• Published 30th Oct 2021
  • 3,259 Views, 242 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 2] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The second season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

Luna Eclipsed

It was nighttime in Ponyville and Spike was pacing back and forth in the library as he and Bandit were waiting for Twilight.

"Ugh, come on, Twilight. We're gonna be late for the Nightmare Night festival." he said before she stepped into view. Chad was on her back, dressed in a tiny lion costume with a smile. Bandit walked around the corner with a costume of Princess Celestia. Complete with the horn, the Crown, the peytral, the shoes, and the sun cutie mark painted over his own. He also still had his bandana on under the peytral.

"Looking good guys. But who's Twilight supposed to be?" He asked.

Twilight gave him a look as if he'd insulted her.

“Spike, you really don’t pay attention do you?” Chad asked with a deadpan look.

"Is she that one kooky grandpa from Ponyville Retirement Village?" Spike answered. Bandit and Chad facehoofed.

"She's starswirl the bearded." Bandit told him.

"Uh...." Spike said.

"Did you even read that book I gave you about obscure unicorn history?" Bandit asked.

"I did." Chad answered. Considering he reads every book given to him 3 times, that was pretty much expected of him.

Spike opened his mouth to speak before there was a knock at the door. Bandit went to open the door.

"Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!" A group of fillies sang.

"Hi, everypony. Great costumes." Bandit said giving each filly candy before looking up at Big Macintosh. Big Macintosh was wearing a backward baseball cap with a pair of goggles on his head, a brown bomber jacket with a pair of fake red metal wings, and a pair of woodland camo pants. "Big Macintosh, Happy Nightmare Night. Nice Osprey costume."

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh said. Chad trotted over with a bowl of candy as Bandit looked at the costume.

“Granny Smith went to sleep?” Bandit asked.

“Five hours ago.” Big Macintosh said as Chad passed out some candy. As soon as he finished passing the candy to the fillies, Pipsqueak squeezed out wearing a pirate’s outfit, swinging a sword around before toppling over. He stood up with a salute.

"Pipsqueak the pirate, at your service. It's my very first Nightmare Night." Pipsqueak said.

"Since you moved here from Trottingham?" Twilight asked.

"Actually Twi. It's his first ever." Chad said. As soon as he did, Pinkie appeared in a chicken costume with a squawk.

"Enough chitchat! Time is candy!" Pinkie exclaimed, pecking around at the ground.

"Pinkie Pie, aren't you a little old for this?" Twilight asked.

"Too old for free candy?" She let out a chicken squawk. "Never."

Bandit eye rolled with a smirk before giving her some of the candy. Twilight decided to strike a few various poses, shaking the bells in front of Pinkie, hoping she would catch who she was.

“Do you like it?” She asked.

"Yeah! Great costume, Twilight! You make a fantastic weirdo clown!"

"Not who she is." Bandit said. Moving the bowl that Pinkie tried to peck and eat. Bandit gave her two extra pieces of candy. Pinkie ate them and took zipped off.

"A clown? Look at the borders on these robes. These are hoof-stitched!" Twilight exclaimed as the guys walked out with her.

"I think it's a good costume Twilight." Chad smiled.

"Sure is! Grandpa!" Spike joked. Bandit got him into a headlock and noogied him, making Spike wriggle to try and get free.

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

The four library residents continued walking through the very decorated town, Twilight still annoyed by the fact that her costume hadn’t gotten recognized.

"Star Swirl the Bearded is only the most important conjurer of the pre-classical era." Twilight said as they continued walking. Some school foals were pulled in a cart by a large stallion that shared Caramel’s color scheme and cutie mark, with a body type similar to Big Macintosh. He was also dressed in a ‘Jack the Ripper’ costume, and the foals in the cart were cheering happily as they were pulled.

"He created more than two hundred spells! He even has a shelf in the Canterlot library of magic named after him. Maybe I should start up a pony group to teach ponies about history. I bet everypony would love it!" Twilight continued.

"I would too. Bonus points if you add Emperor Ersatz, Ling the changeling, King Aska-" Bandit tried to say before Twilight interrupted him.

