• Published 30th Oct 2021
  • 3,259 Views, 242 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 2] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The second season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

May The Best Pet Win

It was a bright and sunny day with clear blue skies, and peace in the air. Rainbow Dash was racing through the sky, enjoying her flight.

“Ha-ha! Whoo-hoo! Yeah!” She laughed as she did a series of tricks in the air. As she was flying, soon enough, Klaw and Fang began flying right beside her. Fang was wrapped around Klaw’s neck like a scarf, and enjoying his flight. Looking over her shoulder, Rainbow Dash spotted them.

“Oh hey Klaw. Hey Fang.” She said with a smile. Klaw saluted to her as Fang stuck out his tongue happily. Rainbow Dash started to pick up her speed.

“Try to keep up you two!” She said as she flew even faster. Klaw didn’t have a single issue keeping up, and even flying faster than her at one point. This took Rainbow by surprise, but she didn’t slow down. She sped up to try to surpass Klaw, but barking caught her off guard.

“Huh?” She asked as she stopped in confusion. Klaw turned around, and he had Winona’s head on his body, barking towards her.

“What? Winona?!” She asked in surprise. “I mean… Winona’s head?” She asked in confusion. Klawnona did a bunch of barrel rolls around her while still happily panting.

“Um, is this weird, or is it just me?” Rainbow Dash asked. Within seconds, she got her answer when Owlowiscious flew by, with Angel for a head, which also turned into Gummy’s body.

“Owlowiscious? Angel? Gummy? Okay, this is officially beyond weird now and moved right on down to Freakytown.” Rainbow Declared. Thats when a wing tapped her shoulder. She turned around to see Ace with Achilles’s wings. He hissed at her and Opal came out as the tongue.

Rainbow Dash gasped and suddenly she was falling toward the ground far below. "Yaaaaah!"

"WAAH!" Rainbow Dash woke up startled almost falling off the tree branch she'd been sleeping on.

She blinked as she saw Opal and Achilles in the tree. Achilles was preening Opal as she was yowling down at Winona, who was barking up at them, Gummy was standing next to the dog, Angel was hopping around, and Owlowiscious was hovering nearby, hooting.

"Phew." She said, wiping her forehead with relief when she realized that she'd been having a dream.

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

Later on, the rest of the group had all gathered together and caught up with their pets. Rainbow Dash flew down to join her friends, seeing the fun they began to have.

As she did, Bandit walked over to her.

“I do apologize if our companions were bothering your nap.” Bandit said, swishing his tail to play with Klaw and Fang.

“What are you guys all doing out here?” Rainbow Dash asked.

"Why, we always round up our critters for a regular old pony pet play date in this park." Applejack answered as she threw the stick for Winona. Then remembered Bandit, Chad and Spike. "Ponies, Dragon and Changelings."

“You do?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Same time every week!” Chad said as he ran with Ace on his back.

"I thought you knew. You didn't know? She didn't know?" Fluttershy said, bashfully looking down.

“Well, we had intentionally planned on inviting you and Lightning, buuuuuuut.” Bandit stopped and looked at Pinkie and Chad. Pinkie beat Chad to it.

"We were totally gonna invite you, Rainbow, then Bandit remembered that you don't even have a pet, and Rarity remembered that you really like to take naps in the afternoon, so Applejack figured you wouldn't be missing out on anything anyway, then we were gonna go to Lightning Sprint, but Twilight reminded us she doesn’t have a pet either, and Fluttershy and I nodded our heads in agreement like this." Pinkie said, zipping between them all, as well as nodded Fluttershy’s head, who was still nodding after she took her hooves off.

“Pinkie, we really gotta work on your social awareness.” Bandit told her.

“Hmm?” Pinkie asked as she tilted her head.

"Oh, please don't be mad at us." Fluttershy pleaded.

"Oh, I'm not mad." Rainbow said quickly, flying back to the branch and her pillow. "You all are right. Not much point of a Pony Pet Playdate for me if I'm a pony without a pet, right?"

"Eeexactly." Applejack agreed. "So, if'n you'll excuse us…"

Rainbow Dash settled back on the pillow to resume her nap. It only took a few seconds of hearing how much fun her friends were having before she finally flew back out of the tree.

