• Published 30th Oct 2021
  • 3,258 Views, 242 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 2] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The second season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

Sisterhooves Social

The sun was rising over the mountains of Equestria, and over in Ponyville, most ponies were getting up to start afresh new day. However, over at Carousel Boutique, Rarity was still asleep in her bed, dreaming about food, and she only started to stir when black smoke started coming into her bedroom.

"Oh… Are those sweet… carrot… pancakes I smell?" She smelled and sighed. "Mmm, how divine, num num num num. The aroma… spiced warm apple cider." She sniffed as the growing smoke reached her nose. "Ahh, and, the smell of… smoke… smoke? Smoke?!" She sat up and screamed, falling out of her bed in her haste, forgetting to remove her mask from her eyes. Her legs were tangled in her blanket, which caused Rarity to fall down the stairs, landing hard in the doorway to her kitchen, which held the source of the smoke.

"Rarity! Grr, you ruined the surprise!" Sweetie Belle complained from her position in front of the stove, which had smoking pots and pans on top, and the contents were burning. "I was gonna serve you breakfast in bed!"
Rarity could only sigh in disappointment.

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

Freeing herself of her blanket, Rarity entered the kitchen to give her sister a piece of her mind when she heard a voice speak.

"Well! G'mornin', Rarity!" Hondo Flanks, an older light grey stallion with a mustache and blue eyes, cheerfully called from the table, where he was seated with Cookie Crumbles, a light pink mare with a purple mane and tail.

"Father! Mother!" Rarity said, surprised to see her parents sitting there.

"I'll have you know that Sweetie Belle here cooked thus yummy lookin' breakfast all on her own." Hondo proudly said as he gestured to the food, ruffling Sweetie Belle’s mane.

"I... figured." Rarity said, walking over and sniffing a cup of some burnt substance. "I didn't know you could burn juice." She didn’t know whether to be shocked, or impressed.

"I've been giving her lessons," Cookie Crumbles informed her. "I wouldn't be surprised if she's got a cutie mark in fancy cooking by the time we get back from our vacation."

"Vacation?” Rarity asked, caught off guard by this information. “Is that this week? As in 'starting this very instant' this week?!" Rarity asked as Sweetie placed a bowl on the table. "Umm. Let me guess. apple sauce?"

"Nope. Toast!" Sweetie Belle answered, rather proud of herself, the ‘toast’ had a bubble pop, and Rarity was even more confused on how this could happen. "We're gonna have the bestest time two sisters could ever have! I'm gonna go grab my stuff from Dad's wagon."

Sweetie Belle walked out of the kitchen and Rarity turned back to her parents.

"So, now, when you say 'a week'... is that, um, seven whole days?" Rarity asked, hoping that the answer was somehow no.

"And six nights, I know!" Cookie Crumbles replied cheerfully. "Such a short time to spend with your little sis."

"You gonna eat that?" Hondo Flanks asked, pointing to her plate as Rarity was processing what she just told her. She pushed the plate towards him.

"But I've got such a long to-do list. Oh well, I suppose 'spend time with your sister' will just have to be added to the list." Rarity said before a crashing sound was heard, making them all turn to the entrance. Sweetie Belle was standing in the middle of a bunch of suitcases and bags, and she smiled sheepishly.

"Just a few necessities." Sweetie Belle said proudly. Rarity smiled bashfully at her parents.

As a taxi carriage pulled Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles away, with Rarity and Sweetie Belle watching happily as they went to their vacation, the two sisters went back inside and to the kitchen.

"Now, let's get that kitchen all cleaned up."

"Cleaned up?" Sweetie Belle repeated, confused. "But we haven't even eaten yet."

"Well now, Sweetie Belle, I appreciate the gesture, but we simply can't eat this breakfast; it's burnt." Rarity said, looking back at the breakfast.

"It's not that burnt." Sweetie Belle protested, failing to see how bad the breakfast looked….and tasted.

"Never fear, my dear, I'll get a proper breakfast going." Rarity said before getting to work. Sweetie Belle watched as she got everything prepared.

"Can I help?" Sweetie Belle asked hopefully.

"Oh, er, of course, er, in one moment, Sweetie Belle. Let me just get things started." Rarity answered in response as she continued. Trying to get away with as much as possible, Rarity continued to prepare breakfast. Sweetie Belle was becoming increasingly bored and saddened.