"Hey look, we're here already! Should we get something to eat?" Twilight asked. Bandit looked at Spike and Chad, who had lots of candy and were chowing down already.

"I think Chad and Spike are covered." Bandit smirked. Pinkie raced up with the foals, and her bag was bugling with candy. "Twilight, Bandit! Look at our haul!" She exclaimed showing the bag to them. "Ah! Can you believe it?”She exclaimed as she began pecking at the candy. “And then, we went to Cheerilee's house, and got a bunch more goodies. Didn't we, Pip?"

"Sure did!" Pipsqueak confirmed happily.

A pair of dark clouds were creeping up behind Bandit in an attempt to prank him. Chad saw this and quickly covered his ears, not for the clouds, but for Bandit who sparked his horn.

"And then, we had to stop and wait for Big Macintosh because he had to pick up-" Pinkie was saying before Bandit raised a hoof.

“Just a second.” Bandit told her. He shot a beam out of his horn, making a thunderclap next to the clouds, a yelp came from Rainbow Dash and Lightning Sprint as they fell out of the clouds. Rainbow Dash landed on her back, as Lightning Sprint was able to recover. Rainbow Dash was dressed like a shadowbolt from their first adventure, meanwhile Lightning Sprint was dressed like a wonderbolt.

"What did you learn?" Bandit snarkily asked. They both looked at him and gritted.

"That we'll get you next time." Rainbow Dash said, looking at him.
"No you won't" Chad taunted after uncovering his ears.

"How do you know?" Lightning Sprint asked.

"Did you forget I grew up with him?" Chad asked. "The only pony that can prank him is on another level than you two."

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Chad gave a cheeky wink as they all walk off.

Bandit began leading the 3 away, another, less perceptive group of foals was close by.

"Oh! Oh! There's another group over there!" Rainbow Dash said before they flew over and scared them.

After the sound of a thunderclap was heard, all the unsuspecting foals screamed.

"This is probably the only time of the year where it’s acceptable to scream out of fear at me." Bandit joked.

"Of course you highness." Spike bowed with a chuckle, resulting in Bandit elbowing him playfully. They soon walked over to an apple bobbing stand, where Applejack was standing, supervising the event.

“Happy Nightmare Night Applejack.” Twilight

"Howdy, Spike! Hey, Twilight! Bandit and Chad. Nice costume." Applejack was heard saying.

"Thanks, I'm a dragon." Spike said.

"Noooooo, here I thought you were an oversized gecko." Chad sarcastically said. Spike elbowed him jokingly.

"With that beard, I reckon you're some sorta country music singer." Applejack told Twilight. Chad whispered something to Spike and snuck around them out of sight.

"While y'all are here, ya' feel like bobbin' for an apple?" She asked as she walked over to the water bucket.

"Boo!" Chad exclaimed, popping out the water scaring Applejack. Spike burst out laughing, and Bandit let out a snicker. Applejack panted before standing back up.

"How can someone so cute be so scary?" Applejack asked. Before an answer could be given, Derpy, dressed in a bunch of paper bags, came out of the water as well, which in turn put Chad on her head. She yanked out of the drain and out drained the water. Carrot Top, who was dressed as a vampire batpony, with some very real-looking teeth protruding from her mouth, leaned over and pulled her out of the bucket.

Bandit looked over at town hall where Mayor Mare, dressed like a clown, so the others walked over as well. Spike looked at Mayor Mare’s costume and nudged Chad.

“Hey Chad, look, Mayor Mare dressed like you.” Spike said. Chad bucked him lightly as Mayor Mare spoke.

"Thank you, everypony, and welcome to the Nightmare Night festival!" Mayor Mare began. Everypony began cheering as Bandit and the others walked over to the crowd.

"Now, all the little ponies who have been out collecting sweets should follow our friend Zecora to hear the legend of... Nightmare Moon! " Mayor Mare continued, putting on a scary voice.

"The voice would work better if she wasn't dressed like that." Spike said, referring to her clown costume.

