• Published 30th Oct 2021
  • 3,257 Views, 242 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 2] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The second season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

Escape from the Future

It was a bright and sunny day in Ponyville. Bandit and Twilight were getting ready to head to Canterlot for a couple of days, for Bandit’s practice in Chaos Magic. Twilight was beyond excited for the trip, wanting to seeing everything that Bandit's new magic would have to offer.

"Why is it that you always seem more excited to see my mom than I am?" Bandit asked her as he picked up the bags.

"There's always new learning experiences when we visit the princess." She answered, hopping around on her tippyhooves.

"Yeah. That's why I'M the one learning chaos magic." Bandit jokingly teased her.

"Don't worry about a thing Bandit, this house will be spotless when you get back." Chad said with a salute. He and spike had every intention of being alone when they were gone, unfortunately twilight took care of a precaution. Hiring a babysitter.

"Oh, I know it will be. That's why I went to the trouble of hiring a babysitter for the two of you whilst we're away." Twilight replied, smiling at the two of them. Chad let out an audible groan.

"Spike, Code Purple." He said, signaling him to put the hidden drinks back.

"Purple? Ugh." Spike groaned, heading to put them away. There was a knock at the door and Bandit walked over and opened it, seeing Octavia on the other side.

"Oh, hey there Tavi." Bandit said.

"Hello Bandit, Twilight, how are you both?" Octavia asked.

"Doing good. We're just about to leave. Hopefully these two won't give you too much trouble." Bandit said, ruffling Chad's hair.

"Oh there's no need to worry, I'm sure that the three of us will have a wonderful time together." Octavia responded, smiling at both Chad and Spike as he walked back over to them.

"Just don't tell Twilight about Code Purple." Bandit said with a wink as he began walking out.

"I'll make sure not to." She smirked.

Twilight would follow after Bandit.

"You two behave now." She told Chad and Spike.

"That means you Spike." Chad snarkly told her.

"Not everything is aimed at me." He said deadpanned

"See two in a couple of days." Bandit said as he closed the door.

"Hopefully Ms. Octavia won't be a stick in the mud." Chad said with a tail whip

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Spike said.

"Well boys, looks like it's just us now." Octavia said as she walked over. "Is there anything in particular you'd like to do?"

"Well, after I learned how to use Partial Morphing, Spike and I were about to celebrate by making a bunch of bad decisions under the influence of a non existence sugar rush. Want to join us? It'll be quite the adventure." Chad offered.

"A non existence sugar rush you say? Hmmmmm." She brought a hoof up to her chin in thought.

"He's got a point." Spike added.

Octavia pondered the thought for a few moments more before looking at them.

"Can you make a decision before the intro please?" Chad asked. Then a magic circle formed around them.

Octavia's decision was promptly halted as she looked around at the circle that surrounded them.

"Huh. This is a bit weird. Is this part of the adventure?" Chad asked. Then the circle opened as a portal and sucked them all in before closing just as fast.

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

The three of them were falling, inside of some kind of tube like structure with what looked like a galaxy behind them.

"What in Equestria is happening?!" Octavia exclaimed as they fell, looking around frantically and trying to put it all together.

"I have no idea!" Chad exclaimed.

"You!" A female voice came from the right.

Spike was the first to turn in that direction, looking at where the voice came from.

Next was Chad and A white earth pony Mare grabbed them both. The mare had a galactic mane of some kind with a black cape and a green gem on the cape.

"Finally! I'll have my revenge!" She said upon grabbing them. Her eyes were sparkling with magic.

"Hey! You let them go! Whoever you are." Octavia said, reaching to pull them away from her.

The mare grabbed her and pushed her off with a lot of strength, nearly pushing her out of the tube. Chad grabbed Octavia with his magic before spitting in the mare's face, making her let go of them. A portal opened for a split second and swallowed them. The mare on the other hand ended up going through a different portal.

Chad, Spike, and Octavia landed in Ponyville, behind Sugar Cube Corner

Spike landed on his back and Octavia would land beside him.

"What was all that about?!" Spike exclaimed.

Chad landed on the ground next to them and shook his head.