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle called, making Rarity drop the spoon while mixing up pancake mix. "I thought you said I was gonna help."

Rarity cringed a bit before turning to her sister with a supportive smile. "You are! You... can…” She quickly looked around for an idea on how to satisfy her sister’s want to help, without sacrificing her kitchen, or her sanity. She then got an idea. “-put the garnish on the plates."

Sweetie Belle hopped over and eyed it skeptically. "You mean this parsley?”

Rarity nodded her head before following her to the table.

"Okay, now, easy! It has to be just right!"
Sweetie Belle grabbed it in her teeth and trotted to the table, where two plates of fried eggs and juice were laid out. Before she can lay the parsley down, Rarity rushes over in a sudden fit of worry.

"Okay, now, easy! It has to be just right!" Rarity said. Sweetie Belle tried to slow down, but it was too slow for Rarity’s liking. “That’s too slow! Careful! Back up!”

Sweetie Belle was now sweating as she tried to go at the optimal pace.

"Looking for perfection here."

Sweetie Belle then lost her balance on the stool she was standing on.

"Whoa, whoa!" Sweetie Belle yelped, crashing into the table and sending the dishes flying into the air. Sweetie Belle peeled her face off of the table face planted into as the Parsley floated down to the plate of eggs that somehow managed to land without damage. Neatly landing on the eggs.

"Not....bad." Rarity said, sounding both impressed and defeated.

Some time had gone by and the two sisters had finished cleaning the mess that was made before Rarity looked at the clock and saw the time, making Rarity gasp.

“There are some things I must attend to.” She commented before looking at Sweetie Belle, who was scrubbing the floor, picking up the dirty cleaning towels, and floating them over to Sweetie Belle. “Can you take the dirty towels to the laundry room?”

Sweetie Belle drops the brush and held up her hooves, Rarity dropped the towels onto her.

"No problem." Sweetie Belle said happily and she pushed the basket of towels into the laundry room. “I’ll make myself useful!”

Inside the room, Sweetie Belle looked at the washboard and basket of wash, the folded clothes, the clothesline outside, and a sweater hung on a closed cupboard. She smiled and walked inside to get to work.

Later, Rarity was walking past the doorway leading to outside. It was at that moment she noticed the clothesline was up and she ran outside. Not just the clothesline being up, but what was hooked up to the clothesline.

"Sweetie Belle!" She called, trotting outside, very alarmed. Sweetie Belle was finished hanging up a sheet and looked at her with a smile.

"I told you I'd make myself useful. Surprised?" She asked eagerly.

"Am I?" Rarity stated in horror, looking at the sweater that was now drying on the clothesline. "You washed my incredibly expensive one-of-a-kind designer crocheted wool sweater! Do you know how hard these things are to come by?"

"What's the big deal?" Sweetie Belle asked, not getting it.

"The big deal is that in the heat of the sun, wool…" Rarity began, then the sweater suddenly shrunk in size. "-shrinks."

"Oh." said Sweetie Belle sheepishly, having not known that about wool. "Sorry."

Rarity groaned and gritted before turning to Sweetie Belle. "Well. Back to work. I must create." She turned around to walk back to the boutique, only to step in the basket, making her turn back and glare at Rarity.

"Sorry?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Huh. Stay out of trouble, okay? Please?" Rarity requested before heading back inside.

“I just wanted to do something nice for my sister.” Sweetie Belle muttered as she began pushing the basket back inside.

Sometime later, Sweetie Belle was lying on the floor of the main room, wishing that she had something to do.

"Raargh, I'm so bored!" She complained as she scooted her upper body across the floor. "When is Rarity gonna finish her work?"

She then thought back to what she was told in a thought bubble. “Stay out of trouble, okay?”

Sweetie Belle then looked towards some crayons and paper on the three-way mirror platform, giving her an idea. “I never got in trouble for drawing.”

After a few minutes, she put down the blue crayon she'd been using and studied the picture.

"Hmm. This needs something…" She muttered and noticed a nearby chest filled with brilliant baby blue gems. A smile crept onto her face.

Rarity came downstairs with a piece of pink cloth and scissors, which she dropped when Sweetie Belle came over, showing the picture she drew and glued gems onto.

"Hi, Rarity!" Sweetie Belle started cheerfully. "I made a special drawing for y-"

Rarity screamed and ran over to the chest, finding it empty. "Oh no! Did you use these gems?!" She asked in a panic, looking back at her sister and the picture.

