• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 25,485 Views, 568 Comments

Trixie's Gettin' Back On Her Hooves - Shadow Raikou

Accidentally stumbling upon a homeless Trixie, Twilight must help her get back on her hooves.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Clean Slate

Twilight smiled, putting books back on their shelves. “A little peace and quiet is always nice,” she said, smiling lightly. “I’m all for friendship, but everypony needs their alone time,” she continued, sliding the last book back into it’s place. She wondered when Spike and Trixie would be back from their errands. She expected Spike would be back first, since Trixie had another stop at Sweet Apple Acres and taking Rainbow’s letter wouldn’t take that long.

She heard the door swing open and loud, echoing hoof steps. She recognized the distinctive sound of more high class horseshoes hitting the floor, shoes none of her friends wore, she‘d only heard them in Canterlot.

“Oh, hello there,” the purple mare said, then actually saw her guest. The cold, calculating eyes staring back sent a chill down her spine. “W-welcome to the library.”

The mare’s eyes practically searched her. Twilight didn’t like it one bit, it made her feel like a manuscript being read for errors. And that wasn’t as fun an experience as it sounded. “Um…I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

The unicorn’s cold eyes met her own, making her begin to sweat as she looked back nervously. She felt like she was being silently judged for something, and the mare’s eyes just made her feel completely uneasy.

“I’m sure it’s a pleasure. I’m looking for a book, ‘Technology of Equestria; A Brief History’. Do you have it?”

Twilight nodded, but barely avoided cringing at some quality in her voice. No, not something in her voice, something that wasn‘t in it, but she couldn‘t tell what it was. “Y-yes, right this way,” she said, leading the way upstairs, glad to break eye contact with her intimidating visitor. She looked around the room carefully for the book in question. “Ah, here it is,” the purple unicorn said, pulling the book from the shelf and turning, finding her visitor’s analytic eyes scanning the room, resting on a section briefly, then moving to the next. It reminded Twilight of a camera taking photos.

The blue mare finally turned to Twilight and her horn glowed a deep violet as she floated the book over to herself. The mare leafed through the book and found a page, then scanned it and it’s neighboring page with the same exact precision she had the room. “Ah, there we are,” she said, then floated the book over to Twilight. “Just needed to clarify something.”

Twilight nodded, finding herself desperately trying to avoid eye contact as she took the book back and placed it back in it’s proper place.

The purple unicorn turned to find the mare watching her with those analytic eyes. “W-will that be all?”

“Yes,” the visitor answered. “Goodbye, have a nice night,” she said, turning and walking out.

“G-goodbye…” Twilight answered, watching her leave. She heard her stop in the main room for a second, then the door slam shut.

Twilight exhaled loudly. “Who was that?” she asked, giving a shudder.
“So you earned your Cutie Mark because of how Granny Smith helped found Ponyville?” asked Twilight, looking rather surprised as she and Trixie set in the library before bed. She was glad to have Trixie and Spike back so she could get her mind off that intimidating mare from before.

Trixie nodded in response, but looked preoccupied. “Trixie was quite surprised about it herself, Twilight,” the mare reported. “Trixie means who could’ve imagined such a thing? Trixie having a connection with the town where she became a laughing stock, not to mention one of those she publicly humiliated.”

Twilight gave a thoughtful look, thinking long and hard about what was said. “…Hey, could you tell me your Cutie Mark story?”

Trixie blinked in surprise. “T-Trixie’s Cutie Mark story?” she asked. “Well, Trixie supposes she could,” she said, showing a little bit of her natural pride at being the center of attention. She wasn’t a stage fright stricken filly anymore.
“Miss Monarch,” said Helping Hoof, climbing back up the hill over Ponyville to his boss. “I’ve got the addresses you wanted,” he reported, handing the list to her via telekinesis.

Checker took them with her own telekinesis and looked them over with her ever analytic eyes. Her mane was still messed up slightly, but over all her composure was normal. “Yes, these will do,” she said simply, pocketing them. “Now, come, I want to know what Trixie’s plans for tomorrow are.”

“Pony rich,” said Rover, looking fearfully up at his boss. “Why pony no use money to ruin other pony‘s life?” He was beginning to think he and his pack mates had gotten in over their heads. Unfortunately, he was also beginning to think Checker meant every word she‘d said before about what she‘d do if they crossed her.

Checker scoffed. “You semi-sentient brute, you don‘t know the first thing about running a business, do you? Ruining Trixie is something I thoroughly want to do, but it’s not worth the time and money to do some ‘business negotiations’ to do it. Doing it like this, the only money I lose is the gems I throw at you three nitwits, and I’ve got plenty more where they came from. Doing this to Trixie is more of a hobby really, I’ve been doing it since we were kids, it’s how I earned my Cutie Mark,” she said, talking about it like it actually was a hobby, sending a chill down the Diamond Dog‘s spines. “I’ll only put real money into it if I can get some money out of it, then it’s just a bonus.”
After the story was finished and Trixie ended her illusionary presentation, more than one thing seemed familiar about Trixie’s story to Twilight…but one in particular stood out. “Wait, so you were inspired by the Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot when you were a little filly?” asked Twilight, eyes wide as the realization hit her

Trixie nodded. “Yes, it was the inspiration for Trixie to pursue stage magic,” the mare replied, looking at Twilight with surprise. “What’s wrong?”