"Told you we'd drop in today." Chad was heard saying. Chad turned to his own voice and saw.....him and Spike standing there.

Spike picked himself up off the ground, looking towards Chad..... and Chad.


"Hey, don't be alarmed, we're just you guys from the future." Other Spike said as he sipped his drink.

Spike blinked a few times to check if he processed that correctly.

Octavia would shake herself off as she stood up.

"I'm sorry. From the future?" Chad asked in surprise.

"Well, TECHNICALLY you guys are us from the past who landed into the future." Future Chad told them.

"The future? I think I hit my head too hard." Octavia commented.

"Trust me. You didn't." Future Octavia said behind them, with a sack of bits on her back.

"Sapphire Spectre ended up sending you into the future." Future Spike said. Future Chad slapped the back of his head.

"Dang it Spike! Why did you do that!?" Future Chad chastised.

"Ow! I forgot!"

"Sapphire Spectre?" Spike asked, tilting his head.

"Ugh. Sapphire Spectre. She's a tyrant who went back in time to get her revenge after we foiled her plans last time. And now thanks to Spike, we have a bootstrap paradox on our hooves." Future Chad said with a facepalm.

"Well, if this Sapphire Spectre is as bad as you say she is, what are we supposed to do?" Octavia asked. "This isn't exactly how we'd planned our day to go."

"Well, thankfully, all you need to do is find the time medallion’s puzzles at black skull island." Future Chad said.

"That's....really far." Chad said.

"That's the only thing we can do?" Spike asked, his facial expression showing his hesitation.

"All you have to do to get back to your original timeline, that and solve the time medallion’s puzzles to get the time medallion. I would be very VERY careful though. Sapphire Spectre might have changed her pursuit like she did with us. When we landed in the future, our future selves said that the time medallion was in the everfree forest, and Sapphire moved it to black skull Island at the last second." Future Chad said.

“It was right after we solved those puzzles too, that was irritating.” Future Spike answered.

"Why don't we just use Starswirl the bearded's time spell?" Chad asked with a head tilt.

"There is no guarantee you'll go back in time to your own timeline. That thing is WAY too unstable for someone as young as the two of us with no time travel experience. Even someone WITH time travel experience if it isn't modified."

"So we won't know if she'll have moved it again until we get there?" Spike said.

"Well, if that is the case, then we'd better get moving hadn't we?" Octavia added.

"Before you get moving, here." Future Octavia said as she gave her past self the bag of bits on her back.

Octavia took the bag, putting it on her back. "H-How much is in here exactly?"

"1501 bits. When you get back to the past, ask Time Turner for a replica of that device that combines Science and Magic." Future Octavia said.

"Sorcery Screwdriver." Future Chad clarified.

"There it is." Future Octavia said. The thing was, none of them have met time Turner, aka doctor whooves yet.

"Sorcery Screwdriver?" Spike asked. "Where are we supposed to find that?"

"Spike, she just said Time Turner was gonna make it, pay attention." Chad glared at him.

"Get a move on, you don't want to take to long." Future Chad said.

"Can you come with us?" Chad asked.

"I'd love to, but someone's gotta keep Pinkie's mouth shut about The news on Cadence." Future Chad said.

Spike winced slightly at Chad's response before looking at future Chad.

"News? What news?"

"I can't tell you that, but I can tell you that the answers to the puzzles are 12 for Now, 18 for future, and 1 for the past. Head out. And be careful." Future Chad told them as he held out the map to Blackskull Island.

"Alright, let's get going!" Octavia said before taking a nervous breath. The three began to walk off….without the map.

"I think you'll need this map." Future Chad said.

Spike ran back and took the map and opened it up to look at it, having a brief scan before folding it up once again.


"Good luck out there." Future Chad said as he walked back and snagged Pinkie's impatient tail.

Pinkie let out an audible help after being grabbed.

"Well, I guess that's that." Spike commented.

"Let's make sure we're careful. If we screw something up with ourselves we'll screw up a lot!" Chad said as he walked. He knew about the laws of time travel, after all. Bandit and Twilight taught him, he didn't fall asleep during it.

"Well then, let's keep our wits about us." Octavia said, looking between the two of them.

