• Published 16th Jun 2021
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Logic vs Emotion - A HiE Tale - MetalGenocide

After falling asleep in the garden, you end up in Equestria. A chance encounter sets your course, but will it lead you home?

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Chapter 3 - Sweet Apple Acres

The forest walk was mostly uneventful save for some low flying red bird that had some issue with you, though it quickly flew off again. This gave you plenty of chances to talk with your companions. In the short time it took to reach the edge and get onto the main road, you had learned much about this world.

This was the Everfree Forest just outside of Ponyville, the town where they live. Located in Equestria, one of the larger kingdoms on the Greater Equestria continent. Though from what the girls have told you, it also appears to be a name for the realm and kingdoms within it. This was the first info dump you had about this world and it’s already making your head spin. But then, geographical locations and allegiances of kingdoms, and the realms they fall under, seems like such a niche bit of knowledge that it’s unlikely to ever come up.

To add to this minor brain melt, they informed you of the different tribes of ponies. The Earth Ponies, who have a strong connection to the land. The Pegasi, who look after Equestrias weather. And the Unicorns, who have an active ability to call upon magic. Though beyond simple telekinesis, a unicorn’s magical power seems to vary greatly.

Of course, the brain melting works the other way too. When you started to tell them about your home and the wonderful things that humans can do when they try. They were amazed to learn that magic wasn’t a thing. It’s so common here that they couldn’t seem to grasp it. But when you started talking about technology, oh did their eyes light up. Cars, planes, computers, mobile phones, rockets. Scootaloo especially was hanging onto your every word. Their mouths lay open when you told them that humans had been to the moon and were planning on going even further.

“That’s so cool!” Scootaloo cried when you finished talking about how humans are mapping the universe. Under the circumstances, you decided that it’s best not to include the amount of weapons and destruction caused by humans. As interesting of a subject as it can be, you don’t want to give the wrong impression.

Reaching the main junction just outside the forest, you read the signpost pointing you in varies directions.

“Left, Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres. Right, Ghastly Gorge? And back the way we came, The Everfree Forest.” You glance over your shoulder and shudder slightly.

“Oh! Look, look!” Apple Bloom squeaks. “Princess Celestia is lowering the sun.” She points her hoof towards the town. Turning your head, you see a town that you can only assume is Ponyville.

“If you look to the mountains past Ponyville, you can see Canterlot. The castle there is where the Princesses live.” Sweetie Belle added. And sure enough, in the distance you can see a large white and gold castle seemingly built into the cliff. “It’s not just the castle, there’s a whole city behind those walls.”

You whistle, impressed by the building capabilities of the ponies. It’s like something out of Lord of the Rings. Your eyes glance upwards towards the sun. Watching it set, you can’t help but feel a sense of calm wash over you. It’s still a setting sun but this feels, different.

As soon as it drops below the horizon, the night sky comes to life. Stars sing and dance up above. The moon rises from over the horizon to illuminate the quiet scenery.

“We better hurry back before we get told off.” Apple Bloom states and starts trotting off towards Ponyville.

“It’s so cool that Princess Celestia can raise and lower the sun and moon.” Sweetie Belle remarks as she and Scootaloo follow.

“Hold up.” Your mind suddenly registers what Sweetie Belle had just said. “You’re telling me that some royal ponce in a castle raises and lowers the sun and the moon?”

The three fillies share a confused look but keep on trotting.

“She’s not a ponce! She’s a wonderful princess.” Sweetie retorts. “And yeah. That is what we’re saying. Isn’t that how it works where you’re from?” She looks over her shoulder.

“No!” You let out a slightly frustrated cry as you catch up to the girls.


“Come on. We gotta hurry.” Apple Blooms speed increases, with her two friends increasing their pace to catch up. With your much larger stride however you only need to burst into a light jog to stay with them. Even though such an act puts some strain on your body, it’s not enough to stop you. They turn left at another sign away from the town, catching a glimpse you read ‘Sweet Apple Acres.’

After a brief jog you reach the entrance to what appears to be a large farm, but you are unable to make much of it in the night time light. The three fillies run through the gate and up to the farm house. You slow your pace to a walk and follow them up, catching your breath.

Over the still night air, you can hear some faint voices coming from within the house.

“Oh quit your belly achin’ Big Mac, I’m sure the girls are fine.” The voice sounded much older, but still with the same strong southern accent that is shared with Apple Bloom.

It was followed by a strong deep “Nnope.”

Apple Bloom charges into the house while Sweetie Bella and Scootaloo wait outside for you. “Come on slow poke.” Scootaloo jokes.