“Hey, now wait a minute!" she snapped. "Just because I don't have a pet now doesn't mean I never want a pet!"

Bandit quickly moved Chad who was right behind Fluttershy.

Fluttershy spun around and zipped over to her.

"Ohh! Y, y, Oh, really? You really want a pet? Really? 'Cause I've got so many wonderful choices at my house! Oh, and I know you'll just love them! And they'll love you! Oh, and you'll be best friends forever and ever! Oh!"

She attempted to lift Rainbow off the ground but was only dragging her. Rainbow used her own wings to help as they headed in the direction of her cottage.

As fate would have it, Lightning Sprint was coming as they were going. Seeing Fluttershy holding Rainbow Dash and smiling happily, she looked between them and the rest of her friends.

"What did I miss?" She asked.

"Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. They're trying to adopt a pet so she can be a part of the pet playtime that we usually do every week." Chad answered her as Ace tugged his tail.

"Maybe I should join them." She said to herself in thought but also loud enough to be responded to.

“Lightning, what are you doing?” Applejack immediately tried to warn.

“Oh, cookie crumbs I wasn’t thinking!” Lightning exclaimed as Fluttershy zipped over.

"You're looking for a pet too?!" Fluttershy exclaimed from really away.

"Oh no." Lightning said, knowing what was coming.

Fluttershy rushed over and grabbed her before rushing off again.


"So, what kind of pet do you think Rainbow Dash will pick?" Bandit wondered.

"Given that this is Rainbow Dash we're talking about, I'm guessing it'll be able to fly." Applejack guessed. Chad looked at the audience.

“Yeah yeah, we know that’s not the case, just keep reading.” Chad said. Spike was next to him.

“Chad, who are you talking to?” Spike asked him.

“You’ll find out in two seasons.” Chad said as he walked off.

“Two seasons of what?” Spike asked as he watched him leave. He then walked after him. “Two seasons of what?!”

Meanwhile, over at Fluttershy’s, the two pet seeking pegasi were led there to see all the animals able to be adopted.


Now, Rainbow and Lightning, I cannot express my delight
It's abundantly clear
That somewhere out here
Is the pet that will suit you just right

[Rainbow Dash]

We can't wait to get started,

[Lightning Sprint]

but first let us set a few rules

[Lightning Sprint and Rainbow Dash]

It's of utmost importance
The pet that we get
Is something that's awesome and cool


Awesome, cool, got it!
I have so many wonderful choices, just wait, you will see

[Rainbow Dash]

I need something real fast like a bullet to keep up with me


Sure! How 'bout a bunny?
They're cutesy and wootsie and quick as can be

[Lightning Sprint]

Cutesy? Wootsie? Have you met me?

[Rainbow Dash]

Or me?

You both, have faith
You see, I will bet you
Somewhere in here is the pet that will get you
“Come on, the sky's the limit!” Fluttershy said as she began to flew towards the the cottage.

“Sky is good. I'd like it to fly.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Gotta be able to head to the skies so they aren’t lonely at home.” Lightning Sprint said.

“Really? Because I think this widdle puddy tat has your name written all over it. Yes, he does.” Fluttershy told them as the cat rubbed his face against Lightning Sprint’s “Aww, look, he likes you!”

“Pass.” Lightning and Rainbow Dash both said.


I have so many wonderful choices for you to decide
There are otters and seals
With massive appeal

“Otters and seals do not fly.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Maybe not, but I've seen this particular seal catch ten feet of air when he breaches the water!” Fluttershy said. The seal barked and clapped its flippers.

“That's it. I'm outta here.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I wanna see the other options.” Lightning Sprint said.


Wait! There must be a pet here
That will fit the ticket
How 'bout a ladybug, or a cute cricket?


“And cooler.”

“Bigger, cooler. Right.” Fluttershy responded.


I've got just the thing in that tree, Rainbow Dash
Meet your new fabulous pet, Squirrely!

“It's just a squirrel.” Lightning Sprint pointed out.

“Not just any squirrel. A flying squirrel!” Fluttershy said as she threw the squirrel into the air, allowing it to safely glide to the ground. The two blue Pegasi looked at one another and rolled their eyes.