"Right!" Chad said. "Part of me wishes we went Back in time. This would be so much easier."

That statement was a bit confusing considering how movies portrayed going to the past.

"Wouldn't that also change things up?" Spike asked. "Y'know, going back and changing events?"

"That's not how Time travel works Spike. Did you fall asleep when Bandit and Twilight were teaching us about that?" Chad asked with a raised eyebrow.

Spike just sighed at that. "Enlighten us."

"When you go back in time, the present is the past, and the past is your future. So what ever you do, it isn’t gonna effect the present, the worst that will happen is that you make timelines that move simultaneously to our own. However, when you go FORWARD in time, you ARE the past, and whatever happens to you will drastically harm the future. Worst case scenario, you completely erase yourself from the timeline and from everyone's memories." Chad answered.

"Erase yourself entirely?!" Octavia asked in surprise

Chad nodded his head.

"Buuuuuut, this is rated E. That isn't gonna happen to us." Chad said with a grin. He then looked up and saw the TV-Y7 symbol pop up again, before slapping it away with his tail. "Pretend you didn't see that."

Spike and Octavia looked at one another with a shrug.

Chad took the map out to read it over and began to follow it. He had his head in the map as he walked.

"Don't worry guys, we'll be their before we know it. Heck, I know a short cut!" Chad said.

[One week later]

Chad, Spike, and Octavia were all on a boat with Blackskull island in view.

"See? I knew jumping on that time card was our best bet. Saved us a 7 day trek." Chad said.

Octavia opened her mouth to speak but Spike shook his head.

"Don't question it."

"Woo! Blackskull Island ahead. Octavia, deploy the anchor." Chad told her with a smile.

"Aye aye!" She exclaimed, dropping down the anchor

The moment she did, she instead ended up hitting dirt as they were no longer in the water. They had transported to the ground.

She peered over the side, looking down at the dirt that she hit.

"Uh, land ho?"

"What just happened?" Chad asked. He turned around and saw a portal close behind him. "She moved us again."

“Again!?” Spike exclaimed then raised an eyebrow. “Wait how are we back here if we’re in a different parts in time? Shouldn’t we be in the same spot just on a different date?”

“Spike the planet moves, I think we should be grateful we aren’t in the vacuum of space.” Chad said. Octavia groaned.

“Where are we now?” Octavia asked.

“You’re in the everfree forest.” A voice said from near them. This time it wasn’t the three of them in the future. This made them turn around and saw a pair of massive, yellow eyes looking right at them. Spike and Octavia yelled in fear, whereas Chad tilted his head.

“What’s a Sphinx doing in the everfree forest?” Chad asked.

“I live in the cave nearby.” The Sphinx said as she stood up straight. She stood over the trees and looked down at them. Chad looked up at her with wide eyes.

“Wow, you’re large.” Chad said. The Sphinx smiled.

“Why thank you, now before I assist you, I need to make sure you are actually Chad, and not some kind of herald of Sapphire Spectre.” The Sphinx said as she loafed. “Each one of you must solve these riddles. Starting with you Miss Octavia.”

“Of course.” Octavia said with a gulp,

“Your first riddle. What goes up, but never goes down?” The Sphinx asked her. Octavia thought for a moment and then realized the answer.

“Ah! My age.” Octavia said. The Sphinx nodded.

“Correct. You’re next Mr. The Dragon.” The Sphinx said. Spike sighed and looked up at the Sphinx.

“Go easy on me, please.” Spike said.

“Though sharp or flat, I don’t cut or go on the floor. I possess many keys, yet open no doors. What am I?” The Sphinx asked him. Spike tapped his chin and began to think. Then he got the answer.

“A piano.” Spike answered. The Sphinx smiled and nodded.

“Correct again.” She then turned to Chad. “Now for you. Your future self told me that you’ll probably get this answer before I even finish the riddle. So here is yours.”

“Ready.” Chad said with a salute.

“Once I’m past, I’m considered gone. Most try to stop me but I march on. Though during fun, I-”

“Time.” Chad answered.