"Well, yes," Sweetie Belle admitted, cowering on the floor a little, "but I know you'll have more in your work room…"

"But, but these are extremely rare baby blue sapphires!" Rarity shrieked. "I need them for an outfit for an extremely important client!"

Sweetie Belle hung her head in shame for messing up again. "Oh. Sorry."

"Sweetie Belle, what am I going to do with you?" Rarity said, disappointed.

"Oh!" Sweetie Belle began, thinking that was a good thing. "We could paint together, we could ride bikes, play chess, sing a song, catch frogs, pillow fight-"

"That's not what I meant!" Rarity snapped, making Sweetie Belle stop.


Rarity stalked toward the door. "Now I have to go and find some more of these gems!" she complained.

Sweetie Belle tried to trot after her. "I'll go with you and help!" she offered.

"No!” Rarity exclaimed as she turned to her, making Sweetie Belle sad. Rarity adjusted her tone a bit. “No thank you. You can help by picking up these papers and stacking them, neatly. Put the pens and pencils back exactly where you found them, and please find something to do that doesn't create a large mess for me to clean up!"

Rarity left, closing the door hard Sweetie Belle lowered her head in sadness and began to walk off "Geez Louise, can't I do anything right?"

She got upstairs and saw the very messy room of Rarity, giving her an idea.

Rarity got to the library and knocked on the door. Twilight opened the door.

“Oh, hi Rarity.” Twilight greeted.

“Hello Twilight. Is little Chadikins there? I need his nose for a little while.” Rarity asked.

“Afraid he’s not here right now. He’s at Sweet Apple Acres with Bandit.” Twilight told her. Rarity sighed.

“Oh, thanks anyway.” Rarity said before walking away. “Looks like I’ll have to do it myself.”

It took some time, but Rarity soon came back to the boutique, and upon not seeing Sweetie Belle, began looking for her.

"Sweetie Belle! I'm back!" Rarity called out, going upstairs.

"Sweetie Belle!" She called as she reached her workroom. She gasped in shock upon seeing her workroom had been completely cleaned and reorganized.

“Surprise!” Sweetie Belle squeaked as she hopped from behind the mannequins and into view.

Rarity looked around in horror. "My- ee- bleh- My inspiration room! What did you do? What did you do?!" Rarity exclaimed.

"When I saw the big mess in your room." Sweetie Belle explained, sounding rather proud of herself. "I thought I'd clean it up for you."

"This wasn't a mess! It was organized chaos!” Rarity exclaimed, in absolute shock. “I was just about finished planning my new fashion line, and, and you, you, you went and, and you – and you put everything away!"

“But every time I make a mess, you get upset.” Sweetie Belle pointed out, confused. Rarity turned around, glaring at her, entirely fed up.

"But this was my mess in my house!" Rarity snapped, turning on her, fed up. "And now I have to start from scratch!"

“But…I…I thought it would…make you happy.” Sweetie Belle said, rather dejected.

"Happy?! Happy?! I-" Rarity scrunched her face a great deal before planting a smile on her face. "I just need some time alone.”

Sweetie Belle lowered her head and walked away.

Outside in Ponyville, Apple Bloom was chasing Chad as he was holding what looked like a flyer in his mouth.

Chad slid to a stop in front of Sweetie Belle and tilted his head, putting the flyer down.

“Hi Sweetie Belle, the sleepover with Rarity going well?” Chad asked before Apple Bloom tackled him. “Oof!”

"Why, it's smashing!" Sweetie Belle said sarcastically, mimicking her sister before looking at the two sadly. "I just wish we could do something special together that didn't include me goofing anything up." She sulked, climbing onto the nearby fountain to sit down. Chad and Apple Bloom looked at one another and nodded. Chad picked up the flyer and ran over to show Sweetie Belle.

“Why not try the Sisterhooves Social!” Apple Bloom suggested. “Applejack and I do it every year. You and Rarity can compete against other sister teams in all these neat events.” Apple Bloom said.

“I wanted to participate, with Bandit, but we’re not allowed to. For obvious reasons.” Chad told her. “But I’m certain the two of you will bond strongly over this event!”

"That sounds like the perfect way for us to hang out!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "Rarity will think it's an excellent idea!”

“What a ridiculous idea!” Rarity exclaimed, making Sweetie Belle drop her smile into a look of disappointment. “A contest at Sweet Apple Acres? It doesn’t sound…mmm…very…clean.”