“Spike, get me my ‘Special Events In Equestria: Dates, Places, and Times’ book please,” Twilight requested, a slight urgency to her voice.

Spike nodded and headed to find the book as Trixie gave a blink. “Is there any occasion you don’t have a book for, Twilight Sparkle?” she asked, giving Twilight a surprised look.

“If there is, I haven‘t come across it.”

“Here you go, Twilight,” said Spike, handing Twilight the book, which was bigger than he was.

Twilight flipped through the book to the Summer Sun Celebration‘s section and scanned it quickly. She then gasped. “It’s just as I thought.”

Trixie came over and looked at it with a blink. “What is it, Twilight?”

“Trixie, where the Summer Sun Celebration is held changes every year in a cycle. It was only held in Canterlot once during our foal hoods!”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “And?”

“Trixie, I was inspired to go into magic when I went to the Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot as a filly!”

Trixie gasped in shock, checking the book, then looking at Twilight. Then back to the book and back to Twilight about three times in rapid succession. It took her a few moments to get her composure back. “T-Twilight…I have a connection to you and Applejack…It’s unbelievable…”

Twilight couldn’t help giving a small chuckle.

“What’s so funny?”

“It’s not nearly as unbelievable as you think,” Twilight replied, trotting over to a shelf filled with scrolls. She pulled out a scroll and opened it. “’Friendship Lesson 23: Today I learned something amazing! Everypony everywhere has a special magical connection with her friends, maybe even before she’s met them. If you’re feeling lonely and you’re searching for your true friends, just look up in the sky. Who knows, maybe you and your future best friends are all looking at the same rainbow.’”

Trixie gave a gag. “That is one of the most cheesy things Trixie has ever heard…”

Spike chuckled. “That’s what I said!”

Trixie then blinked as she actually thought about it. “So you’re saying Trixie may have had a special connection to you six because we were destined to be friends one day?”

Twilight nodded. “Well, sort of. Destiny might be too strong a word, but I think it’s easier to connect to someone if you’ve got a preexisting connection in your past,” she explained, giving a smile. “Rainbow Dash is the only Pegasus to ever perform the Sonic Rainboom, that’s how she earned her Cutie Mark. But when she did that, the shockwaves triggered the events that caused me, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie to all earn our Cutie Marks at the same time.”

“And led Twilight to hatch me,” Spike chimed in.

Twilight smiled and nodded to Spike. “Ours was probably a very special case because…well…”

“You six were destined to wield the Elements of Harmony, defeat Nightmare Moon, and save Equestria from nighttime eternal?”

Twilight blushed slightly. “Yeah, there’s that…But the point is, it’s not impossible for a group of friends to share a connection like we do. It just means we’ve got a common background that binds us together.”

Trixie gave a small smile. “Yes…Trixie supposes we do…”
Checker snuck up on the library. “Alright, be quiet, I need silence, eavesdropping spells require it,” she stated, concentrating, her horn glowing its dark violet as the words on the other side of the wall she was standing on became clear to her mind.
“Regardless, Trixie is rather happy to have finally made amends with Rainbow Dash…” said Trixie, smiling, but then gave a sad, unsure look.

Twilight quickly returned a concerned gaze to the unicorn mare. “Trixie, what’s wrong? You‘ve looked pretty distracted this whole time.”

Trixie sighed. “Twilight, Trixie is sure you’ve probably thought of it already,” she stated. “The townsponies…”

Twilight nodded grimly in response. “I have…Which is why I’ve tried to keep you from being seen as much as possible…”

Trixie nodded. “Trixie knows that they may not all be as forgiving as you are, but Trixie realized something today. If she is going to get back on her hooves, then she’d best wipe the slate clean. After all, how should she rise back up if everypony but you seven still hates her?”

Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder. “But Trixie, it wasn’t your fault the Ursa attacked, it was Snips and Snails who lured it into town.”

“Because of the lie Trixie told,” replied Trixie, guilt in her face. “Trixie lied and because of that lie, those two colts brought the Ursa Minor to town. While Trixie never intended for it to happen, she still had a hoof in it. And regardless, the town still blames Trixie…I just want a fresh start, Twilight. I see the world through new eyes, I want to make the best use of that that I can. Besides, just how do you suppose I get along in this town, or any other that’s heard about it for that matter, if everyone hates me for something I did? Wouldn‘t it make more sense for me to earn forgiveness so I can just move on with my life?”

Twilight gave her a thoughtful look, then nodded, knowing Trixie was serious when she used the first person.

