• Published 16th Jun 2021
  • 1,593 Views, 53 Comments

Logic vs Emotion - A HiE Tale - MetalGenocide

After falling asleep in the garden, you end up in Equestria. A chance encounter sets your course, but will it lead you home?

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Chapter 4 - Welcome to Ponyville

Your eyes flutter as sunlight assaults your senses. With a shrug and moan, your hand rubs your face.

“What a weird dream.” You mutter, sitting up in the bed. The blankets fall off you as your eyes bring the world to focus again. “Oh.”

Yesterday’s events flood your mind as you look around the room.

“Well, there goes that theory.” You slowly shift yourself out of the bed. You let out a deep breath; your clothes lay where you left them, all dry and mostly clean. Sounds start registering from beyond the door, hoofsteps and muffled talking. As your body wakes, you move to get your clothes and the towel, and head swiftly to the bathroom. Luckily you meet no one on the short way there and quickly dive in. Placing your clothes down, you stare at yourself in the mirror. No bags under your eyes, though they do feel a little sore. Over all, you feel it was a good night’s sleep. You rinse your face under the tap. Once you finish up you decide to get dressed. With only one pair of underpants however, it’s a bit of a dilemma.

“Stuff it, I’ll go commando. Not like anyone will notice anyway.” You finish getting dressed, stuffing your pants in one of the trouser pockets. “Really need to look into some more clothes if I’m stuck here.”


“Good Morning!” the voices ring out as you descend the stairs.

“Good morning.” Your reply comes, not as cheery as the greeting from your hosts, but you put on a smile nonetheless.

“We got you some breakfast!” Apple Bloom speaks up, pushing a bowl and spoon in front of you. You look at its content quizzically. “It’s apple oatmeal.” She beams at you.

“Huh, that’s neat. Thanks.” Your thoughts drift to the foods you’ve seen so far. Soups. Pies. Oatmeal. Seems like the food round here isn’t all that different. At least that makes it easier.

“I thought you would like a spoon too.” Apple Bloom continues. “It might be easier with your… hands.

“Thanks Apple Bloom.” You look around at the others eating as you prepare to dig in yourself. The fillies quickly devour their own oat meal, picking up the bowls in their hooves. It’s a weird sight to behold, as they have no visible way of gripping the objects, but after the events you’ve witnessed so far, it doesn’t really faze you. Granny Smith and Big Mac smile as they tuck into their own breakfast. You start to dig in yourself, and it tastes good. Somehow all the food you’ve had here just lights up your taste buds. You enjoy every bite of it. Big Mac finishes before you and with a nod, heads out the door with the three girls chasing after him.

As you finish off your breakfast a few minutes later, Granny Smith speaks up. “You better get yourself ready. Big Mac will have got the cart full by now. Just leave the bowl dearie, I’ll deal with it.”

You thank her for the breakfast and head out after Big Mac and the girls.


“I was meaning to ask.” You turn to the three fillies. “What exactly are the ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders’?”

“It’s our club! We work together to find out who we are, and what we're supposed to be.” Sweetie Belle answers you in a cheery tone.

“And you hope to get them for showing me around?”

“Gotta try everything! You never know what you might be good at!” Scootaloo boasts energetically.

The road to Ponyville is short as you walk with your companions. Big Mac is straddled with a large cart and several baskets of apples. You assume these are for the market in town. As you watch him, you can’t help but be in awe of his strength as he pulls the cart effortlessly.

The town comes into view, and you cast your eyes around. Much like the medieval villages depicted back home; cobblestone roads, flanked by cream coloured houses with large painted support beams and thatched roofs. Some of the buildings stand out some more though. You notice a pink building that looks like it was made out of gingerbread. A large cylindrical building catches your eye off one of the main roads, surrounded by pillars and several pony statues decorating it.

“Sofas and Quills?” A strange shop sign catches your eye. “That is an… odd choice of stock.”

“Yeah, and they are always out of quills.” Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes.