“I should have expected that.” The sphinx said as she used her wing to work as a ramp. “Okay, all aboard, I’m taking you to Black Skull Island.”

“Just like that?” Chad asked. The Sphinx nodded her head.

“You don’t know this yet but in the future you helped me with something that I owe you like…..7 Favors for. This is favor the first favor.”

“Sweet!” Chad said as he climbed on. Spike was hesitant at first but walked onto her back as well, followed by Octavia. Spreading her wings, the Sphinx took to the skies and flew towards Black Skull island.

“Do you…uh? Do you have a name?” Spike asked.

“Nekopatra!” She said with a smile.

[24 Hours Later]

Nekopatra landed on the docks and they saw Black Skull island straight ahead.

“I see Black Skull Island up ahead.” Chad said with a smile, waking up Spike and Octavia. Nekopatra tilted her head.

“Huh, I didn’t know the waters sank the island.” Nekopatra said. The three looked at her a bit confused.

“I’m sorry, sank the island?” Spike asked.

“Hold on tight.” Nekopatra said as she flew towards the island. She then grabbed the mouth of the island and began flying upwards. Soon, she began pulling up the island itself. Chad, Spike, and Octavia went wide eyed as the head of the island slowly began to be revealed as an entire body of an island. Water was slowly spilling out of the entrances, especially the massive entrance in the island’s body.

“So black skull island was really….this?” Spike asked, still in shock from the fact that Nekopatra just literally pulled an island to the surface.

“Back in my day, this was called Black Obsidian Island.” Nekopatra said. Octavia looked at her like she was crazy.

“Black Obsid-....that island was from thousands of years ago!” Octavia said.

“Meh, a little over 994 years ago.” Nekopatra clarified.

“I’m sorry, how old are you?” Spike asked. Nekopatra glared at her.

“Never ask a lady her age.” She scolded him. Spike silenced himself. Nekopatra flew down to the entrance and landed before the large opening. “I do appreciate the entrance being big enough to fit me.”

She walked inside and turns out, while the entrance was big enough to fit her, the inside wasn’t exactly roomy for her. While she could fit, it was practically impossible to open her wings.

“While we appreciate your assistance Nekopatra, I doubt the inside is as roomy as the door.” Octavia said.

“I’ll see if I can back out so you can explore the inside without me.” Nekopatra said. She took one step back and felt and heard a snap.

“What was that?” Spike asked.

“My hoof went through the floor, I think we’re about to fall-” Nekopatra just got out before the floor collapsed completely, resulting in all of the falling, and two girly screams being heard. Only one of them belonged to a girl though.

Nekopatra looked down below and saw a lit temple like area that they were getting closer too. Since she couldn’t open her wings, she activated her claws and dug them into the wall, making them slow down and before they could fall out of the ceiling, they came to a complete stop. The four let out a sigh and Nekopatra let go to land on the floor. Ahead of them was a lit path of torches leading towards a medallion that had a clock in the middle of it.

“That’s the time medallion!” Spike said as he began running towards it. Chad grabbed his tail and yanked him back.

“Spike wait.” Chad said before letting go of his tail. “That’s a bunch of fire torches, still being lit after the island was submerged under water for 994 years. Don’t you think that’s a bit suspicious?”

Spike blinked at him and then looked at the fire. And as he squinted, he was able to see that the fire wasn’t even moving.

“Dude, that’s creepy.” Spike said. Nekopatra suddenly conjured a rock into her paw and threw it, and the rock disappeared, as if it went into some kind of invisible path way.

“It looks like some kind of invisible doorway.” Nekopatra said as she walked forward.

“Do you think its a trap?” Octavia asked.

“It could be, maybe we should go in all at the same time.” Chad said. Spike, Nekopatra and Octavia looked at each other and nodded. They stood in front of the invisible pathway.

“How about we go on three?” Octavia asked.

“Okay. One.” Spike started.

“Two.” Spike said.

“Three!” Chad said as he, Octavia and Spike jumped into the barrier. Nekopatra was in the pouncing position when they jumped, not going in at the same time as them due to thinking they meant ‘1 2 3 go’ rather than ‘1 2 go on 3’.