“Flutters, Listen, we appreciate this bit-” Lightning was gonna say, only for Rainbow Dash to interrupt her.

[Rainbow Dash]

Fluttershy, pal, this won't cut it
I need a pet to keep up with me
Something awesome, something flying
With coolness that defies gravity!

“I'm sensing you both want an animal that can fly.” Fluttershy said.

“I’m here just to say, ya think?” Chad said as he walked over. Rainbow Dash and Lightning Sprint doubletaked.

“When did you-”


I have plenty of wonderful creatures who soar in the sky
Like a sweet hummingbird or a giant monarch butterfly

“Better, but cooler.” Lightning Sprint egged on.


I see. How 'bout an owl, or a wasp, or a toucan?
There's so many wonderful creatures the likes of that
There are falcons and eagles
They are both quite regal
Or perhaps what you need is a dark and mysterious bat?

[Rainbow Dash]

Now you're talking! But instead of just one standout, now that's too many.
So many choices, and such riches aplenty

“Not a bad problem to have, if you ask me.” Bandit said as he walked over.

“Where did you come from?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Came to get Chad out of the song.” Bandit said as he grabbed Chad and walked off.

[Lightning Sprint]

The bat would be awesome, but the wasp I'm digging too
Do you have something in a yellow striped bat?

“Nope.” Fluttershy answered.


I've got a hot pink flamingo, just dying to meet you

[Rainbow Dash]

What to do, what to do? *gasp*
A prize! That's it! There's really just one way
To find out which animal's best
Hold a contest of speed, agility, and guts
That will put each pet to the test


Don't forget style, that should be considered

[Lighting Sprint]

Then we'll know for sure who's best of the litter


The one who is awesomest cool

[Rainbow Dash]

Just like me

[Lightning Sprint]

Can't settle for less, 'cause we’re the best

[Fluttershy, Lightning Sprint and Rainbow Dash]

So a contest we will see

[Rainbow Dash and Lightning]

Who's the number one, greatest, perfectest pet

[Fluttershy, Lightning Sprint and Rainbow Dash]

In the world for me!


May the games

[Fluttershy, Lightning Sprint and Rainbow Dash]


“And may the best pet win!” Lightning Sprint and Rainbow Dash said before hoof bumping.

Later, Bandit, Chad and Big Macintosh were finishing set up the pet Olympics that were going to be taking place. The animals that were going to be participating. The builder 3 finished and gave a nod to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash then blew a whistle to get the attention of the peticipants.

“So! You all think you've got what it takes to be my pet, do ya? Well, we'll just see about that! If any of you don't think you can handle it, bow out now before you humiliate yourself in front of your peers. This competition isn't for the weak. You'd better be prepared to step up your game!” She looked right at a monarch butterfly, and Lightning Sprint zipped right over to it.

“You call that flapping?!” Lightning Sprint drilled. The butterfly began to flap even faster as a result. “That's better.”

“There's only room on Team Rainbow Dash and Team Sprint for one of you, technically two, and out future pet needs to be able to take it to the extreme! Any questions?” Rainbow Dash asked.

"I got one," Applejack muttered. "Does she understand what a pet really needs?"

"Yeah, like care and attention, love and affection!" Twilight said before Winona suddenly licked her face before Klaw came back to play with her. "Ugh! And breath mints!"

Meanwhile, Fluttershy showed up and put at the end of the line next to the hummingbird the tortoise. "Now, you just pay attention, and try your best, and-" she began.

"Seriously, Fluttershy! The turtle? What did you bring that thing here for?" Rainbow asked.

"Technically he's a tortoise, and he's always dreamed of being somepony's pet," the yellow pegasus corrected her while polishing his shell with a cloth and hugged. "He just wants a chance to compete, he won't get in the way. You won't even know he's here."

"No." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh come on RD, let him try at least." Lightning said.

"Ugh, but there's no way he can possibly keep up. Look at him!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Let the tortoise try Rainbow. Unless you're too scared you might grow attached." Chad decided to toy with, to get in her head.

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Simple, it might just win you over and you’re afraid of that.” Chad smugly told her. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“Fine. Let him join.” Rainbow Dash said. Chad pulled out a clipboard and marked a tally on it, which got the attention of the others near by.