One thing that did not escape your attention however, was the ponies. Even though you were expecting to see more, the sight still surprised you. The different colours and mane styles were a wonder to behold, but the way they just stopped dead and stared at you did become quite unnerving. A beige pony with blue and pink mane gasped and ran back into their house. Something nagged at your mind and you get the feeling that they would all have ran away and hid if not for the company you were keeping. As you wave to some of the ponies, you realise just how lucky you were to have them with you.

Big Mac finally stops. You glance around and spot several other carts with signs and produce standing about. The signs not only show fruit and veg, but other food products like pies and soup. There are even some that have books and cooking utensils.

“OK!” Apple Bloom cries. “We reached the market place. This is usually where you can get your fresh goods and other stuff. There is also a new convenience store on the other side of town that deals with other products. We’ll get there later though.”

“It certainly is impressive.” You can’t help but admire the town, and their hard workers. Big Mac sets himself down in position and starts to undo the strap around his midsection. “Oh here, let me help.” You offer and bend down and quickly undo the strap.

“Thank you.” He remarks. A pony of few words, but the sense you get from them tells you everything anyway. You smile at him as you stand up. It’s then that you notice the gathering of ponies behind you. Even though there aren’t that many of them, it’s a bit of a daunting sight, like something out of a horror film, only with vibrant pastel colours. They eye you cautiously, a few mumble between themselves but none speak up to you, as though they can’t find the words.

Time to introduce yourself. You brain tells you. Don’t mess this up.

“H-Hello there.” You wave at the ponies. Some move back slightly at your movements, staring at your hand.

“What… are you?” One of the ponies speaks up, a pink mare with a slightly off-purple mane.

“He’s a human. And a good friend of ours.” Scootaloo speaks up proudly, stomping her hoof adorably. “So be nice to him, ok?”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac says, agreeing with the filly. Their words, his words, seemed to carry a lot of weight as the ponies start to chatter amongst themselves, some even smiling at you.

“I see.” The fuchsia mare says, scrunching her snout in thought before stretching it into a big smile. She beams at you “Well then. Welcome to Ponyville!” The rest of the ponies echo their greetings to you, welcoming you as well before dispersing back to whatever they were doing before your arrival. They all seemed quite friendly towards you, you couldn’t help but feel it was more of a relief that you weren’t in fact a scary monster.

“Thank you.” You tell the pink mare.

“Name’s Berry Punch. If you ever need a good drink, come find me ok? I got a stall set up ready for business.” she says before turning around and trotting away. You watch as the rest of the gathered ponies go to their stalls or move towards some of the shops. As you watch them all go to their business, you notice that all of the ponies also had cutie marks on their flanks.

“Well, that went better than expected.” Sweetie Belle says with relief in her voice. “Considering how Zecora was treated, I thought it would have been tougher to accept you.”

You rub your chin. “I think it was thanks to you four being here. Something tells me that if I was alone, the story would have gone very differently.”

Seriously, they are quite quick to accept. Maybe they are trying to compensate for Zecora’s treatment? Or is there something else going on? Your thoughts start to wonder but are denied too much distance as a happy cry comes from by your knees.

“OK! Now that that’s settled! Let’s show you around town!” Apple Bloom hops up and down in excitement. “Where to first though?” The Crusaders ponder on the first course of action.

“Mayor.” Big Macs voice answers.

“Hmm, yeah that might be a good place to start. We should introduce you to Mayor Mare.” Sweetie Belle says. “Otherwise it might cause problems later.” The others nod in agreement. “To the Mayor’s Office!”

“Catch you later Big Mac.” You follow the Crusaders, leaving Big Mac to mind the stall.


The journey through the morning town is lively as you greet several more ponies along the way, eventually reaching a fountain of a pony standing on top of a ball. Behind it stood a large building, surrounded by wooden decking and poles that sat on either side of several sets of stairs.

