• Published 18th Jul 2021
  • 3,804 Views, 80 Comments

Fate of the Lostbelt Kingdoms - ElementBrigade

What if the lostbelt of the rejected human history were given a second chance at life in equestria

  • ...

Chapter Twelve: Welcome to Ponyville

Fate of The Lostbelt Kingdom

Chapter Twelve

Welcome to Ponyville

The equestrian along with the former kings successfully made their way out of Russia and into Equestria. So far from what Celestia could tell, there weren't any serious casualties among the Equestrians. Though the Servants and Patxi on the other hand were in serious condition given what happened to them in the fight with Minotaur. It took them a good couple of hours for the boar to make it to Ponyville given how Fluttershy led the boar through certain areas inhabited by ponies, who were scared upon seeing the demonic boar making his way through different cities and towns with a bunch of ponies on his back.

Upon making their way to Ponyville, the servants took notice of the colorful town though more focused on the ponies who were looking at them with mixed expressions. Some took notice of them due to the princesses being with them, while others quickly hid inside their homes due to them and the demonic boar that they were riding on, but still looked through a window from their homes or around the corner they were hiding behind. It was understandable. A demonic beast walking through town with weird-looking creatures on the boar’s back. Who wouldn’t be scared of them?

From what the servants saw on their travels to Ponyville the civilization of Equestria was almost similar to how the proper human history was. Just a bit different with a lot of the towns being horse-related puns. A bit odd for the servants to hear this, but it doesn’t look like this place what Ivan would consider as a threatening place…at least what he considered as threatening. Ponyville seems to resemble more of the town they were in with the Yagas before Minotaur appeared in, only without snow and there wasn’t a castle made out of crystal in the center of town.

“So, this is where you ponies live?” Ivan asked as he looked around at the town. “Not to sound rude, but this place is a bit of an eyesore due to how colorful this place is.”

“Yeah, we get that a lot.” Starlight said with a slight awkward chuckle in her voice. “But I can assure you, this place is very peaceful at times.”

“At times?”

“Well, this town lives next to the Everfree Forest. It’s a forest that not many ponies would go into due to how dangerous it is.”

“Not to mention some of the animals there tend to come into Ponyville and cause trouble for us,” Twilight added. “But don’t worry, we always make sure they don’t hurt anypony and make them go back into the forest.” She said as Ivan and Anastasia stared at her.

“So…you live in a town…that’s next to a dangerous forest…filled with monsters?” Anastasia asked as Twilight and her friends nodded. “...You know, considering where we’re from, we don’t have much room to judge...but this seems like an awful place to live in if monsters could just walk into town and cause trouble…doesn’t this place have a barrier or something to keep them out and away from town?”

“Or a foreign invasion?” Ivan asked as the ponies other than Celestia, Luna, and Cadence shook their heads. “...How is this country still standing?”

“Going into detail about how things work in Equestria might take a while to explain. Though I can provide you with books about our history once you’re in a better condition than how you are now.” Celestia said as she pointed a hoof at the large gashes on Ivan’s body and the blood-soaked bandages.

“Ponyville hospital is just a few feet away from. I’m sure they’ll be able to help patch you guys up in no time.” Applejack said as the caster servant gave her a weak smile.

“We appreciate you willing to help us, but I would be more focused on helping Patxi and your pony friend who took a head-on collision with Minotaur,” Ivan said as he looked over at the passed-out pegasus. “Pretty sure she has a broken, if not a fractured skull given how durable we servants are.”

“That may be true, but you two still need medical treatment,” Luna said as she moved over towards the two servants. “And we’re not taking no for an answer.” She said with a smirk on her face. Ivan and Anastasia looked at each other for a moment before returning their gaze onto the lunar princess.

“Fine…I suppose having a place to recover wouldn't hurt. But I want a separate room away from Ivan.” She said before looking at him. “I’ll tolerate your existence, but nothing more.”

“That…might be a problem,” Celestia said as the caster servant looked over at her. “It would be best for you two to be in the same room. Mainly because once you recover, we need to figure out how to deal with a few problems going on in your country.”

“You mean Minotaur, right?” Ivan asked as the white alicorn nodded.

“There’s that and the issue with us not being able to use our magic,” Luna added as she tried again to use her magic, only for a small spark to appear for a moment before vanishing. “We’ll have to use the device to move the sun and the moon for the time being.”

“...I’m sorry but…what?” Anastasia asked as Pinkie Pie spoke.

“Oh right, we didn’t tell you guys. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna can use their magic to raise the sun and the moon.” She said which caused the servants to stare at the two alicorns in surprise.

