• Published 16th Jun 2021
  • 1,619 Views, 53 Comments

Logic vs Emotion - A HiE Tale - MetalGenocide

After falling asleep in the garden, you end up in Equestria. A chance encounter sets your course, but will it lead you home?

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Chapter 9 - First Impressions

The mayor seemed pleased when you entered her office, already having heard from Scarlet. You were right when you thought there wasn’t much on the list. As it turns out, ponies take a little longer to get things done. But this suited you fine. Other than the school roof, there isn’t anything else currently in need.

“Here you go. Your payment.” Mayor Mare passes you a decently sized bag of coins. “I wasn’t expecting you to have done so much already, but it’s good that you’re a hard worker.”

“Well, it keeps me distracted.” You admit. Having something to do is better than sitting around. “If anyone comes to you needing something fixed, you can always send them my way.”

“That’s not a bad idea actually. I’m sure there are others around town who could use a… hand.” Scarlet giggles into her hoof.

You roll your eyes, shifting slightly in place.

“Anyway,” you continue. “I need to go see Miss Rarity. I’ll see you later, ok?”

Bidding your friends farewell, you head out onto the street. Time to visit that boutique.


“There you are!” a small voice calls out to you. Turning, you see Sweetie Belle galloping at full speed in your direction, stopping just shy of your shins. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”

“What’s the emergency Sweetie Belle?” You kneel as she catches her breathe.

“No emergency,” She pants. “I told my sister about you. She said she would make you some clothes but needs measurements first.”

“You ran at full speed just to tell me that?” You question her.

“Yep!” she beams at you.

This kid. You smile at her. I don’t remember the last time a friend went so far out of….

“Wait a minute.” Your smile drops as you stare at her, your eyes narrowing. “What did you tell her exactly?”

“Nothing really.” Sweetie circles her hoof on the ground, kicking at the dirt. “Just that you’re my friend and that you were stuck with only one pair of clothes. She agreed to help out.”

“Just like that?” You stand up, eyeing the little filly. “Did you mention I wasn’t a pony?”

Sweetie Belle opens her mouth to answer but then closes it again.

“That’s a no. This will be fun.” You rub your face in exhaustion. “Alright kiddo, lead the way.”

You follow Sweetie Belle the short distance to the Carousel Boutique, reaching it in no time at all. A bell chimes from above the frame as Sweetie Belle pushes open the door, inviting you in.

“Rarity! We’re back!” She calls into the hall.

Your eyes wonder around the room. The counter and till sit on the left with a curtain hiding a passage to the back. A confined catwalk situated at the far end of the room, complete with lights. The floor is tilled white with many pony-shaped mannequins upon it. Several have wonderous outfits hanging off them. Even though you were never one for fashion, you can tell these are amazing. Crafted with love and dedication, perfection incarnate. And yet, you shudder. These outfits aren’t practical for everyday wear.

You let out a whistle of amazement.

“Thank you, Darling.” A rather posh voice reaches your ears. You turn your head as a white unicorn elegantly moves towards you, a gorgeous sweeping purple mane gracing her head along with a flowing tail set to a wonderful curl. Sure, the ponies are cute, kind of like cats, but this one goes the extra mile. You can’t help but stare and admire her. Sweetie Belle follows in tow. “I must say though, my sister never mention that her friend was so…”

“Alien? Beastly?”

“Exotic.” She finishes. Her eyes narrow as she observes you. “Though I’m not sure I approve of you dragging that muck everywhere.”

You glance downwards. True enough, your clothes were still dripping after your encounter with Rainbow Dash, in addition to the large, smudged handprint embezzled on your shirt.

“Shoot, sorry. That’s on me.” You apologise to the mare. “I had a run in with Rainbow Dash before I came here. Stuff happened and I forgot I wasn’t exactly dressed to impress.”

“If you met Raindow, then I suppose it would explain the state you are in. But think nothing of it.” Although Rarity tries to sound like she doesn’t mind, her voice quivers slightly and her body language tells you that she really wants to scream. “Just. Don’t move.”

Her horn ignites as she gingerly steps over the pool of muck and water seeping around your feet. From nowhere a tape measure appears as she starts to take your measurements.

“Arms up please.”

Standing just inside the doorway, you raise them uncomfortably. As your shirt sticks to you, you notice just how much of your work has gotten onto your clothes.

“I’m surprised how quickly you’re willing to do this Miss Rarity.”

