• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 25,449 Views, 568 Comments

Trixie's Gettin' Back On Her Hooves - Shadow Raikou

Accidentally stumbling upon a homeless Trixie, Twilight must help her get back on her hooves.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Getting Started?

Chapter 2

Getting Started?

Later, after getting back to Ponyville, as discreetly as possible, Twilight lead the now cleaned up unicorn mare into the bedroom at the library. “You live in an library?” asked Trixie, looking around in confusion.

Twilight gave a nod, opening drawers, looking for something. “Princess Celestia was nice enough to set me up here.”

“You gave up a room in the royal palace for a library?” asked Trixie, her mind still trying to wrap itself around with the idea that the mare who had upstaged her was the apprentice of the ruler of the day.

“She lived in the library there too,” said Spike in a slightly deadpan tone as he followed the two mares into the room.
Trixie gave a bewildered look in response. “An entire royal palace and you chose the library to stay in?” she asked, unable to see why anypony would do that.

“I take my studies very seriously,” replied Twilight, magically floating some extra pillows and blankets out of a drawer to make a bed on the floor. “And I love to read, so it seemed like the best place for me,” she said, coming down and compulsively making the bed.

“Trixie can see that…” said Trixie, watching the meticulousness Twilight took in making a guest bed and assuming her study habits must be of the same nature. “So Trixie will be sleeping on the floor, she guesses.”

“Nope, I am.”

Trixie’s eyes went wide. “Wait, what?” she asked, surprise clear in her tone.

“You’re my guest, so I’ll take the floor, you take the bed,” replied Twilight with a smile. She’d had a guest bed, but it hadn’t been seen since Spike’s last birthday.

“But… Trixie said she wouldn’t be taking-”

“It’s not pity, Trixie,” replied Twilight, giving a frown. “It’s just part of being a good host.”

“She even made me look up the book on it while you were cleaning up to make sure,” said Spike, holding up a book with the title “How To Be A Good Host For Foals.”

Trixie blinked, looking at the book in confusion. “But… Why does a town library even have a book like that?”

“Same reason it has "Slumber 101: All You've Ever Wanted to Know About Slumber Parties (But Were Afraid to Ask)" and, one of Twilight’s favorites, “Art Of The To-Do List”,” explained Spike, holding up both books.

“Ooh! I want to read that one again,” said Twilight, floating the latter to her.

Trixie just started in bewilderment for a moment and sighed, she was too tired to come up with a witty remark for this. And besides, a REAL bed seemed very inviting at the moment. “Fine… Now let Trixie ask something, just what is it that you’re studying here in Ponyville that‘s so important that Princess Celestia personally ordered it?”

“Oh, I’m studying friendship,” replied Twilight, simply, telekinetically pulling down the covers on the makeshift bed.

“Friendship?” asked Trixie, giving a confused look. “Why would Celestia have you studying friendship?” she said, cocking her head in confusion.

“I’ll explain in the morning, it’s a long story,” replied Twilight, trying to avoid the subject for the time being, Trixie had already had a big shock finding out Twilight was Celestia’s pupil, let alone a wielder of an Element of Harmony. Twilight felt it was best to let her sleep tonight and then tell her in the morning. “We’d better get some sleep, there’s a lot to do in the morning,” she said, yawning for real, she was exhausted after today.

Trixie didn’t bother arguing and climbed up to Twilight’s usual bed. In all honesty, she’d not had a decent sleep in awhile, let alone had a bed to sleep in.

“Twilight, you sure this is a good idea?” asked Spike, sitting in his own little bed. “I still don’t trust her.”

“Don’t worry, Spike, Owlowiscious will keep an eye on her,” replied Twilight, though she personally didn’t see much reason to worry. After all, they hadn’t exactly gotten to actually KNOW Trixie last time. “Oh, that reminds me! Trixie, I forgot to introduce you to Owlowiscious,” she called, pointing to the owl, which presently stood on a perch nearby, keeping an eye on things.

Trixie blinked, looking at the owl, which rotated his head to see her. “You have a pet owl? Why is Trixie not surprised?” she replied, staring at Owlowiscious as the bird stared at her. “Um… Hello there…”




“Um… Trixie.”




“You stubborn bird! I said my name is Trixie!”


Trixie snarled angrily, glaring daggers at the owl until Twilight spoke up. “Trixie, he’s an owl, that’s all he can say,” she explained with a raised eyebrow.