“So, what, now you're back to hating messes?" Sweetie Belle asked a bit angered at the flip flop.

"Sweetie Belle, watch your tone!" Rarity informed her. "I am still your big sister."

“Right! And any sister who cares about her sister goes!” Sweetie Belle told her. Both of them stopped for a moment.

“Sweetie Belle, honestly! Playing silly little games in the dirt is…just……uncouth, with or without a sister!” Rarity said as she went back to work. That was what did it for Sweetie Belle.

“Well, then, maybe…maybe I’ll try the Sisterhooves Social without a sister! In fact, I think I’ll try the rest of my LIFE without a sister!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. The news shocked Rarity so much, she gasped twice, as if even her voice had to perform a double-take.

"Oh, I'm the one who's ruining your life?!" Rarity started, next to lose her temper. "Really?! Have you looked around this place? I'm the one who'd be better off with no sister!"

"Well it looks like we finally agree on something!" Sweetie Belle shouted, face to face with her older sister. "Neither of us needs a sister!"


"Deal! Goodbye, un-sister!"

Rarity watched her sister leave and turned away with a "Hmph!".

At Sweet Apple Acres, Sweetie Belle was resting on a haybale as Applejack, Big Macintosh, Bandit, Apple Bloom, Skeedaddle and Chad were getting everything ready for the event.

“Uncouth?” Bandit asked as he picked up a haybale to move. “She said the Sisterhooves Social was uncouth?”

“Uncouth?” Skeedaddle asked, more in a way that asked, what it meant. Chad zipped over and whispered into his ear.

“Yeah! Uncouth?” Apple Bloom asked, also unable to believe her ears. She then turned to Applejack. “What’s uncouth?”

“It’s not just the Social. She thinks I’m uncouth.” Sweetie Belle said. Applejack walked over.

“Honey, Rarity thinks everything’s uncouth.”Applejack said to Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom ate an apple and walked over to Applejack with her mouth still full.

“What’s uncouth?” Apple Bloom asked.

“The lack of manners. Uncivilized.” Bandit answered from a distance. Apple Bloom let out a burp.

“Exactly!” Applejack told her. The six walked over as Applejack kept talking to Sweetie Belle. “ Sweetie Belle, just give Rarity some time. She’ll come around. Sisters always do.”

“Brothers too!” Chad said from Bandit’s back.

“Not sisters like Rarity.” Sweetie Belle said in disapproval.

“Well, AJ and AB got some more chores they want us to help with. Why don’t you join us? Help out a bit?” Bandit suggested.

“You sure you want me to help? I just mess everything up.” Sweetie Belle said, rather dejected. Skeedaddle patted her back.

“Oh don’t let a few bad outcomes lead to a bad day.” Bandit told her, patting her back.

Chad, Apple Bloom, and Skeedaddle ran out to the field with baskets. Bandit picked up a rotten apple and threw it towards Chad, who tossed his basket up to catch it.

“Good catch Chad!” Bandit complimented.

“Apple Bloom, heads up!” Applejack said, tossing an apple and slapping it with her tail. Apple Bloom caught it in her bucket. Big Macintosh bucked an apple towards Skeedaddle. Which he jumped to catch in the basket.

"This is a chore?" Sweetie Belle asked, watching them. She wasn’t expecting them to have fun as they did these chores.

“Since we can’t sell the bruised apple we gotta collect ’em all for the pigs to eat.” Applejack said as Bandit and Big Macintosh kept kicking/throwing the apples.

“It’s a lot of work, but Big Macintosh made a game of it.” Apple Bloom said.

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh said.

“Wanna try?” Apple Bloom offered.

"Um, okay," Sweetie Belle agreed uncertainly. Applejack kicked a rotten apple to her and it impaled itself on her horn. "Ow!" She yelped. "You're right, it is hard work."

“That’s why we do it-” Apple Bloom started before Applejack joined her. “-together!”

“Hmph. Rarity never wants to do chores together.” Sweetie Belle muttered to herself.

Meanwhile, at the boutique, Rarity was trying to recreate the line of clothes she'd been working on, but it wasn't working out thanks to not remembering what she had laid out.

"All that work ruined, thanks to Sweetie Belle," Rarity complained and went to a drawer, opening it she noted how neat and organized it was.

"Oh my. It's usually a big mess in here." She said to herself before she looked at the neat stacks of different colored fabric that were in front of the mannequins. She gasped as this inspired an idea.