Spike looked understanding, as Trixie spoke. He looked down sadly.

“…Alright…what do you want to do?” Twilight asked, putting a hoof on Trixie’s shoulder.

“The best thing to do would be to apologize to the entire town at once, would it not? Publicly?”

Twilight nodded slowly, but wasn‘t so sure. “I suppose…I can probably get Mayor Mare to set it up.”

“Trixie would like that…”
“Oh this is perfect,” stated Checker, turning from the library, an icy sneer on her face. “They’re doing half my job for me, how perfect,” she said, leading the group along. “Now all I need to do is stir up the flames and get things ready,” she continued, thoughtfully. “Alright, Helping Hoof, we’ll need a copier, to make fliers. Then hand them out to everypony in town, especially those on this list you gave me, but not anypony who is affiliated with those six, and especially not those six, understood?”

Helping Hoof nodded, cowering at her gaze, then heading off to follow her bidding. “Yes, Miss Monarch.”

“Why pony so scary?” asked Spot to his pack mates, giving a shudder.

“It’s a gift,” said Checker, looking over her shoulder and giving him an icy glare, causing him to cower and back away whimpering. “Ponies tend to be quite intimidated by my eyes, it’s quite useful when it comes to manipulating them,” she explained, then looked back towards town.

“Better get your sleep, Trixie,” said the insidious mare, giving a cold smirk. “Tomorrow will be the show of a lifetime.”
The two both got in their respective beds and prepared for bed. “…Trixie,” Twilight said, looking up at the blue mare. “You’re sure you really want to do this? I mean, there‘s probably another way. You‘ve got no reason to apologize for something you didn‘t do.”

“Twilight, please…Let Trixie do this.”

To both mare’s surprise, it wasn’t Trixie that said it.

“Spike?” they both asked at the same time.

Spike looked sadly to Twilight. “I know how she feels.”

Twilight blinked, then realized something with a gasp. “Spike! That wasn’t your fault! You couldn’t-”

“Exactly, I couldn’t control myself, and that’s why it happened. Just like Trixie lied and that’s why the Ursa ended up attacking. We might have not done anything wrong in your eyes, and I’m glad, but we still messed up and did something we shouldn‘t have been doing in the first place that caused Ponyville to get wrecked,” Spike said, guilt clear in his eyes.

Trixie blinked. “Trixie is lost, what are you talking about.”

Twilight tried to speak up, but Spike shook his head, then looked down. “…Did you hear about the giant dragon that attacked Ponyville a few months ago?”

Trixie scratched her head. “Trixie believes she read something of the sort on the newspaper she was using for a pillow, what of it?”

Spike’s eyes misted up at the memory. “…That was me.”

Trixie blinked, not seeing how it was possible. “You?”

Spike climbed up and set down next to her, looking down. “…It was my birthday…it was the first birthday where I’d gotten tons of presents from everypony, Twilight normally just gets me a book…”

“Trixie expected as much,” said Trixie, causing Twilight to blush from embarrassment.

“It felt so cool…It felt great to get all those things, really great…”

“Trixie knows the appeal, the gifts a showmare receives have a certain appeal when your father gives you gifts based solely on how much you earned in his own eyes.”

“But I’m a dragon.”

“Trixie is not following.”

Spike sighed, looking down. “To a dragon, getting all those things…it felt so great, I’d never felt anything like it…Then I got more gifts, and I liked it more and more. I felt like I had to have more. I couldn’t resist it, it wasn’t me wanting things, it was like I needed things, and not like ponies say they need something, I mean it felt like there was a pit in me I was trying to fill with everything I could get my claws on…”

Spike looked like he was actually going to cry, so Twilight stepped in for a second. “Trixie, dragons have a natural instinct to create their horde. When Spike got all those things, it awakened his natural greed. I don’t know if what happened next is normal for dragons, ponies know very little about them. I only figured out what was happening to him by going to Zecora, and even she told me later she wasn’t certain if it was the normal for all dragons or just a condition that afflicts some dragons.”

Spike closed his eyes, thinking back. “I started to grow, really fast. I went from how I usually am to a teenager overnight. The need got so much worse…it started to become the only thing I could think about. The more I grew, the worse it got until…I can’t even remember…That’s the scariest part, I don’t remember half of what I did…” he said, his voice cracking a little bit as tears formed in his eyes. “I…I turned into a monster…I tore apart Ponyville, I hurt everypony I cared about…And I can’t remember any of it…I didn’t even recognize Rarity. Me, not knowing who she was…And she couldn‘t even recognize me anymore…”

Twilight climbed up the ladder and set on Spike’s other side, pulling the baby dragon close to her like a mother comforting a child as he couldn’t contain his tears anymore. She didn’t know what to tell him, and it hurt. She’d been with Spike his entire life, he was family. Somewhere between a little brother and a son, and it tore her apart to see him hurt like this. Twilight looked up to Trixie. “Spike gave Rarity a Fire Ruby he’d been growing specifically for his birthday meal. She wanted it, dear Celestia she did, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask him for it. She knew it meant a lot to him…He gave it to her anyway, his own special gift, without even being asked…And when Spike was that giant dragon, and tried to take it from her, she told him how much it meant to her because Spike had given it to her. She didn’t even know it was Spike, the only reason anypony knows is because they both said she’d said it when all was said and done, and she still said that. That reminded Spike of how good it felt to give the ruby to her and make her happy, which reversed the process.”

