• Published 28th Apr 2023
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Ruby Palace - Mindrop

While exchange students in Japan, the girls get trapped in the hottest, newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life. The only way out is to beat the final boss in the Ruby Palace at the top of Aincrad.

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Episode 60 — Visions

Episode 60 — Visions
Thirteenth Day in the Month of Willow (March 13) in the Year of the Griffon
Floor 48 — Front Line 57

Ashley's place in Lindarth was easy to find, located north of the teleport plaza. It was a nice, big, cottage with two waterwheels and it had at least a second floor and probably an attic. It was the biggest in the area and appeared to be three times the size of Lisbeth's shop. Unfortunately, getting to it wasn't straightforward. The canals complicated everything. Taking the wrong bridge could really take the player away from their goal.

Inside, the architecture was just like Lisbeth's shop, which made sense. It was certainly a lot bigger, but they were the same designs, medieval wattle and whitewashed daub with stone foundations and fixtures. The shop had several racks of very nice clothes with multiple full length mirrors. There was a summer section and a winter section, as well as a men's section. While it was smaller, the men's section had plenty on the racks. To Bladescape, none of it looked as good as what Diemond did, however, she had only seen what Diemond had given them, not the rest of her massive stock. Clothes weren't why Bladescape was here though.

Bladescape approached the female NPC store-tender. The store tender bowed to her, prompting Bladescape to bow back. "How may I help you today?"

"I was wanting to speak with Ashley about an order," Bladescape explained.

"I'm sorry, but Miss Ashley is not taking custom orders at this time," the NPC replied.

"Can you give her a message?" Bladescape asked. "Or pass it along? I assume she is here."

"At this time I can't take a message," the NPC said. "She is not seeing anyone."

"That makes no sense," Bladescape said. "How do customers get in touch with her?"

"You are welcomed to browse the current selection on the floor," the NPC said. "The price is listed on the item menu and I can finalize any purchases."

"I don't need clothes," Bladescape said. "I need to see if Ashley is able to fix my armor."

"Miss Ashley does not repair equipment," the NPC stated.

"I mean mine isn't good enough but maybe she can make it look better," Bladescape said, trying to be patient.

"Items already produced cannot be altered once made," the NPC said.

Bladescape was about to punch the NPC. Violence currently solved most of her problems. Even though it wouldn't solve this one, it might feel good to hit the NPC. Of course, that could cause a lot of other issues, one of them being barred from getting an audience with Ashley. The store-tender was just doing her job, responding how she was supposed to considering the circumstances set.

“I just need to talk to her," Bladescape said. "Maybe she can give me a referral to someone who can help me."

"I'm sorry, but Miss Ashley is not seeing anyone at this time," the NPC stated.

"This is a great business model," Bladescape sarcastically stated. "How she ever got to be considered the top seamstress, I have no idea." Yes, Bladescape decided to stoop that low with the NPC.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean," the NPC said. "Miss Ashley is the best tailor in Aincrad. That isn't a title she took, rather it's one given to her."

"Being a tailor is even dumber," Bladescape shot back. "A tailor only alters a current garment, such as taking it in size or making it fit properly. A seamstress uses already available patterns to make garments, but often can do alterations. Neither holds water to an actual fashion designer who creates clothing from nothing, with patterns the designer made themselves." All of that was lost on the NPC who just blankly smiled back at Bladescape. Bladescape rolled her eyes. She knew too much about the industry; literally just from listening to Rarity. "I'm looking for the best, for a project that I hear only Ashley can pull off, no matter what her occupational status is. How do I get in contact with that Ashley?"

"Miss Ashley does not take custom orders," the NPC stated.

"I don't believe you," Bladescape said, getting irritated. "Why doesn't she come out and tell me that face-to-face?"

"I'm sorry, but Miss Ashley is not seeing anyone at this time," the NPC repeated.

"Then why have I heard that she does amazing custom work?" Bladescape pressed. She was absolutely bluffing, but the NPC likely couldn't tell the difference.

"Miss Ashley no longer takes custom orders," the NPC repeated.