"Id-ee-a!" She happily exclaimed and used the fabric, along with hats to create brand new outfits.

"This is genius! I shall call it 'full spectrum fashions'!” She said, she then thought about what happened before.

“If Sweetie Belle hadn't-" She stopped and changed her thought process. "Well, no matter.” She stated, magically gathering the new outfits to take them downstairs. "She still shouldn't have touched my things without permission. Hm!”

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Bandit and Applejack filled a vat full of grapes and nodded to each other.

“Skeedaddle! Chad!” Bandit called. Chad and Skeedaddle trotted/jumped over and Skeedaddle hopped on Bandit’s back to get sprung up into the vat. Chad was able to climb the vat and jump inside. The two of them stomped onto the grapes as Bandit flipped a switch, letting grapes pour out of a valve, and into a jar, which Apple Bloom switched out when it was full. Sweetie Belle looked at the juice as it was moved towards a crate that Big Macintosh was placing it in.

“You’re making…” Sweetie Belle began puzzled but then smiled. “…grape juice? Rarity would call the fashion police on me if I got grape juice anywhere near her precious outfits!”

“Ha! And Rumble says I overreact to something silly.” Skeedaddle said, stomping on the grapes, and sending mashed grapes into Bandit’s face. Although he licked his lips, he glared upwards.

“It’s like that, huh Skeedaddle?” Bandit asked, incensed.

“Uh oh!” Skeedaddle said.

“You better run.” Chad warned. Skeedaddle jumped out. Bandit chased him with grapes in his hooves.

“Please, Bandit! He didn’t mean—” Sweetie Belle tried to say, but Bandit grabbed Skeedaddle and noogied the grapes into his mane.

“You like those grapes troublemaker?” Bandit asked in a joking tone. Skeedaddle was laughing.

“That tickles!” Skeedaddle exclaimed. Sweetie Belle smiled as she watched, Chad smiled as he watched as well, but his smile disappeared when he saw the grin Apple Bloom was giving him when she got up the vat with Big Macintosh’s help.

“Wait wait-!” Chad said before he was pounced on and tickled.

Back at the Boutique, Rarity got to the laundry room with the new outfits.

"Now to get these fabrics washed for my fabulous new line." Rarity stated to herself. She stopped next to the sweater Sweetie Belle previously shrunk. "Ooh, my favorite sweater… I just can't believe that Sweetie Belle-" She was interrupted when she accidentally stepped on Opalescence's tail, making her yowl.

Rarity flinched, and then she looked between her cat and the sweater. Getting an idea, she put down the new outfits, snatched up the sweater, and put on Opalescence, who wasn’t exactly thrilled with the costume change but wasn’t fighting it. It was a perfect fit.

"Oh, Opal-wopal!" Rarity baby talked. "It's as if Sweetie Belle knew the sweater was perfect for you." Rarity took a moment to realize what she said, before shaking her head. "And Sweetie Belle should consider herself perfectly lucky that this thoughtless mishap turned out all right. Hm."

Back at Sweetie Belle watched as Applejack and Chad were herding some bleating sheep toward their pen.

Applejack turned back and saw one sheep straying from the herd.

“I got it!” Chad said as he ran to the side of said sheep. “Can you stay with the others please?” He asked politely. The sheep got back with the crowd and soon they were all back in the pen, where Bandit and Apple Bloom were ready to close the pen once they were in.

“How? It’s as if they’re just one pony…or Changeling…or pony-changeling hybrid.” Sweetie Belle said as the pen was closed by Bandit and locked by Apple Bloom. Chad hopped up and high-hooved Applejack, as Apple Bloom hopped up, high hoofing Bandit, who lowered himself a bit.

“Way to corral some critters, guys.” She told them. The sheep from earlier peeked through the gate.

“Thanks for asking.” She said to Chad, who smiled at her as the 4 walked over to Big Macintosh and Skeedaddle, who had apple juice for the group.

“Rarity never high-hoofs me.” Sweetie Belle said, dejectedly.

Back at the boutique, Rarity levitated a Sapphire gem to fit into an empty spot on her baby blue ensemble, making her smile in satisfaction.

“Just one more, and this ensemble is finis!” Rarity said as she walked past the ensemble and got to the bag of new gems, only to see she used them all, leading to a frustrated growl. “Sweetie Belle! Where’s her silly little arts-and-crafts project?”