You try to follow Rarity with your head as she moves around you, expertly dancing over the dirt around your feet.

“Such strange movements. Practical for your figure, nothing I can’t adapt, but it’s still strange.” She mutters to herself, ignoring your comments as your measurements get taken.

“Err Sis?” Sweetie Belle calls out to her sister.

“Hmm? Oh yes right,” She seems to come out of her daze. “Well, I couldn’t just say no to my sister’s friend. Not after what she told me you have been through. I was so moved. Legs apart, darling.”

Your stance widens enough for Rarity to measure your inside leg as you cast a glance at Sweetie Belle, who avoids eye contact with you, suddenly taking serious interest in the tiling of the floor.

What exactly has she been saying?

“Besides,” Rarity continued. “I do like a challenge. And creating clothes for a… erm.. sorry, what are you?”

“Human.” You state, introducing yourself.

“Human hmm, interesting. Well, it’ll be a nice change of pace if I do say so myself. You can relax now.” Rarity trots towards the counter and starts writing stuff down. You lower your arms and relax your stance into a more comfortable position.

“Now, I can’t say it would be my best, I’m low on stock right now since my material order hasn’t come in yet. But I still think you will look dashing.” She beams.

“Dashing is nice, but to be honest, I’d rather have something simple and practical. I don’t really plan on mingling about.”

“Oh.” Rarity’s ears deflate in disappointment. She continues with a heavy sigh. “Well, that’s simple enough I guess.”

“Maybe some other time? If I need a dashing outfit, you’ll be the first to know.”

Rarity’s ears inflate again at the news. She looks over at you and smiles.

“I will hold you to that my dear. But if you don’t mind me asking. Why do you wear clothes so casually anyway? Surely you would be better off without them, no? Then you can save them for an important occasion.”

“I guess you all do generally walk around without clothing. But for humans, it’s different. Clothing for us is like your coat and mane. Walking around without them would be like,” you pause a moment, trying to remember what you had told Granny Smith. “Like if your coat, mane and tail were completely shaved off.”

“Oh my!” Rarity’s rear legs cross over as her face turns beet red.

“Exactly. Not a good idea.” You nod at her.

Sweetie Belle looks between you and her sister, a bewildered look on her face. “I don’t get it.”

“You will when you’re older Sweetie.” Rarity assured her.

“You always say that.” Sweetie Belle pouts.

“Oh, speaking of. Could I get some socks and underpants too?” The two sisters look at you, sharing the same confused expression. “They are like, tiny shorts that go around here.” You gesture around your waist. Stopping mid show, you suddenly feel a bit creepy, trying to explain underpants to a pair of ponies.

“And what are they for?” Rarity asks, her voice mostly calm but lined with a hint of enthusiasm.

“Erm… well. Same thing your tail is for, I guess? I’d explain in more detail, but I’m not sure Sweetie is old enough for such… descriptions.” You try weasel your way out of the conversation.

“Not you too!” Sweetie protests.

“I’m sure I can come up with something. Of course, there is one final thing before you stop dripping on my floor.” She glances back down at the puddle around your feet. “That would be payment.”

“Come on sis! We’re not asking for some prized fancy party outfit here.” Sweetie leaps to your defence. It warms your heart that she would do so without hesitation, even if it is unnecessary.

“How much?”

“Oh, I don’t need your bits dear. This one will be on the house. Sort of. I want you to come back later and tell me about your worlds fashion. I could use some new ideas. Perhaps over tea someday soon?”

“That’s it?” Your puzzlement appearing clear as day on your face. “That’s not enough, surely.”

“It’s plenty, Darling. I dare say I would be a lousy Element of Generosity otherwise. But if it makes you feel better. If something else comes up, I’ll ask. Okay?” a light blue aura surrounds you, lifting you off your feet. An invisible force gives you a push, gliding you out of the building before being lowered on the ground outside.

“Wow, that felt weird. Ok Rarity, thank you. I’ll be sure to stop by soon.” You give her a smile.

“Take care now.” Rarity smiles back. “Oh, one last thing. It would suit you better to… Make yourself a bit more presentable before you make any more social calls.”

You let out a nervous giggle as your face turns a slight shade of red, aware of exactly what she was referring too.

Sweetie Belle rushes past her, heading towards you, only to be stopped in her tracks by the same light blue glow wrapping around her back legs. “Where do you think you’re going young lady. You are going to help clean up.”