“That’s the Town Hall. It’s where a lot of the gatherings take place.” Apple Bloom informs you. “The mayor’s office is just behind it. Hopefully she’ll be there.”

You follow the girls around, waving and the occasional pony you pass, until you stop in front of a smaller brick building. The construct seems sturdier compared to some on the other town houses, and it stands out with its brick work and tiled roof.

“Let’s get this over with quickly. This stuff is boooring.” Scootaloo complains, clearly wanting to do something more interesting. The girls open the door and you follow them in.

The sounds of clicking and clacking welcome you as you enter. The front room is mostly empty. A set of double doors are shut at the far end, a few benches sit against the wall, some plants dotted around and a desk with a typewriter on it, bathed in a crimson glow. Sitting behind the desk is a red unicorn with a short black mane and gold eyes, peering diligently at the papers. Her horn bathed in the same crimson as the typewriter.

Sweetie Bell trots up to the desk and tries to get the unicorns attention.

“Ahem. We’re here to see the mayor.” She says confidently.

“Do you have an appointment?” The unicorn replies without looking up from her papers.

“Well, no but-“

<Ding. Thhhwap.> The type writer finishes its line before getting reset.

“Then you can’t see the mayor. She’s very busy right now.” The red unicorn starts shuffling papers around. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom walk up to Sweetie Belle as you move up behind them.

“But it’s important!” Sweetie Belle cries in protest.

The unicorn sighs. “It doesn’t matter how important it is,” she states matter-of-factly, peering at Sweetie Belle over her papers. “You can’t see the mayor withooaaa…” Her voice fades away as her jaw drops, gaze suddenly turns to you.

“Hey there.” You wave.

“AAAHHHH!” The typewriter shudders on the desk violently as the unicorn’s chair slips and she falls over backwards with a hard thud, papers flying everywhere.

You move swiftly behind the desk and gently lift the unicorn to her hoofs. “Are you ok?!”

She shakes her head, rubbing it with her hoof. “Ow, yeah. I’m fi…” It suddenly dawns on her that you are holding her up and she starts to shudder. Her head slowly turns, her features showing terror as she looks at you.

“Told you it was important.” Sweetie Belle sniggers from behind the desk. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom laugh at the events.

You smile and help the unicorn to stand introducing yourself to her in the process. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” You tell her, standing up and moving back a bit to give her some space. She looks up at you, trying to grasp the situation. Her mouth opens to speak but is interrupted by the double doors bursting open.

“What are you screaming about Miss Memo.” A voice calls from the door. A pale brown mare stands in the doorway, grey streaked mane atop her head. With large blue eyes and half-moon glasses on her nose. “You’re the one who wanted to…” She stops and stares at you. “I guess that would be a reason to scream.”

“Hello.” You say, introducing yourself. I should get a card or something, repeating myself is getting old fast.

“He’s staying at with us for now.” Apple Bloom spoke up. “Big Mac thought it would be best to introduce you early.”

The mare looks from Apple Bloom to you. “I see. That would make sense. Why don’t you come in and we can have a quick talk. I could use a break anyway. “She motions through the door behind her. Several small piles of papers are strewn across a large desk. A large picture of the mare hangs behind the chair. “Why don’t you three help Miss Memo pick up the papers off the floor?” She turns back into the office.

“Yes Mayor.” They groan as you walk past them.

“Sorry.” You say sheepishly to the girls.

“It’s ok, just don’t take too long.” Sweetie Belle says, gathering the papers up.

You enter the office and the doors close behind you. The mare sits back in her seat and points at one of the chairs. “Have a seat.” You look more to one of the chairs and slide yourself in. A little smaller than you would like, but you snuggly nestle yourself into one. “Would you like a drink?”

The mayor gets out a teapot with two cups and starts pouring some tea.

“Yes please.” You reply. The mayor pours you a cup and passes it to you. “Thank you. You seem quite busy, sorry to intrude like this.” You say, taking a sip of the tea.