You mockingly smile at her as you finally approach the front door, making you realise just how big the house is. Despite the ponies being much shorter than you, the entrance is large enough that you would be able to enter without issue. Your admiration for the building is short lived as the voices inside interrupt you.

“Apple Bloom!” The deep voice rings out.

“See? I told ye there was nothin’ to worry about.” The older voice responded.

“Granny Smith! Big Mac!” Apple Bloom started up. “Can our friend stay over? He’s lost and can’t get home and it’s dark and dangerous and…”

“Slow down there sugar.” The older voice, which you can assume belongs to Granny Smith, interrupted. “If it’s alright with his parents there’s no problem, is there Big Mac?”

“He can’t ask his parents. He can’t get home. Didn’t you hear what I said?” Apple Bloom clearly sounds annoyed. You could almost hear her eyes roll. You lean against the wall to the side of the door.

“I take it this is a regular thing?” You ask, looking down at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

“Eh, pretty much. Granny Smith is almost completely deaf.” Scootaloo replies.

“I’m not deaf young’un!” Granny cries from the house. “I’m just hard of hearing!”

You chuckle, causing Sweetie Belle to follow with her own giggle. Scootaloo didn’t look amused though.

“Well if he’s lost then he better come in. Go on Big Mac. Say Hi. Food’s almost ready anyway.” A happy gasp escapes the house before Granny Smith continues. “He likes apples right?”

Apple Bloom appears in the door way again, followed by some heavier hoofsteps, a happy smile appears briefly on her face before it suddenly falls. She whips around back into the house.

“There’s something I should say,” she starts, trying to find the words. “He’s not exactly, well, a pony.”

The hoofsteps stop, as silence fills the air.

“So what is he?” Granny Smiths voice calls out.

“Well…” Apple bloom sounds hesitant to reveal that you’re a human.


“Uh-uh,” Apple Bloom shakes her head.

“Griffon? Dragon? Is it that cute purple one from the library?” Granny Smith asks.

“Spike knows where he lives, he’d hardly get lost here.” Apple Bloom replies.

Hoofsteps resume inside as more movement commences as Apple Bloom tries to say what you are. Your attention however turns to the moon. It’s larger than the moon back home, but its beauty is obvious. Full and round, the light radiates from it, complimenting the dancing stars in the sky.

“Err, Apple Bloom?” you hear Scootaloo say below you.

You turn back to face the girls, only to be greeted by large green eyes. You lose your balance as the sudden appearance of the large red pony causes you to falter slightly. Catching your step, you stand up straight before the pony. The pony stands taller than Zecora, easily reaching your lower chest. A short orange mane styled on the head as it looks up at you, ears standing tall. Three freckles lay beneath the eyes.

“Ah when did you!?” Apple Bloom suddenly bursts out, running between you and the pony. “Well, erm. This is my big brother. Big Macintosh. Or Big Mac for short.” Apple Bloom stands proudly as you look at her then back to Big Macintosh.

“Pleasure to meet you,” you smile, introducing yourself. “And I’m a human. From Earth.”

The stallion looks at you, his face unchanging. He’s not afraid of you; rather his calm expression shows curiosity more than anything. You guess that being called a friend straight away removed any fear from him.

“Big Mac.” He finally says, before making his way back inside. You notice the heavy muscles on the stallion as he walks back in, along with a green apple tattoo on his flank.

If he wanted to, he could probably destroy me. You shudder at the thought of being crushed by such a creature. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo follow him in grinning.

“He likes you.” Apple Bloom beamed up at you. “Come on in then!” She turns to follow her friends. You smile and walk in after her. The door opens into a large living room. the first thing to hit you is the smell. Like a range of sweet apples hitting your nose, it smells divine. The living room is filled with a sofa and rocking chair, as well as a small table. Decorated much like the rustic farm houses back home, wooden panels adorn the lower half of the walls with a coat of paint on the upper half. The wooden beams that hold the house up remain visible, with a darker coat on them. Different pictures hang on the walls of the living room, including one of two farmers in front of a gothic looking barn that looks really familiar. Following Apple Bloom, you walk through the room to an open plan kitchen complete with oven, cooker and a large table in the middle. You spot a set of stairs leading up on one of the walls, with a cupboard underneath.

“Wowee! You’re a tall one ain’tch ya!” You stop looking around as Granny Smith comments on your appearance. “And what in tarnation are you wearin’?” You look down at yourself, confused by the odd question. Then it hits you.