Sweetie Belle looks up at you in panic as she gets dragged back into the shop, leaving a trail of hoof marks on the ground. All you can do is mouth ‘sorry’ to her as the door closes.

Standing outside the boutique you gaze down at yourself. Sure enough, you are a mess. Sighing, you take Rarity’s advice and head back to the workshop to clean yourself up.

“I’ll head to the library in the evening,” you say to yourself. “It should be cooler then.”


You take the time to freshen yourself up and clean your clothes under the water. Although not perfect, they are better than before your dive into the fountain. The summer sun makes short work of the drying them, allowing you enough time to make a quick meal. You settle for a salad of sorts, it’s cooling temperature a pleasant contrast to the summer heat. You start to wonder about the nutrients you need. You haven’t felt weak since your arrival, so you are getting what your body needs. You do miss the taste of meat though. A bit of fish would be nice. Or chicken.

You shake your head. There are still a few hours before the evening descends upon the town, so you busy yourself with the smithing guide.

“Smelting: Most forges are unable to smelt raw ores due to their lower heat output. However, it is possible to utilise Equestrian gems to increase the heat dramatically, allowing even small workshops to smelt their own metals…”


The orange glow creeping into the living room indicates the start of the evening. You finish reading and look out the window. Regardless of the hot season, the days don’t last long at all. Not like back home. Day and night exist in a careful balance in this world.

With the air cooling down, you don your clothes once more, not a hundred percent clean but at least they are completely dry, and make your way towards the library.

After a brisk walk in the cooling evening air, you stand before the large oak tree.

You open the small door and bend down into the library. The lamps inside have been lit to keep the coming night at bay. The little dragon is standing on a ladder at one of the bookcases, arms full of books and looking incredibly wobbly.

“Woah-oh-OH!” The ladder rocks back and forth, threatening to throw the dragon off it. In a flash, your hand moves to the Spikes back, steadying the dragon and the ladder he’s perched upon. He turns his head to see his would-be hero.

“Hey Spike.”

“Hey! You’re back!” Spike cries out, regaining his balance.

“How’s it going, working hard?”

“Yeah. Twilight had some books that needing reorganising so I’m on it.”


“Ha, you must be her top assistant then.” You say enthusiastically.

“Of course!” Spike puffs his chest out in pride. You chuckle lightly. He may be young, but he’s definitely spirit. “Speaking of Twilight, you haven’t met her yet, right?”

You shake your head.

“I’ll introduce you, she’s just dow-”

“Spike?! Are you ok?!” You hear a mare’s voice from below, followed by the sound of hoofs.

Both you and Spike turn towards the entrance way leading down as a purple unicorn appears.

“I heard a yell, are you-” The mare gasps as her eyes dart between you, Spike and your hand on his back.

“Hey Twi, this is-”

In a flash, Spike disappears from the ladder, books clattering to the ground. In the same instant, the unicorn vanishes, only to reappear on the other side of the room with Spike sitting on ground behind her, holding his head as he rocks from side to side. A purple bubble envelops the two of them and the unicorn enters what could only be described as a battle pose. Her hoofs planted firmly on the floor, her head lowered, her ears laying flat against her head. The horn atop her head pointing directly at you.

“I don’t know what you are. But you’ll pay for hurting Spike.” She growls at you, fire in her eyes.

“I didn’t hurt him.” You raise your hands up with open palms.

“I saw you! You were grabbing him with those… Things.” Her horn start to glow brighter, small sparks emanating from the tip.

“Ok, firstly they’re called-”

“Silence!” She doubles down, the tip of her horn drawing in light from its surrounding. Whatever is coming, it’s going to hurt. You stare her down, planting your feet firmly on the ground and bracing yourself.

“TWILIGHT!” A loud cry snaps both of you back to reality. The shining light around Twilight’s horn fades, replaced by a gentle purple glow as her attention gets diverted to the dragon standing before her. “He’s my friend!”


The bubble surrounding the two disperses. Twilights eyes grow wider as she shifts in place, her ears unfurl from her head, standing upright as she focuses on her assistant.

“Friend? But he was assaulting you! You yelled!” Twilight relaxes her stance but worry and fear still echo in her voice.

“Geez Twi, I lost my balance and was about to fall, that’s why I yelled. But he caught me. That’s what you saw.” Spike huffs at her.

“Oh.” Twilight relaxes at the revelation. She looks up at you, her fiery gaze replaced with a calm stare. “Sorry. I erm, maybe I jumped to the wrong conclusion.” She rubs her leg sheepishly.