"Aha!" Bladescape exclaimed. "You said takes. I'm not asking her to take an order."

"I'm sorry, I do not understand," the NPC stated.

"I need to speak to her about a current order she is already doing," Bladescape tried. "For Bladescape, leader of the Wondercolt."

"I have no custom work ready to be picked up for anyone by that name," the NPC said.

"That's because it's not finished," Bladescape said. "I need to speak with her about it."

"I'm sorry, but you are not on the approved contact list," the NPC said.

"So she does do custom work, she just isn't taking orders," Bladescape pressed.

"That's correct," the NPC said. "You are free to browse the current selection on the floor. The price is listed on the item menu and I can finalize any purchase."

"How do players get on that contact list?" Bladescape asked.

"I don't know," the NPC admitted. "All I know is who Ashley has approved for personal contact. I am not aware of, or in charge of, how she does business."

"Yet you are letting a business opportunity pass her by," Bladescape said.

"I'm sorry, I do not understand what you mean,” the NPC kindly said.

She wouldn't stop smiling or using a kind tone. It was how she was set, but it was making Bladescape want to punch her in the face even more. Yes, the store-tenders clearly had an important role, but how else was Bladescape supposed to even speak with Ashley.

"I just want to speak with her about a business opportunity," Bladescape said, trying not to plead with the emotionless NPC. Any emotion it displayed was programmed in and fake. It didn't even understand sarcasm.

"I'm sorry, but Miss Ashley is not looking for business opportunities at this time," the NPC stated with the same smile.

Bladescape's hand balled up in a fist. She almost raised it, but saw something in one of the mirrors. By one of the large windows was a rocking chair. She could wait it out.

"Thank you," Bladescape said, releasing her fist.

She turned around and walked, resisting the urge to storm, to the rocking chair and sat down. At least it had a nice view of the calm city.

Bladescape got a message from Diemond. She was asking for a total of three days, including today, to be an apprentice. They could do without her for a few days, especially if it meant she would come back with a new set of skills and tools to take her armor crafting to the next level. Just the armor crafting, her fashion sense was sharper than ever. Bladescape gave her permission and continued to wait.

Bladescape played the waiting game for two hours, but she wasn't going to give up. Diemond was unable to come up with a solution and no one else had any ideas either. Blowing a day, waiting, was the best option. Admittedly, it was a poor one, Ashley likely didn't know she was even in the building, but Bladescape didn't care.

"Well this is a surprise," someone said from behind Bladescape. She must have dozed off, because the clock had jumped over an hour. "The leader of the Wondercolts, sleeping in my shop."

Bladescape stood up and turned to face Ashley, giving a proper bow first. "Please forgive the poor form," Bladescape stated. "I wasn't aware I had drifted off. That wasn't my intention."

Ashley was a formidable woman. She was dressed much like Rarity would dress, although a bit more garishly due to the fluffy collar of her open vest. She was confident in herself and it showed in her stance. Bladescape was on her turf.

"I heard you arguing with Rachel earlier," Ashley stated. "I was busy. I didn't expect to find you still here. It must be very important if you are willing to spend all day camped out in my shop instead of clearing the front line."

Bladescape couldn't tell if that was sarcasm or if she was patronizing her. She could have just shot straight too. In the end, it didn't matter, Ashley was speaking to Bladescape.

"Yes, there is work to be done," Bladescape admitted. "But I'm not the only one doing it. Taking a day or two off to set myself up better for future floors is wise and a must."

"You used a lot of interesting terminology while talking with Rachel," Ashley added. "You know the difference between a tailor, seamstress, and designer. Few players do."

"Well, I know Diemond IRL and she is all about fashion and designing. You pick up some things over time," Bladescape said.

"The Wondercolts already have a fashion designer," Ashley stated. "Why come to me?"

"Because this isn't about fashion," Bladescape stated. "It's about armor. You're looking at the best Diemond can design. The stats are excellent, but the look, not so much. Your name is what everyone says when they think of someone who could help me."

"What an interesting pitch," Ashley said. "I don't do custom orders though."