Chad snickered as he heard Spike say that.

On stage, eerie green smoke appeared and Zecora, who was wearing her mane down with spider hairpins and a black cape, appeared out of the smoke. "Follow me and very soon, you'll hear the tale of nightmare moon."

At the Nightmare Moon statue, Zecora began to give the story of Nightmare Night.

"Listen close, my little dears, I'll tell you where you got your fears of Nightmare Night, so dark and scary." Zecora began, reaching into her cloak and pulling out some green dust before blowing the dust into the night air. "Of Nightmare Moon, who makes you wary."

The group gasped as an image of Nightmare Moon appeared before them, and began moving on its own.

"Every year, we put on a disguise, to save ourselves from her searching eyes." Zecora continued while the foals and older ponies ran around, screaming while avoiding the moving image that chased them. The CMC, minus Chad, sought safety behind, under and on top of the not very scared Bandit. "But Nightmare Moon wants just one thing: to gobble up ponies in one quick swing!" One of the foals, Dinky, just happened to back into Pinkie and they both screamed out of terror. "Hungrily, she soars the sky. If she sees nopony, she passes by. So if she comes and all is clear, Equestria is safe another year!" The image of Nightmare Moon disappeared into the moon high above. When it was all over, Chad tapped Apple Bloom’s head, who was hugging him tightly. She opened her eyes and let go as Pipsqueak walked over to Zecora and tugged on her cloak.

"Uh, Miss Zecora, if we wear costumes to hide from Nightmare Moon, so she won't gobble us up, how come we still need to give her some of our candy?" Pipsqueak asked.

"A perfect question, my little friend," Zecora replied. "For Nightmare Moon you must not offend." She blew more magic dust in the air, recreating the image of Nightmare Moon, who smiled evilly at the group. "Fill up her belly with a treat or two, so she won't return to come eat you!" The image disappeared once again after scaring the fillies.

The group screamed in fear.

"Everypony! Just dump some candy and get out of here!" Pinkie exclaimed. As they put the candy down, the wind picked up. Bandit looked up and saw the clouds swirling and a dark blue carriage being pulled by two bat ponies.

"It's Nightmare Moon! Run!" Pinkie exclaimed. The foals and Spike ran with Pinkie into town. Chad and Twilight looked at each other before looking at Bandit, who followed the carriage that passed overhead.

Luna made her way to the festival which resulted in many cowering ponies.

"Citizens of Ponyville! We have graced your tiny village with our presence, so that you might behold the real Princess of the Night! A creature of nightmares no longer, but instead a pony who desires your love and admiration! Together we shall change this dreadful celebration into a bright and glorious feast!"

"Did you hear that, everypony?" Pinkie asked, alarmed. "Nightmare Moon says she's gonna feast on us all!" She fled, along with her group of foals.

"What? No, children, no! You no longer have reason to fear us! Screams of delight is what your princess desires, not screams of terror!" Luna said, looking at the crowd and then at Mayor Mare, walking over to her.

"Madame Mayor, thy Princess of the Night hath arrived." Luna said, walking over and offering her hoof. However, Mayor Mare just cowered in fear.

Princess Luna was confused by this before moving to and doing the same to Raven, who also gasped and cowered as well. "What is the matter with you?" She demanded, She pointed to three more ponies, who only cowered. Angered and very well offended, Princess Luna began to walk away. "Very well, then. Be that way. We won't even bother with the traditional royal farewell."

She walked away and Bandit looked at her as she walked.

“Auntie Luna! Wait!” Bandit said as he tried to go after her. Spike tried to stop him by tugging his tail, only to get dragged for a second. Bandit lifted his tail and looked at Spike, who was dangling from it.

"You can't talk to her! She's Nightmare Moon!" Spike said. Chad hung upside down next to Spike using his tail.

“No Spike, that’s our auntie.” Chad told him. Bandit placed the two on his back with a tail flick.

“We saw the Elements of Harmony change her back to good. But it seems like she's having some trouble adjusting after being gone for a thousand years." Twilight told them as she started to walk with Bandit.

