• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 25,485 Views, 568 Comments

Trixie's Gettin' Back On Her Hooves - Shadow Raikou

Accidentally stumbling upon a homeless Trixie, Twilight must help her get back on her hooves.

  • ...

Chapter 9 Part 2: Making Amends

Trixie was practically hyperventilating. "Alright, lets see. We've got a stage…" she said, looking at the one Miss Cheerilee and the school had loaned her for the show. "We've got actors…Oh! Who's playing Megan?!"

"A local unicorn, Lyra Heartstrings," reported Twilight, Spike on her back going over the checklist. "She likes to walk like a human anyway…" she said, finding the green mare's interest in a mythological species rather strange, but understood how interesting such things could be.


"That's a surprise," said Twilight, giving a rather sly smirk.

"Alright…" said Trixie, trusting her, but wondering just what her friends had managed, considering how well connected they were. "Backdrops?"

"Finished!" chimed in Rarity, concentrating and using a spell to create a rather impressive backdrop of a beautiful valley.

Trixie's jaw dropped. "It's…it's amazing…"

Rarity smiled proudly. "Thank you, darling, I picked up the skill for use in fashion shows, it's come in handy before."

Twilight gave a nod. "She used it for a fashion show we put on for Hoity Toity."

"And it has the advantage of being useful for changing scenes faster," Rarity explained, flipping the backdrop off and on twice to demonstrate.

Trixie nodded appreciatively. "Trixie is grateful…background music?"

"All set!" yelled Pinkie, over at a turn table. She suddenly pulled DJ PON-3 out of nowhere who waved her hoof to signal she was ready.

Trixie's jaw dropped. "You…you got….How…"

"She's my cousin's roommate!" Pinkie cheerfully added, her and the DJ putting on their headphones.

Trixie shook off her surprise and turned to look out the curtains. The growing crowd was under a tarp. "Why did they have to schedule a storm today?"

"Hey, the Pegasi didn't schedule this storm, that tropical storm they made to wash away the damage from Discord is starting to give us rain," said Rainbow Dash. "But it's actually got a few advantages," she said, flying up and kicking a hole in the clouds to let moonlight through as a natural spotlight on the stage, moving around clouds let it be controlled.

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash," said Trixie, appreciative as the Pegasus handed off responsibility for that to Derpy.

Trixie blinked, hearing a noise and looking up to see Applejack messing with the pulleys. "Applejack, what are you doing?"

"Just oilin' these pulleys," Applejack replied, testing them slightly, they now made almost no sound at all. "There we go."

Trixie gave a sigh as she came down. "Trixie…Trixie can't thank you all enough for all you're doing…" She seemed a little conflicted as well.

Rainbow Dash put a hoof on her back. "What are friends for?"

Trixie returned the Pegasus' smile. "True…"

"So, where are our costumes?" Rainbow asked, looking around. "I'm sure I'll make a great Firefly, but I don't look anything like her…and I'm not dying my fur pink!"

"No need," said Trixie. "Twilight, did you look up that spell I told you about?"

Twilight nodded, showing her the book. "You never learned it? It's stage magic after all."

"Trixie never wanted to disguise herself before," the mare replied. "But she knew a colt that learned it at a theatre near her home," she continued. After reading it, she nodded to Twilight. "Let's try it."

Trixie concentrated on Twilight while Twilight concentrated on Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash's fur turned pink while her mane and tail turned blue, and Twilight's fur, mane, and tail changed to match her mother's. "It worked!"

Rainbow looked herself over. "What is this?"

"It's a disguise spell used in theatre, it creates a thin magical costume around whoever its used on. It doesn't change body shape or physical features that much, so it won't fool someone for long close up, but on stage you're far enough it won't matter," Trixie explained. "And it's rather fragile, so don't go crashing into too many things or the spell will be broken."

Twilight then applied a sticker matching her character's over her Cutie Mark, giving one to Rainbow Dash as well, hers being two blue lightning bolts. "And celebrities use these to disguise themselves all the time."

