• Published 28th Apr 2023
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Ruby Palace - Mindrop

While exchange students in Japan, the girls get trapped in the hottest, newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life. The only way out is to beat the final boss in the Ruby Palace at the top of Aincrad.

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Episode 22 - Right To Fight

Episode 22 - Right To Fight
Thirteenth Day in the Month of Holly (December 13) in the Year of the Hawk
Floor 2 - Late Afternoon

Bladescape entered the pub where the boss strategy meeting was supposed to be happening in half an hour. She wasn't on the invite list, none of the Wondercolts were, which was why she was alone. If she was going to get them into the fight, showing up in force wasn't the wisest idea.

Bladescape sat at the bar and ordered a drink. From her seat, she was able to watch as Lind led the Dragon Knights Brigade in their dull blue colors into the pub. Their numbers had grown significantly since she last saw Lind. Soon after, Kibaou strutted in with an equally large force in moss green accents. They were the Aincrad Liberation Squad. Agil wasn't far behind and soon Kirito and Red Riding Hood entered. She was in a new red cloak, but her hood was down, openly displaying her chestnut hair, and her green hilted rapier was likewise openly displayed. Kirito was as dull black as ever. Another organized group joined as well.

Bladescape got a second drink as she watched. Neither Lind or Kibaou had noticed she was present. Kirito appeared to notice her, but he didn't react, not that there was anything to react about.

The meeting immediately started with Lind and Kibaou butting heads. They couldn't settle on a leader and the decision was left to a coin toss. Lind won and Kibaou begrudgingly yielded to him.

The details were all in Argo's guide. Bladescape had read them. The boss, Baran the General Taurus, had a strong secondary fighter with him, Nato the Colonel Taurus. Both were minotaur style bosses and very large in size.

"We will use six parties to focus on Baran the General Taurus," Lind decreed. "Parties seven and eight will focus on Nato the Colonel Taurus. He won't need as much force to beat. But we will need to ensure he is kept away from Baran and the other raiders.

"To be fair, I'll lead three parties from the Dragon Knights Brigade, Groups A, B and C, and Kibaou will bring three parties from the Aincrad Liberation Squad, Groups D, E, and F. The Legend Braves can be Group G and Agil, you are a veteran of games, you will lead Group H."

Bladescape stood up with her half-finished mug of ale in her hand. "Now wait one moment," she ordered as she walked over to them. "I heard about the field boss fight. Both of you, Lind and Kibaou, failed at your respective leadership roles. You also failed to work together for that simple fight and you barely made it out because of it. You might have each gained a large following, but that doesn't mean you get to monopolize things, or that you are capable of actually leading." Bladescape leaned onto the table as she glared at Lind and Kibaou. "Especially when neither of your groups have any experience in a floor boss room. They might have members who were there, but the Wondercolts all were and did a better job than any of you combined in the battle. The same thing goes to Legend Braves, who I have never met; none of them were in the first boss fight. No offense, but the Wondercolts should have seniority over them."

"You-" Kibaou exclaimed, freezing from his rage. "You…"

Lind wasn't happy either, but he was more composed. "You make a fair point, but I don't see the rest of your group here."

"That's a lame excuse," Bladescape spat back. "You know you didn't invite us and you did it intentionally."

"I'm not fighting alongside a beater!" Kibaou finished. "Why should we give up spots in the raid of players we trust, to you and that beater friend of yours?"

"Now hold on," Agil said, calmly but firmly. "Cutting out the Wondercolts is a very bad idea. They were crucial to beating Illfang. When things fell apart, they kept it together. When others were unable to withstand the attacks, as a party they held firm. Just because you have a personal issue with one of their members doesn't mean that we can afford to ignore them. They bring something to the battlefield that you lack. Teamwork, grace, loyalty, kindness, strength, civility, and unity. A Wondercolts party is worth at least two of either of your guild's parties."

"Fine, then you can take them in your group," Kibaou growled.

"Get over yourself!" Bladescape exclaimed. "You, Kibaou, are replaceable. You too, Lind. Having the biggest guild doesn't mean you have the best one. Size isn't everything, especially when you can't even defeat a field boss working together. You can't ignore the players who don't conform to your guilds, especially when they are better than you can hope to be. Every player in Aincrad has the same right to fight for their freedom as any of you do, no matter what group or guild they are with or their label as player, beta tester, or even beater. We all are stuck just the same as everyone else."

"Beaters shouldn't get to be in boss raids," Kibaou growled. "They can't be trusted to not cheat."