Ponies don’t wear clothes. You smile and look at Granny Smith.

“Clothing.” You reply casually. “It’s what I was wearing when I appeared here. I don’t have anything else to wear.”

“But why are you wearin’ that in the first place?” She continues. It’s an interesting feeling. The most questionable thing for her to comment is not how you look, but rather on the fact that you’re wearing clothes. “Ponies don’t normally wear them fancy things. And don’t just stand there. Sit down.”

Granny Smith motions you to the table. You take your coat off for the first time today, which causes a small gasp from the younger ponies as your arms get revealed to them for the first time.

“Leave it on the stairs, sonny.” Granny Smith says, after watching you aimlessly look where you can place it. You smile gingerly; draping the long coat over the railing and proceed to take a seat at the table. The rest of the ponies start laying out bowls and plates.

“Thank you.” Granny Smith chuckles before you answer her. “As for clothes, they protect us and help weather the environment. I guess they work in the same way your coat and mane does for you. See?” You raise your arm, showing your skin to the ponies.

That made sense, right? You think to yourself, lowering your arm again.

“Ah yeah that makes sense. We use scarves and things for winter but don’t usually need full clothing.” Granny Smith smiles at you. “Those are usually saved for fancy stuff like parties and watch-a-ma-call-its.” She waves her hoof about as she talks, punctuating her words with thrusts here and there. “Not always, but usually.”

Big Mac and Apple Bloom start to fill the bowls up with soup. Even though you already had some today, you are feeling hungry again and it does smell divine. You had never really considered apple soup but the creamy broth in your bowl was just begging to be devoured.

Sweetie Belle suddenly speaks up from your side, causing you to jump. “You should see the stuff my sister makes. She’s amazing at making clothes!” Sweetie gasps. “When she gets back from Appleoosa with the others, we should ask her to make you something!”

“Oh I wouldn’t want to be a bother,” you say to the unicorn as Apple Bloom and Big Mac join you all at the table.

“Don’t be silly. You can’t wear the same stuff all the time. Especially if it’s THAT important for humans.”

You smile at Sweetie Belle before looking around the table. All these ponies welcomed you so quickly it’s surprising that they trust you so much, given so many obvious differences.

But despite those differences, there are even more similarities. Your thought makes you smile as you all start to eat the soup. It tastes very sweet. And warms your stomach up in a way only home cooked food could do.

“How’s the soup?” Granny Smith asks over her bowl.

“It’s very good,” you reply. “Surprisingly sweet, but not over powering. A good balance of flavours. I could get used to this sort of food.” You chuckle.

“Big Mac made it tonight.” She beams at the stallion. “You should try Applejacks cooking though; she’s a wiz with apples.”

“Applejack?” You ask. The pictures dotted around the kitchen do show an extra pony in some of them. An orange mare with a yellow mane and tail, sporting a dashing light brown Stetson.

“Yep, that’s my sister.” Apple Bloom says as you look at the pictures on the wall. “You’ll meet her soon but she’s off with Rarity, that’s Sweeties sister, in Appleoosa at the moment. Something ‘bout a rodeo. Bet their having fun.” Apple Blooms voice ends with a hint of disappointment.

“Aww, come on.” You lighten up, trying to sound cheerful for her. “If you girls went with them, you wouldn’t have been able to rescue me.” You smile at her before finishing off the soup.

Apple Bloom perks up and giggles. “Pretty sure you saved us.” The girls laugh.

“Saved you from what now?” Granny Smiths voice brings the four of you back into the room, her eyes staring at you. You can feel Big Mac looking in your direction as well.

“Ah, erm, well…” The girls start to mumble and shoot looks at each other. Clearly being in that forest wasn’t something they were allowed to do. And your comment landed them in it.

Apple Bloom sighs in defeat. “We went into the Everfree forest to see Zecora.” Granny smith and Big Mac gasp at the news, their focus turning to the girl instead.

Yep, I was right. Shoot.

“And well… we got chased by Timber wolves.”

“What?!” You jump in your seat as Big Mac’s voice echoes around the kitchen. His presence increasing so much that even you begin to cower under his gaze.

The girls shiver before the scolding, their ears lowered against their heads. Unanimously they start apologising.

“But we’re ok, see? We were saved.” Apple Bloom squeeks.

All eyes fall on you, and suddenly you feel very small.

“Well that explains why they seem so fond of ya.” Granny Smith sighs. “Thank you. I don’t think my heart could…” She trails off.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac says as he looks to you.

