar you speak of. Is he your king?” Luna asked as the Oprichnik nodded while still leading them to where the Tsar is located in the village. “What had happened to him?”

“Injuries from a fight he had with a demonic beast.” He said as the group would notice that they were coming up to a large fancy, but broken looking house. The Oprichnik soon stops in front of the broken door of the house entrance as he moves to the side. “Tsar is up the stairs, down the hall to your left. There’s a Yaga in there that’s currently tending to his wounds as we speak.”

“Of course. Thank you, good sir.” Luna said she before motions for the royal guards to stay outside as she enters into the house. Upon entering, her eyes widened at how broken down and messy the place was. It was as if a tornado had struck the house from the inside and then exploded. Her attention soon turned towards the stairs as she heard someone coughing as she walked up the steps. She soon made a left down the hallway to see the door at the end of it open. She continued to make her way towards the room and stood in front of the entrance. Her eyes widened upon seeing their king. Words couldn’t describe what Luna was looking at. Originally, she thought that the Tsar was going to be someone that looked like the yagas from outside. But seeing him now...it was like he was some kind of mutant minotaur mixed with an elephant.

“You must be the creature I sensed in the air heading for this village” The Tsar said, which took Luna by surprise. The Yaga that was tending to his wound turned around to see Luna in front of the room they were in

“Yes, I am. I assume you are the Tsar of this village?” Luna asked as the Tsar looked over at the female yaga as he nodded at her. Indicating that he wanted to be alone with Luna as she left.

“Accurate term would be the whole of Russia that you’re in. But yes…” He said before staggering to his feet and walked over to the princess of the night and bowed to her. “I am the Grand Prince of Moscow, Ivan IV Vasilyevich. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Princess Luna. Co-Ruler of Equestria and Princess of the Night.” Luna said as she bowed in return. She soon pulled her head up after feeling the room shake due to Ivan kneeling down onto the floor in discomfort. “Mother of me, are you alright!?”

“I-I am fine.” He said while pulling himself back to his feet and went back to his bed. “Forgive me. Had I known that I would have guests from another country, I might’ve had one of the yaga’s make you something to eat...then again there’s not that much that we have food wise.”

“It’s fine, no need to do something like that on my account.” Luna said as she eyed Ivan up and down. “If you don’t mind me asking this...But what are you? You almost resemble that of a human, but you have the animalistic traits of an elephant?”

“I would like to go into details about why I along with the yagas look the way that we are now. But I think there are some important matters I would like to talk with you about. Specifically medical wise.” The Tsar said as he motions to his injuries. “As you can see I’m currently in no position to walk or leave this room.”

“Not to sound rude, but given how...well...big you are...how were you able to fit into this room?” She asked as Ivan stared at her for a moment before pointing up to the ceiling above himself. Looking up, Luna blinked to see a giant hole above him before turning her attention onto him. “...I take it you were thrown in there by something?”

“Giant demonic boar would be the reason why I am in here along with...other reasons. But that will be a talk for a later date. I would like to make a deal with you, Princess. I, along with my citizens, need medical help. If you can provide us with the means and food to help us, then I am willing to tell you everything about this country.”

“Hm. Getting you the help that you need shouldn’t be a problem for the most part. But getting you out of this room without causing your wounds to open up will prove to be a challenge. Especially seeing how I can’t use my magic at this time. But nevertheless! We will help you and your subjects in this matter.”

“Thank you. You will be rewarded for your help in this endeavor.” Ivan said as the lunar princess smiled at this.

“I will have to get my sister to assist me in this matter.” She said before spreading her wings and taking flight. “I will be back as soon as possible. Till then, I’ll have my guards stay in town and see if they can assist your subjects in anything that they need help with.” With that, Luna flew outside of the house. Leaving Ivan to his own thoughts...but one thing did come to his mind. He looked over at himself, then back at the door, then back at himself again as he let out a groan of annoyance. If the inhabitants of this foreign country were consistent of talking demonic horses with sentient knowledge or if they were like them. Humans that were forced to be fused with animals to become demonic humanoids. Then getting them out of this room might be a challenge within itself given how big and heavy he was.

“...Mental note. Have the constructors make doorways bigger...also make a law that it’s mandatory to have big doorways.” Ivan said before going back to his thoughts once again.