• Published 28th Apr 2023
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Ruby Palace - Mindrop

While exchange students in Japan, the girls get trapped in the hottest, newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life. The only way out is to beat the final boss in the Ruby Palace at the top of Aincrad.

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Episode 11 - Deliverance

Episode 11 - Deliverance
Nineteenth day in the Month of Cypress (November 19) in the Year of the Hawk
Floor 1 - Tolbana - 8 a.m.

8 a.m. had both parties waiting outside the NPC's house. Just to be safe, Natora waited three minutes to ensure that the game recognized the time. She knocked on the doors and anxiously waited.

"Hey!" A big male NPC said, coming around from the side of the house. "You must be the ones who saved my sister."

"Yes," Natora replied with a nod. "I'm Natora."

"Koth," he replied, extending his hand. She shook it. "Mom's out, getting some supplies. Anara has been recovering well enough. I can't believe you managed to save her and get the sword at the same time. She told a pretty fantastic tale of your fight."

"Just doing our job," Natora calmly replied. "We tried to get her to go back, with our help, and then we would go get the sword, but she insisted on getting the sword first and being there with us to get it. We are glad she was tough enough to make it."

"She can be hard headed like that," Koth chuckled. "But where are my manners? Come on in, all of you."

He let them into the house.

"So, what do you do for a living?" Natora asked. "Anara seems to have chosen the warrior life."

"Yeah, she wants to follow in our father's footsteps,” Koth answered. “I don't blame her. The two of them were close. I just wish he had time to train her properly. He kind of hoped she would grow out of it, like I did, because the life of a guard isn't an easy one. When I was a young lad, I wanted to protect the city and slay all the goblins.” He chuckled to himself. “I was so naive. Dad made sure I learned what it would actually mean to fight, and he did the same with Anara. I'm sure right at the end, his only regret was not training her earlier like she wanted. But me, I went off to be a smith. I didn't get these muscles by baking."

Anara's mother came in through the door. "Oh good, you are here. I am so sorry, I had to grab some things at the market for Anara and it took longer than planned. She won't be getting out of bed for a while, or well, at least not to do anything strenuous. Keeping her in bed, even when she was sick, was always a chore. Have you eaten this morning?"

"We have not eaten," Natora replied. "We were going to eat breakfast after we checked on Anara."

"Then sit down at the table, all of you,” Anara’s mother said. “I have some fresh bread, as well as honey to spread on it and milk. Koth can cook up some bacon."

"Sure," Koth said, heading to where the stove was. "Bacon, coming right up."

Anara's mother put out the bread and milk and then went to check on her daughter. She wasn't gone long. Koth was serving them a huge plate of bacon as she came back down.

"It's been a while since we had such good food," Malus said. "It's mighty appreciated."

"I'm glad we could feed you something enjoyable," she replied.

"It really is appreciated," Bladescape said. "It's not been an easy few weeks, not with the work we have been doing. It's been a lot of bread, hard cheese, and porridge."

"Well then, eat up,” she said in her motherly tone. “We can't have adventurers like yourselves, who go off saving people, go without a proper meal."

"We plan to stay in Tolbana for a little while," Natora added. "There are a lot of things that need doing in and around the town."

"Good," she said. "I hope one of those is dealing with the mountain goblins. They have been troubling us for ages, but the city can only mount defenses. There are not enough citizens who are willing to go out after them."

"We noticed," Natora said. "Defense is the most important thing, but I think that we will end up with a task on our agenda to take the fight to them."

They hadn't noticed that Koth had stepped out until he came in through the back door. "I know you came for more than a meal," he said with something long and narrow, but covered in cloth, cradled in his arms. "I spent all night on it, putting in everything I had, with my best materials. Hopefully it is good enough for your hands."

Natora stood up and stepped over to him. She pulled back the cloth to reveal a spear.

"I call her Deliverance Doru," Koth said.

It wasn't the same spear Natora had in the beta, but she took it in her hands, gripping it well and feeling the balance. "It is a good spear," she proclaimed. "A very good spear. I will make good use of it and I know it will slay many goblins. If only it was named Goblin Slayer."

“That’s why I named it Deliverance,” he explained. “You delivered my sister, you delivered our family sword, you have delivered a mighty blow to the goblins already, and I know you will do more.”