“Now for what’s gonna be on the agenda for Rainbow and Lightning’s pet.” Chad said as he put away the clipboard.

"These games will determine which one of you has the most important qualities we're looking for in a pet." Lightning Sprint explained.

"Speed. Agility. Guts. Style. Coolness. Awesomeness. And radicalness." Rainbow Dash added.

"Those last three are all the same thing Rainbow. You basically just said a bunch of synonyms and call them obstacles." Bandit told her with a raised eyebrow.

"You would think that, Bandit. That's why you'd never qualify as my pet." Rainbow said. Bandit chuckled.

“Rainbow, you and I both know that you’d be the pet in this relationship.” Bandit said as he patted her head.

"Well... that's a mental image I never thought I'd have." Lightning Sprint muttered.

Later on, all of the animals were lined up to start the 1st test. The two pegasi were lined up with them, ready to show them how it was done. Having them lined up on a simple race track, the two got the animals ready.

"Alright. First up is speed." Lightning Sprint told them.

"On your marks. Get set." Rainbow Dash said before narrowing her eyes and then blowing her whistle to set them off. The birds and insects shot down the track while the tortoise slowly made his way, one step at the time.

Achilles looked at Spike and then the tortoise. Clearly wanting to help the guy. Spike looked at the others to make sure nobody noticed him before subtly nodding, giving Achilles the go ahead. Achilles flew over and gave tortoise a helpful push. With this help, the tortoise was able to cross the finish line…….dead last.

“That’s just sad.” Rainbow Dash said.

The next game for the flyers was an obstacle course they needed to get through in order to test their agility.

“Next up, Agility!” Lightning Sprint said as she blew her whistle.

The animals began performing the agility course. Ace walked over to help the tortoise through the hoop. Spike smiled softly upon noticing, then turning to look at Chad. Chad was giving a nod of approval...then the tortoise got flipped on his back. Ace helped flip him over.

"Wanna know the opposite of agility? That." Rainbow Dash said as she flew by.

Then there was a hummingbird that seemed to do the entire course completely flawless.

"Yeah! Now that's Agility!" She exclaimed, holding up her hoof. The hummingbird looked at her and her hoof.

"Come on, don't leave me hanging." Rainbow Dash said. The hummingbird slapped her hoof with a wing and nearly dropped out of the sky when she stopped flapping.

"I'm gonna have to deduct a point from your score for that." She said.

It was now time to test the flyers and tortoise's guts, and Rainbow Dash gestured to a carrier that Opalescence was in, and in front of the open door was her toy mouse.

"Now. Which one of you has the guts to take Opal's favorite toy away from her?" Rainbow Dash asked, placing down the mouse. Klaw was waving to Opal to try and get her attention. Opal growled at all the pets, holding up her claws before noticing Klaw. Fang gestured to the tortoise as if to say, don't harm him, which Opal narrowed her eyes at him. Klaw gave her the adorable begging eyes, and She relented, turning her head away from the Tortoise. Taking advantage of this, the butterfly grabbed the squeaking toy mouse and brought it back over to the blue pegasus.

"Now that takes guts!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Klaw, Ace, and Achilles facepawed/facewinged. Fang tapped Klaw to requested a paw since he didn’t have obe. Klaw placed a paw over Fang’s head to replicate a facepaw.

Up next was a photo shoot and the animals took turns posing with Rainbow Dash and Lightning Sprint to show off their style, and most of them were doing a great job since Rarity was helping with the makeup, outfits, and props.

"Any pet of ours has to look the part. We'll come as a set!" Lightning explained with a smile.

The last photo with the tortoise didn't turn out too good, despite his best effort to not hide when the flash went off. The pegasi were both looking at one another as it was taken.

Next up was the coolness challenge.

"Coolness." Rainbow Dash said, wanting to hear the sounds the animals made.

Each flyer did their best with the owl hooting, the duck quacking, various other sounds and the only failures were the butterfly, who couldn't make a sound, and the tortoise, who could only cough.

"You need a cough drop?" Lightning asked.

Bandit walked over with one, giving it to the tortoise as an eagle call went off. Scaring the tortoise into his shell.

Now it was time to see which of the animals could be awesome, and each took their turn, doing the best they could.