“Yeah…and sent us both almost falling to our deaths…” Spike muttered, after crying into Twilight’s chest while she spoke. He gave her grateful look before continuing. “…I know I couldn’t control myself…but I let myself be controlled by my greed…it was my fault, everypony else was just being nice…So yeah, I know how you feel when you say you feel guilty for the Ursa attacking Ponyville…”

Trixie was speechless. “Trixie…I…” she started, but couldn’t think of what to say. So she just put a hoof on his shoulder. “Thank you for telling me that…I know it wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. But I have even less of an excuse than you do for what I did. You have the excuse of it being natural, I was merely a liar.”

Spike nodded. “You’re welcome…I’m glad I helped…And thanks…”

Trixie blinked. “For what?”

“For giving those lessons on dealing with nightmares,” said Spike. “I’ve been having nightmares for weeks about that, but thanks to you, they’re gone…thanks…”

Trixie smiled. “You’re welcome…” the unicorn mare said, then gave a yawn. “Trixie thinks we all need some rest, we’ve got a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”

Twilight nodded, then smiled to Spike as they climbed down. “That was awfully nice of you, Spike.”

“Well…how many ponies can I talk to that know how it feels to have one of their mistakes nearly destroy Ponyville?”

“Well, there was that time Rainbow Dash’s ego almost caused the town to get flooded…and Fluttershy with the Parasprites…”

“And you with Smartypants?”

Twilight blushed. “Good point…”
With Helping Hoof and the Diamond Dogs enacting her plan, Checker Monarch approached the library and stood outside, as close as she could get to the room itself. “You may know grandmothers little secret, Trixie, but that won’t protect you. And your defense is my weapon…”

Checker concentrated, horn lighting up as she entered Trixie’s dreams.
Checker floated in a white void of a dream ready to form. She blinked for a moment before smirking. “A white void is something that simply doesn’t exist in real life, this is a dream…Trixie’s dream to be specific.” Now that she‘d established that, she concentrated on her memories, assembling the library from the careful examination she’d made earlier today. She assembled a near perfect replica of the interior of the building. With the dream world fully formed, she took “Technology of Equestria” and set down in a chair, opening it to the page she’d so carefully analyzed earlier that day. She made sure to make the copy in the slot in the upstairs vanish while she was at it.

Trixie groaned, turning over in her bed. She looked around, finding Twilight wasn’t there, must have gotten up early to go and arrange things with Mayor Mare for later. Trixie gave a deep breath, knowing what waited for her today, it weighing heavy on her mind. She headed down stares…then froze at the top of the stairs in terror when she saw the figure sitting at the table.

“Why hello, little sister,” said Checker, looking up from the book, shutting it with a loud slam and laying it on the table. “Long time no see.”

Trixie broke out in a cold sweat at the sight of the mare. “C-Checker?! W-what are you doing here?!” she asked in shock, nearly falling down the stairs.

“I heard you were in Ponyville, thought I’d stop by and see if my worthless little sister had managed to get back on her hooves yet,” Checker said, no element of compassion in her voice. Her cold, terrifying stare met Trixie’s, narrowing into a glare that made Trixie begin trembling. “And you haven’t, not that that’s a surprise.”

Trixie growled, working up what nerve she could in the face of her sister’s unnerving gaze. Something about Checker’s stare…no matter how hard she tried, Trixie just couldn’t help feeling intimidated just looking her in the eye. It reminded her of what little she’d seen of ‘the Stare’ in Everfree Forest.

Still, Trixie managed to head down the stairs. “Trixie is doing just fine, she’s not on the street anymore at least.”

“Yes, she’s accepting help, showing weakness, and generally being a complete disgrace to our family,” Checker said, giving her sister a disappointed look. “As usual.”

“Trixie…Trixie doesn’t care what you or father say Checker!” Trixie yelled, snarling at her sister.

“Oh really?” asked Checker, intensifying her glare, forcing Trixie to take a trot back. “You don’t care your own family has disowned you?”

Trixie gasped, then looked down sadly.
“W-what?” asked the dirty, malnourished Trixie, at the door way to her father’s mansion, Checker standing at the door way, judgmental eyes staring down at her.

“You heard me, Trixie,” Checker said, spitting her name out like it was venom. “You’re a failure, and no Monarch is a failure! None of them! Look at yourself. You’re a poor, filthy, worthless excuse for a pony that comes crawling on her knees for help. What is the Monarch Family’s take on receiving help?”