“Then it is a well named spear for sure,” Natora declared. “It will live up to its name, I will make sure of it.”

"We also have this," Anara's mother said, extending a small sack. "It is all the col we could spare. You deserve it after bringing our daughter back, as well as my husband's sword."

"Thank you," Natora said, taking the sack. "This will go a long way to ensuring that we help others in the city."

"Good," she said, with a smile.

They heard something on the stars. It was Anara, hobbling down despite her condition. "I had to come say thank you,” She explained, leaning against the wall and holding her side where she had been cut. “So, thank you. For my life, for my father's sword, and for killing all those goblins. You were the arm of justice, delivering the long-awaited vengeance on their heads for all the crimes they have committed. Our father was not the only death on their heads and they can rest easier in their graves now."

"Who should we speak to about the goblin issue?" Knightstar asked.

"The captain of the guard, Captain Markus," Koth said. "And I would definitely address him as captain. He will ignore you or turn you away for disrespecting his title. He usually is at the southern gate, since it has a guard house. You will know him when you see him."

They were done eating and ready to head out, but the family had one last gift for them. A jar of honey to spread on bread and sweeten their day.

"Thank you," Bladescape said, taking the jar. "We will make good use of it all. And the meal, it was wonderful."

They exited the house and all eight of them leveled up to Level 11.

"That meal was a nice bonus," Malus said as they high-fived their successful level up.

"How does the spear compare to the one in the beta?" Knightstar asked.

"It's similar," Natora said. “A little lower in attack, a little higher in accuracy, higher attack speed, and it has a definitive advantage when it comes to durability. So, it’s either a wash or slightly better. Combat will be the determining factor. But what is Doru?"

"It's an ancient Greek spear and the predominant weapon of the hoplites," Knightstar explained. "It is also known as a short spear, but that is mostly in reference to the later, extra-long spears used by the Macedonian phalanx. The doru was much longer than many spears of its time and even for many later armies. This spear fits the profile to a T. A leaf shaped spear head, with a total length of about three meters, or ten feet, and with a brass counterbalance on the end that is also a spike."

"How do you know that?" Thunderborne asked.

"I brushed up on weapons before the game," Knightstar shrugged. "It wasn't hard to quickly learn the various historical weapons in each classification. Then I started studying the fantasy variants. That was a completely different monster to learn."

"I bet this Captain Markus will be able to tell us if any of those weapons we picked up are missing," Bladescape said, keeping them on track.

They started making their way there.

"I'll probably just call her Deliverance," Natora stated as they walked. "It sounds better. The spear I was after was a greenish metal color, rather than the iron blue color this has. The Spring Evening Spear was unique and special with four enhancement slots, but so is this in its own right. Plus, it has eight enhancement slots. I never did any weapon enhancing in the beta. I switched weapons too often. Either way, I have a great spear that I can’t wait to do that with. If it isn’t owned by someone that needs it returned, Bladescape will have a good sword as well."

"10 enhancement slots," Bladescape added. “It has no owner, or rather, it didn’t until me. I’m the identified owner. The chief said he killed the owner and it sounded like the guy wasn't from around here.”

They headed to the southern entrance. Like Koth had said, identifying Captain Markus was easy. He was the only guard wearing a cape, which was clearly a symbol of rank.

“Captain Markus,” Natora called out. “May we have a word with you?”

"What can I do for you?" Captain Markus asked.

"Captain, we raided a goblin cave last night and inside were some weapons," Natora explained. "We were wondering if they have owners who deserve to have them back."

"I heard about your adventure and saving young Anara," Captain Markus said. "It sounds like she will recover, thanks to you. As to your question, outside of their family sword, we haven't lost any weapons of value. What you found is yours to do with as you please."

"What about the rest of the goblins?" Natora asked. "We hear they are a plague to Tolbana and you could use someone to go after them and strike them at their home."

"Yes," he replied with a slow nod. "I'll give you a handsome reward if you can bring me the head of General Graardor, their current leader. But if we just kill him and drive them off, a new leader will rise up, and probably seek revenge."

"We might have a way to fix that," Bladescape said, confusing her friends.

"I would be most grateful if you could end their reign of terror,” the Captain said. “I'll even add more to the reward. On top of col, I will give you a Tolbana Round Shield like the guards use and a mace that has been in my family for ages."