"Neither does Diemond," Bladescape said. "Yet both of you are consistently making things. As I said, she can't. She is tapped out of ideas." Bladescape swiped up her menu and materialized Harmonic Salvation. She caught it and partially pulled the blade out of its sheath to show it off. "You're looking at a one-of-a-kind sword. It's not just unique due to its name. What makes it truly unique was the alloy used. This was forged from Piandao’s latest alloy, Black Rune, and he only had one ingot. It's also my first player-made weapon.

"I've been in every boss battle, including the very first one. I haven't missed one yet. Now, I have an amazing sword, but my armor doesn't match the nature of it or my role. When we plan our strategy, I’m standing at that table, directly in the discussion. When the doors are opened to the boss chamber, I’m one of the first in. Many players recognize me for a variety of reasons, all positive ones, however, I'm nothing compared to players like Heathcliff. This is the best Diemond can do. She can't put me, visually, on the same level as the Commander is. I need a major image boost, one as strong as this sword, yet no one knows how to get me that. That is, unless you do."

"I know nothing about weapons," Ashley stated. "But I understand your quandary. I don't take custom orders anymore, however, I do take on projects that catch my fancy. This does. You're asking a lot, yet my armor would be worn and seen by the entire Assault Team, as well as most clearers. Doing something Diemond can't is very, very intriguing. Come, let's sit in my office and talk about the details. I know I can elevate your image to match Commander Heathcliff's."

Her office was on the second floor. I looked like the main room of a living space, but it was set up like an office.

"Your armor Skill is Leather Armor, correct?" Ashley asked.

"Yes," Bladescape said. "And it's too high to switch without dire consequences. Besides, I don't want to. It would slow me down. I need that agility to handle swinging such a large sword. My goal is to be the representative, to all Aincrad, about what it means to be a Wondercolt. To become Aincrad’s Wondercolt, which means honesty, loyalty, laughter, generosity, kindness, and empathy. They create a magic that we call friendship and it instills hope in people. Aincrad needs that hope."

"You certainly have my interest piqued," Ashley stated. “I’m hooked. But that means I would first like to see your figure better. I need to see how you stand. This has nothing to do with sizing and everything to do with matching your natural shape. I don't need you to be fully stripped down, but I need you to be in something comfortable."

“I know what will do the trick,” Bladescape said, standing up.

She had wondered why there had been a room divider, but now she understood. Behind it, Bladescape changed into an outfit Diemond had made a while ago. It was a simple black skirt with a maroon shirt. The shirt had her sunset cutie mark on it. When Diemond had made it, she had been learning to add images to her fabrics.

Bladescape walked back out and Ashley smirked. She had Bladescape equip her sword over the clothes and stand there, as naturally as possible. Ashley walked around Bladescape, examining her from all angles.

When she was satisfied, Bladescape was allowed to unequip her sword and sit down. Ashley wanted to see what defensive stats Bladescape was used to wearing. Bladescape handed over the lamellar armor. It had served her well, but Bladescape was aware that Ashley wasn’t simply looking at the stats.

Ashley set the armor aside and made her decision. “Gold will not do for your skin tone. You have a lovely olive complexion, but primarily gold armor will wash both out. Gold also won’t work with your hair.

“Besides, I won’t copy his image. I don’t have to stoop that low. Commander Heathcliff’s use of red makes a bold statement, which is what he wants. His red and white is a purposeful contrast that instills rage yet purity. He uses it to drive the liberation effort, as he calls it. Blue, your blue, is a good color to represent hope. Hope can be found in that red rage, or it can be a more peaceful wave. Never discount waves, they are one of the most destructive forces in the world, methodical and persistent, wearing down the rocks they dash themselves against until naught but sand remains.

“You may be in leather armor, but the best way to catch players’ eyes is with powerful, knightly armor. Or samurai, but you don’t use a katana or spear. It also would not fit your attitude or how you stand. Knights have a code, that, while similar, is different from samurai. Samurai were honorable in combat, knights protected the weak. There is honor in protecting the weak, but knights brought justice to those who were taken advantage of. At least that is the trope. You are much more knightly than a samurai. I’m sure you would look wonderful in a kimono, but you are not before me for fashion, you need armor that will make the correct statement.”

