• Published 18th Jul 2021
  • 3,804 Views, 80 Comments

Fate of the Lostbelt Kingdoms - ElementBrigade

What if the lostbelt of the rejected human history were given a second chance at life in equestria

  • ...

Chapter Nineteen: Crime and Punishment

Fate of The Lostbelt Kingdoms

Chapter Nineteen

Crime and Punishment

“Come on, come on, we need to find more ammunition for the cannons,” Scootaloo said as Apple Bloom was frantically looking around for more ammo.

“All we got are rocks of different sizes. I doubt that would do anything to them given what we saw.” Apple Bloom said before hearing the young pegasus groaning in annoyance.

“What about the gemstones? Don’t we have any of them left?”

“We used them up with the first attack, remember?” Apple Bloom asked before looking over at Sweetie Belle. “Any news on the invaders?”

“....You want bad news or worse news?” Sweetie Belle asked while looking through a pair of binoculars. “Because I don’t think you’ll like either of them.”

“Don’t you mean bad news and worse news?” Scootaloo asked as the young unicorn looked over at her.

“Well, both are bad. But I think the worst news is more pressing than the bad news.” Sweetie Belle said before hearing Apple Bloom speak up.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well…bad news…they’re heading towards us.” She said which caused Scootaloo to quickly grab the binoculars out of Sweetie Belle’s grip to see what she meant by that. Her eyes widened upon seeing Anastasia and Ivan making their way over to the trio. “Worse news, we might be looking to have an early grave.”

“Oh horse feathers! Quick, launch everything we have at them before they reach us!” Scootaloo yelled as she frantically began picking up rocks of different sizes and shoving them into one of the cannons they had set up.

“Did you not see what they did!?” Apple Bloom yelled before doing the same as Scootaloo. “How can a bunch of rocks do anything to them!?”

“Do you want to have written on your tombstone, death by elephant and hairless ape!?”

“...Fair point,” Apple Bloom said before placing more rocks into the cannon until it was filled to the top. Once it was loaded, Sweetie Belle took the binoculars back from Scootaloo to get a better look at the servants. As they were in her sights, she quickly positioned the cannon to lock onto the servants.

“I’ll take care of positioning the other cannons, you girls fire at them.” Sweetie Belle said as the pegasus and earth pony nodded before firing at the servants. As the Cutie Mark Crusaders began their assault upon the servants, Ivan and Anastasia were quickly closing the gap between them and the young fillies. As they were at the halfway point, they would hear the sound of cannons being fired. Looking up, they could see a hail storm of rocks heading towards them. Just like before, the tip of Ivan’s staff sparked up as he fired off a wave of electricity at the oncoming bombardment of rocks and reduced them to nothing but dust.

“Seriously, how come they can do magic while every other pony that we know can’t!?” Scootaloo asked after firing off another volley of small rocks and pebbles.

“Well, they’re not ponies, remember?” Apple Bloom answered as she flinched from seeing the young pegasus glaring at her. “What? It’s true. They’re not ponies.”

“Whatever, just keep firing until you see the whites of their eyes!” She said which caused Apple Bloom to tilt her head in confusion.

“But one of them doesn't have any eyes…at least from what we saw at school.”

“Just keep firing!” Scootaloo ordered as the young earth pony frantically fired off the other cannons one by one after Sweetie Belle adjusted their aim to be locked on the servants. The moment Ivan saw another swarm of rocks and pebbles heading towards them, Anastasia raised her hand to unleash a veil of frost at the oncoming assault. The moment the stones made contact with the sub-zero attack, they quickly fell to the ground and crumbled into smaller rubble. A smirk appeared on the caster’s face from what she did, though that smile vanished upon seeing an actual cannonball inches from her face.

“Oh you have got to be-” Before she could finish her sentence, the cannonball exploded upon making contact with her face, causing an explosion of confetti, streamers, glitter, and surprisingly cake batter. Ivan quickly covered his face from the sudden smoke that came from the explosion but quickly clapped his hands together to make a shockwave to clear the smoke away from around Anastasia. The moment the smoke was gone, it revealed Anastasia being covered in party accessories, glitter, and cake batter.

“Ha! How’d you like that villain!? That will teach you to try and take over Equestria.” Scootaloo yelled in confidence, but Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle felt a sense of dread in the pit of their stomach due to feeling a chill running up their spines. There was a moment of silence hanging in the air before the former Tsar spoke up.

“...I get the feeling that you’re angry?” He asked before noticing the caster giving him an icy death stare. “Right, stupid question on my part.”

“I’m going to hurt them…badly.”

“Remember, they’re children. Not to mention we’re trying not to let them see us as monsters, nor do we want to revert to our old ways.” He said before noticing the air around them getting colder by the second. “Plus I’m sure Twilight will make a suitable punishment for them once we capture them.”

“...Fine, but don’t think I’m going to let this pass.” She said before looking at the cutie mark crusaders carrying rocks and putting them into the cannons. With a deep breath, Anastasia’s eyes lit up for a moment before locking eyes with the young fillies. As she locked eyes with the cutie mark crusaders, Viy appeared behind her with its eyes glowing pale blue for a moment. Just as Scootaloo was about to fire another shot at the servants, she soon felt something cold covering her hooves. Looking down, she saw them covered in a small casing of ice which took her by surprise.

“Gah! I can’t move my hooves!” Scootaloo yelled as she looked over at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. To her surprise, Sweetie Belle was completely frozen in a block of ice, while Apple Bloom had her body covered in ice safe for her head.