You breathe a sigh of relief, lowering your hands. “It’s all good. You were only looking out for your friend, right?”

“Right!” Twilight gazes up at you with a broad smile. “Umm, maybe we should start again.”

Twilight slowly walks over to you. Squatting down in front of her, you reach out your hand, introducing yourself. Twilight glances at your hand before placing her hoof in it.

“Twilight Sparkle.”

You give it a firm shake and let go.

“You certainly lived up to your name Sparkle.” You chuckle, the visage of her horn preparing to fire at you still clear in your mind.

“Twilight, please. Or Twi is fine too.” She smiles at you. “Well, bumpy starts aside, you must have an interesting story to tell. I’d love to hear it.”

“You flipped quick. You’re not gonna start shooting me when my guards down, are you?”

“Don’t be silly. If your Spikes friend, then I don’t have to worry. It’s perfectly natural to want to hear your story now that I know you’re not a threat or anything.” Twilight trots to one of the desks and summons a quill and parchment to her. “A real life human. This is so cool!”

“Uh-huh.” You watch as she sits at the desk, quill in glow, ready to listen.

Spike rubs his head as he starts to pick up the books that were dropped.

“Here, let me help.” You start to pick up the books with him, holding them while he climbs up the ladder.

“Thanks.” He smiles, taking a book from you and placing it on the shelf.

“My story huh. It’s a short one you know. I doubt you’ll find it exciting.”

“I’m all ears!” Twilight cheers enthusiastically, ears twitching.

You regale Twilight with your story. Your appearance in the Everfree forest, meeting the Crusaders, your first night with the Apple Family. With every moment retold, she rapidly writes down everything she can on the parchments, recording your story.

“Then the mayor allowed me to rent the old smith out. Ok, it was more of a loan agreement, but still.”

“Wait. The old smith? You know how to work metal?!” Twilight jumps up in excitement, planting her forehoof’s on the desk and starts giggling, her eyes staring into space.

“Well, not exactly.” You try to calm her down. “I am aware of the basic process, but I’m still learning the techniques.”

Twilight stops giggling and turns back at you. “Learning? But there are no books, as far as I’m aware, that have such information in Equestria.”

You ponder for a moment, handing the last of the fallen books to Spike. “Well, whoever built the smithy had a book that explains it. I’d wager that’s why they thought they could make a name for themselves.”

“That’s amazing! Could I see it? When you finish with it of course? If I could make a copy, it would be a great addition to the library.” Twilights eyes grow wide with excitement.

“Sure.” You shrug in response.

“Yes! Oh, sorry. I interrupted you. Please carry on.”

You continue your story, finishing off with Rarity’s generosity and finally meeting up in the library. Under the circumstances, you decided to not tell her about the nightmare. It was only a one-time thing after all, they happen from time to time.

“I. Have. So. Many. Questions!” Twilight breathed out in amazement. “Oh, and tests! You have to let me do some tests on you!”

The sudden exclamation takes you by surprise. You eye her with concern.

Tests? What tests? I’m not going to get strapped to anything am I?

“I don’t mind answering questions, but what sort of tests were you thinking exactly?” Your voice shaking slightly.

“Oh nothing harmful I promise. Just usual brain waves, magic compatibility, essence observation. Just samples really, to record with your story. After all, you are the first human to ever grace Equestria. We need to document it!”

You shift where you stand, unsure of her enthusiasm and its placement.

“I suppose I don’t mind. But only if you return the favour.” You counter. At least this way there can be an exchange of knowledge.

“Great! Sharing knowledge is the best way to gain understanding. Shall we st-”

Spike releases a loud belch, interrupting Twilight. A scroll materialises in the escaping flames and lands in his claws.

“Oh, a letter from the Princess?” Twilight’s attention switched to the scroll in her assistants grasp. “Let’s see it. Oh, we should definitely tell the princess about you too. I bet she will be excited.”

Spike looks over the scroll before holding it up.

“It’s for you.” He says, raising it to your hand. Twilight’s jaw drops open as she stares at the exchange, unable to fathom what’s happening.

“Oh, thanks.” You take the letter from Spike. “Must be about the tea party. Let’s see…”

To my little human,

I hope this letter finds you well.
I am writing to formally invite you to the palace gardens for tea Friday afternoon at 2pm. I believe the train enters Canterlot at 1.30. I shall send my captain to escort you from the train station.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask myself or the captain upon your arrival.