Trixie blushed in embarrassment. “Oh… Um yes… Trixie knew that! Oh look at the time! Goodnight…” she said quickly, hiding under the covers before another word could be said.

Spike chuckled. “You shouldn’t be laughing Spike, you did the same thing,” reminded Twilight, causing Spike to huff and cover himself up. “Goodnight, Spike, Trixie, Owlowiscious…” she said, using her telekinesis to put out the light and covering herself up,

Trixie kept her back to Twilight and sighed sadly. “… This isn’t taking pity… You’re her guest… Y-you’re not useless… Y-you can get along on your own… Y-you can… You’ll show those two, y-you’re not… y-you’re not a useless failure…” she whispered to herself, a tear going down her cheek as she laid down her head and went to sleep.


“No… No…” muttered Twilight, twisting and turning in her makeshift bed. “Not… not my friends… Stop laughing at me… Stop it!” she muttered, fear clear on her face as she contorted in her bed. “STOP IT!” she screamed, jumping up awake, looking this way and that, panting heavily. It was morning, light shining through the window, nothing out of the ordinary. She gave a sigh of relief. “It was just a dream…”

“Nightmares?” asked Trixie, rising up in bed and looking down from the loft at her hostess.

Twilight gave a sigh and slow nod. “Yeah… I’ve been having them since the Discord incident… Sorry if I woke you…”

Trixie actually looked sympathetic in response. “… That, Twilight Sparkle, is something Trixie cannot blame you for,” she replied, sounding strangely sincere.

Twilight looked up at Trixie, a little surprised by her tone. “… Really?”

Trixie nodded. “Trixie thinks most of Equestria is having such nightmares now, it’s little surprise one who lived in the epicenter of the disaster would have them…” she said, trying not to show her own pain.

“… Trixie… He got to you too, didn’t he?” asked Twilight, looking concerned.

“He got to everypony in Equestria, is that really such a surprise that Trixie was affected?” the showpony replied, in a rather harsh tone, trying to avoid the conversation.

“Well… No… What did he… What did he do to you?” asked Twilight, looking concerned for Trixie. She knew what Discord had done to her and her friends, had he inverted Trixie? Or drove her mad like most everypony else?

Trixie turned her head up in a rather snooty manner. “Trixie doesn’t need your pity, she’ll keep her problems to herself.”

Twilight growled in frustration, annoyed with the unicorn’s attitude a tad. “Is that your answer to everything?”
“Just when somepony tries to pity Trixie,” Trixie replied, getting up, but keeping her face turned away from Twilight as much as possible so she didn‘t see how upset she was by her memories.

Twilight frowned, seeing Trixie trying to keep things bottled up. “… You want to know what he did to me?”

Trixie looked at her in surprise, but regained her composure quickly as she made her bed. “… Trixie doesn’t care, say whatever you like,” she replied, trying to maintain her image.

“Nothing… Absolutely nothing to me,” said Twilight, looking down with a sad look.

“Nothing? Then whatever are you having nightmares about?” asked Trixie, looking at Twilight in confusion.

“Because he didn‘t have to do anything to me… What he did to everypony else was enough,” replied Twilight, lowering her ears in sorrow. “He turned my best friends into complete jerks and drove the whole town insane… Except me… I had to WATCH what he did to everypony I care about, completely aware of what was happening…” she said, not caring recounting this fact caused her voice to break midsentence. She hoped it’d jar Trixie out of bottling up how she felt about it. Twilight had, and she was 90% sure it’d been one of the reasons she’d had a mental breakdown during the now infamous “Smartypants Incident”. Plus, it honestly felt good to get it out herself to somepony else. Sure, her friends knew, but sometimes just talking about it helped.

Trixie looked down, looking conflicted. She wasn’t used to other sharing something like this with her or how she should react. “… Trixie sees…”

“… Thanks for listening… Anyway, I’m going to go start breakfast…” said Twilight, heading for the door.

“… Nothing is a good term for what he did to Trixie too…”

Twilight stopped and looked over her shoulder. “What?”

Trixie lowered her head. “… He made Trixie nothing… Trixie felt and saw things like nopony even knew she existed… Like everypony saw and heard a blank spot were I was… I’ve never felt so alone…” she said, very nearly breaking down in tears before catching it and forcing herself to regain composure. “Oh… Well anyway, now you know… Don‘t pity Trixie for it, Twilight Sparkle, you told her your experience she told you hers. Simple as that.”