"You just can't stand losing to Natora like you did," Bladescape retorted. "If you actually care about conquering Aincrad so we all can leave, you will have to use the best available resources for the job. That includes Kirito and Natora. Diavel understood that.”

Mentioning this cut Kibaou to the quick, but he didn’t interrupt Bladescape.

"The first floor has been broken. Kirito was correct when he said the players in the first boss battle were better than most of the beta testers. For those classified as beaters, each new floor brings less and less personal experience, but they still have innate skills you lack. If they have what it takes to help us conquer Aincrad, they shouldn't be turned away. This is a joint effort and mistakes were made all around on the first floor. We can fix that from here on out. We will fix it. We are all on the same side, each of us, the players against the game. We stand as one, survive as one, or we fall alone. No one's HP will hit zero if we stay united. That doesn't mean we have to all be in the same guild, that only means that when it comes to key moments, like field and floor boss fights, that we are together, unified."

"Since the last boss battle, your guild has been scarce," Lind stated, trying to use it as an argument.

"You didn't bother to involve us," Bladescape retorted. "We were clearing and mapping. What do you expect us to do? You are grasping at straws for this weak argument."

Lind didn't have an immediate response. "Look, for now, the parties are set. From here on out, you will be notified and given a fair shot to join, if you can prove yourselves that is. Fight under Agil for this boss battle."

"Fine," Bladescape growled. "We will play your childish game so long as it does lead to other guilds and players gaining entry into the boss battles, assuming they can handle them. But after this boss battle, after we prove ourselves, again, you will keep a permanent slot for us like you keep slots for yourselves, the same goes for another party that can be made up of players not in guilds planning on assaulting the boss. Clearing this game and being members of the boss assault forces are two different, but equally important, types of players needed for us to make it to the Ruby Palace. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes," Lind said with a nod.

Kibaou just growled. It clearly was the best she was going to get from him. If he backed out of the deal, he would lose face with his own guild and others would be less likely to trust him. She had backed him into a corner that was satisfactory.

Bladescape drank her ale as she listened to the boys quarrel over the finer points of their “strategy.” The Legends Brave group wriggled their way from fighting Baron to the Colonel, leaving just Group H under Agil to deal with him. They would hit the boss in the morning, striking out for the labyrinth at 10am. Bladescape wasn't happy with the team arrangement, but it was better than missing the fight and she had done a decent job putting the two of them in their place.

When they were done strategizing, all that was left was for Agil to organize his group. Red Riding Hood and Kirito came over to Agil and Bladescape. "Well, that makes four of us," Agil said as he looked at the three of them. "Bladescape, I think we should fill out the rest of our party with your guild. Three independents and three Wondercolts should give them a good enough show to force your agreement to be upheld, the same for the importance of the independent players."

"We are taking on Baron alone, just the six of us," Bladescape said, talking through her thought process. "Those two are pure damage dealers. I can play forward if need be, but I lack a shield. The same for Agil. I think we have all of the damage dealers that we need. I'll bring in our two tanks, Malus and Diemond, to the fight. I hate to leave Natora out of it, I feel like I am punishing her, but her skills are with the two-handed spear, no shield. We need two solid shields for this fight, and only two of my five shield users are viable for now."

"It might not be a bad thing for her to skip it," Agil said. "I like Natora. I don't always agree with Kibaou, or even Lind. I'm on your side and I'm glad you spoke out and asserted not just yourself and your guild, but the other players. Still, Kibaou and Natora have very recent and bad history. I trust her, however I don't trust him to not cause some issue between them."

"We should avoid another post-boss fight duel," Bladescape said with an annoyed chuckle. "It isn't safe or conducive to our group as a whole."

"I like what you said," Red Riding Hood said, speaking up. "About two types of players; clearers and assaulters. It could be cleaned up a bit, but it is a good start. You are right about the difference and the importance of each. It sounds like your shield users are clearers, but not assaulters."

"Got any suggestions for making the terms cleaner?" Bladescape asked. "I've noted it as we mapped and explored the second floor, mostly in our group dynamics, but never really thought about it. We have eleven players in the Wondercolts. Eight are willing to go into boss fights, but two need to level some more. The other three are adamantly against it, even though two have the levels. Boss fights require a different mindset."

Red Riding Hood thought for a moment. "Clearers is a solid name, but if you want us to be on the same page, which we should be, Assault Team is a better name. The name spans the guilds and groups, allowing us to recognize our focus, no matter what banner or colors we fly."

"That's good," Agil said. "I'll do my best to spread it."

“I’ll push that language too,” Bladescape said, smiling at her for coming up with the terms.

"I love your circlet," Red Riding Hood added. "I never said that earlier. I was rather quiet and keeping to myself last time. I sort of still am."