Seeing said, ‘silly little arts-and-crafts project?’, Rarity went over to it and got a good look for the first time, seeing that Sweetie Belle had glued the sapphires into a large heart around two images of them facing each other with smiles.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle!" Rarity said, moved by the picture, feeling remorse. "My one and only sister! What have I done? All the time I could have spent with you was wasted complaining and wishing you were gone!"

"Woe is me! No!" Rarity cried dramatically, before sitting up determined. "I must get her back! I must! As Celestia is my witness, I shall never be sisterless again!"

Nightfall had occurred in Ponyville and Applejack, Chad, Apple Bloom, Bandit, and Skeedaddle were roasting marshmallows at a camp sight as Sweetie Belle watched.

Rarity managed to find her and trotted over happily.

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity exclaimed, trotting over to her "Oh, I have been galloping all over looking for you. I-"

Sweetie Belle turned away, not even willing to look at Rarity. The other five looked rather uncomfortable already.

"Oh hello, un-sister," Sweetie Belle said. "What are you doing here? Better be careful, you might get some dust on you."

Rarity was stunned for a moment, but she went back to her apology.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle, I want to apologize.” Rarity began "I am not better off without a sister."

"I'm not better off without a sister either." Sweetie Belle agreed, standing and facing her big sister. "Spending the day with Bandit, Chad, Skeedaddle Applejack and Apple Bloom made me realize that."

"Oh, Sweetie.” Rarity started, reaching out for Sweetie Belle. “You don't know how happy I am to hear-"

She was interrupted when Sweetie Belle lightly slapped away her hoof.

“And that’s why I’m adopting Bandit and Applejack as my big sisters!” Sweetie Belle announced.

“WHAT!?” Rarity was the first exclaim. As Applejack and Bandit’s front hooves were hugged by Sweetie Belle, they were next.

“What?!” They both exclaimed.

“WHAT?!” Apple Bloom and Chad exclaimed.

“A sister is someone who loves and takes care of another sister. Applejack and Bandit are both real sisters.” Sweetie Belle said. Rarity didn’t look amused in the slightest. Bandit looked down at Sweetie Belle and pulled her off with his magic.

“Take a moment there Sweetie Belle. Don’t you think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself?” Bandit asked.

“And Besides, Bandit’s already my big sister!” Chad said before face hoofing. “I mean brother.”

“And Applejack is my big sister!” Apple Bloom said, tugging her sister back.

“I think my parents are off work now, I should go.” Skeedaddle said as he stood up.

“Your parents ain’t got no job!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said.


“Or maybe they should be your sisters.” Sweetie Belle said to Rarity. “So they could teach you what a good sister’s supposed to be!”

“Not a sister.” Bandit told Sweetie Belle.

“But I don't need lessons on being a good sister, I-I promise!" Rarity started going to Sweetie Belle. "Listen! I'll show you how to cook my favorite quiche! Or, or, I'll show you the proper way to beautify your mane. Won't that be fun? Hm?"

“No.” Skeedaddle said, getting elbowed by Chad. “Gah!”

"Hm! You want me to go home with you, so we can do what you wanna do?" Sweetie Belle inquired. Rarity paused a bit before answering.

“Yes?” She asked. Sweetie Belle scoffed and stormed off.

“Argh Just forget it!”

As they watched her walk off, Apple Bloom looked at Applejack.

“We’re still sisters, right?” Apple Bloom asked. Applejack smiled and nodded. Bandit looked at Chad.

“Don’t even ask me, you know the answer’s yes.” Bandit told him.

“Thanks….sis.” Chad teased before walking back to the campfire. Bandit groaned.

“I’m gonna be hearing that for a couple of days.” Bandit said before turning to Rarity.

“Well, that apology went swimmingly. Applejack, Bandit, why do you have to be so good and make me look so bad?” Rarity complained.

“Well for starters, thinking only about ourselves is something we rarely do.” Bandit started.

“Being a good older sibling is about give-and-take. You’ve been doing a whole lot of takin’ but you haven’t been doin’ a whole lot of givin’.” Applejack added. Rarity gave this a brief thought.

“But of course I give! I give lessons, reasonable demands.” Rarity defended.

“But do you give in?” Bandit asked. Rarity’s silence was his answer. “I didn’t think so. Think of being a siste-...Sibling like-”

“Apple pie.” Applejack said.