Their quest logs were updated, signaling the beginning of the quest “Goblin Diplomacy II.” They headed back into the city to plan and prepare. They circled up, eager to hear what Bladescape was thinking.

"I say we strike a deal with the forest goblin generals," Bladescape explained. "They help us kill Graardor and they get to come back to rule the mountains, so long as they promise not to target Tolbana."

"That is an interesting idea," Natora said, thinking. "I like it. Take Diemond and Konpeito with you and see if you can set that up. They were not hostile to us, so I doubt the camp will turn on you since we are in their good graces. The road isn’t difficult, and with your new sword, it should be safe enough. A smaller team will be easier to go unnoticed, by monsters and players. We will prepare here."

"That is a long walk," Diemond said.

"If you start now, you can make it back by nightfall," Natora added.

Diemond sighed. "I guess the sewing will have to wait, while I go make nice to those ugly creatures."

Bladescape swiped up her menu. She set up a party with just Diemond and Konpeito. The others would make a team of five, still within the six-member max for a party.

Bladescape moved to the other logistical matter. "Natora, I'm transferring the items I have to you, so that I am not burdened by unnecessary weight. You can figure out what to do with them, but I suspect that one of the rapiers is better than Thunder's. Check Doom's knives, I have no idea if they will be better. Konpeito might benefit from the axe, but Knightstar will be the better judge of that, same with the knives. I think Malus should take one of the helmets and the chest plate since she needs the defense as our primary tank. I doubt the chainmail is better than what we have, but I figure, unless it is trash, we should keep it on hand for when some of you add in armor skills."

"What about you?" Thunderborne asked. "Aren’t you going to pick up an armor skill?"

"I plan to go with leather armor," Bladescape replied. "Not any of the metal armor skills. The chainmail will be in the wrong class."

"I'll get on it with Knightstar," Natora said, taking the items Bladescape had.

“Uh, primary tank?” Malus asked. “What about Diemond?”

“Oh please, AJ,” Diemond said, waving it off. “I mean Malus. Force of habit still, darlings. Yes, I am working to be a tank and coming along well, but when it comes to battle, if we can only take one tank, that will be you. Every time it will be you because you are better at it. You are as stubborn as a mule and, in this circumstance, that is a very good thing.”

“I reckon I can accept that,” Malus replied, leaving it there.

“Is that it for gear?” Natora asked. “You're all as light as possible?”

They all agreed, however, Bladescape hadn’t transferred one item, the katana. It was named Ancient Mountain Sword. All of the weapons and equipment they had found in the pile had the prefix "ancient" to their names. What that actually meant, or if it even mattered, was unclear. But the katana looked exactly like the one Mr. Shinmi wore during the tournament: a mokko-gata shaped tsuba, with a landscape scene of water and cranes carved into it, and a slate grey tsuka ito wrap. Since no one in their group could use it, Bladescape was not going to give up that sword. She could practice Iaido with it in her spare time. Even without it being a skill, Iaido would be a good way to relax and focus her mind.

Diemond had passed off her crafting supplies. Doombunny offered to care for it. Diemond didn’t trust Thunderborne or Malus with them.

Unburdened, they headed south, back to the center of the map. They kept up as fast a pace as Diemond could handle. She had the heaviest gear and it slowed her down. That was why Natora had not suggested Thunderborne go with them. She would get impatient waiting on Diemond. Konpeito seemed to be content just going on a fun adventure with two of her friends.

It was midafternoon when they got to the forest goblin camp. They avoided Medai completely, which was easy since the camp was north of the town. It was no doubt more popular with the players than when they had left it. Keeping Tolbana to themselves for a few more days was wise for their personal survival, as well as making sure no one else got ahead of themselves and out of their safety margins.

"What brings you back?" General Bentnose asked as they walked up to the camp. He didn't sound pleased to see them.

"We have a proposition for you and General Wartface," Bladescape said. “A mutually beneficial proposition.”

General Bentnose scrutinized them for a moment. "Follow me," General Bentnose said, turning around and showing them to the largest tent. Inside was General Wartface. "What is this proposition?"

"A human proposition?" General Wartface asked, standing up. "And from the ones who solved our great dilemma."

