• Published 16th Jun 2021
  • 1,619 Views, 53 Comments

Logic vs Emotion - A HiE Tale - MetalGenocide

After falling asleep in the garden, you end up in Equestria. A chance encounter sets your course, but will it lead you home?

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Chapter 6 - Moving In

“I have a special delivery for a mister ‘hooman’. Hehe silly sound. Hooooooman.”

The local mail pegasus hums to herself in glee, letter in mouth.

“It’s human, actually.” You correct her from the door of the Apples home.

“Oh. Right. forry.” The grey pegasus looks up at you, one eye on your face while the other gazing into the sky. “Fere you go!”

You take the letter from her mouth. The penmanship is soft yet professional. A twist of joined up letters showing great skill and care in the presentation. And it’s addressed to you.

“Thank you.”

“Always a pleasure.” The mare gives you a salute, before flying, somewhat lopsidedly, back towards the town.

You close the door and gaze at the letter:

I trust you had a pleasant evening.

The house will be ready around midday. The initial paperwork has been completed and will require signing. Once complete, the house will be yours.

We shall meet with you later to finalise the contracts.

-Scarlet Memo

-From the office of the Mayor.

“Hmm, Midday.” You move back to the table. “That was fast… At least I got my clothes washed.”

You had enquired the previous evening about somewhere that you could wash your clothes properly and Big Mac was kind enough to offer use of a large metal tub inside the barn. You were lucky that none of the residents decided to check in while you washed your clothes, and the heat quickly dried them off. The evening held light conversation, with Granny Smith happy you got your own roof so quickly. You weren’t too sure, but it felt like Big Mac was sad at the news.

The night was easier on you as well, quickly falling into a dreamless slumber without having your mind wander too far.


Shortly before midday, you hug Big Mac and Granny Smith, giving your thanks for being so welcoming and looking after you the last few days, with the promise that you’ll visit and if any work needs to be done to give you a shout. The girls had disappeared in the early morning, you presume to do some treasure hunting. With a final hug and wave, you head to the smithy.

The short trip across town was uneventful, greeting the citizens when you saw them. Despite the welcoming reception you got yesterday, you could tell they were more cautious this time round. Most likely because you were on your own this time. It also left you alone with your thoughts, wondering if your partner would like it here, if the Princess has made any headway already. Not having a distraction is dangerous as your emotions bubble and fight inside your chest.

Enough of that. You draw in a deep breath, trying to cheer yourself up. If I can’t change what’s happened, no point worrying. Isn’t that right.

“Why worry, just move forward one step at a time. Things are working out well already… Maybe too well.” You voice your concerns out loud. It troubles you how easily the last few days have lined up for you, like some other force was pushing things along.

Eventually reaching the building, you spy a pale yellow pony with a raspberry mane tending to the front yard. A lovely rose embezzled on her flank. Her ears twitch as you approach, causing her to look in your direction.

“Ah there you are.” She smiles in your direction.

“Hey there.” You wave at the pony. “What are you up to?”

“The mayor asked me to tidy the grass and weeds here yesterday. I wasn’t sure why, seeing as its abandoned for a while now and quite out of the way, but turns out somepony decided to move in. I guess that’s you huh. I’m just finishing up here before I head back. But to spend so much on getting this place ready, you must have really impressed the Mayor.” She seems pleased with her job, and you have to admit, it looks good. The path is clear of weeds, the grass is freshly cut. Some flowerbeds rested under the windows, but nothing grew from them.

“I wasn’t sure what sort of flowers you like, so I left the flowerbeds empty. You should come by the shop some time and pick some up, I got quite the selection. It’ll give the building a more homely feel. And they taste great for a quick snack, especially during the summer heat. I’m Roseluck by the way.”

“Humans don’t eat flowers.” Her features displaying slight disappointment. “But we do like to use flowers for decoration. I’ll be sure to come by when things get settled.”

“Great! I’ll see you then!” She turns towards the town getting ready to leave.

“Wait.” You stop her, realising what she had said. “What do you mean ‘spend so much’?”

“Oh, well the mayor hired several of us to tidy the place up. It wasn’t in bad condition thankfully, just needed some spring cleaning. Fresh sheets, new bed. That sort of thing.”

You just look at her, a state of shock covering your face. “She did that? But, why? I had every intention of doing it myself-“

“I’m sure you did.” A voice speaks out behind you, causing you both to jump. “But if you spend all your time tidying up, you won’t have any time to work.”