“C-Can’t…M-M-Move….S-So….C-C-Cold!” Apple Bloom said while trying to struggle within her somewhat icy prison. As Scootaloo continued to look over at Apple Bloom, she heard the sound of ice slowly moving below her. Looking down she saw that the ice covering her hooves was steadily creeping up her legs. She tried to move her limbs in an attempt to try and break out of the ice, but the more she tried to struggle, the more the ice crept up and covered her body.

“Oh horse feathers! I didn’t think they could do magic from a distance like this!” Scootaloo yelled before looking over at Apple Bloom. “Apple Bloom, try and bite your way out of-” Before the young pegasus could finish her sentence, her eyes widened in horror upon seeing Apple Bloom completely covered in ice. “Gah! Can this get any worse!?”

“Oh trust me, it’s about to get a lot worse for you three,” Anastasia said, which caused Scootaloo to gulp in fear before looking behind herself. Behind her was the servant and the shadowy figure known as Viy staring down at her.

“Indeed.” said a new voice as she looked over to her right. “It’s about to get a lot worse in your case. Of course, we won’t be the one delivering the punishment for attacking ambassadors of a foreign country, that would be decided by either Princess Twilight or your parents/Guardian.” Ivan said before noticing a small devilish smile appear on Anastasia’s face.

“Yes…but before we take you three troublemakers over to Twilight,” Anastasia said as she reached into her pocket to pull out a marker. “I’m gonna have a little bit of fun drawing on your faces.”

“Wait what!? You can’t do that!”

“Oh, I can. There’s nothing you can do to stop me~” She said while getting the marker closer to the filly’s face.

“H-Hey, weird elephant thing! Do something! Aren't you two married or something!?”

“...Sorry little one. Even if she was my wife…I don’t think I can stop her. Plus consider this as a lesson for you in not attacking someone before getting to know them.” Ivan answered, which in turn caused Scootaloo’s color to turn pale upon hearing this. Just as she was about to scream in horror at having her face covered in markings, a familiar Southern voice was heard coming from their right.

“What in tarnation is going on here!?” Applejack yelled as she blinked in surprise from seeing Anastasia, Ivan, and the somewhat frozen Cutie Mark Crusaders. Though her focus was more on Anastasia as she was covered in party accessories and her holding a marker toward Scootaloo’s face. “Dear Celestia, what happened to you? You look like the aftermath of one of Pinkie Pie’s party cannon mishaps.”

“Why don’t you ask your sister and her friends?” Anastasia asked before glaring down at Scootaloo. “Well, this child should be able to answer. The others are currently…on ice.” She said which caused Scootaloo and Applejack to deadpan at Anastasia for a moment before hearing Applejack speak up.

“Scootaloo, please explain why you and the other girls are attacking Anastasia and Ivan?”

“They’re here to take over Equestria!” Scootaloo yelled while trying to break free from her icy restraints. “Did you not see what they did at the school? Or how unicorns can’t use their magic? It’s a plan for them to invade Equestria and take over the world!” She said which caused Applejack to stare at the young filly for a moment before looking over at the caster and rider servants.

“....Anastasia, is there a reason why you have a marker in y’all hand?”

“I figure this would be a fitting punishment for assaulting the former Tsars of Russia,” Anastasia answered before looking back at Scootaloo with the same devilish smile on her face. “It’s not hurting her or anything, just going to mark her face up a bit~,” She said before noticing Scootaloo, who had a pleading expression on her face as if she was saying “Save me from this deviant monster from Tartarus.” The farmer pony looked over at Ivan with a raised eyebrow.

“Like I told the child. There’s not much I can do when she gets into one of her…pranking moods. She should be glad that it’s just her marking up her face and not something worse.” He said before shivering at the memories of her pranking fits back in the lostbelt. “I prefer not to wake up frozen in a block of ice floating in the middle of a lake.”

“Ah…I see…and y’all going to unfreeze my sister and Sweetie Belle afterward, right?”

“Of course, they’re going to share the same punishment as this pegasus. That is if you don’t mind me doing that?”

“Of course, she wouldn’t-”

“Sure, knock yourself out,” Applejack said, which took Scootaloo and Ivan by surprise.

“What!? Y-You can’t be serious!?” Scootaloo yelled before flinching from the harsh gaze she was receiving from the farm pony.

“Because you attacked two of our friends from another country, thinking of them as villains because of the way they look, endangering yourselves by attacking them during the demonstration of their magic, and stealing Pinkie Pie’s party cannons. I think this is a fitting punishment for y’all. Well part of your punishment, I’m sure Rarity and your Aunts will want to get involved in this matter.”

“But, they-”

“Twilight will explain what’s going on much better than me. For now, accept your punishment.” Applejack said before pointing a hoof at Anastasia. “Because I’m pretty sure she’s going to enjoy it much more than Dash and Pinkie.”

“Oh, she’s not wrong~,” Anastasia said while looking at Scootaloo struggling. “Now hold still little pony, this isn’t going to hurt…much~.” The only thing that could be heard was the sound of Scootaloo screaming in terror, and Anastasia laughing like a mad woman…which wasn’t a very good laugh. If anything, it was a laugh of pure blissful pleasure that sent shivers down the rider servant’s spine. If a god or goddess was looking over this land, they would be turning a blind eye to this act of terror. For there was only one goddess here in this isolated location…and she was fresh out of mercy.