"Kinda awesome, not awesome, could be more awesome." Rainbow Dash said before watching the owl spin its head. "Oh yeah, now that's awesome."

The tortoise stuck it's head into his shell.

"Uh, you did that already. That's all you can do, huh?"

At the radicalness competition, the flyers all did various talents and the bat played a song on water glasses. When the song was done, the bat screeched and the glasses shattered into dust. Lightning Sprint was staring in disbelief.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "But this is the radicalness competition so I'm gonna have to take some points off."

Next up was the tortoise. The tortoise tried to do a stunt that left him upside-down on his shell. The falcon who was part of the competition flew over and began trying to help flip him over.

Lightning softly smiled, seeing the Falcon helping him up.

Rainbow Dash sighed as she walked over. "Listen turtle-"

"Tortoise." Bandit, Chad and Fluttershy corrected.

"Whatever." Rainbow Dash said. "Look, it's quite clear who made the cut and who didn't."

The owl, bald eagle, the falcon, and the bat flew overhead, and the tortoise made a croaking sound.

"A+ for effort and everything. I'm sure that I've got a gold star somewhere you can have."

“I'm the gold star giver.” Chad said as he popped up with a sticker page full of them.

"See?" Rainbow Dash said, pointing to them. The tortoise only looked at her, still willing to participate.

"Aaaaanyway." Rainbow Dash said, moving towards the others. They all looked at her, willing to participate still.

"Your final daring and awesome task is...... pause for dramatic effect."

"Seriously Rainbow Dash?" Lightning asked

"Is a race against us!" Rainbow Dash announced.

"I don't think you understand the concept of dramatic effect." Chad said as he crossed something off a list.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rainbow Dash asked. Chad looked up at her with a smirk.

“It simply means…..” Chad paused. “Don't announce dramatic effect pauses.”

Chad then walked off. She stuck her tongue out at him as he went.

"Are the 2 of you going to continue Explaining what exactly is required?" Bandit reminded them.

"Right! We're gonna race through Ghastly Gorge." Lightning began.

"Dun dun duuuuun." Rainbow added for effect.

"That's two isn't it?" Lightning asked Chad, looking towards the list. Chad glared at her.

"Don't look at my trope checklist." Chad said.

"My bad." She said.

"It's not that scary. It's fun, I've flown through it plenty of times so I'll be at the front." Rainbow Dash said.

“I'll be right there with her.” Lightning Sprint said.

“Because we both know she won't be ahead of her.” Spike said to Chad.

“I heard that!” Lightning Sprint exclaimed, Chad crossed something else off the list.

"Alright. Whichever one of you crosses the line with us, will prove that you can be our pet." Rainbow Dash said as she stretched.

Everyone took positions.

"Ready." Lightning said, opening her wings.

"Set go!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, zipping off.

"No fair!" Lightning raced after her. They shot off like rockets with the four flyers setting off after them.

The tortoise looked around, found a path that led off the ledge, and he started for it. The two pegasi were a good way ahead of the animals, zipping through the gorge with ease. Upon reaching a windy tunnel, they both pushed through to the other side.

"Can't catch me!" Rainbow Dash said, getting through first.

The four flyers reached the tunnel and it was a struggle for them to get through it, which they eventually did, even the bat despite having been blown out of the tunnel once. Down on the ground, the tortoise was slowly making his way along.

Rainbow Dash whistled a tune as they flew before reaching a patch of thorns.

"Come on slowpokes. You wanna win don't ya?" She asked.

The four flyers reached the brambles and while the owl, bald eagle, and falcon had issues with the thorns, the bat used his sonar to make it safely through with the three birds eventually following.

Getting to the next section, Rainbow Dash turned to face them.

"I forgot to mention. Watch out for the eels. They don't let it when you get too close to their nests. Like this." Rainbow Dash said as she nimbly flew between the holes and avoided the eels.

"I hate this bit." Lightning huffed before following.

Exchanging a look, the four flyers flew through the area, just barely avoiding being eaten and/or caught by the eels. While down below, the tortoise was still making his way on the ground, and so he was never noticed by the Quarry eels.

"Easy peasy one two threesie, right guys?" Rainbow Dash said before slamming her back into the side of a rock. The rock started cracking, and large pieces began to fall.