Mayor Mare approaches you, followed by Scarlet Memo, levitating several pieces of paper with an ignited horn.

“Good afternoon, I hope you weren’t waiting long.” The mayor greets you. Scarlet simply nodding her head in greeting.

“Not at all, I just got here.” You inform the mayor.

“And I was just leaving. Take care.” Roseluck smiles as she trots past you, her tail flicking against your leg.

“Well then, shall we head inside? Get this paperwork out the way and then you can get started.”

The three of you head into the building. Roseluck wasn’t kidding, the place looked great. The front door opens up into a large open area. The kitchen opened up into the living room with a small table bridging the gap. Surrounded by four chairs and crowned with a fresh bowl of fruit and veg. A small couch and chair sat on the edges of a small rug, surrounding a fireplace. To the far right, a set of stairs headed up to the second floor.

“If you want to have a quick look upstairs, go ahead, we’ll set the paper work up and get it ready.” The mares each took a seat at the table as you head upstairs to have a look. A simple bathroom, much like at the farm, graced the top of the stairs. Further along the corridor sat a bedroom and two empty rooms. The bedroom was completely bare except for a bedside table, single bed and a chest of drawers with several candles placed upon it. As you turn to leave however, something else catches your eye. Upon the chest of drawers top rest a book.

The leather bound book was certainly an eye catcher. The covers bore a distinct red metallic sheen despite the leathery texture in your fingers. Flicking through, you can see it contains many different texts and drawings. Temperatures, melting points, different alloys and mixtures. Information on the best ores and crafting procedures. Checking the cover you read the title:

“A Comprehensive Guide to Blacksmithing.”

A small piece of paper slips out and falls to the floor. Upon it read only two words written in a magnificent script.

Good Luck

You head downstairs, book in hand, and sit at the table.

“What have you got there?” Scarlet enquires, your gaze never leaving the book.

“I’m not sure. I guess it’s the book that the previous ponies had. ‘A Comprehensive Guide to Blacksmithing’. There was a note too. They must have forgotten it when they left.” You place the book on the table, turning your attention to the rest of the paper work. “No matter, I’m sure it’ll be useful.”

“Some light reading for you later then.” The mayor moves some of the paper work towards you. “Here... These just state that you are loaning the building with intent to pay back once you start earning bits. I need you to sign here, here and here. You’re welcome to read them of course.”

“Why are you helping me so much?” You can’t help but ask. This is all too much for a complete stranger to do for you.

“Call it an investment. I just hope you won’t disappoint me like the last one.”

A quick skim and light conversation later, you became the proud tenant of the black smiths.

“All done. We’ll get these filed away. And I expect you to be at the office nine o’clock sharp. Lots of work to do.” The mayor smiles as Scarlet gathers up the paperwork. “The kitchen is stocked, so don’t worry about food for now. Hope it’s to your tastes.”

The duo head out the door, leaving you alone in your new home.

Something is definitely not right. Everything is happening too fast. And too easily.

Scarlet looks back at you. “See you tomorrow.” You can’t be certain, but you’re sure her face was a little darker today. Waving at the mares as they trot off towards the town, you close the door leaning back against it.

“I’m gonna get worked to death, aren’t I.” You say to no one in particular. Heading to the kitchen, you decide to make yourself a sandwich. Mayor mare wasn’t kidding about it being stocked. Bread, milk, fruit and veg, even some oatmeal. The fresh flowers and hay in the cupboard were a bit of a surprise, but if someone visits, they can have those.

Sandwich in hand, you grab the book off the table and sit on the couch.

“Well, I got no plans for now. A comprehensive guide huh. No author.” You flip open the book. The words seem to dance across the page as you begin to read through the pages.


“Hey, wake up.”

Your eyes flutter open as you get shaken awake. Blinking and taking a deep breathe you look around, your hand rubbing your eyes.


“You fell asleep.” A voice drifts to your ears from beside you. “We came to check the place out and found you on the couch.”

You look at the filly next to you. Sweetie Belle looks back at you, her hoofs still resting on your arm.

“I don’t even remember falling asleep.” You tell her, trying to get your bearings. You catch some movement from the corner of your eye as Scootaloo prods the book you were reading.

“Must have been a really boring book if you don’t even remember falling asleep.” She spouts, flicking through the pages. “Yeah, I don’t understand a word of this.”