"You sure it's HER that's having the issue?" Bandit whispered as he looked back at the cowering townsfolk.

The four of them made it to the statue that Luna was standing in front of, where the two guards were trying to comfort her.

"Auntie?" Bandit called as he walked over, making Luna turn to look at him. "You feeling okay?”

"I am just fine, dear nephew." She answered, her tone of voice saying otherwise.

"Forgive me if I doubt the answer you just gave." Bandit responded as he walked over. The two guards bowed to him.

“Midnight, Blackjack, good to see you two again.” Bandit told them. They both smirked at him.

“We’ll still never know how you’re able to tell us apart.” Midnight, the one on the left said. Bandit winked and walked to Luna before turning her attention to Twilight.

"Auntie. This is-" Bandit tried to introduce.

"Starswirl the bearded. Commendable costume. She even got the bells right." Luna said.

"Finally! Someone gets my costume." Twilight said in relief before seeing Luna’s face, not exactly as enthused. Bandit walked towards her.

“Well, yes, she is dressed as Starswirl, but her name is-”

“Twilight Sparkle.” Luna interrupted. Bandit nodded her head. “It was thou who unleashed the powers of harmony upon us and took away our dark powers!" She said, using her Royal Canterlot voice. Bandit’s ears shook out the ringing. He used his magic to rub his ears.

“That was a good thing, Auntie.” Bandit clarified, thinking she was upset.

“We know. We couldn’t be happier! Is that not clear!?” Luna asked. Twilight walked over, a bit uncomfortable.

“It kinda sounds like you’re yelling at him.” Twilight said.

"But this is the traditional royal Canterlot voice!" She informed them. "It is tradition to speak using the royal ‘we’, and to use-" She then used the booming voice "-this much volume when addressing our subjects!"

Twilight and Bandit had their headgear mixed from the shouting. As they switched, Bandit spoke up.

“Well, that tradition was 1000 years ago. Things have changed since then. Which explains the mixed results in your appearance.” Bandit told her. “We gotta change up your approach a bit, get you to seem a bit less intimidating and voila! A warmer reception is sure to come your way.” Bandit told her.

“Change our approach?!” Luna asked in her royal Canterlot voice.

“Lower the volume?” Twilight suggested respectfully.

“Oh.” Luna said in her normal voice. “We have been locked away for a thousand years. We are… not sure we can.”

“I know just who can help.” Bandit said before looking at Midnight and Blackjack. “Midnight, Blackjack, you two are relieved for the night.”

Bandit, Twilight, and Luna walked off, and Midnight and Blackjack both looked at each other.

“Cider and Apple Pie?” Midnight asked.

“You know me so well.” Blackjack said. The two of them then flew off.

A short while later, they were approaching Fluttershy's cottage.

"Fluttershy can help you a lot. She has the sweetest little voice." Bandit complimented.

Chad hopped off of Bandit’s back and walked to the door, knocking on it.

"Go away!"` Fluttershy shrieked from inside her house. "No candy here! Visitors not welcome on Nightmare Night!"

“I can’t tell if that was Tempting Fate or Instantly Proven Wrong.” Chad said.

“Fluttershy, it’s us.” Bandit said as he knocked on the door again. The door slowly opened, allowing Fluttershy to see Bandit and Twilight.

“It is you.” She opened the door wider, seeing Chad, and Luna. She didn’t see Spike on Bandit’s back. "Ah. Nightmare Moon." She said, then gasped upon realizing. "Nightmare Moon!" She screamed before slamming the door.

Bandit walked to the door and pried it open, taking Spike off his back, placing him down.

"Uh uh, you aren't getting out of this." Bandit said as he walked inside to grab Fluttershy. An eep was heard escaping Fluttershy and Bandit was walking out holding Fluttershy by the scruff. He gently put her down in front of Princess Luna and Twilight.

"Fluttershy, you remember Princess Luna?" Twilight said.

"Charmed." Luna boomed. Fluttershy tried to run, but Bandit was quicker, blocking her from the door and walking her back to Princess Luna.

