• Published 5th Sep 2020
  • 980 Views, 19 Comments

The Principal Trouble - Teddie Williams

Celestia doesn't know what to think. First two new students, now Seven new Superheroes. This is gonna be one school year that she would never forget...

  • ...

Shopping Trips & Weather Changes

Celestia debated between the two different brands of canned alfredo sauce, trying to decide which one of the two was the better one to buy. Sunset was nearby, hands shoved into her (faux) leather jacket's pockets, scanning everything with an air of boredom. Everything was going to go perfectly. Nothing was gonna go wrong today. A day out buying groceries... no way a supervillain can crash that!

CRASH!!! Celesetia jumped, even as she spun around to see some supervillain, this one appeared to be electricity themed crash through the three aisles next to them, landing with a thump next to a startled Sunset. Sunset darted around Celestia, glancing nervously over at the villain as she did so. The villain hauled himself up onto his feet, electricity already surging up into his hands... before he could blast anyone with it, Celestia really didn't like the way he appeared to be aiming at them, a new superhero charged onto the scene.

This one was wearing a super short sparkly red skirt with sparkling blue leggings underneath that had a yellow stripe down the sides, what looked like blue and yellow tennis shoes with little lightning shaped wings sticking out from the sides, and a red and dark blue top with little yellow shoulder pads. Like the other heroes, she had long hair that appeared to be a combination of a mane and a tail, though hers was a bright rainbow instead of a solid color like the others. Three lightning bolts gleamed on the side of her face, while bright blue wings flapped behind her, her feet not touching the floor.

"Hey you! Leave them alone!" Seriously, what was up with the new heroes sounding familiar?

The newest villain to attack their not so quiet anymore town stood up, shaking some dust off of himself. "Who are you supposed to be?"

"My name's Miss Amazing... and just so you know, controlling the weather is my thing!" With that said, she tossed a literal lightning bolt towards him.

He merely laughed as he absorbed the bolt into what looked like some kind of gauntlet. "That all you got Miss Amazing?" Celestia frowned at that, not too sure if he should mocking the young heroine before learning what all she was capable of. Besides that, she said that she controlled the weather, not that she had electricity based powers.

With a slight huff, she waved her hand into the air and waved it around. Immediately a small tornado appeared and sucked the startled villain into it, trapping him inside. "What part of weather did you not understand?"

Hmm, Miss Amazing sounded a bit too confident for her liking. That was going to come back and bit her later. Maybe she should ask Zecora for help contacting the new heroes to train them on how to actually be an hero. They clearly didn't know the first thing on what they're doing. Especially since overconfidence on the first day was never a good sign.

"Hey Miss Stardust? How about we go check out the next aisle over? Pretty sure I read somewhere that their chips are on sale." Sunset was tense as she inched away from where the police were now flooding into the small area of the store.

Celestia hummed with agreement, even as she slowly backed away from the scene. Villain or not, her first priority at the moment had to be Sunset. Besides that, she retired from the hero business when she took over as principal at Canterlot High. Sometimes ordinary folks get to be the heroes instead of actual super powered individuals. Even if said ordinary folk was secretly a super powered individual.

Celestia stirred the pot cautiously eyeing the boiling mess that was supposed to be some type of stew. It wasn't that she couldn't cook... it was just that stews and soups were above her ability to make. Most likely it will end up being inedible. Oh well... maybe Luna could come over and salvage it?

"Um...Ms. Stardust? What is that supposed to be?" Sunset appeared behind her, one eyebrow already shooting upwards in perplexment on the concoction in the pot.


"Looks more like dog food to me." Sunset didn't bother trying to find something nice to say about it, already grabbing the phone as she punched in a number. "She's doing it again..." That was all Sunset said into the phone before hanging up.

A minute later, Luna was not only over for a visit, but she had banned Celestia from the kitchen. Which was why she was sitting on the couch playing video games with Sunset. Well... trying to play video games with her. She appeared to be more interested in drawing something in her sketchbook that she takes everywhere with her.

"Dinner is..." Before Luna could finish whatever she was going to say, the doorbell rang suddenly and shrilly.

Startled, Celestia walked over, using the peephole to see who it possibly be. Reaching out, she yanked the door wide open. "Zecora. What a pleasant surprise."

Zecora frowned, clearly not seeing this surprise as pleasant at all. "Can we leave Sunset here for a bit? An old friend of ours is in town."

"Sunset? I'm locking the doors. Don't answer the phone or door to anyone. Do I make myself clear?" Celestia was already grabbing the keys, panic already blooming inside of her. This was not a simple night out with friends after all.

Celestia figured none of her students will recognize her in this form. Her always bright mutlicolored hair was now the color of the sun, a horn made of fire producing from her forehead, while wings made from the same flames stretched out from her back. She was also wearing a golden jumper, with matching boots. Flames were dancing around her eyes in lieu of a mask.

She didn't need to glance at her sister to know that she had undergone a similar transformation... only instead of being based on the burning of the sun, Luna's transformation was more based on the night sky... and nightmares with some small details on her costume. Zecora stood not far behind them, almost invisible with herself covered from head to toe in black and white stripes. A single belt that was a dull brown was the only thing that added any color to her outfit. The belt had several pouches lining it that appeared to be full of something.

"Master Chaos... we know that you are here." Luna called out, moving almost gracefully from her spot next to Celestia.

A rumbling laugh rented the air, though their former companion turned archnemesis made no appearance. The three retired heroes glanced at each other, before silently splitting up to search for him.

Celestia pushed the door open almost exhaustedly, her sister right behind her. It was past midnight now, and despite the obvious signs that they found indicating that he was back in town, neither of the three had found him. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, she was about to go and warm herself up a bowl of the stew that Luna made when something caught her eye. "What happened in here!?" The entire apartment looked like a warzone had taken place in there....

Though the sight of Sunset sleeping peacefully on the couch with Philomena resting on the couch's arm above her head was rather cute.

Author's Note:

Hi! Tata! Miss Amazing has made her appearance! Also something happened while the others were a way... I wonder what though??? Sorry this is a week late, I didn't finish it until now. But here it is for all of you that have been patiently waiting!