You smile before yawning and stretching out. The sound of closing cupboards makes the three of you turn towards the kitchen where Apple Bloom is rummaging for food.

“I take it you’re hungry.” You say, getting off the couch and heading to the kitchen. “Want me to make you girls something? What would you like?”

“Oh, yes please. Daisy sandwiches will be fine. You don’t eat flowers after all, so they’d only go to waste.” Sweetie Belle says, sitting at the table. Scootaloo throws the book on the couch and follows Sweetie Belle.

“No problem.”

Apple Bloom joins her friends at the table. You quickly whip up some sandwiches for the girls and join them at the table. The girls seem to enjoy their sandwiches as you try to remember when you fell asleep. But try as you might, your mind is blank. Sighing, you turn your attention to the girls.

“So how was treasure hunting? Find anything good?”

“Total bust!” Scootaloo exclaims. “We went all over Ponyville and found nothing! Seriously, Miss Cheerilee won’t be happy if we can’t find something. I can’t afford to get a low grade again.”

Apple Bloom swallows her mouthful. “I’m sure there is something we can find. Maybe I can borrow Applejacks hat? It’s been in the family for a while… Ah she won’t let me. She loves that hat too much.” Dejected, Apple Bloom continues to nibble on her sandwich.

You start to think what you could do to help. I could offer to be their show and tell… Or make them something perhaps. I mean... The girls have been a lot of help; it’s the least I could do for them.

“Hey,” you grab their attention. “Want to check out the workshop? Maybe there’s something in there?”

Their eyes light up. In a split second the plates lay empty as they devour their sandwiches whole.

“Yeah, that’s not creepy at all.” You mutter, getting up from the table and heading for the door.

With the girls in tow, you head round the corner to the workshop.

“Whoa.” The four of you gasp at the secrets within. Whoever built and stocked the place held nothing back. A sturdy forge rests in the back, complete with bellows to add oxygen to the flame and the chimney to let out the smoke. An anvil rests nearby ready for the soft metal to be worked on with a large empty tub next to it. A large work bench stands against the near wall, surrounded by many different tools. Different sized pliers, multiple hammers from small handhelds to a large sledge. There were even tools that weren’t involved in the forging process like wrenches, saws and chisels. Several buckets stacked neatly by the entrance along with a grind stone standing alone away from the rest of the equipment. You notice that there is no odour, or any soot or coal. The place hasn’t been used yet.

The girls move in and start to explore the area, taking it all in. Scootaloo starts poking the forge, Apple Bloom moved to the grindstone and is pressing the peddles. Sweetie Belle looks like she’s trying to lift a hammer up but her horn just flickers away.

“This place is loaded. If nothing else, I can always use the tools to be a handyman. Though there is something missing.”

“What’s missing? This place is awesome!” Scootaloo calls out while prodding the forge.

You move around the workshop. “Well for one, there’s no blast furnace. I’m not sure if that forge can smelt ore. It also seems like this place wasn’t built for ponies. Maybe the plans were for a different creature? Minotaurs perhaps? Does raise a few issues, like where to get the materials.” You sigh. This is going to be more hassle than you first anticipated. “Still, something to do. Maybe there’s some other way to smelt the stuff? Like with magic? I’ll have to look into it later.”

The girls listen as you examine the different areas.

“You seem to know a lot.” Apple Bloom says with admiration.

“Not really. It’s just what I picked up here and there. Hopefully that book will fill in any major gaps in my knowledge. But it will have to wait.” You face the girls who have lined up to listen to you. “I’m starting work for the mayor tomorrow and something tells me it’ll be mostly maintenance. At least I’m not short of tools.”

“That’s great! The mayor must really like you.” Sweetie Belle chimes as they all beam with pride.

You chuckle. “Maybe. If nothing else, it’ll keep me busy at least. Less time to dwell.”

Your face falls a little, the mention of not dwelling enough to cause memories to stir.

The four of you head out as the sky starts to darken. Parting ways for now, the crusaders head off home and you head inside. As the door closes, you are overcome with a sudden drowsiness.

“I didn’t think I was this tired.” You rub your head, feeling a headache coming on. “It’s probably the summer heat.”

Drinking a quick glass of water from the kitchen, you grab the book off the couch and head upstairs to wash up and get ready for bed. Placing the book on the bedside table, you climb into the sheets and get comfortable. You had considered reading a little but your eyes refuse to stay open, and you drift off into the night.