Twilight frowned. “Trixie, are you alright?” she asked, deeply concerned. What an awful thing to do to a pony, make them feel like they didn’t exist at all. She shivered at the thought, though in a way, she knew what it felt like, considering everypony else was too insane to notice she’d existed.

“Y-yes, Trixie is fine,” replied Trixie, getting back into her normal swagger. “Lets just eat breakfast, shall we?” she asked, walking by Twilight.

Twilight frowned, but remembered how antisocial she used to be, before she met her friends. Maybe Trixie was the same way. Getting Trixie to open up at all was a good sign at least. “Come on, Spike, we’ve got breakfast to make, big day ahead of us,” she called, Spike being grabbed by telekinesis and pulled out of bed with a yell.

“Oh five more minutes…” muttered Spike, trying to keep hold of his pillow. That was before he burped out a burst of green flame, forming a scroll.

“A letter from Celestia?” asked Twilight, blinking. “What’s it say?”

Spike unrolled it and cleared his throat. “”Dear my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle; Due to the significant damage remaining after Discord’s reign, we have scheduled a tropical storm to help clear out the environmental damage to some of Equestria so new growth can occur“… I thought the Elements Of Harmony cleared that up.”

“The things he transformed directly, like the chocolate rain,” explained Twilight, levitating a brush over to get her mane in order. “But a lot of stuff like the dead plants killed by that were left behind and had to be cleaned up manually. I guess there’s so much only a major storm can clear it all out quickly. It‘s the same reason they sometimes schedule wildfires and other bad weather, to clear out damaged trees and other types of debris so new stuff can be grown in it‘s place.”

Spike nodded, then looked back to the letter. ““The storm should be far from Ponyville, but you will likely receive some of the rains and heavy winds in a few days. Please let Ponyville know and prepare for this. Princess Celestia. P.S. Yesterday a-” he read, then his eyes widened.

“What?” asked Twilight, giving Spike a look.

“N-nothing, it stops there,” said Spike nervously, trying to roll up and hide the scroll as quickly as he could. Twilight quickly snatched it with her magic. In response, Spike sheepishly tried to sneak out of the room.


“Yipes!“ yelled Spike, trying to make a run for it, she teleported him back to her, holding him in front of her with telekinesis, glaring at him rather furiously. “Hey! Blueblood had it coming and you know it!”

"… And that’s how they beat Discord and saved Equestria,” finished Spike, looking up to see Trixie staring with her jaw almost on the floor, in complete shock. Breakfast was eaten and Twilight was out, informing the others of the situation and trying to get them relaxed BEFORE reintroducing them to Trixie. As well as inform Ponyville about the storm.

"What's... What's wrong?" asked Trixie, looking like she was going to have a nervous breakdown, eye twitching and everything. "The three ponies I publicly humiliated were three of the heroes who have saved Equestria twice! That's what's wrong!" she exclaimed, giving a groan and slamming her head down on the table hard enough to rattle everything on it all at once. "It's official... My life is over..."

"Yeah, you‘re probably right,” said Spike with a shrug.

"Spike!" Twilight exclaimed, giving Spike a angry glare as she walked in. The little dragon was still in rather hot water over the stunt he‘d pulled yesterday as it was.

Rainbow Dash walked in, along with the rest of the group, she herself glaring daggers at the unicorn mare, while Rarity and Applejack gave her rather uncertain looks, Rarity’s more chastising than Applejack’s.

Trixie looked enraged for a moment at the three ponies she‘d publicly humiliated, not liking the angry glares... Then lowered her head. "... You think Trixie deserves this, don't you? That Trixie deserved to lose EVERYTHING she had for a few mean pranks?" she asked, looking downtrodden.

Spike rubbed his head. "Well when you put it that way, you make me feel bad..."

Applejack nodded, seeing how harsh that would be. "No, sugarcube, we don‘t. It was us who wanted to prove ourselves righ'?" Applejack stated, going over to Trixie. “You might have gave the challenge, but we’re the ones who took it. Rainbow and Rarity even knew what they were in for.”

"Yeah, you wanted to prove yourself," Rainbow said bitterly, followed by a long sigh of annoyance by Twilight.

"Indeed," said Rarity, walking over, but still looking a bit miffed. "You may have made my hair a total mess and humiliated me in front of the entire town... But I am not one to turn down a mare whose down on her luck, it's not the proper way for a lady to behave."