"Likewise." Fluttershy said timidly.
"Bandit hath spoken of the sweetness of thy voice. We ask thou teachest to us to speak as thou speakest." Luna said, in her loud, booming canterlot voice.

"Okay." Fluttershy whispered.

"Shall our lessons begin?"


"Should we mimic thy voice?"

"Okay. "

"How is this?"

"Great, lesson over!" Fluttershy said, zipping around Bandit. Chad closed the door, making Fluttershy run into it.

“A little quieter Princess.” Twilight instructed as Bandit walked over and gently pulled Fluttershy off the door.

"How is... this?" Luna asked, still loud, but making progress.

"Better, but Lower the octaves a bit. Right Fluttershy?" Bandit suggested. Fluttershy looked at Luna and nodded her head.

“Yes.” She said quietly. Fluttershy slowly tried to escape back to her cottage.

"How… about... now?" Luna asked, much better.

“Now you’re getting it.” Twilight complimented.

“And, how about now?” Luna asked, this time at optimal vocal volume.

“Sounds like perfection to me Auntie, well done.” Bandit told her. Fluttershy got to her door, but Luna levitated her back over with her magic, and into a hug.


And it was at that moment when Pinkie walked into sight.

"Fluttershy Quick! You gotta hide us! Nightmare Moon is here and-" Pinkie stopped and squawked, startled. "Ah! She stole Fluttershy's voice so she can't scream when she gobbles her up!"

The foals with her screamed and took off running the other way. Princess Luna dropped Fluttershy and called after the retreating group in her booming voice.

"Nay, children, wait!" She then paused and tried again in a normal voice. "I mean… nay, children, no, wait."

Bandit walked over and patted her back.

"Don't worry. I got a plan B." Bandit said.

Returning to Ponyville and the festival, the ponies were all having fun again with games and dancing, but the moment they saw Twilight, Chad, Spike and Bandit return with Princess Luna, they all became scared and a few ran away.

"It is of no use, Twilight Sparkle, and Dear Nephew." Princess Luna said sadly, glancing around at the ponies that were steering clear of them with scared expressions on their faces. "They have never liked us and they never shall."

"Our friend Applejack is one of the most likable ponies around." Twilight said confidently. "I'm sure she'll have some ideas."

At the apple bobbing stand, Pipsqueak nearly fell into the water, only to be grabbed by Applejack.

"Whoop. Careful there, partner." Applejack said as he put him down. As Pipsqueak ran off to the other CMCs, Applejack turned and found herself face to……neck with Princess Luna. She was startled, and dropped to the ground, whimpering. Twilight walked over, lowering herself to her height.

"Uh... Applejack, the princess is looking for a little advice on how to fit in around here." Twilight said.

"Fit in? Really?" She asked, as if that was a high demand. Bandit glared a bit. "I mean....that's easy! All you gotta do is have the right attitude. Loosen up a bit, be positive, play a few games, have some fun."

"Fun? What is this "fun" thou speakest of?" Luna asked.

"F is for friends who do-" Chad tried to sing before his mouth was covered by Twilight as Bandit led her to a basket of fake spiders.

"Pray tell, what purpose do these serve?" Luna asked.

“Try to land the spider on the web.” Carrot Top instructed. She was, for some reason, unfazed by Princess Luna’s presence, unlike Derpy who was hiding behind her.

Picking up one of the spiders, finding that it was made out of fabric, Luna tossed it toward the web, and it landed an inch from it, and she looked at the group with uncertainty.

"You can do it, princess!" Applejack said encouragingly.

“Show’em how it’s done Auntie!” Chad cheered on.

Deciding to try again, Luna picked up another spider and threw it harder so that it landed in the center of the web.

"Ha! Your princess enjoys this "fun"!" she said delighted and turned to the ponies who were coming around and no longer fearful, a good sign. "In what other ways may we experience it?" she asked eagerly, yet professionally.

Later, Bandit and Chad loaded a pumpkin catapult for Luna. After the pumpkin was planted, Luna looked towards Twilight and Applejack.