Chad landed inside of a room with a floor that looked like a massive clock without numbers. There were also no walls, and no ceiling, just a black void. Chad looked around for Octavia, Nekopatra and Spike, only to see that they were nowhere to be found.

Spike landed on a giant hour hand and looked forward to see Romane Numerals ahead. There wasn’t a floor, there wasn’t any walls, just a black void below, above and around him.

Octavia landed on a floor that had a lot of surrounding Romane Numeral numbers, as if it was a massive clock without the hands. She looked down and there was a floor, and a wall, but their was no ceiling, just a black void above her. All three of them had a note right at their feet. Chad’s note said, ‘Now’. Octavia’s note said ‘Future’. Spike’s note said ‘Past’.

Chad looked at the note and then thought back to what his future self said.

“"I can't tell you that, but I can tell you that the answers to the puzzles are 12 for Now, 18 for future, and 1 for the past.

Chad looked forward at the number XII and walked over to it. He stepped on the number and an arrow appeared above him and told him to go forward. Spike hesitated, but placed a paw onto the void and saw that he could walk across it without falling. So he walked along the invisible path.

“"I can't tell you that, but I can tell you that the answers to the puzzles are 12 for Now, 18 for future, and 1 for the past.

Spike looked right at the number I and looked around for a way to get there. He walked towards the edge of the hour hand and looked for if he could make the jump. What he didn’t see was the second hand was moving towards the I. That was until he looked towards the minute hand and saw the second hand moving. Spike gasped and quickly ran back to the base of the hour hand and ran along the second hand and jumped onto the I right as it lined up. When he did, the room began moving with him being the only thing that was stationary.

Octavia was sitting while tapping her chin, reciting what Future Chad had said.

“"I can't tell you that, but I can tell you that the answers to the puzzles are 12 for Now, 18 for future, and 1 for the past.

“18 for future. What the heck is that supposed to mean?” Octavia asked. She looked at all the romane numerals and growled in frustration. “How am I supposed to figure this out?”

Octavia then looked at the romane numerals again and began to count them.

“Okay, so there’s no 18, how am I supposed to solve this puzzle?” Octavia asked. Slowly beginning to lose her patience, and sanity, she began counting the numerals again. She counted 3 more times before she decided to humor the idea of counting over 12. Once she got to XII, she began to count higher instead of restarting at 1.

“13 (I), 14, (II), 15 (III), 16 (IV), 17 (V), 18 (VI), 19, 20, twenty o- wait a minute.” She said to herself. She recounted and got to the number VI when she said 18. That’s when she facehooved and groaned. “The 24 hour clock format, I can’t believe I forgot.”

She walked over to the VI and stood on it and a door opened in front of her. She walked through the door.

Chad walked until he came across a podium with a circular base and a glass protecting it. On the podium was a paw print that simply said, panda. Chad was confused before looking at his hooves. He began to concentrate really hard and after a moment, his hooves transformed into panda paws. He looked at it, smiled and placed the paw onto the print and the glass disappeared. Chad took his paw off the print to grab it and the glass came back. Chad groaned and put it back. When the glass disappeared he used his right paw to grab it. Chad looked at the podium again and then had a light bulb light up above his head.

“Oh! Panda-podium! I get it!”

Spike watched as his surroundings move until a ring of roman numerals fell into his hands and everything just stopped.

Octavia walked through the door and came across a symbol of the sun and the moon, and the two sisters, with a lock around it. The lock didn’t have a keyhole, it instead had a coinslot. Octavia looked at the bag on her back and used her tail to grab a bit from it and put it in her hoof.

“Hmm, these puzzles must’ve been inspired by EA.” Octavia said as she put the coin in the slot. The lock unlocked and just went up, allowing Octavia grabbed the symbols.

Spike, Chad, and Octavia were a few feet in front of the invisible barrier, with the invisible barrier no longer there.

The very moment they did, they heard a thud, making them all flinch and look towards the sound. They saw Nekopatra was rubbing her head, having hit her head on the ceiling when she tried to jump.

“Wait, you didn’t come with us?!” Octavia exclaimed.

“Are you okay?” Chad asked with a head tilt.