"This is awesome!" said Rainbow, though a little annoyed she was pink, she had to admit it was cool.

Twilight simply handed Applejack a sticker of six apples for a Cutie Mark and changed her mane style, putting a blue bow on her tail. "Your character looks like you anyway."

"Yeah…" said Applejack, putting the sticker on and taking her hat off, gently putting it in a safe place. She looked herself over and appeared somewhat sad.

"Speaking of costume changes…Before we give the other actors their costumes," said Rarity with a smile, taking out a gift wrapped box. "Our master of ceremonies needs hers."

Trixie's eyes went wide. "F-for Trixie?" she asked, slowly taking it and opening it to find a new hat and cape, perfectly folded. They resembled her old ones, but the color was now a deep blue, the stars golden, and golden trim at the edges, the interior was still purple, however. "It's…it's beautiful…Rarity…Trixie…I don't…"

"Don't say anything dear, it's a gift," Rarity replied, giving a smile.

"And one last touch," said Twilight, floating Trixie's gem up and putting it with the rest of the costume. "Your grandmother said it was a good luck charm, right?"

Trixie gave a small smile and nodded, tears in her eyes for the third time today. "…Thank you…"

"Group hug!" yelled Pinkie, one following instantly.

"Now, go get dressed, and put the costumes on the others, we've got a show to do," Twilight said, smiling.

Trixie nodded and headed off to do just that. Rainbow looked to Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight, as well as the CMC as they snuck up. "Everything ready?" she whispered, seriously.

Twilight nodded. "Ready."

"My animals are in position…" Fluttershy whispered, giving a serious look. Her friend needed her, and everypony knew what that brought out in the timid Pegasus. She pointed up, showing some birds in the rafters saluting.

"None shall pass!" Rarity added in an overly dramatic whisper. "Without a backstage pass."

"We set the booby-traps," the CMC added, smirking together.

"Alright, and lets keep Trixie in the dark if we can, the last thing she needs right now is this stressing her out more than she is," said Twilight, getting nods.

"Let's go," said Rainbow, smirking.


The three were shushed and then all three blushed.

"Cutie Mark Crusader Bodyguards, yay!" said the three in a hushed voice, the group high hoofing.
Checker stood in the crowd with her cloak on, watching events unfold with an umbrella at her side. "Oh Trixie, won't you ever learn?" she asked, smirking as she hid the rotten tomatoes she'd brought.

A small fireworks explosion went off on stage, Trixie appearing in her new outfit. Checker's eyes widened for a second when she saw the gem around her sister's neck. "That gem Helena decided I didn't deserve? I thought she'd lost it…" she growled, thinly veiled jealousy in her tone.

"Hello, Ponyvile! The Gre-…Trixie, asks, are you ready to hear a story?!" she announced, in a fittingly hammy fashion. She heard some booing come from somewhere in the audience, but did her best to ignore it. "And Trixie knows it shall surprise many of you, but the story is not about Trixie at all," Trixie announced, right over the boos

"What?" asked Checker, blinking in surprise, both at Trixie not giving any heed at all to the booing and at Trixie's cheerful announcement that the performance had nothing to do about her.

"Nor is Trixie going to challenge ponies onstage and publicly humiliate them, she no longer does that," the show mare explained. "And apologizes for ever doing so."

"Get off the stage!" Checker yelled, using the high pitched voice she'd used before to hide herself. Several joined her.

Trixie just ignored the insults, even if it hurt to hear. "Instead, Trixie shall dazzle you! Dazzle you with an amazing! Tale! Of! Adventure!" she shouted, fireworks going off.

Checker growled and launched a rotten tomato at her sister, only, to her surprise, to find it caught telekinetically in midair by the mare. Checker cringed, expecting it to be launched right back at her, but Trixie merely set it down where it wouldn't be in the way as if nothing had happened. The insidious mare could only watch dumbfounded. "She…she doesn't care? That's impossible…I broke her…She was a complete wreck…how can she not care?!" Checker muttered, fury rising in her eyes.