“Oh, it. It was nothing, really.” You tell them as the pressure in the room eases up.

“Well, I hope you still have room for Apple Pie.” The room lightens up again as soon as Granny Smith mentions the pie. Big Mac shifts from the table and heads to the oven, opening it.

“I made this one.” She chuckles.

“Smells good,” you ponder as the scent hits your nose. Big Mac separates the pie into six slices and shares them out equally while Sweetie Belle gets some cups for water. Your mouth starts to water at the sight and you all dig in earnestly, yourself being a bit more enthusiastic than the rest.

“So…” Scootaloo starts as you all eat the pie. “Silly question, considering we’re already eating, but what DO humans eat, exactly?”

“Oh my gosh! I never even asked!” Apple Bloom gasps as they look at you, your cheeks puffed up with pie. You look at them before swallowing your mouthful.

“Humans can eat pretty much anything.” You say nonchalantly, taking a sip of water. “We’re omnivores. Some foods require cooking, we can’t eat some stuff raw. Most meats have to be cooked for example. But yeah, pretty much anything except grass, hay and flowers. Can’t digest them.”

Silence falls on the room as you explain. Uh-oh, did I say something wrong?

“You eat meat?” Scootaloo breaks the silence.

“Can do. It’s not required for a humans diet though. As long as we get the necessary nutrients, where it comes from isn’t as important. Saying that, some meats do have a higher concentration of nutrients than fruits and veg. Fish for example.”

Apple Bloom lets out a laugh. “So I was right when I asked you not to eat us.” She giggled.

“I wasn’t going to eat you anyway silly.” You reply, ruffling her hair.

Granny Smith smiles at the interactions. “Well it’s all good and dandy then. You don’t plan on eating ponies do you?” she jokes.

The evening passes with stories and laughter. You learn more of Ponyville, even learning of its origins almost a hundred years ago, mainly because you were too polite to interrupt Granny Smiths ramblings. Granny Smith and Big Mac seem just as fascinated by your hands as Zecora and the fillies were. You found out that the days are the same here, and tomorrow was Saturday. There was a market in the morning that ponies can sell their produce at.

“Why doesn’t Big Mac take you to Ponyville tomorrow for the market? Considering your circumstance it’ll be easier to approach with him by your side. The girls can then show you around town.” Granny Smith suggests. It’s a sound idea, and Big Mac certainly doesn’t seem to mind, agreeing with an ‘Eeyup’.

“All right! Maybe we can get our Cutie Marks in tour guiding!” Apple Bloom suddenly jumps.

“Hey that’s a great idea!” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle seem to be in agreement.

“Erm,” you interject. “Cutie Marks?”

“Wait. You don’t know what a Cutie Mark is?” Scootaloo says. You just stare at her with a blank expression. “Cutie Marks are basically a coming of age symbol. Ponies get them when they discover their special talent.”

“Yeah, Granny and Big Mac have one, see?” Apple Bloom points at her brother and grandmother, who turn to show you their flanks. Granny Smith’s flank holds a pie while Big Mac had one in the shape of a large green half apple. “The Apple family cutie marks often show something to do with apples, as that’s our family business. But it can really be anything. I might not even get an apple! I could get anything.” The last comment got a sharp look from Granny Smith, clearly not liking the idea of her granddaughter having something unrelated to apples as her mark.

“And to help us find our marks, we formed the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Sweetie Bell cheered.

“That explains the marks then.” You smile. It sounded like there was more to these Cutie Marks than they said, but as far as explanations go, it made sense. In a weird, magic way.

“What about you?” Scootaloo asks. “What’s your Cutie Mark look like?”

“Humans don’t have Cutie Marks.” You reply, stunning the ponies. “Guess we’re always full of potential.” You shrug. It’s a nice thought and certainly has some truth to it, given what the human race has accomplished.

“But how do you know what you are good at? What you’re supposed to do?” Apple Bloom asks with a hint of worry.

“I don’t know. Trial and error? Humans tend to find something they like doing, and just work on it to get better. Sure, some humans are naturally talented, but natural talent only gets you so far. Gotta keep practising to make it work. Sucks even more when you are naturally talented at something you hate doing.” You finish.

“That’s just weird.” Apple Bloom says, stifling a yawn.

Big Mac lets out a chuckle. “Off to bed.”

The girls grumble about wanting to stay up more as they slide off their seats, but their tiredness stops them from protesting too much. They bid you all goodnight as they slowly head up the stairs. You can’t help but smile as they disappear to the second floor.