Sincerely Yours,

Celestia, Princess of the Sun

“Neat.” You pocket the letter. “Tea with the princess on Friday.” A smug grin crosses your face.

“How? Why? When?” Twilight stutters, trying to process what happened.

“We met a few days ago. Did you miss that part of the story?” You question the unicorn.

“I guess I must have.” She starts fiddling with the parchments she was writing on. “Wait, here it is. I must have been going automatic there. I was so excited about finding out more I missed that whole part. Still, it’s recorded so that’s good.”

Seriously, she doesn’t even remember writing it down. That’s nuts.

“Anyway,” Twilight continues, sporting a dopey grin. “I can’t wait to learn more. Shall we start?”

Her enthusiasm is almost contagious. You smile at the unicorn, rubbing the back of your head sheepishly.

“Sorry Twilight, perhaps another day. I’m a bit worn out today.”

“Oh.” Twilight’s disappointment as plain as the horn on her forehead. “Yeah, ok. I guess it is getting on a bit.”

Twilight neatly stacks the paper with your story on it, though the action has much less enthusiasm compared to her earlier outbursts. You feel it pull at your insides, like you committed a heinous crime, and it’s not the first time you felt like you were sucker punched.

“Hey, don’t be so sad Sparky.” You try to lighten the mood. “Tell you what. Why don’t you come up with some questions and stuff for Wednesday evening? I’ll drop by after I finish work and we can exchange knowledge, as you say.”

At the offer, the unicorns ears stand to attention, her eyes wide with excitement. She takes in a deep breath through a large smile.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” Her sudden excitement catches you off guard as she starts to hope around on alternate legs, slowly rotating in place, not unlike a drunk bee.

“Wow. I haven’t seen her this excited since Princess Celestia gave her a copy of Starswirl the Bearded’s Autobiography.”

You look down at the dragon. “You know, everything you just said went way over my head.”

“It’s ok. Twilight will gladly talk your ear off about him. And anything else for that matter.” Spike chuckles. “Oh, here. I thought you might want to start with this, if you wanted to learn more about Equestria.”

Spike hands you a book. Light and picturesque, it appears to be more for a child than adult.

“A Hearths Warming Tale?” You read off the cover.

“Yeah, its about the origin of Equestria. It’s generally considered a fairy tale for kids, but a good starting point I think.”

“Thanks Spike.”

You look at the cover. Outlines of three ponies emblazed on a light blue background surrounded by snow.

He’s right. As a book, it’s not much more than a children’s fairy tale. But even fairy tales often have an origin in truth.

Spike hums to himself, before picking up another book.

“You will get through that pretty quickly, so take this one too.” Spike hands you another book, this time depicting a white and navy unicorn circling an emblem of the sun and moon.

“The Tale of the Two Sisters? Wait, is that-”

“Yep. That’s Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. It might help you understand her highness a little more before your get together.”

Now this is interesting. Just how old is she to be a fairy tale herself?

“Well, you piqued my interest, that’s for sure.” You tell Spike, holding onto the books. He seems quite pleased with his choices.

“Ooo, good start there.” Twilight suddenly speaks up from under the books, startling you. “If you have any questions later, I’ll be happy to help.” She beams up at you. Her smile is infectious, and you can’t help but return it.

“Thanks Twilight.”-


- You glance out the window. “I best head off. The sun’s gone down and I’m not sure I want to be out after dark that much.” You shudder at the thought of the creatures lurking in the nearby forest.

“Oh yeah, but you’ll visit again soon, right?” Twilight asks eagerly, her voice full of hope.

You approach the door, reaching out your hand to open it. “Wednesday for sure. I pro-”


A great force hits you full in the chest, causing you to tumble onto your back, hitting your head on the floorboards. Your eyes blur over as your mind tries to process what just happened.

“Twilight! It’s an emergency!” A high-pitched cry echoes somewhere above you. “I just heard from Mr. Cake that there’s a new pony in town! Why wasn’t I told earlier! I need to find them fast! If I don’t throw them a super duper extravaganza ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party soon, then they won’t feel welcome and will end up leaving! Argh! No-pony will ever want another fantastical Pinkie Pie Party every again! Oh no! You have to help me look! Where shall we start? Do you have any ideas?!”

You feel some pressure on your shoulder as your eyes slowly come back into focus. You gaze up at the purple and green blur as it slowly morphs into Spike’s head, looking back down at you with concern.

