• Published 28th Apr 2023
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Ruby Palace - Mindrop

While exchange students in Japan, the girls get trapped in the hottest, newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life. The only way out is to beat the final boss in the Ruby Palace at the top of Aincrad.

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Episode 6 - Goblins And Doom

Episode 6 - Goblins and Doom
Eighth day in the Month of Cypress (November 8) in the Year of the Hawk
Floor 1 - Horunka - 9 AM

Bladescape smacked the goblin spear with her sword. Since she lacked a shield, or any of the weapon defensive skills, it was not an attack or defense. Still, it knocked it out of its intended path and the spear harmlessly slipped past her shoulder. Another advantage of it not being a skill meant that she wasn’t in a delay. Bladescape unleashed Horizontal on the forest goblin, leaving a red slash across its chest and carving off a good amount of hit points. Konpeito hopped out of nowhere and hacked the rest off with a well-placed attack. It was a critical attack too, not that the goblin had the health left to handle even a regular one. Konpeito was really good at pulling off critical hits.

Medai wasn’t much further ahead. They had sidetracked a bit to fight the goblins in the surrounding forest. There was no immediate rush to make it to Medai. They needed XP and that was their entire reason for heading here. The goblins were more intelligent and agile than the Little Nepenthes, but they only had a single point of attack, their spear or sword. Neither were too difficult to deal with.

“I could use some help!” Diemond called. She was dealing with two goblins.

Bladescape rushed over to her. Diemond wasn’t just taking the attacks on her shield, she smacked one, hard, with her mace, knocking it into the red. Bladescape leaped forward, triggering Vertical as she flew forward. The attack finished the goblin.

The remaining goblin’s sword scraped along Diemond’s shield. She shifted, forcing the blade away from her body. Diemond triggered a skill and blasted the goblin to polygons.

“Nice,” Bladescape said with a nod. “You’re quite good. You’re fierce. Fashion show fierce.”

“Thank you, darling,” Diemond said. “Better watch out for Konpeito. She is skipping through these woods with little care.”

“I noticed,” Bladescape chuckled. “She didn’t stay with Knightstar. It’s pretty boring being her partner. That Anneal Blade is strong. It’s only taking a single strike to eliminate a goblin. Still, Konpeito doesn’t seem to be in trouble, or causing it. She shows up when needed, and her health is still in the green.”

“That was fun,” Knightstar said, joining them. “Well, refreshing is probably a better word. After the struggle yesterday, these goblins are a breeze.”

“I’m glad that one of us has a weapon that can make quick work of them,” Bladescape said.

“Oh,” Knightstar said, realizing that she was the only one not struggling. “I...well I-”

“Stop,” Bladescape said. “We got one sword and that is what matters. You having an easier time means we all are having an easier time.”

“There you are,” Natora said, leading the others over. “Wait, where is Konpeito?”

“No idea,” Bladescape shrugged.

“Frolicking,” Diemond added. “She is literally skipping through the woods.”

“They are lovely,” Doombunny added. “If this wasn’t...well they would be lovely woods to skip through.”

“FOUND YOU, KNIGHTSTAR!” Konpeito yelled, jumped out from behind a tree. “I win! Now you go hide and I will try and find you.”

“Focus!” Bladescape ordered. “We need you with us, together. And we should get to Medai. I know we will probably just end up back here, fighting goblins, but there might be quests we can do and we should consider getting lodging.”

“The others, probably beta testers like me, are not far behind us,” Natora added. “We need to stay ahead of them. Some might go for Tolbana, but others will head to the other towns. I have my spear to get, so it's pretty linear for us, but we still want to stay ahead of the pack."

“Can I say something?” Diemond asked.

“Of course,” Bladescape said with a nod. Natora also nodded in agreement.

“I have a bad feeling about leaving so many others behind,” Diemond stated. “Surely there is something we could be doing?”

“I know, Diemond,” Natora nodded. “But there are over nine thousand of them, one of me, and seven of you. You are relying on me, which has me at my max. That is neither good nor bad, it just is a fact. A lot is going on in my head and I can only keep track of seven others. A thousand others were also beta testers. Sure, some will strike out on their own, but others will help. Right now, the best thing the eight of us can do isn’t an ‘everyone for themselves‘ situation, rather we need to be concentrating our focus and energy on our survival, as collective Wondercolts. We can’t help anyone else out if we are useless. We have to be strong enough to get past basic survival before we can begin to help others.

“Think of it like this. We are not denying them anything or harming them, but I only know a little bit. I am not a master of this game and most of my knowledge is map data and monster types. It is only relevant at specific times and locations, which is where we end up. If I could share that information with everyone at once, I would, but it is locked in my head. It would take me a long time to put a guide together and it wouldn’t be very good.

“Guide or no guide, players are going to die. Some will have bad luck, others will take chances they shouldn’t have, others will let fear rule their battles and freeze. I know I almost wet myself a few times early on in the beta and I didn’t have pain to deal with. I froze a few times in the beta and it always got me killed. Unfortunately, that isn’t something you can teach others. However, if you are working in a party, it raises your chances of survival. That is about the only advice I could really give to help players out.

“We are not responsible for the dead. We can’t hold ourselves responsible for any of their deaths. If we did, that means eight of us are responsible for ten-thousand players’ actions. That is unrealistic. Focus on getting stronger and safer, and then we can expand and help others.