“Yeah. Apple pie. You can have amazing apples-” Bandit started.

“-and you can have a wonderfully crispy crust, but only together can you have a perfect apple pie.” Applejack added.

“But taking those apart, and you get a mess.” Bandit finished. That’s what clicked for Rarity.

“I know what I need to do! I just hope it isn’t too late!” Rarity said. Bandit smirk.

“Trust me, you’re definitely not too late.” Bandit told her.

Skeedaddle looked at Chad and got his attention.

“Can you take me home? I’m….not a fan of the dark.” He whispered. Chad nodded his head.

The next day was the Sisterhooves Social and there were pairs of sisters, cousins, aunts with their nieces, and even close friends taking part in the activities. Sweetie Belle was walking with Apple Bloom, Applejack, Chad, and Bandit, where they stopped to watch the pie-eating contest. Carrot Top and Dinky Hooves were the ones who won, winning a blue ribbon. Applejack and Apple Bloom were wearing Green Bandanas around their necks.

“Well, I guess it's a good thing Rarity isn't here," Sweetie Belle remarked as they kept walking around the area. "Do I see 'uncouth' written all over this contest?"

The group looked uncomfortable before walking with Sweetie Belle to the pigpen.

“Look at the size of that pig!” Apple Bloom pointed out. Chad stood on Bandit’s head to get a good look.

“Daww, he’s so adorable!” Chad said as he watched the pig roll in the mud.

"That's the last word Rarity would use." Sweetie Belle said before mimicking her sister. "Oh my, what a repulsive monstrosity! This thing needs a head to toe makeover!"

As more uncomfortable looks were shifted among the group, fanfare went off, signifying the event was about to start.

“You might wanna get moving, it’s almost time.” Bandit told the Apple Sisters.

"Well, you two have fun." Sweetie Belle said glumly. "Sure wish I had a sister to run the race with. Huh?"

Her saddened face turned to brief shock/confusion as a green bandana and Applejack’s hat was placed on her.

“You do now!” Apple Bloom cheerfully told her.

"AB and I figured since we do this every year…" Applejack started.

"I'd let you borrow my sis so you can give it a try!" Apple Bloom concluded.

“Your sister for a day.” Applejack told her.

"No way!" Sweetie Belle squealed. Apple Bloom got in her face.

"One. Day," Apple Bloom told her clearly. Sweetie Belle game Applejack a hug. "One. Day."

The megaphone feedback went off and Ponies, plus two Changeling brothers gathered around. Granny Smith was sitting in a rocking chair and trying to get the megaphone to work.

"Is this thing on?" She asked, turning it the wrong way. "I don't think this thing is on. Hello!" She shouted into the wrong end and Big Macintosh whispered into her ear. "What is the- e- oh. You have to say so. Confangled modern doohickeys." She spun it around and started talking on through the other end.

"Now, the event you've all been waiting fer! The Sister Soci- The Socialhooves- Oh, dabnabbit, you know, the big race!" she announced "We have five teams this year fer the event! So y'all head on up to the finish line, y'hear?" She mistakenly said. Big Mac whispered into her ear. "Eh? The start line!" She then spoke to Big Mac, still on the megaphone. "That's what I said."

At the Starting line, Apple Bloom zipped over to remind Sweetie Belle how long she had Applejack as a sister.

“One. Day.” She reminded. “Good luck!” Apple Bloom ran to Bandit, where she sat on Bandit’s back next to Chad to watch the event. Big Macintosh walked over with some cider, giving one mug to Bandit.

"And may the best sisters win!" Granny Smith called out, rocking back and forth. "On your marks… get set…” Right before she could start the race, she accidentally poked herself in the eye with the megaphone. “Gooooo!" She said, agonized.

The five teams raced down the line and reached a trench filled with mud, the first four sisters jumped over the trench. When Sweetie Belle reached it, she went bouncing across the mud to the other side. Applejack on the other hand fell in and sank, her yelp heard by Sweetie Belle. She turned around to see Applejack pulling herself out of the mud.

"You okay, Applejack?" Sweetie Belle asked, Applejack gave her a nod, readjusting her hat as she quickly ran to make up more ground, Sweetie Belle right on her side.

Passing Berry Punch and Piña Colada, Applejack and Sweetie Belle got to the basket obstacle, right behind Cloudkicker and Alula. Alula tripped on her basket, allowing Sweetie Belle and Applejack to pass them. Sweetie Belle happily hopped through each barrel behind the focused Applejack.