“Wait… So you’re not angry at Trixie?” asked Trixie, completely surprised by this turn of events.

“Of course we’re angry at yah,” said Applejack, giving a small glare. “But we also can see you’re in over yer head and need some help. Holdin’ onto an old grudge don’t do nopony any good,” she said with a small smile. “That and Rarity can’t resist helpin’ pony folk who need it, she’s the Element of Generosity and all.”

“Applejack is right, I suppose,” replied Rarity with a sigh. “I have always had a weakness for helping other ponies, and you certainly look like you need help.”

Fluttershy timidly peeked at Trixie through her bangs before the mare could reply. "H-hi...." she said, simply, in her timid voice. “I-I’m Fluttershy…” she said, in a small, shy voice, this being the first time she’d actually met Trixie. “Glad to meet you…”

Pinkie bounced in. "I still don't know what's going on, but when can we have the party! I brought my party cannon!" she exclaimed, producing said item from out of nowhere.

“Later, Pinkie,” said Twilight, seriously as Trixie started wide-eyed at the sudden appearance of a cannon manned by the, in her opinion, rather crazy pink pony.

“Oh, alright,” muttered Pinkie, rolling her weapon of mass celebration off-screen.

“Anyway, we’re all here to help,” said Twilight, smiling to Trixie.

Trixie sighed. "Trixie doesn't want your pity... Trixie just needs to know where she can find a job," she said simply, stubbornness clear in her voice.

“Well good, cause I’m not helping you!” exclaimed Rainbow, equal amounts of stubbornness in the blue pegasus’ voice.

“Rainbow, what’s gotten into you?” asked Twilight, a bit upset at her friend.

“She’s a liar! She lied to the entire town and didn’t fess up until an Ursa Minor was about to eat her for dinner!” replied Rainbow Dash, giving a glare. “What makes you think for one minute she’s telling the truth now!”

“Because I found her homeless on the streets of Canterlot, Rainbow. Do you think the “Great and Powerful Trixie” would be like that willingly?” asked Twilight, glaring at Rainbow.

"How'd you end up on the street like that anyway?" asked Spike, scratching his head.

Twilight looked in the various directories around the library, trying to think of a job that might suit Trixie.

“Trixie doesn’t want you to pity her, all she wants is to know where she may find a job,” replied the stubborn unicorn.

"Dear, we can't do anything for you, as an act of kindness, not pity, unless you tell us how you got in this condition," said Rarity, trying to coax out how Trixie had gone from how they'd last seen her to a homeless, filthy mare on the streets of Canterlot.

“Fine…“ Trixie sighed out, seeing they wouldn‘t let the matter be. "... Trixie's cart had everything she owned in it. Her money, her magic supplies, EVERYTHING..." she said, leaving the rest for them to fill in.

Rarity gasped in realization. "The Ursa stepped on your cart..." she said, now cringing at the memory, which at the time she'd felt Trixie had deserved, she now felt terrible.

“Ah guess that explains a lot…” said Applejack, rubbing the back of her head, having the same reaction as Rarity while Rainbow kept her mouth shut.

Trixie nodded. "Trixie lost everything she had... That's all," she explained, ending the explanation abruptly.

Twilight spoke up after a brief, uncomfortable silence. "Well, Trixie. I have sorted out jobs available in Ponyville. One group, that you can’t do, like working on the Apple family farm-”

“And why can’t Trixie do that?” asked Trixie, looking to the orange Earth Pony.

“Cause it’s muscle work, sugarcube,” said Applejack. “And right now, yah don’t have a lot of muscle on yah… That and my big brother, Big Macintosh, is mighty upset you humiliated me in public,” said Applejack, giving a nervous look. “Big brother instinct and all. The Apple clan is pretty tight nit.”

Trixie sighed, but looked rather upset at the mention of “family“. However, she could understand her point, not only did she not feel like facing somepony’s angry older sibling, she also knew she wasn’t in the best of shape after several weeks with very little of value to eat. Sure, she had magic, but unlike Twilight, her telekinesis wasn‘t quite as powerful or useful for heavy lifting. “Fine, what can Trixie do?”

“Well the second group are ones that we can try, but there’s no promises you‘ll get them, like working in shops around the town square. Finally, third, those you can probably get easy, like working with Fluttershy, Rarity, or Pinkie Pie, who I‘m fairly certain will give you a job.”