“That sounds exactly what we want for me,” Bladescape said. “But leather armor isn’t knightly. At least not high medieval knights.”

“That is because you are a fighter and I am the designer,” Ashley stated. “Leave it to me. Your job is to get what I need. Stats wise, Diemond set a high bar. To make something that can outshine the stats on this armor, you will need to bring me dagannoth hides. Thirty of them. To dye something like dagannoth will require a special item as well. I’ll need Blue Stones and Giganthum Flower Petals. Eighty sacks of the blue stones and thirty of the Giganthum Flower Petals. Distilling them down to a dye destroys much of them in the process. And then flax for the thread. It will need to be unprocessed, fifty bushels total, because it needs to be dyed to match the hides and dyed at the same time for a proper match. I’ll write it down along with their rough locations.”

Hunting dagannoths would be a worthy way to break in Harmonic Salvation. The current floor clearing wasn’t much of a challenge, especially in their parties.

“Are blue stones special?” Bladescape asked. “Stones come in a lot of different colors.”

“Yes, they are actually called Blue Stones,” Ashley explained. “Sacks of the standard size, not small sacks or large sacks. For a bushel of flax, all you have to do is collect fifty stalks and use a bundle tie. Those can be purchased, along with sacks, at most farming markets.”

“That’s a lot of flax,” Bladescape said.

“It takes a lot to make a very small amount of thread,” Ashley replied as she slid the list over to Bladescape. “And dagannoth is tough. It will require a tougher thread, which means larger diameter, so more flax.”

“How much is this going to cost me?” Bladescape asked before she picked up the list.

“Nothing outrageous,” Ashley said. “You are getting the materials for me and you get to wear something I made, while I get to say I made it. There are some other incidentals for crafting it that are not on the list, mundane things I can easily get. Two hundred thousand col is all I ask. I’m sure your sword was twice that, if not three times. Lisbeth couldn’t have gotten that ingot from Piandao any cheaper.”

“I can cover that price,” Bladescape said. “I look forward to not only seeing what you can do, but wearing your best.”

It was a double edged comment. In the front half, she built Ashley up and applauded her skill, while also issuing her a warning stab about making the best. Ashley clearly caught it but wasn’t fazed by it. No good designer would be.

“I’ll have you added to my contact list,” Ashley said as she opened her window. “If you need anything, you can send a message, but they are quite short. An info broker likely has more details than I will. I know what is out there and how to use it, not necessarily how to get it.”

A friend request popped up in front of Bladescape. She smiled at Ashley and accepted the request. “I will keep that in mind. I never actually entered the swamp on the fifty-fourth floor. It’s in the southeast, while the Wondercolts' efforts were north and to the west.”

"Well then, you should have fun," Ashley said with a coy smile. "But be careful. They are not easy beasts to hunt. They are the predators of the swamp. I know you have sufficient levels, you are in the Assault Team for a reason, but it wouldn't look good for me if you were to die while hunting them so I can make you armor. You have my full confidence in your skill, but that's also a warning that should be given."

Ashley wasn't sending Bladescape coherent signals. She couldn't tell if it was a jest, a true warning, or what.

"Thank you," Bladescape said. "No, my death would not look favorably on you, but at least you would be around to survive such a blow. I'd be dead. Dying isn't my thing, but I can't help but wonder if there was someone, or is someone, who has caused you to give such a warning."

"Well, I only use the rarest and best materials for any custom work I do," Ashley stated. "Some customers have taken risks they shouldn't have. I do not have a problem denying previous customers another opportunity to wear my work if they are too much of a liability."

"Well, I hope never to need you again," Bladescape said. "No offense to you. After all, I'm here for a reason."

"Yes, you are," Ashley stated as Bladescape went behind the screen to change back into her armor. "But your designer, Diemond, it won't take her long to unlock the secrets once she sees what I can do. Which is why this opportunity has piqued my interest."

"There are no guides on the advanced techniques," Bladescape stated as she came back out, ready to hunt the dagannoths. "How do artisans learn them?"