The next obstacle, a pyramid of three crates for the competitors to climb/jump over. Applejack was able to make it to the top, but Sweetie Belle got stuck.

“Applejack! Help!” Sweetie Belle called. The Spurious mud pony stretched out a hoof and pulled Sweetie Belle over the Pyramid. Although Cloudkicker and Alula were able to pass them thanks to this, Applejack and Sweetie Belle were able to keep on their tail.

Next was pie eating. Cloudkicker and Alula stopped to eat their pies, Sweetie Belle and Applejack hit their pies into the air and ate them only in one bite.

From the Haybale push to the Grape Juice Vat to Apple throws, and even carrying eggs to a basket, the two sisters conquered every challenge thrown their way and were in the lead.

That was until Carrot Top and Dinky Hooves zipped by, passing them, making them spin and fall. They stood back up and chased after them, gaining pretty quickly. The two teams were neck and neck, all that was left was the final hurdle to jump over. Both teams jumped over the hurdle and landed in dust.

When the dust cleared, Sweetie Belle and Applejack were right before the line, but Carrot Top and Dinky were over the line, winning them the race. Ponies cheered and as Carrot Top stood up, Dinky jumped and hugged her.

Sweetie Belle and Applejack walked over to Bandit, who gave them an approving smile.

“So close! That was a hair away from winning.” Bandit told them.

"Thank you, Applejack! You were amazing! I don't even care that we didn't win. This was so much fun!" Sweetie Belle said before hugging her. This action ended up knocking off the hat, revealing a white horn. "Huh?” Sweetie Belle questioned, she then moved mud off of her flank revealing Rarity’s cutie mark.


Rarity then shook off the mud, revealing it was Rarity the whole time.

“Wait, where’s Applejack?” Sweetie Bell asked. Bandit tapped her shoulder and he and Big macintosh stepped to the side, revealing Applejack.

“I don’t get it.” Sweetie Belle said, rightfully confused.

“I used my magic to switch them out at the very first mud hole.” Bandit said as he pointed to his horn.

“So…we did the whole competition together?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“That we did, little sister—oh, well, except for the start line.” Rarity said.

“But you finished together!” Chad told her as he and Apple Bloom hopped off Bandit’s back.

“You mean…you were all in on it?” Sweetie Belle asked. They all nodded their heads.

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh said.

“You did this for me?” Sweetie Belle asked, about to tear up.

“Us. I did it for us.” Rarity said, nuzzling her cheek. “You see, we are apple pie!”

“Huh?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Long story.” Chad told her.

“And that long story will have to wait. For now, I think we deserve a celebration.” Rarity told her. Applejack and Apple Bloom reared in cheer as Bandit smiled in approval.

"Where?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Rarity smiled. "The spa, of course.” Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Applejack fell laughing, causing Rarity to frown.

“I’ll pay. My treat.” Bandit told Rarity, getting her to smile again.

Back at the Boutique, Rarity and Sweetie Belle had plenty of ribbons in their mane and tails. Chad was sitting there, ready to write.

"Very well then, what should we write to the Princess?" Rarity asked.

"I'll start." Sweetie Belle said and began while looking at herself in the mirror. "Having a sister is just about the best thing in the world. But it sure isn't the easiest." Chad was writing all of this down.

Rarity nodded. "I agree that being sisters is a wonderful thing, but it takes teamwork," she stated. "Sometimes it's about compromising. Sometimes it's about accepting each others' differences. But mostly, it's about having fun together. Even if it means getting your hooves a little bit dirty."

"A lot dirty," Sweetie Belle protested.

"A little bit dirty." Rarity argued

"A lot dirty."

"A little bit dirty!"

"A lo-”

Chad let out a whistle that got their attention.

“How about, medium dirty?” Chad asked. Sweetie Belle and Rarity smiled and hugged one another.

“Deal!” They said in agreement.

Author's Note:

I went into overdrive to get this one out.


The episode after this one is a Custom Episode, and I didn't want this episode to be in the way of that.

One last thing to address, if you're going to complain about it being very similar to the original episode, just don't. I liked this episode and didn't wanna change too much. I put some subtle changes in left in right, if you want to complain that it's nearly identical to FiM, I won't stop you, but I will ignore those comments. I got enough of them in season 1 so if that's your issue, don't waste your finger strength.

Until next Chapter, see you next time!