“Thank you again.” Granny Smith says, in a calmer tone this time. “I’m glad they found a friend like you.”


You want to tell them that it was no trouble. That you did what any normal person would in those circumstances. But instead you just smile at your hosts. “You’re welcome.”

Granny Smith gets off her seat. “Come on, I’ll show you to the guest room. It’s getting late as is and I’m all tuckered out.” She chuckles.

You get up and follow her up the stairs. Big Mac continues to sit at the table as he watches you. “Night.”

“Good night Big Mac.” You reply to him as you follow Granny Smith up the stairs and out of sight.

The main landing upstairs has the same panel and wall design as the living room. The landing twists around the stairs and down a corridor with a window at the end. Three doors line one side and two on the other, as well as a door at the top of the stairs.

Granny Smith points at the door “This is the bathroom. Be sure to wash up before you go to sleep. The spare room is down the end on the left.” She points down the hall. “Big Mac is next door, Apple Blooms room is opposite. Then you got Applejacks room, best stay out of there. And mine is here.”

“Thank you Mrs Smith.”

“Oh no, Granny is fine dearie. I insist.” Granny Smith puts her hoof down.

Guess I don’t have a choice. You chuckle. “Thank you… Granny.”

That wasn’t weird. Ok, maybe a little.

“Good. Now go wash up, towels are next to the sink. And then get some shut eye. It certainly sounded like you had a busy day.” With that she heads to her room.

You look at the unoccupied bathroom door then head in. “Oh.” You mutter. You weren’t sure what to expect, but the bathroom was almost human in design. It wasn’t very large but it had all the necessities. A sink with a cabinet, mirror, bath and shower combo. Only difference was the toilet. Unlike a traditional human toilet, this one was situated in the floor itself. It looked perfect for squatting though.

“This will be interesting, but it makes sense.” You mutter to yourself as you close and lock the door. You give yourself a quick sniff and decide it might best for a shower. After struggling to squat on the toilet, you flush it and turn the shower on, remove your clothing. Being the only clothes you have, you decide to at least rinse them with you in the shower. Making sure the water is the right temperature you get under it and find a bar of soap to wash with. Quickly scrubbing and rinsing yourself off, you quickly grab your clothes, soaking them in the water and giving them a quick scrub. Rinsing them out under the water, you turn the tap off and wring them out thoroughly in the tub so that they do not drip anywhere.

Getting out, you dry yourself off and then dry out your pants further using the towel before wringing that out too. Once you are satisfied, you put them back on. As a temporary measure it’ll be fine.

“I really need to do something about this though.” You exhale, your exhaustion catching up to you fast. Checking over your clothes to make sure there are no loose drips, you gingerly leave the bathroom, taking the towel with you just in case, and sneak to the guest bedroom.

Inside the room is a ready-made single bed, as well as a chest of drawers. A window overlooks the farm and frames the moon in the sky. A moon that hasn’t moved yet.

“Guess they weren’t kidding about moving it with magic.” You sigh as you place the towel on the wooden floor and fold your clothes on top of it. The room is surprisingly warm, even for summer, so hopefully by the morning the clothes will at least be less wet. With your clothes drying on the floor, you climb into the bed. It’s soft and bouncy but surprisingly cool under the covers. Even more surprising that you fit in the bed.

You lay on your back, arms on the covers as your mind recalls the events of the day. Memories flash across your mind. Gardening in the sun, laying down to rest. The clearing. Saving the girls from those timber wolves. Meeting Zecora.

Your eyes start to water as the memories dance about. It’s easier to keep them at bay when you’re distracted, but alone in bed, they start to haunt you. Your chest tightens as your fingers caress your wedding band. Recalling your past week, all the stuff you did at work and at home. Planning dinner.

“I wonder what she’s thinking. What their all thinking. Are they looking for me?” You lips move to the words but your mind is travelling back and forth between every thought as it crashes down on you. The water in your eyes flows freely down your cheeks.

Your thoughts drift to Granny Smith and Big Mac. How welcoming they were. How friendly they acted towards you. You think about how often you caught yourself forgetting that they were ponies with how easy it was to talk to them. It was like any other family conversation.

Your eyes grow heavy as your tears continue to flow. A large yawn escapes you and soon, in the pale light of the moon, you feel yourself drift.

Your last moments of consciousness register a distant howl as you hold your hands and drift into a deep slumber.

Author's Note:

I don't actually plan on the chapters being this long, it just sort of happens :facehoof:
Still, I got a plan so that's good right? I know plans change but still, having one is good. Right?