Trixie started crying.


“…Accepting help is a sign of weakness…”

Checker gave an icy cold smirk. “Exactly. Now you worthless mare, until you make something of yourself, don’t you dare darken our doorway again! Not until you’re a somepony. If you’re not a somepony, then you’re a nopony! Never forget that, Trixie!”

Checker picked Trixie up with telekinesis and quite literally threw her off the property, in the pouring rain. “Now, get out of my sight you worthless has-been!”

Trixie cringed as the door slammed. Tears flowed freely as she ran off into the rainy night.
Trixie tried to hold back her tears, but they still ran down her face. Checker gave an icy smirk. “I thought so.”

Trixie snarled as tears rolled down her face. “Get out! GET OUT! Trixie will get back on her hooves! She‘ll show you!”

Checker gave a bone chilling chuckle. “So you really think this little show of yours is going to work?”

Trixie gasped. “What…what do you mean?”

Checker got up and circled her sister. “You think this town will accept you after what you did to it? That you‘ll say ‘I‘m so sorry!’ and all will be forgiven?” she asked, in a calculating, icy cold tone. “You brought an Ursa Minor to attack their town, do you honestly think they care if it was an accident?”

Trixie started shaking with fear as her sister circled her. “T-they will! Trixie’s friends forgave her!”

“Exactly, your FRIENDS forgave you,” Checker stated. “And even then, only three whom you did not harm entirely, and two who didn’t TRUST you after they forgave you. The last one outright HATED you! What makes you think a town that has seen only the Trixie who brought ruin upon them will forgive you for that? Are you really that naïve?”

Trixie shook her head desperately. “T-they’ll understand…it was an accident…they’ll…they’ll forgive T-Trixie…”

Checker leaned in close, looking Trixie right in the eyes with an intense, terrifying glare. Trixie started trembling, fear surging through her body as she looked into her sister‘s glare. It took all her willpower not to wet herself in blind terror. But still, she couldn’t look away. “Face it, Trixie, they’re normal ponies, they’re not going to see a poor, down on her luck mare. They’re going to see the one who brought a monster to destroy their town then ran away with her tail between her legs like a coward. Remember the other places you tried getting shows after the incident? The ones who had merely heard about it? They pelted you with rotten tomatoes and booed you off stage before you could even get a word in edgewise, didn’t they?” Checker kept her voice low, deliberate, and as cold as ice.

Trixie tried to look away, but couldn‘t.

“Answer me when I’m talking to you.”

“Y-yes…” Trixie started crying.

“So what do you think the town who you actually hurt is going to do to you?” Checker said, giving a twisted smirk as her sister broke down crying. “If you get on stage tomorrow, you’re a ruined mare. What little safety you have here will be ruined. Face it Trixie, you’re done.”
“Sweetie Belle, what are we doin’ here again?” asked Applebloom, climbing up over a trash heap at the junkyard. She gagged and threw an old rotten banana peel off her hoof.

“I told you, I found out that after they couldn’t find Trixie to return what was left of her cart, they put it here,” Sweetie Belle said, tripping over a can and falling down a slope of trash, into Scootaloo and Applebloom, knocking them all down to the bottom.

“Why did they do that?” asked Scootaloo, helping the other two up and dusting herself off.

“Because half the town was angry at her for the Ursa thingie tearing it up?” asked Applebloom.

“Good point…”

“Anyway, I thought it’d be nice if we could find whatever might be left in the wreck for her,” said Sweetie Belle, looking to the other two.

“Yeah, and Trixie’s our friend, so it’s the right thing to do,” said Applebloom, looking around the surprisingly large junkyard. “…Uh…where do we start?”

Sweetie Belle scratched her head. “Hey, how come we never noticed this place before?”

“Well, I guess all the trash has to go somewhere,” said Scootaloo with a shrug.

All three sighed. “Ah guess we’d better get lookin’.”
Checker chuckled, watching the gathering crowd around the town hall. Many of them with clear anger on their faces. “Perfect. Everything is falling into place perfectly,” she said, taking out her chessboard, her side including pawns representing the town ponies as a whole. “All my little pawns doing exactly what I want them too.”

“Um…Miss Monarch?” stuttered Helping Hoof.


“Well, not that this isn’t a perfect plan or anything like that but…how can you be sure that the townsponies will run Trixie out of town?” asked Helping Hoof, keeping his always submissive posture.

“Simple, they don’t have to,” said Checker. “Trixie just has to think they will. And Trixie should be having a nice case of stage fright right now.”

“For oh so many years, the spotlight I’ve had to share.
Since the day that you were born
Between us attention has been torn
And that’s something I have been unable to bare,” Checker sung, looking over the chessboard.

“Every time that you come close to checkmate
The spotlight is split between me and you.
And sister, that simply will not do.
And lucky for me it’s I that controls your fate!” Checker continued, picking up the chess piece telekinetically.