“Oh not at all, I needed a tea break anyway. Budget dealings are so tedious, and there is always something draining the resources,” she sighs. “Like now I have to… Ah never mind that. Let’s start at the beginning. I’m Mayor Mare. Mayor of Ponyville.”

“That’s. Quite the mouthful.” You comment, taking another sip of the tea.

“Yes well, titles and all that. So, Mr. Human. Why don’t you tell me your story?”

You spend the time explaining, as best you can, how you got here and what happened since. Even as you recall the events, it still feels like a dream to you. The Mayor listens closely and nods, never interrupting you.

After a few minutes, you finish your tale. Your hands rub together, your fingers going over your wedding ring. You don’t remember finishing it, but the teacup rests empty on the desk.

“Well that is a story. And just the beginning too I imagine.” She nods. “Well, let me follow up by saying Welcome to Ponyville. I’m sure it won’t be easy, but do keep a chin up, ok?”

You smile at her words. “Thanks.”

If only the politicians back home were this friendly.

“Now, before you tour the town proper, I suggest you go to the library to see the dragon. Erm, Spike was it? Anyway, he came here not too long ago with one of Princess Celestias students. I’d would suggest seeing if you can contact her. While I don’t believe you are a danger, falling through, ‘realities’ as you say is over my head and should be reported to her ASAP.”

You nod in agreement. “That would be a good idea. But to contact a Princess so easily? Sounds weird to me. Back home we almost never even see royals, let alone speak to them.” Sighing, you pull yourself out of the chair.

Mayor Mare gets off her seat and walks around to the door. “I’m sure it will be fine.” Conversation reaches your ears as the door opens. The three fillies look at you expectantly as the mayor glances around. “I see you tidied up the papers. Good job.” She beamed at the fillies.

You motion to the Crusaders. “You three ready?”

“Yeah!” they cry in unison.

“I’ll meet you later. I’m going to need to stretch anyway so maybe I’ll join you on your tour.” Mayor Mare says happily.

“But what about the paper work?” the red unicorn suddenly blurts out. “If we don’t fix the budget soon it’ll be -”

“I know, that’s why I agreed to your head start idea. But we still need a break now and then.” The mayor turns and heads back into her office. “I’ll catch up with you later.” She calls before the door closes.

The red unicorn sighs and then looks up at you. “Sorry. About earlier.”

“Oh it’s alright. Was kind of a refreshing reaction if I’m honest.” You assure her.

A sheepish smile graces her mouth, the shade in her cheeks darken slightly. “I’m Scarlet Memo by the way. I didn’t get to tell you earlier.”

“Pleasure Miss Memo.” You give a small bow of your head before turning and following the girls outside.

“Scarlet is fine!” You hear as the main door closes.


A large tree looms over you casting a shadow on your form. Similar to Zecoras home, the tree appears to be hollowed out with a door and windows around the outside. A balcony overhangs the right side of the tree.

“This is the library?” You ask the girls.

“Yep. Golden Oak Library.” Apple Bloom answers, heading into the building. “Twilight Sparkle is the current librarian, but she’s away at the moment.”


“Yep.” Scootaloo answers leading up the rear of the Crusaders.

You follow the girls into the library. The entrance is a bit smaller than other buildings, causing you to duck under the doorway and into the library. Shelves line the walls, holding many books. A table sits in the middle with a pony-esque bust. Stairs move up towards an alcove with a bed while a passage way beneath them lead further down. You start to walk around the edge, reading off the titles of the books.

History of Equestria… Herbal Remedies and Homebrew Potions… Magical Elements and their Significance in the World? Huh. This is in the wrong place.

Apple Bloom calls into the seemingly empty room. “Hello? Anypony home?”

Gems and their Abilities. General Mathematics. Ha! You chuckle to yourself. “When in doubt, math it out.”

A voice echoes from under the stairs. “Hello!” Your gaze turns to the voices origins as a small purple and green lizard walks out from under the stairs wearing a pink and white apron. “Oh. Hi girls. Twilight isn’t here at the moment.” He states, rubbing his claws on the apron, walking right past you.