"And do remember, all proceeds go to the victims of the Ursa minor attacks," Trixie announced, then became solemn. "Before we begin…Trixie would like to say what she wanted to yesterday…"

Checker snorted hot air out of her nose. "No…" she whispered, picking up more tomatoes. "Like I'll let you…" she growled.

Checker threw all the tomatoes at her sister that her telekinesis could manage.

Twilight, who was waiting behind the curtain, saw the incoming tomatoes and concentrated, a pink energy field forming in front of Trixie, blocking them.

Trixie looked over and gave a kind smile in Twilight's direction, before turning back to the audience, taking off her hat and holding it to her chest. "Trixie…Trixie is honestly and sincerely sorry…She lied…and because she lied, a disaster befell your town…Trixie knows apologizing doesn't make things right but…I apologize…I'm sorry and I hope someday you'll be able to forgive me…"

This got gasps of surprise from the crowd, and looks of guilt from some…and absolute fury from one mare.

Checker snarled, stomping off.

Trixie put the hat back on as Twilight lowered the barrier. "Now, Trixie is proud to present for your viewing pleasure; Rescue From Midnight Castle!" she announced, causing several fireworks to go off.

She walked over to the side of the stage, out of the way of the performance, then looked over to the stage proper, using her magic to present an image of a valley with a rainbow over it. "Long ago, before the Princesses ruled, before Discord, before Equestria was ever founded, it was known as Dream Valley. In this beautiful, magical place, ponies frolicked and played together. It was a time of peace."

The curtain opened silently (thanks to Applejack's oiling) to reveal Rarity's carefully created illusionary backdrop as Trixie's faded perfectly into it, 'Firefly' and another Pegasus, simply a background actor, riding a rainbow down into a pond.
Checker took her hood off, her mane messed up even more now, as she walked up to the Diamond Dogs, holding her umbrella over her. "Get backstage."

"What?" asked Rover, confused.

"Get backstage and do…do something to ruin that play," stated the mare, her normal icy tone slipping and showing a hint of anger.

"What pony want us-"

"Anything!" yelled the mare suddenly, sending the Diamond Dogs running off full speed to follow her orders.

Helping Hoof was shocked to see Checker losing her cool. He'd never imagined she'd see something like this out of her, even after her outburst earlier. He looked aside in thought, not caring he was soaked…Until he noticed something on his flank and gasped. He slowly snuck off.

"And all was good in Dream Valley," Trixie announced, after several minutes of nothing more than ponies frolicking to show what Dream Valley was like. "That is until an evil set his sights upon this wonderful place," she said, taking out some green dust and throwing it into the air, where it took the shape of a flock of roaring dragon-like monsters, getting screams from the crowd. "The evil Centaur Tirak sent his monsters, called Stratodons, to kidnap the ponies for his nefarious purposes!" Trixie announced, in the most ominous fashion she could manage as Derpy covered the natural spotlight, and the lights were dimmed by the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders Tech Crew' to add to the scene.
The Diamond Dogs came back to Checker, who was simply setting under her umbrella waiting. "Well?"

"Whining Pony guarding back door!" Spot said, clearly afraid of Rarity.

Checker sighed, taking out three sets of ear plugs. "Here, these will protect you from the mean pony, now go," she ordered, practically shoving them in their ears before sending them running off again.
Rarity was standing where she could see the stage and change her illusions if prompted, but also see the back entrance to the stage. As she peeked back at the stage, she heard footsteps and looked to see Rover standing not far away from her, flanked by his pack mates. "You?! You're the ones trying to ruin Trixie?!"

"If pony no make pictures, show no work," said Rover, smirking. "We stop pony from making pictures!"

Rarity chuckled. "I know exactly how to handle you three," she said, smirking. "Oh! What will we do?! You're going to ruin the show and make Trixie a laughingstock! You're so mean!" whined Rarity in the most annoying, high-pitched fashion she possibly could.

"That no work this time, pony," stated Fido, grabbing her by the hoof. "Pony come with us." Fido's eyes widened in response to the glare the mare shot him.

"HIYA!" yelled Rarity, Fido suddenly found himself flipped by the arm and sent crashing into a row of boxes. The other two just stared at the mare as she flipped her hair. "Unfortunately for you three, I'm no one trick pony," she said, then glared and took a martial arts type pose. "Now get out of here, before I make you get out! And never bother Trixie again!"

"Girly pony no take all three of us," said Rover as Fido got back up.

"Girly?! I am not girly! I am ladylike!" Rarity announced in anger. "It. Is. On."

Martial arts yells and the sounds of crashing and hits rang out, thankfully during a fight scene with Tirak's Stratodons.
The Diamond Dogs were sent yelping out of the back of the theatre, Rarity following after them a second later. "And don't you dare bother Trixie ever again!" she yelled, shaking a hoof. She turned her nose up in a snooty manner and slammed the door as she returned to her post.
"You got beaten down by a fashionista?!" yelled Checker in disbelief, tearing the ear plugs out of the Diamond Dog's ears.

"But she tough!" replied Rover, putting a bag of ice over his black eye.

Checker snarled, looking at her chessboard. "Fine! Then go under the stage and pull the actors down! Or…Or destroy the stage supports! Or something! Anything you fools!" she yelled, sending them running off. She looked around. "Where is that worthless Helping Hoof anyway?!"
Rainbow Dash looked out as 'Tirak' fired off his 'rainbow of darkness' (actually just some black and grey streamers manipulated via telekinesis) to transform captured ponies into dragons, which was accomplished by Trixie letting off explosions to cover them switching out and throwing her dust to make dragon-like creatures appear. Rainbow Dash then turned to Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo (Apple Bloom was onstage), and Fluttershy. "Ok, so did you and Fluttershy set up something under the stage?"

"Yep!" exclaimed Scootaloo. Fluttershy nodded as well.

"Good," said Rainbow Dash, giving a smirk. "If those Diamond Dogs try to stop the show from under the stage, then they're in for a big surprise."
"Ugh!" groaned Checker, covering her nose and coughing as the tree sap and feather covered Diamond Dogs returned, having apparently also been sprayed by a skunk. "What…how?! How did you even manage for this to happen to you?!" she yelled, an unhinged look in her eyes as her mane and tail were nearly completely disordered.

"They had booby-traps…" said Spot, stepping forwards to reveal mousetraps on his hind paws. Spot had two on his ears and Rover was practically covered in them.

Checker snarled in rage, barely any of her normal composed persona remaining. "I am surrounded by idiots! Helping Hoof!" she yelled, looking for him. "Helping Hoof come here right now!" she screamed, then realized he wasn't there.

She looked back to the stage, snarling furiously.
"Oh! This is my favorite part!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, sitting next to DJ PON-3 backstage as they managed the background music. She took a deep breath and lipped 'Tirak's' next line.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled 'Tirak' as the 'Rainbow of Light' (once more a group of ribbons carefully manipulated via telekinesis) surrounded him and his chariot. He roared in fury as he was hidden from sight.

Trixie waited, rather curious as to where the chariot had come from, but once she saw the glow of the actor teleporting away, she set off the biggest multicolored fireworks display she possibly could to signal 'Tirak's demise'.
Checker was suddenly calm and collected again as the crowd applauded the display, but hate was plain as day in her still somewhat unhinged eyes. "Enjoy your victory now, Trixie," she said, coldly and meticulously. "Because tonight, I tear you to shreds…" she said, stomping off.

The Diamond Dogs looked at each other in surprise, then did their best to follow her, considering the mouse traps.
"And with Tirak defeated, and his victims restored, peace returned to Ponyland! And all was as it should be!" Trixie announced. "Thanks to the brave Megan and her friends!"

Applause rang out, not boos (ok, a few), not yells of hate, but applause. Trixie could only watch in amazement as her friends came forwards to take a bow. Twilight urged her to do the same and she did. She then watched 'Tirak' step forwards and bow, before 'he' lit up white and slowly changed into a form Trixie did NOT see coming.

"P-Pr-Princess L-Luna?!" asked Trixie, completely dumbfounded as her jaw dropped almost to the ground, before remembering to bow. "W-what are you doing here?!"

Luna smiled. "Twilight Sparkle invited my sister and I to the play. Celestia sadly could not make it, but I hath always enjoyed theatre, and offered to play Tirak. It hath been centuries since I hath played a part in a play, and I must say, that was quite fun," she stated, in a manner not unlike Twilight describing anything science and/or book related. "Thou must be Trixie, I hath seen your last letter to my sister."

Pip ran up to Luna, who seemed very happy to see him.

"T-Trixie needs to lay down now…" muttered Trixie, doing an overly dramatic faint. Rarity provided a couch for her to land on.
"Dear Princess Celestia;

Tonight I learned a valuable lesson. Alone, it's easy to give up on yourself. When things look down, and no pony is there to support you, you'll crumble under what life puts on top of you…But when you have friends, they're holding it up right there with you…

Trixie Lulamoon Midsummer."
"Your middle name is Lulamoon?" asked Spike, blinking.

"Yes," said Trixie, nodding. "Trixie has gone by Lulamoon, or Trixie Lulamoon as stage names, but it is her middle name."

Trixie then looked conflicted. "Twilight…Trixie had a wonderful time at the play…It made her so happy to be able to make the crowd applause, and to give back to those she hurt before…But…"

"Yes, Trixie?" asked Twilight, looking up at her.

"…Nothing…nothing…" said Trixie, then smiled. "And we even earned enough money for all those ponies the Ursa hurt! You all were excellent," she said. "You are born actors."

"Thanks," Twilight replied, smiling. "We played in the Canterlot Hearth's Warming Eve Pageant," she explained. "Glad we could he-I mean glad we could play in the show."

Trixie frowned a little, but nodded. "Yes…Trixie is glad you were there…" she said, looking even more conflicted. She then yawned. "Well, Trixie has a job at Sugarcube Corner tomorrow, so we'd best get some sleep."

Twilight nodded, noticing the conflicted look, but deciding that should be a bridge to be crossed when it came to it. "Alright…good night Trixie."

"Goodnight Twilight, goodnight Spike…"
Checker approached the library, ruined mane hangin in front of her face, her hoof steps methodical as she continued on. The Diamond Dogs, having washed off, followed her cautiously, holding her umbrella over her.

Checker's eyes looked up at the window and she cast the spell.
Trixie looked around slowly, finding herself on her old stage, in front of the entire crowd. "This is…"

"Trixie is glad you remember it," said a voice, HER voice.

Trixie's eyes widened as she turned to see herself. Complete with all her old stage gear. The other her sneered at her with a smirk…but it was the eyes that scared her. Not because they reminded her so much of her sister's eyes…but because she saw them on her body.

"Do you have what it takes to take on the Great and Powerful Trixie?!" the other Trixie announced dramatically, fireworks going off.

Trixie backed up in fear. "This has to be a dream…it has to be…" she muttered, trying to concentrate and alter it…and nothing happened. "Why isn't it working?!"

Checker smirked behind the mask of her sister's old self. Normally they'd be evenly matched, but with Trixie's mental state as it was, Checker was stronger.

"Because Trixie is Trixie too, or did you forget that you weak little foal?" asked Checker, approaching Trixie.

"Get away…get away from me!" Trixie yelled, trying to use an explosion of fireworks to escape.

Checker's horn lit up, but was hidden under her hat. The smoke, instead of going outwards, surged back into Trixie's face. Trixie coughed and hacked, sinking to her knees until Checker let the smoke dissipate.

"Did you forget? Anything you can do, Trixie can do better!" Checker stated, smirking. "Not that it's hard to do it better than a weakling like you."

The crowd laughed.

"Trixie…T-Trixie isn't weak!" Trixie yelled, getting to her hooves.

Checker laughed. "Really? What about all the help you've accepted recently?"

Trixie shook her head desperately. "N-no! T-Trixie hasn't accepted any help!"

"Oh really? Being taken in by Twilight Sparkle?"

"T-Trixie was just letting a f-favor be repaid!"

"And letting them give you jobs?"

"T-Trixie…T-Trixie needed work!"

"And what about letting them help you in that play you put on?"

"T-Trixie…Trixie….I don't know!"

Checker got in Trixie's face. "Face it, you've done nothing but accept help from others. You're nothing but a little foal who needs somepony to hold her hoof to do anything right."

Trixie backed up, tears streaming down her face. "Stop…I'm not…I don't…"

"When you were the Great and Powerful Trixie, you didn't need any help at all. Now that you've gone soft, you can't do anything without help," Checker continued, Trixie sinking to her knees, looking up into her face. "You're a failure! You can't even pick up garbage by yourself."

"Failure! Failure! Failure!" chanted the crowd, over and over.

"N-no…N-no! I'm not a failure!" Trixie yelled, curling into a ball and covering her ears with her hooves, crying her eyes out, reverting back to a filly as she did so.

"You're a disgrace to the Monarch name! The Great and Powerful Trixie was so much better than you!" Checker stated. "You should have listened to your sister, then you wouldn't have become the worthless waste you are now! You're weak, you'll always be weak!"

"I'm not weak…I'm not…" sobbed Trixie, wanting to be anywhere but here, ANYWHERE! But nothing happened, nothing changed! Trixie's colors began to dull more…

"Just like your weak, pathetic grandmother."

Trixie gasped. "…You're…you're right…"

"Of course the Great and Powerful Trixie was, was there ever any doubt?"

Trixie rose back to her hooves, growing back to her adult self, colors returning. Realization gleamed in her eyes. "Trixie is like her grandmother! But neither of us are weak!"

"What?!" asked Checker, staggering back.

Trixie's new costume manifested on her. She ripped the gem off the Great and Powerful Trixie's cape and put it on her own. "Anything Trixie can do the Great and Powerful Trixie can do better? Well how about this? Trixie is going to tell you a story."

"Stop it! You're not supposed to…"

Trixie glared her mirror in the eye. "There once was a little filly. She loved her grandmother very much. But her father's beliefs were different than her grandmothers, and her sister filled her head with ideas. Ideas that painted her beloved grandmother as a weak fool. And the filly was foolish enough to believe it. Foolish enough to listen to somepony who always wanted to hurt her. And foolish enough to disown the one pony she loved more than anything else. That filly grew up into a selfish, narcissistic mare who's only joy came from humiliating others."

Checker staggered back again, but Trixie didn't give her any breathing room.

"Then that mare lost everything due to her own lies. And her family turned their backs on her…But then she found friendship. She found ponies who would help her through thick and thin. A unicorn who gave her a home when she needed it."

Twilight suddenly appeared next to Trixie, smiling to her friend, Checker gasped. "But how…You shouldn't be able to-"

"A unicorn and an Earth Pony who gave her forgiveness. A Pegasus who's kindness tore away the lies that had blinded her for so long." Trixie continued, being flanked by Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. "Three little fillies who gave her friendship Who gave her something she could fight for," the Cutie Mark Crusaders appeared at Trixie's hooves. "An Earth Pony who made her laugh when she was hurt. A Pegasus who finally forgave her. And comforted her when she was at her lowest. And a baby dragon who opened his heart to her when he realized how alike they were," Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Spike now joined the group. Derpy, Ditzy, and Pip appeared as well.