“Well Trixie dear, it’s about time for you to realize
Your place is with nothing left at all.
So be a nice girl and finally take the fall,” the mare sung, dropping the piece to the ground.

“Because that’s how it should be through my eyes…” Checker brought her hoof down on the chess piece, shattering it into magical sparks. Checker looked up at the gathering with a cold smirk and a chilling chuckle. She clapped her hooves once, the Diamond Dogs put a black cloak on her and she pulled it such that her face was hidden and from a distance she couldn’t be identified.

Fluttershy peaked out from behind the door to town hall. “Um…those ponies don’t look too happy…”

“Of course not,” said Rainbow Dash . “We got them all out of bed early on a weekend, I’d be cranky too,” she said, looking to the others. “Where’s Trixie?”

Twilight looked around. “That’s strange, she was right here…”

“Ah think she’s in the back,” said Applejack, looking up at the pulleys for the curtains of the stage outside city hall commonly used for public announcements. “Yah know, those pulleys need a a good oilin’, they probably squeak like blue blazes.”

“Later, let‘s concentrate on finding Trixie,” Twilight said, then walked around. “Trixie!” she called, then peaked into another hallway, finding Trixie…but not in a good state. “Trixie?”

Trixie was curled up in a fetal position, trembling in fear.

“Trixie, are you alright?” asked Twilight, concern clear in her face as she trotted over to her friend. “What’s wrong?”

Trixie slowly looked up at her. “T-Twilight…I…I don’t think I can do this…Who am I kidding? They’re not going to forgive someone like me…They’re just chase me out of town…It would not be the first time…”

Twilight sighed and pulled Trixie up with telekinesis. “Trixie, they’re not going to chase you out of town,” she said, though she wasn’t completely sure herself. “They forgave Princess Luna for being Nightmare Moon…eventually…It didn’t help she came on Nightmare Night…Anyway, they’ve forgiven me for messing up, I’m sure they’ll forgive you if you honestly apologize. Or at the very least give you the chance to earn forgiveness. They‘re not mean ponies, Trixie, they can overreact sometimes…And during that Iron Will thing, they all took his lessons too seriously.”

Trixie blinked. “Iron Will?”

“A minotaur who gave a motivational seminar, he had to give another one when all was said and done to ‘use your anger as a tool don‘t be it‘s fool‘ because everypony took his lectures too seriously.”

“Trixie took his seminar once, where do you think she got her stage style?”

“That explains so much…Anyway, the point is, most of the time, Ponyville is a sweet place to live, and they’ll forgive you if you honestly apologize. I’ve seen them do it before with that whole Gabby Gums incident.”

“Gabby Gums?”

“Long story, I‘ll show you later…so please, just give it a chance,” said Twilight, giving her an honest smile. “And if they don’t accept you, I promise we won’t let them chase you out of town.”

Trixie took a deep breath. “…Alright…Trixie supposes she will…Thank you, Twilight…”
Trixie slowly trotted out towards the podium. She saw glares looking back at her, glares of anger, maybe hatred.

“Hey it’s that Trixie who made that Ursa attack us!” yelled a voice from the crowd.

That got a few others to scream a few things, and Trixie could hear the booing now.

Checker chuckled and slipped back into the crowd, comfortable in her disguise

“Yes, that was Trixie…” Trixie said, starting to sweat. Her eyes darted around the crowd, seeing all of theirs on her, a feeling she would normally relish in but now felt terrified of because she swore she saw hatred for her in every last one of them.


A boo came from the crowd. Trixie only saw a figure slink into the crowd when she saw the source of it.


Another boo, this time joined by a few others.


“Get off the stage you jerk!” yelled a female voice. Trixie almost recognized it. Several others joined it.

Trixie felt her heart rate increase. She saw angry eyes everywhere she looked.

“Trixiejustwantstosayshe‘s-” Trixie said, rapidly as she could to get it out before another boo. Instead, a rotten tomato flew out of the crowd and hit her in the face, knocking her on her flanks, followed by two more hitting her in the head as well. Trixie’s eyes teared up. She heard laughing in her ears, they had to be laughing at her, they HAD to be! What else would they be doing?!

“Sorry…” muttered Trixie, tears streaming down her face as she galloped off stage, several rotten tomatoes hitting both her and the stage behind her..

“Trixie!” yelled Twilight, running after her, the other five following suit.

Checker chuckled under her breath, putting another rotten tomato back in a basket with her telekinesis. “Checkmate,” she said, slinking back before anyone noticed where her projectiles had originated.

“Trixie!” yelled Twilight, catching up with the mare. “Trixie, are you alright?”

“Of course Trixie’s not alright! She just got pelted with vegetables and chased offstage!” yelled Trixie, tears running down her face. “They’re not going to forgive Trixie, Twilight!…I was stupid to think they would…”

Twilight frowned, putting a hoof on her shoulder. “Trixie…”

“Look, just because there’s a few jerks in the crowd, doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel,” said Rainbow Dash, coming up to her.