"Fire away, princess!" Twilight said.

Luna stepped up and fired the catapult. The catapult tossed the pumpkin high into the air and it hit one of the targets dead center in the middle.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!" she exclaimed with a delighted smile and the ponies all gathered around, cheering.

"Why don't you try bobbin' for apples?" Applejack suggested, happy to see Luna enjoying herself and that the ponies weren't keeping far away anymore. "We got the best apples in Equestria here, princess."

Blackjack walked over, a barrel of apples latched to his sides, eating an apple out of his hoof.

“They are not kidding. Totally worth the 175 bits!” Blackjack said as he ate another. Midnight snuck a few for himself, eating them silently.

“I ask that thou call us… me… Luna, fair Applejack," Luna requested and then called out to the gathered ponies. "Hear me, villagers! All of you! Call me Luna!" Her happiness increased when the ponies all agreed with approving chatter.

"Show me to these bobbing apples." Luna eagerly said as she walked with Bandit, Twilight, and Applejack. They walked over to see Skeedaddle fall into the water. First to react, Princess Luna ran over to fish him out. Bandit watched before hearing Pinkie’s voice.

"Hey, everypnoy," Pinkie said, arriving with her group as Bandit turned to look at her. "Anypony seen Skeedaddle? We lost him the last time we had to run-" Pinkie let out an alarming chicken squawk when she saw the Princess pulling Skeedaddle out of the water. "Aaah! Nightmare Moon is gobbling Skeedaddle! Everypony Skee-Daddadle!" She screamed and the foals, who also began screaming, fled too.

Panicking, Skeedaddle flailed and ran from Luna as she let him go.

“Help! My back’s been gobbled up!” Skeedaddle exclaimed as he ran.

"‘Tis a lie! Thy back is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!" Luna said, stomping her hoof with a loud crack of thunder. This made the other ponies back away. Seeing she was headed back to square one, Luna began to try and save the good reputation she just got. . "Fair villagers, please do not back away. Let us join together in… fun!"

Luna picked up and tossed one of the toy spiders to the ponies, which squeaked when it landed, the ponies didn’t dare touch it. "Not enough fun for you?" She asked angrily. "What say you to this!?" And she used her magic to bring the toy spiders to life.

The ponies were all very afraid and began running away. This wasn't helped by Chad who was trying to eat one of the spiders, disappointed with the fact that it still tasted like a stuffed spider. The now alive, stuffed spiders crawled to the web and bunched up in the center of the web.

“Huzzah!" Luna exclaimed happily, looking to the crowd. "How many points do I receive?"

Instead of points, she was met with screams of panic, and ponies running away.

"Do not run away!" Luna pleaded.

"As your princess, we command you!" She ordered and when this didn't work, she used a deafening voice that brought back the storm clouds. "Be still!" That seemed to work, as the fleeing ponies all froze, completely terrified. Bandit walked over to her.

"Auntie! Wait! We talked about the royal canterlot voice!" Bandit tried to calm her, but she turned to him.

"No, nephew! We must use the traditional royal Canterlot voice for what we are about to say. Since you choose to fear your princess rather than love her, and dishonor her with this insulting celebration, we decree that Nightmare Night shall be canceled! Forever!" Luna said before leaving with another clap of thunder. Bandit watched in shock as she left. Chad's ears flopped.

"No more Nightmare Night?" Chad asked, distraught.

"Shoot," Applejack said with a disappointed sigh. "We had everything goin' our way. Luna was happy, everypony in town was happy, now look at 'em." All around them, the ponies were comforting the crying fillies.

“We can’t let this be the last nightmare night! I was gonna be a tiger next year!” Chad said.

“This isn’t gonna be the last Nightmare Night.” Bandit said as he began sniffing the ground.

“What are you gonna do now?” Applejack said.

“Plan C.” Bandit said.

“What’s plan C?” Spike asked. Bandit and Twilight looked at each other and nodded.

“Lecture her.” They said at the same time.

