• Published 5th Sep 2020
  • 981 Views, 19 Comments

The Principal Trouble - Teddie Williams

Celestia doesn't know what to think. First two new students, now Seven new Superheroes. This is gonna be one school year that she would never forget...

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Assembly Goes Downhill...

Celestia grinned as she looked out at the gathering crowd in the gymnasium where the assembly was being held. So far, everything was going according to plan. Luna was directing the students to where they should sit, making sure to some what break up the different cliques. How long that will last before the rearranged themselves so that they were sitting in their cliques, Celestia really had no idea. After awhile, Luna gave her a thumbs up as she walked to the back of the room. Grinning, Celestia strolled to the center of the stage. "Good afternoon students... and may I say welcome to a new school year!"

The response was instant... groans escaped all of the students that didn't fall into the teacher's pet category instantly. Ignoring that, the young principal tried to get their attention with her usual enthusiasm. "Now then, I know all of you that have been here before don't really want to hear this, but there is one thing I would love for all of you to do for me this year... and that is to bring in the school pride!" Right on cue the school marching band began to play the school anthem... halfheartedly.

"Why does it even matter? All the other schools are just gonna beat us at everything!" Someone hollered from the top right corner of the bleachers, by the looks of things, one of their football players.

Celestia gritted her teeth, brief annoyance flashing through her. How was it that no one could feel even a smidgen of school pride for Canterlot High? "Come now! I know that Crystal Prep has us beat in academics..." Grumbles rippled through the group as the entire student body shifted uneasily in their seats. "And Griffin Hall has us beat at sports... but that does not mean we can't have school pride!" A series of coughs and scoffs reached her ears as they rolled their eyes at her. "So come on now... I want to hear school pride! I say Canterlot High, you say Wonderbolts! Canterlot High!" Silence met her as no one hollered back Wonderbolts. "Let's try that one more time... Canterlot High!"

"Lamebolts!" Someone hollered, startling her. Instant murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd.

Celestia felt her heart sink as she stared in the direction that the shout came from. It was one of her trouble students... one that should have graduated from school two years ago. "Now now… no...no need for that...." Aw man... she was already losing them! Again! This was all Mr. Blahard's fault! If he had just been a bit better of a principal this wouldn't be happening! "Students! Please! Uh... marching band, why not regale us with the school anthem once more?"

Groans escaped the group of musically talented teenagers, before they once more halfheartedly played the school anthem. Celestia really wished that they would put some more energy into it... that'll work wonders for bringing back school pride to the school.

"Well... here's all of my syllabuses for you to sign. Need me I'll be in my room... ignoring the world." Sunset dropped the stack of papers on the kitchen table, before disappearing down the hall to her room.

Celestia sighed as she sat down, pausing just long enough to pull out a notebook and pen so that she can make a list of what Sunset needed for this semester. If only... if only she could actually break through with her students on how important school pride was! Rubbing her forehead, she stared blankly at the list for Sunset's first class... algebra. Ugh. She remembered how much she dreaded that class when she was in high school. Only her desire to be a teacher, a principal, allowed her to face that class without too much trouble.

Upon hearing her phone go off, she snagged it up, quickly answering it without looking to see who it was. "Hello? This is Celestia Stardust speaking."

"Hey Celestia. It's me Zecora. How was wondering how Sunset's been able to settle in with you..?

Celestia sighed, burrowing her head into her arms. "I don't think she'll ever get used to living with her principal... that and she was hanging out with the students that spend a good deal of their time in detention and are known for bullying other students even though I've been trying to cut back greatly on that... but it just won't go away!"

"Oh my... sounds like you have your hands full. How was the Back to School Assembly anyways? Better than last year I hope."

"No... I don't think anything I do will help. It's like... its as if even though Mr. Blahard is gone... he has cast a shadow over Canterlot High that can't be broken. Ever. My school is doomed."

"Any chance you can beat Crystal Prep or Griffin Hall at anything this year?"

"Unless a miracle happens... absolutely not. We need a win... its the only thing I can think of that will boost school pride here... and that is what we really need. Mr. Blahard made it impossible for anyone to have school pride and now... no one has it. If we can get it back... then we can save the school."

"What do you mean... save the school? Isn't that a bit extreme?

Celestia took in a deep breath, the warning from the school board just a few weeks ago ringing in her mind. "The school board warned me that if I don't get the school turned around by the end of this school year... they will be permanently closing the school."

"Oh Celestia!" Even through the cell phone, sadness appeared to flood her old friend who knew how much she loved the school.

"I might as well start looking for a new position for next year now. I've tried everything already."

"Clearly you haven't tried everything. I mean... school dances, fundraisers, festivals, none of that seems to be working very well which means you need something new, different."

"Where do you expect me to find inspiration then? I'm running dry here, Zecora!" Celestia nearly snapped the pen in half with how tight she was holding it in her hands.

"Haven't you watched the news? We have a real life super hero now! There is always inspiration, Celestia! You just have to look for it!"

Celestia closed her eyes, feeling her tears threatening to escape. Where could she look for inspiration... some place that she has never looked before obviously. But where would that be? She's pulled inspiration from literally everything, there isn't anywhere she hasn't looked for inspiration! "I'll try..."

Author's Note:

Hi there! Sorry it's been so long! Anyways, as you can see, I have finally updated. And Celestia has her hands full trying to get school pride back into the school. And yes, I know a lack of school pride isn't grounds for closing a school... how ever the lack of school pride is affecting everything. If they can get that up, they'll start winning more competitions and such. As well as have their school average raise a good deal. Also this is more of Celestia needs to be battling something while these new heroes are battling villains.