"Avalanche!" Lightning exclaimed, avoiding the falling pieces.

The avalanche continued to fall towards the two until eventually Rainbow Dash ended up getting buried.

She tried to fly back up but her wing was caught "Huh?!"

The rock was completely pinning her wing with no hope of getting it off herself.

Turning towards the animals, she watched as they flew by.

"Hey wait!"

She was a little too far away for any of them to hear her, so they kept going without her.

"Lightning!" She called out but like the animals she was too far. She was truly by herself, none of the animals nor her best friend noticed she was there.

"Somepony, anypony, help me!!" Rainbow Dash called out.

Minutes passed and the blue pegasus spent them, trying to free her wing while calling out for help, but she wasn't having any luck with either. Just when she was about ready to give up, she heard something coming, and she could see a large shadow heading her way.

"Woo! My prayers have been answered. Oh thank you thank you thank you." Rainbow Dash began. The shadow was revealed to belong to the tortoise. "You?! Not only am I gonna be stuck here forever but I'm gonna be dead last."

The tortoise continued to walk over towards the Boulder.

"I'm doomed. Doomed I tell you!"

The tortoise examined the side of the rock, dug a hole with one foot, and then he stuck his head into it. Straining a little, he slowly began to lift the rock with his head, and the crying blue pegasus stopped and stared in shock. The tortoise was raising the rock off her wing.

Rainbow Dash stared in disbelief as the rock came off of her wing.

At the finish line, the rest of the group were awaiting who would cross the line first. The five ponies plus changeling had set up a finish line and were waiting with their own pets and Spike when they heard the cries of the eagle and the falcon. Spotting the four flyers, and they began cheering as the falcon crossed the finish line first with the other three flyers behind him. However, their cheers began fading away when they realized that a certain friend hadn't appeared yet.

"Woo!" Lightning Sprint exclaimed as she came over the line. However, upon seeing their faces, she could tell something was wrong.

"Where's Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy wondered, worried. Bandit sniffed the air.

"She's on her way." He said. Lightning turned to look over her shoulder. Bandit pointed to the edge of the gorge. They all looked and saw a figure making their way over to them. The figure of something was slowly coming into view. Sure enough it would be Rainbow Dash... sitting on the tortoise's back.

"It's the turtle!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Tortoise." Bandit and Chad corrected.

"And he's carrying something on his back…"

"Ahh! It's Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie squealed when the dust finally cleared to reveal their battered and bandaged friend. "It's her! It's Rainbow!"

With the tortoise moving at a very slow pace, it would take a while for them to get there. The ponies and the baby dragon all cheered, but their cheering slowly died down again when they realized that it was going to take a while for the tortoise to reach the finish line, even with the blue pegasus on his back.

The falcon flew off and got behind the tortoise, giving him a helpful push.

"Maybe we should meet them half way." Fluttershy said. Agreeing, Bandit and Chad picked up the finish line and carried it over to the 3. Twilight levitated over the posts, putting them in the ground over the line. The group began to cheer as the tortoise stepped over the line.

Chad patted the tortoise on the head. "Huh. Way to go, little guy!"

"Rainbow Dash, are you alright?" Lightning asked. "Is anything damaged?"

"Just my pride." Rainbow replied.

“So nothing of value got lost.” Lightning jabbed. Rainbow Dash jabbed her with her hoof.

"I certainly hope all of this dreadful dust was worth it!" Rarity said, sneezing a little on the lingering dust.

"It sure was if that means Rainbow can have her own little critter like the rest of us." Applejack said. The falcon flew over and landed on her back.

Rainbow turned to look at the falcon and softly smiled at it.

"Right. My new pet, yeah, that."

"You got your perfect pet, right?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"The best of the best like you wanted, remember?" Fluttershy reminded her friend. "It can fly and it's not a squirrel! Should we sing about it again?"

"A Falcon sure looks good on ya Rainbow." Applejack told her. Rarity set up the camera and took a picture. The flash scared the tortoise yelped and hid himself in his shell. Chad turned towards the viewers.

“Here it comes.”

"Easy fella, nothing to be scared of." Rainbow told him before looking up at the falcon. "The falcon is everything I want in a pet."

"Yay?" Fluttershy offered.