“Are you ok?” He asks worryingly.

“What-am-I-gonna-do? What-am-I-gonna-do? Twilight, the welcome party is the most important part of coming to Ponyville! It’s how you get to meet everypony! Remember yours? Hahaha. You were so worried about Nightmare Moon you didn’t get a chance to relax at all. You were so grumpy you ended up drinking hot sauce. Hahaha, that was funny. Ah! But you can’t reminisce now, we need to find that pony fast!”

A sharp pain filters through your skull as you slowly sit yourself up. You grasp the back of your head where it impacted the floor. Glancing at your hand, you’re relieved that there’s no blood, but the pain is as sharp and unyielding as the winters chill.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” You mumble to the dragon, taking in sharp breathes as you rub your head, trying to relieve the aching affliction. “I just need to sit here for a bit.”

“Pinkie Pie! Slow down!” You hear Twilight cry out behind you.

“Hey Spike, was I just attacked by cotton candy?” You ask your would-be nurse.

“I can’t slow down! It’s an emergency!” The piercing voice replies.

“I’d say no. But I’m not entirely sure that’s true.” He glances to the left, past where you’re sitting.

You gently shift in place to look at what has his attention. Your mouth hangs open in disbelief as you watch a pile of pink fluff bouncing around Twilight. As you stare through the pain, your eyes slowly catch up to the fluffy panicked movement. Your mouth closes as you slowly start to make out what seems to be the body of a mare beneath the large amount of cotton candy bouncing around. A mare whose voice cuts through the air much like she does. This pony seems to defy all the laws of the land as she appears to hover in place, then disappear beneath the desk, only to reappear from Twilight’s tail.

“I must have hit my head harder than I thought.” You mutter dejectedly.

“No. That’s just Pinkie Pie.” Spike says, returning the sentiment.

“PINKIE!” Twilight finally snaps, grabbing the mare in a purple glow. With the fluffy blur finally stationary, albeit upside down, your eyes can finally focus on her. The fluffy, cotton candy like mane and tail bouncing around her body. Large blue eyes stare intently at Twilight, a muzzle plastered with a frown. Or a smile, it’s hard to tell. Three balloons gracing her flank. The image in front of you is finalised with a strong scent of sweets and cupcakes that seems to emanate freely from her. She is a party incarnate.

“What is it Twi?” The voice no longer cuts the air like glass. Even though it is still high-pitched, there is a softness to it, like it has become an indoor variant of her wailings.

“Firstly, he’s not a pony. He’s a human.” She states matter-of-factly.

“Human?” Pinkie giggles. “That’s silly. They aren’t real Twilight. Did you hit your head or something?”

“Secondly, Pinkie Pie. You just knocked him over.” Twilight lets Pinkie go before moving over to you. “Are you ok?”

Before you can answer, you hear a deep gasping intake of breath from the cotton candy pony as she stares at you, briefly hovering in place, before disappearing in a blur of pink out the door, causing it to slam shut in a sudden gust of wind. You close your eyes to shield them from the gale, only opening them once the breeze disappears. All that’s left of the pink hurricane is the now shut door and a few stray pieces of confetti.

“Well… That was… Something.” You finally say to the room.

“Yeah, that’s Pinkie Pie. She’s actually very nice. Just a little, um, excitable.” Twilight explains. “You should probably expect a welcome party soon.”

“Oh… I don’t suppose you can stop her. Or at least get her to postpone it?” You ask, pleadingly. “I just met Pinkie and I already need a break.”

Twilight giggles. “Yeah, she can be a bit much sometimes, especially with such a first impression like that. But there’s no better pony to make you smile, I guarantee it.” She stomps her hoof, obviously proud of her friend.

“I’ll take your word for it.” With the pain slowly subsiding, you shakingly get to your feet. “Let’s try this again, shall we?”

Spike hands you the two books and you gingerly approach the door again. Taking a deep breath, you open it and gaze out into the night. With tender steps, you move forward and peer out, scanning the dark streets of Ponyville. No sign of anything pink. Feeling comfortable that there is no imminent ambush, you release the breath you were holding. Turning back to Twilight and Spike, you give them a quick wave.

“Well, I best be off. Again. I’ll catch you two later alright?” You replace your free hand onto your head where the pain has reduced to a dull but noticeable throb. You are sure there will be a bump tomorrow.

“Take care!” The purple figures call out as you slowly head into the night, books in hand.