“Yeah, cheer up!” said Pinkie Pie. “I know every single pony in Ponyville, and I can promise that about 90% of the town will at least give you a chance!”

“Trixie doesn‘t think they will…” said Trixie, looking like she was going to break down crying.

“Oh come on, I’m sure they will!” said Pinkie, before taking a deep breath.

“Is she going to-”

“I know that things look bad now”

“Yep, that’s Pinkie Pie for yah,” Applejack replied.

“I know it’s hard to turn that frown upside down!
I know things aren’t what you thought they’d be!”

“Is now really the time for a song?” asked Trixie, looking back.

“But Trixie, just listen to me!” Pinkie continued.

“When things are looking bad
Don’t let yourself stay sad
That’s like being wet and making yourself wetter.
So chin up, things are going to get better!” sang Pinkie, trying to get Trixie’s attention, but the depressed mare just kept turning away from her

“Trixie fails to see how…”

“Trixie, no one said it’d happen over night.
But you won’t know if you don’t fight!
I won’t say you’ll never have a bad day
Into sad time we all sometimes stray!” Pinkie sang, pulling Trixie around to face her.
“We all have bad times and need picked up off the floor
And Trixie, picking you up is what friends are for!” Pinkie sang, hugging Trixie. Trixie was surprised, but gently returned the hug.

“We’ll get through the bad times together.
Trixie, things are going to get better!” Pinkie sang, taking a step back and producing a tissue from offscreen for Trixie to wipe her tears away with as the rest of the group put hooves on Trixie‘s back to support her.

“So when you think you’re at the end of your rope
Never ever, EVER give up hope!
The sad times won’t last forever.
And we won’t leave your side ever!”

“You really mean that?” asked Trixie, looking at all her friends. She felt warm inside, having such kindness directed her way.

Rarity magically cleaned Trixie up. “Certainly, darling.”

“Of course, Trixie, we’d never think of leaving a friend behind.”

“Darn tootin’, we ain’t ever gonna leave our friend when they need us!”

“I’m not the Element of Loyalty for nothing, no way we’d leave you hanging.”

“We’ll be there for you…i-if that’s alright with you.”

“So Trixie, don’t give up now
Turn that frown upside down!
“And…and…” Pinkie looked confused, and looked to Twilight. “Twilight, what’s another word that rhymes with better?”


“Oh! Thanks!”

“And we’ll follow our promise through to the letter
Trixie, things are going to get better!” Pinkie finished, Trixie receiving a group hug.

Trixie looked at her friends, unsure what to think. “…Trixie…I don’t know what to say except…thank you all…”

“No need to thank us, sugarcube, we’re just doin’ what friends do,” said Applejack, patting the mare on the back. “Nice song, Pinkie.”

“Hey, I’m Pinkie Pie and this story has songs! How could I not get one?” Pinkie replied with a cheerful smile, getting confused looks from everyone.

“Right…But how will we get Trixie out of this mess?” asked Trixie, confused, and not entirely convinced she could. “She just got pelted with tomatoes and chased offstage.”

“Let’s go tell those ponies you’ve changed!” said Rainbow, looking eager to do that.

“No,” said Trixie, seriousness in her tone.

“Why not? They’ll believe us!” Rainbow replied, looking confused.

“Yes, they’ll believe it because you said it,” said Trixie with a sigh. “Trixie appreciates everything you’ve done for her…but Trixie doesn’t want ponies to forgive her just because someone else tells them to, then Trixie did nothing but let someone else do the work she rightly should do to fix her own mess.”

Rainbow prepared to reply, but sighed and shut up. She knew it was partly Trixie not wanting others to help her, that’s just how she was, but it was partly because Trixie was right.

“That won’t be easy, I know that much…but after the Smartypants Incident, I helped out around town to make up for it…”

“What is the ‘Smartypants Incident’ you keep talking about anyway?” asked Trixie, raising an eyebrow.

“The last time Twilight was late getting her assignment to Celestia!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

Twilight blushed heavily, having been trying to avoid talking about it, but saw from Trixie’s look she wouldn’t rest until she knew. “I was really stressed from everything Discord put us through and I missed a Friendship Letter to Celestia…I kind of went temporarily insane and used a Want It, Need It Spell on the entire town on accident…”

Trixie shuddered. “After what Discord did to you, you’re probably not the only pony he ’played with’ to have a nervous breakdown…Ugh, Want It, Need It Spell, Trixie is quite familiar with it,” the blue mare stated, giving an unnerved look.

Twilight blinked. “You’ve used it?”

“Celestia no, Trixie’s special talent doesn’t lend itself well to mind magic outside a few low level stage hypnosis spells, she can‘t make anyone do anything truly against their will, at least not something they‘re completely opposed to doing. Trixie is fairly certain her sister brainwashed her with it as a filly several times just to get her in trouble with our father,” Trixie explained, frowning at her memories. “Trixie could never prove it to her father, but her sister was always a bully to her.”