“We know Spike, we need your help.” Sweetie Belle adds. “Can you send a letter to Princess Celestia for us?”

Spikes eyes light up. “Of course! If it’s important I mean. She is usually pretty busy, so I don’t think the princess would want to be disturbed.” Despite trying to sound nonchalant, he seems excited to be of help.

“It is important. Look.” Sweetie Belle points in your direction. Spike turns around, noticing you for the first time. His jaw falls open as his claws dangle to his side.

“Wh-wh-wh-what i-i-is th-that?” he stutters, fear appearing behind his eyes.

You squat down to be closer to his level. “Hey Spike,” you smile, introducing yourself. You offer a hand to the lizard. Gingerly he approaches you and takes your hand. His claws grip your hand as you shake; his scales have a soft leathery texture under your skin. “Are you really a dragon?” You can’t help but ask.

“Of course I am!” He lets go and stands up to his full height, puffing out his chest in pride.

“That’s so cool.” Dragons were always depicted as powerful mythical creatures, so to meet one in person, even a young one, defiantly set your stomach a flutter.

No one will believe me back home. You grin.

“Oh.” He turns back to the girls. “You wanted a letter sent to Princess Celestia, right? I can’t argue that it’s important. Let me just get some paper and a quill.” He runs to the side and pulls open a draw, getting out some parchment and quill. “Ok, what should it say?”

The four of you look at each other. You hadn’t really considered what to write to the princess. Where would you even start? Spike watches you patiently.

“Well.” You stand, breaking the silence. “Since the Mayor suggested I meet with her sooner rather than later, just in case, how about…” You bring your hand to your chin, rubbing it.

Dear Princess Celestia.


Lost Alien In Library. Wants To Go Home. Please Advise!


“That sound ok? It should at least get her attention, and we can cross the next bridge when we get there.” You finish matter-of-factly.

“That could work.” Apple Bloom agrees. “Quick and straight to the point.”

Spike finishes writing the letter, rolls it up and takes a deep breath. You watch in fascination as the little dragon suddenly shoots out green fire onto the letter causing it to disappear into the air.

“Whoa.” You gasp in amazement, causing the dragon to chuckle slightly, his cheeks gaining a faint shade of crimson.

Taking a moment to stretch, you are interrupted mid reach by a brief flash and a loud *pop* causing you and the Crusaders spin round away from Spike. A new pony has appeared in the library. If pony is even the right term. She stood as tall as you. Her multi-coloured mane flowing freely in a non-existent breeze. Her pure white body adorned with a gold necklace and shoes, wings tucked on her back and a large golden crown rest behind the equally large horn atop her head. She looks at you with a surprised expression.

“Oh my. The letter mentioned an alien, but you are…” Her soft voice stops as she eyes you up and down. “Different.”

Her gaze then falls to the three fillies beside you. “Hello my little ponies. I trust you are well.” She greets them with a smile as they bow their heads. She then turns her attention to the dragon.

“Hello Princess Celestia.” Spike bows his head in greeting as well.

“Hello Spike.” She answers in kind. “This certainly explains your nonsensical writing in the letter.” She turns back to you, stepping forward to meet your presence, her eyes watching you curiously as though trying to read your mind.

“Nons… nosen… nonson…” Spike starts muttering to himself with a confused expression crossing his face. If he keeps trying to work it out his head will go for a spin.

“Silly.” You help the poor dragon out, before introducing yourself to the white pony, bowing in your greeting.

She smiles and back at you. “I am Princess Celestia. Head ruler of Equestria.”

“Head ruler? So you’re not ruling alone.” You ask, before chastising yourself. Idiot! You’re talking to a Princess and the Ruler. Don’t act so casually!