“Besides, I saw the faces as we got out of the crowd. Most of them won’t leave the Town of Beginnings, at least for a few days. And those that do will most likely leave in groups. It’s the ones who rush out that will be at the most risk. I’d put a heavy wager on this statement: the majority of the deaths over the first two weeks will be the beta testers.”

The cold statement shocked everyone and left Doombunny quivering.

“Why do you say that‽” Thunderborne exclaimed.

“Simple logic,” Natora replied. She let out a sigh. “The fact is, if I wasn’t with you, I would be out alone, flying by the seat of my pants in pursuit of that spear from the beta test. I would be without backup or assistance. Knowing the map and knowing the monsters gives me some advantage, but I’m just as susceptible as any of you. The beta test is over and while it is still a very similar game, some changes were made. I lost all the levels and skills I had. I have to learn or earn them again. That is a harsh lesson I keep getting taught in almost every battle. If I’m having to relearn that lesson, then logically, so are they.”

“She’s right,” Bladescape said. “We can’t worry about the others, not yet. What is that saying, like the blind leading the blind? We have to learn to see first. Only then can we help the others. We won’t steam roll anyone, or take anything by force, but we have to use what little advantages Natora can provide us, to set us up for success in our new lives here, while we have to be here. I don’t want to live here anymore than any of you do, but I do know one thing: no matter what world, reality, or dimension you are in, survival is not living. Survival is hard work. It is scary. You are always on edge, always looking over your shoulder. Let’s not live that way. Alright?”

Bladescape put her hand out. Natora immediately put hers on top.

“Alright y’all,” Malus said, adding her hand. “If we’re gonna to save the world again, we’ll need to get stronger.”

“Again?” Natora asked. “I ‘heard save the school,’ but I thought Da-Thunder was being dramatic."

“Nope!” Malus shrugged. “Yeah, it started at the school, but each time it would’ve spread and caused a worldwide issue. We were at the start of world altering or ending plans.”

“We will catch you up later,” Thunderborne said, adding her hand. "As a group, so you get the right...perspective."

“Darling, why do you think we all have the geode necklaces?” Diemond asked as she put her hand in.

“I didn’t notice you had the same necklaces,” Natora replied. “I knew Dash wore a special one, but I thought it was for luck.”

“Hardly,” Thunderborne laughed. “I make my own luck.”

Knightstar rolled her eyes at Thunderborne as she sheathed her sword. She put her hand in as well. “I’m in, but we will need to get me writing materials. If we are going to help others and ensure we have the statistical advantage we need to maintain, then I will need to be taking proper notes.”

“Does this involve cupcakes?” Konpeito asked. “Or pie? Or any sweets, candy, or other confections?”

“The answer to that lies with you joining us,” Bladescape said, unsure of how else to answer the ridiculous questions. “And I honestly don’t know the answer, but if anyone can figure it out, it would be you. After all, you’re named for the candy.”

“ROCK CANDY SMASH FOR THE WIN!” Konpeito exclaimed as she sandwiched their hands between hers.

“And that noise alerted goblins,” Bladescape groaned.

“Sugarcube, we’ve got your back,” Malus said to Doombunny, their holdout.

“Statistics will be on your side and they never lie,” Knightstar added.

“Darling, what would Angel Bunny want you to do?” Diemond asked.

“Well,” Doombunny thought. “I think, no, I know, he would jump out, kicking his way into battle alongside his friends!”

“Hand in then!” Bladescape ordered, as she looked over her shoulder at the changing goblins. They all were looking at the incoming foes and waiting for the unifying gesture.

“Go Wondercolts!” Doombunny yelled as she slapped her hand onto theirs.

They all twisted out to fight the goblins. Knightstar blocked one and Natora ran it through with her spear. Diemond blocked another and Konpeito cleaved it apart. Malus struck with her hammer first and then used her shield to block two others. Thunderborne dashed around, behind them, and stabbed the goblins repeatedly in the back. Knightstar cut the head off the impaled goblin and cut down two more with Horizontal. Natora and Bladescape finished off the ones who survived their initial attacks and were left bashing on their shields.

They all turned to the last goblin. Before they could attack it began to float away as the polygons that made it up. Behind it was Doombunny, with an angry look in her eye and her dagger out in front where it had stabbed the goblin in the back, ending its virtual existence.

Doombunny stood up, free from the sword skill delay, and cut an X in the air before slamming her dagger in its sheath. “They are rather ugly things,” She casually stated, sounding very much like Fluttershy. Her eyes iced over as she glared at her friends and her voice left them all with a chill. “Plus, they are in my way. Anything blocking me from getting back to Angel Bunny and my animal friends will regret it.”

BLADESCAPE: Level 4 — One-Handed Sword — Searching
NATORA: Level 4 — One-Handed Spear — Purchase Negotiations
KNIGHTSTAR: Level 4 — One-Handed Sword — Shield
MALUS: Level 4 — One-Handed War Hammer — Shield
THUNDERBORNE: Level 4 — One-Handed Sword — Sprint
KONPEITO: Level 4 — One-Handed Axe — Cooking
DIEMOND: Level 4 — Mace — Shield
DOOMBUNNY: Level 4 — One-Handed Dagger — Hide

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