"Yes, we do have a proposition for you," Diemond said, speaking in an attempt to keep them on their good side. They liked her in particular. "One that can reclaim your lost glory and get you out of the woods."

"We are listening," General Wartface said, getting excited.

Bladescape took over. "Tomorrow morning, we are going to attack the mountain goblins. I remembered that you said they kicked you out. General Graardor is our primary target. Now, you can benefit from this, but you have to agree to one thing."

"Yes? And that is?" General Wartface asked.

"Join us in battle against him. After we wipe out the resistance, you take control, and then you use your cunning and skill to ensure the goblins don't attack Tolbana or any of the other human settlements."

"That's it?" General Bentnose asked.

"Straightforward and simple," Bladescape said with a nod. "We need to ensure that Tolbana is no longer attacked by the goblins."

"With General Graardor out of the way, we could seize control," General Wartface stated. It was unclear if it was to himself, his fellow general, to Bladescape, or anyone else. "But, we are independent beings. We will do what we can, but smaller bands of goblins will do as they please. That is the same now as it will be after. They will be small and disorganized, not like us."

"If you can agree to the terms and wish to accept our proposition, then you know where you will find us tomorrow," Bladescape said. "We don't need an answer right now. I know that generals over armies need to plan the right course of action and that can take some time."

"Graardor is bigger, stronger than either of us," General Wartface warned. "He could crush us with his bare hands. You might stand a chance. You are tougher than we are."

"I am certain we will win," Bladescape stated. "Especially with your help. Let us deal specifically with the General, but the choice is yours. We need to get back to Tolbana to prepare for tomorrow's battle."

Bladescape exited the tent, not waiting for a response. Diemond and Konpeito followed her. They didn't speak until they were further away from the camp.

"Is that wise, not having an answer?" Diemond asked.

"It's the best we can do," Bladescape said. "Bentnose wasn't convinced. This will give them time to think. Either way, we are going to face this Graardor and his army tomorrow."

They got back as the sun was almost gone. The others had gotten an errand quest completed. The reward was a good chunk of col. They split the rewarded col eight ways.

Malus and Knightstar were wearing the Ancient Barbuta helmets, which were closed-faced helmets with a T opening in the front for the eye and mouth. Malus was also wearing the Ancient Cuirass of Verity. Thunderborne was sporting the Ancient Wind Fleuret rapier, a narrow sword with a green guard.

Natora had decided that Konpeito and Diemond also needed some of the equipment. Konpeito was given the Ancient Dark Steel Dane Axe and Diemond was given the Ancient Chainmail of Durin to wear once she got Light Metal Armor as a skill. Like the Ancient Wind Fleuret and Ancient Cuirass of Verity, they had eight enhancement slots. Higher grade armor could also hold enhancement slots to boost their durability, reduce weight, or increase their defensive properties.

The longswords were not better than the Anneal Blade, although they were very close, and like the swords, the knives had only slightly lower stats than what Doombunny was using. For unclear reasons, she took one that she liked, the Ancient Kissaki-moroha Tanto. The one-handed axes and the curved sword were of no use for the time being.

The unused weapons might be beneficial to some other players, and the general consensus was to hold on to them and see. They hoped to find a deserving player and keep the sale cost efficient, so that everyone profited. There was no reason why they could not start now as a “guild,” building a reputation for generosity and kindness.

Outfitted with their new equipment, and with plenty of potions, the girls grabbed dinner. Konpeito hadn’t been able to cook for them since she was gone. After the simple dinner, they headed to bed.

BLADESCAPE: Level 11 — One-Handed Sword — Searching — Weapon Defense
NATORA: Level 11 — One-Handed Spear — Purchase Negotiations — Sales Negotiations
KNIGHTSTAR: Level 11 — One-Handed Sword — Shield — Light Metal Armor
MALUS: Level 11 — One-Handed War Hammer — Shield — Light Metal Armor
THUNDERBORNE: Level 11 — One-Handed Sword — Sprint — Acrobatics
KONPEITO: Level 11 — One-Handed Axe — Cooking — Weapon Defense
DIEMOND: Level 11 — Mace — Shield — Sewing
DOOMBUNNY: Level 11 — One-Handed Dagger — Hide — Fighting Spirit

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