Bandit continued sniffing around and managed to follow Luna’s scent with Twilight close behind her. He spotted her on the bridge and pointed her out to Twilight.

“Princess?” Twilight called out.

“Leave me be Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said.

"Auntie, I'm sorry it hasn't worked out how we wanted." Bandit apologized. "But you have to believe me when I tell you that Nightmare Night is one of the most popular celebrations we have."

"Yes. I can tell. By all the adoring shrieks of the children as they run away." Luna with an eye roll. She continued walking off.

"We'll find a way auntie, I promise." Bandit told her before looking at Twilight.

Back in town, quite a few foals were incredibly distraught about the cancelation. Each one was whimpering, crying, or a mix of both.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was still acting like a chicken, pecking around when she spotted a piece of candy on the ground. Pecking apart the wrapper, she ate it, and then she spotted a trail of candy leading into an alleyway. Bandit was on the wall of the building and pounced right next to her once she was in. Pinkie began clucking and was about to shriek. Bandit covered her mouth.

"No, no screaming, no shrieking, no squealing, or all of your cupcakes are mine for a month, got it?" He threatened. She frantically nodded her head. “There's something we want you to see. And I promise that it's safe, but you really, really, really can't shriek. Understand?”

Pinkie nodded her head. Bandit moved her hoof. Twilight walked over with Luna next to her. Pinkie covered her mouth before a scream could escape her lips.

"Pinkie, this is Auntie Luna...or Princess Luna. Auntie, this is Pinkie." Bandit introduced.

"Ah. The ringleader of the frightened children. Hast thou come to make peace?" Luna asked, offering a hoof. Pinkie smiled and walked over, reaching her hoof out as well.

Before the two could make peace, thunder cracked behind the alicorn thanks to one-half of the pranking pegasi.

"NIGHTMARE MOON!" Pinkie exclaimed, running.

Bandit grabbed, said pranking Pegasus and death glared at her. Lightning Sprint looked up at him, gulping nervously, having been laughing moments earlier.

“Eh heh heh, was this a bad time?” She asked.

After stuffing Lightning Sprint into the same cloud head first, Bandit teleported to the entrance of the alley, making Pinkie run right into him, she bounced off and Twilight held her still.

"She's changed, Pinkie!" Twilight exclaimed. "She's not evil or scary anymore! And she definitely doesn't want to gobble you up!"

Pinkie Pie stared at her for a long moment and then laughed. "Well, duh."

“Huh?” “Excuse me?” Twilight and Bandit spoke over one another.

"I know that. Sheesh, Twilight. I'm almost as big as her, how's she gonna gobble me up? I mean I know bandit could since he has the teeth but-"

“Wait, if you knew she changed, then why scream and run away?" Bandit asked.

"Cause sometimes it's just really fun to be scared." Pinkie said. Although it seemed as if something clicked in Twilight, Bandit facehoofed at that.

"Okay Pinkie. Let me get this straight. You find it fun to be scared, so you decided to have this fun at the expense of Princess Luna who spent the last 1000 years on the moon, doesn't know about this 'fun to be scared concept'. How exactly do you think she feels, coming back, trying to turn over a new leaf and everyone just screams and runs away without any explanation?" Bandit asked, making sure she would catch the hint he was dropping.

"Oh." Pinkie said, catching it. "I didn't think about it like that." She added, looking down.

"Pinkie. I love you like a little sister. But FOR PETE'S SAKE!"

"I'm sorry Bandit." Pinkie said as Lightning fell out of the cloud, landing on her back.


"It’s okay. I probably should’ve known that given the day, but we gotta make this right." Bandit said.

“And I think I know exactly how we can do that.” Twilight said to them.

Meanwhile, at the ruined festival, Pipsqueak was sad for obvious reasons.

"Gosh. I never thought my very first Nightmare Night would be my very last," he remarked sadly.

"Come, little Pip," Zecora encouraged. "Now don't you fret. Nightmare Night's not over yet. We still have candy left to give, so Nightmare Moon might let us live."