“Whatever, you can help her if you want to, but I’m not falling for it,” said Rainbow, finally having enough. “When she turns on you, don’t say I didn’t warn you!” she spat, flying out the nearest window.

Twilight sighed. “Don’t mind her, Rainbow will probably come around eventually,” she said, knowing Rainbow wasn’t exactly the most forgiving pony to someone who’d hurt her friends, being the Element of Loyalty as well as pretty hardheaded sometimes. Fluttershy normally got furious when that happened, but she was the Element Of Kindness, so she was naturally a very forgiving pony. But she was pretty sure that Rainbow would come around if Trixie proved she was trust worthy “Moving on, let’s focus on finding you a job.”

"Um... I actually do need a little help and I'll pay well..." said Fluttershy, in her timid, shy tone, but wanting to help if at all possible.

"No offense, dear, but how?" asked Rarity, to her knowledge, Fluttershy didn't get paid a great deal for her job, but, despite her skills with animals, hadn‘t asked for more than she needed. Fluttershy had no real desire for money and Rarity had never known her to seek it.

"I saved up a lot..." said Fluttershy, then blushed heavily. "F-from when I was a model..." she muttered quietly, looking down. "I've got quite a bit actually..."

Trixie's jaw dropped. "Y-you were a model?!" she asked, completely shocked. “Trixie somehow has trouble believing that…”

“Yes, with Photo Finish,” explained Rarity, remembering her own… unsavory behavior during the whole incident. “That was some time ago though.”

“Photo Finish? THE Photo Finish?” asked Trixie, her jaw dropping almost to the floor in shock.

Fluttershy nodded in her usual meek way. “Yes, but I really hated it, and I hardly ever hate anything… But I saved up the money incase it’d come in handy, I’d be glad to give you work… That is if you want it.”

Trixie shook off her shock and gave her a look. “What would the job be?”

Twilight nodded. "Fluttershy takes care of animals, that’s not a problem is it?”

Trixie growled under her breath but composed herself. “Trixie will do any job she needs to, she‘s not too soft for a little handwork.”

Twilight was pleasantly surprised by that. “Alright, that’ll be your first job.”

“Good, the sooner we get her back on her hooves the better,” muttered Spike, even if he felt a little bad, he still wasn’t too fond of Trixie.

“I’m glad you’re so concerned, Spike. Because until I get back, you’re Trixie’s assistant,” said Twilight, giving her assistant a slight glare.

“What?! Why?!” asked Spike, taken off guard.

“For the same reason I’ve got to go to Canterlot to clean Prince Blueblood‘s room,” said Twilight, glaring at the little dragon. “Or would you rather do that?”

Spike huffed, crossing his arms. “Fine…”

“Good,” said Twilight. “I should be back later today, I’ll see you guys when I get back,” she said, clearly not looking forwards to it as she left.

“Why does she have to clean out that brute’s room for?” asked Rarity, confused by this turn of events.

“I threw a stink bomb in it,” admitted Spike, almost proudly. “I did it to pay him back for how he treated you at the Gala.”

Rarity gave a small smile. “Why thank you Spike, even if it wasn’t the couthest thing to do, it’s still a nice gesture… To me, not Blueblood. Though that pompous prince had it coming,” she admitted, still not too happy about her run in with Blueblood at the Gala. She’d kind of enjoyed seeing Blueblood have to humble himself a bit to her during her time as one of the Canterlot elite. Even if he was a prince, he had a public image to keep up.

“Can we go now?” asked Trixie as Spike blushed from Rarity‘s praise. “Trixie would like to get this over with.”

“Ah got to get anyway,” said Applejack. “There’s a storm comin’ and me and the family have got to prepare,” she explained, remembering what Twilight had said about it.

“I suppose I should be going as well,” said Rarity. “If I don’t watch Sweetie Belle, who knows what she and her friends will get into,” she said, following Applejack out.

“I’ll be waiting at Sugarcube Corner for my turn to give you a job!” said Pinkie Pie, merrily heading towards the door, rolling her Party Cannon along with her.

“Wait… How do you know Trixie will be getting a job from you?” asked Trixie, blinking in confusion.

“Because that’s always how these kinds of plots work, silly!” said Pinkie, hopping out.

“That’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie,” said Spike.

“Right…” said Trixie, blinking, then looking to Fluttershy. “Lead the way… Fluttershy, was it?”