"Well, this is not my first rodeo," Ashley stated. "First time in a death game with real stakes, but I've played my fair share and learned how those systems functioned. After that, it was just a matter of finding a way for me to do the same things. The system may be different, but much of the crafting techniques are the same. Diemond is, as I understand it, a high society fashionista. This is grungy, underground stuff we are talking about. It doesn't make it up there for a reason. Her leather is refined and high quality, likely having a rare animal origin. That lamellar armor is very impressive for a high society designer, but it's clearly high society. Until she learns how to get grungy, she will only be able to work with fabrics others produce."

"Would you ever take on an apprentice?" Bladescape asked. "Not that I'm asking you to. It's just a question."

"I understand," Ashley replied. "But no, I wouldn't. Too many would want to learn from me. They would get to use the status of my name to boost their own. Diemond would not be able to learn from me."

"She isn't here for a reason," Bladescape added. "And she wouldn't want to learn from you. I only browsed what you had made for a short bit, but it's not quite high fashion. Almost, just a tad short. Your grunge gets in the way. As you alluded to, that's the big difference between you two. And you would clash over the approach to fashion."

Ashley let out a single, coy laugh.

Bladescape bowed to Ashley. "Thank you for your help. It shouldn't take me long to get this list taken care of. I'll stay safe. You have my promise for that.”

Ashley showed Bladescape out. After walking for a little bit, when Ashley couldn't see her, Bladescape typed a message to Natora letting her know she was going to be using the rest of the day hunting for armor materials. She remembered she needed to update them on Diemond's extra time off, but had just sent a message to Natora. The system wouldn't let her send another so quickly, without a reply coming back, so she had to send it to Knightstar. Knightstar said that would not be a problem. Natora said the others were wanting to help out. Bladescape sent them the information on the flax bundles. That was something she really didn’t want to do. As soon as she heard that item, she had been contemplating paying for others to gather it for her.

Then it was off to floor fifty-four.

BLADESCAPE: Level 77 — Two-Handed Sword — Searching — Weapon Defense — Leather Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Sprint — Blade Throwing — Extended Weight Carry — Acrobatics
NATORA: Level 74 — Two-Handed Spear — Purchase Negotiations — Sales Negotiation — Weapon Defense — Light Metal Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Acrobatics — Armor Pierce — Sprint
KNIGHTSTAR: Level 69 — One-Handed Sword — Shield — Light Metal Armor — Equipment Appraisal — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Acrobatics — Extended Weight Carry — Armor Pierce
MALUS: Level 73 — One-Handed War Hammer — Heavy Shield — Heavy Metal Armor — First Aid — Extended Weight Carry — Battle Regeneration — Fishing — Search — Martial Arts — Rend
THUNDERBORNE: Level 73 — Rapier — Sprint — Acrobatics — Weapon Defense — Light Metal Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Armor Pierce — Martial Arts — Blade Throwing
KONPEITO: Level 73 — Two-Handed Axe — Cooking — Weapon Defense — Light Metal Armor — Martial Arts — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Music — Blade Throwing — Bard — Extended Weight Carry
DIEMOND: Level 74 — Mace — Heavy Shield — Sewing — Heavy Metal Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Light Metal Armor Forging — Heavy Metal Armor Forging — Extended Weight Carry — Jewelry Crafting
DOOMBUNNY: Level 70 — One-Handed Dagger — Hide — Fighting Spirit — Blade Throwing — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Familiar Cooperation — Mixing — Search — Listen — Reveal
KIEFER: Level 71 — One-Handed Curved Sword — Slash Weapon Forging — Light Metal Armor — Weapon Defense — First Aid — Katana — Battle Regeneration — Slash Weapon Forging — Blade Throwing — Armor Pierce
SORYUTO: Level 69 — One-Handed Sword — Shield — Light Metal Armor — Music — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Fighting Spirit — Armor Pierce — Acrobatics
REISENKI: Level 71 — One-Handed Axe — Heavy Shield — Heavy Metal Armor — Equipment Repair — Metal Equipment Repair — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Cooking — Metal Refining — One-Hand Weapon Creation

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