"Yes. Come on, little ponies," Mayor Mare agreed. "What's Nightmare Night without the annual candy offering? You don't want Nightmare Moon to gobble you up, do you?" she teased in a spooky voice.

Spike, who'd been helping with the cleanup nearby, shook his head. "Aw, the rainbow wig just kills it for me." He grumbled. Chad snuck on him.

“BOO!” He exclaimed to scare him.

“GAH!” Spike exclaimed as he fell. It wasn’t until he looked at Chad laughing that he noticed he was wearing a rainbow wig over his lion costume. He didn’t look amused at all.

"Come on, kids!" Applejack said, agreeing with Mayor Mare and Zecora. "Doesn't that sound like fun?"

The foals looked among each other, a bit unsure, but still going with it.

The foals were all at the Statue, giving candy to it before Pipsqueak looked up at it.

"Goodbye, Nightmare Night. Forever." He said. Before he could walk away the wind began to pick up once again, whistling.

"Citizens of Ponyville! You were wise to bring this candy to me. I am pleased with your offering. So pleased that I may just eat it... instead of eating you!" Luna said before appearing as Nightmare Moon.

The ponies all screamed, except Chad because he was laughing a bit. As the group fled, Luna turned back into her normal self, spitting out a set of fake fangs.

"I am not certain that did what Twilight's planmeant it to do, dear nephew."

"Oh, just give it a moment." Bandit told her.

"For what?" Luna asked skeptically. "For… for them to scream some more?" She blinked when she felt somepony tug on her mane and she looked down to see Pipsqueak.

"Um... Princess Luna. I know there's not gonna be any more Nightmare Night, but do you suppose maybe you could come back next year and scare us again anyway?" Pipsqueak asked at her hooves.

Luna paused for a moment, taking in his question. "Child. Art thou saying that thou... likest me to scare you?"

"It's really fun! Scary, but fun!" Pipsqueak exclaimed.


"Yeah! Nightmare Night is my favorite night of the year." Pipsqueak said.

"I thought it was your first ever." Rumble asked, Pipsqueak shoved him away.

"Well then. We shall have to bring Nightmare Night back!" She exclaimed. Her voice moved Pipsqueak and Rumble back.

"Whoa! You're my favorite princess ever!" Pipsqueak exclaimed, he ran back over and hugged her hooves, running back to his friends. "She said yes, guys!" Pipsqueak said as he ran back to the foals, who all cheered happily.

"See? They really do like you, Auntie." Bandit told her, wrapping a hoof around her.

"Can it be true?" She asked.

"Oh, most wonderful of --" she bellowed before stopping and then lowering her tone. "I mean... Oh, most wonderful of nights." Luna said.

Bandit was writing the letter to Celestia.

"Dear My loving mother, When you first sent us to Ponyville, I didn't know anything about friendship. I met somepony tonight who was having the same problem -- My Auntie, Princess Luna! She taught me that one of the best things you can do with friendship is to give it to others, and help them find it themselves! And I'm happy to report that all of Ponyville has learned that even if somepony seems a little intimidating, even scary, when you offer them your friendship, you'll discover a whole new pony underneath. And even if Twilight’s Star Swirl the Bearded costume didn't go over as well as she’d hoped, this still turned out to be the best Nightmare Night ever!" Bandit said, then he decided to add a PS. “P.S: I also learned, sometimes you shouldn’t jump the gun with a tradition someone new is unfamiliar with. Your loving son, Bandit.”

Rainbow Dash floated a cloud over to Bandit with the intent to scare him. Chad, who was next to Spike eating candy, counted backwards from 3 using his hoof. A thunderclap went off, but it wasn’t Rainbow Dash causing it. It was Luna, who zapped her and sent her flying out of fear. Bandit, Chad and Spike looked at Luna as she floated down from the cloud she was on. And with a wink, they all shared a laugh.

Author's Note:

I am SO sorry this took so long. I have been super busy, and the 18th to the 28th of January, I'm gonna get even busier.

Art by brutalweather, and hope to see you all.....in the next Chapter!