But to your surprise, she just chuckles at your comment. “No, my sister has recently returned and has taken her place as the Princess of the Night.” She answers with a pleasing smile as though the thought brings her some joy. “So, a human. There are myths of your kind from long ago, but they would be mere fairy tales even to me. From what Spikes letter said, you wish to find a way home, correct?”

You blink at the princess, slightly taken by her forward nature and quick acceptance of your presence. “That’s correct. But I’m not even sure how I got here in the first place; I just woke up in a clearing within the Everfree Forest. I don’t know how I would start about trying to get home.”

“That is a pickle, isn’t it?” The princess rubs her chin with a hoof. “There might be some hints in the castle library. I shall have to get somepony to look into it. I should also send some scouts to the clearing, just in case.”

“Wait, you’re willing to help? That easily?” Her willingness catches you completely off guard. “No small talk or testing first? What if I was lying?”

“Are you lying?” she peers at you with her magenta eyes, a small mischievous grin flashing across her muzzle.

You stumble over your words. “Well no, but…”

“Then there is no problem, is there. Besides, it will give me something to ponder. Day court can be quite boring you know.” She sighs, before quickly covering her mouth with her hoof. “You didn’t hear that from me, ok?” She eyes the other occupants of the room. They all shake their head.

“Good,” she continues. “Now, if I am to help you, I do want something in return.”

“Of course. If it’s in my power I will gladly do anything.”

“Well put,” she chuckles. “I want to get to know you better. Perhaps over some tea in the castle gardens? I will send you a formal invitation once I have made some time in my schedule.”

Despite the content, you feel that it wasn’t a question. You gulp, “I’d be honoured.”

“Great! Now unfortunately, I only called a short recess for court in response to Spikes letter and I have to be getting back.” She looks to the side and continues almost to herself, licking her lips. “There is also some cake in the kitchens I simply must try before the recess is over. Take care, my little ponies. And you, my little human.”

Her horn glows yellow and with another ‘pop’ she vanishes.

“Well…” You start. “That was, interesting.”

“Yes, the princess is usually much more composed then that. Maybe you caught her highness of guard?” Spike questions.

A brief silence fills the room before Scootaloo pipes up. “You’re that desperate to leave? Don’t you like it here?” Her voice filled with worry and sadness.

“Oh Scootaloo. That’s not it at all. From what little I’ve seen, I do like it here.” You sigh, looking into her sad eyes as you try to find the right words. “Under different circumstances, I probably wouldn’t be in a hurry to get home. But I didn’t exactly come here of my own free will, and I left a lot behind.”

The three fillies’ ears droop as they look to the floor.

Seriously, it’s like getting attacked by a trio of puppy dog eyes. You scratch your head. Why do they sucker punch me like this? It’s cheating.

“Look,” you smile. “There’s no guarantee I’ll be able to go home, and even if I can it might not be for a while. So chins up, there’s plenty of time to hang out.”

The three of them gasp happily and beam up at you in response to your word.

“You’re right! There’s plenty of time left. Besides we still have to show you around Ponyville!” Sweetie Belle exclaims as the three of them turn around and race out the door. “Come on!”

You’re glad they turned around because your own words suddenly register and your smile disappears leaving only sadness painted on your face. It feels as though a new possibility has been acknowledged. One you were hoping to deny.

“Are you ok?” A voice calls to you from your knees. You look down at the dragon, concern in his eyes.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m ok Spike.” You bring your smile back, showing him there is nothing to worry about. “Thank you though. Hey, I’ll be back later ok? I’m gonna need to brush up on Equestria if I’m staying here for a bit right?” You motion to the books before making your way to the door.

“No problem. See you soon!” Spike waves you off, as you head outside to meet the Crusaders.

Author's Note:

Hmm. I know where I'm going with the story and even have a course laid out (like 10 chapters ahead). But writing it is more complicated than I initially thought as my brain works on a visual medium much better. Also don't want to go over 5k words lol. Still I enjoy writing it and hope it stays somewhat consistant.

Thank you for taking the time to read whats done so far :twilightsmile: