• Published 11th Mar 2012
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Trixie's Gettin' Back On Her Hooves - Shadow Raikou

Accidentally stumbling upon a homeless Trixie, Twilight must help her get back on her hooves.

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Chapter 10: Checkmate Part 2- Critical Move

Helping Hoof walked slowly through Ponyville’s streets, head to the ground. He didn’t care about the rain…he barely cared about anything. Checker was in the lair she’d made with the Diamond Dogs, temporary as it may have been…With Trixie effectively ruined, she had bigger plans…plans Helping Hoof knew he’d simply help with like the good little worthless blank flank he was. And he hated himself for it.

“What have I done?
Where did it all go wrong?
How has the bad guy won?
Why is it to this world I belong?
Where do I begin?
This isn’t the world I wanted to be in…” he sung, sorrowfully as he looked at the ladder he‘d knocked Trixie off of.
Trixie telekinetically moved a large rock up against another one, using several other small rocks to support it to ensure neither would fall. She then crawled inside and looked up at the cloudy sky, the wind growing strong. She gave a shiver, the temperature was dropping.

“What else could I have done?
Was my choice wrong?
The bad guy has won.
Why is it to this world I belong?
Did it really matter then?
This isn’t the world I wanted to be in…” she sung, her voice echoing hauntingly across the desert as tears streamed down her face as she looked at the chariot tracks leading away, disappearing where it took off.
Checker looked across her map, the Diamond Dogs standing nearby.

“Look at what I’ve done.
How can this be wrong?
The better mare has won,
This is the world to which I belong!
The one where the strongest will win!
That’s the world I want to be in!” she sung, her voice calm and collected at the beginning, but switching to maniac and emotional the next as she put her hooves on the map to get a closer look.
“With all the wrong I’ve done…
Am I beyond redemption?
Should I be banished to the sun?
Or should I be an exemption?
I don’t deserve the light…
It’s because of me she lost the fight,” sung Helping Hoof, continuing his lonely walk down the streets of Ponyville, passing by where Trixie had been captured by the Diamond Dogs, looking over with guilt clear in his face. He lowered his head, looking at his distorted reflection in a puddle.
“After all the wrong I had done.
At least I found redemption.
I felt like I could touch the sun.
I’ve earned their affection.
Now I’ve been cast out of the light…
But in a way I won the fight…” Trixie sang, looking up as Luna’s moon struggled to pierce the storm, failing to shine one beam of light on her. Only on an owl sitting on a cactus. She lowered her head at memories, looking at her ruined appearance in a pool of rain water, a few tears falling.
“Who cares what I have done?
Who cares about ‘redemption‘?
It should always be my moment in the sun!
I deserve perfection!
I’ve taken back my spotlight!
I have won the fight!” Checker sang, clapping her hooves and being brought some apple cider by Rover. “A toast to me,” she announced in a calm voice as she looked at her reflection in the drink.

“To you…” the three Dogs muttered, joining the toast half heartedly.
Trixie curled up in her make shift shelter, doing her best to stay out of the rain.

“I can only think of the good I’ve done.
The things I’ve done right.
If my friends are safe I’ve won.
Who cares about my state?” she sung, but her voice was bittersweet at best.

“At least I’ve atoned for my sin.”
“I can only think of the great things I’ve done!
My accumulated power and might!
The victories that I’ve gladly won!
Oh I love my present state!” Checker sung, throwing the Diamond Dogs several large gems in exchange for parading her around the room like a queen.

“Who cares about a silly thing like ‘sin‘?”
“I can’t stop thinking of the awful things I’ve done.
Of myself, I’m sickened at the sight…” sung Helping Hoof, looking at his miserable reflection in a window.

He looked past his reflection and through the window itself, seeing Twilight, now with the rest of the group, talking about the letter from Trixie, all of them seeming extremely upset…hurt.

Helping hoof turned away…then looked thoughtful before looking back…he finally gave a somewhat determined look.

“Maybe there’s one victory to be won
One wrong that I can make right.
Maybe I can atone for one sin…”
“Even if this isn’t….”
“This is…”
“The world I want to be in…”
“Twi’ it just don’t make a lick of sense,” Applejack said, looking concerned.

“She’s right, something smells real rotten about this,” Rainbow Dash added, looking at the letter suspiciously.

“I know…” Twilight replied, pacing back and forth worriedly. “You’re right, it doesn’t make sense for Trixie to just up and leave without saying goodbye in person…”

Rarity gave a nod. “Quite, I may not be impossible to fool, but I like to think I’m decent at reading emotions. And that compassion she showed us just can’t be faked.”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. “She’s right. There’s no way that Trixie would leave us so suddenly.”

“And that Checker was like the meanest kind of mean meanie-pants there is to Trixie!” Pinkie chimed in, seeming a little genuinely angry.

“Exactly…” Celestia’s faithful student replied. “I’d understand it if they made up, but to suddenly go from complete fury at someone, to accepting a job from them? Possible, but unlikely. And Trixie even used Midsummer, not Monarch as her last name like she probably would have if she and Checker HAD made up. It makes no sense.”

“And Trixie left her costume behind, along with the gem she got from her grandmother,” Spike pointed out. “That thing means the world to her.”

“I bet Checker had something to do with this,” said Rainbow Dash, looking very suspicious. “And not just offering her a job.”

Twilight nodded in agreement. “I don’t know Checker that well…but what I know about her doesn’t sound very good, and from what Trixie has said, Checker always hated her.”

“Twi’…Ah’m worried Trixie might be in some kind of trouble, Ah can just feel it in mah bones,” Applejack added, feeling more and more concerned about her every second.

“Yeah I can too!…Oh wait, that’s just my Pinkie Sense,” Pinkie announced, her bones feeling weird. “That one normally means you‘re about to get a letter.”

At that moment, the doorbell rang. Twilight blinked and slowly walked over to it. She opened the door to find a letter taped to the side of the door. “What’s this…” she said, taking it and opening it.
Helping Hoof hid behind a tree, watching over his shoulder. “I’m sorry Trixie…this is all I can do for you…”
Trixie hid behind her rock shelter as powerful winds blasted it, rain stinging her face. The cold didn’t help either. Deserts were hot during the day, but at night their temperatures could be very low due to various reasons. Combine that with the rain, and Trixie realized she was in more trouble than she originally thought.

“Checker…you knew this was going to happen, didn’t you?” she muttered, not putting it past her devious sister for a minute. She knew now what was happening; the area she was right the path of the tropical storm sent to clean up after Discord.

She gave a scream as her shelter suddenly collapsed, forcing her to jump out of hiding to avoid being crushed. She grunted against the wind, trying not to be thrown back, but ultimately failing and being thrown hard into a rock.

Trixie groaned, struggling to her hooves. She looked around and saw a nearby cave, galloping towards it as fast as her legs could carry her, but having to force herself forwards when the wind turned against her.

Panting, she collapsed on the cave floor, shivering heavily and dripping wet. It was even colder in the cave, but it was out of the wind and rain.

After catching her breath, she looked out into the storm. “C-Checker,” she stuttered. “H-how c-could you d-do this?” she continued, looking down in shock. “I knew you were a b-bully…B-but I d-didn’t t-th-think you’d d-do something like t-this…” she continued, shivering violently. How could someone do this to their own sister? And…

“Helping Hoof…” she muttered as she laid down and curled into a ball, trying to find some warmth. She was so cold…
“Twi’, did we have at take this old wooden chariot?!” asked Applejack over the wind, the group riding in a wooden chariot with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Ditzy pulling, Rainbow Dash in front with the other two mares behind her. Thankfully the chariot at least had a covering to protect them from the rain and all three pegasi pulling the chariot were used to high winds and rain from working on the weather team.

The CMC were also present, having absolutely refused to be left behind when it came to their friend’s safety. Then when they had been forbidden from coming and left behind, they’d just snuck aboard and hadn’t been found until they were too far out to turn back.

“Yes! This storm would tear the balloon apart! And a metal chariot risks being struck by lightning!” Twilight replied, looking down at the ground below. “Thanks for coming on such short notice, Ditzy!”

“Trixie’s my friend too!” replied Ditzy with a smile, but visibly breathing heavily, as was Fluttershy. “If she needs me, I’ll help!”

“Well how are we going to find Trixie down there?!” Rarity called back, looking down at the ground below.

“I don’t know…” Twilight muttered, they’d been searching for several hours now and nothing. She knew the pegasi were getting tired, Rainbow was just doing her best to avoid showing it. Twilight was beginning to wonder if that note was even telling the truth. “Just keep calling for her! I‘ll think of something!”

“Let us try!” Scootaloo stated, in a serious tone as she and the other two came up to the sides, Twilight telekinetically holding onto them.

Everypony instinctively covered their ears.
Trixie had tears running down her cheeks as her shivering got worse. Was she going to make it through this? She could either freeze waterlogged in a cave, or take her chances out in the high winds and rain where it was a little warmer, either of which could mean game over for the showmare, and she knew it.

“Well…at l-least if t-this is how it ends, I saved my f-friends…” Trixie said, with a small smile.


Trixie yelped and jumped almost to the ceiling. “What the-”

“TRIXIE!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!” the voices yelled again, desperately.

“What? B-but how…” Trixie asked, heading out to the front of the cave at a stumbling pace as the calls continued.
“Twilight, assuming Trixie hears us, how is she supposed to let us know she does?” asked Rarity, uncovering her ears briefly as the CMC caught their breath.

Twilight blinked. “That’s…that’s a good question…” she said, trying to think of what to do. Then it hit her. She went up front and concentrating setting off some fireworks.
“T-They…T-they came for me?” Trixie asked, dumbfounded. “B-but…how?” she asked, confused. “…T-they d-don’t know I’m out here so h-how?…B-but if t-they k-know I’m out here, that has to mean…”

Her thoughts were disrupted by a fireworks display. “T-the firework s-spell…” the showmare muttered, thinking about the situation she was in. Would them finding her really make things worse? They already knew she was out here, therefore they probably knew too much for Checker’s tastes as it was.

Trixie stood up, concentrating, but her magic fizzled out. “I’m s-so cold…” she stuttered, still shivering. Even moving was beginning to be difficult. She shook it off and concentrated again, the spell sputtering out a second time. She growled and tried a third time, putting all of her remaining energy into the spell, setting off several large fireworks outside the cave. She panted, holding a hoof to her head, her head and horn throbbing.
“There she is!” yelled Twilight, seeing Trixie’s fireworks, relief flowing through her as she saw them.

Rainbow Dash nodded and descended down towards Trixie’s location.
Trixie slowly stepped out from cover into the wind and rain, shaking heavily and obviously worn out.. “Y-you…you c-came for Trix-” before she could finish, two Earth Ponies, two Unicorns, three fillies, and a baby dragon had hug tackled her, the three pegasi only delayed by getting out of their harnesses. Trixie’s eyes filled with tears as she returned the embrace, the heat of it warming her freezing body. After a few moments, she’d recovered enough (both from the cold and the shock) to reply properly.

“You…how did you-”

“It‘s a long story, I‘m just glad we found you!” Twilight replied, giving Trixie a relieved smile and putting up a barrier spell to give them some protection from the storm. “We’ll explain later! We need to get back, the storm is getting worse!” she called over the roaring wind. She could also tell Trixie was freezing, she might even be in early stages of hypothermia, they had to get her warmed up, and quick.

“But Checker told Trixie that-”

“Checker lied!”


“I don’t know! The note said you‘d know what that meant!”

Trixie gasped, then looked rather guilty. “But Trixie thought…please take Trixie home…Trixie just wants to go home…”
Trixie and the group were in Fluttershy’s cottage, which seemed the best place to hide Trixie, as it was the most remote. After making sure Trixie was ok, Derpy had headed home to Dinky, but promised to help if she was needed. The CMC had wanted to stay up, but being fillies, exhaustion had gotten the better of them and they were asleep in Fluttershy’s bed upstairs. Zecora was also present, examining Trixie. They didn’t want to take Trixie into Ponyville and risk letting Checker know they knew she was there, so Zecora was the closest thing to doctor they could get at present.

Angel, Winona, Owlowiscious, and several of Fluttershy’s animals were presently outside (though under cover to protect them from the rain), secretly keeping watch to make sure no one was spying. It was harder to escape an animal’s notice than a pony’s.

“Trixie…Trixie doesn’t know what to say…” Trixie said, tears in her eyes as she snuggled into the warm blanket she was bundled in next to the roaring fire. She gently sipped a cup of hot coco that she held in her hooves, being she was still too weak to use magic at the moment. She’d probably have mostly recovered by morning, but for now she was just happy to be alive. “You braved a tropical storm to save Trixie?”

Applejack put a hoof on the mare’s shoulder with a friendly smile. “Trixie, yer our friend, and we ain’t ever leavin’ a friend when we think they’re in danger…Ah know that better than a lot of ponies…” she said, blushing a bit remembering the incident with the rodeo. How had she ever thought Ponyville would be ashamed of her for not coming in first?

“Yes, though I wish somepony had remembered to come back on that adventure,” Rarity said, glaring at Rainbow Dash.

“I said I was sorry! And you magically locked me in a different frilly dress every day for a week!”

“Open wide, Trixie…if you don‘t mind…” said Fluttershy in a motherly tone, coming over and giving Trixie a spoonful of medicine when the unicorn accepted it.

Trixie turned a little green in the face and swallowed it with a gag. “Um…thank you…”

“You’re welcome…I’m sorry it tasted nasty, but with what you’ve been through we have to be careful,” Fluttershy replied, giving Trixie a warm smile.

Trixie nodded, returning the smile. “Trixie understands…thank you.”

Zecora gave a nod. “Trixie, that was a close call, but you shouldn’t have any problems at all. A little rest, I believe would be best. By the time Luna sets the moon, you should be good as new.”

“Thank you, Zecora,” the showmare replied with a smile. “Kwaheri, Zecora.

Zwaheri, Trixie,” Zecora replied with a smile, packing up and leaving.

Trixie then looked at the note that had been delivered to the group after her kidnapping.

‘Dear friends of Trixie;
Trixie is in grave, grave danger in the desert to the west of Ponyville. She is in desperate need of your help. Please…save her.
A friend.
P.S. Tell Trixie that Checker lied, she’ll know what it means.
P.S.S. Tell Trixie…I’m sorry…’

“What does it mean, Trixie?” asked Twilight, concerned. All they knew was Checker was up to something bad and it connected with Trixie being abandoned in the middle of nowhere.

Trixie gave a small smile. “It means a friend was stronger than Trixie believed he was.”
“When pony pay?” asked Rover, eager to just end their association with the insidious mare. While as greedy, selfish beings themselves, the Diamond Dogs didn’t exactly disapprove of harming others in the quest for wealth, they had a reason when they hurt ponies, at least a good one (in their minds). Checker choosing to ruin ponies out of anger that they’d decided to be someone’s friend was something even the Dogs considered sinister.

“Well we are not quite done yet,” said Checker, as she looked at her chessboard. “Tomorrow is my presentation, the key to my plan. I need you three to be my bodyguards, just in case Trixie decides not to hold up her end of the bargain. When the presentation is over, I shall hand over the gems I owe you and you will never see me again.”

Rover nodded slowly, but didn’t particularly trust her. Something just felt off…He could tell something was wrong. And he began to fear for himself and his pack.

“Miss Monarch,” Helping Hoof said, coming down with a box held in his magic. “I retrieved your dress, just like you asked.”

Checker smirked, taking the box and opening it to find the dress Rarity had made her. Checker looked Helping Hoof in the eyes, making him sweat before giving a smile and turning away. “Good, perhaps you are not so worthless after all, Helping Hoof.”

Helping Hoof cringed at the remark, but hoped it wasn’t as correct as he’d once thought.
“So what yah are sayin’ is that no good sister of yers kidnapped yah, blackmailed yah by sayin‘ she‘s gonna destroy our lives, and tricked yah into lettin’ her dump yah in the middle of nowhere about to be hit with a tropical storm?” Applejack asked, giving a growl. “And was the one who tried to get Rainbow hit with lightnin’?”

Trixie snarled. “Yes, that’s exactly what she did. Then lied about the outcome and still intends to destroy your lives anyway. Trixie really should have seen that coming…she can‘t believe she fell for that…” she said, looking genuinely upset with herself. “Trixie would’ve let all of you lose everything thinking she’d done the right thing…”

“That no good, lowdown polecat!” Applejack yelled, then blinked. “Um…no offense, Sally…” she said to the skunk, who shrugged and went about her own business.

“How could she do that?!” Fluttershy yelled, looking the maddest Trixie had ever seen her. She looked about ready to fly off and give Checker a good talking too.

“Fluttershy, I know Checker is a big meanie, but right now Trixie needs help!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, looking genuinely angry, but a bit calmer. She may have been weird sometimes, but even she could see Trixie’s well being was the most important thing right now.

Fluttershy calmed down a little. “You’re right…sorry…”

“Then let me at her! I’ll turn her into a pony pretzel!” Rainbow Dash yelled, trying to fly off to do just that but Applejack caught her by the tail with her mouth and pulled her back.

“Now just hang on, sugar cube, we all want ta make Checker get what’s comin’ to her, but we can’t just run off and beat her up,” Applejack said once she got Rainbow Dash to stop trying to rush off. “If we do, we’ll play right into her hooves.”

“Quite right, we need something smart, now is no time for violence…there shall be plenty of time for that later,” Rarity growled.

“That don’t sound very ladylike,” Applejack replied.

“It shall be ladylike violence!”

“They’re right, we need to think this over before we do not do something stupid…or Twilight bursts into flames…” Trixie added, watching smoke rise off the furious Twilight’s mane and tail.

Spike blasted Twilight with a fire extinguisher, much to her annoyance.

“Alright,” said Spike, looking equally as mad. “So what do we do? Send a letter to Princess Celestia to have her arrested?”

Trixie shook her head. “No, even she can’t arrest Checker without evidence, her detractors give her enough grief for the punishments she justifiably hoofed out to Nightmare Moon and Discord…that’s our primary obstacle; we have no evidence. So long as she has that card in her hooves, we can’t touch her without giving her the opening to sue us for libel…” she said, trotting over to the window and looking out carefully so as not to be seen herself, getting an all clear from Owlowiscious.

“She’s right,” said Rarity, irritated by that. “Checker isn’t like Nightmare Moon, Discord, and Queen Chrysalis, she’s got protection we can’t just fight our way through.”

“Right now, Checker doesn’t know Trixie has returned…That gives us an advantage…she also likely doesn‘t know you seven know of her plan,” Trixie said, looking back. “So she doesn’t hold all the cards.”

“So we have the element of surprise,” said Twilight, shaking off the extinguisher foam. “How can we use it?”

Trixie sighed. “Trixie doesn’t know…Trixie has never been able to defeat Checker at much of anything…”

“Wait, didn’t yah tell Applebloom yah beat her at a game once?” asked Applejack, scratching her head with her hoof.

Trixie nodded. “Yes…chess.”

“Oh great, how is that going to help us?” asked Rainbow Dash, frustrated at how this was going.

“Wait, Trixie, how did you beat her?” asked Twilight, serious.

Trixie thought about it seriously. “It was rather simple…she merely positioned her pieces in such a way that Checker was…” Trixie’s eyes widened. “Tricked into defeating herself! That‘s it!”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “What? We’re going to beat her at chess?”

Trixie shook her head. “No! Think! What is Checker’s true strongest weapon?”

“That we can’t touch her without getting sued, we knew that already!”

Trixie smirked. “Correct, and the only way to stop that, is to show too many witnesses for her to cover up who she really is! And the only one who can do that, is Checker!”

Twilight gasped, giving a smile. “We trick Checker into defeating herself! That’s brilliant!”

“One problem,” Rainbow interrupted. “How do we do that?”

Twilight looked thoughtful for a moment, then got a smirk and looked to Spike seriously. “Spike, take a letter, I’ve got an idea.”
Trixie laid down on the couch, the others felt she should get some much needed rest while they ironed out their individual parts of the plan (and their backup plans). Trixie knew hers, and was about as ready as she could be. But still, something was bothering her…

“Hey, Trixie,” Applejack said, trotting over.

Trixie jumped, then looked embarrassed. “Hello, Applejack…Trixie is sorry, she thought you were talking with the others,” she replied, settling down.

“Nah, Ah got the easy part, the others are all gettin’ everything in order,” said Applejack, she then looked serious. “Trixie…yah sure you’re ready for this?”

Trixie nodded. “Yes…Trixie just wants this nightmare to be over…”

Applejack nodded, giving her a comforting smile. “Ah know, Trixie. What that mare has done to yah, no pony should ever have to live through…”

Trixie gave the orange Earth Pony a grateful smile. “Thank you, Applejack…you‘re a good friend…” she replied, then looked a little guilty.

Applejack put a hoof on her shoulder. “Yer still feelin’ guilty over takin’ Checker’s choice, ain‘t yah?”

Trixie nodded slowly. “…Trixie thought she was protecting you all…all she did was make you seven more vulnerable than ever…And she should’ve known better, half the demons you seven helped her exercise were caused by Checker’s lying. How could Trixie have not seen it coming?”

“Sugar Cube, what kind of situation where yah in at the time?” the Earth Pony asked, sympathy in her tone.

“…Trixie was suddenly alone in a dark cave…faced with the fact her sister was a madmare out to destroy her and/or all her friends and one of the few ponies she considered close to a friend as a filly was working for her…” Trixie explained, giving a shudder at the memory.

“So yah were alone in a scary place, came face to face with a nasty thing yah didn’t want to face, and then after all that given a choice yah didn’t want to make and couldn‘t come up with a way out?”

Trixie nodded with a sigh. “Yes…that’s exactly it…”

“Trixie, we all know what that’s like…well, except for Rarity and Fluttershy kinda, but they got their own baggage out of it,” Applejack replied, giving an understanding smile.

Trixie blinked. “What?”

“Discord did the same thing to us. Lured us into a maze after spookin’ the horseapples out of us, then separated us. We were all alone in a spooky hedge maze, and he made each of us face something we didn’t want to face, and ended up trickin’ us into thinkin’ things that were far from the truth…” Applejack replied, a bit of pain making its way onto her face. “‘When all the truth does is make yer heart ache, sometimes a lie is easier to take’…”

Trixie blinked, a little unnerved seeing strong willed Applejack clearly hurting. She knew what Discord had done to her, but it was just a little shocking to see someone so strong willed still carrying scars.

“He made meh think our friendship was gonna fall apart, and that tellin’ lies were kinder than tellin’ the truth. That it‘d be the right thing to do to lie to mah friends about what Ah saw, and Ah believed him. Because Ah was alone, scared, and just got hit with something it really hurt to face. If Ah hadn’t listened and told Twilight, maybe we’d have figured out his game.

“Ah made the wrong choice, and well…he brainwashed meh, but even before that Ah started to buy into the poison apples he was peddlin’,” AJ admitted, giving a shudder at the memory. “The point is, varmints like Discord and Checker put their victims in situations like that so they’ll make the wrong choice because they’re scared, hurt, and confused. They set it up so yah can‘t see the right choice even if its starin‘ yah in the face. Ah never even thought the ‘vision‘ Discord showed meh was a big fat lie, and because of that Ah ended up makin‘ it the truth. ”

Trixie blinked, thinking it over. “But…that doesn’t change the fact Trixie made the wrong choice…”

“Yah took her bait, but that don’t change how much it hurt to get the hook in the jaw. Trixie, what Ah’m tryin’ to say is this; don’t beat yerself up over makin’ the best choice yah thought yah could make. Yah were in a position where no pony alive can blame yah for making it,” the farmer said with a serious expression. She then softened. “And Trixie, yah thought sacrificin’ yourself to save your friends was the best choice yah could make. It wasn’t the right one, but it says a lot about yah that that was yer choice.”

Trixie gave it thought…then slowly nodded, giving a smile. “Thank you, Applejack, Trixie needed that…you’re a good friend.”

Applejack smiled. “Any of the others woulda done the same thing.”
Trixie nodded. “Yes, and Trixie hopes she would too if it came to it…” she said, before once more looking a little uneasy. “Applejack, Trixie has been wondering something…Was Trixie…was Trixie really as bad as she thinks she was?”

Applejack blinked. “Why are yah askin’ meh that?”

Trixie looked at her seriously. “Because you are horrible at lying and if the others were here, they might lie to make Trixie feel better. Trixie wants the honest truth.”

Applejack rubbed her head. “Ah get it…Yah really want to know?”

Trixie nodded. “Yes…”

“Well…yah weren’t bad, just…kind of a jerk. It wasn’t yah puttin’ on a show, it was how yah rubbed how ‘great and powerful’ yah were in everypony’s face and got a kick out of humiliatin’ ‘em…Ah get defendin‘ yerself against the crowd sometimes, but then there‘s humiliatin‘ ponies for just askin‘ yah to back up yer claims. That went too far”

“And now?”

“Now yer a completely different mare. The old Trixie would never have laughed with Pinkie when she took the spotlight from her, and she wouldn’t have sacrificed her new life for her friends. And earlier today, yah actually seemed happy for the first time since Ah saw yah. Not pretendin’ yer happy, but really happy…When Ah saw yah like that, it was like Ah was in a completely different universe…again. Yah’ve changed just that much, for the better Ah’d say.”

Trixie smiled. “Thank you, Applejack, that means a lot…wait, again?”

Applejack sighed. “Long story short, Twilight messed up a spell and we all ended up in a gender flipped universe and met ourselves as stallions.”

Trixie blinked. “Trixie sees…you seven have strange lives…”

“Tell meh about it…”

Trixie then looked thoughtful, thinking about the things that had been said. “Say, Applejack…by chance would you be having nightmares about what Discord did to you?”

Applejack blinked. “Um…no, why would Ah have nightmares? Hehe…” Trixie narrowed her eyes in response to the mare’s horrible poker face. “Alright, yeah, Ah do, Ah think we all do.”

Trixie smiled. “Well Trixie has something she thinks will help you all, Twilight can vouch for that…”
“Alright, you girls know our part of the plan?” Spike whispered as he and the CMC walked into the growing crowd around the stage the next morning.

The trio nodded. “Yep, we got it,” Sweetie whispered back.

“Well well, look what the cat dragged in.”

“Oh great, just what we needed,” Scootaloo groaned.

Diamond Tiara trotted up with her typical air of arrogance. “The three little blank flanks hanging out with the dragon, just when I thought you three couldn’t get any crazier.”

Spike snarled, but Applebloom put a hoof on his shoulder and shook her head.

“Better watch out, he might turn on you in the blink of an eye,” Diamond added, getting Spike to growl and smoke to come out his nose. “Oh well, at least you’re finally hanging out with someone else who will never get a Cutie Mark. Well, I’ve got to go meet my parents, we’re going to watch Checker make us even richer,” she said with a cackle.

“Settle down, Spike,” Applebloom said, holding the baby dragon back. “She ain’t worth it.”

“Yeah, she’s just a bully-wait,” said Scootaloo, blinking. “Parents? Diamond Tiara has a mom?”
Diamond walked away, running right into Checker, now wearing the dress Rarity had crafted for her. “Oh, hello Miss Monarch,” she said, giving a smile.

“I saw what you did back there,” Checker said, causing Diamond to look a little nervous, until the mare gave an approving grin. “Good job, you really are a lot like I was when I was a kid. Keep up the good work. Some day you might be just like me.”

Diamond Tiara smirked back. “Thank you, Miss Monarch, I will!” she said, looking up to her with a bit of admiration.
“Alright, try again, Trixie,” Twilight said, sitting next to an open book in Fluttershy’s living room as Trixie concentrated. The showmare’s horn lit up and she disappeared in a flash of purple light, appearing above the table, upside down, before landing on it with a grunt and sending paper flying in all directions.

Trixie gave a sigh. “Well that went fabulously,” she said in a completely deadpan voice as Spike laughed a little. “Why are you teaching Trixie teleportation again?”

“So if the plan doesn’t go right, you can teleport out of harms way,” the purple unicorn replied. “That and it could come in handy during a magic act,” she stated, then gave a smile. “That wasn‘t bad for a beginner, you just need to remember to properly align yourself when you arrive.”

Trixie sighed. “Well Trixie didn’t even know she could learn how to teleport in the first place…”

“It counts as stage magic, so it’s no surprise,” Twilight replied, looking down at Trixie. “And you taught me the firework spell, I thought I‘d return the favor.”

“Well…thank you,” said Trixie, looking grateful. She really was, her nerves were just affecting her. After all, they were preparing for the finale showdown with Checker, it was little wonder she was on edge.

She then rolled her eyes up to look at the book her head had landed on. She got up and looked at it. “‘A Reference Guide To Dreams‘? Why are you looking that up?”

“Because me and Pinkie Pie had a shared dream the night before last…and I think the others did too, but I’m not sure,” Twilight explained, looking a little concerned. “I looked up how that was possible and found out that two unicorns occasionally share dreams when their magic signatures aligns just right. The alignment creates a link between their subconscious minds, causing them to share the same dream.”

Trixie blinked. “Right…But Pinkie Pie is an Earth Pony, an exceptionally strange one, but still an Earth Pony…And most of the others aren‘t unicorns either.”

“Exactly, that’s the strange part. Maybe our Elements of Harmony and the link we have through them may have had something to do with it,” the unicorn replied, but didn‘t look too certain. “Still, that isn‘t the only way this can happen,” she continued, genuinely unnerved. “Listen to this; ‘There exists a spell in the field of psychology that allows one pony to begin sharing a dream with another pony at will. This dream infiltration spell works on the same principle as normal shared dreaming; linking the two subconscious minds, but can be used on any type of sentient being. If abused, this spell could be used for nefarious purposes. For this reason, even using it is outlawed without a psychiatrist’s license,” She read, sending a chill down Trixie’s spine.

“I can’t imagine how someone could abuse this spell, especially if they knew your grandmother’s trick. Normally, the pony using it is reduced to a dream-like state, and experiences it like their own dream. With that trick, they could take control of someone else’s dream.”

Truth be told, Twilight feared somepony might already be doing just that. She was observant enough to recognize that Checker’s eyes matched those she’d seen in her dream. Still, she had no proof, and Trixie was already nervous as it was. Plus, there was really no way they would be able to get Checker to confess to it regardless and most unicorns had a seal placed on their horns when arrested.

“Take control of someone else’s dream…” Trixie repeated, thinking. It was quite honestly a terrifying thought…

“Come on, we need to go get ready.”

Trixie jumped down and staggered a little bit. “Trixie guesses she’s still a little weak from her ordeal.”

“Then I’ll handle the teleporting, ok?” asked the purple mare, getting a smile from Trixie.
“Alright, all set,” said the stallion working the sound equipment inside a building near the stage.

“Excuse me.”

The stallion turned and saw Spike standing behind him. “Oh, hello there.”

Spike handed him a note. “Twilight Sparkle, the Princess’ envoy to Ponyville, said there‘s been a change of plans and you‘re no longer needed, sorry.”

The stallion raised an eyebrow after reading the note. “Do I still get paid?”


“Fine by me,” he said and trotted out with a smile .

Spike rushed over and peaked out the door before closing and locking it. “Alright, come on out.”

Scootaloo pushed a vent open and climbed out. “That was easy.”

“Being Princess Celestia’s envoy has it’s advantages,” the baby dragon replied with a chuckle and a smile.

“Why are we doing this again? Ah mean not that Ah don’t want to help Trixie, but why did we get this job?” Applebloom asked, climbing out behind Scootaloo.

“Because we’re the only ones small enough to hide if someone comes poking around and the others all have their own jobs,” Spike replied, climbing up on a stool to look at the sound equipment, the others climbing up with him. “When someone’s microphone turns on, this light will turn on, then we push up the lever to hear what they’re saying. Then we press this button to make the sound come out of the speakers.” he explained, pointing to the various devices. “Any questions?”

“Yeah,” said Sweetie Belle, climbing out the vent and pulling a bucket of tree sap and a pillow with her. “Why did Scootaloo have us bring a bucket of tree sap and a feather pillow?”

“In case we need a booby trap. It came in handy last time!”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and climbed up on her stool.
“Alright,” said Pinkie Pie, putting the microphone on Checker and turning it on. Several set on a table nearby, spares “You just talk and this little thingie will make sure everypony hears you, got it?”

“Yes, I am quite aware of how a microphone works,” Checker replied, rolling her eyes at the hyper pony.

“By the way, thank you for being super duper nice to Trixie and giving her a job! That was so nice of you!”

Checker chuckled. “Well, I am a nice pony, now run along…Pinkie Pie,” she said, watching the pony hop away and giving a demented chuckle to herself. “Hook, line, and sinker,” she commented at the apparent success of her deception the night before. She then turned to a full sized poster of herself with ‘Monarch Inc.’ printed on it in big bold letters. “Nicely done. Helping Hoof, who painted this?” she asked, looking it over with her analytic eyes.

“It says a ‘Paraderpy’, sir, he’s a good artist I hear,” Helping Hoof replied, trying not to look as scared as he really was in public. He knew if she found out about his betrayal, there was no telling what she’d do to him!…Or, for that matter, the ponies who now knew the truth. And…the pink pony…was she telling the truth? Had they believed the note? What if they hadn’t? The thought nearly crushed him.

“Hmm, I was smart to hire whoever hired him.”
Diamond Tiara stood next to her parents in the crowd. Her mother had a purple/pink coat and a purple mane with white stripes. Her Cutie Mark was a golden tiara, which matched one she was wearing. She generally looked pretty free spirited.

Diamond leaned against her mother. “Mom…I’m glad we get to spend the day together,” she said, giving an honest, genuine smile.

The mare looked down at her daughter with a warm smile and nuzzled her. “I am too, princess. I’m sorry we haven’t been able to spend time together like we used to. I just had a tiny…nervous breakdown is all…But everything is better now, I know not to overwork myself like that again.”

Diamond gladly returned her mother’s nuzzle, then looked back to the stage. She saw Silver Spoon standing nearby with her parents and waved.
Rarity, dressed in one of her custom dresses, sat down next to a female pony in business ware. “So you’re one of the investors?”

“Yes,” the mare replied in a rather snooty voice.

“Well I think that’s a wonderful decision, Ponyville needs the business,” said Rarity. “After all, what better place for a mall?”

“That’s the idea.”

“Such a brave move too. I mean sure there were the attacks by Nightmare Moon and Discord, dragons, we’re in the migration path by the way, Cerebus, and it nearly got eaten by parasprites. Oh, and the Ursa Minor attack. And of course it’s on the outskirts of a monster infested forest of death. But I’m sure it all evens out in the end.”

The investor looked positively shocked. “I…I didn’t know all of that.”

“Oh I’m sure it’ll be ok. After all, I work out of Ponyville and am a successful fashion designer…”

The investor gave a sigh of relief.

“I’ve only been emotionally broken by Discord, attacked by a Manticore, kidnapped by a giant rampaging dragon, had my shop eaten up by Parasprites, been kidnapped by Diamond Dogs, and had my diary printed in a newspaper by a bunch of fillies…this year,” the fashion designer explained.

The investor gulped. “I see…”

“Well, it is a scary place sometimes…” said Rarity, then a thought occurred to her. One that could make this more than just plan b. “But you know, that means it’d be a perfect place for a theatre perhaps. Would add a little atmosphere, you know? Scary plays are better in a scary place, and lots of adventures have happened here. Lots of atmosphere for stories to be told. We don’t have one unfortunately, ponies have to go all the way to Manehatten just to enjoy a play. Canterlot only has plays during holidays, and our auditorium is for important events only. A shame really. The play we had here the day before yesterday was very successful, paid off all the damage inflicted by the Ursa Minor attack.”
Applejack pulled on the rope of the curtains as a test, causing Checker and Helping Hoof to cover their ears at the loud squeaking of the pulleys. “What the hay was that-I mean…Those pulleys are certainly noisy…”

“Yep, they most certainly are,” Applejack added, completely truthfully.

“Miss Monarch!” called Pinkie Pie, hopping over. “Fluttershy wants to talk to you about the birds!”

Checker raised an annoyed eyebrow. “Coming,” she said, following the pink pony off stage, Helping Hoof in toe.

After she’d walked away, Applejack closed the curtains and climbed up on a ladder to oil the pulleys.
“Now, what is it about birds?” Checker asked, looking at Fluttershy from behind her sunglasses.

“I thought you might want to hear the birds…um, if that’s alright,” Fluttershy replied, timidly, hiding behind her mane.

“Show me.”

Fluttershy fluttered over to her birds and began leading them like an orchestra commander.
Applejack tested the curtains again, which now barely made any noise, and from where Pinkie Pie stood they couldn’t be heard at all over the birds when she stood nearby and gave a nod. She peaked out and looked up carefully, seeing Rainbow Dash and Derpy moving the presently calm storm clouds in such a way that light didn’t shine directly on the stage through the curtain when they were open. The three nodded subtly to one another and snuck off.
“Everything is ready, Twilight!” Pinkie reported to Twilight, who hid in a bush nearby with Trixie.

“The Diamond Dogs?” asked Trixie carefully, not poking her head out.

“Rarity is taking care of them as we speak,” Pinkie Pie continued.

Twilight nodded. “Alright, thank you Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie gave a salute and sunk into a bush, causing Twilight and Trixie to blink as they then peaked in and found her gone.

Twilight turned to Trixie. “You ready, Trixie?”

“As Trixie will ever be.”

“Twili’,” called a hushed voice.

A white stallion with a blue mane, with lighter blue stripes, walked over slowly, keeping an eye out.

“B.B.B.F.F.!” Twilight replied, keeping her voice hushed, but hugging the stallion.

Trixie blinked, raising an eyebrow. “B.B.B.F.F.?”

“Big Brother Best Friend Forever.”


Twilight smiled, but kept an eye out for anyone who might throw a wrench in the works. “This is my big brother, Shining Armor. He’s the one I sent the letter to last night.”

Trixie nodded, though looked a little envious. “Trixie is glad to meet you, Shining Armor…”

Shining Armor gave a smile and a nod. “Same here. It’s good to meet another of Twili’s friends.”

Trixie nodded. “Trixie is pleased to be her friend, your little sister is one of the kindest mares she has ever met.”

The captain of the royal guard smiled and put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “I know.”

Trixie once more looked a little jealous as Twilight smiled back, but shook it off. “Not to sound rude…but why exactly did you summon your elder brother, Twilight?”

Twilight smiled. “We needed someone high up in Equestria to see this in order for this to work, Shining Armor is the captain of the Royal Guard, and now officially a Prince since he married Princess Cadence. I‘d have called the Princesses, but they‘re all on a diplomatic visit to the Griffin Kingdom today.”

Trixie’s jaw dropped. “You called in the captain of the Royal Guard?!”

Twilight shushed Trixie and looked around, no one had noticed. She then gave a smile to Trixie. “When it comes to my friends being in trouble, I don’t mess around.”

“Alright, girls, lets get in positions,” Shining Armor said, seriously. He then smiled to his sister. “We’ll catch up later,” he said, trotting off carefully.

Trixie once more looked jealous, causing Twilight to frown. She didn’t need to guess to understand. “Trixie…for what its worth…I might not be your biological sister, but I’m proud you think of me as one.”

Trixie suddenly felt quite foolish. She didn’t say a word, merely hugged Twilight before they commenced the plan.
“Thanks for the ride boys,” said Helena, stepping out of the chariot and floating them a few bits. She then peaked over to the assembled crowd. “Hmm…what’s this…” She saw Checker’s chariot sitting nearby, Chauffeurs waiting to be needed. “Checker? Well, isn’t that a surprise,” she stated, taking a place in the crowd. “Both my granddaughters in one place…” she said, then looked a little sad. “I wonder if Checker is doing alright…” she muttered, knowing Checker had been headed down the wrong path last time they’d seen each other…
Checker was applying a little makeup in a mirror, giving a deranged smirk, letting her mask crack for a moment. “Almost showtime,” she stated, turning and walking over to the main backstage area, noticing everyone had cleared out but Helping Hoof, probably to go wait for the presentation to start. She peaked out from beside the curtain, seeing the board of directors watching. She smirked and trotted back to get ready.


“Trixie?” Helping Hoof asked as he spun around in shock.

Checker blinked, turning and seeing Trixie standing not that far away, dripping wet and covered in mud, shivering and generally looking like she’d gone through hay. Her legs quaked and she panted heavily. Checker narrowed her eyes.

“Why hello there,” Checker replied, strangely unsurprised. “Let me just turn off this microphone so we can talk properly,” she said, her face becoming emotionless as she pulled the microphone off and shut it off, then crushed it underhoof, causing Trixie to give a gasp. “Oops, I can be so clumsy sometimes.”

Checker looked over at the microphones and made sure they were all shut off before walking over to Trixie. She telekinetically pulled Trixie’s mane and tail straight, revealing a similar microphone kept under her mane, which was shut off and crushed. “Seriously now, Trixie, did you really expect me not to see that coming?”

Trixie now looked genuinely scared, and she wasn’t acting. “How…how did you-”

“I may have dropped you in the middle of nowhere, did you honestly think I would not consider the possibility you would not stay there? Why do you think I kept the Diamond Dogs hired?” she asked, looking around and making sure no one was there but her and Helping Hoof. She then gave an unhinged smirk. “Such an obvious move, Trixie. Come here, steal a microphone, and get me to talk about my plan while it is broadcast to the world? Please, that’s so predictable!”

Helping Hoof slowly peaked over at the microphones on the table, then back to Trixie and Checker, a conflicted and guilt ridden look in his eye. What should he do?

“If that‘s all that matters to you…then maybe Checker was right…maybe you are weak…”

Helping Hoof looked back at his fake Cutie Mark, then back to the scene before him, the frightened look on Trixie’s face. After all that had happened to her…she still hadn’t given up. She’d come all this way to try and stop Checker…

A determined look formed on his face.

“You see, Trixie dear,” Checker said, taking out her chessboard. “Chess is about being three moves ahead of your opponent. You tried to be one move ahead of me and I was already two ahead of you, simple as that really.”

As Checker looked to her chessboard, Helping Hoof walked up and looked to Trixie, who met his gaze. He winked at her and carefully opened his vest to reveal a microphone hidden there, activation light on.

Trixie gave a hidden smirk as Helping Hoof covered the microphone before Checker saw it. She returned to acting terrified as her sister’s gaze returned to her. But still, she felt a tug in her heart.

“Checker…please, let’s just stop this. You leave me alone, I leave you alone…we’re sisters, isn’t that how it should be?” Trixie asked, actually being genuine. Truth be told, she did want to give her sister one last chance to turn back. She may have been a monster and had to be stopped…but they were still blood. “Please, let’s just end this and go our separate ways…”

Checker just laughed. “You are in no position to tell me that. Now, your options are simple. You can go with plan b. Go out there and…”
“…tell them how rotten your mean big sister is…”

“Here we go,” said Spike, Scootaloo nodding and pressing the correct button.
“Go out and tell the world about Checker Monarch’s big plan to ruin six perfectly innocent mare’s lives,” Checker’s voice said over the speakers outside. Pinkie shushed the crowd before they could exclaim their shock.

Shining Armor motioned some guards to come to his side and donned his purple Royal Guard armor.

“And then I act the part of the wounded mare who’s been accused of such horrible things on false grounds. Because guess what, Trixie? You don’t have any evidence! You’re one hundred percent right about me, but who’s going to believe a filthy homeless mare over the most powerful mare in Manehatten?!”

Diamond Tiara blinked as the words reached her ears. “Miss Monarch?” the filly asked. “What’s going on here?” she asked, though something about what Checker said…it made her feel…strange. Kind of sick.

“And guess what little sister? Your wonderful friends will vouch for you, of course, but I will just make sure they go down with you. I will still ruin them no matter what you do. Those who help the weak fall with them, that is just how the world works.”

“Little sister…” Diamond muttered, eyes shrinking to pinpricks. She looked up at her parents, then to Silver Spoon. The thought of doing something like that to them…it made her sick.

“Checker, how could you do this to your own sister?!” Trixie’s voice demanded, sounding rather hurt and broken.

Checker gave a demented chuckle. “My sister? Do you think that really matters? You don’t get it, do you?! The strong rule the weak! I can manipulate everypony else as easy as breathing! That means I’m the strongest! That makes you and everypony else the weak. And that means you are all just my pawns to do with as I please whenever I feel like it!”

“That still doesn’t explain why you’ve done this to me, Checker!”

“It is simple really. Ever sense you were born, the spotlight has been split between you and me. I have always had to share it with you. And guess what Trixie? I don’t share!”

Diamond listened, and suddenly felt like she was going to throw up. A bully? Yes, and proud of it…But she still loved her father, and her mother, even if she hadn‘t been there for her all that much recently. The thought of doing something like this to any of them, or even to Silver Spoon…Who could do that to their own family? And why did it make her feel so bad to hear?

“Good job, you really are a lot like I was when I was a kid. Keep up the good work. Some day you might be just like me.”

“Just…like…her…” Diamond muttered, fear filling her face as it sunk in.

Her mother noticed her daughter’s fear and gave her a comforting nuzzle.
Helena gasped as she heard the words, feeling like a knife to the heart. No…two of them. One for Trixie’s suffering, and one for Checker being the one that caused it. “Checker…I knew you weren‘t the nicest pony…but…” she muttered, a tear running down her face. “How…how could you do that to Trixie?”

She then heard something and looked to Checker’s chauffeurs, who seemed panicked. She crept over towards them suspiciously, listening closely.

“Oh this isn‘t good! Checker’s busted! We’ve got to get out of here!” yelled one of them, looking panicked.

“Relax, what did we do? Pretend you didn’t know anything,” another replied coolly.

“But they’re going to believe Trixie! We’re accessories to a kidnapping! And we don’t have the excuse of being her favorite pawn like Helping Hoof! They’re not going to let us off the hook!”

“He’s right!” yet another replied. “Lets bail! He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day!”

“You aren’t going anywhere,” Helena stated, trotting up to them, glaring straight through them.

“Stay out of this, old lady, this doesn’t have anything to do with you.”

“I’m not an old lady,” Helena replied, giving them a glare rivaling the Stare in its intensity. “I’m a grandmother. And you just admitted to knowingly hurting my granddaughter.”
“And my friends?” Trixie asked, crocodile tears flowing, but convincing enough. “Why are you ruining them?”

“Because they didn’t like following my strategy! They decided they weren’t going to be good little pawns an go according to MY plan! No pony was EVER supposed to like you! That isn’t how I wanted it!” Checker yelled, taking off her glasses and glaring at Trixie, who did her best to avoid eye contact but was forced to look and struggled to remain composed. Checker looked away to check if anyone was watching. While she did that, Trixie subtly moved pieces on her board as she recovered. On Checker’s side, Trixie moved a pawn to d4, Trixie’s knight moving to f6. Sure, it wasn’t necessary, but Trixie liked the irony and drama of it.

“I don’t CARE what you want, Checker!” Trixie growled. “I WANT to have friends!”

Checker growled, glaring daggers at Trixie and making her heart skip a beat. “What YOU want doesn’t matter! So now, you know what?! Forget the options! Rover! Spot! Fido!” Checker called, the three Diamond Dogs dashing up and grabbing Trixie’s shoulders. Trixie struggled. But the moment Checker took her eyes off Trixie to do another check for anyone watching, Trixie moved the board again and the Diamond Dogs merely pretended not to see. Checker’s knight then moved to d2. Trixie replied with pawn to e5. Checker’s pawn took Trixie’s pawn.

“You don’t get a choice! You’re going to be dragged off to their mine and turned into their personal slave! I’ll come to pay them to let you see the sun! Just long enough to see your friends houses torn down!”

“After you brutally ruin their lives?” Trixie asked, glaring daggers at her sister. The birds started singing.

Checker gave an insane smile. “Exactly. And I will make sure to give you a status report on that frequently. It is just about showtime, so, little sister, any last words before I give the order?”

Trixie suddenly gave a smirk. “Just one,” the showmare said, motioning with her eyes to the chessboard as she moved her knight to g4. Checker’s pawn moved to h3 in response.

Checker looked at the chessboard and gasped as she saw the pieces positioning. Something seemed strangely familiar about it.

Trixie moved her knight to e3, seemingly attacking Checker’s queen. So one of Checker’s pawns took the knight in defense…leaving her open to Trixie’s queen moving to h4 for check. Checker’s side replied with the only move possible in response, pawn to g3. The queen took the pawn, leaving the king trapped. And then it hit Checker where she’d seen it before.
“So, going after my queen?” asked Checker with a chuckle, taking the knight.
Trixie smirked and moved her queen to h4. “Check.”
Checker’s eyes widened. She moved pawn to g3, looking on in disbelief.
Trixie’s queen took the pawn.

“Checkmate,” Trixie said with a smirk, her horn glowing and a magic costume peeling off, revealing her good as new underneath it, though still soaked.

Suddenly, a spotlight fell on Checker, causing her to turn and see a hole in the clouds created by Rainbow Dash letting a pillar of sunlight down on her, the audience staring at her in disgust and shock.

Checker could only watch the crowd in complete shock, eyes as big as dinner plates as boos were sent her way. The board of director rose up, looked at her in disgust before walking away.

Shining Armor stepped forwards, flanked by several royal guards, narrowing his eyes at her.

Checker took a few trots backwards in disbelief. “What?! No…”

Pinkie chuckled, walking up to the stage. “Oh! Here comes my favorite part,” she whispered to Rarity, who was watching with her. Pinkie then mouthed a big ‘NO!’

“NO!” Checker yelled, before being blinded by camera flashes, including those from Featherweight sitting in the front row. She looked at the Diamond Dogs, who released Trixie and stood glaring at her while Trixie shook the water from her coat. “What?! You‘re helping them?!”

“That’s the thing about hired guns, Miss Monarch,” Rarity said as she stepped up on the stage, taking off a pair of saddle bags and throwing them to Rover, who checked inside to find them full of valuable gems. “They’re loyal to the money, not to the client.”

“But…but how could you outbid me?!”

“The griffins have a saying, darling,” said the fashionista, giving a smirk. “Give a griffin a fish, feed him for a day, teach a griffin to fish, feed him for a lifetime. Or in this case, offer a Diamond Dog a single huge batch of gems, state him for a bit, offer them a long term mutually beneficial agreement, state him for a lifetime.”

“That, and Checker, they might not have been observant enough to see it on your model,” Trixie said, as Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash joined the group in backing up Trixie and stopping Checker from fleeing. “But Trixie finally realized why the location of your new mall seemed familiar once her friends pointed it out; it was right on top of their mine.”

“And Diamond Dogs no like mean pony!” Rover announced, glaring and snarling at Checker. “Diamond Dogs QUIT!”

Checker slowly opened her chessboard with wide eyes; desperately trying to figure out what went wrong. “But…but I destroyed the microphones! How did you broadcast me?!”

Twilight blinked in confusion. “I…actually don’t know…I didn‘t even know the microphones got destroyed.”

Helping Hoof stepped forwards, walking over to Trixie’s side and opening his vest to reveal his microphone.

Checker backpedaled in surprise, then snarled in fury. “But…You…I control you! You CAN’T betray me!”

“Correction; you used to control me! And I’m sick and tired of it!” Helping Hoof replied. “I’m sick of being under everypony’s hooves! I’m sick of helping you hurt innocent ponies! And you know what else?”

Checker snarled in feral manner. “YOU’RE FI-”

“No! I’m not fired! I! QUIT!” Helping Hoof interrupted, glaring at her. He tore off his fake Cutie Mark and threw it in her face. Helping Hoof panted, then smiled. “That actually felt good!”

Checker snarled and snorted in rage, leaping at Helping Hoof like a tiger going for the kill…only for Trixie to teleport the two of them out of her path, causing Checker to slam face first into a storage crate.

Twilight smiled as Trixie looked to Helping Hoof proudly once they got up from landing upside down off the teleport, though she could tell Trixie was still a bit out of it from the teleport.

“Royal Guards! Arrest that mare!” ordered Mayor Mare from the audience, looking quite furious off.

Shine Armor nodded and approached with the guards along side him. “Checker Monarch, you’re under arrest. Come quietly and make it easier for yourself.”

Checker got back to her hooves and looked at her chessboard, snarling in rage as she tried to figure out a plan, but it was her turn not to have one to save herself…but one with another outcome began to form. “No…not yet…this isn’t over yet…” she muttered to herself, her telekinetic grasp causing the small box the board was projected from to begin cracking.

“This isn’t over…” the madmare stated, her chessboard broke apart even further. Her voice lost all refinement, reverting solely to her more high pitched tone.

“THIS ISN’T OVER!” Checker yelled, shattering her chessboard completely. Her horn glowed brightly, more and more magic pouring into it.

Trixie gasped, staggering back. “Checker! What are you doing?!”

“I’m not losing! I refuse to lose!” Checker yelled, pouring more magic into it. A beam of magic shot off her horn, surrounding each of the group for a brief moment before she smirked and began powering up more.

Rainbow Dash shook her head a little disorientated. “Ugh, what was that…”

Twilight shook her head as well. “I don’t know, it felt like mind magic…” she muttered, then looked at the mare’s horn, the massive amount of power she was pouring into it and gasped as she realized what was happening. “Checker! You’re overstressing your horn! Stop it before you hurt yourself!”

Shining Armor gasped at the sight. “Twili’! Get out of there!” he yelled, galloping towards the stage. Trixie instinctively put herself in front of Helping Hoof. Twilight tried to raise a shield, but was too disorientated to do so.

“I don’t care! If we all lose, then I win!” Checker yelled, a completely deranged look on her face. “Here‘s where the nightmare really starts!” she screamed, giving an insane laugh before a massive flash of light went off and everything went black.

To Be Continued…
(Cue cheery ending theme)