Twilight gasped. “Trixie, that’s awful…”

The blue showmare nodded. “Yes, it was…Trixie’s sister made her foalhood quite miserable. She couldn’t stand for Trixie to do anything that took the spotlight from her in any fashion. And no, not just off her, if she had to share it with Trixie at all.”

“I’m sorry…I’ve been bullied, but my big brother was always so nice to me…” said Twilight, not sure what to say.

“You have a brother?”

“Well…remember that whole Changeling attack about a month ago?”

“Yes, Trixie came to Canterlot hoping to get a job fixing up the damage, no such luck, what about it?”


“Trixie!” called three young voices.

Twilight was somewhat relieved to hear the Cutie Mark Crusaders so she wouldn’t have to explain her brother was the Captain of the Royal Guard and married to Princess Cadence, Trixie had too many bombshells today without adding another.

“Girls?” asked Trixie, looking over as the three fillies ran up. It was a couple seconds later before everyone covered their noses. “Ugh, what is that smell?!”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all blushed a little, covered in trash and dirt. “Well, we kind of spent the day rummaging through the dump…” said Sweetie Belle, sheepishly.

“Sweetie Belle, why would you do something like that?! Do you have any idea how difficult it will be to get the stains out of your fur?!” asked Rarity, looking like it was the. Worst. Possible. Thing. Doing the faint that went along with it.

Trixie blinked. “Where does she get the couch?”

“Sis, we did it so we could find something,” said Sweetie Belle, giving a smile.

“Trixie, Ah think these are yours,” said Applebloom, Scootaloo pulling the wagon around to reveal a pouch of bits, a purple magician’s hat and cape covered in stars, both tattered and dirty, and a few other odds and ends.

Trixie’s eyes went wide. “These are…”

“Your things,” said Scootaloo, giving a smile. “What’s left of them anyway.”

“We knew you lost everythin’ when you lost your cart, so we found the wreck and managed to pull these things out of it,” said Applebloom, then frown. “Sorry it ain’t much, it’s all we could find.”

Trixie was in a daze. “T-thank you…” the mare said, before heading over and picking up her cape, the blue jewel still in it’s proper place. She looked at her reflection, her eyes tearing up. “Trixie needed a good deed done to her today…”

Applejack and Rarity put a hoof on their sister’s shoulders while Rainbow put one on Scootaloo’s, all with proud smiles.
Helping Hoof watched this and headed back to Checker, who was looking quite smug. “Um, Miss Monarch?”

Checker looked to him. “You may speak.”

Helping Hoof opened his mouth to speak, then looked back towards the group.


“Oh…it’s nothing…just wanted to say congratulations your plan went off flawlessly.”

“Yes, it did, didn’t it?”
“Oh, so this is Gabby Gums,” said Trixie, looking through an archived version of it with a chuckle she desperately needed after the day she‘d had. “My, those three really would make good tabloid journalists.”

Twilight nodded, a little embarrassed. “Yeah…But they ended up getting a bit too mean for everypony’s tastes…”

“Hey Twilight, isn’t that the issue with-”

“What?! Where did they…how did they…Trixie did no such thing!”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie’s Secrets Revealed…”

“Trixie’s act only involved hamsters that one time! And the one who hired Trixie said there’d only be a few hamsters! Trixie’s show failed because there were gnaw marks on everything!”

“Trixie!” yelled Twilight, putting her hooves on Trixie‘s shoulders. “Calm down! Yes, it’s hurtful they said those things, they said some nasty stuff about me too. They learned their lesson already and apologized to the entire town, and got punished enough.”

Trixie blushed. “Oh…Trixie‘s apologies…Trixie may have slightly overreacted.”

“What happened with the hamsters?” asked Spike, scratching his head.

“Trixie doesn’t want to talk about it…” said Trixie, shuddering. “They were everywhere…”

Trixie then sighed. “Twilight…speaking of being forgiven…”

“I’ve arranged with Mayor Mare, tomorrow you’ll be doing community service all over Ponyville, to earn the money to pay back the ponies who were hurt by the Ursa attack,” said Twilight, placing a hoof on Trixie‘s shoulder. “You’ll make it up to Ponyville, I know you will.”

Trixie looked down at the jewel her grandmother had given her all those years ago, uncertain eyes reflected back from her. “…Trixie will do her best, Twilight…”
Checker chuckled, turning away from the library.

“Um…Miss Monarch, are you going to do anything more tonight?” asked Helping hoof, looking frightened that she would, as did the Diamond Dogs.

“Maybe not,” said Checker, giving an icy smirk. “Let them build her back up just a little bit…It’ll make her fall all the harder when I pull the rug out from under her…I‘ve got other dreams to visit tonight.”