• Published 5th Sep 2020
  • 981 Views, 19 Comments

The Principal Trouble - Teddie Williams

Celestia doesn't know what to think. First two new students, now Seven new Superheroes. This is gonna be one school year that she would never forget...

  • ...

What's Better than One Head? Try Two!

"Sunset, have you seen my keys?" Celestia couldn't believe it. Of all the days to lose her keys to the school... it was today! They were hosting a Super Convention, complete with a costume contest. Surprisingly enough, most of the school body actually did sign up to help with it. Who knew that almost two weeks of Humble Heart fending off a surprising variety of supervillains would be all that was really needed?

"You gave them to Vice-principal Stardust when she misplaced hers..." Sunset rolled her eyes where she was working on something on the couch, her knees almost pulled up to her chest.

Celestia sighed as she stopped to grab her cell phone. Better double check with that... "I don't want your shoes on my couch young lady." Sunset grumbled to herself, but dropped her feet, and thus the leather (faux leather, but she won't admit to it) boots she was wearing, back to the ground. A beep from her phone drew her attention away from the rebellious teen that she suspected wasn't as rebellious as everyone claimed she was. "Ah. Okay. Luna does have my keys, and will give them back once I get to the school. Are you absolutely sure that you are not coming Sunset?"

"And what? Look like a geek like everyone else? Not in a million years." The teen glared at her principal, before turning back to her notepad.

"You better not be planning another escape. You're still grounded from last time." Celestia could just feel a headache starting to form just talking to the teen. Though her grades... rebellious teens weren't A+ students, and they don't wear faux leather either, preferring the real thing. Shaking her head, she walked over to the front door. "Remember... my phone number is on the notepad next to the landline. My room is strictly off limits, and no electronics."

"Yeah... whatever." Sunset turned back to the notepad, that Celestia was pretty positive was her working out some plan to runaway again. Shaking her head at her charge, the principal rushed out the door.

"Oh wow! Just look at all those costumes!" Celestia gasped as she spun in a slow circle in the largest gym the school had to offer, where they had set up the various stalls/stations to buy stuff. Various classrooms had been set up for the panels, and the auditorium was where the costume contest was going to be held near the end of the day.

A group of Freshman that were dressed as Humble Heart rushed past her, giggles escaping them as they ran up to the Avenger stand where the latest in Avengers Merchandise was being sold. "So awesome!" One of the girls blurted out, Scootaloo Shutter if memory serves correctly.

Her friends, Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom Smith, agreed with her, eyes sparkling with excitement. Celestia smiled at that, turning to find herself facing Apple Bloom's older sister. "Ah... hello Applejack!"

"Hi Ms. Stardust." Applejack almost looked distracted, standing apart from the rest of the FFA club. She shifted just slightly, scanning the area for some reason.

"Surely you're not worried about that threat Monkey Crazy gave Humble Heart the other day, are you?" Celestia frowned. The idea that one of her students would feel concerned over the threat, coming from the one supervillain that Humble Heart struggled against, was a smidgen distressing.

"It was Baron Chimpanzee." Applejack corrected her without thought on the villains name.

Odd. Why was she so on top of the villains names? This isn't the first time that she corrected someone on the name. "I see. Still appears to be monkey crazy if you ask me. I am sure that Humble Heart can handle him, and get him behind bars finally, next time he shows up. There is nothing for you to worry about."

"That's what I'm afraid off... everyone is counting on...me." Applejack mumbled under her breath, though Celestia didn't catch the last word that she had said.

Just then there was a loud explosion, right before Baron Chimpanzee slammed into the gym floor, causing huge cracks to appear in the flooring. His dark red cape fluttered behind him as his beady black eyes scanned the room. Noticing Celestia, he bared his teeth at her, striding straight towards her even as his army of monkeys scattered, ruining all of their hard work. "Boo." Why did he just say boo to me?

"Mr. Monkey..." She was going to ignore the groan from Applejack as she slipped oddly enough slipped away. Most likely to call the police about this development. "You can buy a ticket along with everyone else in this school."

"Monkey?! Monkey?! I am Baron Chimpanzee!!!" He bellowed angrily, before picking up one of the heavy tables that was being used for a stall nearby, he threw it at her.

A gasp escaped Celestia as she dodged the piece of furniture... only for Humble Heart to appear in front of her, grabbing the table midair. "Now hold it right mister, didn't no one teach ya manners?" With a slight grunt, the strong heroine set the table down next to Celestia. "Cause ya need a refresher. Ya don't throw furniture! Very rude ya know." Was it just Celestia, or did Humble Heart's voice sounded familiar?

"You cannot stop me. Last time you tried, you went home to lick your wounds...most of which was your pride!" Crackling with laughter, he didn't noticed that one of his monkey minions had turned on him until the banana splattered into his face. With a very loud yelp, he turned to face his minions, only to find them crowding around a newcomer.

She had long pale pink hair that flowed down to the floor, just like Humble Heart, a pink butterfly on her cheek. She was wearing a sparkly purple dress, with a pale green overskirt around the sides and back that reached down to her ankles. Her ears were just as pointed as Humble Heart's, though she also had wings growing out of her back. Upon noticing that all eyes were now on her, a squeak escaped her. "I...I... I..." She stuttered as she backed away from Baron Chimpanzee.

"How did you turn my minions against me!?" He bellowed angrily as he glared at her.

She squeaked again, looking positively terrified. Humble Heart stepped forward, her magical lasso wrapping itself around his arms and chest in an attempt to pin him down. "Doesn't matter! Obviously she's a hero like me!" She snarled as she magically yanked the lasso backwards.

Baron Chimpanzee slammed into the ground briefly... before somehow slipping out of the lasso, a smirk crossing his features. "Nice try. And I would love to know how she did that! What kind of mind control ability does she..."

"I can talk to animals. No mind control here..." The new hero corrected Baron Chimpanzee so quietly that everyone almost missed what she said.

"Talk to animals?... bwaaahahahaha!" Baron Chimpanzee crumbled to the ground in laughter. "That has to be the lamest power I ever heard of!" As he laughed, a tiny fly buzzed near his ear. Reaching a hand up, he swatted at it, sending the fly crashing into the nearest wall, which was right behind him. "Argh! I hate flies!"

"You hurt an innocent little fly!!!!" As the newcomer bellowed in rage, her muscles bulged and grew until a literal rage monster with a butterfly tattoo on her cheek stood before them. Lunging forward, she attacked. Humble Heart widened her eyes in surprise for a second, before throwing in a punch to help the new hero.

After a few seconds, the two heroes backed up to reveal that Baron Chimpanzee was tied up and unconscious. Humble Heart turned to face the newcomer, tilting her hat up towards the new heroine, who was already shrinking back down to her original form. "Now that is what I call takin' the enemy by surprise. Really had us goin' there for a while that talkin' to critters is all ya can do."

"I... I ... I didn't know I could do that." She stammered out, her eyes wide with horror. "I typically don't get angry..."

"Ya also talk mighty quietly too." Humble Heart tapped her chin thoughtfully, eyeing the new hero curiously. "Do ya have a name for ya self yet?" A quick shake of the head. "Then why not Silent Anger? Ya can be the quiet one that no one wants to get angry."

"I... like that. Thank you."

Author's Note:

Hi! I'm back! Sorry for the wait! Hopefully this chapter will make up for it! We now have two heroes on the scene, Humble Heart and Silent Anger. Who do you think will be next? Until next time!