“She’s right,” Celestia said. “While I raise and lower the sun, Luna raises and lowers the moon.”

“...I’ll have to see proof of that. Because it would be impossible to move the sun and the moon with just magic alone.” Anastasia said as her comment caused Celestia and Luna to chuckle.

“It doesn’t surprise me given how they’re off the same divinity as a divine spirit, albeit a bit weaker,” Ivan said before noticing some of the ponies watching them. “It would appear that they’re being watched.”

“Well given how we’re on the back of a demonic boar walking through town. It would make sense that they would be watching.” Anastasia said as she noticed some of them watching from their homes before closing the curtain to prevent themselves from being seen. “I get the feeling we’re not going to be welcome here as well as you all were back in the Yaga village.”

“We just need to talk things over with the ponies of Ponyville and explain the situation that’s going on,” Twilight said. “Though I think addressing it to everypony in Equestria might be a better idea. At least to settle their worries over the giant tree and the loss of magic.”

“We’ll have to do it when your diplomats are fully recovered,” Celestia said before feeling the boar stopping. She turns her attention to Fluttershy who in turn looks back at the group with a smile on her face before pointing a hoof at the hospital.

“We’re here.” She said as the royal guards quickly hopped off the boar’s back and formed a line on opposite ends of each other that led to the front doors of the hospital.

“Do they do that all the time?” Anastasia asked as she felt Luna move underneath her and placed the caster servant on her back.

“Both the Royal and Lunar Guards are ordered to do that. Mainly for protection reasons.” She said before noticing Ivan picking up Rainbow Dash and Patxi and hopping off of the boar’s back. Upon making contact with the ground, it made a loud thud while shaking the ground a bit as it caused the royal guards to buckle a bit from the small earthquake. As Ivan and the others began making their way into the hospital, Celestia brought Cadence to the side for a small chat.

“I need you to stay outside and make sure everypony is calm and not scared of what’s going on.”

“What do you mean?”

“Given how we have foreign diplomats from another world…or in this case country, and we made quite a ruckus getting here, it wouldn’t surprise me if certain ponies might snoop around the hospital for…information.”

“You mean the pony press?”

“Indeed, give them a small piece of information and they’ll hound you for more,” Celestia said before looking over at the small crowd of ponies starting to form in front of the hospital, though they kept their distance due to the demonic boar drinking from a nearby stream of water. “Though having the boar here doesn’t help, for the most part, we still need to be careful.”

“Understood, but what if they start asking questions about what just happened?”

“I’ll explain everything to them tomorrow. Right now we have more pressing matters to attend to.” Celestia said before following after Luna and the others. “I just hope things don’t go out of proportion or worse.” As she enters the hospital, Cadence turns her attention to the royal guards as some of the pegasi guards land off to the side of her. The pink alicorn walked over to them as they quickly stood at attention.

“Is there anything you need from us, Princess Cadence?” The stallion asked.

“I need you all to make sure nopony other than the medical ponies or any injured ponies enter this building. I’m sure you are all aware of the situation of our foreign diplomats, correct?” Cadence asked as the group nodded. “Good. We’re trying to keep this on the down-low as kids say. Trying not to cause the ponies to panic, or gather false information on them and label them as monsters or invaders.”

“Should we ask ponies who work here or if they have families here to show information if they’re telling the truth or not, ma’am?” asked a female guard as Cadence nodded.

“As much as I hate to do this, it’s going to have to be this way until they can fully recover.”

“Okay,” She said before noticing the demonic boar digging around in the ground. “What about the giant pig?” she asked which caused the boar to snort in annoyance.

“He’s a boar, not a pig. And as for the boar.” Cadence said before walking over to the demonic boar, who in turn turned his attention on her. “If you behave yourself, I’m sure we can get you some nice truffles to eat, or if not that something to suit your palate until Fluttershy returns. Okay?”

The boar stared at her for a moment before returning to digging in the dirt. The pink alicorn blinked at the boar's reaction for a moment before noticing the size of the hole he made. Once he was done, he simply sat down into the hole, adjusting himself in it, before letting out a low oink-like growl before falling asleep. Upon seeing this, she along with the guards look at each other for a moment before looking back at the boar in a mix of confusion and oddly curiosity.

“I think that would be a yes, princess.” One of the male guards said as Cadence looked over at him.

“I hope so, but just in case. Bring over food that boars are willing to eat for the time being until Fluttershy returns.” She said as the colt nodded and headed off towards town with some of the other royal guards. “Hope this day can’t get any worse than how it is now.”