"Thanks," Bladescape said. "Defensively, it is no replacement for a helmet. Statistically speaking, it has a good set of enchantments that offset the reduced defense. It’s like comparing apples to oranges and I know the circlet must have enough benefits to offset the helmet’s stats.

“However, as you stated, you have been quiet and keeping to yourself. My name has been publicly used, but I don’t know yours. Anyway, I’m Bladescape of the Wondercolts.” Bladescape bowed to Red Riding Hood to properly finish the introduction.

Red Riding Hood bowed back. “I’m Asuna. It’s a pleasure to officially meet you, Bladescape.”

“That’s a pretty name,” Bladescape said. “Better than ‘Red Riding Hood,’ after the European folk tale, which I have been using in my head.”

"Red Riding Hood is a cute nickname,” Asuna mused. “I don’t know that tale off the top of my head.”

Bladescape grinned. “Well, I’m not the best story teller, but I’ll lay down the best retelling I can.”

Agil knew the story, but enjoyed the retelling. Asuna got a good laugh out of it and admitted the nickname was well chosen. Kirito was silent the entire time, giving no indication if he had heard it or not.

Bladescape moved them back on track. “But, on another note, what do you know about these Legend Braves guys?"

"A bit of trouble," Kirito said. He glanced around to check if anyone was listening in. "A non-combat member was running a scam for enhancing equipment. It's complicated. I'm not sure if the others are involved or not. They almost got Asuna's Wind Fleuret rapier."

"We've been using Koricata, Nataszo, Nemus, and Lisbeth,” Bladescape said. “Although we haven't actually met Lisbeth yet. She is always running some errand for the others and Nemus is their refiner, not a smith yet. The four of them have been a team. I should look at more enhancements before the fight. We all probably should."

"That's a good idea," Kirito said. "And we no longer use him. I'm unsure how successful they have been about the scam, I've had more important things to focus on, but I’ll have to track down those guys."

"Town of Beginnings, northwest corner of the reflection pool south of the plaza, where the bazaar has been set up," Bladescape said. "Now, if there is nothing else to cover right now, I should get back to my guild to prep the others."

"Nothing I can think of," Agil said.

"I'll see you there in the morning," Bladescape said. “I look forward to fighting beside all of you.”

She headed to another pub where her friends were patiently waiting. Bladescape explained the situation and caught them up. Natora understood Bladescape’s logic and backed it. Malus was more than happy to join. Diemond took some convincing. Everyone encouraged her with how strong she had been for them all with her shield. In the end she couldn't deny the loot she would get and the importance of it for her crafting.

The three of them headed with Natora to get their weapons enhanced. Koricata was still open and available to do enhancements. They each could cover one enhancement, with Natora, Bladescape, and Malus splitting the cost for Diemond.

Bladescape added Quickness to her Ancient Red Sun Sword. Natora tried to add accuracy, but it failed. The change in stats was minor. Malus got heaviness successfully added to her Ancient Telmarine War Hammer, while Diemond added accuracy to her Engraved Mace.

BLADESCAPE: Level 17 — Two-Handed Sword — Searching — Weapon Defense — Leather Armor
NATORA: Level 17 — Two-Handed Spear — Purchase Negotiations — Sales Negotiation — Weapon Defense
KNIGHTSTAR: Level 17 — One-Handed Sword — Shield — Light Metal Armor — Equipment Appraisal
MALUS: Level 17 — One-Handed War Hammer — Shield — Light Metal Armor — First Aid
THUNDERBORNE: Level 17 — Rapier — Sprint — Acrobatics — Weapon Defense
KONPEITO: Level 17 — Two-Handed Axe — Cooking — Weapon Defense — Light Metal Armor — Martial Arts
DIEMOND: Level 17 — Mace — Shield — Sewing — Light Metal Armor
DOOMBUNNY: Level 17 — One-Handed Dagger — Hide — Fighting Spirit — Blade Throwing
KIEFER: Level 13 — One-Handed Curved Sword — Slash Weapon Forging — Light Metal Armor — Weapon Defense
SORYUTO: Level 13 — One-Handed Sword — Shield — Light Metal Armor — Music
REISENKI: Level 13 — One-Handed Axe — Shield — Light Metal Armor — Equipment Repair

KIRITO: Level 14 — One Handed Sword — Search — Hide — Martial Arts
ASUNA: Level 13 — Rapier — Sprint — Weapons Defense — Light Metal Armor
AGIL: Level 12 — Two Handed Axe — Leather Equipment — Weapon Defense — Equipment Appraisal

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