"This can't be happening! You can't be doing this!" yelled Checker in complete disbelief. "You can't overpower ME! Not here! I NEVER lose here!" But it was true. As much as Checker tried to will the friends away…they just wouldn't vanish. Checker couldn't do anything. She was…powerless. A nightmare had become a dream, and a dream had become a nightmare.

"And that mare finally managed to grow! To break free of the thing she'd let herself be molded into!" Trixie yelled, glaring Checker in the face and driving her back further, her friends by her side. "Yes, she accepted help! Yes, she became a kinder pony! But she was ANYTHING but weak! And finally saw that her grandmother was as well!"

Helena Midsummer manifested behind Trixie, a gentle hoof on her back. "No…not you…" Checker muttered, looking in shock. The insidious mare swore their grandmother was looking at her in sad disappointment.

"Trixie is Trixie! Trixie is her own mare! Not her father's! Not her sister's! And is most definitely not YOU!" the unicorn shouted, Checker driven to the edge of the stage with a gasp.

"Trixie isn't you anymore! Trixie will NEVER be you again! And she will NOT be her sister! She may have headed that way once, but not now! And never again! So the Great and Powerful Trixie?" Trixie asked, giving a smirk. "Farewell!"

Checker screamed as she finally lost her balance and fell backwards off the stage, and kept falling, plummeting into a black abyss.

And Trixie turned into the embrace of her friends and grandmother.
Trixie rolled over in her sleep, a smile on her face and a joyful tear running down her cheek. Where her fur had dulled earlier regained its color.
Checker gasped, launching out of her nightmare in a cold sweat and panting. Her own personal nightmare. "It's…it's not possible…She…she beat me?" Checker asked, head down in disbelief. "Trixie…beat me? She beat me…in the world of dreams? This can't…this can't be happening…"

She slowly walked back to the hill top and set down, looking over the town, Rover holding her umbrella.

Helping Hoof ran up. "I'm so sorry, I had to tend to something, and you were gone when I got back," he pleaded…then noticed Checker's state.

"Trixie…beat…me…She beat me…" Checker repeated, Helping Hoof and the dogs couldn't see her face.

"Miss…Miss Monarch?" asked Helping Hoof. He slowly approached and put a hoof on her shoulder.

Checker snapped around, looking him the eyes…and at that moment, he saw something snap in those eyes as lightning flashed.

Helping Hoof staggered back in terror, as did the Diamond Dogs, the umbrella flying away in the wind. "Well well well, what have we here?" Checker asked, her eyes completely unhinged, her mane and tail hanging limp and frazzled. She moved more like a wild animal than a civilized pony. "Where have you been, Helping Hoof?" she asked, keeping a calm monotone.

"I-I just had to replace my…you know…" said Helping Hoof, looking horrified by this change, the Dogs were cowering.

"Well guess what?" Checker said, snorting hot air out of her nose. "You're not leaving my sight again until Trixie is ruined! Do you hear me?!" the mare yelled, losing the monotone, instead her voice alternating between her normal speech and the high pitched tone.

Helping Hoof nodded desperately. "Miss Monarch…I think you might be suffering from a slight case of…of Cutie Mark Failure Ins-"

"Of what?!" yelled Checker, putting her horn to his throat. "I'm NOT a failure! I didn't FAIL at anything! And don't you EVER say that again!" she yelled, her voice still alternating erratically as she screamed.

Checker turned, letting Helping Hoof fall on his flank in terror. The mare turned back to the town, looking it over with an almost predatory look. Her eyes settled on Canterlot in the distance, then back to Ponyville, staring through her wet, ruined mane. "A town in Canterlot's shadow…" she muttered, once more in the calm monotone. She then got a maniac smirk on her face. Slowly, she started to chuckle. Not her normal, cold chuckle, but a completely unhinged chuckle.

The red on her Cutie Mark began to run off as rain continued pouring, revealing a black heart in place of a red one.

Rover looked over Helping Hoof's shoulder, cowering in fear. "What happened to Pony?"

Helping Hoof looked at Rover. "I…I don't think anything happened to her…I think this is her true face…"