"But I said that whoever crossed the line with me got to be my pet." Rainbow said. "And the only one who finished the race with me was the tortoise."

The falcon went wide eyed in surprise.

Pinkie Pie began bouncing around, having heard the same thing. "You did!" she exclaimed. "You did say that! She did say that, that was the rule!"

"And it is important to follow the rules," Bandit agreed.

"Yup and he was the only one who stopped to save me when I needed help." Rainbow Dash said. The falcon sadly hopped off her back.

Chad and Ace patted the falcon on the back as it did.

"You still did good."

Turning to the tortoise, the falcon shared a wing/legshake before walking away.

"And you're going where?" Lightning asked, following him smiling.

"You didn't forget lightning Sprint was also looking for a pet did you?" Bandit asked the Falcon. The falcon blinked a few times before looking at her.

"You totally did." Lightning said in mock shock.

"I mean we're not surprised, it is pretty often that we forget about the sloppy seconds." Chad smugly joked. She slowly turned to playfully glare at him. "Don't look at me like that, that's pay back for looking at my list or later." Chad smirked.

"Why are you so protective over a list, hmm?" She asked.

“Just my thing, Lights.” Chad said with a shrug.

The others were all looking towards Rainbow Dash and her new pet.

Realizing that he was the winner, the tortoise slowly smiled at the group.

"Wouldja look at that? He even smiles slow," Applejack remarked and they all laughed.

"Chad, Spike, take a letter." Rainbow Dash told them. Chad took out the paper and looked at Spike. Spike took out the quill, looking back at him.

"Today I learned what the most important quality really is. A certain kind of spirit. A stick-to-it-ive-ness. A never give up, can-do attitude that's the mark of a real winner. And this tortoise has it." She said.

As she spoke, she watched as Opalescence played with her toy mouse until the tortoise came over to nudge her, and she growled as she leapt onto his shell while he hid inside.

While the cat was busy clawing uselessly at his shell, the tortoise stuck his head out long enough to grab the toy mouse in his mouth and pulled it inside with a squeak. Realizing that she'd been tricked, Opalescence hopped off and stalked past the blue pegasus, who'd chuckled and the other ponies all giggled.

"Tenacity." Twilight said.

"Gesundheit. You just can't stop that little guy. He's like a... like a... Tank!" Rainbow Dash said.

"That's what you're gonna name him?" Bandit asked her.

"Yeah, it's fitting." She nodded.

"But Rainbow!" said Fluttershy. "You didn't want a pet that couldn't fly because it would keep you grounded and hold you back, remember?"

"Hmmmmm.." Rainbow thought.

The next day the ponies were at the park with their pets and having a good time. Rainbow was heading towards the group before looking over her shoulder.

"Heh. C'mon, Tank! We're gonna be late for our very first Pony Pet Playdate!"

Tank came flying in on a custom made propeller, helping him fly. Rainbow smiled and led him towards the others. Achilles was flying around before swooping towards Lightning Sprint, to tag her falcon. The falcon turned to look at Achilles as he swooped in. Achilles tagged the falcon and flew off. The falcon turned before taking off after him.

"Looks like Swift is making friends already." Lightning said.

"Seems like they all are." Bandit said as he watched them play.

Later, the pets were under the tree looking amongst each other, speaking in their own language.

"So, looks like we're all friends now, huh?" Klaw asked with Fang around his neck.

"It sure does!" Winona answered.

"I look forward to hanging out with you guys." Ace said as he sat down. His voice did not at all match his enthusiasm for his new found friends. At all.

"As long as you all don't make a mess." Opal said.

Achilles flopped his body weight onto her with a smirk.

"Achilles!" She huffed.

"Looks perfectly fine to me." Swift said.

They all looked at Swift, rather surprised.

"Swift.....you're a girl?" Fang asked.

"Of course. Wait, did you all think I was a guy?" Swift asked, looking at them all. They all nodded.

Author's Note:

Well.......this took forever to finally get the time to make. Hopefully the next episode makes it up. Its gonna be one of the most foundation settingiest episodes and that's a promise. It's gonna lay the ground work for the after Season 2 movie (yes. I still have the audacity to think that far ahead.

Welp, here's to life letting me get my free time to pump this out but I've been busy with a TON.