“I’m okay. Sorry about that. I thought you meant one, two, three go. Not one, two, go on three.” Nekopatra said before looking at the parts they had. “But hey, it barely took you any time at all to get those parts.”

“Barely any…it took me forever to- Oh nevermind, lets just make this time medallion and get out of this confusing….paradoxical….UGH! I can’t even come up with the words for this outlandishness!” Octavia exclaimed.

“Paradoxical conundrum?” Chad offered as his panda paws went back to changeling hooves.

“Just the items together so we can leave!” Octavia exclaimed. Chad and Spike scrambled and placed the items near one another. Before they could try to think about whether or not how they were gonna put it together, the medallion just…..pulled itself together to make…itself.

“Well. That’s convenient.” Chad said. Nekopatra’s ears twitched and she looked towards the hole they came down in. She heard something coming, and fast.

“How are we supposed to work this thing?” Spike asked. Nekopatra grabbed them and started running down the path. When she did, they heard something land with a loud thud. Chad, Spike and Octavia looked and saw Sapphire Spectre land near them with her eyes glowing blue. She started running after them.

“Okay, crazy mare is back! She’s BACK!” Spike exclaimed. Chad began using his magic to try and activate the time medallion.

“Activate, Activate, Activate, Activate, ActivateActivateActivateActivateActivateActivateActivateActivateActivate!” Chad exclaimed before a portal opened and suddenly they were flying in the sky. “It worked!”

“No, that was me.” Nekopatra said.

“You can make portals?!” Spike asked.

“One of my magic talents.” Nekopatra said. However, the 3 saw Sapphire Spectre come fly out of the hole with wings made of magic.

“I think she’s got just as many.” Octavia said.

“Please tell me you can lose her.” Spike pleaded. Nekopatra looked back and saw the mare shoot blasts at them. She quickly began making evasive maneuvers.

“My size might make that hard.” Nekopatra said. As they were being pursued Chad kept trying to activate the time medallion.

“Come on, we went through this whole adventure and puzzle solving nonsense to get you, how the heck are you supposed to work!?” Chad exclaimed. All of a sudden, there was a two loud booms caused Chad to cover his ears, making them look in that direction. The two sonic booms shook the clouds Nekopatra was flying towards. One had a rainbow explosion, the other had bolts of lightning shooting out.

“The Hypersonic Rainboom?” Spike asked. The time medallion began to spark and was about to activate.

“Oh no you don’t!” Sapphire Spectre was heard saying as another blast shot right for the medallion, Nekopatra dodged it, but the blast arched and headed right back to them. Chad gasped, seeing her aim that blast come right back. Nekopatra looked back and whipped them off of her back. The blast changed targets right back at them. Nekopatra grabbed the magic blast and pulled it down with her paws. The magic blast was sending Nekopatra in different directions as if it was trying to shake her off, but now the magic blast wasn’t a problem for them anymore, but Sapphire Spectre was still coming after them.

The time medallion activated and snapped them back into the large tube that got them in the future in the first place. However, it took Sapphire Spectre with them, the medallion on the other hand was starting to float back to Black Obsidian Island. That was until the back of Nekopatra hit the time medallion sending them into the tube.

Chad, Spike and Octavia were falling through the tubes once more and looked back at Sapphire Spectre who was gaining on them. She sent magic blasts at them, which they were able to dodge. However, when they dodged, they slowed their descents allowing Sapphire Spectre to get closer until she was able to grab them with her magic.

“This is the end of the road for you, you little bug.” Sapphire Spectre said with a growl. Chad looked at her and saw the green gem on her cape.

“Can’t we just talk this out? I’m sure we can come to an agreement.” Octavia said to her. Sapphire Spectre looked at Octavia.

“I think we agree you’re out of place!” Sapphire said. She was about to use her magic to send her out of the tube, but Chad used his magic to try and grab the green gem. It rejected his magic and made a shockwave that sent Octavia, Spike and Chad downward, and Sapphire Spectre back upwards. But it also knocked the gem off of her cape. Sapphire’s magic seemed to completely disappear as a result and she gasped, reaching for the gem.

