• Published 5th Sep 2020
  • 980 Views, 19 Comments

The Principal Trouble - Teddie Williams

Celestia doesn't know what to think. First two new students, now Seven new Superheroes. This is gonna be one school year that she would never forget...

  • ...

First Day of Classes...

Author's Note:

Hi! Celestia will be acting a smidgen OOCish at the being...according to my sister. Oh well. It's supposed to make you laugh anyways. On the bright side.... I think I got a pretty good first time super villain on the scene? What do you guys think???


True True Friend!!! Celestia lurched out of her bed, eyes snapping open as the cheerful, popular amongst the next generation song blared from her alarm clock. Slapping her hand down on it, she silenced the alarm. "Morning bedroom!" She sprang nimbly out of bed, throwing her covers as she did so.

Pulling open her closet, she grabbed the outfit she had selected the night before. "Morning closet!" Twirling, she ducked into the hallway, making a beeline to the bedroom that Sunset was sleeping in. Bursting into the room, she flipped the lights on. "Morning Sunset!" She then made her way into the bathroom, leaving the teen to groan at her alone... for now.

"Good morning office!" Celestia burst into her office, a silly grin on her features.

Sunset yawned loudly as she followed her new principal and current guardian into the office. "Are you always this preppy in the morning?" Celestia had greeted each piece of breakfast one by one.... all the while grinning like crazy.

"Yes, she is. You get used to it after awhile." Luna appeared in the doorway, tiredly staring at her sister's twirling form.

"Not a morning person?" Sunset raised an eyebrow at the vice-principal in surprise at how tired she appeared to be.

Luna shook her head, moving to head over to her own office. "Oh no... I happen to be a night owl that is still wondering how she got talked into this kind of job..."

"Oh you love it and you know it!" Celestia rolled her eyes at her younger sister, before pulling out her chair and sitting down. "You best get to your locker to put your stuff in it Sunset."

"Yes ma'am." Sunset rolled her eyes, before seeing herself out of the office.

Celestia grinned as she straightened a few knickknacks on her desk. Nothing bad ever happened on the first day of school, making it the easiest day of the year... right next to the last day of school. Grinning like a buffoon, she stared hard at the clock on the wall opposite her, posed to turn on the intercoms for morning announcements....

"Good morning Canterlot High! This is your favorite principal Celestia Stardust, with today's morning announcements! We have tryouts for cheerleading tomorrow morning before first hour, as well as tryouts for the football team, soccer team, volleyball team, and track. Tomorrow all afternoon classes will be canceled so that you all can go club hunting! Also please don't forget that the Annual Welcome to Canterlot High Assembly is today after fifth hour. All classes will be cut short today so that we can have so much fun this afternoon!" Celestia grinned as she read through her announcements for the day, excitement buzzing through her. She loved her job so much! So many young minds being molded for the future in her care. Not Mr. Blahard's hands. A shudder rippled through her as she pictured her old boss. "Enjoy your first day of school! Celestia out!" She turned off the microphone.

Leaning back, she found herself trying to imagine how she could make this school year even better than last year. Celestia frowned as the events of four years ago before wiggled its way into the forefront of her mind. Shoving it back to the back of her mind, she clicked open her folder on her computer that by chance was the plan for this year's Welcome assembly. Humming to herself, she began working on the logistics of having a confetti cannon go off in the gym during the assembly... or better yet! A dance off between the students and staff! Smiling, she started to add both into the schedule....

"You have to be the only one you actually works hard to make sure that students are having fun. I'm pretty sure the assembly is set in stone so whatever you're adding on this time will have to wait for the next assembly." Luna slipped quietly into the office, already looking even more tired than usual.

Celestia groaned, already knowing that something must have happened already. "No. Absolutely not. It's the first day of school..." A snort escaped her as she noted the time. "First hour just barely started! There's no way we already have a troublemaker!"

"Sorry big sister. But Fluttershy left Angel at home." Celestia groaned at that. Angel was a registered service animal for the shy animal lover. Luna continued on, adding more to the problem. "And Sunset might have bullied Microchip's lunch money off of him already."


"Would you like me to talk to her or call Velma Shy?" Luna asked politely, knowing her sister was in shock over this turn of events. In the last three years, Celestia has been able to avoid dealing with trouble on the first day of school.

"I'll deal with Sunset. You go ahead and call Velma." Celestia rubbed her forehead, wondering vaguely why everything was already going downhill this year.

"Of course. I'll send her in right away." Luna slipped away.

A minute later the com system crackled to life as Sunset was called to the principal's office. Celestia sighed as she waited for her young charge to into the office.

"You wanted to see me... before first hour even really got goin'?" Sunset slipped into the room, arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Yes... I was told that you took Microchip's lunch money." Celestia pressed her fingers together, taking a deep breath to calm herself.

"... and I truly hope that you now understand the importance of being nice to your fellow students here." Celestia found herself ignoring how her discussion not lecture took all of first hour and they were now halfway through the second hour.

"Yeah... sure. Can I go now?" Sunset scoffed slightly, annoyance dancing in her features.

Celestia sighed, before waving her hand through the air. "Yes. You may go now." Sunset stood up abruptly, leaving the room without a backwards glance. Celestia sighed, slouching down in her chair as she stared blankly at her computer screen. "What's gonna happen next? An alien invasion?"

BOOOOOM!!!! The office walls, and ceiling, shook so hard that her knickknacks and framed photos fell down to the floor. Grabbing the edge of her desk for balance, she reached for the microphone. Flipping it on, she pulled it closer to herself. "Everyone! Take cover until whatever this is is over with!" Another loud explosion shook the building once more. Gritting her teeth together, she twisted around to pull down her many diagrams of the school for emergency use. Surely one of these would tell you what she needed to do to keep her students safe...?

As she fumbled around, she picked up her remote and turned the news station on her TV on. If you like to read comics about superheroes and supervillains you will love this! A real life supervillain, who is calling himself Gladiator Beast is currently tearing through downtown. The police are already on the scene." The scene behind the news-anchor changed to show the police firing upon the large monster like creature that was wearing all black and dark blood red clothing that was just standing there...until he grunted and slammed his fist into the concrete ground... Celestia tumbled to the ground as the everything shook once more. "Great... he's gonna destroy everything!"