Chad shot a magic blast at her, which knocked her upwards and away from the gem, which hit the edge of the tube and promptly, flew out. Sapphire watched it and went wide eyed.

“No!” She exclaimed. Chad was then heard talking to her.

“Hey Sapphire! I got a riddle for you!” Chad said, making Sapphire look at him. “It’s not the stars or the cosmos or the universe that grew! Don’t bother looking up, but it’s there for you! What am I!?”

“Dead.” Sapphire said with a glare. Then a voice came from behind her.

“Close.” Nekopatra’s voice said. Sapphire turned around and gasped upon seeing she still had the magic blast in her paw. “Time. Specifically, yours!”

With one punch, the large Sphinx knocked Sapphire Spectre out of the tube, making her collide with her own magic blast. After a brief spin, there was a spherical scorching blast of golden fire that expanded rapidly as a result. Before the explosion could reach them, they all went through portals that opened for only a split second and closed immediately. Chad saw the ground of the library and quickly used his magic to keep them from hitting the ground. He shut his eyes before this but opened them upon realizing his head wasn’t well aquated to the ground. He looked around and saw that they were back home. Chad sighed and used his magic to place them all down. The moment he did, Spike began kissing the ground happily, and Octavia let out a cheer.

“Thank Celestia! We’re back!” Octavia said. “I have never been happier to be in someone else’s home so much.”

The door began to open and Twilight walked back inside. The three of them quickly moved into positions where they were ‘acting natural’.

“Welcome back Twilight!” Spike said with a smile. “How was canterlot?”

“Is that a joke?” Twilight asked. The three looked at each other as Twilight chuckled and rolled her eyes, walking over to the desk and leaving a check list there. “We had to come back because I forgot to leave the chore list for you two.”

“Wait, how long were you gone?” Octavia asked. Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Um. Seven seconds? Are they causing you that much trouble?” Twilight asked.

“Oh no, just a little curious is all.” Octavia quickly covered. Twilight was gonna ask further, but Bandit poked his head in.

“Twilight, I will live you in like, 10 seconds.” Bandit said. Twilight left the list and ran back out the door, closing it behind her. Octavia, Spike and Chad looked at each other in shock.

“Only 7 seconds past!?” They all exclaimed.

Inside Canterlot Castle, Celestia was walking out of the room Bandit was going to be use for his Chaos Magic practice and immediately after leaving the room, she received a letter from Chad. Thinking it was a friendship lesson, she opened it to read it. However, as she progressed through the letter, her smile dropped and she seemed to be looking in shock instead. When she got to the end of the letter, she used her horn to call Luna. Who woke from her sleep to answer.

“Hmm? Sister?” She asked.

“Luna, Chad has found it.” Celestia told her.

Author's Note:

One thing I want to set straight about this chapter. Spike, Chad, and Octavia 100% returned to their original timeline! They did not end up somewhere else without knowing, they are back home, so calm those theories down now.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, that blast did something to the Multiverse. What did it do? You'll see.....in later seasons (Season 3) but you'll see.

Four things to point out right now.

1) Sapphire Spectre survived that blast, also at this point looks like this:

2) The two points in time Spike, Chad and Octavia ended up in the future in is 'The One Where Pinkie Knows' and My Little Pony: The Movie

3) This is Nekopatra:

4) Octavia went to see Time Turner as Chad was sending that letter to his mom. Oh, and also this is what the Time Medallion looks like:

Comments ( 10 )

interesting design for her

Fantastic chapter. :twilightsmile:

Good chapter. Nice work.

Happy 2024!!!

this chapter has me wondering for the next time a pony trys to travel through time

“I’m sorry, how old are you?” Spike asked. Nekopatra glared at her.


Yay I'm finally up to date with this season and the story thus far. Why am I hearing the Dr. Who intro theme form the 70s. Anyway the four wall breaks are killing but I'm completely fine with it. Thanks for the episode will be waiting in anticipation for the next one. I got a lot of fimfiction story to keep me busy until then. As always keep em coming.

Boy this chapter was fun! I hope we'll get to see more of the characters established here! Especially Nekopatra! I do love my mythical creatures! :pinkiehappy:

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